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Roots contain high concentrations of many elements, and have the potential to interfere with measurements of chemical change in rhizosphere soil. To assess potential interferences, maize (Zea mays L.) roots (free of soil) and soil (free of roots) were extracted separately with several extractants commonly used to assess the status of soil nutrients. The maize roots were grown within filter envelopes which prevented direct contact with soil, but permitted passage of mineral nutrients and water from the adjacent soil. Water, ammonium acetate (pH 7), DTPA (pH 7.3), Morgan's solution (pH 4.8), and dilute HCl were used as extractants. Most elements were released readily into soluble forms from roots killed by freezing to lyse the cells. Significantly lower amounts were extracted from fresh roots, with the greatest differences between fresh and killed roots for the extractants H2O and DTPA, which were the mildest in terms of acidity and salt concentration. Extraction of P from the fresh roots by H2O and HCL was particularly low. Contamination of rhizosphere samples with root materials would almost certainly prevent the accurate measurement of water-soluble P, K, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Na in the slightly alkaline soil used in this experiment. Large errors would be likely also for P, Mn, and Cu extracted by ammonium acetate. The DTPA extractant is normally used only for micronutrient metals or heavy metals, and the small amounts of these elements released by roots should not contribute to significant error. With Morgan's solution, errors would likely be large only for P. Dilute HCl is a reasonably strong extractant for many elements in soil, and major errors from roots contained in rhizosphere samples are unlikely. The relatively high probability of errors in extractions of soluble elements from rhizosphere soil is unfortunate, because these elements are among the most readily available to plants and the most likely to be altered by the normal activities of roots.  相似文献   

The effects of litter incorporation and nitrogen application on the properties of rhizosphere and bulk soils of tea plants (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze) were examined in a pot experiment. Total of 8 treatments included four levels of tea litter additions at 0, 4.9, 9.8, and 24.5 g kg–1 in combination with two N levels (154.6 mg kg–1 and without). After 18 months of growth the rhizosphere soil was collected by removing the soil adhering to plant roots and other soil was referred to as bulk soil. The dry matter productions of tea plants were significantly increased by N fertilization and litter incorporation. The effect of litter was time-depending and significantly decreased the content of exchangeable Al (Alex, by 1 mol L–1 KCl) and Al saturation at 9 months after litter incorporation whereas soil pH was not affected, although the litter contained high Al content. After 18 months, the contents of extractable Al by dilute CaCl2, CuCl2 + KCl, NH4OAC, ammonium oxalate and sodium citrate (AlCaCl2, AlCu/KCl, AlNH4OAC, AlOxal, and AlCit respectively) and Alex, were not affected by litter application, except that of AlCaCl2 in the rhizosphere soil which was decreased following litter additions. Nitrogen fertilization with NH4 + (urea and (NH4)2SO4) significantly reduced soil pH, the contents of exchangeable Ca, K, Mg and base saturation while raised extractable Al levels (AlCaCl2, AlCu/KCl, AlNH4OAC, and Alex). In the rhizosphere soils exchangeable K accumulated in all treatments while exchangeable Ca and Mg depleted in treatments without litter application. The depletions of Ca and Mg were no longer observed following litter incorporation. This change of distribution gradients in rhizosphere was possibly due to the increase of nutrient supplies from litter decomposition and/or preferable root growth in soil microsites rich in organic matter. Lower pH and higher extractable Al (AlCaCl2, Alex, and AlNH4OAC) in the rhizosphere soils, regardless of N and litter treatments, were distinct and consistent in all treatments. Such enrichments of extractable Al in the rhizosphere soil might be of importance for tea plants capable of taking up large amounts of Al.  相似文献   

大气氮沉降对阔叶林红壤淋溶水化学模拟研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在氮饱和的森林生态系统中,氮沉降的增加将导致NO3-淋溶的增加及土壤酸度的提高,从而影响土壤质量及林业的可持续发展。然而,大气氮沉降对我国南方红壤地区森林生态系统中土壤的影响研究还很少,尤其是氮沉降引起的土壤淋溶液化学组成方面。研究中,以中国科学院红壤生态实验站林草生态试验区阔叶林红壤为对象,在恒温(20℃)条件下,通过土壤淋洗柱(直径10cm、高60cm)进行了8个月间隙性淋溶试验,来模拟研究不同氮输入量(0、7.8、26mg月-1.柱-1和52mg月-1柱-1)对阔叶林红壤NO3-、NH4 、SO42-、H 和土壤盐基离子(Ca2 、Mg2 、K 和Na )的淋溶和土壤酸度的影响。结果表明,随氮输入量增加,淋溶液中NO3-、EC、H 和总盐基离子逐渐增加,但淋溶液中无NH4 。不同氮处理时,土壤有机氮总表观矿化量分别为189.6、263.9、372.8mg月-1.柱-1与554.2mg柱-1,氮输入明显促进了土壤有机氮的矿化,且土壤有机氮的表观矿化量与氮输入量间呈正线性相关(R2=0.997**)。无氮(0mg月-1柱-1)、低氮(7.8mg月-1柱-1)、中氮(26mg月-1柱-1)和高氮(52mg月-1柱-1)输入处理下,土壤交换态盐基淋溶总量分别占土壤交换性盐基总量的13.6、18.4、27.7%和48.1%。不同的盐基离子对氮输入的反应不同,Ca2 和Mg2 淋溶量随氮输入量的增加而增加,对Na 和K 则无明显影响。土壤交换态离子中随淋洗液输出最多的为Ca2 (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为22.6、31.4、46.7%和82.5%),其次为Na (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为16.0、10.7、17.6%和26.3%),最少的为Mg2 (无氮、低氮、中氮和高氮输入处理的土壤交换态输出量占土壤交换态的比例分别为5.0、6.9、11.1%和16.9%),几乎没有土壤交换性K 输出。与对照相比,有氮处理后土壤中硫酸根离子的淋失量明显减少(p<0.05)。表层土壤pH值随氮输入量的增加而显著下降,各处理间差异极显著(p<0.01)。可见,大气氮沉降的增加将加速阔叶林红壤的养分淋失和土壤酸化的程度。  相似文献   

Göttlein  A.  Heim  A.  Matzner  E. 《Plant and Soil》1999,211(1):41-49
Chemical conditions in the rhizosphere in many respects are different from the bulk soil. Especially in acid forest soils aluminium chemistry at the soil root interface is of particular interest because of its importance for evaluating the risk of rhizotoxicity. In the present study we have used micro suction cups to collect soil solution from the rhizosphere of oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) in high spatial resolution and capillary electrophoresis for the determination of major ions and Al3+. While the concentrations of nutrient cations, especially Ca2+ and Mg2+, decreased in the vicinity of growing roots the concentrations of Al3+ significantly increased. Al3+-ions were probably released when root-exuded protons were buffered by the soil. Their occurrence indicates, that the oak roots in our experiments had only limited capabilities to detoxify Al in their rhizosphere. The restriction of this effect to the very small soil compartment close to the roots suggests, that common soil analysis which neglect rhizosphere processes might greatly underestimate the in situ concentration of Al3+ near tree roots. Our experiments furthermore indicate, that also suberized roots have a significant influence on rhizosphere soil solution chemistry. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were grown for 4 days in an acid soil horizon treated with 10 levels each of Ca(OH)2, CaSO4 and CaCl2. The treatments resulted in a wide range of Al levels and Al speciation in soil solution. Seedling root length in the Ca(OH)2 treatments was significantly related (p<0.01) to calculated Al3+ activity in soil solution. The Al–SO4 complex in soil solution had a negligible effect on the root growth of Hart wheat, thus confirming the previously reached conclusion concerning the nonphytotoxicity of Al–SO4. The short-term seedling root growth technique used in this investigation allowed for separation of Al effects on root elongation from those on plant nutrition and should be useful for studying Al toxicity relationships in soil.  相似文献   

A field study in an acidic spruce forest soil using soil mesocosms was conducted to investigate the effects of mesofauna and macrofauna on exchangeable cations, organic matter content, base saturation, and Ca-lactate extractable nutrients. In the field, intact soil monoliths were taken from the ground, defaunated by deep-freezing and wrapped in nets of various mesh-sizes to control immigration of different faunal size classes. The monoliths were then replanted in the field. Three types of treatments for the mesocosms were prepared: (1) microbiota only, (2) microbiota and mesofauna, (3) microbiota, mesofauna, and macrofauna (=complex fauna). After eight months the mesocosms and unmanipulated control plots (treatment 4) were destructively sampled and submitted to chemical analysis. Generally, the exchangeable base cations and Mn2+ showed higher contents with increasing faunal complexity, whereas the exchangeable acidic cations of Fe3+ and Al3+ decreased in the monoliths with complex fauna. These effects were significant for K+, Mg2+ and Mn2+ in the L/F-layer and for Ca2+, Mn2+, Al3+ and Fe3+ in the H-layer. As a possible explanation a rise of ion-binding sites in the course of enhanced humification processes is discussed.In the L/F-layer base cations showed higher concentrations in the monoliths with complex fauna as compared to the control plot, which contained intact roots. This might be due to nutrient uptake by roots in the control plot or enhanced mineralization in the monoliths with complex fauna, where roots had been cut.  相似文献   

江远清  莫江明  方运霆  李志安   《广西植物》2007,27(1):106-113
研究鼎湖山自然保护区马尾松林、马尾松荷木混交林和季风常绿阔叶林三种代表性森林类型表层土壤(0~20cm)交换性阳离子含量及其季节动态。结果表明:土壤交换性阳离子含量因元素种类、森林类型和季节不同而异。三种森林土壤交换性阳离子含量都表现为:Al3+>H+>K+>Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+。几乎所有调查的阳离子含量在阔叶林显著高于马尾松林和混交林,但后两者之间大多数阳离子含量差异不显著。鼎湖山森林土壤可交换性阳离子含量虽然较高,但盐基饱和度却很低。马尾松林、混交林和阔叶林土壤可交换性阳离子含量在1997年6月份分别为:58.3、84.5和118.7mmolc/kg,盐基饱和度分别为:5.5%、3.2%和4.5%。三种森林土壤交换性Ca2+、Mg2+、K+和H+含量季节差异极显著(P<0.001),但交换性Al3+含量只在马尾松林土壤存在极显著的季节性差异(P<0.001)。同一元素季节变化大小程度趋向马尾松林>混交林>阔叶林。森林土壤交换性Ca2+、Na+和H+含量与土壤pH值相关关系不明显,但交换性Mg2+、K+和Al3+与土壤pH值间呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

Four cultivars of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cvs. Gulf, Marshall, Urbana, and Wilo) were grown in nutrient solution (pH 4.2) at two Al levels (0 and 74 μM). Cations were desorbed from the Donnan free space of roots of 15-, 23-, and 35-day-old plants using BaCl2, BaCl2-triethanolamine, NH4OAc, and KCl. The amounts of desorbed Ca2+ and K+ decreased, while desorption of Mn2+ and Na+ increased with plant age. Differences between 15- and 35-day-old plants, but not between 15- and 23-day-old, were significant. Aluminum considerably decreased the amount of desorbed divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+) and increased the amount of desorbed K+ and Na+. Ability to resist these changes appeared to be one of the mechanisms determining Al tolerance of ryegrass cultivars.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the spatial and temporal variation in soil solution chemistry and of water and ion fluxes through the soil in a forest ecosystem. Our aim was to evaluate the relevance of these variations for the accuracy of average areal soil solution concentrations and ion fluxes with seepage at 90 cm depth.Twenty spatially distinct subcompartments of approximately 1 m2 were established within a mature stand of Norway spruce and ceramic suction lysimeters were installed at depths of 20, 35 and 90 cm. A tensiometer was placed close to each suction lysimeter, and one throughfall sampler was established for each subcompartment.Soil solution samples were analysed for major ions (H+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Cl-, NO 3 - , SO 4 2- . We calculated water fluxes for each subcompartment separately by a numeric simulation of the soil water flux close to the lysimeters. The ion fluxes at each lysimeter were calculated by multiplying the simulated water fluxes with the ion concentrations on a fortnightly base. Averaging these 20 independent ion fluxes gave the areal average flux and an estimate of its statistical accuracy. The spatial variation of ion concentrations in the soil solution was high with coefficients of variance ranging from 5% to 128%. Part of the spatial variation was related to stem distance. Temporal variation of the concentrations was less than spatial for most ions. The spatial variation of water and ion fluxes with seepage was also substantial; for example the fluxes of SO 4 2- -S calculated for each subcompartment ranged from 21 to 119 kg ha-1 yr-1, with an arithmetic average of 47 kg ha-1 yr-1. For H2O, Mg2+, Cl-, and SO 4 2- , the spatial heterogeneity of seepage fluxes was largely explained by the heterogeneity of throughfall fluxes. No such relationship was found for nitrogen.Despite using 20 replicates, the 95% confidence intervals of the average annual areal fluxes with seepage were found to be 20–30% for most ions.  相似文献   

Summary Intensive harvesting of native eucalypt forests is carried out in the Eden area in the south east coastal region of New South Wales, Australia. Soil nutrient capital and nutrient removals in forest harvesting were estimated together with potential impacts of these removals on the nutrient capital balance. Soils were anlysed from eighty sites for phosphorus fractions, including organic phosphorus fractions, and total and exchangeable cations. Based on typical forest harvesting systems, it was found that 3–4 kg phosphorus would be removed per hectare. Due to equilibrium between the various soil phosphorus components, depletion would not be solely from the more available pools. It is expected that at least four forest rotations (320 years) would be required before any detectable change would occur, within forest communities. A similar depletion estimate was calculated for the potentially most vulnerable cation, calcium. The other nutrient cations, magnesium and potassium had considerably greater reserves.  相似文献   

Nordborg  Fredrik  Olsson  Siv 《Plant and Soil》1999,207(2):219-229
Chemical and mineralogical properties of the soils in 35- and 70-year-old stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), planted on former pasture and were studied at Asa Experimental Forest, southern Sweden. Remnant deciduous forests bordering the spruce stands were used as controls to assess possible tree-species-related effects on soil development. All soils are acid with little difference in soil pH between the spruce and deciduous stands. However, the saturation of the exchange complex with Mg is lower beneath spruce and the total exchangeable Mg pool in the upper meter of these soils is one third of the Mg store beneath the deciduous stands. Amphibole, biotite and chlorite are the major sources of Mg in the parent soil. The clay fraction of the topsoil beneath spruce has been depleted of all these easily weatherable ferromagnesian minerals. Apart from weathering-resistant primary silicates, the clay fraction consists almost exclusively of expandable, smectitic mixed-layer minerals, which are believed to be the products of advanced stages of biotite weathering. In contrast, vermiculite is the dominant secondary mineral in the A-horizon in the deciduous stands, and some chlorite has survived. Moreover, a greater depth of in situ weathering is indicated for the soil of the old spruce stands where biotite/vermiculite mixed-layers have formed in the C-horizon as products of early stages of biotite weathering. Thus, differences between the paired sites in soil solution chemistry are supported by the qualitative differences in soil mineralogy, and are believed to reflect divergent biotic and/or abiotic processes in the different stand types. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


The rhizosphere soils of two durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum L.) cultivars Kyle and Areola grown in two selected soils of southern Saskatchewan were collected both at 2-week and 7-week plant growth stages. The cadmium availability index (CAI), determined as M NH4CI-extractable Cd, pH and the distribution of the particulate- bound Cd species of the soils were carried out and the data were discussed in comparison with those of the corresponding bulk soil. At the 2-week growth stage, the pH of the rhizosphere soil was less than that of the corresponding bulk soil and the CAI values were higher in the rhizosphere soil, indicating that more Cd was complexed with the low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOAs) at the soil-root interface and was extractable by M NH4CI. Compared with the bulk soils, the CAI values were 2–9 times higher in the soil rhizosphere of the plots fertilized with Idaho monoammonium phosphate fertilizer at 2-week growth stage, which is attributed to the combined effects of the Cd introduced into the soil rhizosphere from the fertilizer (Cd content of the fertilizer was 144 mg kg?1) and complexation reactions of phosphate and LMWOAs with soil Cd. At 7-week plant growth stage, such differences were not observed. The increased amounts of carbonate-bound and metal-organic complex-bound Cd species of the rhizosphere soils are due to the increased amounts of carbonate, a product of plant respiration, and the LMWOAs at the soil-root interface, respectively. Simple correlation analysis of the data showed that the CAI of the rhizosphere soils of the control plots correlated at least two orders of magnitude better with the metal-organic complex-bound Cd whereas the CAI of the rhizosphere soils treated with Idaho phosphate correlated better with carbonate-bound Cd species in comparison to other species.  相似文献   

Morel  C.  Hinsinger  P. 《Plant and Soil》1999,211(1):103-110
The uptake of phosphorus (P) by roots results in a depletion of phosphate ions (PO4) in the rhizosphere. The corresponding decrease in PO4 concentration in the soil solution (CP) gives rise to a replenishment of P from the solid phase which is time- and CP-dependent. This PO4 exchange which reflects the buffer power of the soil for PO4 also varies with the composition and the physico-chemical conditions of the soil. As root activity can modify these physico-chemical conditions in the rhizosphere, the question arises whether these modifications affect the ability of PO4 bound to the soil solid phase to exchange with PO4 in soil solution. The aim of the present work was to measure and compare the parameters which describe the amount of PO4 bound to soil solid phase that is capable to replenish solution P for both rhizosphere and bulk soils. The soil sample was a P-enriched, calcareous topsoil collected from a long-term fertiliser trial. Rhizosphere soil samples were obtained by growing dense mats of roots at the surface of 3 mm thick soil layer for one week. Three plant species were compared: oilseed rape (Brassica napus L., cv Goeland) pea (Pisum sativum L., cv. Solara) and maize ( Zea mays L., cv. Volga). The time- and CP-dependence of the PO4 exchange from soil to solution were described using an isotopic dilution method. The measured CP values were 0.165 mg P L−1 for bulk soil and 0.111, 0.101 and 0.081 mg P L−1 for rhizosphere soils of maize, pea and rape, respectively. The kinetics of the PO4 exchange between liquid and solid phases of soil were significantly different between rhizosphere and bulk soils. However, when changes in CP were accounted for, the parameters describing the PO4 exchange with time and CP between soil solution and soil solid phase were found to be very close for bulk and rhizosphere soils. For this calcareous and P-enriched soil, plant species differed in their ability to deplete PO4 in solution. The resulting changes in the ability of the soil solid phase to replenish solution PO4 were almost fully explained by the depletion of soil solution P. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study aims to evaluate the impacts of future climate change on vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate in China’s forests.
The vegetation and soil carbon storage were predicted by the atmosphere-vegetation interaction model (AVIM2) based on B2 climate change scenario during the period of 1981-2040. This study focused on mature forests in China and the forested area maintained constant over the study period. The carbon accumulation rate in year t is defined as the carbon storage of year t minus that of year t-1.
Important findings
Under B2 climate change scenario, mean air temperature in China’s forested area was projected to rise from 7.8 °C in 1981 to 9.0 °C in 2040. The total vegetation carbon storage was then estimated to increase from 8.56 Pg C in 1981 to 9.79 Pg C in 2040, meanwhile total vegetation carbon accumulation rate was estimated to fluctuate between -0.054-0.076 Pg C·a-1, with the average of 0.022 Pg C·a-1. The total soil carbon storage was estimated to increase from 30.2 Pg C in 1981 to 30.72 Pg C in 2040, and total soil carbon accumulation rate was estimated to vary in the range of -0.035-0.072 Pg C·a-1, with the mean of 0.010 Pg C·a-1. The response of vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate to climate change had significant spatial difference in China although the two time series did not show significant trend over the study period. Our results also showed warming was not in favor of forest carbon accumulation, so in the northeastern and southeastern forested area, especially in the Changbai Mountain, with highest temperature increase in the future, the vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate were estimated to decrease greatly. However, in the southern of southwestern forested area and other forested area, with relatively less temperature increase, the vegetation and soil carbon accumulation rate was estimated to increase in the future.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium on the dissolution and microbial reduction of a representative solid phase uranyl [U(VI)], sodium boltwoodite (NaUO(2)SiO(3)OH . 1.5H(2)O), was investigated to evaluate the rate-limiting step of microbial reduction of the solid phase U(VI). Microbial reduction experiments were performed in a culture of a dissimilatory metal-reducing bacterium (DMRB), Shewanella oneidensis strain MR-1, in a bicarbonate medium with lactate as electron donor at pH 6.8 buffered with PIPES. Calcium increased the rate of Na-boltwoodite dissolution and U(VI) bioavailability by increasing its solubility through the formation of a ternary aqueous calcium-uranyl-carbonate species. The ternary species, however, decreased the rates of microbial reduction of aqueous U(VI). Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIFS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) collectively revealed that microbial reduction of solid phase U(VI) was a sequentially coupled process of Na-boltwoodite dissolution, U(VI) aqueous speciation, and microbial reduction of dissolved U(VI) to U(IV) that accumulated on bacterial surfaces/periplasm. Under studied experimental conditions, the overall rate of microbial reduction of solid phase U(VI) was limited by U(VI) dissolution reactions in solutions without calcium and limited by microbial reduction in solutions with calcium. Generally, the overall rate of microbial reduction of solid phase U(VI) was determined by the coupling of solid phase U(VI) dissolution, U(VI) aqueous speciation, and microbial reduction of dissolved U(VI) that were all affected by calcium.  相似文献   

基于B2气候变化情景数据, 利用大气-植被相互作用模式AVIM2, 模拟预测了1981-2040年中国成熟林植被和土壤固碳速率的时空变化特征及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明, 中国森林区域平均气温从1981年的7.8 ℃增加到2040年的9.0 ℃, 森林区域降水量略有增加。成熟林植被碳总量从8.56 Pg C增加到9.7 Pg C, 植被固碳速率在-0.054-0.076 Pg C·a-1之间波动, 平均值为0.022 Pg C·a-1。成熟林土壤碳总量从30.2 Pg C增加到30.72 Pg C, 土壤固碳速率在-0.035-0.072 Pg C·a-1之间波动, 平均值为0.010 Pg C·a-1。虽然研究时段内中国植被和土壤固碳总量均没有显著变化趋势, 但区域植被和土壤固碳速率对气候变化的响应具有显著空间差异。未来在气温增幅较大的东北和东南林区, 特别是在东北的长白山林区, 森林植被和土壤固碳速率将大大降低; 而在气温增幅不大的西南林区南部和其他林区, 植被和土壤固碳速率将提高。统计结果表明未来气候变暖不利于成熟林固碳。  相似文献   

Zhang  Junling  George  Eckhard 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(2):209-217
Nutrient concentrations in the rhizosphere soil can be higher, lower or remain unchanged compared to the bulk soil, but relatively little is known about such changes for basic cations in the rhizosphere of tree roots. A modified root container technique of studying rhizosphere processes was employed. Plexiglas cylinders were horizontally split by a membrane with 30 M mesh size into an upper compartment for root growth and a root-free lower compartment, each with an inner diameter of 5 cm and a height of 10 cm. One 2-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedling was transplanted from a nursery into each cylinder. Plants were not specifically inoculated, but roots were colonised by a mix of ectomycorrhizal fungi originating from the nursery. The nutrient poor mineral soil used in the experiment was taken from a forest site in Bayerischer Wald, southern Germany. The soil was either supplied with a mix of Ca, Mg and K, or not supplied with these cations. Plants were harvested 30 weeks after transplanting. The nylon membrane between the root compartments restricted root growth to the upper compartment, so that by the end of the experiment a root mat was formed at the top side of the membrane. In the lower compartment, soil nearest to the root mat was regarded as rhizosphere soil while soil in a distance from the root mat was regarded as bulk soil. In the upper compartment, rhizosphere soil was obtained at the end of the experiment by gently shaking the roots. The soils were analysed for Ca, Mg and K contents following two different soil extraction methods. In the fertilised treatment, H2O-extractable Ca and Mg were accumulated in the rhizosphere. In contrast, K (NH4Cl-extraction) was depleted in the rhizosphere. In the bottom tube, the depletion of K (NH4Cl-extraction) was restricted to 1 cm distance from the root mat. In unfertilised soil, Ca, Mg and K concentrations did not differ clearly between rhizosphere and bulk soils. The results indicated that the occurrence of cation gradients in the rhizosphere depended on the level of soil nutrient supply. Distinct rhizosphere effects were measured by conventional soil extraction methods only when the soil was freshly fertilised with mineral elements prior to the experiment. In this case, K depletion in the rhizosphere reflected higher K uptake by the fertilised Norway spruce plants. For low-nutrient soils, novel techniques are required to follow subtle changes in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Bakker  M.R.  Dieffenbach  A.  Ranger  J. 《Plant and Soil》1999,209(2):209-216
This study describes the soil solution chemistry in the rhizosphere of fine roots of sessile oak ( Quercus petraea (M.) Liebl.) grown in rhizotrons. A control was compared with soils treated with an equivalent CaCO3 of 1.4 t ha-1 CaO. Solution samples were extracted from the B-horizon using micro suction cups with a suction of 40 kPa. Two series of experiments were carried out: one irrigated with rain water (age of seedling 2 to 4 months) and one irrigated with demineralized water (age of seedlings 1.5 to 2 months). Half of the sampling points were choosen close to the roots and half in the bulk soil. In both experiments there was generally no rhizospheric gradient after liming. In contrast, in the control, depletion in the rhizosphere occurred for most of the ions studied (Mg, Ca, Al, K, NO3 -, NH4 +, Cl-) in the demineralized water experiment, but this was different when rainwater was used. The latter effect is probably due to the higher solution concentrations in the rainwater experiment but could also be a result of root damage due to low Ca/Al ratios in the rhizosphere solution. It was concluded, that liming improved the chemical composition in the rhizosphere soil solution by increasing overall solute concentration to levels enabling sufficient and easier nutrient uptake by roots. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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