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熊超科的分子系统发生研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
张亚平 《遗传学报》1997,24(1):15-22
有关熊超科的系统发生与演化存在很多争议。本工作测定了黑足鼬、南方海狮和非洲猎犬线粒体细胞色素b、12SrRNA、tRNAthr和tRNAPro基因片段的DNA序列。结合我们过去确定的熊超科其他动物的DNA序列,我们采用简约法和距离法构建了较为系统的熊超科分子系统树。结果表明:浣熊科与鼬科、熊科与大熊猫科分别具有较近的共同祖先;鳍脚类不是一个独立的目,它们应归入熊超科;鳍脚类可能是单起源的,它们与浣熊科和鼬科的关系较与其他科更紧密;小熊猫科与其他科的关系并不密切。  相似文献   

猪科的系统发育与系统地理分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猪科动物是最为昌盛的哺乳动物之一,但它们的分类及系统发育关系却尚待解决。为此,用PCR直接测序法测定了一个红河猪(Potamochoerusporcus)、一个马来西亚野猪(Susbarbatus)以及数头欧亚野猪(Susscorfa)线粒体细胞色素b全序列1140bp。结合从GenBank中获得的其他猪科物种胞色素b序列,用邻接法和最大简约法构建了猪科物种的系统发育关系,其结果显示苏拉威西鹿猪与其他猪科物种为姐妹群的关系。非洲物种疣猪和河猪聚为一枝,而欧亚猪属物种聚为另一支。各物种在系统发育关系中的位置与它们的地理分布对应。猪属物种可以被划分为3个种组:分布于菲律宾群岛、苏拉威西岛及其邻近岛屿的猪属物种形成一个种组,包括苏拉威西岛疣猪、菲律宾疣猪和印度尼西亚疣猪;欧亚野猪种组,包括欧亚野猪和姬猪;须猪和爪哇疣猪形成一个种组。  相似文献   

We have investigated the phylogenetic relationships of monotremes and marsupials using nucleotide sequence data from the neurotrophins; nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3). The study included species representing monotremes, Australasian marsupials and placentals, as well as species representing birds, reptiles, and fish. PCR was used to amplify fragments encoding parts of the neurotrophin genes from echidna, platypus, and eight marsupials from four different orders. Phylogenetic trees were generated using parsimony analysis, and support for the different tree structures was evaluated by bootstrapping. The analysis was performed with NGF, BDNF, or NT-3 sequence data used individually as well as with the three neurotrophins in a combined matrix, thereby simultaneously considering phylogenetic information from three separate genes. The results showed that the monotreme neurotrophin sequences associate to either therian or bird neurotrophin sequences and suggests that the monotremes are not necessarily related closer to therians than to birds. Furthermore, the results confirmed the present classification of four Australasian marsupial orders based on morphological characters, and suggested a phylogenetic relationship where Dasyuromorphia is related closest to Peramelemorphia followed by Notoryctemorphia and Diprotodontia. These studies show that sequence data from neurotrophins are well suited for phylogenetic analysis of mammals and that neurotrophins can resolve basal relationships in the evolutionary tree. Received: 27 January 1997 / Accepted: 20 March 1997  相似文献   

rbcL (1310 bp) and matK (1014 bp), using 15 species representing the family. The study included analyses of Ticodendron (Ticodendraceae) and three species of Betulaceae as close relatives, and one species each of Juglandaceae and Myricaceae as outgroups. Analyses based on matK gene sequences, which provided a much better resolution than the analyses based on rbcL gene sequences alone, resulted in a single most parsimonious tree whose topology is almost identical with the strict consensus tree generated by the combined data set of rbcL and matK gene sequences. Results showed that Casuarinaceae are monophyletic, comprising four distinct genera, Allocasuarina, Casuarina, Ceuthostoma and Gymnostoma, which were not recognized until recently. Within the family, Gymnostoma is positioned at the most basal position and sister to the remainder. Within the remainder Ceuthostoma is sister to the Allocasuarina-Casuarina clade. Morphologically the basalmost position of Gymnostoma is supported by plesiomorphies such as exposed stomata in the shallow longitudinal furrows of the branchlets, a basic chromosome number x=8 and the gynoecium composed of two fertile, biovulate carpels. The three other genera, Allocasuarina, Casuarina, and Ceuthostoma, have invisible stomata in the deep longitudinal furrows of the branchlets, a higher basic chromosome number x=9 or 10–14 (unknown in Ceuthostoma), the gynoecium composed of one fertile and one sterile carpel with a single ovule (unknown in Ceuthostoma). The diversity of infructescence morphology found in the latter three genera suggests that they may have evolved in close association with the elaboration of fruit dispersal mechanisms. Received 14 September 2001/ Accepted in revised form 12 October 2001  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to review the impact of DNA sequence analyses on our understanding of Cariceae phylogeny, classification and evolution. To explore character evolution, 105 taxa from four different studies were included in an nrDNA ITS + ETS 1f analysis of all recognized genera (Carex, Cymophyllus, Kobresia, Schoenoxiphium, Uncinia) and Carex subgenera (Carex, Psyllophora, Vignea, Vigneastra). As in previous analyses, four major Cariceae clades were recovered: (1) a “Core Carex Clade” (subg. Carex, Vigneastra, Psyllophora p.p); (2) A “Vignea Clade” (subg. Vignea, Psyllophora p.p.); (3) a “Schoenoxiphium Clade” (Schoenoxiphium, subg. Psyllophora p.p.), and (4) a “Core Unispicate Clade” (Uncinia, Kobresia, subg. Psyllophora p.p.). All studies provide strong support (86–100% BS) for the Core Carex and Vignea Clades, but only weak to moderate support (<50%–78% BS) for the Core Unispicate and Schoenoxiphium Clades. The relationships of these groups are unresolved. Studies suggest that Carex is either paraphyletic with respect to all Cariceae genera or to all genera except Schoenoxiphium. Kobresia is a grade, but Uncinia and possibly Schoenoxiphium are monophyletic. The monotypic Cymophyllus is indistinct from Carex subg. Psyllophora species. Character analyses indicate that inflorescence proliferation and reduction have occurred in all major clades, and that the Cariceae’s unisexual flowers have evolved from perfect flowers. The ancestor to Cariceae possessed a multispicate inflorescence with cladoprophylls and female spikelets with tristigmatic gynoecia and closed utricles. This morphology is most similar to extant Carex subg. Carex species, which contradicts the nearly unanimous assumption that the highly compound inflorescences of Schoenoxiphium are primitive. Since taxonomic sampling and statistical support for phylogenies have generally been poor, we advocate the temporary maintenance of the four traditional Carex subgenera with androgynous unispicate species placed within subg. Psyllophora and dioecious and gynaecandrous unispicate species distributed amongst subgenera Carex and Vignea. A collective effort focused on developing new nuclear markers, on increasing taxonomic and geographic sampling, and on studying development within the context of phylogeny, is needed to develop a phylogenetic classification of Cariceae.  相似文献   

rbcL sequences to clarify the inter- and intrarelationships of Rhizophoraceae which have been variously discussed. The analyses included 12 of the 15 genera of Rhizophoraceae (4/7 of Macarisieae, 4/4 of Gynotrocheae, and 4/4 of Rhizophoreae) and a few putatively related taxa, including two of the four genera of Anisophylleaceae. The most parsimonious trees supported the monophyly of Rhizophoraceae as well as each of the three traditionally recognized tribes Macarisieae, Gynotrocheae, and Rhizophoreae. The family Rhizophoraceae is a sister taxon to Erythroxylum (Erythroxylaceae) and is further closely related to Byrsonima (Malpighiaceae), Passiflora (Passifloraceae), Turnera (Turneraceae), Ochna (Ochnaceae), Drypetes (Euphorbiaceae), and Humiria (Humiriaceae). Anisophylleaceae, which have often been included in Rhizophoraceae as a tribe or subfamily, are placed in a common clade with Begonia (Begoniaceae), Cucurbita (Cucurbitaceae), Coriaria (Coriariaceae), Corynocarpus (Corynocarpaceae), Datisca (Datiscaceae), Tetrameles (Datiscaceae), and Octomeles (Datiscaceae). Within Rhizophoraceae the mangrove tribe Rhizophoreae is sister to the inland tribe Gynotrocheae, with inland tribe Macarisieae positioned as a sister taxon to these two tribes. This pattern of relationships within the family basically agrees with those suggested by cladistic analyses based on morphological characters, except that Gynotrocheae are monophyletic with Crossostylis as a derived taxon within the tribe in the present study. Based on this cladogram for Rhizophoraceae, we discuss evolutionary trends of a few ecological and morphological characters, including the formation of aerial roots and the ovary position. Received 12 August 1999/ Accepted in revised form 11 October 1999  相似文献   

运用贝叶斯和简约法对葱属(Allium)Amerallium亚属的核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(ITS)进行了分析,对该亚属的系统发生进行了推测。系统分析证实 Amerallium是单系的,并表明该亚属由三个隔离的地理群组成:北美Ameralliums,地中海区Ameralliums和东亚Ameralliums。性状进化的重建表明鳞茎是原始或祖先状态,根状茎和肉质增粗的根是衍生状态且在Amerallium这个亚属的类群中独立进化发生了几次。重建也表明该亚属的原始染色体基数x=7,其它染色体基数(x=8, 9, 10, 11)是由它转化而来的。在北美类群中,异基数性相当罕见,而多倍性似乎是一个相对频繁的进化事件。在地中海区类群和东亚类群中,异基数性和多倍性是染色体进化的两个主要驱动力。  相似文献   

The identification of LSD1-like genes in parasite, green algae, moss, pine, and monocot and dicot species allowed us to trace the phylogenetic history of this gene family. Computational analysis showed that the diversification of members of this family could be dated back to the early stage of plant evolution. The evolution of plant LSD1-like genes was possibly shaped by two duplication events. These proteins, which contain three copies of the LSD1 zinc finger (zf-LSD1) domain within their entire polypeptides and play crucial roles in modulating disease defense and cell death, resulted from the second duplication. A gain of zf-LSD1 domain model was reasonable for explaining the origination of three-zf-LSD1 domain-containing proteins. The zf-LSD1 domain phylogeny showed that the middle (M) and C-terminal (C) domains originated from a common ancestor; the N-terminal (N) domain might be more ancient than the former two. The divergence of the N, M, and C domains was well before the monocot-dicot split. Coevolution analysis revealed that four intramolecular domain pairs, including the N domain and the interregion between the M and the C domains (INTER2), the M and C domain, the N- and C-terminus, and the M domain and C-terminus, possibly coevolved during the evolution of three-zf-LSD1 domain-containing proteins. The three zf-LSD1 domains are evolutionary conserved. Thus, the differences at the N- and C-terminus would be crucial for functional specificity of LSD1 genes. Strong functional constraints should work on the zf-LSD1 domains, whereas reduced functional constraint was found in the INTER2 region. Functional divergence analysis showed that three-zf-LSD1 domain-containing proteins were significantly functionally divergent from those proteins containing only one zf-LSD1 domain, a result demonstrating that shifted evolutionary rates between the two clusters were significantly different from each other. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Joshua Plotkin]  相似文献   

In a preliminary exploration of the dummy model for diiron proteins, random‐acceleration molecular dynamics (RAMD) revealed that a pure four‐helix bundle structure, like hemerythrin, constitutes an efficient cage for dioxygen (O2), which can only leave from defined, albeit very broad, gates. However, this well ordered structure does not constitute an archetype on which to compare O2 permeation of other diiron proteins, like the complex of soluble methane monooxygenase hydroxylase with the regulatory protein (sMMOH‐MMOB). The reason is that with this complex, unlike hemerythrin, the four helices of the four‐helix bundle are heavily bent, and RAMD showed that most traps for O2 lie outside them. It was also observed that, in spite of a nearly identical van der Waals radius for O2 and the natural substrate CH4, the latter behaves under RAMD as a bulkier molecule than O2, requiring a higher external force to be brought out of sMMOH‐MMOB along trajectories of viable length. All that determined with sMMOH‐MMOB multiple gates and multiple pathways to each of them through several binding pockets, for both O2 and CH4. Of the two equally preferred pathways for O2, at right angle with one another, one proved to be in accordance with the Xe‐atom mapping for sMMOH. In contrast, none of the pathways identified for CH4 proved to be in accordance with such mapping, CH4 looking for more open avenues instead.  相似文献   

The green lineage (Viridiplantae) comprises the green algae and their descendants the land plants, and is one of the major groups of oxygenic photosynthetic eukaryotes. Current hypotheses posit the early divergence of two discrete clades from an ancestral green flagellate. One clade, the Chlorophyta, comprises the early diverging prasinophytes, which gave rise to the core chlorophytes. The other clade, the Streptophyta, includes the charophyte green algae from which the land plants evolved. Multi-marker and genome scale phylogenetic studies have greatly improved our understanding of broad-scale relationships of the green lineage, yet many questions persist, including the branching orders of the prasinophyte lineages, the relationships among core chlorophyte clades (Chlorodendrophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae and Chlorophyceae), and the relationships among the streptophytes. Current phylogenetic hypotheses provide an evolutionary framework for molecular evolutionary studies and comparative genomics. This review summarizes our current understanding of organelle genome evolution in the green algae, genomic insights into the ecology of oceanic picoplanktonic prasinophytes, molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of complexity in volvocine green algae, and the evolution of genetic codes and the translational apparatus in green seaweeds. Finally, we discuss molecular evolution in the streptophyte lineage, emphasizing the genetic facilitation of land plant origins.  相似文献   

Conopeptides are toxins expressed in the venom duct of cone snails (Conoidea, Conus). These are mostly well-structured peptides and mini-proteins with high potency and selectivity for a broad range of cellular targets. In view of these properties, they are widely used as pharmacological tools and many are candidates for innovative drugs. The conopeptides are primarily classified into superfamilies according to their peptide signal sequence, a classification that is thought to reflect the evolution of the multigenic system. However, this hypothesis has never been thoroughly tested. Here we present a phylogenetic analysis of 1,364 conopeptide signal sequences extracted from GenBank. The results validate the current conopeptide superfamily classification, but also reveal several important new features. The so-called "cysteine-poor" conopeptides are revealed to be closely related to "cysteine-rich" conopeptides; with some of them sharing very similar signal sequences, suggesting that a distinction based on cysteine content and configuration is not phylogenetically relevant and does not reflect the evolutionary history of conopeptides. A given cysteine pattern or pharmacological activity can be found across different superfamilies. Furthermore, a few conopeptides from GenBank do not cluster in any of the known superfamilies, and could represent yet-undefined superfamilies. A clear phylogenetically based classification should help to disentangle the diversity of conopeptides, and could also serve as a rationale to understand the evolution of the toxins in the numerous other species of conoideans and venomous animals at large.  相似文献   

Phylogeny and Molecular Evolution of Tetraogallus in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In total, 535 nucleotides in the mtDNA cytochrome b have been sequenced in Tetraogallus. The 53 variable sites define 16 haplotypes in 53 Tetraogallus himalayensis samples, 1 haplotype in 2 T. altaicus samples, and 6 haplotypes in 19 T. tibetanus samples. The lowest genetic distance is between T. himalayensis and T. altaicus (0.011). The divergent time is 0.69 Ma BP between T. himalayensis and T. altaicus, 4.06 Ma BP between T. himalayensis and T. tibetanus, and 4.19 Ma BP between T. altaicus and T. tibetanus. The evidence of this work showed that T. altaicus should fall under the dark-bellied group of Tetraogallus. The dark-bellied and white-bellied speciation first occurred along with the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. A maximum glacier (0.80-0.60 Ma BP) led to the formation of T. altaicus.  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区序列的猕猴属系统发育研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过线粒体部分控制区DNA序列数据探讨7种猕猴属物种的分子系统发育关系。结果表明熊猴的核苷酸多样度最高,而藏酋猴核苷酸多样度较低。基于控制区序列数据所构建的最大似然树,不考虑食蟹猴的位置,7种猕猴物种可粗略地分为3个种组,即狮尾猴组(包括北平顶猴)、头巾猴组(包括红面猴、熊猴和藏酋猴)和食蟹猴组(包括恒河猴和台湾猴)。与前人(Fooden&Lanyon,1989;Tosi et al,2003a;Deinard&Smith,2001;Evans et al,1999;Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales&Melnick,1998)的结果不同,我们的结果支持食蟹猴比北平顶猴分化早的假设;东部恒河猴(相对于台湾猴)和东部熊猴(相对于藏酋猴)出现并系。与Y染色体、等位酶、核基因以及部分形态学数据推测的结果(Delson,1980;Fooden&Lanyon。1989;Fooden,1990;Tosi et al,2000,2003a,b;Deinard&Smith,2001)一致,红面猴应归于头巾猴组,但此结论与前人(Hayasaka et al,1996;Morales&Melnick,1998;Tosi et al,2003a)依据线粒体得到的结果有较大分歧。  相似文献   

A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogeny of cichlid fish is presented for the most taxonomically inclusive data set compiled to date (64 taxa). 16S rDNA data establish with confidence relationships among major lineages of cichlids, with a general pattern congruent with previous morphological studies and less inclusive molecular phylogenies based on nuclear genes. Cichlids from Madagascar and India are the most basal groups of the family Cichlidae and sister to African–Neotropical cichlids. The cichlid phylogeny suggests drift-vicariance events, consistent with the fragmentation of Gondwana, to explain current biogeographic distributions. Important phylogenetic findings include the placement of the controversial genus Heterochromis basal among African cichlids, the South American genus Retroculus as the most basal taxon of the Neotropical cichlid assemblage, and the close relationship of the Neotropical genera Cichla with Astronotus rather than with the crenicichlines. Based on a large number of South American genera, the Neotropical cichlids are defined as a monophyletic assemblage and shown to harbor significantly higher levels of genetic variation than their African counterparts. Relative rate tests suggest that Neotropical cichlids have experienced accelerated rates of molecular evolution. But these high evolutionary rates were significantly higher among geophagine cichlids. Received: 18 September 1998 / Accepted: 16 December 1998  相似文献   

为探讨獐牙菜亚族(subtribe Swertiinae)各属之间和一些属内的系统关系,本研究选取了该亚族14属68种1变种,采用最大简约法(maximum parsimony)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian inference)对样品核基因ITS和叶绿体基因matK的两个片段进行独立和联合分析。结果显示:Bartonia位于亚族的最基部;喉毛花属(Comastoma)、肋柱花属(Lomatogonium)和假龙胆属(Gentianella)都非单系,处于同一个较为进化的分支中;獐牙菜属折皱组(Swertia sect. Rugosa)和獐牙菜组(S. sect. Swertia)亲缘关系最近,宽丝组(S. sect. Platynema)和藏獐牙菜组(S. sect. Kingdon Wardia)亲缘关系最近;口药花属(Jaeschkea)与獐牙菜属多枝组(S. sect. Ophelia)的大籽獐牙菜(Smacrosperma)亲缘关系最近。同时讨论了獐牙菜亚族形态分类与分子数据不一致的原因。  相似文献   

Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny of Elapid Snake Venom Three-Finger Toxins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Animal venom components are of considerable interest to researchers across a wide variety of disciplines, including molecular biology, biochemistry, medicine, and evolutionary genetics. The three-finger family of snake venom peptides is a particularly interesting and biochemically complex group of venom peptides, because they are encoded by a large multigene family and display a diverse array of functional activities. In addition, understanding how this complex and highly varied multigene family evolved is an interesting question to researchers investigating the biochemical diversity of these peptides and their impact on human health. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to investigate the long-term evolutionary patterns exhibited by these snake venom toxins to understand the mechanisms by which they diversified into a large, biochemically diverse, multigene family. Our results show a much greater diversity of family members than was previously known, including a number of subfamilies that did not fall within any previously identified groups with characterized activities. In addition, we found that the long-term evolutionary processes that gave rise to the diversity of three-finger toxins are consistent with the birth-and-death model of multigene family evolution. It is anticipated that this three-finger toxin toolkit will prove to be useful in providing a clearer picture of the diversity of investigational ligands or potential therapeutics available within this important family.  相似文献   

用细胞色素b部分序列研究斑马鱼的分子分类与系统发育   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
用细胞色素b特异性引物,对长尾斑马鱼、短尾斑马鱼、豹纹斑马鱼、食蚊鱼和青石斑鱼的总DNA进行PCR扩增、克隆、测序后与Genbank数据库的团头鲂、青鲻鱼、草鱼、金桔鱼的细胞色素6基因同源序列进行序列比较。结果显示,长度为426bp的细胞色素b同源序列的平均碱基组成是:26.7%A,26.1%c.16.6%G.30.5%T,密码子第三位点的碱基组成存在较大的偏倚,G的含量仅占6.4%。长尾斑马鱼、短尾斑马鱼和豹纹斑马鱼之间细胞色素b DNA序列变异很小,相似性高于99%。NJ法构建的分子系统树表明:豹纹斑马鱼先与长尾斑马鱼聚在一起,再与短尾斑马鱼聚为一组。本研究结果支持Frankel和David等人认为豹纹斑马鱼应该是Danio rerio的一个亚种,而不是单独的一个种的观点。  相似文献   

Abstract Homologues of barley Mlo encode the only family of seven-transmembrane (TM) proteins in plants. Their topology, subcellular localization, and sequence diversification are reminiscent of those of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) from animals and fungi. We present a computational analysis of MLO family members based on 31 full-size and 3 partial sequences, which originate from several monocot species, the dicot Arabidopsis thaliana, and the moss Ceratodon purpureus. This enabled us to date the origin of the Mlo gene family back at least to the early stages of land plant evolution. The genomic organization of the corresponding genes supports a monophyletic origin of the Mlo gene family. Phylogenetic analysis revealed five clades, of which three contain both monocot and dicot members, while two indicate class-specific diversification. Analysis of the ratio of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous changes in coding sequences provided evidence for functional constraint on the evolution of the DNA sequences and purifying selection, which appears to be reduced in the first extracellular loop of 12 closely related orthologues. The 31 full-size sequences were examined for potential domain-specific intramolecular coevolution. This revealed evidence for concerted evolution of all three cytoplasmic domains with each other and the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail, suggesting interplay of all intracellular domains for MLO function.  相似文献   

Magnolia (disjuncts), however, have similar chemical profiles. A molecular phylogeny of Magnoliaceae was constructed to reveal phylogenetic relationships of taxa by sequencing the trnK intron (including the matK coding region), psbA-trnH, and atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer regions of chloroplast DNA from 25 Magnolia, two Michelia, and two Liriodendron taxa. The psbA-trnH spacer region showed twice the sequence divergence (0.0157) of the trnK intron (0.0073) or the matK coding region (0.0077). The strict consensus tree constructed from the combined data set (ca. 3,700 bp) indicated the genus Magnolia was polyphyletic containing Michelia species as ingroup. The clade of Magnolia liliifera var. obovata, M. coco, and M. delavayi formed the first branch. Among the remaining species, two additional large clades were recognized, i.e., one comprised of American evergreen Magnolia species and another of subgenus Yulania. The relationship among sect. Rytidospermum taxa was not clearly resolved. Parsimonious mapping of the floral scent chemical characters was performed onto the molecular phylogenetic tree to discuss evolutionary trends of the floral scent chemistries. Received 7 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 18 May 1999  相似文献   

This paper deals with evolution, classification and pollen morphology of the Hamamelidaceae, an important family in phylogeny of angiosperms. I. Pollen morphology and systematics of modern Hamamelidaceae. The pollen morphology of the family may be divided into the following four types: (1) Tricolpate: Hamamelis, Loropetalum, Mytilaria, Corylopsis, Sysopsis, and Distylum etc.; (2) Tricolpate with operculum: Disanthus; (3) Tricolporate: Rhodoleia; (4) Pantoporate: Liquidambar. The tricolpate pollen of the Hamamelidaceae is a primitive type in angiosperms, but the most ancient type is monocolpate pollen. Therefore, the family might have evolved from the Magnoliaceae of the monocolpate pollen. The pantoporate pollen is an evolutionary type in the family. It might have evolved from the tricolpate pollen. II.The fossil pollen of the Hamamelidaceae 1 .General introduction of the fossil pollen of the family Hamamelidaceae The most’ancient fossil pollen belonging to the family was found in the middle-late Early Cretaceous. Palynologists call the fossil pollen of the Hamamelidaceae Retitricolpites, which consists of three genera: Hamamelis L.,Corylopsis Sieb. et Zucc and Fothergilla Murr. Liquidambar is of an advanced type in the fossil pollen of the Hamamelidaceae. It was found in the period from the Palaeogene to the Neogene in China. 2. The geological history of the Hamamelidaceae may be divided into the following four stages: (A) The Early Cretaceous stage or origination stage. The family may be evolved from Magnoliales in the middle-late Early Cretaceous. (B)the Late Cretaceous stage or formation stage. The family is much developed in the period. (C) The Tertiary stage or development stage. The family was a much developed one among angiosperms. (D)The Neogene to modern stage or perfection stage. The evolutionary type, the Liquidambar type of the Hamamelidaceae, was much developed in the Neogene. III. The palaeopalynological evidence of evolution of the Hamamelidaceae The earliest fossil pollen of angiosperms was found in the Barremian (Early Cretaceous) in England, Israel, the United States of America etc., and was named as Clavatipollenites by Couper (1953). In recent years, Clavatipollenites was also found in the middle-late Early Cretaceous in Nei Monggol and Jiangxi Province of China. We also found Retitricolpites in the middle-late Early Cretaceous in Nei Monggol and Jiangxi Province. Retitricolpites, belonging to the Hamamelidaceae, is a primitive type among angiosperms, but it is younger than Clavatipollenites. Therefore, the pollen of Hamamelidaceae may have evoloved fromClavatipollenites, which may have evoloved in turn from that of Magnoliales.  相似文献   

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