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Plants are highly capable of recognizing and defending themselves against invading microbes. Adapted plant pathogens secrete effector molecules to suppress the host's immune system. These molecules may be recognized by host‐encoded resistance proteins, which then trigger defense in the form of the hypersensitive response (HR) leading to programmed cell death of the host tissue at the infection site. The three proteins PEN1, PEN2 and PEN3 have been found to act as central components in cell wall‐based defense against the non‐adapted powdery mildew Blumeria graminis fsp. hordei (Bgh). We found that loss of function mutations in any of the three PEN genes cause decreased hypersensitive cell death triggered by recognition of effectors from oomycete and bacterial pathogens in Arabidopsis. There were considerable additive effects of the mutations. The HR induced by recognition of AvrRpm1 was almost completely abolished in the pen2 pen3 and pen1 pen3 double mutants and the loss of cell death could be linked to indole glucosinolate breakdown products. However, the loss of the HR in pen double mutants did not affect the plants' ability to restrict bacterial growth, whereas resistance to avirulent isolates of the oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis was strongly compromised. In contrast, the double and triple mutants demonstrated varying degrees of run‐away cell death in response to Bgh. Taken together, our results indicate that the three genes PEN1, PEN2 and PEN3 extend in functionality beyond their previously recognized functions in cell wall‐based defense against non‐host pathogens.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae delivers a plethora of effector proteins into host cells to sabotage immune responses and modulate physiology to favor infection. The P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 effector HopF2 suppresses Arabidopsis innate immunity triggered by multiple microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMP) at the plasma membrane. We show here that HopF2 possesses distinct mechanisms for suppression of two branches of MAMP‐activated MAP kinase (MAPK) cascades. In addition to blocking MKK5 (MAPK kinase 5) activation in the MEKK1 (MAPK kinase kinase 1)/MEKKs–MKK4/5–MPK3/6 cascade, HopF2 targets additional component(s) upstream of MEKK1 in the MEKK1–MKK1/2–MPK4 cascade and the plasma membrane‐localized receptor‐like cytoplasmic kinase BIK1 and its homologs. We further show that HopF2 directly targets BAK1, a plasma membrane‐localized receptor‐like kinase that is involved in multiple MAMP signaling. The interaction between BAK1 and HopF2 and between two other P. syringae effectors, AvrPto and AvrPtoB, was confirmed in vivo and in vitro. Consistent with BAK1 as a physiological target of AvrPto, AvrPtoB and HopF2, the strong growth defects or lethality associated with ectopic expression of these effectors in wild‐type Arabidopsis transgenic plants were largely alleviated in bak1 mutant plants. Thus, our results provide genetic evidence to show that BAK1 is a physiological target of AvrPto, AvrPtoB and HopF2. Identification of BAK1 as an additional target of HopF2 virulence not only explains HopF2 suppression of multiple MAMP signaling at the plasma membrane, but also supports the notion that pathogen virulence effectors act through multiple targets in host cells.  相似文献   

Plant cell wall modification is a critical component in stress responses. Endo‐1,4‐β‐glucanases (EGs) take part in cell wall editing processes, e.g. elongation, ripening and abscission. Here we studied the infection response of Solanum lycopersicum and Arabidopsis thaliana with impaired EGs. Transgenic TomCel1 and TomCel2 tomato antisense plants challenged with Pseudomonas syringae showed higher susceptibility, callose priming and increased jasmonic acid pathway marker gene expression. These two EGs could be resistance factors and may act as negative regulators of callose deposition, probably by interfering with the defence‐signalling network. A study of a set of Arabidopsis EG T‐DNA insertion mutants challenged with P. syringae and Botrytis cinerea revealed that the lack of other EGs interferes with infection phenotype, callose deposition, expression of signalling pathway marker genes and hormonal balance. We conclude that a lack of EGs could alter plant response to pathogens by modifying the properties of the cell wall and/or interfering with signalling pathways, contributing to generate the appropriate signalling outcomes. Analysis of microarray data demonstrates that EGs are differentially expressed upon many different plant–pathogen challenges, hormone treatments and many abiotic stresses. We found some Arabidopsis EG mutants with increased tolerance to osmotic and salt stress. Our results show that impairing EGs can alter plant–pathogen interactions and may contribute to appropriate signalling outcomes in many different biotic and abiotic plant stress responses.  相似文献   

PIRIN (PRN) is a member of the functionally diverse cupin protein superfamily. There are four members of the Arabidopsis thaliana PRN family, but the roles of these proteins are largely unknown. Here we describe a function of the Arabidopsis PIRIN2 (PRN2) that is related to susceptibility to the bacterial plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum. Two prn2 mutant alleles displayed decreased disease development and bacterial growth in response to R.  solanacearum infection. We elucidated the underlying molecular mechanism by analyzing PRN2 interactions with the papain‐like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) XCP2, RD21A, and RD21B, all of which bound to PRN2 in yeast two‐hybrid assays and in Arabidopsis protoplast co‐immunoprecipitation assays. We show that XCP2 is stabilized by PRN2 through inhibition of its autolysis on the basis of PLCP activity profiling assays and enzymatic assays with recombinant protein. The stabilization of XCP2 by PRN2 was also confirmed in planta. Like prn2 mutants, an xcp2 single knockout mutant and xcp2 prn2 double knockout mutant displayed decreased susceptibility to R. solanacearum, suggesting that stabilization of XCP2 by PRN2 underlies susceptibility to R. solanacearum in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In this study, we have used untargeted global metabolomic analysis to determine and compare the chemical nature of the metabolites altered during the infection of tomato plants (cv. Ailsa Craig) with Botrytis cinerea (Bot) or Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (Pst), pathogens that have different invasion mechanisms and lifestyles. We also obtained the metabolome of tomato plants primed using the natural resistance inducer hexanoic acid and then infected with these pathogens. By contrasting the metabolomic profiles of infected, primed, and primed + infected plants, we determined not only the processes or components related directly to plant defense responses, but also inferred the metabolic mechanisms by which pathogen resistance is primed. The data show that basal resistance and hexanoic acid‐induced resistance to Bot and Pst are associated with a marked metabolic reprogramming. This includes significant changes in amino acids, sugars and free fatty acids, and in primary and secondary metabolism. Comparison of the metabolic profiles of the infections indicated clear differences, reflecting the fact that the plant's chemical responses are highly adapted to specific attackers. The data also indicate involvement of signaling molecules, including pipecolic and azelaic acids, in response to Pst and, interestingly, to Bot. The compound 1‐methyltryptophan was shown to be associated with the tomato–Pst and tomato–Bot interactions as well as with hexanoic acid‐induced resistance. Root application of this Trp‐derived metabolite also demonstrated its ability to protect tomato plants against both pathogens.  相似文献   

Stress responses in plants imply spatio‐temporal changes in enzymes and metabolites, including subcellular compartment‐specific re‐allocation processes triggered by sudden changes in environmental parameters. To investigate interactions of primary metabolism with abiotic stress, the gin2‐1 mutant, defective in the sugar sensor hexokinase 1 (HXK1) was compared with its wildtype Landsberg erecta (Ler) based on time resolved, compartment‐specific metabolome and proteome data obtained over a full diurnal cycle. The high light sensitive gin2‐1 mutant was substantially delayed in subcellular re‐distribution of metabolites upon stress, and this correlated with a massive reduction in proteins belonging to the ATP producing electron transport chain under high light, while fewer changes occurred in the cold. In the wildtype, compounds specifically protecting individual compartments could be identified, e.g., maltose and raffinose in plastids, myo‐inositol in mitochondria, but gin2‐1 failed to recruit these substances to the respective compartments, or responded only slowly to high irradiance. No such delay was obtained in the cold. At the whole cell level, concentrations of the amino acids, glycine and serine, provided strong evidence for an important role of the photorespiratory pathway during stress exposure, and different subcellular allocation of serine may contribute to the slow growth of the gin2‐1 mutant under high irradiance.  相似文献   

Members of the MILDEW RESISTANCE LOCUS O (MLO) gene family confer susceptibility to powdery mildews in different plant species, and their existence therefore seems to be disadvantageous for the plant. We recognized that expression of the Arabidopsis MLO2 gene is induced after inoculation with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, promoted by salicylic acid (SA) signaling, and systemically enhanced in the foliage of plants exhibiting systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Importantly, distinct mlo2 mutant lines were unable to systemically increase resistance to bacterial infection after inoculation with P. syringae, indicating that the function of MLO2 is necessary for biologically induced SAR in Arabidopsis. Our data also suggest that the close homolog MLO6 has a supportive but less critical role in SAR. In contrast to SAR, basal resistance to bacterial infection was not affected in mlo2. Remarkably, SAR‐defective mlo2 mutants were still competent in systemically increasing the levels of the SAR‐activating metabolites pipecolic acid (Pip) and SA after inoculation, and to enhance SAR‐related gene expression in distal plant parts. Furthermore, although MLO2 was not required for SA‐ or Pip‐inducible defense gene expression, it was essential for the proper induction of disease resistance by both SAR signals. We conclude that MLO2 acts as a critical downstream component in the execution of SAR to bacterial infection, being required for the translation of elevated defense responses into disease resistance. Moreover, our data suggest a function for MLO2 in the activation of plant defense priming during challenge by P. syringae.  相似文献   

Root hairs are specialized cells that are important for nutrient uptake. It is well established that nutrients such as phosphate have a great influence on root hair development in many plant species. Here we investigated the role of nitrate on root hair development at a physiological and molecular level. We showed that nitrate increases root hair density in Arabidopsis thaliana. We found that two different root hair defective mutants have significantly less nitrate than wild‐type plants, suggesting that in A. thaliana root hairs have an important role in the capacity to acquire nitrate. Nitrate reductase‐null mutants exhibited nitrate‐dependent root hair phenotypes comparable with wild‐type plants, indicating that nitrate is the signal that leads to increased formation of root hairs. We examined the role of two key regulators of root hair cell fate, CPC and WER, in response to nitrate treatments. Phenotypic analyses of these mutants showed that CPC is essential for nitrate‐induced responses of root hair development. Moreover, we showed that NRT1.1 and TGA1/TGA4 are required for pathways that induce root hair development by suppression of longitudinal elongation of trichoblast cells in response to nitrate treatments. Our results prompted a model where nitrate signaling via TGA1/TGA4 directly regulates the CPC root hair cell fate specification gene to increase formation of root hairs in A. thaliana.  相似文献   

Salicylic acid (SA) is an important regulator of plant defense responses, and a variety of Arabidopsis mutants impaired in resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogens show defects in SA accumulation, perception, or signal transduction. Nevertheless, the role of SA-dependent defense responses against necrotrophic fungi is currently unclear. We determined the susceptibility of a set of previously identified Arabidopsis mutants impaired in defense responses to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. The rate of development of B. cinerea disease symptoms on primary infected leaves was affected by responses mediated by the genes EIN2, JAR1, EDS4, PAD2, and PAD3, but was largely independent of EDS5, SID2/ICS1, and PAD4. Furthermore, plants expressing a nahG transgene or treated with a phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) inhibitor showed enhanced symptoms, suggesting that SA synthesized via PAL, and not via isochorismate synthase (ICS), mediates lesion development. In addition, the degree of lesion development did not correlate with defensin or PR1 expression, although it was partially dependent upon camalexin accumulation. Although npr1 mutant leaves were normally susceptible to B. cinerea infection, a double ein2 npr1 mutant was significantly more susceptible than ein2 plants, and exogenous application of SA decreased B. cinerea lesion size through an NPR1-dependent mechanism that could be mimicked by the cpr1 mutation. These data indicate that local resistance to B. cinerea requires ethylene-, jasmonate-, and SA-mediated signaling, that the SA affecting this resistance does not require ICS1 and is likely synthesized via PAL, and that camalexin limits lesion development.  相似文献   

The lipid phase of the thylakoid membrane is mainly composed of the galactolipids mono‐ and digalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG and DGDG, respectively). It has been known since the late 1960s that MGDG can be acylated with a third fatty acid to the galactose head group (acyl‐MGDG) in plant leaf homogenates. In certain brassicaceous plants like Arabidopsis thaliana, the acyl‐MGDG frequently incorporates oxidized fatty acids in the form of the jasmonic acid precursor 12‐oxo‐phytodienoic acid (OPDA). In the present study we further investigated the distribution of acylated and OPDA‐containing galactolipids in the plant kingdom. While acyl‐MGDG was found to be ubiquitous in green tissue of plants ranging from non‐vascular plants to angiosperms, OPDA‐containing galactolipids were only present in plants from a few genera. A candidate protein responsible for the acyl transfer was identified in Avena sativa (oat) leaf tissue using biochemical fractionation and proteomics. Knockout of the orthologous gene in A. thaliana resulted in an almost total elimination of the ability to form both non‐oxidized and OPDA‐containing acyl‐MGDG. In addition, heterologous expression of the A. thaliana gene in E. coli demonstrated that the protein catalyzed acylation of MGDG. We thus demonstrate that a phylogenetically conserved enzyme is responsible for the accumulation of acyl‐MGDG in A. thaliana. The activity of this enzyme in vivo is strongly enhanced by freezing damage and the hypersensitive response.  相似文献   

Numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which have been identified as susceptibility factors for Parkinson's disease (PD) as per genome‐wide association studies, have not been fully characterized for PD patients in China. This study aimed to replicate the relationship between 12 novel SNPs of 12 genes and PD risk in southern Chinese population. Twelve SNPs of 12 genes were detected in 231 PD patients and 249 controls, using the SNaPshot technique. Meta‐analysis was used to assess heterogeneity of effect sizes between this study and published data. The impact of SNPs on gene expression was investigated by analysing the SNP‐gene association in the expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) data sets. rs8180209 of SNCA (allele model: P = .047, OR = 0.77; additive model: P = .047, OR = 0.77), rs2270968 of MCCC1 (dominant model: P = .024, OR = 1.52), rs7479949 of DLG2 (recessive model; P = .019, OR = 1.52), rs10748818 of GBF1 (additive model: P < .001, OR = 0.37), and rs4771268 of MBNL2 (recessive model: P = .003, OR = 0.48) were replicated to be significantly associated with the increased risk of PD. Noteworthy, a meta‐analysis of previous studies suggested rs8180209, rs2270968, rs7479949 and rs4771268 were in line with those of our cohort. Our study replicated five novel functional SNPs in SNCA, MCCC1, DLG2, GBF1 and MBNL2 could be associated with increased risk of PD in southern Chinese population.  相似文献   

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