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Summary The effect of some sugars in different concentrations and some nitrogeneous organic constituents in 2% yeast extract (basal medium) on production of cyclopiazonic acid (CA) by Penicillium verrucosum var. cyclopium was studied at room temperature. Maximum CA production was observed after 14 days in a medium containing 2% yeast extract +2.5% sucrose. Ammonium lactate had a negative effect on the production of CA by the test culture. Nitrogeneous organic constituents such as peptone and tryptone did not enhance the yield of CA in the medium. After an initial drop in the pH, a general increase in pH was observed as the incubation time increased. Curdled milk was also found to be a suitable medium for the production of CA by the mold culture.Recipient of Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) fellowship 1984–1985 (National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132 001, India)  相似文献   

The specie Penicillium verrucosum var cyclopium (Westling) has showed that Media containing peptones, especially, trypticase, as a source of nitrogen and maltose or glucose as a source of carbon are most efficient for a good stimulation of the lipolytic activity. Salt, especially Mg++ ion and some oligo- elements exhibit a marked effect on enzyme production. On the other hand, addition of lipids to the growth medium inhibited the lipase production. Shaking of the medium decreases the amount of lipase production but allows an early growth of P. verrucosum var cyclopium (Westling).  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Penicillium cyclopium conidiates in the presence of calcium ions in submerged culture without nutrient limitation according to a precisely timed program. Conidiation could be prematurely induced in a nutritionally sufficient medium which had previously supported growth, suggesting that a metabolite which influenced the process was produced. A diterpenoid with conidiation-inducing activity, conidiogenone, was purified from the culture medium, along with conidiogenol, a putative derivative with delayed activity. Contrary to previous thought, the presence of calcium was demonstrated to only decrease the threshold concentration of conidiogenone required for the induction to proceed. In light of these results, a mechanism of conidiation induction is presented according to which the mycelium produces a conidiation inducer (conidiogenone) that accumulates extracellularly. When a threshold concentration is reached, induction likely takes place by interaction with a specific cellular receptor. The results indicate that conidiogenone is both sufficient and necessary to induce conidiation.  相似文献   

Microcycle conidiation in shaken cultures of Penicillium cyclopium M 79 was induced at 24 degrees C without any shock treatment. The occurrence of a microcycle depended on the presence of an organic acid (especially glutamic acid) in combination with glucose, low phosphate concentration, light and sufficient aeration. Absence of glucose and/or lowered aeration evoked vegetative growth. A synchronous and homogeneous microcycle required a certain relationship between the number of inoculated conidia and the concentration of the organic acid in the medium; the optimum was at 0.08 nmol acid per conidium. Higher values stimulated normal vegetative growth. A shortage or absence of the organic acid led to an atypical growth. The effect of organic acid can be partially replaced by addition of 2% (w/v) CaCO3. Addition of NH+4 in concentrations higher than 6 mM to cultures with glutamate or glutamine evoked vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of various strains of fungi to transform isoflavones was studied. It was found that demethylation of 7-methoxyisoflavon is effected by Penicillium cyclopium.  相似文献   

Compactin was synthesized by Penicillium cyclopium in submerged as well as in bioreactor systems and assayed spectrophotometrically with a detection limit of 0.5 μg ml−1 solvent. Synthesis in submerged culture was affected by aeration, glucose level, pH, and type and molarity of buffer. Citrate or succinate (pH 4.0, 0.10 M) in malt glucose peptone broth (MGPB) stimulated cell specialization, sporulation, enhanced compactin permeation from mycelia and its production (60.05 μg ml−1 after 12 days). Fungal spores, immobilized onto-into loofah sponge, in a bioreactor, using MGPB-citrate as feed stock, resulted in productivity of 23.04 mg compactin (L−1 h−1) during 50 days operation at 0.45 h−1 dilution rate. Compactin synthesis in the bioreactor was also affected by culture age, substrate, incubation and dilution rates. Scanning electron micrographs of the loofah sponge, prior to, during and post-spores immobilization showed that loofah channels served well for fungal support in the bioreactor. Received 6 October 1997/ Accepted in revised form 2 September 1998  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the important mycotoxigenic species Penicillium viridicatum and P. verrucosum was reviewed to clarify disagreements relating to the three P. viridicatum groups erected by Ciegler and coworkers (A. Ciegler, D. I. Fennell, G. A. Sansing, R. W. Detroy, and G. A. Bennett, Appl. Microbiol. 26:271-278, 1973) and the mycotoxins produced by them. Cultures derived from the types of these two species and authentic cultures from each group and from many other sources were examined culturally, microscopically, and for mycotoxin production. It was concluded that P. viridicatum group II has affinities with P. verrucosum and not with P. viridicatum, as indicated by J. I. Pitt in the 1979 monograph (The Genus Penicillium and Its Teleomorphic States Eupenicillium and Talaromyces). As a result of this study it can now be unequivocally stated that the mycotoxins ochratoxin A and citrinin are not produced by P. viridicatum. Of species in subgenus Penicillium, only P. verrucosum is known to produce ochratoxin A.  相似文献   

A cultivation system has been developed for Penicillium urticae which yields 'microcycle' conidiation in submerged culture. Spherical growth of spores was initiated by incubation at 37 degrees C in a growth-favoring medium. Transfer of these enlarged spores to a nitrogen-poor medium at 35 degrees C results in synchronous germination and limited outgrowth followed by roughly synchronous conidiation. A study of the conidiation stage showed that a phialide and an immature conidium began to form at the tip of all germ tubes 18 h after the temperature shift. By 24 h additional phialides commonly appeared as a branch near the tip of the germ tube and the more mature conidia exhibited increasing refractility. The earliest ultrastructural signs of conidiation were various round invaginations in the plasma membrane and a thickening and rounding of the new spore wall which appeared as an inner extension of the phialide cell wall. Upon segregation of the conidium from the phialide cell by conidial wall formation, 'trench-like' invaginations gradually appeared in the plasma membrane and a disorganized rodlet pattern was formed on the outer surface of the maturing conidial wall. Continued maturation involved the formation of chains of conidia and phialide senescence which was characterized by a general degradation of intracellular structure. A comparison with standard surface and submerged culture conidiation indicated that 'microcycle' conidiation, while less prolific, was essentially identical.  相似文献   


The available archaeobotanical evidence from Viking Age sites lying within the boundaries of present day Denmark is summarized and commented upon. The exploitation of both cultivated and wild plant resources is dealt with under the headings - the agrarian economy (crops and weeds), imported plants, collected food plants, brewing, medicinal plants, religion and ritual, wetlands and heaths.  相似文献   

Fungal isolates from legumes were cultured on rice and examined for production of the toxic mold metabolites xanthomegnin and viomellein. Six of 14 Aspergillus ochraceus isolates produced from 0.3 to 1.3 mg of xanthomegnin per g and 0.1 to 1.0 mg of viomellein per g. One of nine isolates of Penicillium cyclopium produced 0.1 mg of xanthomegnin per g and 0.06 mg of viomellein per g. Three of nine P. viridicatum isolates produced from 0.4 to 1.6 mg of xanthomegnin per g and 0.2 to 0.4 mg of viomellein per g. This is the first report of xanthomegnin and viomellein production by A. ochraeus and P. cyclopium.  相似文献   

The cell wall of mature, green condiospores of Penicillium cyclopium Westling contains at least two pigments: A green chromoprotein which is extractable by means of formic acid or liquified phenol and a black insoluble pigment. Both fractions after long term treatment with boiling conc. HCl leave black amorphous residues which, due to their chemical and physico-chemical properties, belong to the group of melanins. The chemical structure of these melanins is still unidentified. No degradation products typical for indol-type or catechol-type melanins have so far been detected. During spore maturation parallel to an increase of pigmentation (determined by remission), the melanin residue left after acid hydrolysis of spores increases. The mature, dark green spores of the wild type strain contain about 40% melanin, the yellow-green spores of the mutant aux-glu 1 about 36%. The unpigmented spores of mutant res-eth 1 possess a melanin content of only about 5%. This value is nearly the same as that found in hyphae, which in all strains are yellowish-brown. The heavily pigmented condia of the wild type strain are about 100-times less sensitive to UV-radiation compared with the unpigmented spores of the mutant res-eth 1. The reduced sensitivity indicates that, as with other microorganisms, the conidia pigments of P. cyclopium are protective components of the spores.  相似文献   

Phenol oxidase (PO) of Penicillium cyclopium belongs to the laccases (E.C. By PAA-gel electrophoresis three forms of the enzyme were detected. Most of the PO in emerged sporulating cultures accumulates in the cell wall of the conidiospores. However, a high percentage is not bound to the wall constituents and can be easily removed with aqueous solutions. This soluble fraction was 570-fold enriched by (NH4)2SO4-precipitation, followed by chromatography on sephadex G 200 and on hydroxylapatite-cellulose, The necessity of PO for conidiospore pigmentation was shown by means of suspended spores whose rates of pigment accumulation resemble those of conidia maturing in situ. Pigmentation is stopped if PO is inhibited by diethyldithiocarbamate. This corresponds to the fact that in strains with heavily pigmented conidiospores PO activity is much higher than in strains with weakly pigmented or unpigmented spores. Also the time course of PO accumulation in the latter strains is different from that of the former. Furthermore, in mutant res-eth 1 which has unpigmented conidiospores, PO isoenzyme no. 3 could not be detected.  相似文献   

A cultivation system has been developed for Penicillium urticae (NRRL 2159A) which yields 'microcycle' conidiation in submerged culture. Spherical growth of spores was initiated by incubation at 37 degrees C in a growth-favoring medium. Transfer of these enlarged spores to a nitrogen-poor medium at 35 degrees C resulted in synchronous germination and limited outgrowth followed by roughly synchronous conidiation. An ultrastructural study of the spherical growth stage indicates a significant loss of cell envelope fine structure and a general increase in the number of cellular organelles. Loss of the complex pattern of rodlets on the spore surface, and the trench-like invaginations of the plasma membrane were most prominent. From an ultrastructural point of view these large spores (about 6 mum in diameter) appeared to be perfectly normal.  相似文献   

A cultivation system has been developed for Penicillium urticae (NRRL 2159A) which yields 'microcycle' conidiation in submerged culture. Spherical growth of conidia was initiated by incubation at 37 degrees C in a growth-favoring medium. Transfer of these enlarged conidia to a nitrogen-poor medium at 35 degrees C resulted in synchronous germination and limited outgrowth followed by roughly synchronous conidiogenesis. An ultrastructural study of the germination stage indicated nuclear migration into the emerging germ tube whose new cell wall was an extension of the parent conidium's innermost cell wall layer. Septal formation at the neck of the germ tube followed. The septal pore was filled with particulate material and the septal membranes possessed unusual linear elements in their median hydrophobic zones. The germ tube, which possessed a smooth-surfaced plasma membrane, continued to elongate with periodic septum formation. The parent conidium and later the proximal germ tube showed progressive vacuolation and the cytoplasm became largely occupied by electron-translucent material. In older cells the septal pore was blocked by Woronin bodies. Compared with normal conidial germination this microcycle' germination is far more synchronous and the resultant germling is morphologically simpler. In ultrastructural terms, however, germination appears to be identical with that obtained at 28 degrees C.  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A contamination of cereal feed grain was monitored during October 1989–September 1990 by analysis of blood samples from slaughter swine in Sweden. The detection of ochratoxin A in swine blood was used as a method to identify swine herds fed ochratoxin A contaminated feed. The contamination level of ochratoxin A in the blood of the positive herds was in the range 2–45 ng/ml with the mean concentration 5.2 ng/ml. Feed samples for mycological analysis were collected from both ochratoxin A positive herds (2 ng/ml blood) and ochratoxin A negative herds (<2 ng/ml blood). From the ochratoxin A positive herds and the ochratoxin A negative herds 22 and 21 feed samples were collected, respectively. No quantitative differences in mould content, as determined by colony forming units, were observed between the two groups. However, there were differences in the mycoflora. The incidence of storage fungi (Penicillium and Aspergillus spp.) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in feed from ochratoxin A positive herds. Particularly, Penicillium verrucosum was found to be significantly more common (p < 0.001). Altogether 274 isolates were screened for their ability to produce ochratoxin A. Ochratoxin A producers were found only within P. verrucosum; 38% of the 63 isolates produced detectable amounts of ochratoxin A. Ochratoxin A producing isolates of P. verrucosum were found in 60% of the feed samples collected from ochratoxin A positive swine herds and in one sample (5% ) of the feed samples collected from the ochratoxin A negative herds.  相似文献   

The effect of aminoguanidine (AG) on nephrotoxicity induced by cisplatin (CDDP) was investigated. A single dose of CDDP (7.5 mg/kg i.p.) induced nephrotoxicity, manifested biochemically by a significant elevation in serum urea, creatinine and a severe decrease in serum albumin. Moreover, marked increases in kidney weight, urine volume and urinary excretion of albumin were observed. Nephrotoxicity was further confirmed by a significant decrease in glutathione-S-transferase (GST, E.C., glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px, E.C. and catalase (E.C. and a significant increase in lipid peroxides measured as malondialdhyde (MDA) in kidney homogenates. Administration of AG (100 mg/kg per day p.o.) in drinking water 5 days before and 5 days after CDDP injection produced a significant protection against nephrotoxicity induced by CDDP. The amelioration of nephrotoxicity was evidenced by significant reductions in serum urea and creatinine concentrations. In addition, AG tended to normalize decreased levels of serum albumin. Urine volume, urinary excretions of albumin and GST and kidney weight were significantly decreased. Moreover, AG prevented the rise of MDA and the reduction of GST and GSH-Px activities in the kidney. These results suggest that AG has a protective effect on nephrotoxicity induced by CDDP and it may therefore improve the therapeutic index of CDDP.  相似文献   

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