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In eukaryotic cells, the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway is essential for the disposal of misfolded proteins. Recently, we demonstrated the existence of a higher order complex consisting of the ER bound E3 ligase gp78, p97, PNGase, and HR23B in mammals. This complex may serve to facilitate the routing of misfolded glycoproteins out of the ER to the cytosol where they are degraded by the proteasome. In this complex, p97 functions as an organizer to mediate the interactions with gp78 and the deglycosylating enzyme PNGase. A novel protein-binding motif of mouse p97 was identified that consists of its last 10 amino acid residues; this motif is sufficient to mediate the interaction of p97 with PNGase and Ufd3. Phosphorylation of p97’s highly conserved penultimate tyrosine residue, completely blocks binding of both PNGase and Ufd3 to mp97. We have found that c-Src kinase directly and selectively phosphorylated the penultimate tyrosine of p97 in vitro, and that overexpression of c-Src significantly increased the phosphorylation level of p97 in cells and caused accumulation of the ERAD substrate TCRα-GFP, as well as ubiquitin-conjugated substrates. These results suggest a role for p97 phosphorylation in the degradation of misfolded glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (PBDs) are caused by mutations in 12 distinct genes that encode the components of the peroxisome assembly machinery. Three mutations in the gene encoding Pex5p, the peroxisomal targeting signal type-1 (PTS1) receptor, have been reported, each associated with a disorder of the Zellweger spectrum of different severity. Here, we report studies of the affinities of mutated forms of Pex5p for a series of PTS1 peptides and conclude that PTS1-affinity reductions are correlated with disease severity and cell biological phenotype. A quantitative model has been developed that allows estimation of the dissociation constants for complexes with a wide range of PTS1 sequences bound to wild-type and mutant Pex5p. In the context of this model, the binding measurements suggest that no PTS1-containing proteins are targeted by Pex5p(N489K) and only a relatively small subset of PTS1-containing proteins with the highest affinity for Pex5p are targeted to peroxisomes by Pex5p(S563W). Furthermore, the results of the analysis are consistent with an approximate dissociation constant threshold near 500 nM required for efficient protein targeting to peroxisomes.  相似文献   

p97/CDC48 is a major AAA-ATPase that acts in many cellular events such as ubiquitin-dependent degradation and membrane fusion. Its specificity depends on a set of adaptor proteins, most of them containing the ubiquitin regulatory X (UBX) domain. Using a differential hybridization system, we isolated a UBX-containing protein that is expressed during the early phase of male gametophyte development in the crop Brassica napus and isolated and characterized its closest Arabidopsis thaliana homolog, AtPUX7. The AtPUX7 gene is expressed broadly in both the sporophyte and gametophyte due to regulation inferred by its first intron. The subcellular localization of AtPUX7 was assigned mainly to the nucleus in both the sporophyte and in pollen, mirroring the AAA-ATPase AtCDC48A localization. Furthermore, AtPUX7 interacts specifically with AtCDC48A in yeast as well as in planta in the nucleus. This interaction was mediated through the AtPUX7 UBX domain, which is located at the protein C-terminus, while an N-terminal UBA domain mediated its interaction with ubiquitin. Consistent with those results, a yeast-three hybrid analysis showed that AtPUX7 can act as a bridge between AtCDC48A and ubiquitin, suggesting a role in targeted protein degradation. It is likely that AtPUX7 acts redundantly with other members of the Arabidopsis PUX family because a null Atpux7-1 mutant does not display obvious developmental defects.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes play a crucial role in regulating cellular metabolism, providing compartments where metabolic pathways can be contained and controlled. Their importance is underlined by the developmental brain disorders caused by peroxisome malfunction, while disturbances in peroxisome function also contribute to ageing. As peroxisomes do not contain DNA, they rely on an active transport system to obtain the full quota of proteins required for function. Organelle protein transport however, is rarely a one-way process and exciting recent data have demonstrated that peroxisomes can selectively export membrane and matrix proteins to fulfil specific functions. This review will summarise the current knowledge on peroxisomal membrane and matrix protein export, discussing the mechanisms underlying export as well as the role of peroxisomal protein export in peroxisomal and cellular function.  相似文献   

Background information. Human OPA1 (optic atrophy type 1) is a dynamin‐related protein of the mitochondrial IMS (intermembrane space) involved in membrane fusion and remodelling. Similarly to its yeast orthologue Mgm1p that exists in two isoforms generated by the serine protease Pcp1p/Rbd1p, OPA1 exists in various isoforms generated by alternative splicing and processing. In the present paper, we focus on protease processing of OPA1. Results. We find that various mammalian cell types display a similar pattern of OPA1 isoforms [two L‐OPA1 (long isoforms of OPA1) and three S‐OPA1 (short isoforms of OPA1)] and that loss of the inner membrane potential, but not inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation or glycolysis, induces rapid and complete processing of L‐OPA1 to S‐OPA1. In isolated mitochondria, OPA1 processing was inhibited by heavy‐metal chelators, pointing to processing by a mitochondrial metalloprotease. The pattern of OPA1 isoforms and its processing kinetics were normal in mitochondria devoid of the serine protease PARL (presenilins‐associated rhomboid‐like protein) – the human orthologue of Pcp1/Rbd1 – and in cells from patients carrying homozygous mutations in SPG7 (spastic paraplegia type 7), a gene encoding the matrix‐oriented metalloprotease paraplegin. In contrast, OPA1 processing kinetics were delayed upon knock‐down of YME1L (human yme1‐like protein), an IMS‐oriented metalloprotease. OPA1 processing was also stimulated during apoptosis, but inhibition of this processing did not affect apoptotic release of OPA1 and cytochrome c. Finally, we show that all OPA1 isoforms interact with Mfn1 (mitofusin 1) and Mfn2 and that these interactions are not affected by dissipation of ΔΨm (inner mitochondrial membrane potential) or OPA1 processing. Conclusions. Metalloprotease‐mediated processing of OPA1 is modulated by the inner membrane potential and is likely to be mediated by the YME1L protease.  相似文献   

The multivesicular body (MVB) pathway functions in multiple cellular processes including cell surface receptor down-regulation and viral budding from host cells. An important step in the MVB pathway is the correct sorting of cargo molecules, which requires the assembly and disassembly of endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRTs) on the endosomal membrane. Disassembly of the ESCRTs is catalyzed by ATPase associated with various cellular activities (AAA) protein Vps4. Vps4 contains a single AAA domain and undergoes ATP-dependent quaternary structural change to disassemble the ESCRTs. Structural and biochemical analyses of the Vps4 ATPase reaction cycle are reported here. Crystal structures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vps4 in both the nucleotide-free form and the ADP-bound form provide the first structural view illustrating how nucleotide binding might induce conformational changes within Vps4 that lead to oligomerization and binding to its substrate ESCRT-III subunits. In contrast to previous models, characterization of the Vps4 structure now supports a model where the ground state of Vps4 in the ATPase reaction cycle is predominantly a monomer and the activated state is a dodecamer. Comparison with a previously reported human VPS4B structure suggests that Vps4 functions in the MVB pathway via a highly conserved mechanism supported by similar protein-protein interactions during its ATPase reaction cycle.  相似文献   

Rothballer A  Tzvetkov N  Zwickl P 《FEBS letters》2007,581(6):1197-1201
A comparison of the protein sequences of various two-domain AAA+ ATPases revealed a striking difference in the residues lining the central pore of the D1 domain. The protein unfoldases of the bacterial Clp family and the archaeal VAT protein have at least one aromatic residue in the central D1 pore. In contrast, none of the members of the eukaryotic p97/VCP protein family has an aromatic residue in the D1 pore. The protein unfolding activity of VAT and other AAA+ ATPases is critically dependent on the presence of aromatic residues in this central pore. Unfoldase activity has not been demonstrated for the p97/VCP family in vitro. Thus, we exchanged the two aliphatic residues leucine and alanine of the D1 pore for aromatic tyrosine residues in full length p97 and in p97DeltaN, a truncated form of p97 lacking the N domain. We found that the mutant p97DeltaN variants with a single tyrosine or with two tyrosine residues in the central pore of D1 unfold the Clp family and VAT model substrate YFP-ssrA, whereas full length p97 with aromatic pore residues and wild-type p97 or p97DeltaN do not. Thus, p97 can exert unfoldase activity in vitro, provided that a single tyrosine residue is introduced into the D1 pore and that the N domain is deleted.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, membrane and soluble proteins of the secretory pathway enter the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) after synthesis in an unfolded state. Directly after entry, most proteins are modified with glycans at suitable glycosylation sites and start to fold. A protein that cannot fold properly will be degraded in a process called ER associated degradation (ERAD). Failures in ERAD, either by loss of function or by premature degradation of proteins, are a cause of severe diseases. Therefore, the search for novel ERAD components to gain better insight in this process is of high importance. Carbohydrate trimming is a relevant process in ER quality control. In this work a novel putative yeast mannosidase encoded by the open reading frame YLR057W was identified and named Mnl2. Deletion of MNL2 diminished the degradation efficiency of misfolded CPY* in the absence of the cognate mannosidase Mnl1, indicating a specific role in ERAD.  相似文献   

Huang J  Xu LG  Liu T  Zhai Z  Shu HB 《FEBS letters》2006,580(3):940-947
Recently, it has been shown that really interesting new gene (RING)-in between ring finger (IBR)-RING domain-containing proteins, such as Parkin and Parc, are E3 ubiquitin ligases and are involved in regulation of apoptosis. In this report, we show that p53-inducible RING-finger protein (p53RFP), a p53-inducible E3 ubiquitin ligase, induces p53-dependent but caspase-independent apoptosis. p53RFP contains an N-terminal RING-IBR-RING domain and an uncharacterized, evolutionally highly conserved C-terminal domain. p53RFP interacts with E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UbcH7 and UbcH8 but not with UbcH5, and this interaction is mediated through the RING-IBR-RING domain of p53RFP. Interestingly, the conserved C-terminal domain of p53RFP is required and sufficient for p53RFP-mediated apoptosis, suggesting p53RFP-mediated apoptosis does not require its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. Together with a recent report showing that p53RFP is involved in ubiquitination and degradation of p21, a p53 downstream protein promoting growth arrest and antagonizing apoptosis, our findings suggest that p53RFP is involved in switching a cell from p53-mediated growth arrest to apoptosis.  相似文献   

E3 ubiquitin ligases catalyze the conjugation of ubiquitin onto proteins, which acts as a signal for targeting proteins for degradation by the proteasome. Hrd1 is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane-spanning E3 with its catalytic active RING finger facing the cytosol. We speculated that this topology might allow Hrd1 to ubiquitinate misfolded proteins in the cytosol. We tested this idea by using polyglutamine (polyQ)-containing huntingtin (htt) protein as a model substrate. We found that the protein levels of Hrd1 were increased in cells overexpressing the N-terminal fragment of htt containig an expanded polyQ tract (httN). Forced expression of Hrd1 enhanced the degradation of httN in a RING finger-dependent manner, whereas silencing of endogenous Hrd1 expression by RNA interference stabilized httN. Degradation of httN was found to be p97/VCP-dependent, but independent of Ufd1 and Npl4, all of which are thought to form a complex with Hrd1 during ER-associated degradation. Consistent with its role as an E3 for httN, we demonstrate that Hrd1 interacts with and ubiquitinates httN. Subcellular fractionation and confocal microscopy revealed that Hrd1recruits HttN to the ER and co-localizes with juxtanuclear aggregates of httN in cells. Interaction of Hrd1 with httN was found to be independent of the length of the polyglutamine tract. However, httN with expanded polyglutamine tracts appeared to be a preferred substrate for Hrd1. Functionally, we found that Hrd1 protects cells against the httN-induced cell death. These results suggest that Hrd1 is a novel htt-interacting protein that can target pathogenic httN for degradation and is able to protect cells against httN-induced cell death.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER stimulates the ER-associated degradation (ERAD) process. ERAD in turn eliminates those misfolded proteins. Upregulation of ubiquitination enzymes is an essential mechanism by which ER stress enhances ERAD. However, ectopic overexpression of ubiquitination enzymes often fails to increase, and sometimes, inhibits ERAD. To further understand how ER stress regulates ERAD, we studied the effects of ER stress on ubiquitin ligase (E3) gp78-mediated ERAD and on the stabilities of gp78 and another ERAD E3 Hrd1. The results showed that ER stress-inducing agent tunicamycin significantly enhanced ERAD in cells that either express endogenous or overexpress gp78. Importantly, ER stress could increase ERAD even when new protein synthesis was inhibited by cycloheximide. Surprisingly, tunicamycin treatment stabilized gp78, an established ERAD E3 and an ERAD substrate as well, for up to 8h. By contrast, ER stress had little effects on the stability of another E3 Hrd1 except that it reduced the total ubiquitination level of Hrd1. Our data suggest that ER stress differentially regulates the stabilities of ERAD E3s and their substrates, which may represent a novel mechanism by which ER stress increases ERAD.  相似文献   

The ATR pathway is one of the major DNA damage checkpoints, and Rad17 is a DNA-binding protein that is phosphorylated upon DNA damage by ATR kinase. Rad17 recruits the 9-1-1 complex that mediates the checkpoint activation, and proteasomal degradation of Rad17 is important for recovery from the ATR pathway. Here, we identified several Rad17 mutants deficient in nuclear localization and resistant to proteasomal degradation. The nuclear localization signal was identified in the central basic domain of Rad17. Rad17 Δ230–270 and R240A/L243A mutants that were previously postulated to lack the destruction box, a sequence that is recognized by the ubiquitin ligase/anaphase-promoting complex that mediates degradation of Rad17, also showed cytoplasmic localization. Our data indicate that the nuclear translocation of Rad17 is functionally linked to the proteasomal degradation. The ATP-binding activity of Rad17, but not hydrolysis, is essential for the nuclear translocation, and the ATPase domain orchestrates the nuclear translocation, the proteasomal degradation, as well as the interaction with the 9-1-1 complex. The Rad17 mutant that lacked a nuclear localization signal was proficient in the interaction with the 9-1-1 complex, suggesting cytosolic association of Rad17 and the 9-1-1 complex. Finally, we identified two tandem canonical and noncanonical destruction boxes in the N-terminus of Rad17 as the bona fide destruction box, supporting the role of anaphase-promoting complex in the degradation of Rad17. We propose a model in which Rad17 is activated in the cytoplasm for translocation into the nucleus and continuously degraded in the nucleus even in the absence of exogenous DNA damage.  相似文献   

The E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes UbcH7 and UbcH5B both show specific binding to the RING (really interesting new gene) domain of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase c-Cbl, but UbcH7 hardly supports ubiquitination of c-Cbl and substrate in a reconstituted system. Here, we found that neither structural changes nor subtle differences in the E2-E3 interaction surface are possible explanations for the functional specificity of UbcH5B and UbcH7 in their interaction with c-Cbl. The quick transfer of ubiquitin from the UbcH5B∼Ub thioester to c-Cbl or other ubiquitin acceptors suggests that UbcH5B might functionally be a relatively pliable E2 enzyme. In contrast, the UbcH7∼Ub thioester is too stable to transfer ubiquitin under our assay conditions, indicating that UbcH7 might be a more specific E2 enzyme. Our results imply that the interaction specificity between c-Cbl and E2 is required but not sufficient for transfer of ubiquitin to potential targets.  相似文献   

Miller J  Gordon C 《FEBS letters》2005,579(15):3224-3230
The 26S proteasome is a large multi-protein complex that functions to degrade proteins tagged with multi-ubiquitin chains. There are several mechanisms employed by the cell to ensure the efficient delivery of multi-ubiquitinated substrate proteins to the 26S proteasome. This is not only important to ensure the degradation of damaged and misfolded proteins, but also the regulated turnover of critical cell regulators. This discussion will concentrate on what is known about the recognition and delivery of ubiquitinated substrate proteins to the 26S proteasome.  相似文献   

Cryo-EM structure of dodecameric Vps4p and its 2:1 complex with Vta1p   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The type I AAA (ATPase associated with a variety of cellular activities) ATPase Vps4 and its co-factor Vta1p/LIP5 function in membrane remodeling events that accompany cytokinesis, multivesicular body biogenesis, and retrovirus budding, apparently by driving disassembly and recycling of membrane-associated ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport)-III complexes. Here, we present electron cryomicroscopy reconstructions of dodecameric yeast Vps4p complexes with and without their microtubule interacting and transport (MIT) N-terminal domains and Vta1p co-factors. The ATPase domains of Vps4p form a bowl-like structure composed of stacked hexameric rings. The two rings adopt dramatically different conformations, with the “upper” ring forming an open assembly that defines the sides of the bowl and the lower ring forming a closed assembly that forms the bottom of the bowl. The N-terminal MIT domains of the upper ring localize on the symmetry axis above the cavity of the bowl, and the binding of six extended Vta1p monomers causes additional density to appear both above and below the bowl. The structures suggest models in which Vps4p MIT and Vta1p domains engage ESCRT-III substrates above the bowl and help transfer them into the bowl to be pumped through the center of the dodecameric assembly.  相似文献   

TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP) is a RING-dependent ubiquitin ligase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP) was initially identified as a TRAF1- and TRAF2-binding partner that inhibited NF-kappaB activation without a known mechanism. Inspection of the TRIP sequence revealed an N-terminal RING domain, which is found in many E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligases. We show that TRIP is a RING-dependent Ub ligase that undergoes auto-ubiquitination and requires an intact RING domain. Both TRIP and its RING mutant interact with TRAF1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, but failed to interact with CYLD and NIK. Stable expression of TRIP or a RING mutant did not affect IKK activation induced by TNF or IL-1 and had no affect on TNF-induced apoptosis. Similarly, RANKL-induced signaling and osteoclastogenesis were not affected by TRIP or its RING mutant. Interestingly, TRIP expression was down regulated during the late stages of osteoclastogenesis. Taken together, our results demonstrate that TRIP is a novel RING-dependent Ub ligase and a binding partner for TRAFs.  相似文献   

The removal of damaged or unneeded proteins by ATP-dependent proteases is crucial for cell survival in all organisms. Integral components of ATP-dependent proteases are motor proteins that unfold stably folded proteins that have been targeted for removal. These protein unfoldases/polypeptide translocases use ATP to unfold the target proteins and translocate them into a proteolytic component. Despite the central role of these motor proteins in cell homeostasis, a number of important questions regarding the molecular mechanisms of enzyme catalyzed protein unfolding and translocation remain unanswered. Here, we demonstrate that Escherichia coli ClpA, in the absence of the proteolytic component ClpP, processively and directionally steps along the polypeptide backbone with a kinetic step size of ∼ 14 amino acids, independent of the concentration of ATP with a rate of ∼ 19 amino acids s−1 at saturating concentrations of ATP. In contrast to earlier studies by others, we have developed single-turnover fluorescence stopped-flow methods that allow us to quantitatively examine the molecular mechanism of the motor component ClpA decoupled from the proteolytic component ClpP. For the first time, we reveal that in the absence of ClpP ClpA translocates polypeptides directionally, processively and in discrete steps similar to other motor proteins that translocate vectorially on a linear lattice, such as nucleic acid helicases and kinesin. We believe that the methods employed here will be generally applicable to the examination of other AAA?+ protein translocases involved in a variety of important biological functions where the substrate is not covalently modified; for example, membrane fusion, membrane transport, protein disaggregation, and protein refolding.  相似文献   

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