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We have obtained 15 sequences of Est-6 from a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster to test whether linkage disequilibrium exists between Est-6 and the closely linked Sod, and whether natural selection may be involved. An early experiment with allozymes had shown linkage disequilibrium between these two loci, while none was detected between other gene pairs. The Sod sequences for the same 15 haplotypes were obtained previously. The two genes exhibit similar levels of nucleotide polymorphism, but the patterns are different. In Est-6, there are nine amino acid replacement polymorphisms, one of which accounts for the S-F allozyme polymorphism. In Sod, there is only one replacement polymorphism, which corresponds to the S-F allozyme polymorphism. The transversion/transition ratio is more than five times larger in Sod than in Est-6. At the nucleotide level, the S and F alleles of Est-6 make up two allele families that are quite different from each other, while there is relatively little variation within each of them. There are also two families of alleles in Sod, one consisting of a subset of F alleles, and the other consisting of another subset of F alleles, designed F(A), plus all the S alleles. The Sod F(A) and S alleles are completely or nearly identical in nucleotide sequence, except for the replacement mutation that accounts for the allozyme difference. The two allele families have independent evolutionary histories in the two genes. There are traces of statistically significant linkage disequilibrium between the two genes that, we suggest, may have arisen as a consequence of selection favoring one particular sequence at each locus.  相似文献   

Genomic clones containing beta tubulin sequences were isolated from a lambda library of Drosophila melanogaster. In situ hybridization localized three genes to 56D and 60B on chromosome 2 as well as to 85D on chromosome 3. The latter was known through genetic analysis to be specifically expressed during spermatogenesis. The genomic clone, pTu85, derived from this region contains one complete beta tubulin coding region as well as the 3' end of an additional so far unidentified beta tubulin gene. Genomic Southern hybridizations reveal a total of five fragments with beta tubulin homology. Clone pTu56 codes for an RNA of 1.8 kb which is expressed in all developmental stages. Clone pTu60 codes for a 2.5-kb RNA expressed during embryogenesis and pupation. In testes RNA we detected a 2.2-kb message homologous to pTu85.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster U1 snRNA genes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have isolated and characterized a recombinant which contains a Drosophila melanogaster U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) gene colinear with the published snRNA sequence. Southern hybridizations of the fly genomic DNA, using as probe a plasmid containing only the coding region of the gene, shows that the fly contains at most three or four genes and very few related sequences for the small nuclear U1 RNA. These genes were localized by in situ hybridization at different chromosomal loci and show no spatial relationship to the U2 snRNA genes.  相似文献   

Ayala FJ  Balakirev ES  Sáez AG 《Gene》2002,300(1-2):19-29
We have examined the patterns of polymorphism at two linked loci, Sod and Est-6, separated by nearly 1000 kb on the left arm of chromosome 3 of Drosophila melanogaster. The evidence suggests that natural selection has been involved in shaping the polymorphisms. At the Sod locus, a fairly strong (s>0.01) selective sweep, started ≥2600 years ago, increased the frequency of a rare haplotype, F(A), to about 50% frequency in populations of Europe, Asia, and the Americas. More recently, an F(A) allele mutated to an S allele, which has increased to frequencies 5–15% in populations of Europe, Asia and North America. All S alleles are identical (or very nearly) in sequence and differ by one nucleotide substitution (which accounts for the F→S electrophoretic difference) from F(A) alleles. At the Est-6 locus, the evidence indicates both directional and balancing selection impacting separately the promoter and the coding regions of the gene, with linkage disequilibrium occurring within each region. Some linkage disequilibrium also exists between the two genes.  相似文献   

Under maternal inheritance, mitochondrial genomes are prone to accumulate mutations that exhibit male‐biased effects. Such mutations should, however, place selection on the nuclear genome for modifier adaptations that mitigate mitochondrial‐incurred male harm. One gene region that might harbor such modifiers is the Y‐chromosome, given the abundance of Y‐linked variation for male fertility, and because Y‐linked modifiers would not exert antagonistic effects in females because they would be found only in males. Recent studies in Drosophila revealed a set of nuclear genes whose expression is sensitive to allelic variation among mtDNA‐ and Y‐haplotypes, suggesting these genes might be entwined in evolutionary conflict between mtDNA and Y. Here, we test whether genetic variation across mtDNA and Y haplotypes, sourced from three disjunct populations, interacts to affect male mating patterns and fertility across 10 days of early life in D. melanogaster. We also investigate whether coevolved mito‐Y combinations outperform their evolutionarily novel counterparts, as predicted if the interacting Y‐linked variance is comprised of modifier adaptations. Although we found no evidence that coevolved mito‐Y combinations outperformed their novel counterparts, interactions between mtDNA and Y‐chromosomes affected male mating patterns. These interactions were dependent on male age; thus male reproductive success was shaped by G × G × E interactions.  相似文献   

Lyamouri M  Enerly E  Kress H  Lambertsson A 《Gene》2002,282(1-2):199-206
In Drosophila melanogaster, the apparently unrelated genes anon-66Da, RpL14, and anon-66Db (from telomere to centromere) are located on a 5547 bp genomic fragment on chromosome arm 3L at cytological position 66D8. The three genes are tightly linked, and flanked by two relatively large genes with unknown function. We have taken a comparative genomic approach to investigate the evolutionary history of the three genes. To this end we isolated a Drosophila virilis 7.3 kb genomic fragment which is homologous to a 5.5 kb genomic region of D. melanogaster. Both fragments map to Muller's element D, namely to section 66D in D. melanogaster and to section 32E in D. virilis, and harbor the genes anon-66Da, RpL14, and anon-66Db. We demonstrate that the three genes exhibit a high conservation of gene topography in general and in detail. While most introns and intergenic regions reveal sequence divergences, there are, however, a number of interspersed conserved sequence motifs. In particular, two introns of the RpL14 gene contain a short, highly conserved 60 nt long sequence located at corresponding positions. This sequence represents a novel Drosophila small nucleolar RNA, which is homologous to human U49. Whereas DNA flanking the three genes shows no significant interspecies homologies, the 3'-flanking region in D. virilis contains sequences from the transposable element Penelope. The Penelope family of transposable elements has been shown to promote chromosomal rearrangements in the D. virilis species group. The presence of Penelope sequences in the D. virilis 7.3 kb genomic fragment may be indicative for a transposon-induced event of transposition which did not yet scramble the order of the three genes but led to the breakdown of sequence identity of the flanking DNA.  相似文献   

Zhan ZB  Zhang Y  Zhao RP  Wang W 《动物学研究》2011,32(6):585-595
Origin and evolution of new genes contribute a lot to genome diversity. New genes usually form chimeric gene structures through DNA-based exon shuffling and generate proteins with novel functions. We investigated polymorphism of 14 chimeric new genes in Drosophila melanogaster populations and found that eight have premature stop codons in some individuals while six are intact in the population, four of which are under negative selection, suggesting the two evolutionary fates of new chimeric genes after origination: accumulate premature stop codons and pseudolize, or acquire functions and get fixed by natural selection. Different from new genes originated through RNA-based duplication (retroposition) which are usually testis-specific or male-specific expressed, the expression patterns of these new genes through DNA-based exon shuffling are temporally and spatially diverse, implying that they may have the potential to evolve various biological functions despite that they may become pseudogenes or non-protein-coding RNA genes.  相似文献   

新基因的起源和进化对基因组多样性的产生具有重要的贡献.新基因起源常常通过外显子重排而形成嵌合的基因结构,以产生具有新功能的蛋白质.该文调查了在黒腹果蝇中的14个新起源的嵌合基因在群体中的多态性,发现其中8个在群体中的核苷酸多态性会引起提前终止子,而其他6个在群体中编码框都完整且其中4个受到负选择.研究结果表明,嵌合新基因起源后可能存在两种命运:积累提前终止子突变而假基因化,或者表现出一定功能而受自然选择固定下来.基因表达的数据显示,与RNA介导外显子重排(逆转座)形成的新基因不一样,这些由DNA水平外显子重排产生的新基因没有精巢或者雄性特异性表达模式,而是表现出更为多样性的时空表达模式,这提示尽管通过DNA水平外显子重排产生的新基因可能正在变成假基因或者非蛋白质编码的RNA基因,但它们依然可能具有进化出广泛的生物学功能的潜力.  相似文献   

C. Biémont 《Chromosoma》1986,93(5):393-397
The polymorphism of the mobile elements Mdg-1 (a copia-like element) and I (an element involved in I-R hybrid dysgenesis) was analysed in a mass-mated population of Drosophila melanogaster by in situ hybridization, using biotinylated DNA probes, on polytene chromosomes. The Mdg-1 and I elements were inserted independently but were within the same bulk of DNA insertion points of the Drosophila genome, which contained on average about 30 insertion sites for each element. The X chromosome contained the lowest copy number of elements while 2R and 3R had the highest number: 3R had the highest variability. There was no correlation between the copy numbers of elements among the chromosome arms. The average expected per locus heterozygosity was equal to 0.17 for both the Mdg-1 and the I elements. Although these two elements differ in sequence, they appeared to behave similarly in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. This suggests that they may compete for target insertion sites and may be under the same control mechanisms.  相似文献   

The developmental profile of acid phosphatase-1 activity in Drosophila melanogaster indicates that this lysosomal gene-enzyme system (Acph-1, 3–101.1) is responsible for ca. 90% of the low-pH nucleotidase activity throughout development. The enzyme is present at particularly high levels during embryogenesis. It is shown with electrophoretic variants and null mutants of acid phosphatase-1 that virtually all of the embryonic enzyme is maternal in origin and is made during oogenesis. The enzyme exists in several isozymic forms at fertilization, and all but one of these forms disappear during early embryogenesis. Detectable maternal enzyme persists until the third larval instar stage. Crosses between females homozygous for a null allele and wild-type males show the zygotic Acph-1 gene activation occurs by at least 9 hr after oviposition.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of cAMP in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster demonstrate that the dunce gene plays a major role, and the rutabaga gene a secondary role, in maternal regulation of embryonic cAMP content. Studying the double mutant combination, we find that variability in elevated cAMP content between individual embryos is associated with a wide variability in developmental potential. Embryos with about five times the normal cAMP content define a threshold between apparently normal and abnormal development. Measurements of cAMP content in anterior and posterior halves of embryos indicate that the posterior embryonic region, which is developmentally more sensitive to the effects of elevated cAMP than the anterior region, does not contain more cAMP than the anterior region. The variety of developmental defects observed is discussed in relation to possible targets of cAMP action. Offprint requests to: J.A. Kiger, Jr  相似文献   

We have further characterized essential loci within the centric heterochromatin of the left arm of chromosome 3 (3L) of Drosophila melanogaster, using EMS, radiation and P element mutagenesis. We failed to find any new essential genes, a result that suggests a lower-than-average gene density in this region. Mutations affecting expression of the most proximal gene [lethal 1, l1 or l(3)80Fj] act as dominant suppressors of Polycomb (Pc), behavior which is consistent with a putative trithorax group (trx-G) gene. The third gene to the left of the centromere [lethal 3, l3 or l(3)80Fh] is likely to correspond to verthandi (vtd), a known trx-G gene that plays a role in the regulation of hedgehog (hh) expression and signalling. The intervening gene [lethal 2, l2 or l(3)80Fi] is required throughout development, and mutant alleles have interesting phenotypes; in various allelic combinations that survive, we observe fertility, bristle, wing, eye and cuticle defects.  相似文献   

Three short synthetic DNA sequences, which are closely related to one another, confer three distinct patterns of developmental expression on the heat shock hsp70 gene in transgenic Drosophila melanogaster lines. These results show that small variations or even single base pair changes in a repeated element of a regulatory sequence can create promoters that display new specificities of tissue and developmental regulation. Interestingly, the three patterns of developmental expression conferred by the synthetic DNAs resemble in part those of the known developmental genes: glucose dehydrogenase (Gld), Dopa decarboxylase (Ddc), and salivary gland secretory proteins (Sgs), respectively. In each case, the defined regulatory region of the known developmental gene contains multiple sequences that are similar or identical to the synthetic sequence that confers a similar pattern of developmental expression on the hsp70 gene. Thus, these results are congruent with the view that short sequence elements in multiple copies can confer either simple or relatively complex patterns of developmental expression on a receptive promoter like that of hsp70. Furthermore, the fact that the three variants tested produced three distinct patterns of expression in transgenic animals suggests that the number of different elements is large.  相似文献   

There are four major protein species in the haemolymph of the late 3rd instar of Drosophila. Two of these, LSP-1 and LSP-2, have been studied in detail. Larvae, pupae, and flies of different ages were measured for wet weight, total extractable protein and using an immunoassay, the amounts of LSP-1 and LSP-2. The synthesis of both proteins begins after the 2nd larval ecdysis and at puparium formation they represent 9% and 1.5% of total extractable protein. This value remains constant during the first part of metamorphosis, then falls rapidly. The function of these proteins and their suitability as systems for the study of gene control and protein synthesis in Drosophila are discussed.  相似文献   

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