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Nucleotide sequences, each spanning approximately 7 kb of the contiguous gamma1 and gamma2 globin genomic loci, were determined for seven species representing all extant genera (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles, and Alouatta) of the New World monkey subfamily Atelinae. After aligning these seven ateline sequences with outgroup sequences from several other primate (non-ateline) genera, they were analyzed by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-joining algorithms. All three analyzes estimated the same phylogenetic relationships: [Alouatta [Ateles (Brachyteles, Lagothrix)]]. Brachyteles and Lagothrix are sister-groups supported by 100% of bootstrap replications in the parsimony analyses. Ateles joins this clade, followed by the basal genus Alouatta; these joinings were strongly supported, again with 100% bootstrap values. This cladistic pattern for the four ateline genera is congruent with that obtained in previous studies utilizing epsilon-globin, IRBP, and G6PD nuclear genomic sequences as well as mitochondrial COII sequences. Because the number of aligned nucleotide positions is much larger in the present datasetoff than in any of these other datasets, much stronger support was obtained for the cladistic classification that divides subfamily Atelinae into tribes Alouattini (Alouatta) and Atelini, while the latter divides into subtribes Atelina (Ateles) and Brachytelina (Brachyteles and Lagothrix).  相似文献   

We performed multi-directional chromosome painting in a comparative cytogenetic study of the three Atelinae species Brachyteles arachnoides, Ateles paniscus paniscus and Ateles belzebuth marginatus, in order to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships within this Platyrrhini subfamily. Comparative chromosome maps between these species were established by multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) employing human, Saguinus oedipus and Lagothrix lagothricha chromosome-specific probes. The three species included in this study and four previously analyzed species from all four Atelinae genera were subjected to a phylogenetic analysis on the basis of a data matrix comprised of 82 discrete chromosome characters. The results confirmed that Atelinae represent a monophyletic clade with a putative ancestral karyotype of 2n = 62 chromosomes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed an evolutionary branching sequence [Alouatta [Brachyteles [Lagothrix and Ateles]]] in Atelinae and [Ateles belzebuth marginatus [Ateles paniscus paniscus [Ateles belzebuth hybridus and Ateles geoffroyi]]] in genus Ateles. The chromosomal data support a re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of Ateles b. hybridus.  相似文献   

This research examines phylogenetic relationships between members of the Atelinae subfamily (Alouatta, Ateles, Brachyteles, and Lagothrix), based on analysis of three genetic regions. Two loci, cytochrome c oxidase subunit II (COII) and the hypervariable I portion of the control region, are part of the mitochondrial genome. The other is a single-copy nuclear gene, Aldolase A Intron V. Analysis of these genetic regions provides support for tribe Alouattini containing the Alouatta species, while tribe Atelini contains the other three genera. However, these three genetic regions produce conflicting results for relationships among tribe Atelini members. Previous genetic studies supported grouping Brachyteles with Lagothrix, leaving Ateles in a separate subclade. The present data sets vary based on the genetic region analyzed and method of analysis suggesting all possible cladistic relationships. These results are more consistent with investigations of morphology and behavior among these primates. The primary cause of discrepancy between this study and previous genetic studies is postulated to reside in increased sampling in the present study of genetic variation among members of the Atelinae, specifically Ateles. The present study utilized samples of Ateles from all postulated species for this genetically variable primate, while previous studies used only one or two species of Ateles. This paper demonstrates that shifting relationships are produced when different species of Ateles are used to reconstruct phylogenies. This research concludes that a trichotomy should still be supported between members of tribe Atelini until further analyses, which include additional Atelinae haplotypes are conducted.  相似文献   

Ateles spp. and Alouatta spp. are often sympatric, and although they are mainly frugivorous and folivorous, respectively, they consume some of the same fruit species. However, they differ in terms of color vision, which is thought to be important for fruit detection. Alouatta spp. have routine trichromatic color vision, while Ateles spp. presents the classic polymorphism of platyrrhines: heterozygous females have trichromatic color vision, and males and homozygous females have dichromatic vision. Given these perceptual differences, one might expect Alouatta spp. to consume more reddish fruits than Ateles spp., since trichromats have an advantage for detecting fruits of that hue. Furthermore, since Ateles spp. have up to six different color vision phenotypes, as do most other platyrrhines, they might be expected to include fruits with a wider variety of hues in their diet than Alouatta spp. To test these hypotheses we studied the fruit foraging behavior of sympatric Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi in Costa Rica, and modeled the detectability of fruit via the various color vision phenotypes in these primates. We found little similarity in fruit diet between these two species (Morisita = 0.086). Furthermore, despite its polymorphism, A. geoffroyi consumed more reddish fruits than A. palliata, which consumed more greenish fruits. Our modeling results suggest that most fruit species included in the diet of A. geoffroyi can be discriminated by most color vision phenotypes present in the population. These findings show that the effect of polymorphism in platyrrhines on fruit detection may not be a disadvantage for frugivory. We suggest that routine trichromacy may be advantageous for other foraging tasks, such as feeding on young leaves.  相似文献   

This long-term study of woolly monkey (Lagothrix) locomotor and postural behaviour employs methods identical to those used during a previous study of the locomotion and posture of two species of Ateles, allowing a detailed comparison between the two genera, which are strong competitors in extensive parts of the Amazon basin and northern Andes. As in Ateles, Lagothrix locomotion can be divided into five patterns, based on limb usage: quadrupedal walking and running, suspensory locomotion, climbing, bipedalism (very rare in wild woolly monkeys) and leaping. Lagothrix differs from Ateles primarily in its greater reliance on quadrupedal locomotion during both travel and feeding and on its de-emphasis of the use of suspensory locomotion as compared to Ateles, while the use of climbing and leaping is roughly equal in the two genera. Lagothrix exhibits more generalised (primitive) locomotive behaviour in accordance with its morphology, in comparison to the more specialised Ateles. The generic differences reflect differences in habitat use and particularly foraging ecology.  相似文献   

Syntopic Alouatta seniculus, Ateles chamek and Lagothrix cana (Atelidae) were studied in southwestern Amazonia. Primate populations were first surveyed, and then the party size, diet and vertical spacing were monitored over a 5-month period. Atelids accounted for more than half the survey sightings and Lagothrix was the most abundant. Party sizes recorded for both Alouatta and Lagothrix during monitoring were significantly larger than those recorded during surveys, but no such difference was found for Ateles. Monitored parties were significantly larger in Lagothrix in comparison with either Alouatta or Ateles, as were groups of Ateles in comparison with Alouatta. Mean party size in Ateles decreased progressively during the course of the study, from 8.9 +/- 3.4 in June to 3.9 +/- 2.3 in October. Moraceae was the most important dietary resource for Ateles and Lagothrix, in terms of both feeding records and number of species exploited. There was considerable overlap in the plant taxa exploited, but some notable differences, such as the exclusive use of Hymenaea courbaril (Caesalpinaceae) by Lagothrix and of Euterpe precatoria (Arecaceae) by Ateles. As at other sites in the region, Ateles occupied significantly higher forest strata in comparison with Lagothrix. Despite the preliminary nature of the study, the results indicate a number of ecological differences between species that undoubtedly play an important role in niche separation.  相似文献   

This study examines how brachiation locomotion evolved in ateline primates using recently-developed molecular phylogenies and character reconstruction algorithms, and a newly-collected dataset including the fossils Protopithecus, Caipora, and Cebupithecia. Fossils are added to two platyrrhine molecular phylogenies to create several phylogenetic scenarios. A generalized least squares algorithm reconstructs ateline and atelin ancestral character states for 17 characters that differentiate between ateline brachiators and nonbrachiators. Histories of these characters are mapped out on these phylogenies, producing two scenarios of ateline brachiation evolution that have four commonalities: First, many characters change towards the Ateles condition on the ateline stem lineage before Alouatta splits off from the atelins, suggesting that an ateline energy-maximizing strategy began before the atelines diversified. Second, the ateline last common ancestor is always reconstructed as an agile quadruped, usually with suspensory abilities. It is never exactly like Alouatta and many characters reverse and change towards the Alouatta condition after Alouatta separates from the atelins. Third, most characters undergo homoplastic change in all ateline lineages, especially on the Ateles and Brachyteles terminal branches. Fourth, ateline character evolution probably went through a hindlimb suspension with tail-bracing phase. The atelines most likely diversified via a quick adaptive radiation, with bursts of punctuated change occurring in their postcranial skeletons, due to changing climatic conditions, which may have caused competition among the atelines and between atelines and pitheciines.  相似文献   

Colour vision varies within the family Atelidae (Primates, Platyrrhini), which consists of four genera with the following cladistic relationship: {Alouatta[Ateles (Lagothrix and Brachyteles)]}. Spider monkeys (Ateles) and woolly monkeys (Lagothrix) are characteristic of platyrrhine monkeys in possessing a colour vision polymorphism. The polymorphism results from allelic variation of the single-locus middle-to-long wavelength (M/L) cone opsin gene on the X-chromosome. The presence in the population of alleles coding for different M/L photopigments results in a variety of colour vision phenotypes. Such a polymorphism is absent in howling monkeys (Alouatta), which, alone among platyrrhines, acquired uniform trichromatic vision similar to that of Old World monkeys, apes, and humans through opsin gene duplication. Dietary and morphological similarities between howling monkeys and muriquis (Brachyteles) raise the possibility that the two genera share a similar form of colour vision, uniform trichromacy. Yet parsimony predicts that the colour vision of Brachyteles will resemble the polymorphism present in Lagothrix and Ateles. Here we test this assumption. We obtained DNA from the blood or faeces of 18 muriquis and sequenced exons 3 and 5 of the M/L opsin gene. Our results affirm the existence of a single M/L cone opsin gene in the genus Brachyteles. We detected three alleles with predicted lambdamax values of 530, 550, and 562 nm. Two females were heterozygous and are thus predicted to have different types of M/L cone pigment. We discuss the implication of this result towards understanding the evolutionary ecology of trichromatic vision.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships between New World monkeys and marmoset genera and the place of the Ceboidea within the primates are considered in terms of the immunological specificity of ceboid proteins. Antigenic distances between the New World primates are measured using antisera produced in rabbits to nine ceboid genera: Alouatta, Aotes, Ateles, Callicebus, Cebus, Chiropotes, Lagothrix, Saimiri and Saguinus. A cladogram constructed on the basis of increasing degrees of antigenic distance between branches depicts Ceboidea as a monophyletic assemblage within which Alouatta is grouped with the Atelinae genera, Lagothrix and Ateles, Chiropotes joins Cacajao and Cebus joins Saimiri. The joining of the cebid genera Aotes and Callicebus with callithricid genera Callimico and Saguinus into a single complex lineage suggests that Cebidae is a paraphyletic or polyphyletic taxon. A phylogenetic taxonomy for Platyrrhini is proposed.  相似文献   

Field observations demonstrate clear differences in locomotion and feeding postures between spider monkeys (Ateles) and howling monkeys (Alouatta). When feeding, Ateles employs sitting postures approximately half the time, and a variety of suspensory postures using the tail the other half. Ateles moves quadrupedally during 52% of locomotion, by tail-arm suspension 25%, and various mixed support-suspensory modes the remainder. Tail-arm suspension is practiced more rapidly on thinner supports, and on more negatively inclined supports than is quadrupedal movement. Howlers do not locomote by tail-arm suspension: movement is almost entirely quadrupedal and is slower than that of spider monkeys. The positional behavior of spider monkeys fits closely recent views of major adaptive changes in hominoid evolution emphasizing brachiation and speed during travel. Howler locomotion and also tissue composition appear related to diet and digestive mechanisms.  相似文献   

Based on a comparison of the karyotypes of two Plathyrrhini species, Cacajao melanocephalus (Pitheciinae) and Brachyteles arachnoides (Atelinae), with those of two previously studied species, Lagothrix lagothrica (Atelinae) and C calvus rubicundus (Pitheciinae), it appears that the two Cacajao species have undergone the same number of chromosome rearrangements since they diverged from their common ancestor and that the karyotype of Brachyteles is ancestral to that of Lagothrix. The chromosomal phylogeny of these four species is proposed. A Y-autosome translocation is present in the karyotypes of the two Cacajao species.  相似文献   

The adaptive radiation of modern New World monkeys unfolded as the major lineages diversified within different dietary-adaptive zones predicated upon a fundamentally frugivorous habit. The broad outlines of this pattern can be seen in the fossil record, beginning in the early Miocene. Cebids are obligate frugivorous predators. The smallest forms (Cebuella, Callithrix) are specialized exudativores, and the largest (cebines) are seasonally flexible omnivores, feeding particularly on insects (Saimiri) or "hard" foods, such as pith and palm nuts (Cebus), when resources are scarce. The smaller-bodied atelids (Callicebus, Aotus) may use insects or leaves opportunistically, but pitheciins (saki-uakaris) specialize on seeds as their major protein source. The larger atelines (Alouatta, Brachyteles) depend on leaves or on ripe fruit (Ateles). Locomotion, body size, and dietary adaptations are linked: claws and small body size opened the canopy-subcanopy niche to callitrichines; climbing and hanging, the fine-branch setting to the atelines; large size and strength, semiprehensile tails, and grasping thumbs, the extractive insectivory of Cebus; deliberate quadrupedalism, the energy-saving transport of folivorous Alouatta. Body size increases and decreases occurred often and in parallel within guilds and lineages. Conventional dietary categories, particularly frugivory, are inadequate for organizing the behavioral and anatomical evidence pertinent to evolutionary adaptation. Related models of morphological evolution based on feeding frequencies tend to obfuscate the selective importance of "critical functions," responses to the biomechanically challenging components of diet that may be determined by a numerically small, or seasonal, dietary fraction. For fossils, body size is an unreliable indicator of diet in the absence of detailed morphological information. More attention needs to be given to developing techniques for identifying and quantifying mechanically significant aspects of dental form, the physical properties of primate foods, their mode of access, and the cycles of availability and nutritional value.  相似文献   

The dynamic role of the prehensile tail of atelines during locomotion is poorly understood. While some have viewed the tail of Ateles simply as a safety mechanism, others have suggested that the prehensile tail plays an active role by adjusting pendulum length or controlling lateral sway during bimanual suspensory locomotion. This study examines the bony and muscular anatomy of the prehensile tail as well as the kinematics of tail use during tail-assisted brachiation in two primates, Ateles and Lagothrix. These two platyrrhines differ in anatomy and in the frequency and kinematics of suspensory locomotion. Lagothrix is stockier, has shorter forelimbs, and spends more time traveling quadrupedally and less time using bimanual suspensory locomotion than does Ateles. In addition, previous studies showed that Ateles exhibits greater hyperextension of the tail, uses its tail to grip only on alternate handholds, and has a larger abductor caudae medialis muscle compared to Lagothrix. In order to investigate the relationship between anatomy and behavior concerning the prehensile tail, osteological data and kinematic data were collected for Ateles fusciceps and Lagothrix lagothricha. The results demonstrate that Ateles has more numerous and smaller caudal elements, particularly in the proximal tail region. In addition, transverse processes are relatively wider, and sacro-caudal articulation is more acute in Ateles compared to Lagothrix. These differences reflect the larger abductor muscle mass and greater hyperextension in Ateles. In addition, Ateles shows fewer side-to-side movements during tail-assisted brachiation than does Lagothrix. These data support the notion that the prehensile tail represents a critical dynamic element in the tail-assisted brachiation of Ateles, and may be useful in developing inferences concerning behavior in fossil primates.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of fruit patch size, density, and distribution on feeding subgroup size and feeding bout duration in four Neotropical primates—Lagothrix lagotricha, Ateles belzebuth, Cebus apella, and Alouatta seniculus—based on 2494 hr of focal animal sampling in Tinigua National Park, Colombia. All four species show positive correlations between patch size (tree diameter at breast height; DBH) and subgroup size (maximum number of individuals from the focal group feeding at the same time), but the determination coefficients are very low and this relationship does not seem to influence strongly the actual size of the groups. Ateles showed the weakest correlation between patch size and feeding party size, and their fission–fusion sociality is best explained as a mechanism to reduce intragroup competition rather than to adjust the subgroup size to the availability of patches. Feeding associations as well as proximal spacing patterns, in general, are more alike in species with similar ecological requirements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interrelations of some organismal and habitat parameters in two platyrrhine primate communities in French Guiana and Ecuadorian Amazonia. Fifteen habitat and organismal parameters and body weight were retained after a preliminary analysis, on the basis of frequent use and constraints reflected in anatomical specializations. The 16 parameters for 13 platyrrhine species were used for a series of principal components analyses (PCAs). All PCAs on separate or combined communities provided comparable results. The Atelinae, Ateles, Alouatta, and Lagothrix, were clustered together with Pithecia, associated with canopy, mature forest, frugivory, and (to a lesser degree) climb/suspensory locomotion. On the other hand, the three species of Cebus usually formed a loose cluster, located in the center of the cloud of species. Lastly, the Callitrichinae, involving two species of Saguinus and Cebuella, were relatively dispersed and frequently associated with liana forest, lianas, understory, and faunivory. However, Cebuella was consistently isolated and associated with liana forest, lianas, body weight, understory, and vertical supports. In this way, clusters appeared to conform to the major platyrrhine taxonomic groups, supporting the fact that basic ecological and behavioral adaptations have evolved in a phylogenetic context. In addition, the analyses revealed that body weight, forest type and layer, feeding behavior, and locomotion are the most important variables that have apparently shaped or driven the adaptive zones of extant platyrrhines.  相似文献   

Neotropical primates, traditionally grouped in the infraorder Platyrrhini, comprise 16 extant genera. Cladistic analyses based on morphological characteristics and molecular data resulted in topologic arrangements depicting disparate phylogenetic relationships, indicating that the evolution of gross morphological characteristics and molecular traits is not necessarily congruent. Here we present a phylogenetic arrangement for all neotropical primate genera obtained from DNA sequence analyses of the beta2-microglobulin gene. Parsimony, distance, and maximum likelihood analyses favored two families, Atelidae and Cebidae, each containing 8 genera. Atelids were resolved into atelines and pitheciines. The well-supported ateline clade branched into alouattine (Alouatta) and ateline (Ateles, Lagothrix, Brachyteles) clades. In turn, within the Ateline clade, Lagothrix and Brachyteles were well-supported sister groups. The pitheciines branched into well-supported callicebine (Callicebus) and pitheciine (Pithecia, Cacajao, Chiropotes) clades. In turn, within the pitheciine clade, Cacajao and Chiropotes were well-supported sister groups. The cebids branched into callitrichine (Saguinus, Leontopithecus, Callimico, Callithrix-Cebuella), cebine (Cebus, Saimiri), and aotine (Aotus) clades. While the callitrichine clade and the groupings of species and genera within this clade were all well supported, the cebine clade received only modest support, and the position of Aotus could not be clearly established. Cladistic analyses favored the proposition of 15 rather than 16 extant genera by including Cebuella pygmaea in the genus Callithrix as the sister group of the Callithrix argentata species group. These analyses also favored the sister grouping of Callimico with Callithrix and then of Leontopithecus with the Callithrix-Callimico clade.  相似文献   

Dental microwear analysis is conducted on a community of platyrrhine primates from South America. This analysis focuses on the primate community of Cachoeira Porteira (Para, Brazil), in which seven sympatric species occur: Alouatta seniculus, Ateles paniscus, Cebus apella, Chiropotes satanas, Pithecia Pithecia, Saguinus midas, and Saimiri sciureus. Shearing quotients are also calculated for each taxon of this primate community. Dental microwear results indicate significant differences between taxa, but are somewhat insufficient when it comes to discriminating between ecologically similar taxa. The primates of Cachoeira Porteira all incorporate a certain amount of fruit in their diet, entailing a definite amount of inter-specific competition as they must share food resources. Alouatta is the most folivorous taxon of this community, which is corroborated by dental microwear analysis. Ateles, although of a similar size to Alouatta, limits inter-specific competition by incorporating more fruit in its diet. Cebus has a very diverse omnivorous diet, which is highlighted in this study, as it compares to both fruit and leaf eating taxa. In some cases, microwear results need to be supplemented by other methods. For example, dental microwear seems insufficient to distinguish between Pithecia and Chiropotes, which eat foods with similar physical properties. However, other methods (i.e. shearing quotients and body mass) provide enough complimentary information to be able to highlight differences between the two taxa. On the other hand, dental microwear can highlight differences between primates which have similar diets, such as Saimiri and Saguinus. In this case, differences could be due to other exogenous factors.  相似文献   

Field study of the locomotor behavior of sympatric woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha) and spider monkeys (Ateles belzebuth) in undisturbed rainforest of northern Ecuador revealed similar patterns in use of plant forms (categorized tree and liana structure), and substantial differences in the frequencies of use of different grouped modes (aggregates of kinematically similar specific modes). Lagothrix progressed more than Ateles by leaping/dropping and quadrupedal walking/running, whereas Ateles exhibited more suspensory locomotion. Grouped modes are associated with different plant forms in similar ways in the two species. In contrast, the species differed in use of tree zone (trunk/bole, major branches, intermediate branches, and terminal branches), with Lagothrix using intermediate branches and Ateles terminal branches more. Correlated with this difference was greater use by Lagothrix of quadrupedal movement, especially on intermediate branches, and greater use of suspensory modes by Ateles, especially in the terminal zone. Further research is needed to determine how these patterns are facilitated and constrained by morphological mechanisms. Analysis of specific locomotor modes within groups shows several interspecific differences in relative frequencies.  相似文献   

Four different DNA datasets, representative of all extant neotropical primate genera, were tandemly aligned, comprising some 6,763 base pairs (bp) with 2,086 variable characters and 674 informative sites. Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Neighbor-Joining analyses suggested three monophyletic families (Atelidae, Pitheciidae and Cebidae) that emerged almost at the same time during primate radiation. Combined molecular data showed congruent branching inside the atelid clade, placing Alouatta as the most basal lineage followed by Ateles and a more derived branch including Brachyteles and Lagothrix as sister groups. In the Pitheciidae, Callicebus was the most basal lineage with respect to Pithecia and to the more derived sister groups (Cacajao and Chiropotes). Conjoint analysis strongly supported the monophyly of the Cebidae, grouping Aotus, Cebus and Saimiri with the small callitrichines. Within callitrichines, Cebuella merged with Callithrix, Callimico appeared as a sister group of Callithrix/Cebuella, Leontopitecus as a sister group of the previous clade, and Saguinus was the earliest callitrichine offshoot. Two major points remained to be clarified in platyrrhine phylogeny: (i) the exact branching pattern of Aotus, Cebus, Saimiri and the callitrichines, and (ii), which two of these three families (Atelidae, Pitheciidae and Cebidae) are more closely related to one another.  相似文献   

Mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) occupy a wide variety of tropical habitats and are the most folivorous of New World primates. However, their diet may include fruits, buds, petioles, and flowers, as well as leaves, suggesting they must cope with variations in the nutrient composition of their food. We studied the physiological basis of the dietary flexibility of these monkeys by comparing food choice, digestive performance and patterns of digesta flow in six adults, fed diets of either leaves or a mixture of fruit and leaves. Although monkeys ate similar amounts of the two diets, they ingested more digestible protein when offered the leaf diet, on which they lost body mass, but they ingested much more soluble sugars when offered fruit and leaves on which they gained mass. Digestibilities of dry matter, fat, energy and fibre did not differ between diets, but those of crude protein, soluble sugars and minerals were higher on the fruit–leaf diet. Mean retention times in the gut of solute (Co-EDTA) and particulate markers (Cr-mordanted cell walls) did not differ between diets, but on both diets the monkeys retained the particulate marker (mean retention time ca 55 h) for longer than they did the solute marker (MRT ca 50 h). A lack of selective retention of solutes and small particles in the gastro-intestinal tract of howler monkeys probably restricts them to mixed diets but their digestive strategy is sufficiently flexible to allow them to feed on a diet of leaves when fruit is unavailable.  相似文献   

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