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NMR-spectroscopy enables unique experimental studies on protein dynamics at atomic resolution. In order to obtain a full atom view on protein dynamics, and to study specific local processes like ring-flips, proton-transfer, or tautomerization, one has to perform studies on amino-acid side chains. A key requirement for these studies is site-selective labeling with 13C and/or 1H, which is achieved in the most general way by using site-selectively 13C-enriched glucose (1- and 2-13C) as the carbon source in bacterial expression systems. Using this strategy, multiple sites in side chains, including aromatics, become site-selectively labeled and suitable for relaxation studies. Here we systematically investigate the use of site-selectively 13C-enriched erythrose (1-, 2-, 3- and 4-13C) as a suitable precursor for 13C labeled aromatic side chains. We quantify 13C incorporation in nearly all sites in all 20 amino acids and compare the results to glucose based labeling. In general the erythrose approach results in more selective labeling. While there is only a minor gain for phenylalanine and tyrosine side-chains, the 13C incorporation level for tryptophan is at least doubled. Additionally, the Phe ζ and Trp η2 positions become labeled. In the aliphatic side chains, labeling using erythrose yields isolated 13C labels for certain positions, like Ile β and His β, making these sites suitable for dynamics studies. Using erythrose instead of glucose as a source for site-selective 13C labeling enables unique or superior labeling for certain positions and is thereby expanding the toolbox for customized isotope labeling of amino-acid side-chains.  相似文献   

13C-13C NOESY experiments were performed under long mixing time conditions on reduced human superoxide dismutase (32 kDa, 15N, 13C and 70% 2H labeled). 13C-13C couplings were successfully eliminated through post-processing of in-phase-anti-phase (IPAP) data. It appears that at mixing time m of 3.0 s the spin diffusion mechanism allows the detection of 96% of the two-bond correlations involving C and C. The interpretation was confirmed by simulations. This approach broadens the range of applicability of 13C-13C NOESY spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies of ever larger systems have benefited from many different forms of isotope labeling, in particular, site specific isotopic labeling. Site specific 13C labeling of methyl groups has become an established means of probing systems not amenable to traditional methodology. However useful, methyl reporter sites can be limited in number and/or location. Therefore, new complementary site specific isotope labeling strategies are valuable. Aromatic amino acids make excellent probes since they are often found at important interaction interfaces and play significant structural roles. Aromatic side chains have many of the same advantages as methyl containing amino acids including distinct 13C chemical shifts and multiple magnetically equivalent 1H positions. Herein we report economical bacterial production and one-step purification of phenylalanine with 13C incorporation at the Cα, Cγ and Cε positions, resulting in two isolated 1H-13C spin systems. We also present methodology to maximize incorporation of phenylalanine into recombinantly overexpressed proteins in bacteria and demonstrate compatibility with ILV-methyl labeling. Inexpensive, site specific isotope labeled phenylalanine adds another dimension to biomolecular NMR, opening new avenues of study.  相似文献   

For a wide range of proteins of high interest, the major obstacle for NMR studies is the lack of an affordable eukaryotic expression system for isotope labeling. Here, a simple and affordable protocol is presented to produce uniform labeled proteins in the most prevalent eukaryotic expression system for structural biology, namely Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells. Incorporation levels of 80 % can be achieved for 15N and 13C with yields comparable to expression in full media. For 2H,15N and 2H,13C,15N labeling, incorporation is only slightly lower with 75 and 73 %, respectively, and yields are typically twofold reduced. The media were optimized for isotope incorporation, reproducibility, simplicity and cost. High isotope incorporation levels for all labeling patterns are achieved by using labeled algal amino acid extracts and exploiting well-known biochemical pathways. The final formulation consists of just five commercially available components, at costs 12-fold lower than labeling media from vendors. The approach was applied to several cytosolic and secreted target proteins.  相似文献   



Stimulus Response Experiments to unravel the regulatory properties of metabolic networks are becoming more and more popular. However, their ability to determine enzyme kinetic parameters has proven to be limited with the presently available data. In metabolic flux analysis, the use of 13C labeled substrates together with isotopomer modeling solved the problem of underdetermined networks and increased the accuracy of flux estimations significantly.  相似文献   

Isotope labeling by residue type (LBRT) has long been an important tool for resonance assignments at the limit where other approaches, such as triple-resonance experiments or NOESY methods do not succeed in yielding complete assignments. While LBRT has become less important for small proteins it can be the method of last resort for completing assignments of the most challenging protein systems. Here we present an approach where LBRT is achieved by adding protonated 14N amino acids that are 13C labeled at the carbonyl position to a medium for uniform deuteration and 15N labeling. This has three important benefits over conventional 15N LBRT in a deuterated back ground: (1) selective TROSY-HNCO cross peaks can be observed with high sensitivity for amino-acid pairs connected by the labeling, and the amide proton of the residue following the 13C labeled amino acid is very sharp since its alpha position is deuterated, (2) the 13C label at the carbonyl position is less prone to scrambling than the 15N at the α-amino position, and (3) the peaks for the 1-13C labeled amino acids can be identified easily from the large intensity reduction in the 1H-15N TROSY-HSQC spectrum for some residues that do not significantly scramble nitrogens, such as alanine and tyrosine. This approach is cost effective and has been successfully applied to proteins larger than 40 kDa. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Described here is a set of three-dimensional (3D) NMR experiments that rely on CACA-TOCSY magnetization transfer via the weak 3 \textJ\textCa\textCa ^{ 3} {\text{J}}_{{{\text{C}}\alpha {\text{C}}\alpha }} coupling. These pulse sequences, which resemble recently described 13C detected CACA-TOCSY (Takeuchi et al. 2010) experiments, are recorded in 1H2O, and use 1H excitation and detection. These experiments require alternate 13C-12C labeling together with perdeuteration, which allows utilizing the small 3 \textJ\textCa\textCa ^{ 3} {\text{J}}_{{{\text{C}}\alpha {\text{C}}\alpha }} scalar coupling that is otherwise masked by the stronger 1JCC couplings in uniformly 13C labeled samples. These new experiments provide a unique assignment ladder-mark that yields bidirectional supra-sequential information and can readily straddle proline residues. Unlike the conventional HNCA experiment, which contains only sequential information to the 1 3 \textCa ^{ 1 3} {\text{C}}^{\alpha } of the preceding residue, the 3D hnCA-TOCSY-caNH experiment can yield sequential correlations to alpha carbons in positions i1, i + 1 and i2. Furthermore, the 3D hNca-TOCSY-caNH and Hnca-TOCSY-caNH experiments, which share the same magnetization pathway but use a different chemical shift encoding, directly couple the 15N-1H spin pair of residue i to adjacent amide protons and nitrogens at positions i2, i1, i + 1 and i + 2, respectively. These new experimental features make protein backbone assignments more robust by reducing the degeneracy problem associated with the conventional 3D NMR experiments.  相似文献   

K-Ras is a key driver of oncogenesis, accounting for approximately 80% of Ras-driven human cancers. The small GTPase cycles between an inactive, GDP-bound and an active, GTP-bound state, regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors and GTPase activating proteins, respectively. Activated K-Ras regulates cell proliferation, differentiation and survival by signaling through several effector pathways, including Raf-MAPK. Oncogenic mutations that impair the GTPase activity of K-Ras result in a hyperactivated state, leading to uncontrolled cellular proliferation and tumorogenesis. A cysteine mutation at glycine 12 is commonly found in K-Ras associated cancers, and has become a recent focus for therapeutic intervention. We report here 1HN, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments for the 19.3 kDa (aa 1–169) human K-Ras protein harboring an oncogenic G12C mutation in the GDP-bound form (K-RASG12C-GDP), using heteronuclear, multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Backbone 1H–15N correlations have been assigned for all non-proline residues, except for the first methionine residue.  相似文献   

A comparison of three labeling strategies for studies involving side chain methyl groups in high molecular weight proteins, using 13CH3,13CH2D, and 13CHD2 methyl isotopomers, is presented. For each labeling scheme, 1H–13C pulse sequences that give optimal resolution and sensitivity are identified. Three highly deuterated samples of a 723 residue enzyme, malate synthase G, with 13CH3,13CH2D, and 13CHD2 labeling in Ile δ1 positions, are used to test the pulse sequences experimentally, and a rationalization of each sequence’s performance based on a product operator formalism that focuses on individual transitions is presented. The HMQC pulse sequence has previously been identified as a transverse relaxation optimized experiment for 13CH3-labeled methyl groups attached to macromolecules, and a zero-quantum correlation pulse scheme (13CH3 HZQC) has been developed to further improve resolution in the indirectly detected dimension. We present a modified version of the 13CH3 HZQC sequence that provides improved sensitivity by using the steady-state magnetization of both 13C and 1H spins. The HSQC and HMQC spectra of 13CH2D-labeled methyl groups in malate synthase G are very poorly resolved, but we present a new pulse sequence, 13CH2D TROSY, that exploits cross-correlation effects to record 1H–13C correlation maps with dramatically reduced linewidths in both dimensions. Well-resolved spectra of 13CHD2-labeled methyl groups can be recorded with HSQC or HMQC; a new 13CHD2 HZQC sequence is described that provides improved resolution with no loss in sensitivity in the applications considered here. When spectra recorded on samples prepared with the three isotopomers are compared, it is clear that the 13CH3 labeling strategy is the most beneficial from the perspective of sensitivity (gains ≥2.4 relative to either 13CH2D or 13CHD2 labeling), although excellent resolution can be obtained with any of the isotopomers using the pulse sequences presented here.  相似文献   

We present a computational method for finding optimal labeling patterns for the backbone assignment of membrane proteins and other large proteins that cannot be assigned by conventional strategies. Following the approach of Kainosho and Tsuji (Biochemistry 21:6273–6279 (1982)), types of amino acids are labeled with 13C or/and 15N such that cross peaks between 13CO(i – 1) and 15NH(i) result only for pairs of sequentially adjacent amino acids of which the first is labeled with 13C and the second with 15N. In this way, unambiguous sequence-specific assignments can be obtained for unique pairs of amino acids that occur exactly once in the sequence of the protein. To be practical, it is crucial to limit the number of differently labeled protein samples that have to be prepared while obtaining an optimal extent of labeled unique amino acid pairs. Our computer algorithm UPLABEL for optimal unique pair labeling, implemented in the program CYANA and in a standalone program, and also available through a web portal, uses combinatorial optimization to find for a given amino acid sequence labeling patterns that maximize the number of unique pair assignments with a minimal number of differently labeled protein samples. Various auxiliary conditions, including labeled amino acid availability and price, previously known partial assignments, and sequence regions of particular interest can be taken into account when determining optimal amino acid type-specific labeling patterns. The method is illustrated for the assignment of the human G-protein coupled receptor bradykinin B2 (B2R) and applied as a starting point for the backbone assignment of the membrane protein proteorhodopsin.  相似文献   

Osteopontin (OPN) is a 33.7 kDa intrinsically disordered protein and a member of the SIBLING family of proteins. OPN is bearing a signal peptide for secretion into the extracellular space, where it exerts its main physiological function, the control of calcium biomineralization. It is often involved in tumorigenic processes influencing proliferation, migration and survival, as well as the adhesive properties of cancer cells via CD44 and integrin signaling pathways. Here we report the nearly complete NMR chemical shift assignment of recombinant human osteopontin.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a versatile catabolic pathway for lysosomal degradation of cytoplasmic material. While the phenomenological and molecular characteristics of autophagic non-selective (bulk) decomposition have been investigated for decades, the focus of interest is increasingly shifting towards the selective mechanisms of autophagy. Both, selective as well as bulk autophagy critically depend on ubiquitin-like modifiers belonging to the Atg8 (autophagy-related 8) protein family. During evolution, Atg8 has diversified into eight different human genes. While all human homologues participate in the formation of autophagosomal membrane compartments, microtubule-associated protein light chain 3C (LC3C) additionally plays a unique role in selective autophagic clearance of intracellular pathogens (xenophagy), which relies on specific protein–protein recognition events mediated by conserved motifs. The sequence-specific 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments presented here form the stepping stone to investigate the high-resolution structure and dynamics of LC3C and to delineate LC3C’s complex network of molecular interactions with the autophagic machinery by NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Human guanylate kinase (hGMPK) is a critical enzyme that, in addition to phosphorylating its physiological substrate (d)GMP, catalyzes the second phosphorylation step in the conversion of anti-viral and anti-cancer nucleoside analogs to their corresponding active nucleoside analog triphosphates. Until now, a high-resolution structure of hGMPK is unavailable and thus, we studied free hGMPK by NMR and assigned the chemical shift resonances of backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N nuclei as a first step towards the enzyme’s structural and mechanistic analysis with atomic resolution.  相似文献   

Chromatin remodelling proteins are an essential family of eukaryotic proteins. They harness the energy from ATP hydrolysis and apply it to alter chromatin structure in order to regulate all aspects of genome biology. Chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 1 (CHD1) is one such remodelling protein that has specialised nucleosome organising abilities and is conserved across eukaryotes. CHD1 possesses a pair of tandem chromodomains that directly precede the core catalytic Snf2 helicase-like domain, and a C-terminal SANT-SLIDE DNA-binding domain. We have identified an additional conserved domain in the C-terminal region of CHD1. Here, we report the backbone and side chain resonance assignments for this domain from human CHD1 at pH 6.5 and 25 °C (BMRB No. 25638).  相似文献   

Significant resolution improvement in 13C,13C-TOCSY spectra of uniformly deuterated and 13C, 15N-labeled protein and 13C,15N-labeled RNA samples is achieved by introduction of multiple-band-selective 13C-homodecoupling applied simultaneously with 1H- or 2H- and 15N-decoupling at all stages of multidimensional experiments including signal acquisition period. The application of single, double or triple band-selective 13C-decoupling in 2D-[13C,13C]-TOCSY experiments during acquisition strongly simplifies the homonuclear splitting pattern. The technical aspects of complex multiple-band homonuclear decoupling and hardware requirements are discussed. The use of this technique (i) facilitates the resonance assignment process as it reduces signal overlap in homonuclear 13C-spectra and (ii) possibly improves the signal-to-noise ratio through multiplet collapse. It can be applied in any 13C-detected experiment.  相似文献   

We have examined via numerical simulations the performance characteristics of different 15N RF pulse schemes employed in the transferred echo double resonance (TEDOR) experimental protocol for generating 13C-15N dipolar chemical shift correlation spectra of isotopically labelled biological systems at moderate MAS frequencies (omega(r) approximately 10 kHz). With an 15N field strength of approximately 30-35 kHz that is typically available in 5 mm triple resonance MAS NMR probes, it is shown that a robust TEDOR sequence with significant tolerance to experimental imperfections sa as H1 inhomogeneity and resonance offsets can be effectively implemented using adiabatic heteronuclear dipolar recoupling pulse schemes. TEDOR-based 15N-13C and 15N-13C-13C chemical shift correlation experiments were carried out for obtaining 13C and 15N resonance assignments of an RNA composed of 97 (CUG) repeats which has been implicated in the neuromuscular disease myotonic dystrophy.  相似文献   

Pyruvate carboxylation is of great importance in the brain since it is responsible for adding net carbons to the tricarboxylic acid cycle following removal of carbon backbone for synthesis of the two most abundant neurotransmitters, glutamate and GABA. Despite having such a pivotal role, there is still much uncertainty in the exact metabolic details about where and how this carbon is returned. Pyruvate carboxylation has been studied in various model systems of the brain and 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy is an excellent tool for doing this. This review will focus on results dealing with the extent and cellular location of pyruvate carboxylation and its role in pathophysiology and concludes that pyruvate carboxylation is an extraordinarily important predominantly astrocytic pathway which plays a pivotal part in a number of diseases.  相似文献   

The ongoing NMR method development effort strives for high quality multidimensional data with reduced collection time. Here, we apply ‘SOFAST-HMQC’ to frequency editing in 3D NOESY experiments and demonstrate the sensitivity benefits using highly deuterated and 15N, methyl labeled samples in H2O. The experiments benefit from a combination of selective T 1 relaxation (or L-optimized effect), from Ernst angle optimization and, in certain types of experiments, from using the mixing time for both NOE buildup and magnetization recovery. This effect enhances sensitivity by up to 2.4× at fast pulsing versus reference HMQC sequences of same overall length and water suppression characteristics. Representative experiments designed to address interesting protein NMR challenges are detailed. Editing capabilities are exploited with heteronuclear 15N,13C-edited, or with diagonal-free 13C aromatic/methyl-resolved 3D-SOFAST-HMQC–NOESY–HMQC. The latter experiment is used here to elucidate the methyl-aromatic NOE network in the hydrophobic core of the 19 kDa FliT-FliJ flagellar protein complex. Incorporation of fast pulsing to reference experiments such as 3D-NOESY–HMQC boosts digital resolution, simplifies the process of NOE assignment and helps to automate protein structure determination.  相似文献   

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