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The seabuckthorn carpenter moth, Holcocerus hippophaecolus, which has a generation time of four years, is recently becoming one of the major pests of the seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Shanxi, Ningxia and Shaanxi of China (Hua et al., 1990). The larvae of the H. hippophaecolus mainly damage the stems and roots of the seabuckthorn, and the mature larvae pupate in the soil. The spatial distribution of the pupae was analyzed by using biostatistics and geostatistics in order to effectively control the insect and further study the spatial distribution of the population. Results show that most of the pupae (90%) had an eclosion time span from early June to the end of July. The sex ratio of the pupae was nearly 1:1 in the woodland samples. In addition, 24.3% of the 971 trees investigated had pupae and it ranged from 0 to 4 per tree within a distance of 1.3 m from the base of the stem. 90% of the pupae were aggregated within a distance of 1 m from the base of the stem. The pupae show intense spatial aggregation in the sampled woodland which had an 11.1 m spatial dependence and a 90.7% intensity in the local spatial continuity. Moreover, the population presented an intensive spotted distribution and many aggregated spots were found in the woodlands. As for the relationship between grid size and variogram of the pupae, the variations in the range, the intensity of local spatial continuity and the sill were all very low or non-existent when the grid size was 5 m, 6 m or 7 m. Whereas, the value of the decisive coefficient was the biggest when the grid size was 5 m making it the ideal grid size.  相似文献   

The seabuckthorn carpenter moth,Holcocerus hippophaecolus,which has a generation time of four years,is recently becoming one of the major pests of the seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) in Inner Mongolia,Liaoning,Shanxi,Ningxia and Shaanxi of China (Hua et al.,1990).The larvae of the H.hippophaecolus mainly damage the stems and roots of the seabuckthorn,and the mature larvae pupate in the soil.The spatial distribution of the pupae was analyzed by using biostatistics and geostatistics in order to effectively control the insect and further study the spatial distribution of the population.Results show that most of the pupae (90%) had an eclosion time span from early June to the end of July.The sex ratio of the pupae was nearly 1:1 in the woodland samples.In addition,24.3% of the 971 trees investigated had pupae and it ranged from 0 to 4 per tree within a distance of 1.3 m from the base of the stem.90% of the pupae were aggregated within a distance of 1 m from the base of the stem.The pupae show intense spatial aggregation in the sampled woodland which had an 11.1 m spatial dependence and a 90.7% intensity in the local spatial continuity.Moreover,the population presented an intensive spotted distribution and many aggregated spots were found in the woodlands.As for the relationship between grid size and variogram of the pupae,the variations in the range,the intensity of local spatial continuity and the sill were all very low or non-existent when the grid size was 5 m,6 m or 7 m.Whereas,the value of the decisive coefficient was the biggest when the grid size was 5 m making it the ideal grid size.  相似文献   

沙棘木蠹蛾蛹的空间分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沙棘木蠹蛾(Holcocerus hippophaecolus Hua, Chou , Fang et Chen)是近几年在内蒙古、辽宁、山西、宁夏和陕西等地大面积爆发的一种钻蛀性害虫,该虫约4a完成1代,主要以幼虫危害沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoidea)的根部和干部,老熟幼虫在土壤中化蛹.为了解种群的空间结构,从而有效控制其危害,应用生物学统计方法和地质统计学(Geostatistics)方法对沙棘木蠹蛾蛹的空间分布特性进行了分析研究.结果表明:约90%的蛹在6月初到7月末之间羽化,而7月份羽化的数量占总数的一半之多.在调查样地中,雌雄蛹的比例基本为1:1.每株沙棘树周围,蛹的数量为0~4个,有蛹株率仅为24.3%.蛹在距离根基部周围1.3m的范围内均有分布,不同分布区间内蛹的数量变化没有一定的规律性,但90%的蛹分布在距根基部1m的范围内.沙棘木蠹蛾蛹的种群呈现较明显的空间聚集状态,空间依赖范围大小为11.1m,局部空间连续性强度为90.7%,呈现较明显的斑块状分布,在整个区域内有很多聚集点.对不同样方大小的变异曲线图进行比较得知:样方边长分别为5、6、7m时,变程、空间局部连续性强度和基台值的变化幅度均很小,几乎相等,而样方边长为5m时的决定系数较大,此样方为最适样方大小.  相似文献   

褐梗天牛(Arhopalus rusticus Linnaeus)是一种对松、杉、柏等林木危害非常严重的蛀干害虫,主要危害针叶树的衰弱木以及火灾后的枯立木,是继松褐天牛之后携带拟松材线虫能力最强的蛀干害虫。为了更好地控制其危害,深入地研究其种群空间格局,运用地统计学方法分析了3块受害程度不同的油松林内褐梗天牛幼虫和成虫的空间分布特性。结果表明:3种受害程度不同的林分内,褐梗天牛的危害具有显著差异,轻度受害林分内有虫株率为30.8%,中度受害林分内有虫株率为44.3%,而重度受害林分内高达78.3%。根据变异函数曲线图分析得知:轻度受害林、中度受害林和重度受害林内褐梗天牛幼虫种群空间分布最优拟合模型分别为高斯模型、高斯模型和指数模型,成虫的种群空间分布最优拟合模型均为线性模型。在3种林分中褐梗天牛幼虫数量具有明显的空间依赖性,轻度受害林、中度受害林和重度受害林内幼虫数量的空间依赖范围分别是19.10、11.97、61.98m,其空间连续性强度分别是0.646、0.784和0.500;成虫的空间依赖范围分别是43.08、43.23、44.17m,其空间连续性强度分别是0.044、0.021和0.171,但其成虫的数量在空间呈随机分布,没有表现出空间依赖性。根据垂直分布图分析得出:褐梗天牛幼虫和成虫在油松上主要集中聚集在某个高,然后随着高度增加密度降低,随着高度接近地面密度也降低。用Kriging插值法生成的空间分布图显示幼虫在空间分布上具有明显的聚集性,其聚集中心主要集中在林地中心,由林地中心株向整个林地扩散,而成虫则表现为随机分布。  相似文献   

李建庆  梅增霞  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4540-4547
云斑白条天牛是我国重要林业害虫,在黄河三角洲地区对白蜡树造成严重危害。利用地统计学方法,通过调查城市行道绿化林、庭院绿化林、公路林和片林4种不同林分类型的白蜡树林地,以产卵刻槽、排粪孔和羽化孔为调查指标,对危害白蜡云斑白条天牛种群卵、幼虫、成虫(蛹)的空间格局进行了研究。结果表明:除片林样点成虫(蛹)的半变异函数模型为指数模型外,危害白蜡云斑白条天牛种群卵、幼虫、成虫(蛹)在不同林分类型下的半变异函数模型均为球形模型,其指明空间分布均为聚集分布,种群的聚集分布习性与林分类型相关性不强。但不同林分类型云斑白条天牛种群的空间相关性地统计学参数存在差异,片林调查样点的卵、幼虫和成虫(蛹)的变程a、块金值C0和基台值C0+C均小于其他3种林分类型的统计值,片林样点成虫(蛹)的半变异函数模型不同于其他林分类型为指数模型。  相似文献   

Two fruit-feeding insects, a gall wasp, Allorhogas sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), and a beetle, Apion sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea), were evaluated in their native habitat in Brazil as potential biological control agents of Miconia calvescens DC (Melastomataceae). Allorhogas sp. occurred at two out of three field sites with native populations of M. calvescens, and Apion sp. occurred at all three sites. Both species exhibited aggregated distributions among M. calvescens trees sampled at each site. Allorhogas sp. infested 9.0% and 3.8% of fruits at each of two sites. The number of larvae and pupae of Allorhogas sp. and/or an unidentified parasitoid (Hymenopetera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae) ranged from one to five per infested fruit. Fruits infested with Allorhogas sp. were 20% larger and had 79% fewer seeds than healthy fruits. Although adults of Apion sp. were found on leaves and inflorescences of M. calvescens at all three sites, larvae and pupae were found in fruits at only one site, where a maximum of 1.4% of fruits were infested. Fruits infested by Apion sp. contained only one larva or pupa, and were 15% smaller and had 62% fewer seeds than healthy fruits. While a variety of apionids have been used for biological control in the past, this is the first time a braconid wasp has been considered for biological control of a weed.  相似文献   

Despite its circum-tropical distribution, we report, for the first time in Italy and Sicily, the presence of Megalorhipida leucodactyla (Fabricius 1974), a species recorded only once before in Europe. Several adults, pupae and larvae of different instars were found on Boerhavia repens L. ssp. viscosa (Choisy) Maire (Nyctaginaceae), recorded for the first time in Italy (Sicily) in 1967. We provide both an update of Boerhavia repens ssp. viscosa’s distribution in Sicily and the results of our vegetational survey, based upon the phytosociological method by Braun-Blanquet Sigmatist School, on Boerhavia repens ssp. viscosa in Palermo city’s urban areas. This plant, naturalised especially in Palermo city, appears to have become an invasive plant, increasingly spreading in larger areas, by even replacing the native flora in urban ecosystems. This study also provides the results of laboratory bioethological observations on some specimen of both adults and larvae (the latter while feeding on Boerhavia repens ssp. viscosa’s fruits). Finally, using bibliographic data, we drew a map of the distribution of both Megalorhipida leucodactyla and Boerhavia repens ssp. viscosa in the Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

【背景】实蝇的竞争可能发生在生活史的各个阶段,但未见卵和蛹的种间竞争的相关报道。【方法】将橘小实蝇与番石榴实蝇的卵及蛹按照相应的比例或龄期分别进行混合培养,分析2种实蝇的卵或蛹混合后的发育历期和存活率是否受到彼此影响。【结果】橘小实蝇与番石榴实蝇的卵同龄等量混合,对彼此卵的历期和孵化率无影响。当橘小实蝇和番石榴实蝇的蛹为新鲜蛹时,分别与比它们蛹龄大1 d的对方蛹混合,蛹的羽化率分别为(87.67±3.61)%和(84.33±2.56)%,显著小于对照,说明在此混合蛹处理中,后化蛹者的发育可能受到先化蛹者的抑制。【结论与意义】总体上,在卵和蛹期,橘小实蝇与番石榴实蝇未产生竞争作用;但不排除蛹期竞争的可能性,这种竞争可能存在于特定的蛹期。  相似文献   

沙棘木蠹蛾卵和幼虫空间分布的地统计学分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
沙棘木蠹蛾(H olcocerushippophaecolus Hua,Chou ,Fang et Chen)是近几年在内蒙古、辽宁、山西、宁夏和陕西等地大面积爆发的一种钻蛀性害虫,其危害发生在幼虫期,主要危害沙棘(H ippophae rhamnoidea)的根干部。为了有效地控制其危害,深入了解种群的空间结构,利用地统计学方法分析了两种受害程度不同的林分内沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫种群和重度受害林分内卵块的空间分布特性。结果表明:两种受害程度不同的林分内,沙棘木蠹蛾的危害具有显著差异,轻度受害林分内无虫样本所占的比例较大,达70 % ,而重度受害林分内不到2 0 % ;虫口密度在轻度受害林分内超过6头/株的只有6 .9% ,而重度受害林分内高达31.9%。根据全方向的变异函数曲线图分析得知:重度受害林分和轻度受害林分内幼虫种群的空间依赖范围分别为7.3m和87.4 18m,而局部空间连续性强度分别为0 .914和0 .178。重度受害林分内幼虫表现较强的空间聚集性,而轻度受害林分则表现为随机分布。在重度受害林分中,单株沙棘树上沙棘木蠹蛾卵块数量最多的为11个,最少的为1个,有卵株率达72 %。分别采用四种不同的理论模型来拟合卵块的实际变异曲线图,得知其全方向的变异函数曲线为指数型,空间依赖范围大小为3.6 m,局部空间连续性强度为0 .876 ,卵块在重度受害林分中呈现较强  相似文献   

庐山香果树毛竹混交林空间格局研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解庐山毛竹入侵对香果树的影响,采用Ripley’sK(t)函数分析香果树毛竹混交林群落空间分布格局和种间关联关系。结果表明:香果树幼树在较小的尺度上呈聚集分布,较大尺度上随机分布直至均匀分布;香果树成年树在较小的尺度上呈随机分布,较大尺度上聚集分布;毛竹在所有的研究尺度上为显著聚集分布,且随着尺度的增大,聚集强度增加。毛竹与香果树幼树在较小的尺度上没有明显关联性,在较大的尺度上呈显著负相关;毛竹与香果树成年树在一系列尺度上均表现为显著负相关。根据空间关联性分析结果,应从幼龄起对生长有香果树的森林群落进行必要的管理,伐除毛竹及一些影响较大的其它乔木树种,挖除地下竹鞭,为香果树提供良好的生长环境,进而恢复其种群的天然合理配置。否则,香果树这一珍贵的植物资源在庐山将有灭绝的危险。  相似文献   

Biological control potential of nine entomopathogenic nematodes, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora CLO51 strain (HbCLO51), H. megidis VBM30 strain (HmVBM30), H. indica, Steinernema scarabaei, S. feltiae, S. arenarium, S. carpocapsae Belgian strain (ScBE), S. glaseri Belgian strain (SgBE) and S. glaseri NC strain (SgNC), was tested against second-, and third-instar larvae and pupae of Hoplia philanthus in laboratory and greenhouse experiments. The susceptibility of the developmental stages of H. philanthus differed greatly among tested nematode species/strains. In the laboratory experiments, SgBE, SgNC, HbCLO51 and HmVBM30 were highly virulent to third-instar larvae and pupae while SgBE was only virulent to second-instar larvae. Pupae were highly susceptible to HbCLO51, HmVBM30, SgBE and SgNC (57–100%) followed by H. indica and S. scarabaei (57–76%). In pot experiments, HbCLO51, SgBE and S. scarabaei were highly virulent to the third-instar larvae compared to the second-instar larvae. Our observations, combined with those of previous studies on other nematode and white grub species, show that nematode virulence against white grub developmental stages varies with white grub and nematode species.  相似文献   

Xanthopimpla stemmator (Thunberg)(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), a solitary endoparasite of pupae of Old World lepidopteran stalkborers, was recently imported into Texas as a candidate for biological control of New World stalkborers. Information on host acceptability, host suitability and cues responsible for host finding were necessary to gain an insight into parasite/host interactions, because of the absence of a coevolutionary history.Xanthopimpla stemmator females were exposed to laboratory-reared one-to six-day-oldDiatraea saccharalis (F.) pupae. An average of 62% of host pupae were accepted and all ages of pupae were equally acceptable. Host suitability decreased with host age. One- to five-day-old host pupae averaged 31–37% suitability, whereas only 19% of 6-day-old pupae were suitable. Successful parasitization, defined as the product of the proportion accepted and the proportion suitable, decreased from 22–23% for 1-, 2- and 3-day-old pupae to 13% for 6-day-old pupae. Sex ratio (female:male) of the parasite progeny increased with host age. Females comprised 47% of total parasite progeny of 1-day-old and 84% of 6-day-old pupae. The increase in percent females was a result of a similar number of females in all age classes, coupled with a decrease in the number of males from older hosts.Xanthopimpla stemmator superparasitized 61% of acceptedD. saccharalis pupae in the laboratory. On dissection, 73% of host pupae with multiple probe wounds were found to contain parasite eggs or larvae; these hosts contained up to 10 eggs or 7 first-instar larvae. Increased numbers of probes by the parasites were associated with an increase in successful parasitization. Host seeking activity inX. stemmator was stimulated by the presence of larval frass, host odor and movement of host pupae. Results suggest thatX. stemmator is a good candidate for biological control ofD. saccharalis and possibly other factitious stalkborer hosts.  相似文献   

Superparasitism frequency and its effects on the quality of mass-reared Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) parasitoids were investigated under laboratory conditions. Percentage of adult emergence, sex ratio, survival, fecundity and flight ability of adult parasitoids that emerged from Anastrepha ludens (Loew) pupae with different levels of superparasitism were determined. A high prevalence of superparasitism was observed. The number of scars per pupa, produced by insertion of the parasitoid ovipositor, ranged from 1 to 30, with an average (±SD) of 8.3 ± 6.2. Adult parasitoid emergence decreased as the level of superparasitism increased. However, the fraction of females rose with increasing superparasitism and the flight ability was lower in adults emerging from pupae with only one scar, compared with adults emerging from superparasitized hosts. Female longevity and fecundity were not affected by superparasitism. Our results support the hypothesis that superparasitism in D. longicaudata might be adaptive, since adults emerging from hosts with moderate levels of superparasitism showed the highest percentage of emergence and there were no significant differences in the other quality control parameters tested. Our findings are relevant to the mass rearing process, where the ratio of hosts to parasitoids can be optimized as well as the distribution of eggs deposited in host larvae. This contributes to efficient mass rearing methods for augmentative biological control programs.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘林线杜鹃-岷江冷杉原始林的空间格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为深入理解高山林线原始林中优势树种的空间结构特征和种间关系,以青藏高原东缘林线杜鹃-岷江冷杉原始林1 hm2样地调查数据为基础,采用成对相关函数g(r)函数,分析了优势种岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)和凝毛杜鹃(Rhododendron agglutinatum)各径级的空间分布格局和各径级间的空间关联性。结果表明:岷江冷杉和凝毛杜鹃径级分布连续,呈倒"J"型,均为进展种群。小尺度上,对于岷江冷杉活立木(小树+中树+大树)、小树、中树为显著聚集分布,大树为均匀分布,死树则为随机分布;凝毛杜鹃活立木(小树+中树+大树)、小树、中树、大树、死树均为显著聚集分布。小尺度上随径级增大岷江冷杉的分布格局从聚集分布趋于均匀分布。岷江冷杉大树与其小树的空间关联验证了Janzen-Connell假说中的距离制约效应。通过验证接受了随机死亡假说,发现种内的密度制约效应不明显。两个树种的枯立木对凝毛杜鹃小树均表现为排斥关系,而对岷江冷杉小树表现为相互独立的关系。两个优势种总体表现为相互独立,但种间不同径级间的空间关联性各异。  相似文献   

Interactions between a granulovirus (HbGV), a tachinid parasitoidAmetadoria misella,and their host, the western grapeleaf skeletonizerHarrisina brillians,were investigated. In field populations, the occurrence ofA. misellain HbGV-infectedH. brillianspupae was less frequent than would have been expected by random assortment of the virus and the parasitoid. Furthermore, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay detected granulovirus less frequently and in lower concentrations in parasitized pupae than in nonparasitized pupae. Finally, in the host pupae that tested positive for virus, parasitoids were more likely to survive pupation than hosts. When laboratory-rearedH. brillianslarvae were exposed to naturally occurringA. misellain a field experiment, the parasitoid oviposited more often in older than in younger host larvae and more often in healthy than in HbGV-infected host larvae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that selective oviposition byA. misellaleads to reduced overlap of the parasitoid and HbGV in hosts, resulting in greater parasitoid survival.  相似文献   

The Eucalyptus longhorned borer, Phoracantha semipunctata (F.), is native to Australia, but it has been introduced without its natural enemies into many parts of the world in which its Eucalyptus spp. host has been planted. The beetle has developed large populations in these novel habitats and has been responsible for the mortality of large numbers of trees. Although there is a considerable catalogue of the parasitoids of the beetle in Australia, limited ecological information on the assemblage of parasitoids attacking P. semipunctata is available. We removed bark from 40 felled trees, recorded gallery width and bark thickness over parasitized larvae, and removed all parasitoids. Adult size, sex, and species were recorded when the parasitoid pupae eclosed. Syngaster lepidus Brullè, Jarra phoracantha Austin, Quicke, and Marsh, J. maculipennis Austin, Quicke, and Marsh, and J. painei Austin and Dangerfield were most commonly collected. The solitary parasitoid S. lepidus preferred smaller larvae than did the gregarious Jarra spp. The two species with shorter ovipositors, J. maculipennis and J. painei, parasitized larvae under thinner bark than did the other two species with longer ovipositors. There was a significant positive correlation between host larval size and number of parasitoid pupae of the gregarious species. Also, there was a significant positive correlation between host larval size and parasitoid adult size. The ecological relationships between this assemblage of parasitoids and their beetle host may be useful in establishing an effective biological control program.  相似文献   

荒漠草原不同土壤条件下猪毛蒿幼苗种群的点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李月飞  陈林  李学斌  张义凡  苏莹 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6273-6281
采用摄影定位法测定了宁夏荒漠草原3种不同土壤条件下猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)幼苗种群的空间格局,并应用完全空间随机模型、泊松聚块模型和嵌套双聚块模型对其分布格局进行了分析。结果表明:(1)在灰钙土生境下,猪毛蒿幼苗种群在小尺度上(0-2.85m)表现为聚集分布,随着尺度的增大先呈现为随机分布(2.85-3.75 m),然后又呈现为均匀分布(3.75-5m);在风沙土生境下,猪毛蒿幼苗种群在0-1.85 m之间表现为聚集分布,在1.85-2.35 m之间表现为随机分布,当尺度大于2.35 m时表现为均匀分布;而基岩风化残积土上的猪毛蒿幼苗种群在整个尺度上均呈现随机分布。(2)猪毛蒿种群幼苗在基岩风化残积土上符合泊松聚块模型,即猪毛蒿种群空间格局的聚块中不存在较高密度的小聚块;而在风沙土和灰钙土上则符合嵌套双聚块模型,即在大聚块中分布较高密度的小聚块。猪毛蒿幼苗种群空间格局的形成与土壤异质性存在着密切的联系,种群在空间中分布格局的形成机制可以通过种群空间格局的分析加以解释。  相似文献   

朱文婷  刘海坤  何睿  于东悦  夏鹰  党海山 《生态学报》2022,42(22):8977-8984
为探究藏东南色季拉山急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.smithii)群落的空间分布格局及其时空动态,在急尖长苞冷杉纯林中设置1个1 hm2的固定样地,记录样地内所有高度>2 m的急尖长苞冷杉的年龄、胸径、冠幅和坐标等指标。根据径级分布分析种群的径级结构,采用点格局分析方法对种群的空间格局进行分析。结果显示:(1)急尖长苞冷杉的径级分布为倒"J"型,结构稳定,自然更新良好。(2)成树在各个时期和不同尺度上都呈随机分布;幼树在1891年之后的各个时期在小尺度(2 m)上呈聚集分布,1981-2012年在1-41 m尺度上陆续出现聚集分布;幼苗在1861-1920年在小尺度(1-2 m)上呈聚集分布,1951-1980年出现聚集分布的尺度范围最大(1-35 m、41 m和48 m)。(3)在不同时期中,不同年龄组树木之间几乎都呈正关联或无关联;成树和幼树随时间推移从无关联到在各个尺度上陆续出现正关联的变化;成树和幼苗随时间呈无关联、中大尺度(32-35 m、44 m和49 m)正关联和无关联的变化;幼苗和幼树呈现从无关联转变为小尺度(8 m)正关联和小、中尺度(1-30 m)正关联的变化。研究结果表明:成树在小尺度上对幼龄树存在一定的抑制,但在较大尺度是促进的。1951-1980年样地中的幼苗数量大量增加,随后30年幼树的数量因幼苗长大也有增加,这在一定程度上增大了竞争。但总体来看急尖长苞冷杉群落在演替过程中具有种内促进作用。  相似文献   

Competitive interactions in arthropod predators are well-known, but positive interactions have received less attention. The two-spotted stinkbugPerillus bioculatus often feeds gregariously on leaf beetle larvae and caterpillar prey. Consequences of prey sharing amongP. bioculatus conspecifics of dissimilar size (instar) was studied using Colorado potato beetle (CPB) prey. Rearing second-instar (N2) nymphs ofP. bioculatus with an N5 conspecific facilitated early feeding on L4 CPB larvae (a difficult prey to handle by N2 nymphs but not by N5’s), thus increasing survival and accelerating development. One in every 20 cases ofP. bioculatus foraging in the field was accounted for by pairs or small groups of mostly feeding individuals. CPB egg masses and L4’s represented a disproportionate number of cases of aggregated feeding byP. bioculatus, compared to feeding singly. Small CPB larvae decreased in the diet of aggregated stinkbugs compared to L4 larvae and egg masses, suggesting that sharing these prey may be favorable or unavoidable. In a field test measuring residence/survival of N2’s limited to L4 prey, the N2’s rate of residence/survival increased significantly when large nymphs acting as food providers were also present. The function of communal feeding inP. bioculatus is discussed, as well as the potential for greater impact on prey density that may be expected from tolerance to opportunistic feeding by conspecifics in slightly gregarious predators.  相似文献   

The virulence of two isolates of the hyphomycete fungi, Beauveria bassianaand B. brongniartii, and additional fungal species isolated from diseased Bactrocera oleae pupae and Sesamia nonagrioideslarvae were assessed against adults of the olive fruit fly B. oleae and the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Contact and oral bioassays revealed that moderate to high mortality rates for the olive fruit fly occurred when the adults were exposed to conidia of Mucor hiemalis, Penicillium aurantiogriseum, P. chrysogenum and B. bassianaisolates. A strain of M. hiemalis isolated from S. nonagrioides larvae was the most toxic resulting in 85.2% mortality to the olive fruit fly adults. B. brongniartiiand B. bassiana were the most pathogenic to the C. capitataadults causing 97.4 and 85.6% mortality. Metabolites collected from the M. hiemalis and P. chrysogenum isolates were toxic to adults of both species.  相似文献   

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