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The endosperm cell walls of mature coffee seeds accumulate large amounts of mannan storage polysaccharides, which serve as nutrient reserve for embryo and contribute to beverage quality. Our study investigated the evolutionary patterns of key galactomannan (GM) biosynthesis genes using dN/dS ratio, synteny, and phylogenetic analysis and detected heterogeneity in rate of evolution among gene copies. Selection ratio index revealed evidence of positive selection in the branch editing gene Coffea canephora alpha (α) galactosidase (Cc‐alpha Gal) at Cc11_g15950 copy (ω = 1.12), whereas strong purifying selection on deleterious mutations was observed in the Coffea canephora uridine diphosphate (UDP)‐glucose 4′‐epimerase (Cc‐UG4E) and Coffea canephora mannose‐1P guanylytransferase (Cc‐MGT) genes controlling the crucial nucleotide carbon sugar building blocks flux in the pathway. Relatively low sequence diversity and strong syntenic linkages were detected in all GM pathway genes except in Cc‐alpha Gal, which suggests a correlation between selection pressure and nucleotide diversity or synteny analysis. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed independent evolution or expansion of GM pathway genes in different plant species, with no obvious inferable clustering patterns according to either gene family or congruent with evolutionary plants lineages tested due to high dynamic nature and specific biochemical cell wall modification requirements. Altogether, our study shows a significant high rate of evolutionary variation among GM pathway genes in the diploid C. canephora and demonstrates the inherent variation in evolution of gene copies and their potential role in understanding selection rates in a homogenously connected metabolic pathway.  相似文献   

The proportion of synonymous nucleotide differences per synonymous site (p(S)) and the proportion of nonsynonymous differences per nonsynonymous site (p(N)) were computed at 1,993,217 individual codons in 4,133 protein-coding genes between the two yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus. When the modified Nei-Gojobori method was used, significantly more codons with p(N) > p(S) were observed than expected, based on random pairing of observed p(S) and p(N) values. However, this finding was most likely explained by the presence of a strong negative correlation between the number of synonymous differences and the number of nonsynonymous differences at codons with at least one difference. As a result of this correlation, codons with p(N) > p(S) were characterized not only by unusually high p(N) but also by unusually low p(S). On the other hand, the number of codons with p(N)>p(S) (where p(S) is the mean p(S) for all codons) was very similar to the random expectation, and the observed number of 30-codon windows with p(N) > p(S) was significantly lower than the random expectation. These results imply that the occurrence of a certain number of codons or codon windows with p(N) > p(S) is expected given the nature of nucleotide substitution and need not imply the action of positive Darwinian selection.  相似文献   

Widespread positive selection in synonymous sites of mammalian genes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Evolution of protein sequences is largely governed by purifying selection, with a small fraction of proteins evolving under positive selection. The evolution at synonymous positions in protein-coding genes is not nearly as well understood, with the extent and types of selection remaining, largely, unclear. A statistical test to identify purifying and positive selection at synonymous sites in protein-coding genes was developed. The method compares the rate of evolution at synonymous sites (Ks) to that in intron sequences of the same gene after sampling the aligned intron sequences to mimic the statistical properties of coding sequences. We detected purifying selection at synonymous sites in approximately 28% of the 1,562 analyzed orthologous genes from mouse and rat, and positive selection in approximately 12% of the genes. Thus, the fraction of genes with readily detectable positive selection at synonymous sites is much greater than the fraction of genes with comparable positive selection at nonsynonymous sites, i.e., at the level of the protein sequence. Unlike other genes, the genes with positive selection at synonymous sites showed no correlation between Ks and the rate of evolution in nonsynonymous sites (Ka), indicating that evolution of synonymous sites under positive selection is decoupled from protein evolution. The genes with purifying selection at synonymous sites showed significant anticorrelation between Ks and expression level and breadth, indicating that highly expressed genes evolve slowly. The genes with positive selection at synonymous sites showed the opposite trend, i.e., highly expressed genes had, on average, higher Ks. For the genes with positive selection at synonymous sites, a significantly lower mRNA stability is predicted compared to the genes with negative selection. Thus, mRNA destabilization could be an important factor driving positive selection in nonsynonymous sites, probably, through regulation of expression at the level of mRNA degradation and, possibly, also translation rate. So, unexpectedly, we found that positive selection at synonymous sites of mammalian genes is substantially more common than positive selection at the level of protein sequences. Positive selection at synonymous sites might act through mRNA destabilization affecting mRNA levels and translation.  相似文献   

Recent sequencing of the Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea genomes revealed extremely contrasting genomic features such as the abundance and distribution of transposable elements between the two genomes. However, whether and how these structural differentiations may have influenced the evolutionary rates of the two genomes since their split from a common ancestor are unknown. Here, we investigated and compared the rates of nucleotide substitution between two long terminal repeats (LTRs) of individual orthologous LTR‐retrotransposons, the rates of synonymous and non‐synonymous substitution among triplicated genes retained in both genomes from a shared whole genome triplication event, and the rates of genetic recombination estimated/deduced by the comparison of physical and genetic distances along chromosomes and ratios of solo LTRs to intact elements. Overall, LTR sequences and genic sequences showed more rapid nucleotide substitution in B. rapa than in B. oleracea. Synonymous substitution of triplicated genes retained from a shared whole genome triplication was detected at higher rates in B. rapa than in B. oleracea. Interestingly, non‐synonymous substitution was observed at lower rates in the former than in the latter, indicating shifted densities of purifying selection between the two genomes. In addition to evolutionary asymmetry, orthologous genes differentially regulated and/or disrupted by transposable elements between the two genomes were also characterized. Our analyses suggest that local genomic and epigenomic features, such as recombination rates and chromatin dynamics reshaped by independent proliferation of transposable elements and elimination between the two genomes, are perhaps partially the causes and partially the outcomes of the observed inter‐specific asymmetric evolution.  相似文献   

Maximum-Likelihood-based and parsimony-based methods were used to test for potential effects of positive selection on the sexually induced gene 1 (Sig1) in Thalassiosira weissflogii. The Sig proteins are thought to play a role in mediating sperm-egg recognition during the sexual reproduction phase. The results obtained from parsimony-based analyses showed that none of the amino acid sites were influenced by positive selection. Maximum-likelihood analyses indicated that positive selection was affecting a maximum of seven and a minimum of four amino acid sites in the polypeptide derived from Sig1. It was concluded that the results obtained from the maximum-likelihood-based method are more reliable than those obtained from the parsimony-based approach. This is apparently the first study that has shown that reproductive proteins in unicellular eukaryotes are influenced by positive selection.  相似文献   

The genus Brassica has many species that are important for oil, vegetable and other food products. Three mitochondrial genome types (mitotype) originated from its common ancestor. In this paper, a Bnigra mitochondrial main circle genome with 232,407 bp was generated through de novo assembly. Synteny analysis showed that the mitochondrial genomes of B. rapa and B. oleracea had a better syntenic relationship than B. nigra. Principal components analysis and development of a phylogenetic tree indicated maternal ancestors of three allotetraploid species in Us triangle of Brassica. Diversified mitotypes were found in allotetraploid Bnapus, in which napus‐type Bnapus was derived from Boleracea, while polima‐type Bnapus was inherited from Brapa. In addition, the mitochondrial genome of napus‐type Bnapus was closer to botrytis‐type than capitata‐type B. oleracea. The sub‐stoichiometric shifting of several mitochondrial genes suggested that mitochondrial genome rearrangement underwent evolutionary selection during domestication and/or plant breeding. Our findings clarify the role of diploid species in the maternal origin of allotetraploid species in Brassica and suggest the possibility of breeding selection of the mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution, including nucleotide substitutions, plays an important role in understanding the dynamics and mechanisms of species evolution. Here, we sequenced whole plastid genomes (plastomes) of Quercus fabri, Quercus semecarpifolia, Quercus engleriana, and Quercus phellos and compared them with 14 other Quercus plastomes to explore their evolutionary relationships using 67 shared protein‐coding sequences. While many previously identified evolutionary relationships were found, our findings do not support previous research which retrieve Quercus subg. Cerris sect. Ilex as a monophyletic group, with sect. Ilex found to be polyphyletic and composed of three strongly supported lineages inserted between sections Cerris and Cyclobalanposis. Compared with gymnosperms, Quercus plastomes showed higher evolutionary rates (Dn/Ds = 0.3793). Most protein‐coding genes experienced relaxed purifying selection, and the high Dn value (0.1927) indicated that gene functions adjusted to environmental changes effectively. Our findings suggest that gene interval regions play an important role in Quercus evolution. We detected greater variation in the intergenic regions (trnH‐psbA, trnK_UUU‐rps16, trnfM_CAU‐rps14, trnS_GCU‐trnG_GCC, and atpF‐atpH), intron losses (petB and petD), and pseudogene loss and degradation (ycf15). Additionally, the loss of some genes suggested the existence of gene exchanges between plastid and nuclear genomes, which affects the evolutionary rate of the former. However, the connective mechanism between these two genomes is still unclear.  相似文献   

A number of statistical tests have been proposed to detect positive Darwinian selection affecting a few amino acid sites in a protein, exemplified by an excess of nonsynonymous nucleotide substitutions. These tests are often more powerful than pairwise sequence comparison, which averages synonymous (d(S)) and nonsynonymous (d(N)) rates over the whole gene. In a recent study, however, Hughes AL and Friedman R (2005. Variation in the pattern of synonymous and nonsynonymous difference between two fungal genomes. Mol Bio Evol. 22: 1320-1324) argue that d(S) and d(N) are expected to fluctuate along the sequence by chance and that an excess of nonsynonymous differences in individual codons is no evidence for positive selection. The authors compared codons in protein-coding genes from the genomes of 2 yeast species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus. They calculated the proportions of synonymous and nonsynonymous differences per site (p(S) and p(N)) in every codon and discovered that p(N) is often greater than p(S) and that among some codons p(S) and p(N) are negatively correlated. The authors argued that these results invalidate previous tests of codons under positive selection. Here I discuss several errors of statistics in the analysis of Hughes and Friedman, including confusion of statistics with parameters, arbitrary data filtering, and derivation of hypotheses from data. I also apply likelihood ratio tests of positive selection to the yeast data and illustrate empirically that Hughes and Friedman's criticisms on such tests are not valid.  相似文献   

Brassica napus (AnAnCnCn) is an important worldwide oilseed crop, but it is a young allotetraploid with a short evolutionary history and limited genetic diversity. To significantly broaden its genetic diversity and create a novel heterotic population for sustainable rapeseed breeding, this study reconstituted the genome of B. napus by replacing it with the subgenomes from 122 accessions of Brassica rapa (ArAr) and 74 accessions of Brassica carinata (BcBcCcCc) and developing a novel gene pool of B. napus through five rounds of extensive recurrent selection. When compared with traditional B. napus using SSR markers and high‐throughput SNP/Indel markers through genotyping by sequencing, the newly developed gene pool and its homozygous progenies exhibited a large genetic distance, rich allelic diversity, new alleles and exotic allelic introgression across all 19 AC chromosomes. In addition to the abundant genomic variation detected in the AC genome, we also detected considerable introgression from the eight chromosomes of the B genome. Extensive trait variation and some genetic improvements were present from the early recurrent selection to later generations. This novel gene pool produced equally rich phenotypic variation and should be valuable for rapeseed genetic improvement. By reconstituting the genome of B. napus by introducing subgenomic variation within and between the related species using intense selection and recombination, the whole genome could be substantially reorganized. These results serve as an example of the manipulation of the genome of a young allopolyploid and provide insights into its rapid genome evolution affected by interspecific and intraspecific crosses.  相似文献   

The patterns of nucleotide difference were compared at 3,473,111 codons from 9,390 aligned orthologous genes of mouse (Mus musculus), rat (Rattus norvegicus), and human (Homo sapiens). The results showed evidence of a higher frequency of both synonymous and nonsynonymous differences from human in the rat than in the mouse. However, contrary to a previous report, there was no evidence of a greater frequency of codons with multiple nonsynonymous substitutions between the two rodent species than expected under random substitution.  相似文献   

Although many studies have shown that transposable element (TE) activation is induced by hybridisation and polyploidisation in plants, much less is known on how different types of TE respond to hybridisation, and the impact of TE‐associated sequences on gene function. We investigated the frequency and regularity of putative transposon activation for different types of TE, and determined the impact of TE‐associated sequence variation on the genome during allopolyploidisation. We designed different types of TE primers and adopted the Inter‐Retrotransposon Amplified Polymorphism (IRAP) method to detect variation in TE‐associated sequences during the process of allopolyploidisation between Brassica rapa (AA) and Brassica oleracea (CC), and in successive generations of self‐pollinated progeny. In addition, fragments with TE insertions were used to perform Blast2GO analysis to characterise the putative functions of the fragments with TE insertions. Ninety‐two primers amplifying 548 loci were used to detect variation in sequences associated with four different orders of TE sequences. TEs could be classed in ascending frequency into LTR‐REs, TIRs, LINEs, SINEs and unknown TEs. The frequency of novel variation (putative activation) detected for the four orders of TEs was highest from the F1 to F2 generations, and lowest from the F2 to F3 generations. Functional annotation of sequences with TE insertions showed that genes with TE insertions were mainly involved in metabolic processes and binding, and preferentially functioned in organelles. TE variation in our study severely disturbed the genetic compositions of the different generations, resulting in inconsistencies in genetic clustering. Different types of TE showed different patterns of variation during the process of allopolyploidisation.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes encode fundamental subunits of the basic energy producing machinery of eukaryotic cells that are under strong functional constraint. Paradoxically, these genes evolve rapidly in general, and there is substantial variation in evolutionary rates among genes within genomes. In order to investigate spatial variation in selection intensity, we conducted tests of neutrality using ratios of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitutions (dN/dS = omega) on numerous protein gene segments from fishes and mammals. Values of omega were very low for nearly all genomic regions. However, values of both omega and dN varied in a clinal pattern with increasing distance from the light-strand origin of replication. Spatial heterogeneity of nonsynonymous substitution rates exhibits a significantly positive correlation with variation in mutation rates that are related to the mode of mitochondrial DNA replication. The finding that nonsynonymous substitution rates are proportional to mutation rates is expected if a majority of substitutions are selectively neutral or slightly deleterious. Spatial patterns of among-gene variation in nonsynonymous rates were highly similar between fishes and mammals, suggesting that forces governing mitochondrial gene evolution have remained relatively constant over 450 Myr of vertebrate evolution. Conservation of substitution patterns despite major shifts in thermal habit and metabolic demands among taxa implicates a conserved replication mechanism controlling relative mutation rates as a major determinant of mitochondrial protein evolution.  相似文献   

The variation in nucleotide sequence observed in the envelope (E) gene and the prM (precursor of M protein) region of different strains of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was analysed. Presence of selective forces acting on these regions was investigated by computing the relative rates of synonymous (K s) and nonsynonymous (K a) substitutions. The ratioK s/K a was used as an indicator of the overall selective constraints on the amino acid sequence of JEV proteins. The possibility that different regions of the gene may be subject to varying selective pressures was tested by dividing the gene into three regions and estimating theK s/K a ratio for each region. On the basis of analysis of a limited number (17) of strains of JEV, evidence suggestive of positive selection acting on certain regions of the E gene of the virus, and in some cases on the entire gene, was obtained. Analysis ofK a diversity in the prM region of 46 JEV strains grouped into three genotypes revealed that strains included in genotype II were more heterogeneous than strains belonging to genotype I, while the differences between meanK a values for genotypes I and III and genotypes II and III were not statistically significant. Analysis of host-specific heterogeneity in the prM region revealed that pig isolates were more Xa-diverse than human isolates.  相似文献   

The evolutionary and adaptive potential of populations or species facing an emerging infectious disease depends on their genetic diversity in genes, such as the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). In birds, MHC class I deals predominantly with intracellular infections (e.g., viruses) and MHC class II with extracellular infections (e.g., bacteria). Therefore, patterns of MHC I and II diversity may differ between species and across populations of species depending on the relative effect of local and global environmental selective pressures, genetic drift, and gene flow. We hypothesize that high gene flow among populations of Humboldt and Magellanic penguins limits local adaptation in MHC I and MHC II, and signatures of selection differ between markers, locations, and species. We evaluated the MHC I and II diversity using 454 next‐generation sequencing of 100 Humboldt and 75 Magellanic penguins from seven different breeding colonies. Higher genetic diversity was observed in MHC I than MHC II for both species, explained by more than one MHC I loci identified. Large population sizes, high gene flow, and/or similar selection pressures maintain diversity but limit local adaptation in MHC I. A pattern of isolation by distance was observed for MHC II for Humboldt penguin suggesting local adaptation, mainly on the northernmost studied locality. Furthermore, trans‐species alleles were found due to a recent speciation for the genus or convergent evolution. High MHC I and MHC II gene diversity described is extremely advantageous for the long‐term survival of the species.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is vitally important for wildlife populations to respond to pathogen threats. As natural populations can fluctuate greatly in size, a key issue concerns how population cycles and bottlenecks that could reduce genetic diversity will influence MHC genes. Using 454 sequencing, we characterized genetic diversity at the DRB Class II locus in montane voles (Microtus montanus), a North American rodent that regularly undergoes high‐amplitude fluctuations in population size. We tested for evidence of historic balancing selection, recombination, and gene duplication to identify mechanisms maintaining allelic diversity. Counter to our expectations, we found strong evidence of purifying selection acting on the DRB locus in montane voles. We speculate that the interplay between population fluctuations and gene duplication might be responsible for the weak evidence of historic balancing selection and strong evidence of purifying selection detected. To further explore this idea, we conducted a phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis across 16 rodent species with varying demographic histories and MHC duplication events (based on the maximum number of alleles detected per individual). On the basis of phylogenetic generalized linear model‐averaging, we found evidence that the estimated number of duplicated loci was positively related to allelic diversity and, surprisingly, to the strength of purifying selection at the DRB locus. Our analyses also revealed that species that had undergone population bottlenecks had lower allelic richness than stable species. This study highlights the need to consider demographic history and genetic structure alongside patterns of natural selection to understand resulting patterns of genetic variation at the MHC.  相似文献   

  • Quartet pollen, where pollen grains remain attached to each other post‐meiosis, is useful for tetrad analysis, crossover assessment and centromere mapping. We observed the quartet pollen phenotype for the first time in the agriculturally significant Brassica genus, in an experimental population of allohexaploid Brassica hybrids derived from the cross (Brassica napus × B. carinata) × B. juncea followed by two self‐pollination generations.
  • Quartet pollen production was assessed in 144 genotypes under glasshouse conditions, following which a set of 16 genotypes were selected to further investigate the effect of environment (warm: 25 °C and cold: 10 °C temperatures) on quartet pollen production in growth cabinets.
  • Under glasshouse phenotyping conditions, only 92 out of 144 genotypes produced enough pollen to score: of these, 30 did not produce any observable quartet pollen, while 62 genotypes produced quartet pollen at varying frequencies. Quartet pollen production appeared quantitative and did not clearly fall into phenotypic or qualitative categories indicative of major gene expression. No consistent effect of temperature on quartet pollen production was identified, with some genotypes producing more and some producing less quartet pollen under different temperature treatments.
  • The genetic heterogeneity and frequent pollen infertility of this population prevents strong conclusions being made. However, it is clear that the quartet phenotype in this Brassica population does not show complete penetrance and shows variable (likely genotype‐specific) response to temperature stress. In future, identification of quartet phenotypes in Brassica would perhaps best be carried out via screening of diploid (e.g. B. rapa) TILLING populations.

Dioecy (i.e. having separate sexes) is a rather rare breeding system in flowering plants. Such rareness may result from a high probability of extinction in dioecious species because of less efficient dispersal and the costs of sexual selection, which are expected to harm dioecious species' survival on the long term. These handicaps should decrease the effective population size () of dioecious species, which in turn should reduce the efficacy of selection. Moreover, sexual selection in dioecious species is expected to specifically affect some genes, which will evolve under positive selection. The relative contribution of these effects is currently unknown and we tried to disentangle them by comparing sequence evolution between dioecious and non‐dioecious species in the Silene genus (Caryophyllaceae), where dioecy has evolved at least twice. For the dioecious species in the section Melandrium, where dioecy is the oldest, we found a global reduction of purifying selection, while on some, male‐biased genes, positive selection was found. For section Otites, where dioecy evolved more recently, we found no significant differences between dioecious and non‐dioecious species. Our results are consistent with the view that dioecy is an evolutionary dead end in flowering plants, although other scenarios for explaining reduced cannot be ruled out. Our results also show that contrasting forces act on the genomes of dioecious plants, and suggest that some time is required before the genome of such plants bears the footprints of dioecy.  相似文献   

Fungi are ideal model organisms for dissecting the genomic bases of adaptive divergence in eukaryotes. They have simple morphologies and small genomes, occupy contrasting, well‐identified ecological niches and tend to have short generation times, and many are amenable to experimental approaches. Fungi also display diverse lifestyles, from saprotrophs to pathogens or mutualists, and they play extremely important roles in both ecosystems and human activities, as wood decayers, mycorrhizal fungi, lichens, endophytes, plant and animal pathogens, and in fermentation or drug production. We review here recent insights into the patterns and mechanisms of adaptive divergence in fungi, including sources of divergence, genomic variation and, ultimately, speciation. We outline the various ecological sources of divergent selection and genomic changes, showing that gene loss and changes in gene expression and in genomic architecture are important adaptation processes, in addition to the more widely recognized processes of amino acid substitution and gene duplication. We also review recent findings regarding the interspecific acquisition of genomic variation and suggesting an important role for introgression, hybridization and horizontal gene transfers (HGTs). We show that transposable elements can mediate several of these genomic changes, thus constituting important factors for adaptation. Finally, we review the consequences of divergent selection in terms of speciation, arguing that genetic incompatibilities may not be as widespread as generally thought and that pleiotropy between adaptation and reproductive isolation is an important route of speciation in fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

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