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Summary The -amylase gene of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens was integrated into the genome of Bacillus subtilis by homologous recombination. In the first transformation step, several strains were obtained carrying the -amylase gene as two randomly located copies. These strains produced -amylase in the quantities comparable with that of the multicopy plasmid pKTH10, carrying the same -amylase gene. With the plasmid system, however, the rate of the -amylase synthesis was faster and the production phase shorter than those of the chromosomally encoded -amylase. The two chromosomal gene copies were further multiplied either by amplification using increasing antibiotic concentration as the selective pressure or by performing a second transformation step, identical to the first integration procedure. Both methods resulted in integration strains carrying up to eight -amylase gene copies per one genome and producing up to eightfold higher -amylase activity than the parental strains. Six out of seven transformants, studied in more detail, were stable after growth of 42 h even without antibiotic selection. The number of the DNA and mRNA copies of the -amylase gene was quantitavely determined by sandwich hybridization techniques, directly from culture medium.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis strain 1A297 was shown to relieve the glucose repression of a clonedB. amyloliquefaciens -amylase gene carried on the hybrid plasmid pVC102 without affecting its temporal activation. However, glucose repression of -amylase occurred when pVC102, was introduced intoB. subtilis strain 1A289. Glucose repression was relieved by -methyl-d-glucoside, an analog of glucose that blocks its uptake. The relief of glucose repression in 1A297 did not act at the level of plasmid copy number. As 1A297 was capable of exerting glucose repression on a homologous chromosomally encoded gene, it is postulated that the putativetrans-acting product involved in glucose repression inB. subtilis (Nicholson and Chambliss, 1986, J. Bacteriol. 165:663–670) is altered in strain 1A297 and does not recognize theB. amyloliquefaciens -amylase gene.  相似文献   

We have introduced the α-amylase gene from Bacillus licheniformis (amy gene) in a non-replicative plasmid which can be conveniently integrated and amplified at a specific site of the B. subtilis chromosome. Although we were able to select spontaneous and stable gene amplification of about 20 integrated copies, the amylase secretion remained very low. A DNA fragment presenting a high promoter activity in B. subtilis was therefore inserted upstream from the amy gene coding sequence, leading to a significant increase of amylase production. However, the amplified structures obtained with this construction were found to contain no more than 12 copies of the amy gene and to be rather unstable when cells were grown under non-selective conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of phosphate on -amylase fermentation byBacillus amyloliquefaciens were investigated. It was observed through batch culture that optimal phosphate level which maximizes -amylase biosynthesis exists. High concentration of phosphate level promotes maltose uptake and growth of the microorganism, while high maltose uptake rate in the microorganism at the same time represses the enzyme biosynthesis presumably due to catabolite repression inside the microorganism. In continuous cultivation, a steady state of -amylase biosynthesis was obtained by maintaining phosphate level at a certain level. In fed-batch culture, by intermittant feeding of phosphate as well as maltose, higher activity of -amylase in the broth was obtained compared to the result from single nutrient feeding.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》2004,39(11):1745-1749
A moderately thermophilic Bacillus subtilis strain, isolated from fresh sheep’s milk, produced extracellular thermostable α-amylase. Maximum amylase production was obtained at 40 °C in a medium containing low starch concentrations. The enzyme displayed maximal activity at 135 °C and pH 6.5 and its thermostability was enhanced in the presence of either calcium or starch. This thermostable α-amylase was used for the hydrolysis of various starches. An ammonium sulphate crude enzyme preparation as well as the cell-free supernatant efficiently degraded the starches tested. The use of the clear supernatant as enzyme source is highly advantageous mainly because it decreases the cost of the hydrolysis. Upon increase of reaction temperature to 70 °C, all substrates exhibited higher hydrolysis rates. Potato starch hydrolysis resulted in a higher yield of reducing sugars in comparison to the other starches at all temperatures tested. Soluble and rice starch took, respectively, the second and third position regarding reducing sugars liberation, while the α-amylase studied showed slightly lower affinity for corn starch and oat starch.  相似文献   

Summary Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 321S cells were immobilized with 3.4% -carrageenan gel in bead form, and -amylase production by the immobilized cells was studied. Cells in the gel, after the population reached maximum were restricted to a layer of 50 m thickness, from the surface of the gel, suggesting that oxygen diffusion is the growth limiting factor. The specific respiratory activity and the growth rate of the entrapped cells under such conditions were 1/2 and 1/5 1/10, respectively, that of free cells. In spite of the repressed respiration and growth, the specific rate of -amylase production of the entrapped cells reached the maximum value of free cells or higher.In continuous culture, in an aerated vessel with a volume ratio of gel beads to medium of 1:2, the maximum production rate of -amylase was obtained at a dilution rate of 1.0 h–1, which was double the maximum specific growth rate of the strain.These results showed that bacterial -amylase production, which is a nongrowth-associated type of synthesis was achieved with the use of immobilized cells.  相似文献   

The gene from Bacillus licheniformis coding for a thermostable -amylase was subcloned into the broad-host-range plasmid pKT210 in Escherichia coli. The recombinant plasmid pGNB6 was transferred into Zymomonas mobilis ATCC 31821 by conjugation. Plasmid pGNB6 was stably maintained in E. coli and unstable in Z. mobilis. The amylase gene was expressed in Z. mobilis at a lower level (25%) than in E. coli and regulation of enzyme biosynthesis was different in the host cells. Almost all the -amylase activity was recovered in the culture medium of Z. mobilis. This enzyme localization seemed to be the result of protein secretion rather than cell lysis. Integration of the amylase gene into a cryptic plasmid of Z. mobilis was observed. The amylase gene was still expressed, although at a lower level, and the -amylase activity, associated with a protein of molecular mass 62,000 daltons, was immunologically identical in Z. mobilis, E. coli and B. licheniformis.  相似文献   

Summary Theα-amylase gene ofBacillus amyloliquefaciens has previously been cloned into pUB110 to give the recombinant plasmid, pKTH10 (Palva 1982. Gene 19:81–87). Strains transformed by this plasmid are promising candidates for industrialα-amylase production. The stability of pKTH10 was determined in variousB. subtilis strains possessing specific alleles which affect the level ofα-amylase secretion.B. subtilis strains carrying pKTH10 were cultivated in starch-containing medium for up to 50 generations without antibiotic selection and then screened for the presence of pKTH10. The plasmid proved stable enough (< 1.0% cured after 50 generations) for industrial batchwise enzyme production in two strains, but in asacU9 strain (thesacU9 mutation increases concominantly the production ofα-amylase levansucrase and proteases) 99.9% of cells had lost pKTH10 after 50 generations, although the parental plasmid (pUB110) was stable in this strain (0.09% cured after 50 generations). The instability of pKTH10 in thesacU9 strain seems somehow to be related to high expression of the clonedα-amylase gene: when grown in a medium restrictingα-amylase production, only 0.53% ofsacU9 cells had lost pKTH10 after 50 generations.  相似文献   

Summary pC 194Amy, a construct containing an amylase encoding gene, was introduced in Lactobacillus sanfrancisco CB1 by electroporation and the Amy gene was expressed. Amylase activity was extracellular and retained after 140 generations. The growth of the transformant with 10 g starch/L and 5 g maltose/L was similar to that of the wild type in 10 g maltose/L. L. sanfrancisco CB1 transformant harboured pC 194Amy, a small DNA fragment and did not possess the native plasmid. The small DNA fragment was demonstrated to be a deletion product of pC194Amy containing the Amy sequence. L. sanfrancisco CB1 was also transformed with pGKV210, pNZ12 and pMG36e by electroporation.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the stability during fermentation of a hybrid plasmid carrying a Bacillus -amylase gene in Bacillus subtilis. In the absence of antibiotic selection plasmid loss was associated largely with the post-exponential phases of growth and decline. In fermentations containing selective antibiotics, various deleted plasmids were recovered during late stationary phase, regardless of whether the host was rec + or recE. We therefore propose that the plasmid loss observed during late growth in antibiotic-free fermentations is due to deletion events which include the origin of plasmid replication. The structure of the deleted plasmids was determined and the sequences in the vicinity of the end-points analysed. When the deleted plasmids were subjected to further fermentations in the absence of selective antibiotics, they were completely stable.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtillis ATCC 21770 was entrapped in a carrageenan gel, especially formulated for immobilization. Bacterial growth and α-amylase (1,4-α-d-glucan glucanohydrolase EC production were tested. The bead suspensions were submitted to two aeration modes, one consisting of bubbling air into a round flask, the other involving sparging of air into an airlift fermenter. The latter system, which produces microbubbles, gave 40–70% increase in enzyme production over the former and a doubling of bacterial density within the beads was measured. The use of CaCl2instead of KCl as polymerization agent led to a better yield of α-amylase.  相似文献   

Thermostable α-amylase is of great importance in the starch fermentation industry; it is extensively used in the manufacture of beverages, baby foods, medicines, and pharmaceuticals. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens produces thermostable α-amylase; however, production of thermostable α-amylase is limited. Ion-beam implantation is an effective method for mutation breeding in microbes. We conducted ion-beam implantation experiments using two different ions, Ar(+) and N(+), to determine the survival rate of and dose effect on a high α-amylase activity strain of B. amyloliquefaciens that had been isolated from soil samples. N(+) implantation resulted in a higher survival rate than Ar(+) implantation. The optimum implantation dose was 2.08 × 10(15) ions/cm(2). Under this implantation condition, we obtained a thermally and genetically stable mutant α-amylase strain (RL-1) with high enzyme activity for degrading α-amylase. Compared to the parental strain (RL), the RL-1 strain had a 57.1% increase in α-amylase activity. We conclude that ion implantation in B. amyloliquefaciens can produce strains with increased production of thermostable α-amylase.  相似文献   

A maltooligosaccharide-forming α-amylase was produced by a new soil isolate Bacillus subtilis KCC103. In contrast to other Bacillus species, the synthesis of α-amylase in KCC103 was not catabolite-repressed. The α-amylase was purified in one step using anion exchange chromatography after concentration of crude enzyme by acetone precipitation. The purified α-amylase had a molecular mass of 53 kDa. It was highly active over a broad pH range from 5 to 7 and stable in a wide pH range between 4 and 9. Though optimum temperature was 65–70 °C, it was rapidly deactivated at 70 °C with a half-life of 7 min and at 50 °C, the half-life was 94 min. The K m and V max for starch hydrolysis were 2.6 mg ml−1 and 909 U mg−1, respectively. Ca2+ did not enhance the activity and stability of the enzyme; however, EDTA (50 mM) abolished 50% of the activity. Hg2+, Ag2+, and p-hydroxymercurybenzoate severely inhibited the activity indicating the role of sulfydryl group in catalysis. The α-amylase displayed endolytic activity and formed maltooligosaccharides on hydrolysis of soluble starch at pH 4 and 7. Small maltooligosaccharides (D2–D4) were formed more predominantly than larger maltooligosaccharides (D5–D7). This maltooligosaccharide forming endo-α-amylase is useful in bread making as an antistaling agent and it can be produced economically using low-cost sugarcane bagasse.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis was isolated from flour mill wastes. It produced a thermostable α-amylase in complex media containing starch. Amylase activity was optimal at the exponential phase and was more strongly expressed with sorghum, yam peel and corn starch than soluble potato starch. The enzyme was purified 24-fold to a specific activity of 2200 U mg−1, with a yield of 10%. It yielded a single band when subjected to SDS-PAGE and an apparent molecular mass of 54780 was determined by mass spectrometry. The enzyme, which was optimally active at 80°C and pH 5.6, released saccharides with a polymerisation degree of 1–6 following hydrolysis of yam peel, sorghum and corn starch. Cells of B. subtilis were exposed to ultraviolet irradiation and N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Hyperproductive mutants were obtained by these treatments. Received 14 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 13 August 1997  相似文献   

Summary Using a totally defined synthetic medium the effect of lactose and nitrogen on cell physiology and -amylase production by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B155 were investigated. Results showed cell growth and -amylase production patterns to be similar regardless of the limiting nutrient and suggested stationary phase gene control of -amylase production as opposed to a direct response to nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a genomic clone for a pancreatic α-amylase gene (amy) of the chicken (Gallus gallus). The gene is interrupted by nine introns, spans over 4 kb, and encodes a protein (AMY) of 512 aa that is 83% identical to the human pancreatic α-amylase enzyme. Southern blot analysis of chicken DNA revealed two distinct pancreatic amy loci. In addition, we have generated a cDNA from chicken pancreatic RNA corresponding to the coding sequence of the genomic clone. The cDNA was inserted into a yeast expression vector, and the resulting construct used to transform Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Transformed yeast cells synthesized and secreted active AMY enzyme, and the gel migration pattern of the α-amylase produced by the yeast cells was identical to that of the native chicken enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary The recombinant phage G1 has been identified by screening 700 plaques of a Charon 4A library, containing DNA of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, for phage clones directing the hydrolysis of lichenan in Escherichia coli, as indicated by haloes surrounding plaques on lichenan agar. The gene coding for an endo--1.3–1.4-glucanase was recloned within a 3.6 kb EcoRI fragment into the EcoRI site of plasmid pBR322, in both orientations.The location and extent of the bgl gene on the 3.6 kb Bacillus DNA insert was estimated by insertion mutagenesis with transposon Tn5 and restriction mapping of Tn5 insertions within or near to the bgl gene.The -glucanase synthesized by E. coli harbouring plasmids pEG1 or pEG2 was shown to accumulate mainly in the periplasmic space but -glucanase activities were also detected extracellulary and in the cytoplasm. The molecular weight of the enzyme synthesized in E. coli harbouring pEG1 was estimated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be about 24000. It was shown that the level of bgl gene expression in E. coli varies about 10-fold, depending on the orientation of the 3.6 kb DNA-fragment cloned within the EcoRI site of pBR322. After insertion of HindIII-DNA fragments from phage into the HindIII site of the -glucanase-high-expression plasmid pEG1, we obtained clones also showing an approximately 10-fold reduction in -glucanase activites. It was thus concluded that on plasmid pEG1 the leftward acting Apr (PI) promotor of plasmid pBR322 strongly increases the expression in E. coli of the cloned B. amyloliquefaciens bgl gene.Abbreviations Ap ampicillin, Km, kanamycin - kd kilodalton - kb kilobase pairs - moi multiplicity of infection - pfu plaque forming units - SDS sodium dodecylsulphate - Tc tetracycline  相似文献   

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