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A wide variety of microorganisms known to produce auxin and auxin precursors form beneficial relationships with plants and alter host root development. Moreover, other signals produced by microorganisms affect auxin pathways in host plants. However, the precise role of auxin and auxin‐signalling pathways in modulating plant–microbe interactions is unknown. Dissecting out the auxin synthesis, transport and signalling pathways resulting in the characteristic molecular, physiological and developmental response in plants will further illuminate upon how these intriguing inter‐species interactions of environmental, ecological and economic significance occur. The present review seeks to survey and summarize the scattered evidence in support of known host root modifications brought about by beneficial microorganisms and implicate the role of auxin synthesis, transport and signal transduction in modulating beneficial effects in plants. Finally, through a synthesis of the current body of work, we present outstanding challenges and potential future research directions on studies related to auxin signalling in plant–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

High‐throughput phenotyping of root systems requires a combination of specialized techniques and adaptable plant growth, root imaging and software tools. A custom phenotyping platform was designed to capture images of whole root systems, and novel software tools were developed to process and analyse these images. The platform and its components are adaptable to a wide range root phenotyping studies using diverse growth systems (hydroponics, paper pouches, gel and soil) involving several plant species, including, but not limited to, rice, maize, sorghum, tomato and Arabidopsis. The RootReader2D software tool is free and publicly available and was designed with both user‐guided and automated features that increase flexibility and enhance efficiency when measuring root growth traits from specific roots or entire root systems during large‐scale phenotyping studies. To demonstrate the unique capabilities and high‐throughput capacity of this phenotyping platform for studying root systems, genome‐wide association studies on rice (Oryza sativa) and maize (Zea mays) root growth were performed and root traits related to aluminium (Al) tolerance were analysed on the parents of the maize nested association mapping (NAM) population.  相似文献   

The strength of species interactions influences strongly the structure and dynamics of ecological systems. Thus, quantifying such strength is crucial to understand how species interactions shape communities and ecosystems. Although the concepts and measurement of interaction strength in food webs have received much attention, there has been comparatively little progress in the context of mutualism. We propose a conceptual scheme for studying the strength of plant–animal mutualistic interactions. We first review the interaction strength concepts developed for food webs, and explore how these concepts have been applied to mutualistic interactions. We then outline and explain a conceptual framework for defining ecological effects in plant–animal mutualisms. We give recommendations for measuring interaction strength from data collected in field studies based on a proposed approach for the assessment of interaction strength in plant–animal mutualisms. This approach is conceptually integrative and methodologically feasible, as it focuses on two key variables usually measured in field studies: the frequency of interactions and the fitness components influenced by the interactions.  相似文献   

Localized expression of genes in plants from T‐DNAs delivered into plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is an important tool in plant research. The technique, known as agroinfiltration, provides fast, efficient ways to transiently express or silence a desired gene without resorting to the time‐consuming, challenging stable transformation of the host, the use of less efficient means of delivery, such as bombardment, or the use of viral vectors, which multiply and spread within the host causing physiological alterations themselves. A drawback of the agroinfiltration technique is its temperature dependence: early studies have shown that temperatures above 29 °C are nonpermissive to tumour induction by the bacterium as a result of failure in pilus formation. However, research in plant sciences is interested in studying processes at these temperatures, above the 25 °C experimental standard, common to many host–environment and host–pathogen interactions in nature, and agroinfiltration is an excellent tool for this purpose. Here, we measured the efficiency of agroinfiltration for the expression of reporter genes in plants from T‐DNAs at the nonpermissive temperature of 30 °C, either transiently or as part of viral amplicons, and envisaged procedures that allow and optimize its use for gene expression at this temperature. We applied this technical advance to assess the performance at 30 °C of two viral suppressors of silencing in agropatch assays [Potato virus Y helper component proteinase (HCPro) and Cucumber mosaic virus 2b protein] and, within the context of infection by a Potato virus X (PVX) vector, also assessed indirectly their effect on the overall response of the host Nicotiana benthamiana to the virus.  相似文献   

The phenotypic analysis of root system growth is important to inform efforts to enhance plant resource acquisition from soils; however, root phenotyping remains challenging because of the opacity of soil, requiring systems that facilitate root system visibility and image acquisition. Previously reported systems require costly or bespoke materials not available in most countries, where breeders need tools to select varieties best adapted to local soils and field conditions. Here, we report an affordable soil‐based growth (rhizobox) and imaging system to phenotype root development in glasshouses or shelters. All components of the system are made from locally available commodity components, facilitating the adoption of this affordable technology in low‐income countries. The rhizobox is large enough (approximately 6000 cm2 of visible soil) to avoid restricting vertical root system growth for most if not all of the life cycle, yet light enough (approximately 21 kg when filled with soil) for routine handling. Support structures and an imaging station, with five cameras covering the whole soil surface, complement the rhizoboxes. Images are acquired via the Phenotiki sensor interface, collected, stitched and analysed. Root system architecture (RSA) parameters are quantified without intervention. The RSAs of a dicot species (Cicer arietinum, chickpea) and a monocot species (Hordeum vulgare, barley), exhibiting contrasting root systems, were analysed. Insights into root system dynamics during vegetative and reproductive stages of the chickpea life cycle were obtained. This affordable system is relevant for efforts in Ethiopia and other low‐ and middle‐income countries to enhance crop yields and climate resilience sustainably.  相似文献   

Plant–soil feedback (PSF) can influence plant community structure via changes in the soil microbiome. However, how these feedbacks depend on the soil environment remains poorly understood. We hypothesized that disintegrating a naturally aggregated soil may influence the outcome of PSF by affecting microbial communities. Furthermore, we expected plants to differentially interact with soil structure and the microbial communities due to varying root morphology. We carried out a feedback experiment with nine plant species (five forbs and four grasses) where the “training phase” consisted of aggregated versus disintegrated soil. In the feedback phase, a uniform soil was inoculated in a fully factorial design with soil washings from conspecific‐ versus heterospecific‐trained soil that had been either disintegrated or aggregated. This way, the effects of prior soil structure on plant performance in terms of biomass production and allocation were examined. In the training phase, soil structure did not affect plant biomass. But on disintegrated soil, plants with lower specific root length (SRL) allocated more biomass aboveground. PSF in the feedback phase was negative overall. With training on disintegrated soil, conspecific feedback was positively correlated with SRL and significantly differed between grasses and forbs. Plants with higher SRL were likely able to easily explore the disintegrated soil with smaller pores, while plants with lower SRL invested in belowground biomass for soil exploration and seemed to be more susceptible to fungal pathogens. This suggests that plants with low SRL could be more limited by PSF on disintegrated soils of early successional stages. This study is the first to examine the influence of soil structure on PSF. Our results suggest that soil structure determines the outcome of PSF mediated by SRL. We recommend to further explore the effects of soil structure and propose to include root performance when working with PSF.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) portion of the solar radiation functions as an environmental signal for which plants have evolved specific and sensitive UV‐B perception systems. The UV‐B‐specific UV RESPONSE LOCUS 8 (UVR8) and the multifunctional E3 ubiquitin ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) are key regulators of the UV‐B response. We show here that uvr8‐null mutants are deficient in UV‐B‐induced photomorphogenesis and hypersensitive to UV‐B stress, whereas overexpression of UVR8 results in enhanced UV‐B photomorphogenesis, acclimation and tolerance to UV‐B stress. By using sun simulators, we provide evidence at the physiological level that UV‐B acclimation mediated by the UV‐B‐specific photoregulatory pathway is indeed required for survival in sunlight. At the molecular level, we demonstrate that the wild type but not the mutant UVR8 and COP1 proteins directly interact in a UV‐B‐dependent, rapid manner in planta. These data collectively suggest that UV‐B‐specific interaction of COP1 and UVR8 in the nucleus is a very early step in signalling and responsible for the plant's coordinated response to UV‐B ensuring UV‐B acclimation and protection in the natural environment.  相似文献   

The patterns of immunity conferred by host sex or age represent two sources of host heterogeneity that can potentially shape the evolutionary trajectory of disease. With each host sex or age encountered, a pathogen's optimal exploitative strategy may change, leading to considerable variation in expression of pathogen transmission and virulence. To date, these host characteristics have been studied in the context of host fitness alone, overlooking the effects of host sex and age on the fundamental virulence–transmission trade‐off faced by pathogens. Here, we explicitly address the interaction of these characteristics and find that host sex and age at exposure to a pathogen affect age‐specific patterns of mortality and the balance between pathogen transmission and virulence. When infecting age‐structured male and female Daphnia magna with different genotypes of Pasteuria ramosa, we found that infection increased mortality rates across all age classes for females, whereas mortality only increased in the earliest age class for males. Female hosts allowed a variety of trade‐offs between transmission and virulence to arise with each age and pathogen genotype. In contrast, this variation was dampened in males, with pathogens exhibiting declines in both virulence and transmission with increasing host age. Our results suggest that differences in exploitation potential of males and females to a pathogen can interact with host age to allow different virulence strategies to coexist, and illustrate the potential for these widespread sources of host heterogeneity to direct the evolution of disease in natural populations.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), due to its high electronic conductivity and high energy density, has recently attracted considerable interest as a cathode material for rechargeable Li/Na batteries. However, the poor cycling stability originating from the severe shuttle effect of polyselenides hinders their practical applications. Herein, highly stable Li/Na–Se batteries are developed using ultrathin (≈270 nm, loading of 0.09 mg cm?2) cetrimonium bromide (CTAB)/carbon nanotube (CNT)/Ti3C2Tx MXene hybrid modified polypropylene (PP) (CCNT/MXene/PP) separators. The hybrid separator can immobilize the polyselenides via enhanced Lewis acid–base interactions between CTAB/MXene and polyselenides, which is demonstrated by theoretical calculations and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The incorporation of CNT helps to improve the electrolyte infiltration and facilitate the ionic transport. In situ permeation experiments are conducted for the first time to visually study the behavior of polyselenides, revealing the prohibited shuttle effect and protected Li anode from corrosion with CCNT/MXene/PP separators. As a result, the Li–Se batteries with CCNT/MXene/PP separators deliver an outstanding cycling performance over 500 cycles at 1C with an extremely low capacity decay of 0.05% per cycle. Moreover, the hybrid separators also perform well in Na–Se batteries. This study develops a preferable separator–electrolyte interface and the concept can be applied in other conversion‐type battery systems.  相似文献   

We theoretically explore consequences of warming for predator–prey dynamics, broadening previous approaches in three ways: we include beyond‐optimal temperatures, predators may have a type III functional response, and prey carrying capacity depends on explicitly modelled resources. Several robust patterns arise. The relationship between prey carrying capacity and temperature can range from near‐independence to monotonically declining/increasing to hump‐shaped. Predators persist in a U‐shaped region in resource supply (=enrichment)‐temperature space. Type II responses yield stable persistence in a U‐shaped band inside this region, giving way to limit cycles with enrichment at all temperatures. In contrast, type III responses convey stability at intermediate temperatures and confine cycles to low and high temperatures. Warming‐induced state shifts can be predicted from system trajectories crossing stability and persistence boundaries in enrichment‐temperature space. Results of earlier studies with more restricted assumptions map onto this graph as special cases. Our approach thus provides a unifying framework for understanding warming effects on trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

Cell wall localized heterogeneous polyesters are widespread in land plants. The composition of these polyesters, such as cutin, suberin, or more plant‐specific forms such as the flax seed coat lignan macromolecule, can be determined after total hydrolysis of the ester linkages. The main bottleneck in the structural characterization of these macromolecules, however, resides in the determination of the higher order monomer sequences. Partial hydrolysates of the polyesters release a complex mixture of fragments of different lengths, each present in low abundance and therefore are challenging to structurally characterize. Here, a method is presented by which liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) profiles of such partial hydrolysates are searched for pairs of related fragments. LC‐MS peaks that show a mass difference corresponding to the addition of one or more macromolecule monomers were connected in a network. Starting from the lowest molecular weight peaks in the network, the annotation of the connections as the addition of one or more polyester monomers allows the prediction of consecutive and increasingly complex adjacent peaks. Multi‐stage MS (MSn) experiments further helped to reject, corroborate, and sometimes refine the structures predicted by the network. As a proof of concept, this procedure was applied to partial hydrolysates of the flax seed coat lignan macromolecule, and allowed to characterize 120 distinct oligo‐esters, consisting of up to six monomers, and containing monomers and linkages for which incorporation in the lignan macromolecule had not been described before. These results showed the capacity of the approach to advance the structural elucidation of complex plant polyesters.  相似文献   

Plants interact simultaneously with each other and with soil biota, yet the relative importance of competition vs. plant–soil feedback (PSF) on plant performance is poorly understood. Using a meta‐analysis of 38 published studies and 150 plant species, we show that effects of interspecific competition (either growing plants with a competitor or singly, or comparing inter‐ vs. intraspecific competition) and PSF (comparing home vs. away soil, live vs. sterile soil, or control vs. fungicide‐treated soil) depended on treatments but were predominantly negative, broadly comparable in magnitude, and additive or synergistic. Stronger competitors experienced more negative PSF than weaker competitors when controlling for density (inter‐ to intraspecific competition), suggesting that PSF could prevent competitive dominance and promote coexistence. When competition was measured against plants growing singly, the strength of competition overwhelmed PSF, indicating that the relative importance of PSF may depend not only on neighbour identity but also density. We evaluate how competition and PSFs might interact across resource gradients; PSF will likely strengthen competitive interactions in high resource environments and enhance facilitative interactions in low‐resource environments. Finally, we provide a framework for filling key knowledge gaps and advancing our understanding of how these biotic interactions influence community structure.  相似文献   

Psychiatric phenotypes are multifactorial and polygenic, resulting from the complex interplay of genes and environmental factors that act cumulatively throughout an organism's lifetime. Adverse life events are strong predictors of risk for a number of psychiatric disorders and a number of studies have focused on gene–environment interactions (GxEs) occurring at genetic loci involved in the stress response. Such a locus that has received increasing attention is the gene encoding FK506 binding protein 51 (FKBP5), a heat shock protein 90 cochaperone of the steroid receptor complex that among other functions regulates sensitivity of the glucocorticoid receptor. Interactions between FKBP5 gene variants and life stressors alter the risk not only for mood and anxiety disorders, but also for a number of other disease phenotypes. In this review, we will focus on molecular and system‐wide mechanisms of this GxE with the aim of establishing a framework that explains GxE interactions. We will also discuss how an understanding of the biological effects of this GxE may lead to novel therapeutic approaches .  相似文献   

The enemy release hypothesis posits that non‐native plant species may gain a competitive advantage over their native counterparts because they are liberated from co‐evolved natural enemies from their native area. The phylogenetic relationship between a non‐native plant and the native community may be important for understanding the success of some non‐native plants, because host switching by insect herbivores is more likely to occur between closely related species. We tested the enemy release hypothesis by comparing leaf damage and herbivorous insect assemblages on the invasive species Senecio madagascariensis Poir. to that on nine congeneric species, of which five are native to the study area, and four are non‐native but considered non‐invasive. Non‐native species had less leaf damage than natives overall, but we found no significant differences in the abundance, richness and Shannon diversity of herbivores between native and non‐native Senecio L. species. The herbivore assemblage and percentage abundance of herbivore guilds differed among all Senecio species, but patterns were not related to whether the species was native or not. Species‐level differences indicate that S. madagascariensis may have a greater proportion of generalist insect damage (represented by phytophagous leaf chewers) than the other Senecio species. Within a plant genus, escape from natural enemies may not be a sufficient explanation for why some non‐native species become more invasive than others.  相似文献   

The presence of substantial genetic variation for water‐use efficiency (WUE) suggests that natural selection plays a role in maintaining alleles that affect WUE. Soil water deficit can reduce plant survival, and is likely to impose selection to increase WUE, whereas competition for resources may select for decreased WUE to ensure water acquisition. We tested the fitness consequences of natural allelic variation in a single gene (MPK12) that influences WUE in Arabidopsis, using transgenic lines contrasting in MPK12 alleles, under four treatments; drought/competition, drought/no competition, well‐watered/competition, well‐watered/no competition. Results revealed an allele × environment interaction: Low WUE plants performed better in competition, resulting from increased resource consumption. Contrastingly, high WUE individuals performed better in no competition, irrespective of water availability, presumably from enhanced water conservation and nitrogen acquisition. Our findings suggest that selection can influence MPK12 evolution, and represents the first assessment of plant fitness resulting from natural allelic variation at a single locus affecting WUE.  相似文献   

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