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Abstract— Several identified neurons in Aplysia and Tritonia ganglia were shown to contain measurable quantities (4–6 pmol/cell body) of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). A metabolic correlate for the limited distribution of 5-HT among the neurons of Tritonia is provided by the finding that the enzyme, aromatic acid decarboxylase (AAD), is 500 times more active in nerve cells containing 5-HT than in neurons devoid of the amine. Although all Aplysia neurons have some AAD activity, 5-HT cell bodies in this species are 10-fold more active than cell bodies which do not contain 5-HT. The cytoplasm of 5-HT cell bodies in Aplysia and Tritonia characteristically contains granules that have minimum diameters of approx. 1000 Å and eccentric opaque cores. This type of granule was not found in somata which did not contain measurable 5-HT. These data illustrate the metabolic and morphological specialization in 5-HT-containing neurons of molluscs.  相似文献   

—Properties of the histamine-forming enzyme in rat brain were studied, utilizing a sensitive fluorometric assay. The optimum pH was related to substrate concentration and found to be6·4 at 10?2m -histidine; the apparent Km was about 4·10?4m ; enzyme activity was inhibited by α-hydrazino -histidine and brocresine but was not affected by α-methyl DOPA or benzene. These different data suggest that the 'specific’histidine decarboxylase (EC—and not the aromatic l -aminoacid decarboxylase—is involved. Determination of enzyme activity and histamine level in different areas of the rat brain revealed important regional differences, the two values being roughly parallel.  相似文献   

—The distribution of choline acetyltransferase, aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase and acetylcholinesterase in the nervous system of Helix aspersa has been studied using homogenates of whole ganglia, microdissection from freeze-dried sections and dissection of single neurons from fresh tissue. Choline acetyltransferase was found in both the cell body and neuropil layers of all the Helix ganglia. The enzyme was not specifically localized to any ganglion or region of ganglion. Between 10 and 30 per cent of the isolated single cell bodies contained the enzyme. The enzymic activity corresponded to 50–200 mmol ACh/1 cell bodies/h. Choline acetyltransferase is probably a specific marker for cholinergic cells in this species. Aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase was more selectivity localized and its distribution corresponded well with that of monoamine containing cells as visualized by the fluorescence histochemical technique. A large proportion of cell bodies were localized in the boundary between the visceral and right parietal ganglia and in the pedal ganglion. The other ganglia contained few such cells. The activity of aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase corresponded 10–50 mmol dopamine/1 cell bodies/h. A method was developed to measure the enzyme activity towards 5-hydroxytryptophan and DOPA in single cells simultaneously. The ratio between the activity towards both substrates did not vary significantly for the different cells. The enzyme is probably a specific marker for monoamine cells, but cannot be used to differentiate between the different monoamine cells. Acetylcholinesterase was uniformly distributed in the ganglia and was probably present in all nerve cells.  相似文献   

Abstract— The fluorescence of chlorotetracycline (CTC) in the presence of synaptosomes isolated from sheep brain is selectively increased by Ca2+ under conditions in which Mg2+, Na+, K+, Li+ or choline have only a small effect. The monovalent cations release bound Ca2+ from synaptosomes, and this effect is reflected by a decrease in the CTC fluorescence. Under optimal conditions there is a near parallelism between Ca2+ and CTC binding to the synaptosomes membranes, and Li+ is the monovalent cation tested which interferes the most with the binding of both substances. These results obtained in a predominantly sucrose medium become less distinct when media simulating physiological composition are utilized, which limits the usefulness of the method. Brain mitochondria and myelin also bind Ca2+ and CTC. The ratio of the fluorescence signal (or CTC bound) to Ca2+ bound is highest of all for mitochondrial membranes, and the apparent fluorescence quantum yield of CTC is also the highest in these membranes, which suggests that the Ca2+ in these membranes is localized in a more apolar region than is the case for synaptosomes and myelin.  相似文献   

The metabolism of histamine in the nervous system of Aplysia, was studied by incubating ganglia for various time periods in a medium containing radiolabelled histamine. After 4 h of incubation, >89% of the 3MH- or 14C-label measured in the ganglion extract was converted to a single radioactive product whose electrophoretic and chromatographic mobilities were identical with γ-glutamylhistamine. No evidence was found to indicate that radiolabelled histamine could be deaminated, N-methylated, N-acetylated, or oxidized in this nervous system. Acid hydrolysis of radioactive material prepared from ganglia incubated in either 14C-histamine alone or in combination with 14C-glutamate resulted in the liberation of labelled histamine and/or labelled glutamate. These results indicate that γ-glutamyl-ation of histamine may be an important physiological mechanism for histamine catabolism in molluscan nervous tissue.  相似文献   

Toad spinal ganglion cells are individually enclosed in sheaths consisting of one or more attenuated layers of satellite cell cytoplasm surrounded externally by a basement membrane. Narrow (~150 A) extracellular channels separate these layers from one another and from the underlying neuron. In both in vivo and in vitro experiments it was found that molecules of ferritin, a water-soluble protein, are to some extent able to pass across the basement membrane and through these channels to reach the neuronal plasma membrane. Ferritin particles arriving at the neuronal surface are engulfed by the neuron in 0.1 to 0.2 µ "coated" vesicles. The concentration of ferritin in these vesicles is higher than in the perineuronal space. The ferritin incorporated into the neuron is segregated, apparently intact, in multivesicular bodies. It is inferred that the 150A channels in the satellite cell sheath are patent, aqueous spaces through which molecules with a diameter as large as 95 A are able to pass, and that these neurons are capable of taking up whole protein from their immediate environment by the process of pinocytosis.  相似文献   

猫延髓吻侧腹外侧区NPY、SOM和NT免疫反应物质的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生理学研究表明,延髓吻侧腹外侧区(RVL)在维持血压稳定方面起着关键的作用。本文用免疫组化ABC技术,观察了猫RVL神经肽Y(NPY)、生长抑素(SOM)和神经降压肽(NT)免疫反应(IR)细胞和纤维的分布,以便为研究此区血压调节功能的机制提供形态学资料。结果表明:NPY—、SOM—IR细胞和少量NT—IR细胞主要分布于旁巨细胞外侧核、外侧网状核吻侧部以及外侧网状核背侧紧邻的网状结构。这些细胞从RVL尾侧向吻侧逐渐减少。NPY—IR纤维分布于旁巨细胞外侧核以及外侧网状核吻侧部的腹内侧区。NT—IR纤维较多,可见两丛中等密度的NT—IR纤维:一丛位于旁巨细胞外侧核;另一丛位于面后核、疑核以及二核紧邻的区域。此外还可见少量SOM—IR纤维。  相似文献   

Abstract— A crude particulate fraction, prepared from the central ganglia of Helix or Aplysia , contains levels of adenylate cyclase activity comparable to those in mammalian brain. This activity can be stimulated up to 50-fold by NaF, and 4- to 10-fold by guanyl nucleotides such as GTP and guanylylimidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p). A peptide-containing extract from Helix or Aplysia nervous system also stimulates the adenylate cyclase, by 50-400°. In contrast, a number of peptides known to occur in vertebrate and invertebrate nervous system are without effect. The adenylate cylase stimulation by the endogenous molluscan peptide-containing extract may be receptor-mediated, but the effect is not enhanced in the presence of guanyl nucleotides: in this respect it differs from many other hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclases. The endogenous extracts prepared from Helix and Aplysia each stimulate both Helix and Aplysia adenylate cyclases, suggesting that the putative cyclase-linked receptors may be similar in the two species. Furthermore, the active components in the extracts from Helis and Aplysia appear to be similar, since preliminary evidence suggests that they may interact with the same adenylate cyclase-linked receptor in particulate fraction from Helix ganglia.  相似文献   

Abstract— The transport, distribution and turnover of choline O -acetyltransferase (ChAc, EC and acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC in the vagus and hypoglossal nerves were studied in adult rabbits. The enzymes accumulated proximally and distally to single and double ligatures on both nerves and thus indicated both a proximo-distal and retrograde flow of the enzymes. Double ligature experiments indicated that only 5–20 per cent of the enzymes were mobile in the axon. The rate of accumulation of both enzymes above a single ligature corresponded to the slow rate of axonal flow provided that all the enzymes were mobile, but to an intermediate or fast flow if only a small part of the enzymes was transported. The distribution of ChAc along the hypoglossal neurons was studied and only 2 per cent of ChAc was confined to cell bodies, 42 per cent was localized to the main hypoglossal nerve trunks and 56 per cent to the preterminal axons and axon terminals in the tongue. The ratio of AChE to ChAc was about 3 in the hypoglossal nerve and 32 in the vagus nerve.
Transection of the hypoglossal nerve was followed by a decrease in the activity of ChAc in the hypoglossal nucleus and nerve and in the axons and their terminals in the tongue. The activity of AChE decreased in the hypoglossal nucleus and nerve but not in the tongue. The half-life of ChAc in preterminal axons and terminals of the hypoglossal nerve was estimated to be 16-21 days from the results obtained on transport, axotomy and distribution of the enzyme. Intracisternal injection of colchicine inhibited the cellulifugal transport of both enzymes and led to an increase in enzyme activity in the hypoglossal nucleus.  相似文献   

本研究应用免疫组织化学ABC技术,观察了含神经肽Y神经和细胞在大鼠颌下腺内的分布特点。结果显示:含神经肽Y神经纤维主要走行于腺泡、导管及血管周围。颌下腺内神经节细胞和颗粒曲管细胞亦呈神经肽Y免疫反应阳性。提示:大鼠颌下腺的腺体分泌和血液供应可能受神经肽Y能神经调控。  相似文献   

—The distribution of choline acetyltransferase (ChAc, EC and l -glutamate 1-carboxylyase (glutamate decarboxylase, GAD, EC was studied in serial frontal slices of the substantia nigra (SN) (pars compacta, PC; pars reticulata, PR; an intermediate region, IR) as well as in other brain areas from post mortem tissue of control and Parkinsonian patients. Within the SN from control brain ChAc and GAD activities showed a distinctive distribution: ChAc activity in PC was higher than in PR and IR by 427% and 253% respectively and within PC the enzyme activity in the rostral part exceeded that in the control part by 353%. The GAD activity in PC was higher by 41% than that in PR and within PC seemed to be higher in the caudal than in the rostral part. For both enzyme activities there were no significant differences between PR and IR or within these regions. In Parkinsonian brain both ChAc and GAD activities were reduced to 15-25% of controls in all 3 regions of the SN. The distinctive distribution of ChAc and GAD activity found in the SN of control brain was abolished: no difference was observed between the 3 regions. However, within PC the ChAc activity was lower in the medial than in the rostral part. Since nigral ChAc is possibly located in interneurons, the decrease in enzyme activity may be connected with the cell loss observed in the SN of Parkinsonian brain. By contrast, nigral GAD is probably contained in terminals of strio-nigral neurons and the decrease in enzyme activity in Parkinson's disease in the absence of striatal cell loss, may reflect a change in the functional state of these GABA neurons. Among various areas of control brains ChAc activity was highest in caudate nucleus and putamen while GAD was highest in SN. caudate nucleus, putamen and cerebral cortex. In Parkinsonian brain the most severe reduction in ChAc and GAD activities was found in the SN.  相似文献   

大鼠食管胸段和腹段壁内乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)阳性神经存在于神经束和分支的粗细神经纤维内,也见于外膜丛,肌间丛,粘膜下丛和粘膜肌内。食管肌层内AChE阳性神经纤维多而密集,而食管腹段肌内尤为丰富,肌间神经纤维末梢分布于肌束表面,可能与控制肌纤维活动有关;分布于肌内,粘膜下层和上皮基部的AChE阳性神经中,尚含有内脏感觉神经纤维。食管壁的肌间丛和粘膜下丛内散在有多极形和卵园形的AChE阳性神经元,在食管腹段内数多,而以中小型神经元为主。  相似文献   

目的 用免疫组织化学及形态学等方法对原代培养大鼠脊髓神经元的形态及其纽蛋白 (vinculin)分布进行研究。方法 实验采用原代培养的大鼠脊髓神经元 ,用细胞松弛素 D(cytochalasin D) -丝状肌动蛋白解聚剂处理细胞后 ,用相差显微镜观察细胞形态 ,同时用单克隆抗体免疫组化方法显示细胞内纽蛋白的分布。结果 原代培养的脊髓神经元可见 2~4个细长的突起 ;免疫组织化学方法显示纽蛋白在神经元的胞体及突起均有分布。细胞松弛素 D处理细胞后 ,神经元胞体变大 ,轮廊不清 ,突起增多 ,变短、变粗 ,多分支且分支末端膨大 ;免疫组织化学方法显示纽蛋白在核周的分布明显增加 ,而在突起内的分布则变得不连续 ,呈散在点状。结论 丝状肌动蛋白 (filem ental- actin,F- actin)的完整性对维持神经元的正常形态是必需的 ;神经元形态的变化与纽蛋白分布的变化相关  相似文献   

—The enzymatic decarboxylation of l -DOPA was measured in isotonic dextrose homogenates of different regions of the human brain by estimating 14CO2 evolved from tracer amounts of d l -DOPA[carboxy1-14C]. Enzyme activity was linear with respect to tissue concentration and time of incubation. The reaction exhibited a pH maximum at 7·0, was completely dependent upon the presence of high concentrations of pyridoxal phosphate, proceeded at the same rate in an atmosphere of air and nitrogen, and produced dopamine in addition to CO2 as a reaction product. The enzyme preparation behaved like an aromatic l -amino acid decarboxylase: it also decarboxylated o-tyrosine and when incubated with 5-hydroxytryptophan, serotonin was isolated as the reaction product; but it was devoid of activity towards d -DOPA[carboxy1-14C]. Within the human brain, l -DOPA decarboxylase was most active in the putamen and caudate nucleus; the pineal gland, hypothalamus, and the reticular formation and dorsal raphe areas of the mesencephalon exhibited considerable activity. Areas of cerebral cortex exhibited very low enzymatic activity and in regions composed predominantly of white matter, l -DOPA decarboxylase activity was not significantly above blank values. The activity of l -DOPA decarboxylase in the human putamen and caudate nucleus tended to decrease with the age of the patients; in comparatively young subjects (46 yr old) the enzyme activity compared favourably with that found, by means of the same assay technique, in the caudate nucleus of the cat.  相似文献   

芍药科分布格局及其形成的分析   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:27  
芍药科Paeoniaceae为单属科,芍药属Paeonia L.共30种,隶属三个组,牡丹组Sect.Moutan DC.为该属的木本类型,有6种,分布在中国的一个局部地区,从云南的中部(景东24.4°N)和西藏东部(札囊,90°E)向东北至安徽的巢湖(117.7°E)和陕西延安(36.5°N)。6个种中滇牡丹P.delavayi分布最广,其余5种分布区都比较局限。北美芍药组Sect.Onaepis Lindley 仅2种,是该属最狭域的组,仅分布于北美西部,从太平洋沿岸的俄勒岗州至蒙大拿州,南起加利福尼亚州的圣迭戈(32.7°N),向北至华盛顿州与其它两组成间断分布。芍药组Sect.Paeonia是该属种类最多,分布范围最广的组,包括22种,从亚洲温带东部的色丹岛(146.6°E),至欧洲最西部的葡萄牙和非洲西北部的摩洛哥Demnat省,向南至我国云南的宁南,北缘进入北极圈。本文按照一般学者所能按受的演化趋势,并结合细胞学、生态学和分子系统学研究的初步结果,推论了该属性状演化趋势。结合在世界各区中种数的比较、各区特有种的比较和在中国的分布,得出下列初步结论:(1)牡丹组Sect.Moutan是芍药属中最原始的组;北美芍药组Sect. Onaepia既有一些原始性状,又有特化性状,它是直接从木本类型分化发生的类群,芍药组Sect.Paeonia 是该属最大,分化强烈、有若干复合体,又有不少特化的类型,因而它是芍药属中相对年轻、特化的类群。 (2)东亚区(尤其是中国中部)是芍药属的多样性中心,该区的中国东亚部分,特别是从云南至山西,陕西一线是现存芍药属原始类群分化发展的中心,地中海区是芍药属的种的分化中心,是次生分化中心。(3)随着Sect.Paeonia的成员从中国东亚部分向西、向北迁移,具四倍性和根纺锤状加粗等特化性状的种数增加。  相似文献   

Numerous small and medium-sized neuronal perikarya in layers III and IV of the visual cortex display an unusual pattern of ribosomal distribution. Instead of being aggregated in clusters, spirals, rows, and other regular polysomal configurations, the ribosomes, whether free or attached to the endoplasmic reticulum, are randomly dispersed, with no discernible pattern. The endoplasmic reticulum in such cells is reduced to a few (perhaps only one) meandering, broad cisternae, which delimit broad fields of cytoplasmic matrix occupied almost solely by scattered, single ribosomes. The Golgi apparatus is elaborate. Mitochondria are either small and numerous or large and infrequent. The other organelles, including the nucleus and nucleolus, are not remarkable. Axonal terminals synapse in the normal fashion on the surfaces of these cells and their dendrites. Associated with these cells are more numerous intermediate cells in which a few to many polysomal clusters can be found. It is proposed that the neurons with dispersed, single ribosomes are inactive in protein synthesis and that the suspension of such an important metabolic activity is probably temporary. Thus, these cells are considered to be part of a population undergoing cyclic fluctuations in the intensity of protein synthesis that should be correlated with their specific neural behavior.  相似文献   

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