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The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was analyzed from five species of the subfamily Caprinae; Naemorhedus caudatus, N. goral, Capra hircus, Capricornis swinhoei, and Capricornis crispus. Among these species, the control region ranged from 1,096 to 1,212 bp in length. Our results were compatible with the scheme of three domains (ETAS, Central, and CSB) within the control region. A + T < G + C was observed in all the domains. In the Korean gorals, of the 31 variable sites in the whole control region resulting in 15 haplotypes, 27 variable sites were in the ETAS domain. We found two to three tandem repeat in all five species examined in this study, three in N. caudatus and N. goral, two in Capra hircus and C. crispus, and one in C. swinhoei, respectively. All of these repeat units include two short sections of mirror symmetry (TACAT and ATGTA). Short mirror symmetries were well-resolved among five different species, although left domain has high substitution rates. By Kimura’s two parameter method, the genetic distances between the genera Naemorhedus and Capricornis were calculated and divergence time between Naemorhedus and Capricornis may be nearly 2Myr.  相似文献   

Shortnose sturgeon is an anadromous North American acipenserid that since 1973 has been designated as federally endangered in US waters. Historically, shortnose sturgeon occurred in as many as 19 rivers from the St. John River, NB, to the St. Johns River, FL, and these populations ranged in census size from 10(1) to 10(4), but little is known of their population structure or levels of gene flow. We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequence analysis of a 440 bp portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region to address these issues and to compare haplotype diversity with population size. Twenty-nine mtDNA nucleotide-substitution haplotypes were revealed among 275 specimens from 11 rivers and estuaries. Additionally, mtDNA length variation (6 haplotypes) and heteroplasmy (2-5 haplotypes for some individuals) were found. Significant genetic differentiation (P < 0.05) of mtDNA nucleotide-substitution haplotypes and length-variant haplotypes was observed among populations from all rivers and estuaries surveyed with the exception of the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay collections. Significant haplotype differentiation was even observed between samples from two rivers (Kennebec and Androscoggin) within the Kennebec River drainage. The absence of haplotype frequency differences between samples from the Delaware River and Chesapeake Bay reflects a probable current absence of spawning within the Chesapeake Bay system and immigration of fish from the adjoining Delaware River. Haplotypic diversity indices ranged between 0.817 and 0.641; no relationship (P > 0.05) was found between haplotype diversity and census size. Gene flow estimates among populations were often low (< 2.0), but were generally higher at the latitudinal extremes of their distribution. A moderate level of haplotype diversity and a high percentage (37.9%) of haplotypes unique to the northern, once-glaciated region suggests that northern populations survived the Pleistocene in a northern refugium. Analysis of molecular variance best supported a five-region hierarchical grouping of populations, but our results indicate that in almost all cases populations of shortnose sturgeon should be managed as separate units.  相似文献   

Intraspecific sequence variation in the D-loop region of mtDNA in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus), a relict North American fish species, was examined in 27 individuals from populations of the Columbia and Fraser rivers. Thirty-three varied nucleotide positions were present in a 462-nucleotide D-loop sequence, amplified using the polymerase chain reaction. Bootstrapped neighbor-joining and maximum- parsimony trees of sequences from 19 haplotypes suggest that the two populations have recently diverged. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the Columbia River, a Pleistocene refugium habitat, was the source of founders for the Fraser River after the last glacial recession. On the basis of a divergence time of 10-12 thousand years ago, the estimated substitution rate of the white sturgeon D-loop region is 1.1-1.3 x 10(-7) nucleotides/site/year, which is comparable to rates for hypervariable sequences in the human D-loop region. Furthermore, the ratio of mean percent nucleotide differences in the D- loop (2.27%) to that in whole mtDNA (0.54%, as estimated from restriction-enzyme data) is 4.3, which is similar to the fourfold-to- fivefold-higher substitution rate estimated for the human D-loop. The high nucleotide substitution rate of the hypervariable region indicates that the vertebrate D-loop has potential as a genetic marker in molecular population studies.   相似文献   

张丽  张良  刘书成  张义军  韩艺 《遗传》2010,32(6):555-560
随着分子生物学技术的发展, 海洋食品物种鉴定方法由原来的蛋白质水平深入到了DNA水平。目前应用于海洋食品物种鉴定的DNA技术主要是FINS(Forensically informative nucleotide sequencing)、PCR-RFLP和物种特异性PCR标记技术等, 能够实现对新鲜、冰冻、腌制或灌装食品物种进行鉴定, 而对混合样本的鉴定及量化分析是尚待解决的一个问题。基因数据库对物种鉴定的影响也越来越大, 是海洋加工食品物种鉴定可利用的另一种重要信息资源。文章综述了DNA技术在海洋食品物种鉴定中的应用研究进展, 并展望DNA技术在海洋食品检测中的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The number of tandem repeats in the mitochondrial control region were used to differentiate the Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio , Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator , Great Grey Shrike (subspecies Lanius excubitor excubitor ) and the Southern Grey Shrike (subspecies L. meridionalis meridionalis , L. m. koenigi, L. m. pallidirostris and L. m. aucheri ). The Red-backed and Woodchat Shrikes lacked repeats whereas the Great Grey and Southern Grey had two, three and 2 + 3 repeats. A subspecies of Southern Grey ( L. m. koenigi ) had 2 + 3 + 4 repeats. These findings are discussed in terms of the taxonomy of the Lanius genus, especially with respect to the Great Grey and Southern Grey Shrikes.  相似文献   

目的研究世居贵州的侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群线粒体DNA RegionⅤ的遗传多态性。方法采用PCR-PAGE和克隆测序法对4个群体108份样本的mtDNA RegionⅤ进行序列分析。结果只检测到标准型和短型(即9-bp缺失)两种多态。贵州四个民族人群的平均9-bp缺失频率为22.2%,在侗族、仡佬族、土家族和彝族人群中依次为32.1%、22.6%、17.2%和15.0%。结论贵州四个民族mtDNA 9-bp缺失频率均较高,这与其地域分布相一致;贵州彝族和土家族显示了相似的缺失频率,提示两者可能有共同的祖先。  相似文献   

DNA barcode-based molecular identification system for fish species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kim S  Eo HS  Koo H  Choi JK  Kim W 《Molecules and cells》2010,30(6):507-512
In this study, we applied DNA barcoding to identify species using short DNA sequence analysis. We examined the utility of DNA barcoding by identifying 53 Korean freshwater fish species, 233 other freshwater fish species, and 1339 saltwater fish species. We successfully developed a web-based molecular identification system for fish (MISF) using a profile hidden Markov model. MISF facilitates efficient and reliable species identification, overcoming the limitations of conventional taxonomic approaches. MISF is freely accessible at .  相似文献   

Through multiple alignment analysis of mitochondrial tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Phe sequences from 161 fishes, new universal primers specially targeting the entire mitochondrial control region were designed. This new primer set successfully amplified the expected PCR products from various kinds of marine fish species, belonging to various families, and the amplified segments were confirmed to be the control region by sequencing. These primers provide a useful tool to study the control region diversity in economically important fish species, the possible mechanism of control region evolution, and the functions of the conserved motifs in the control region.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding has been successfully implemented in the identification of previously described species, and in the process has revealed several cryptic species. It has been noted that such methods could also greatly assist in the discovery and delineation of undescribed species in poorly studied groups, although to date the feasibility of such an approach has not been examined explicitly. Here, we investigate the possibility of using short mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences to delimit putative species in groups lacking an existing taxonomic framework. We focussed on poorly known tropical water beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae) from Madagascar and dung beetles (Scarabaeidae) in the genus Canthon from the Neotropics. Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation proved to be highly structured, with >95% of the observed variation existing between discrete sets of very closely related genotypes. Sequence variation in nuclear 28S rRNA among the same individuals was lower by at least an order of magnitude, but 16 different genotypes were found in water beetles and 12 genotypes in Canthon, differing from each other by a minimum of two base pairs. The distribution of these 28S rRNA genotypes in individuals exactly matched the distribution of mtDNA clusters, suggesting that mtDNA patterns were not misleading because of introgression. Moreover, in a few cases where sequence information was available in GenBank for morphologically defined species of Canthon, these matched some of the DNA-based clusters. These findings demonstrate that clusters of close relatives can be identified readily in the sequence variation obtained in field collected samples, and that these clusters are likely to correspond to either previously described or unknown species. The results suggest that DNA-assisted taxonomy will not require more than a short fragment of mtDNA to provide a largely accurate picture of species boundaries in these groups. Applied on a large scale, this DNA-based approach could greatly improve the rate of species discovery in the large assemblages of insects that remain undescribed.  相似文献   

Variations in the mitochondrial DNA of a total of 150 cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia were studied using a restriction endonuclease, EcoRI. Three distinct patterns were detected and they were denoted as morph 1, 2, and 3. The Malaysian population proved to be significantly different from the remaining two populations in the distributions of the three EcoRI morphs.  相似文献   

The limitations intrinsic to morphology-based identification systems have created an urgent need for reliable genetic methods that enable the unequivocal recognition of fish species, particularly those that are prone to overexploitation and/or market substitution. The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive reference library of DNA sequence data to allow the explicit identification of 53 commercially available fish species in South Africa, most of which were locally caught marine species. Sequences of approximately 655 base pairs were generated for all species from the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene, the region widely adopted for DNA barcoding. Specimens of the genus Thunnus were examined in further detail, employing additional mitochondrial DNA control region sequencing. Cumulative analysis of the sequences from the COI region revealed mean conspecific, congeneric and confamilial Kimura 2-parameter distances of 0.10%, 4.58% and 15.43%, respectively. The results showed that the vast majority (98%) of fish species examined could be readily differentiated by their COI barcodes, but that supplementary control region sequencing was more useful for the discrimination of three Thunnus species. Additionally, the analysis of COI data raised the prospect that Thyrsites atun (snoek) could constitute a species pair. The present study has established the necessary genetic information to permit the unambiguous identification of 53 commonly marketed fish species in South Africa, the applications of which hold a plethora of benefits relating to ecology research, fisheries management and control of commercial practices.  相似文献   

The control regions of mitochondrial DNA of two insects, Schistocerca gregaria and Chorthippus parallelus, have been isolated and sequenced. Their sizes are 752 by and 1,512 bp, respectively, with the presence of a tandem repeat in C. parallelus. (The sequences of the two repeats are highly conserved, having a homology of 97.5%.) Comparison of their nucleotide sequences revealed the presence of several conserved sequence blocks dispersed through the whole control region, showing a different evolutionary pattern of this region in these insects as compared to that in Drosophila. A highly conserved secondary structure, located in the 3 region near the small rRNA gene, has been identified. Sequences immediately flanking this hairpin structure rather than the sequences of this structure themselves are conserved between S. gregaria/C. parallelus and Drosophila, having a sequence consensus of TATA at 5 and GAA(A)T at 3. The motif G(A)nT is also present in the 3 flanking sequences of mammalian, amphibian, and fish mitochondrial L-strand replication origins and a potential plant mitochondrial second-strand-replication origin, indicating its universal conservation and functional importance related to replication origins. The stem-and-loop structure in S. gregaria/C. parallelus appears to be closely related to that found in Drosophila despite occupying a different position, and may be potentially associated with a second-strand-replication origin. This in turn suggests that such a secondary structure might be widely conserved across invertebrates while their location in the control region may be variable. We have looked for such a conserved structure in the control regions of two other insects, G. firmus and A. mellifera, whose DNA sequences have been published, and their possible presence is discussed.Mitochondrial control regions characterized to date in five different insect taxa (Drosophila, G. firmus, A. mellifera, S. gregaria, and C. parallelus) may be classed into two distinct groups having different evolutionary patterns. It is observed that tandem repetition of regions containing a probable replication origin occurred in some species from disjunct lineages in both groups, which would be the result of convergent evolution. We also discuss the possibility of a mechanism of parahomologous recombination by unequal crossing-over in mitochondria, which can explain the generation of such tandemly repeated sequences (especially the first critical repetition) in the control region of mtDNA, and also their convergent evolution in disjunct biological lineages during evolution. Correspondence to: G.M. Hewitt  相似文献   

The sequence of the mitochondrial control region was determined in all 10 extant species commonly assigned to the suborder Mysticeti (baleen or whalebone whales) and to two odontocete (toothed whale) species (the sperm and the pygmy sperm whale). In the mysticetes, both the length and the sequence of the control region were very similar, with differences occurring primarily in the first approximately 160 bp of the 5' end of the L-strand of the region. There were marked differences between the mysticete and sperm whale sequences and also between the two sperm whales. The control region, less its variable portion, was used in a comparison including the 10 mysticete sequences plus the same region of an Antarctic minke whale specimen and the two sperm whales. The difference between the minke whales from the North Atlantic and the Antarctic was greater than that between any acknowledged species belonging to the same genus (Balaenoptera). The difference was similar to that between the families Balaenopteridae (rorquals) and Eschrichtiidae (gray whales). The findings suggest that the Antarctic minke whale should have a full species status, B. bonaerensis. Parsimony analysis separated the bowhead and the right whale (family Balaenidae) from all remaining mysticetes, including the pygmy right whale. The pygmy right whale is usually included in family Balaenidae. The analysis revealed a close relationship between the gray whale (family Eschrichtiidae) sequence and those of the rorquals (family Balaenopteridae). The gray whale was included in a clade together with the sei, Bryde's, fin, blue, and humpback whales. This clade was separated from the two minke whale types, which branched together.   相似文献   

Geographical variation in two related seabird species, the razorbill (Alca torda) and common guillemot (Uria aalge), was investigated using sequence analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control regions. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the variable 5' segment of the control region in razorbills and common guillemots from breeding colonies across the Atlantic Ocean. The ecology and life history characteristics of razorbill and common guillemot are in many respects similar. They are both considered highly philopatric and have largely overlapping distributions in temperate and subarctic regions of the North Atlantic, yet the species were found to differ widely in the extent and spatial distribution of mtDNA variation. Moreover, the differences in genetic differentiation and diversity were in the opposite direction to that expected from a consideration of traditional classifications and current population sizes. Indices of genetic diversity were highest in razorbill and varied among colonies, as did genotype frequencies, suggestive of restrictions to gene flow. The distribution of genetic variation suggests that razorbills originated from a refugial population in the south-western Atlantic Ocean through sequential founder events and subsequent expansion in the east and north. In common guillemots, genetic diversity was low and there was a lack of geographical structure, consistent with a recent population bottleneck, expansion and gene flow. We suggest that the reduced level of genetic diversity and differentiation in the common guillemot is caused by an inherent propensity for repeated population bottlenecks and concomitantly unstable population structure related to their specialized feeding ecology.  相似文献   

A population genetic study of the polymorphism in the first hypervariable segment (HVSI) of mitochondrial DNA control region was carried out for three ethnic populations of the Volga-Ural region, Bashkirs, Russians, and Komi-Permyaks. This analysis showed that most of the mtDNA HVSI haplotypes detected in the populations of Bashkirs, Russians and Komi-Permyaks contained the combinations of nucleotide substitutions detected earlier in Asian, European, and Finno-Ugric populations. These findings are consistent with historical, anthropological, and ethnographical data suggesting the presence of European and Mongoloid components of different geographical descent in the gene pool of the contemporary population of the Volga-Ural region. The data on the genetic structure and the phylogenetic relationships between populations of the Volga-Ural region based on modern molecular genetic methods of mitochondrial genome investigation would be a substantial addition to the already existing information for some other regions of Europe and Asia. These data would provide more complete examination of the development of interethnic diversity of mitochondrial gene pools of contemporary ethnic populations with the purpose of reconstructing the genetic demographic processes that accompanied peopling of the Middle Ural and Volga region.  相似文献   

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