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Pathogenic bacteria can resist their microenvironment by changing the expression of virulence genes. In Salmonella typhimurium, some of these genes are controlled by the two-component system PhoP-PhoQ. Studies have shown that activation of the system by cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) results, among other changes, in outer membrane remodeling. However, it is not fully clear what characteristics of AMPs are required to activate the PhoP-PhoQ system and whether activation can induce resistance to the various AMPs. For that purpose, we investigated the ability of a broad repertoire of AMPs to traverse the inner membrane, to activate the PhoP-PhoQ system, and to induce bacterial resistance. The AMPs differ in length, composition, and net positive charge, and the tested bacteria include two wild-type (WT) Salmonella strains and their corresponding PhoP-PhoQ knock-out mutants. A lacZ-reporting system was adapted to follow PhoP-PhoQ activation. The data revealed that: (i) a good correlation exists among the extent of the positive charge, hydrophobicity, and amphipathicity of an AMP and its potency to activate PhoP-PhoQ; (ii) a +1 charged peptide containing histidines was highly potent, suggesting the existence of an additional mechanism independent of the peptide charge; (iii) the WT bacteria are more resistant to AMPs that are potent activators of PhoP-PhoQ; (iv) only a subset of AMPs, independent of their potency to activate the system, is more toxic to the mutated bacteria compared with the WT strains; and (v) short term exposure of WT bacteria to these AMPs does not enhance resistance. Overall, this study advances our understanding of the molecular mechanism by which AMPs activate PhoP-PhoQ and induce bacterial resistance. It also reveals that some AMPs can overcome such a resistance mechanism.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity of 10 analogs of the idealized amphipathic helical 21-mer peptide (KAAKKAA)3, where three of the Ala residues at different positions have been replaced with Trp residues, has been investigated. The peptide's cytotoxic activity was found to be markedly dependent upon the position of the Trp residues within the hydrophobic sector of an idealized α-helix. The peptides with Trp residues located opposite the cationic sector displayed no antitumor activity, whereas those peptides with two or three Trp residues located adjacent to the cationic sector exhibited high cytotoxic activity when tested against three different cancer cell lines. Dye release experiments revealed that in contrast to the peptides with Trp residues located opposite the cationic sector, the peptides with Trp residues located adjacent to the cationic sector induced a strong permeabilizing activity from liposomes composed of a mixture of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine and negatively charged phosphatidylserine (1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-l-serine (POPS)) (2:1) but not from liposomes composed of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine, POPC. Fluorescence blue shift and quenching experiments revealed that Trp residues inserted deeper into the hydrophobic environment of POPC/POPS liposomes for peptides with high cytotoxic activity. Through circular dichroism studies, a correlation between the cytotoxic activity and the α-helical propensity was established. Structural studies of one inactive and two active peptides in the presence of micelles using NMR spectroscopy showed that only the active peptides adopted highly coiled to helical structures when bound to a membrane surface.  相似文献   

In spite of great advances in cancer therapy, there is considerable current interest in developing anticancer agents with a new mode of action because of the development of resistance by cancer cells towards current anticancer drugs. A growing number of studies have shown that some of the cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which are toxic to bacteria but not to normal mammalian cells, exhibit a broad spectrum of cytotoxic activity against cancer cells. Such studies have considerably enhanced the significance of AMPs, both synthetic and from natural sources, which have been of importance both for an increased understanding of the immune system and for their potential as clinical antibiotics. The electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged components of bacterial and cancer cells and the positively charged AMPs is believed to play a major role in the strong binding and selective disruption of bacterial and cancer cell membranes, respectively. However, it is unclear why some host defense peptides are able to kill cancer cells when others do not. In addition, it is not clear whether the molecular mechanism(s) underlying the antibacterial and anticancer activities of AMPs are the same or different. In this article, we review various studies on different AMPs that exhibit cytotoxic activity against cancer cells. The suitability of cancer cell-targeting AMPs as cancer therapeutics is also discussed.  相似文献   

Many plant aspartic proteases contain an additional sequence of ∼100 amino acids termed the plant-specific insert, which is involved in host defense and vacuolar targeting. Similar to all saposin-like proteins, the plant-specific insert functions via protein-membrane interactions; however, the structural basis for such interactions has not been studied, and the nature of plant-specific insert-mediated membrane disruption has not been characterized. In the present study, the crystal structure of the saposin-like domain of potato aspartic protease was resolved at a resolution of 1.9 Å, revealing an open V-shaped configuration similar to the open structure of human saposin C. Notably, vesicle disruption activity followed Michaelis-Menten-like kinetics, a finding not previously reported for saposin-like proteins including plant-specific inserts. Circular dichroism data suggested that secondary structure was pH-dependent in a fashion similar to influenza A hemagglutinin fusion peptide. Membrane effects characterized by atomic force microscopy and light scattering indicated bilayer solubilization as well as fusogenic activity. Taken together, the present study is the first report to elucidate the membrane interaction mechanism of plant saposin-like domains whereby pH-dependent membrane interactions resulted in bilayer fusogenic activity that probably arose from a viral type pH-dependent helix-kink-helix motif at the plant-specific insert N terminus.  相似文献   

Cationic antimicrobial peptides (CAPs) occur as important innate immunity agents in many organisms, including humans, and offer a viable alternative to conventional antibiotics, as they physically disrupt the bacterial membranes, leading to membrane lysis and eventually cell death. In this work, we studied the biophysical and microbiological characteristics of designed CAPs varying in hydrophobicity levels and charge distributions by a variety of biophysical and biochemical approaches, including in-tandem atomic force microscopy, attenuated total reflection-FTIR, CD spectroscopy, and SDS-PAGE. Peptide structural properties were correlated with their membrane-disruptive abilities and antimicrobial activities. In bacterial lipid model membranes, a time-dependent increase in aggregated β-strand-type structure in CAPs with relatively high hydrophobicity (such as KKKKKKALFALWLAFLA-NH(2)) was essentially absent in CAPs with lower hydrophobicity (such as KKKKKKAAFAAWAAFAA-NH(2)). Redistribution of positive charges by placing three Lys residues at both termini while maintaining identical sequences minimized self-aggregation above the dimer level. Peptides containing four Leu residues were destructive to mammalian model membranes, whereas those with corresponding Ala residues were not. This finding was mirrored in hemolysis studies in human erythrocytes, where Ala-only peptides displayed virtually no hemolysis up to 320 μM, but the four-Leu peptides induced 40-80% hemolysis at the same concentration range. All peptides studied displayed strong antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa (minimum inhibitory concentrations of 4-32 μM). The overall findings suggest optimum routes to balancing peptide hydrophobicity and charge distribution that allow efficient penetration and disruption of the bacterial membranes without damage to mammalian (host) membranes.  相似文献   

Effects of topology, length, and charge on peptide interactions with lipid bilayers was investigated for variants of the human kininogen-derived peptide HKH20 (HKHGHGHGKHKNKGKKNGKH) by ellipsometry, CD, fluorescence spectroscopy, and z-potential measurements. The peptides display primarily random coil conformation in buffer and at lipid bilayers, and their lipid interaction is dominated by electrostatics, the latter evidenced by higher peptide adsorption and resulting membrane rupture for an anionic than for a zwitterionic membrane, as well as by strongly reduced adsorption and membrane rupture at high ionic strength. At sufficiently high peptide charge density, however, electrostatic interactions contribute to reducing the peptide adsorption and membrane defect formation. Truncating HKH20 into overlapping 10 amino acid peptides resulted in essentially eliminated membrane rupture and in a reduced amount peptide charges pinned at the lipid bilayer. Finally, cyclic HKH20 was found to be less efficient than the linear peptide in causing liposome rupture, partly due to a lower adsorption. Analogous results were found regarding bactericidal effects.  相似文献   

The full-length ZipA protein from Escherichia coli, one of the essential components of the division proto-ring that provides membrane tethering to the septation FtsZ protein, has been incorporated in single copy into nanodiscs formed by a membrane scaffold protein encircling an E. coli phospholipid mixture. This is an acellular system that reproduces the assembly of part of the cell division components. ZipA contained in nanodiscs (Nd-ZipA) retains the ability to interact with FtsZ oligomers and with FtsZ polymers. Interactions with FtsZ occur at similar strengths as those involved in the binding of the soluble form of ZipA, lacking the transmembrane region, suggesting that the transmembrane region of ZipA has little influence on the formation of the ZipA·FtsZ complex. Peptides containing partial sequences of the C terminus of FtsZ compete with FtsZ polymers for binding to Nd-ZipA. The affinity of Nd-ZipA for the FtsZ polymer formed with GTP or GMPCPP (a slowly hydrolyzable analog of GTP) is moderate (micromolar range) and of similar magnitude as for FtsZ-GDP oligomers. Polymerization does not stabilize the binding of FtsZ to ZipA. This supports the role of ZipA as a passive anchoring device for the proto-ring with little implication, if any, in the regulation of its assembly. Furthermore, it indicates that the tethering of FtsZ to the membrane shows sufficient plasticity to allow for its release from noncentral regions of the cytoplasmic membrane and its subsequent relocation to midcell when demanded by the assembly of a division ring.  相似文献   

The effects of varying the cationic sequence of oligotryptophan-tagged antimicrobial peptides were investigated in terms of peptide adsorption to model lipid membranes, liposome leakage induction, and antibacterial potency. Heptamers of lysine (K7) and arginine (R7) were lytic against Escherichia coli bacteria at low ionic strength. In parallel, both peptides adsorbed on to bilayers formed by E. coli phospholipids, and caused leakage in the corresponding liposomes. K7 was the more potent of the two peptides in causing liposome leakage, although the adsorption of this peptide on E. coli membranes was lower than that of R7. The bactericidal effect, liposome lysis, and membrane adsorption were all substantially reduced at physiological ionic strength. When a tryptophan pentamer tag was linked to the C-terminal end of these peptides, substantial peptide adsorption, membrane lysis, and bacterial killing were observed also at high ionic strength, and also for a peptide of lower cationic charge density (KNKGKKN-W5). Strikingly, the order of membrane lytic potential of the cationic peptides investigated was reversed when tagged. This and other aspects of peptide behavior and adsorption, in conjunction with effects on liposomes and bacteria, suggest that tagged and untagged peptides act by different lytic mechanisms, which to some extent counterbalance each other. Thus, while the untagged peptides act by generating negative curvature strain in the phospholipid membrane, the tagged peptides cause positive curvature strain. The tagged heptamer of arginine, R7W5, was the best candidate for E. coli membrane lysis at physiological salt conditions and proved to be an efficient antibacterial agent.  相似文献   

Dermcidin encodes the anionic amphiphilic peptide DCD-1L, which displays a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity under conditions resembling those in human sweat. Here, we have investigated its mode of antimicrobial activity. We found that DCD-1L interacts preferentially with negatively charged bacterial phospholipids with a helix axis that is aligned flat on a lipid bilayer surface. Upon interaction with lipid bilayers DCD-1L forms oligomeric complexes that are stabilized by Zn(2+). DCD-1L is able to form ion channels in the bacterial membrane, and we propose that Zn(2+)-induced self-assembly of DCD-1L upon interaction with bacterial lipid bilayers is a prerequisite for ion channel formation. These data allow us for the first time to propose a molecular model for the antimicrobial mechanism of a naturally processed human anionic peptide that is active under the harsh conditions present in human sweat.  相似文献   

细胞外膜是大肠杆菌的半透膜屏障, 其主要成分是脂多糖。选取并构造共9种具有不同脂多糖结构的大肠杆菌, 用于考察脂多糖结构对细胞外膜渗透性的影响。从9种菌株中提取出脂多糖和类脂A, 并且用薄层层析色谱和离子源质谱来鉴定其结构。用N-苯基-1-萘胺作为荧光探针来测定细胞外膜渗透性大小。野生型大肠杆菌表现出最小的渗透性, 因敲除或表达某些基因而导致脂多糖结构改变的突变株均表现出较高的渗透性。脂多糖上的磷酸基团、脂肪酸链和多糖链的改变都影响了大肠杆菌的渗透性, 其中多糖链长度的改变对渗透性影响最大, 其次是脂肪酸链的数目变化。实验结果表明渗透性和脂多糖的结构具有较强的相关性。  相似文献   

The pole-to-pole oscillation of the Min proteins in Escherichia coli results in the inhibition of aberrant polar division, thus facilitating placement of the division septum at the midcell. MinE of the Min system forms a ring-like structure that plays a critical role in triggering the oscillation cycle. However, the mechanism underlying the formation of the MinE ring remains unclear. This study demonstrates that MinE self-assembles into fibrillar structures on the supported lipid bilayer. The MinD-interacting domain of MinE shows amyloidogenic properties, providing a possible mechanism for self-assembly of MinE. Supporting the idea, mutations in residues Ile-24 and Ile-25 of the MinD-interacting domain affect fibril formation, membrane binding ability of MinE and MinD, and subcellular localization of three Min proteins. Additional mutations in residues Ile-72 and Ile-74 suggest a role of the C-terminal domain of MinE in regulating the folding propensity of the MinD-interacting domain for different molecular interactions. The study suggests a self-assembly mechanism that may underlie the ring-like structure formed by MinE-GFP observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Synthesis of biogenic membranes requires transbilayer movement of lipid-linked sugar molecules. This biological process, which is fundamental in prokaryotic cells, remains as yet not clearly understood. In order to obtain insights into the molecular basis of its mode of action, we analyzed the structure-function relationship between Lipid II, the important building block of the bacterial cell wall, and its inner membrane-localized transporter FtsW. Here, we show that the predicted transmembrane helix 4 of Escherichia coli FtsW (this protein consists of 10 predicted transmembrane segments) is required for the transport activity of the protein. We have identified two charged residues (Arg145 and Lys153) within this segment that are specifically involved in the flipping of Lipid II. Mutating these two amino acids to uncharged ones affected the transport activity of FtsW. This was consistent with loss of in vivo activity of the mutants, as manifested by their inability to complement a temperature-sensitive strain of FtsW. The transport activity of FtsW could be inhibited with a Lipid II variant having an additional size of 420 Da. Reducing the size of this analog by about 274 Da resulted in the resumption of the transport activity of FtsW. This suggests that the integral membrane protein FtsW forms a size-restricted porelike structure, which accommodates Lipid II during transport across the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   

Tat systems transport folded proteins across energized membranes of bacteria, archaea, and plant plastids. In Escherichia coli, TatBC complexes recognize the transported proteins, and TatA complexes are recruited to facilitate transport. We achieved an abstraction of TatA from membranes without use of detergents and observed a co-purification of PspA, a membrane-stress response protein. The N-terminal transmembrane domain of TatA was required for the interaction. Electron microscopy displayed TatA complexes in direct contact with PspA. PspB and PspC were important for the TatA-PspA contact. The activator protein PspF was not involved in the PspA-TatA interaction, demonstrating that basal levels of PspA already interact with TatA. Elevated TatA levels caused membrane stress that induced a strictly PspBC- and PspF-dependent up-regulation of PspA. TatA complexes were found to destabilize membranes under these conditions. At native TatA levels, PspA deficiency clearly affected anaerobic TMAO respiratory growth, suggesting that energetic costs for transport of large Tat substrates such as TMAO reductase can become growth limiting in the absence of PspA. The physiological role of PspA recruitment to TatA may therefore be the control of membrane stress at active translocons.  相似文献   

Thus far, the role of the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle (SRP) has only been studied using targeted approaches. It has been shown for a handful of cytoplasmic membrane proteins that their insertion into the cytoplasmic membrane is at least partially SRP-dependent. Furthermore, it has been proposed that the SRP plays a role in preventing toxic accumulation of mistargeted cytoplasmic membrane proteins in the cytoplasm. To complement the targeted studies on SRP, we have studied the consequences of the depletion of the SRP component Fifty-four homologue (Ffh) in E. coli using a global approach. The steady-state proteomes and the proteome dynamics were evaluated using one- and two-dimensional gel analysis, followed by mass spectrometry-based protein identification and immunoblotting. Our analysis showed that depletion of Ffh led to the following: (i) impaired kinetics of the biogenesis of the cytoplasmic membrane proteome; (ii) lowered steady-state levels of the respiratory complexes NADH dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, and cytochrome bo(3) oxidase and lowered oxygen consumption rates; (iii) increased levels of the chaperones DnaK and GroEL at the cytoplasmic membrane; (iv) a σ(32) stress response and protein aggregation in the cytoplasm; and (v) impaired protein synthesis. Our study shows that in E. coli SRP-mediated protein targeting is directly linked to maintaining protein homeostasis and the general fitness of the cell.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying the interaction of the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle receptor FtsY with the cytoplasmic membrane has been studied in detail. Recently, we proposed that FtsY requires functional interaction with inner membrane lipids at a late stage of the signal recognition particle pathway. In addition, an essential lipid-binding α-helix was identified in FtsY of various origins. Theoretical considerations and in vitro studies have suggested that it interacts with acidic lipids, but this notion is not yet fully supported by in vivo experimental evidence. Here, we present an unbiased genetic clue, obtained by serendipity, supporting the involvement of acidic lipids. Utilizing a dominant negative mutant of FtsY (termed NG), which is defective in its functional interaction with lipids, we screened for E. coli genes that suppress the negative dominant phenotype. In addition to several unrelated phenotype-suppressor genes, we identified pgsA, which encodes the enzyme phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase (PgsA). PgsA is an integral membrane protein that catalyzes the committed step to acidic phospholipid synthesis, and we show that its overexpression increases the contents of cardiolipin and phosphatidylglycerol. Remarkably, expression of PgsA also stabilizes NG and restores its biological function. Collectively, our results strongly support the notion that FtsY functionally interacts with acidic lipids.  相似文献   

Cyclotides, a large family of cyclic peptides from plants, have a broad range of biological activities, including insecticidal, cytotoxic, and anti-HIV activities. In all of these activities, cell membranes seem likely to be the primary target for cyclotides. However, the mechanistic role of lipid membranes in the activity of cyclotides remains unclear. To determine the role of lipid organization in the activity of the prototypic cyclotide, kalata B1 (kB1), and synthetic analogs, their bioactivities and affinities for model membranes were evaluated. We found that the bioactivity of kB1 is dependent on the lipid composition of target cell membranes. In particular, the activity of kB1 requires specific interactions with phospholipids containing phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) headgroups but is further modulated by nonspecific peptide-lipid hydrophobic interactions, which are favored in raft-like membranes. Negatively charged phospholipids do not favor high kB1 affinity. This lipid selectivity explains trends in antimicrobial and hemolytic activities of kB1; it does not target bacterial cell walls, which are negatively charged and lacking PE-phospholipids but can insert in the membranes of red blood cells, which have a low PE content and raft domains in their outer layer. We further show that the anti-HIV activity of kB1 is the result of its ability to target and disrupt the membranes of HIV particles, which are raft-like membranes very rich in PE-phospholipids.  相似文献   

Nisin is a posttranslationally modified antimicrobial peptide containing the cyclic thioether amino acids lanthionine and methyllanthionine. Although much is known about its antimicrobial activity and mode of action, knowledge about the nisin modification process is still rather limited. The dehydratase NisB is believed to be the initial interaction partner in modification. NisB dehydrates specific serine and threonine residues in prenisin, whereas the cyclase NisC catalyzes the (methyl)lanthionine formation. The fully modified prenisin is exported and the leader peptide is cleaved off by the extracellular protease NisP. Light scattering analysis demonstrated that purified NisB is a dimer in solution. Using size exclusion chromatography and surface plasmon resonance, the interaction of NisB and prenisin, including several of its modified derivatives, was studied. Unmodified prenisin binds to NisB with an affinity of 1.05 ± 0.25 μm, whereas the dehydrated and the fully modified derivatives bind with respective affinities of 0.31 ± 0.07 and 10.5 ± 1.7 μm. The much lower affinity for the fully modified prenisin was related to a >20-fold higher off-rate. For all three peptides the stoichiometry of binding was 1:1. Active nisin, which is the equivalent of fully modified prenisin lacking the leader peptide did not bind to NisB, nor did prenisin in which the highly conserved FNLD box within the leader peptide was mutated to AAAA. Taken together our data indicate that the leader peptide is essential for initial recognition and binding of prenisin to NisB.  相似文献   

The phospholipids of Escherichia coli consist mainly of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and cardiolipin. PG makes up ~25% of the cellular phospholipid and is essential for growth in wild-type cells. PG is synthesized on the inner surface of the inner membrane from cytidine diphosphate-diacylglycerol and glycerol 3-phosphate, generating the precursor phosphatidylglycerol-phosphate (PGP). This compound is present at low levels (~0.1% of the total lipid). Dephosphorylation of PGP to PG is catalyzed by several PGP-phosphatases. The pgpA and pgpB genes, which encode structurally distinct PGP-phosphatases, were identified previously. Double deletion mutants lacking pgpA and pgpB are viable and still make PG, suggesting the presence of additional phosphatase(s). We have identified a third PGP-phosphatase gene (previously annotated as yfhB but renamed pgpC) using an expression cloning strategy. A mutant with deletions in all three phosphatase genes is not viable unless covered by a plasmid expressing either pgpA, pgpB, or pgpC. When the triple mutant is covered with the temperature-sensitive plasmid pMAK705 expressing any one of the three pgp genes, the cells grow at 30 but not 42 °C. As growth slows at 42 °C, PGP accumulates to high levels, and the PG content declines. PgpC orthologs are present in many other bacteria.  相似文献   

Lantibiotic bovicin HJ50 is produced by Streptococcus bovis HJ50 and acts as the extracellular signal to autoregulate its own biosynthesis through BovK/R two-component system. Bovicin HJ50 shows a linear N-terminal and glubolar C-terminal structure, and the sensor histidine kinase BovK contains eight transmembrane segments lacking any extensive surface-exposed sensory domain. The signal recognition mechanism between bovicin HJ50 and BovK is still unknown. We performed saturated alanine scanning mutagenesis and other amino acid substitutions on bovicin HJ50 using a semi-in vitro biosynthesis. Results of the mutants inducing activities indicated that several charged and hydrophobic amino acids in ring B of bovicin HJ50, as well as two glycines were key residues to recognize BovK. Circular dichroism analyses indicated that both glycines contributed to bovicin HJ50 structural changes in the membrane. Biotin-labeled bovicin HJ50 could interact with the N-terminal sensor of BovK, and several charged residues and a conserved hydrophobic region in the N-terminal portion of BovK sensor domain were important for interacting with the signal bovicin HJ50. By combining the results, we suggested a mechanism of bovicin HJ50 recognizing and activating BovK mainly through electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

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