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SYNOPSIS. Starvation apparently does not induce cannibalism in F. leucas , but the occurrence of infirm, cytolized and helpless individuals in a dish of normal ones seems to afford an opportunity for it. Ingestion of the victim as well as the process of its digestion in the food vacuole of the cannibal is described. The highest number found ingested by a single cannibal is three. Cytoplasm and the micronuclei are digested before the macronucleus. Part of the macronucleus is present in the food vacuole of the cannibal even 16 hours after ingestion of the prey. By 24 hours, digestion is complete. The deoxyribonucleic acid of the macronucleus undergoes some specifiable change in its constitution towards the latter part of its digestion. Cannibalism does not lead to giant formation.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The life cycles of 2 strains of Allogromia laticollaris (CSH and TPA) raised on experimentally restricted diets have been studied. Cloned cultures of the strains differed in nutritional requirements for continuous reproduction. The TPA strain was more fecund. Both strains have a basically apogamic (asexual) life cycle; only occasionally were gamonts (sexually reproducing individuals) produced. They were autogamous (self-fertilizing) and fusion of the gametes took place within the parental test.
We found in CSH clones a regular alternation of vesicularly nucleated and compactly multinucleated diploid generations. The details of the life cycle of either strain are not known well enough to be able to construct life cycle diagrams more meaningful than that of Arnold. The 2 strains studied differ in cytologic and nuclear detail from each other and from the strain studied by Arnold.  相似文献   

Mass cultures of a stock of Paramecium polycaryum maintained over a period of several years showed abundant and frequent nuclear reorganization stages resembling those of ex-conjugant and ex-autogamous animals of other species of Paramecium. Conjugation has never been reported for P. polycaryum, nor has it been found in these studies. Cytological examination of stained preparations revealed a process of autogamy in P. polycaryum, closely similar to that described previously for P. aurelia. As a rule, all four of the micronuclei, the typical vegetative number in P. polycaryum, engage in the first prezygotic division which is characterized by the formation of prophase crescents. Variable numbers of the eight nuclei continue with the second division. A maximum of sixteen nuclei may result. Apparently, only one of these normally completes the third prezygotic division to form the gametic nuclei, although more than one may initiate it. A fusion nucleus (synkaryon) arises in, or near, a paroral cone, thus paralleling autogamy in P. aurelia. A series of postzygotic divisions produces eight definitive nuclei, four of which become macronuclear anlagen and four remain micronuclei. The first division of the synkaryon results, possibly, in the formation of a viable nucleus and a non-viable one, as in ex-conjugants of P. caudatum. After the last micronuclear division, a skein evolves from the old macronucleus which has become flattened and leaf-like. The skein rapidly segments into "sausages" which transform into spherical fragments, about thirty in number. Two cell divisions restore the normal vegetative nuclear complex.  相似文献   

This study describes allonursing (females nursing offspring that are not their own) in captive belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). In addition to the calf's mother, two females that were not pregnant or nursing at the time of the calf's birth spontaneously lactated and nursed the male calf intermittently throughout 34 months of his life at the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Center. These observations suggest that allonursing may also take place in their wild counterparts and add to existing evidence of alloparental care in this species. Alloparental care, the care of nonoffspring, has been observed in every major mammalian taxon; the protection of calves through alloparental care may be a strong evolutionary benefit. Zoo Biol 29:633–637, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most investigations dealing with rotifer reproduction have been performed with populations and not with individuals. At the same time the variations in the growth and reproduction rates of rotifers are of considerable interest. This paper presents the results of investigations carried out by culturing individuals of Philodina roseola during the lifespan of an individual under different temperature conditions ranging from 9 to 35 °C. The paper presents curves showing the growth in length and weight, the periods of maximum growth rate and the maximum sizes of Philodina as affected by temperature conditions. The reproduction rate is investigated at the same time. The variation in egg evolution duration, in duration of the reproductive period and in the egg laying rate are shown under all the conditions investigated. The data serve as a basis for estimating the effect of temperature on the productivity of Philodina roseola.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Loropetalum subcordatum was studied. The floral phenology, pollen histochemistry, pollen-ovule ratio (P/O), pollen viability and floral visitors were investigated and determined. Assisted pollination experiments were carried out to examine the breeding system of L. subcordatum. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and fluorescence microscopy (FM) were employed to check the pollen germination and the growth of pollen tubes. Results were obtained as follows: (1) The flowering period of L. subcordatum was from September to the next February with a peak at September-October; the longevity of a single flower was 4-6 days. (2) L. subcordatum was protogynous, and pollen grains could be found on self-stigmata when the anthers opened 12-24 h after petals unrolling. (3)The pollen viability (MTT test) maintained for ca. 26 hours; the pollen was starchless; the P/O was 8420±720.86 (n=10); no nectar secretion was observed. (4) Thrips (Thrips sp.) were the only floral visitors observed but which seldom moved among inflorescences, thus played limited role in pollination. (5) Fruit sets of untreated bagged (5.30±1.83%) and hand assisted cross pollinated flowers (6.67±1.91%) were not significantly different from that of open flowers (4.79±1.45%). (6) SEM and FM observations proved that pollen germinated on self-stigmata and pollen tubes growed in self-styles. The results indicated that L. subcordatum was facultatively autogamous and without apomixes. The possibility of outcrossing and the protogyny might indicate that the species was originally a crosser. Flowers pollinated in September-October usually start ovule growth in next summer, and set mature fruits in next October (after the next flowering peak), suggesting the occurrence of retard embryo development. The possibility that autogamy in Hamamelidaceae could have been developed from fly pollination was also discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS By using the split-pair method autogamy was induced in Stylonychia mytilus Ehrenberg and S. muscorum Kahl, and the process was thoroly studied in the former. The pairs split early in conjugation continued the process as autogamonts and never united again altho they were placed in the same depression slide.
The pattern of nuclear behavior during autogamy closely resembles that reported for conjugation. The fusion of pronuclei at metaphase is usually observed, but it occasionally fails and the stationary pronucleus appears to continue its development as a hemicaryon. The macronuclear anlage and the definitive micronuclei differentiate from particular products of the 3rd postgamic division.  相似文献   

A predominantly autogamous breeding system is described forP. occidentale Scribn.,P. pacificum Hitchc. & Chase, andP. thermale Boland. Five synthetic hybrids and three generations of progeny are also described for crosses among these three species. All parents haven = 9 chromosomes and normal meiosis. Hybrids exhibit various irregularities during meiosis, but nine bivalents are usually formed. One population ofP. occidentale and one ofP. thermale were found to have chromosomes with interchanges larger than those of other populations. The F2 and F3 generations had markedly increased fertility, as determined by pollen stainability. It is proposed that autogamy and hybridization are a common means of maintaining and stabilizing genetic variability in these grasses and that these means account for much of the taxonomic difficulty posed by the subgenus. The possibility of a low rate of introgression between populations is also proposed.  相似文献   

濒危植物四药门花的自花授粉   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观测了四药门花Loropetalum subcordatum的开花物候、开花动态和访花者; 对其花粉组织化学、花粉胚珠比和花粉活力进行了检测; 通过人工控制授粉实验检测了其繁育系统; 使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了自花花粉在柱头上的萌发情况并使用荧光显微镜观察了花粉管在花柱中的生长情况。结果表明: 四药门花花期为9月至次年2月, 其中9-10月为开花高峰期; 单花花期4-6 d; 雌蕊先熟, 开花时柱头即有活性, 并持续到花谢; 花药于开花后12-24 h内开裂, 并能直接落置自花柱头; 离体花粉寿命约26 h, 花粉为非淀粉型, 花粉胚珠比为8420±720.86 (n=10); 无花蜜分泌。未观察到任何外来的访花者, 仅见到生活在头状花序中的蓟马Thrips sp., 且未见到蓟马在花间积极迁飞, 表明蓟马不是其有效的传粉者。无处理套网和辅助异株授粉的结实率(5.30%±1.83%/6.67%±1.91%)与自然对照(4.79%±1.45%)差异均不显著(P=0.847/0.616), 扫描电镜观察证明自花花粉能在柱头上顺利萌发, 荧光显微镜观察证明花粉管能在24 h内生长到花柱基部, 说明四药门花是自花传粉, 不存在无融合生殖。四药门花存在雌蕊先熟现象并且仍有异交可能, 说明其祖先类型曾经是异交植物。花谢后子房于次年夏天才开始膨大而果实于10月间开花高峰期后成熟, 说明存在胚发育延迟的现象。本文还讨论了金缕梅科Hamamelidaceae中自花传粉由蝇类传粉演化而来的可能性。  相似文献   

American plants ofStriga asiatica (witchweed), a serious pathogen of corn and other grains that was accidentally introduced to the Carolinas in the 1950’s, exhibit a form of autogamy in which fertilization occurs before the corolla opens. Pollen is shed on the stigma while the flowers are still in bud. Pollen grains germinate immediately and by the time the corolla is open fertilization has occurred. Examination of a native population of the same species in Nigeria revealed no autogamy.  相似文献   

郭艳峰  刘妍  蒋谦才  孙红梅 《广西植物》2016,36(11):1318-1324
猪屎豆( Crotalaria pallida)为典型的蝶形花植物,分布极广,是路边或遭破坏生境中最常见的先锋种之一,野外观察未发现其有营养生殖的现象,主要为种子繁殖。该研究通过对自然生境中猪屎豆开花物候、访花昆虫及繁育系统的研究,旨在从繁殖的角度阐述其快速扩张的能力。结果表明:尽管猪屎豆的主要访花昆虫是蜜蜂,但蜜蜂的访花频率极低[(1.73±1.30)次/花序·h-1],且在整个花期内花药和柱头均被龙骨瓣包裹,蜜蜂访花时未成功接触柱头和花粉,不能实现传粉,因此蜜蜂不是猪屎豆有效的传粉昆虫,这与假说“蝶形花普遍是对膜翅目昆虫,尤其是对蜜蜂传粉的适应”不一致。人工授粉结果显示,猪屎豆为自交亲和种,不存在无融合生殖现象,其繁殖主要通过主动自交生产种子来实现,且在自交过程中长短花药都参与主动自交。这种自交方式不同于其他蝶形花植物的主动自交仅由短花药实现。对猪屎豆而言,长短花药均参与自交能够增加柱头的授粉几率,保证其在不利的生境中成功结籽,是其成功扩张的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

Approximately 3.5 mo following its capture, a beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) developed focal pale gray skin lesions. These lesions persisted for at least 8 mo. A biopsy from one of these sites revealed epithelial intranuclear inclusions. Herpes-like viral particles were seen by transmission electron microscopy. The eventual regression of skin lesions and lack of other clinical signs suggests the virus was only mildly pathogenic in this animal.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported the isolation of Bartonella henselae from the blood of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) and loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) from the North Carolina coast. Hematologic, pathologic, and microbiologic findings surrounding the death of a juvenile captive beluga in Vancouver initiated an outbreak investigation designed to define the molecular prevalence of Bartonella infection in belugas. Using polymerase chain reaction analyses targeting the intergenic spacer region (ITS), two B. henselae ITS strains were identified in 78% of captive and free-ranging hunter-harvested belugas. These findings may have public health implications and may influence aquarium management procedures for captive marine mammals.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The ciliate was cultured in natural lake water on Oscillatoria curviceps. Encystment was induced by lack of food. The resting cyst has 2 membranes—a faceted, lamellate ectocyst and a thin endocyst. The kinetosomal rows and the cytopharynx are retained in the cyst, and the position of the cytopharynx with respect to the rows remains unchanged. Thus, the usual polarity of the organism is preserved. Distilled water and plant infusions were relatively ineffective excystment-inducing agents, but a 0.1% (w/v) aqueous solution of peptone, pre-inoculated with wild bacteria, was highly effective. At 21 C it induced the excystment of 97% of the cysts within 2-3.5 hr. During excystment, the contractile vacuole enlarges, thereby producing pressure which ruptures the membranes. The ectocyst tears first—always at the posterior end of the cyst—the endocyst somewhat later. Emergence is largely by cytoplasmic streaming through a relatively small slit in the ectocyst, and the posterior end of the ciliate always emerges first.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Eight interfertile strains of Euplotes minuta collected from two localities in the Mediterranean Sea are shown to comprise a single breeding system of multiple mating types. One strain regularly passes through autogamy and, in crosses to non-autogamous strains, preliminary evidence for the genic control of autogamy was obtained. The cytogenetic events of conjugation and autogamy are briefly described. Three strains are "killers." Killer cells liberate a substance into the surrounding medium which has a lethal effect on cells of other strains called "sensitives." This substance, "euplotein," is not produced by sensitives. The inheritance of the killer trait is apparently under the control of a cytoplasmic factor but present attempts to identify the factor microscopically were without success. The discussion stresses the potential usefulness of this species for studies of protozoan genetics and development.  相似文献   

Monitoring programmes for white whales (Delphinapterus leucas) have been called for repeatedly in recent years because this species is likely to be negatively impacted by climate change, but also because such a broadly dispersed, high trophic feeder can serve as an effective ecosystem sentinel. Arctic ecosystems are difficult to monitor because of the extensive winter ice coverage and extreme environmental conditions in addition to low human population densities. However, passive acoustic monitoring has proved to be a reliable method to remotely survey the presence of some marine mammals in the Arctic. In this study, we evaluate the potential use of echolocation loggers (T-POD and C-POD, Chelonia Ltd.) for remote monitoring of white whales. Captive experiments and open water surveys in three arctic/subarctic habitats (ice-noise-dominated environment, ice-free environment and low-turbidity waters) were used to document detection performance and to explore the use of logger angle and inter-click interval data to look at activity patterns and tidal influences on space use. When acoustic results were compared to concurrent visual observations, echolocation detection was only attributed to periods of white whale presence near the recorder deployment sites. Both T-PODs and C-PODs effectively detected echolocation, even under noisy ice. Diel and tidal behavioural patterns were identified. Acoustically identified movement patterns between sites were visually confirmed. This study demonstrates the feasibility of monitoring white whales using echolocation loggers and describes some important features of their behaviour as examples of the potential application of this passive acoustic monitoring method in Arctic and subarctic regions.  相似文献   

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