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The Arabidopsis mutants ssi2 and fab2 are defective in stearoyl ACP desaturase, which causes altered salicylic acid (SA)- and jasmonic acid (JA)-mediated defense signaling. Both ssi2 and fab2 plants show spontaneous cell death, express PR genes constitutively, accumulate high levels of SA, and exhibit enhanced resistance to bacterial and oomycete pathogens. In contrast to constitutive activation of the SA pathway, ssi2 and fab2 plants are repressed in JA-mediated induction of the PDF1.2 gene, which suggests that the SSI2-mediated signaling pathway modulates cross talk between the SA and JA pathways. In this study, we have characterized two recessive nonallelic mutants in the ssi2 background, designated as rdc (restorer of defective cross talk) 2 and rdc8. Both ssi2 rdc mutants are suppressed in constitutive SA signaling, show basal level expression of PR-1 gene, and induce high levels of PDF1.2 in response to exogenous application of JA. Interestingly, while the rdc8 mutation completely abolishes spontaneous cell death in ssi2 rdc8 plants, the ssi2 rdc2 plants continue to show some albeit reduced cell death. Fatty acid (FA) analysis showed a reduction in 16:3 levels in ssi2 rdc8 plants, which suggests that this mutation may limit the flux of FAs into the prokaryotic pathway of glycerolipid biosynthesis. Both rdc2 and rdc8 continue to accumulate high levels of 18:0, which suggests that 18:0 levels were responsible for neither constitutive SA signaling nor repression of JA-induced expression of the PDF1.2 gene in ssi2 plants. We also analyzed SA and JA responses of the fab2-derived shs1 mutant, which accumulates levels of 18:0 over 50% lower than those in the fab2 plants. Even though fab2 shs1 plants were morphologically bigger than fab2 plants, they expressed PR genes constitutively, showed HR-like cell death, and accumulated elevated levels of SA. However, unlike the ssi2 rdc plants, fab2 shs1 plants were unable to induce high levels of PDF1.2 expression in response to exogenous application of JA. Together, these results show that defective cross talk in ssi2 can be restored by second site mutations and is independent of morphological size of the plants, cell death, and elevated levels of 18:0.  相似文献   

A mutation in the Arabidopsis gene ssi2/fab2, which encodes stearoyl–acyl carrier protein desaturase (S-ACP-DES), results in the reduction of oleic acid (18:1) levels in the mutant plants and also leads to the constitutive activation of NPR1-dependent and -independent defense responses. By contrast, ssi2 plants are compromised in the induction of the jasmonic acid (JA)–responsive gene PDF1.2 and in resistance to the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea. Although S-ACP-DES catalyzes the initial desaturation step required for JA biosynthesis, a mutation in ssi2 does not alter the levels of the JA precursor linolenic acid (18:3), the perception of JA or ethylene, or the induced endogenous levels of JA. This finding led us to postulate that the S-ACP-DES–derived fatty acid (FA) 18:1 or its derivative is required for the activation of certain JA-mediated responses and the repression of the salicylic acid (SA) signaling pathway. Here, we report that alteration of the prokaryotic FA signaling pathway in plastids, leading to increased levels of 18:1, is required for the rescue of ssi2-triggered phenotypes. 18:1 levels in ssi2 plants were increased by performing epistatic analyses between ssi2 and several mutants in FA pathways that cause an increase in the levels of 18:1 in specific compartments of the cell. A loss-of-function mutation in the soluble chloroplastic enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (ACT1) completely reverses SA- and JA-mediated phenotypes in ssi2. In contrast to the act1 mutation, a loss-of-function mutation in the endoplasmic reticulum–localized ω6 oleate desaturase (FAD2) does not alter SA- or JA-related phenotypes of ssi2. However, a mutation in the plastidial membrane–localized ω6 desaturase (FAD6) mediates a partial rescue of ssi2-mediated phenotypes. Although ssi2 fad6 plants are rescued in their morphological phenotypes, including larger size, absence of visible lesions, and straight leaves, these plants continue to exhibit microscopic cell death and express the PR-1 gene constitutively. In addition, these plants are unable to induce the expression of PDF1.2 in response to the exogenous application of JA. Because the act1 mutation rescues all of these phenotypes in ssi2 fad6 act1 triple-mutant plants, act1-mediated reversion may be mediated largely by an increase in the free 18:1 content within the chloroplasts. The reversion of JA responsiveness in ssi2 act1 plants is abolished in the ssi2 act1 coi1 triple-mutant background, suggesting that both JA- and act1-generated signals are required for the expression of the JA-inducible PDF1.2 gene. Our conclusion that FA signaling in plastids plays an essential role in the regulation of SSI2-mediated defense signaling is further substantiated by the fact that overexpression of the N-terminal–deleted SSI2, which lacks the putative plastid-localizing transit peptide, is unable to rescue ssi2-triggered phenotypes, as opposed to overexpression of the full-length protein.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA), ethylene, and jasmonic acid (JA) are important signaling molecules in plant defense to biotic stress. An intricate signaling network involving SA, ethylene, and JA fine tunes plant defense responses. SA-dependent defense responses in Arabidopsis thaliana are mediated through NPR1-dependent and -independent mechanisms. We have previously shown that activation of an NPR1-independent defense mechanism confers enhanced disease resistance and constitutive expression of the pathogenesis-related (PR) genes in the Arabidopsis ssi1 mutant. In addition, the ssi1 mutant constitutively expresses the defensin gene PDF1.2. Moreover, SA is required for the ssi1-conferred constitutive expression of PDF1.2 in addition to PR genes. Hence, the ssi1 mutant appears to target a step common to SA- and ethylene- or JA-regulated defense pathways. In the present study, we show that, in addition to SA, ethylene and JA signaling also are required for the ssi1-conferred constitutive expression of PDF1.2 and the NPR1-independent expression of PR-1. Furthermore, the ethylene-insensitive ein2 and JA-insensitive jar1 mutants enhance susceptibility of ssi1 plants to the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. However, defects in either the ethylene- or JA-signaling pathways do not compromise ssi1-conferred resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas synringae pv. maculicola and the oomycete pathogen Peronospora parasitica. Interestingly, ssi1 exhibits a marginal increase in the levels of ethylene and JA, suggesting that low endogenous levels of these phytohormones are sufficient to activate expression of defense genes. Taken together, our results indicate that although cross talk in ssi1 renders expression of ethylene- or JA-responsive defense genes sensitive to SA and vice versa, it does not affect downstream signaling leading to resistance.  相似文献   

Loss of a stearoyl-ACP desaturase activity in the Arabidopsis thaliana ssi2 mutant confers susceptibility to the necrotroph, Botrytis cinerea. In contrast, the ssi2 mutant exhibits enhanced resistance to Pseudomonas syringae, Peronospora parasitica, and Cucumber mosaic virus. The altered basal resistance to these pathogens in the ssi2 mutant plant is accompanied by the constitutive accumulation of elevated salicylic acid (SA) level and expression of the pathogenesis-related 1 (PR1) gene, the inability of jasmonic acid (JA) to activate expression of the defensin gene, PDF1.2, and the spontaneous death of cells. Here, we show that presence of the eds5 and pad4 mutant alleles compromises the ssi2-conferred resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola. In contrast, resistance to B. cinerea was restored in the ssi2 eds5 and ssi2 pad4 double-mutant plants. However, resistance to B. cinerea was not accompanied by the restoration of JA responsiveness in the ssi2 eds5 and ssi2 pad4 plants. The ssi2 eds5 and ssi2 pad4 plants retain the ssi2-conferred spontaneous cell death phenotype, suggesting that cell death is not a major factor that predisposes the ssi2 mutant to infection by B. cinerea. Furthermore, the high SA content of the ssi2 pad4 plant, combined with our previous observation that the SA-deficient ssi2 nahG plant succumbs to infection by B. cinerea, suggests that elevated SA level does not have a causal role in the ssi2-conferred susceptibility to B. cinerea. Our results suggest that interaction between an SSI2-dependent factor or factors and an EDS5- and PAD4-dependent mechanism or mechanisms modulates defense to B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea, as a necrotrophic fungus, kills host tissues and feeds on the remains. This fungus is able to induce the hypersensitive response (HR) on its hosts, thus taking advantage on the host's defense machinery for generating necrotic tissues. However, the identity of HR effectors produced by B. cinerea is not clear. The aim of this work was to determine whether botrydial, a phytotoxic sesquiterpene produced by B. cinerea, is able to induce the HR on plant hosts, using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model. Botrydial induced the expression of the HR marker HSR3, callose deposition, and the accumulation of reactive oxygen species and phenolic compounds. Botrydial also induced the expression of PR1 and PDF1.2, two pathogenesis-related proteins involved in defense responses regulated by salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA), respectively. A. thaliana and tobacco plants defective in SA signaling were more resistant to botrydial than wild-type plants, as opposed to A. thaliana plants defective in JA signaling, which were more sensitive. It can be concluded that botrydial induces the HR on its hosts and its effects are modulated by host signaling pathways mediated by SA and JA.  相似文献   

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