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The effects of Heligmosomoides bakeri infection on the course of a concurrent Cryptosporidium parvum infection were studied in C57BL/6 mice. Mice were initially infected with 80 L3 of H. bakeri and then challenged with 104 oocysts of C. parvum, administered during the patent period of the nematode infection (28 day post H. bakeri infection). The number of C. parvum oocysts excreted in the feces and the number of adult H. bakeri in the small intestine were monitored during the experiment. Concurrent H. bakeri infection resulted in a prolonged course of infection with C. parvum. The intensities of both parasite infections were higher in co-infections. We also investigated the cellular immune response at 14 and 42 days post infection C. parvum. During infection with C. parvum there was an increase in production of IFN-γ and IL-12 but co-infection with H. bakeri inhibited IFN-γ secretion. The present study is the first to demonstrate that infection with H. bakeri markedly exacerbates the intensity of a concurrent C. parvum infection in laboratory mice and also affects immune effectors mechanisms in co-infection with H. bakeri.  相似文献   

Filariasis is a debilitating parasitic disease in many tropical countries. Despite the highly evolved immune system, the filarial parasites successfully evade host immunity to persist for a sustained period of time. Earlier studies have shown that the filarial parasites achieve this long-term survival through release of immunosuppressive materials in the host. In this study, we show that the secreted filarial lipids (SFL) isolated from Setaria digitata suppress Th1 immune response. While immunization with myelin antigen induces Th1 response in mice, in vitro treatment with SFL resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in myelin antigen-induced proliferation and secretion of IL-12 and IFNgamma. The SFL also inhibited IL-12-induced T cell proliferation and Th1 differentiation in vitro. The inhibition of T cell responses by SFL associates with the blockade of IL-12-induced activation of JAK-STAT signaling pathway in T cells. These findings suggest that the SFL modulates Th1 immune response by blocking IL-12 signaling in T cells and thus play a role in host immune evasion of filarial parasites.  相似文献   

In the previous paper, we showed that the K+ channels of the mouse neuroblastoma cell (clone N-18) are closed at low concentration of external K+ ([K+]0) including the physiological concentration for the cells. In the present study, the origin of the resting membrane potential of N-18 cells has been examined. (1) The resting membrane potential of N-18 cells was depolarized by increasing concentration of the polyvalent cations (La3+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Mg2+) and by decreasing the pH of the medium. The input membrane resistance was slightly increased during the depolarization. The depolarization was not explained in terms of the diffusion of the cations across the membrane, since the trivalent cations of greater ionic size were effective at much lower concentrations than the divalent cations. The results obtained from the measurements of 86Rb efflux suggested that the depolarization cannot be explained in terms of blocking of the K+ channels by the cations. (2) An increase in Ca2+ concentration from 0.3 to 1.8 mM induced depolarization of about 10 mV at low [K+]0 where the K+ channels are closed, but did not induce any depolarization at high [K+]0 where the channels are open. (3) In order to estimate the changes in the zeta-potential, the electrophoretic mobility of N-18 cells was measured under various conditions. There was a close correlation between the changes in the zeta-potential and those in the membrane potential in response to the polyvalent cations and proton. On the other hand, an increase in K+-concentration in the medium, which induced a large depolarization in the cells, did not affect the zeta-potential. (4) The results obtained were explained by an electrical circuit model for the membranes of N-18 cells. In this model, an electrical circuit for the membrane part carrying no selective ionic channels, in which changes in the surface potential directly affect the transmembrane potential, is connected in parallel to the usual circuit model representing selective ionic channel systems. It was concluded that the surface potential contributes significantly to the resting membrane potential of N-18 cells at low [K+]0 where the K+ channels are closed.  相似文献   

Cytokines and chemokines trigger complex intracellular signaling through specific receptors to mediate immune cell recruitment and activation at the sites of infection. CX3CL1 (Fractalkine), a membrane-bound chemokine also capable of facilitating intercellular interactions as an adhesion molecule, contributes to host immune responses by virtue of its chemoattractant functions. Published studies have documented increased CX3CL1 expression in target tissues in a murine model of spotted fever rickettsiosis temporally corresponding to infiltration of macrophages and recovery from infection. Because pathogenic rickettsiae primarily target vascular endothelium in the mammalian hosts, we have now determined CX3CL1 mRNA and protein expression in cultured human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) infected in vitro with Rickettsia rickettsii. Our findings reveal 15.5 ± 4.0-fold and 12.3 ± 2.3-fold increase in Cx3cl1 mRNA expression at 3 h and 24 h post-infection, coinciding with higher steady-state levels of the corresponding protein in comparison to uninfected HMECs. Since CX3CL1 is a validated target of microRNA (miR)-424-5p (miR-424) and our earlier findings demonstrated robust down-regulation of miR-424 in R. rickettsii-infected HMECs, we further explored the possibility of regulation of CX3CL1 expression during rickettsial infection by miR-424. As expected, R. rickettsii infection resulted in 87 ± 5% reduction in miR-424 expression in host HMECs. Interestingly, a miR-424 mimic downregulated R. rickettsii-induced expression of CX3CL1, whereas an inhibitor of miR-424 yielded a converse up-regulatory effect, suggesting miR-424-mediated regulation of CX3CL1 during infection. Together, these findings provide the first evidence for the roles of a host microRNA in the regulation of an important bifunctional chemokine governing innate immune responses to pathogenic rickettsiae.  相似文献   

C57BL/10ScCr mice, lack Toll-like receptor 4 and a functional Interleukin-12 receptor. Taking this into account, susceptibility of these mice to Neospora caninum infection was assessed comparatively to that of immunocompetent C57BL/10ScSn mice. C57BL/10ScCr mice inoculated intraperitoneally with 5x10(5)N. caninum tachyzoites showed a high susceptibility to this parasite. All infected C57BL/10ScCr mice were dead by day 8 post-infection whereas all control C57BL/10ScSn mice survived this parasitic challenge. Immunohistochemical analysis of infected C57BL/10ScCr mice showed N. caninum tachyzoites spread in the pancreas, liver, lung, intestine, heart and brain whereas no parasites were detected in similarly infected C57BL/10ScSn controls. The higher susceptibility of C57BL/10ScCr mice to neosporosis correlates with reduced interferon-gamma mRNA expression and increased IL-4 mRNA expression, comparatively to C57BL/10ScSn controls, detected in the spleen after the parasitic challenge. C57BL/10ScCr mice could thus be used as a new experimental model where to study immunobiological mechanisms associated with host susceptibility to neosporosis.  相似文献   

Severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) is a condition associated with high rates of mortality and lengthy hospital stays. In the current study, SAP mouse models were established in BALB/c wild-type and P21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) knockdown mice with the objective of determining the expression of microRNA-542-5p (miR-542-5p) and the subsequent elucidation of the mechanism by which it influences acute lung injury (ALI) by mediating mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling and binding to PAK1. The targeting relationship between miR-542-5p and PAK1 was verified using the bioinformatics prediction website and by the means of a dual-luciferase reporter assay. Following the SAP model establishment, the mice were assigned into various groups with the introduction of different mimic and inhibitors in an attempt to investigate the effects involved with miR-542-5p on inflammatory reactions among mice with SAP-associated ALI. Our results indicated that PAK1 was targeted and negatively mediated by miR-542-5p. Mice with SAP-associated ALI exhibited an increased wet-to-dry weight ratio, myeloperoxidase activity, serum amylase activity, TNF-α, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) contents, p-p38MAPK, p-ERK1/2, and p-JNK protein levels as well as PAK1 positive expression, while decreased miR-542-5p levels were observed. Functionally, overexpression of miR-542-5p improves ALI in mice with SAP via inhibition of the MAPK signaling pathway by binding to PAK1.Based on the evidence from experimental models, miR-542-5p was shown to improve ALI among mice with SAP, while suggesting that the effect may be related to the inactivation of the MAPK signaling pathway and downregulation of PAK1 gene. Thus, miR-542-5p could serve as a promising target for ALI treatment.  相似文献   

Many biological processes result from the coupling of metabolic pathways. Considering this, proliferation depends on adequate iron and polyamines, and although iron-depletion impairs proliferation, the metabolic link between iron and polyamine metabolism has never been thoroughly investigated. This is important to decipher, as many disease states demonstrate co-dysregulation of iron and polyamine metabolism. Herein, for the first time, we demonstrate that cellular iron levels robustly regulate 13 polyamine pathway proteins. Seven of these were regulated in a conserved manner by iron-depletion across different cell-types, with four proteins being down-regulated (i.e., acireductone dioxygenase 1 [ADI1], methionine adenosyltransferase 2α [MAT2α], Antizyme and polyamine oxidase [PAOX]) and three proteins being up-regulated (i.e., S-adenosyl methionine decarboxylase [AMD1], Antizyme inhibitor 1 [AZIN1] and spermidine/spermine-N1-acetyltransferase 1 [SAT1]). Depletion of iron also markedly decreased polyamine pools (i.e., spermidine and/or spermine, but not putrescine). Accordingly, iron-depletion also decreased S-adenosylmethionine that is essential for spermidine/spermine biosynthesis. Iron-depletion additionally reduced 3H-spermidine uptake in direct agreement with the lowered levels of the polyamine importer, SLC22A16. Regarding mechanism, the “reprogramming” of polyamine metabolism by iron-depletion is consistent with the down-regulation of ADI1 and MAT2α, and the up-regulation of SAT1. Moreover, changes in ADI1 (biosynthetic) and SAT1 (catabolic) partially depended on the iron-regulated changes in c-Myc and/or p53. The ability of iron chelators to inhibit proliferation was rescuable by putrescine and spermidine, and under some conditions by spermine. Collectively, iron and polyamine metabolism are intimately coupled, which has significant ramifications for understanding the integrated role of iron and polyamine metabolism in proliferation.  相似文献   

Peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase, NIMA-interacting 1 (PIN1) modulates phospho-signaling by catalyzing rotation of the bond between a phosphorylated serine or threonine before proline in proteins. As depletion of PIN1 increased inflammatory protein expression in cultured endothelial cells treated with bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) and interferon-γ, we hypothesized that PIN1 knockout would increase sensitivity to LPS-induced lung inflammation in mice. Mortality due to a high dose of LPS (30 mg/kg) was greater in knockout than wildtype mice. Lung myeloperoxidase activity, reflecting neutrophils, was increased to a 35% higher level in PIN1 knockout mouse lung, as compared with wildtype, after treatment with a sublethal dose of 3 mg LPS/kg, ip. Unexpectedly, plasma tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF) was approximately 50% less than in wildtype mice. Knockout mice, however, were more sensitive than wildtype to TNF-induced neutrophil accumulation. The neutrophil adhesion molecule, E-selectin, was also elevated in lungs of knockout mice treated with TNF, suggesting that PIN1 depletion increases endothelial sensitivity to TNF. Indeed, TNF induced more reactive oxygen species in cultured endothelial cells depleted of PIN1 with short hairpin RNA than in control cells. Collectively, the results indicate that while PIN1 normally facilitates TNF production in LPS-treated mice, it suppresses pulmonary and endothelial reactions to the cytokine. Tissue or cell-specific effects of PIN1 may affect the overall inflammatory response to LPS and other stimuli.  相似文献   

β-Interferons (IFN-βs) represent one of the first line treatments for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, slowing disease progression while reducing the frequency of relapses. Despite this, more effective, well tolerated therapeutic strategies are needed. Cannabinoids palliate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) symptoms and have therapeutic potential in MS patients although the precise molecular mechanism for these effects is not understood. Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling controls innate immune responses and TLRs are implicated in MS. Here we demonstrate that the synthetic cannabinoid R(+)WIN55,212-2 is a novel regulator of TLR3 and TLR4 signaling by inhibiting the pro-inflammatory signaling axis triggered by TLR3 and TLR4, whereas selectively augmenting TLR3-induced activation of IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3) and expression of IFN-β. We present evidence that R(+)WIN55,212-2 strongly promotes the nuclear localization of IRF3. The potentiation of IFN-β expression by R(+)WIN55,212-2 is critical for manifesting its protective effects in the murine MS model EAE as evidenced by its reduced therapeutic efficacy in the presence of an anti-IFN-β antibody. R(+)WIN55,212-2 also induces IFN-β expression in MS patient peripheral blood mononuclear cells, whereas down-regulating inflammatory signaling in these cells. These findings identify R(+)WIN55,212-2 as a novel regulator of TLR3 signaling to IRF3 activation and IFN-β expression and highlights a new mechanism that may be open to exploitation in the development of new therapeutics for the treatment of MS.  相似文献   

Human thymidine kinase 1 (hTK1) and structurally related TKs from other organisms catalyze the initial phosphorylation step in the thymidine salvage pathway. Though ATP is known to be the preferred phosphoryl donor for TK1-like enzymes, its exact binding mode and effect on the oligomeric state has not been analyzed. Here we report the structures of hTK1 and of the Thermotoga maritima thymidine kinase (TmTK) in complex with the bisubstrate inhibitor TP4A. The TmTK-TP4A structure reveals that the adenosine moiety of ATP binds at the subunit interface of the homotetrameric enzyme and that the majority of the ATP-enzyme interactions occur between the phosphate groups and the P-loop. In the hTK1 structure the adenosine group of TP4A exhibited no electron density. This difference between hTK1 and TmTK is rationalized by a difference in the conformation of their quaternary structure. A more open conformation, as seen in the TmTK-TP4A complex structure, is required to provide space for the adenosine moiety. Our analysis supports the formation of an analogous open conformation in hTK1 upon ATP binding.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine whether SNPs of cytokine genes influence survival of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients after radical surgery resection. We evaluated 14 SNPs of eight cytokine genes in 263 patients treated with radical surgery resection of HCC. Categorical variables were compared by the χ2 test and Fisher's exact test. The Kaplan–Meier methods with log-rank test and Cox regression models were used to compare survival of resected HCC patients according to the genotype. Among the 14 studied SNPs of cytokine genes, only the TNF-α-863 (CA + CC) genotypes were revealed to be significant independent predictors of prolonged overall survival (OS) after HCC radical surgery resection (HR: 0.586, 95% CI: 0.355–0.968), considering for other clinical factors in a Cox proportional hazard model. Meanwhile, no significant association was found between the 14 SNPs and relapse-free survival (RFS) of resected HCC patients. In addition, combination analysis with the Th1 cytokine (IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-12B, TGF-β1) or Th2 cytokine (IL-6, IL-10) genetic polymorphisms by the Kaplan–Meier method and Cox multivariate analysis did not reveal any significant association between OS and RFS of resected HCC patients.  相似文献   

The vinyl ether bond of plasmalogens could be among the first target of free radicals attack. Consequently, because of their location in the membranes of cells, plasmalogens represent a first shield against oxidative damages by protecting other macromolecules and are often considered as antioxidant molecules. However, under oxidative conditions their disruption leads to the release of fatty aldehydes. In this paper, we showed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses that fatty aldehydes released from plasmalogens after oxidation (UV irradiation and Fe2+/ascorbate) of cerebral cortex homogenates can generate covalent modifications of endogenous macromolecules such as phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), like the very reactive and toxic malondialdehyde (MDA) and 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE). These newly formed Schiff base adducts could be responsible for deleterious effects on cells thus making the protective role of plasmalogens potentially questionable.  相似文献   

The protein CA forms the mature capsid of human immunodeficiency virus. Hexamerization of the N-terminal domain and dimerization of the C-terminal domain, CAC, occur during capsid assembly, and both domains constitute potential targets for anti-HIV inhibitors. CAC homodimerization occurs mainly through its second helix, and is abolished when its sole tryptophan is mutated to alanine. Previous thermodynamic data obtained with the dimeric and monomeric forms of CAC indicate that the structure of the mutant resembles that of a monomeric intermediate found in the folding and association reactions of CAC. We have solved the three-dimensional structure in aqueous solution of the monomeric mutant. The structure is similar to that of the subunits in the dimeric, nonmutated CAC, except the segment corresponding to the second helix, which is highly dynamic. At the end of this region, the polypeptide chain is bent to bury several hydrophobic residues and, as a consequence, the last two helices are rotated 90 degrees when compared to their position in dimeric CAC. The previously obtained thermodynamic data are consistent with the determined structure of the monomeric mutant. This extraordinary ability of CAC to change its structure may contribute to the different modes of association of CA during HIV assembly, and should be taken into account in the design of new drugs against this virus.  相似文献   

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