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There is a need to identify the virulence factors involved in the synergistic lysis of erythrocytes (CAMP reaction) by Listeria monocytogenes and either Staphylococcus aureus or Corynebacterium equi , in order to assess the relationship between the CAMP reaction and virulence of L. monocytogenes . The ability of various L. monocytogenes mutants to secrete listeriolysin O and phospholipases, and to produce lysis of sheep blood agar was determined. The results suggest that the CAMP reaction with Coryne. equi involves listeriolysin O and Coryne. equi cholesterol oxidase, and that the reaction with Staph. aureus involves either of the phospholipases C produced by L. monocytogenes . A modified CAMP test, which incorporates cholesterol oxidase into sheep blood agar, is proposed for the rapid (4–6 h) identification of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones play an essential role in the folding of nascent chain polypeptides, as well as in the refolding and degradation of misfolded or aggregated proteins. They also assist in protein translocation and participate in stress functions. We identified a gene, designated tig, encoding a protein homologous to trigger factor (TF), a cytosolic ribosome-associated chaperone, in the genome of Listeria monocytogenes. We constructed a chromosomal Delta tig deletion and evaluated the impact of the mutation on bacterial growth in broth under various stress conditions and on pathogenesis. The Delta tig deletion did not affect cell viability but impaired survival in the presence of heat and ethanol stresses. We also identified the ffh gene, encoding a protein homologous to the SRP54 eukaryotic component of the signal recognition particle. However, a Delta ffh deletion was not tolerated, suggesting that Ffh is essential, as it is in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. Thus, although dispensable for growth, TF is involved in the stress response of L. monocytogenes. The Delta tig mutant showed no or very modest intracellular survival defects in eukaryotic cells. However, in vivo it showed a reduced capacity to persist in the spleens and livers of infected mice, revealing that TF has a role in the pathogenicity of L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogen that causes listeriosis, a severe food-borne infection. This bacterium, in order to survive and grow in the multiple conditions encountered in the host and the environment, has evolved a large number of regulatory elements, in particular many signal transduction systems based on reversible phosphorylation. The genome sequence has revealed genes for 16 putative two-component systems, four putative tyrosine phosphatases, three putative serine-threonine kinases and two putative serine-threonine phosphatases. We found that one of the latter genes, stp, encodes a functional Mn(2+)-dependent serine-threonine phosphatase similar to PPM eukaryotic phosphatases (Mg(2+)-or Mn(2+)-dependent protein phosphatase) and is required for growth of L. monocytogenes in a murine model of infection. We identified as the first target for Stp, the elongation factor EF-Tu. Post-translational phosphorylation of EF-Tu had been shown to prevent its binding to amino-acylated transfer RNA as well as to kirromycin, an antibiotic known to inhibit EF-Tu function. Accordingly, an stp deletion mutant is less sensitive to kirromycin. These results suggest an important role for Stp in regulating EF-Tu and controlling bacterial survival in the infected host.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to detect Listeria monocytogenes in whole milk at a level of 0.1 cfu per 30 ml. This high degree of sensitivity has been achieved following enzymatic digestion, polysulphonone membrane filtration and amplification of a nucleotide sequence within the promoter region of hlyA. Key elements of the procedure are the absence of enrichment culture and a complete solubilization of the membrane filter, ensuring total nucleic acid recovery. The simplicity of the protocol coupled with high sample volumes and exquisite sensitivity extends the relevance of PCR within food and environmental microbiology.  相似文献   

To study the virulence of Rhodococcus (Corynebacterium) equi, seven ATCC strains of different serotypes were tested for their LD50 in mice, clearance of the organism from the lungs and spleen following intravenous or intratracheal inoculation, and in vitro interaction with murine peritoneal macrophages. Strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 were virulent for mice and multiplied in the lungs and spleen, resulting in death of the animal in 5 days. The other five strains were avirulent for mice. The number of bacteria in the lungs and spleen of mice given these five strains decreased immediately. Pulmonary clearance of strains ATCC 33703, 33706, and 33707 was significantly more rapid than that of the virulent strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 12 hr after inoculation. Complete clearance of the avirulent strain ATCC 33707 occurred by day 14, while that of virulent ATCC 33704 and 33705 strains occurred by day 30. The virulent strains ATCC 33704 and 33705 were resistant not only to phagocytosis but also to intracellular killing by macrophages. Strains ATCC 33702 and 33706 were rapidly killed by macrophages although they were rather resistant to phagocytosis. Strain ATCC 33703 was easily phagocytized though resistant to killing by macrophages. The most avirulent strains, ATCC 33707 and 6939, were easily phagocytized and rapidly killed by macrophages. These results indicate that virulence appeared to be related to the ability of the organisms to resist clearance from the lungs and spleen and to resist phagocytosis and intracellular killing by macrophages.  相似文献   

A new detection system, the magnetic immuno-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay (MIPA) has been developed to detect Listeria monocytogenes in food. This method separates Listeria cells from PCR-inhibitory factors present in enrichment broths containing food samples by using magnetic beads coated with specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The separated bacteria were lysed, and the supernatant containing the bacterial DNA was subjected to the PCR. Detection of L. monocytogenes in three naturally contaminated cheese samples with two different MAbs and PCR primers specific for the gene encoding the delayed-hypersensitivity factor showed that with MAb 55 all three samples were positive whereas with MAb A two samples were positive. A further improvement of the method was obtained by using a PCR step based on the listeriolysin O gene. A MIPA employing MAb 55 and the listeriolysin O gene primer set detected L. monocytogenes after 24 h of culture in Listeria Enrichment Broth samples from Port Salut artificially contaminated with 40 CFU/25 g. We could detect 1 CFU of L. monocytogenes per g of cheese after a second enrichment for 24 h in Fraser broth. The analysis time including both enrichments is approximately 55 h.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi is a gram-positive, facultative intracellular bacterium which infects macrophages and causes rhodococcal pneumonia and enteritis in foals. Recently, this agent has been recognized as an opportunistic pathogen for immunocompromised humans. Several murine experimental models have been used to study R. equi infection. High (H(IV-A)) and Low (L(IV-A)) antibody (Ab)-producers mice were obtained by bi-directional genetic selections for their ability to produce antibodies against sheep and human erythrocytes (Selection IV-A). These lines maintain their phenotypes of high and low responders also for other antigens than those of selection (multispecific effect). A higher macrophage activity in L(IV-A) mice has been described for several intracellular infectious agents, which could be responsible for their intense macrophage antigens (Ag)-handling and low Ab production. Due to these differences, L(IV-A) mice were found to exhibit a better performance to trigger an effective immune response towards intracellular pathogens. The objective of this work was to characterize the immune response of Selection IV-A against R. equi. H(IV-A) and L(IV-A) mice were infected with 2.0x10(6) CFU of ATCC 33701+R. equi by intravenous route. With regards to bacterial clearance and survival assays, L(IV-A) mice were more resistant than H(IV-A) mice to virulent R. equi. L(IV-A) mice presented a higher hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO) endogenous production by splenic macrophages than H(IV-A) mice. L(IV-A) expressed the most intense cellular response, available by the Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction, which activated macrophages and produced more H2O2 and NO. The three times higher specific antibodies titres in H(IV-A) indicated that Selection IV-A maintained the multispecific effect and the polygenic control of humoral and cellular responses also to R. equi.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus equi A4 cells containing a nitrile hydratase and an amidase converted (R,S)-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-propionitrile into the corresponding (S)-acid (e.e. 87%) and (R)-nitrile (e.e. > 95%) in 49% yield. The same reaction using (R,S)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-propionitrile gave the (S)-acid (e.e. > 95%) and (R)-nitrile (e.e. 52%) in 20 and 34% yield, respectively.  相似文献   

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