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Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is an essential coenzyme required for all living organisms. In eukaryotic cells, the final step of NAD+ biosynthesis is exclusively cytosolic. Hence, NAD+ must be imported into organelles to support their metabolic functions. Three NAD+ transporters belonging to the mitochondrial carrier family (MCF) have been biochemically characterized in plants. AtNDT1 (At2g47490), focus of the current study, AtNDT2 (At1g25380), targeted to the inner mitochondrial membrane, and AtPXN (At2g39970), located in the peroxisomal membrane. Although AtNDT1 was presumed to reside in the chloroplast membrane, subcellular localization experiments with green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions revealed that AtNDT1 locates exclusively in the mitochondrial membrane in stably transformed Arabidopsis plants. To understand the biological function of AtNDT1 in Arabidopsis, three transgenic lines containing an antisense construct of AtNDT1 under the control of the 35S promoter alongside a T‐DNA insertional line were evaluated. Plants with reduced AtNDT1 expression displayed lower pollen viability, silique length, and higher rate of seed abortion. Furthermore, these plants also exhibited an increased leaf number and leaf area concomitant with higher photosynthetic rates and higher levels of sucrose and starch. Therefore, lower expression of AtNDT1 was associated with enhanced vegetative growth but severe impairment of the reproductive stage. These results are discussed in the context of the mitochondrial localization of AtNDT1 and its important role in the cellular NAD+ homeostasis for both metabolic and developmental processes in plants.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are central to cellular metabolism and energy conversion. In plants they also enable photosynthesis through additional components and functional flexibility. A majority of those processes relies on the assembly of individual proteins to larger protein complexes, some of which operate as large molecular machines. There has been a strong interest in the makeup and function of mitochondrial protein complexes and protein–protein interactions in plants, but the experimental approaches used typically suffer from selectivity or bias. Here, we present a complexome profiling analysis for leaf mitochondria of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana for the systematic characterization of protein assemblies. Purified organelle extracts were separated by 1D Blue native (BN) PAGE, a resulting gel lane was dissected into 70 slices (complexome fractions) and proteins in each slice were identified by label free quantitative shot‐gun proteomics. Overall, 1359 unique proteins were identified, which were, on average, present in 17 complexome fractions each. Quantitative profiles of proteins along the BN gel lane were aligned by similarity, allowing us to visualize protein assemblies. The data allow re‐annotating the subunit compositions of OXPHOS complexes, identifying assembly intermediates of OXPHOS complexes and assemblies of alternative respiratory oxidoreductases. Several protein complexes were discovered that have not yet been reported in plants, such as a 530 kDa Tat complex, 460 and 1000 kDa SAM complexes, a calcium ion uniporter complex (150 kDa) and several PPR protein complexes. We have set up a tailored online resource ( https://complexomemap.de/at_mito_leaves ) to deposit the data and to allow straightforward access and custom data analyses.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) of nuclear DNA occurs within the context of a highly complex chromatin structure. Despite extensive studies of HR in diverse organisms, mechanisms regulating HR within the chromatin context remain poorly elucidated. Here we investigate the role and interplay of the histone chaperones NUCLEOSOME ASSEMBLY PROTEIN1 (NAP1) and NAP1‐RELATED PROTEIN (NRP) and the ATP‐dependent chromatin‐remodeling factor INOSITOL AUXOTROPHY80 (INO80) in regulating somatic HR in Arabidopsis thaliana. We show that simultaneous knockout of the four AtNAP1 genes and the two NRP genes in the sextuple mutant m123456‐1 barely affects normal plant growth and development. Interestingly, compared with the respective AtNAP1 (m123‐1 and m1234‐1) or NRP (m56‐1) loss‐of‐function mutants, the sextuple mutant m123456‐1 displays an enhanced plant hypersensitivity to UV or bleomycin treatments. Using HR reporter constructs, we show that AtNAP1 and NRP act in parallel to synergistically promote somatic HR. Distinctively, the AtINO80 loss‐of‐function mutation (atino80‐5) is epistatic to m56‐1 in plant phenotype and telomere length but hypostatic to m56‐1 in HR determinacy. Further analyses show that expression of HR machinery genes and phosphorylation of H2A.X (γ‐H2A.X) are not impaired in the mutants. Collectively, our study indicates that NRP and AtNAP1 synergistically promote HR upstream of AtINO80‐mediated chromatin remodeling after the formation of γ‐H2A.X foci during DNA damage repair.  相似文献   

Changes in the amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have never been investigated in plant zygotes or early plant embryos due to the difficulty in isolating these cells, although such changes have been investigated in mammalian embryos. Using the single‐cell quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and laser confocal microscopy, we surveyed the changes in mtDNA levels during early embryogenesis in Torenia fournieri and Arabidopsis thaliana. In contrast with the amount of mtDNA in early mammalian embryos, which does not change, we found that mtDNA doubling occurred during zygotic development in T. fournieri and during two‐cell proembryo development in A. thaliana. These findings reveal that mtDNA doubling occurs during early embryogenesis in T. fournieri and A. thaliana, indicating that the dynamics of mtDNA in early plant embryos differs from that in early mammalian embryos.  相似文献   

  • The Omp85 proteins form a large membrane protein family in bacteria and eukaryotes. Omp85 proteins are composed of a C‐terminal β‐barrel‐shaped membrane domain and one or more N‐terminal polypeptide transport‐associated (POTRA) domains. However, Arabidopsis thaliana contains two genes coding for Omp85 proteins without a POTRA domain. One gene is designated P39, according to the molecular weight of the encoded protein. The protein is targeted to plastids and it was established that p39 has electrophysiological properties similar to other Omp85 family members, particularly to that designated as Toc75V/Oep80.
  • We analysed expression of the gene and characterised two T‐DNA insertion mutants, focusing on alterations in photosynthetic activity, plastid ultrastructure, global expression profile and metabolome.
  • We observed pronounced expression of P39, especially in veins. Mutants of P39 show growth aberrations, reduced photosynthetic activity and changes in plastid ultrastructure, particularly in the leaf tip. Further, they display global alteration of gene expression and metabolite content in leaves of mature plants.
  • We conclude that the function of the plastid‐localised and vein‐specific Omp85 family protein p39 is important, but not essential, for maintenance of metabolic homeostasis of full‐grown A. thaliana plants. Further, the function of p39 in veins influences the functionality of other plant tissues. The link connecting p39 function with metabolic regulation in mature A. thaliana is discussed.

Peroxisomes are ubiquitous eukaryotic organelles with the primary role of breaking down very long‐ and branched‐chain fatty acids for subsequent β‐oxidation in the mitochondrion. Like mitochondria, peroxisomes are major sites for oxygen utilization and potential contributors to cellular oxidative stress. The accumulation of oxidatively damaged proteins, which often develop into inclusion bodies (of oxidized, aggregated, and cross‐linked proteins) within both mitochondria and peroxisomes, results in loss of organelle function that may contribute to the aging process. Both organelles possess an isoform of the Lon protease that is responsible for degrading proteins damaged by oxidation. While the importance of mitochondrial Lon (LonP1) in relation to oxidative stress and aging has been established, little is known regarding the role of LonP2 and aging‐related changes in the peroxisome. Recently, peroxisome dysfunction has been associated with aging‐related diseases indicating that peroxisome maintenance is a critical component of ‘healthy aging’. Although mitochondria and peroxisomes are both needed for fatty acid metabolism, little work has focused on understanding the relationship between these two organelles including how age‐dependent changes in one organelle may be detrimental for the other. Herein, we summarize findings that establish proteolytic degradation of damaged proteins by the Lon protease as a vital mechanism to maintain protein homeostasis within the peroxisome. Due to the metabolic coordination between peroxisomes and mitochondria, understanding the role of Lon in the aging peroxisome may help to elucidate cellular causes for both peroxisome and mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin is believed to influence almost every aspect of plant growth and development. Auxin transport, biosynthesis and degradation combine to form gradients of the hormone that influence a range of key developmental and environmental response processes. There is abundant genetic evidence for the existence of multiple pathways for auxin biosynthesis and degradation. The complexity of these pathways makes it difficult to obtain a clear picture of the relative importance of specific metabolic pathways during development. We have developed a sensitive mass spectrometry‐based method to simultaneously profile the majority of known auxin precursors and conjugates/catabolites in small amounts of Arabidopsis tissue. The method includes a new derivatization technique for quantification of the most labile of the auxin precursors. We validated the method by profiling the auxin metabolome in root and shoot tissues from various Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes and auxin over‐producing mutant lines. Substantial differences were shown in metabolite patterns between the lines and tissues. We also found differences of several orders of magnitude in the abundance of auxin metabolites, potentially indicating the relative importance of these compounds in the maintenance of auxin levels and activity. The method that we have established will enable researchers to obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of auxin metabolism and activity during plant growth and development.  相似文献   

DegP proteases have been shown to possess both chaperone and protease activities. The proteolytic activities of chloroplast DegP‐like proteases have been well documented. However, whether chloroplast Deg proteases also have chaperone activities has remained unknown. Here we show that chloroplast Deg1 also has chaperone activities, like its Escherichia coli ortholog DegP. Transgenic plants with reduced levels of Deg1 accumulated normal levels of different subunits of the major photosynthetic protein complexes, but their levels of photosystem‐II (PSII) dimers and supercomplexes were reduced. In vivo pulse‐chase protein labeling experiments showed that the assembly of newly synthesized proteins into PSII dimers and supercomplexes was impaired, although the synthesis rate of chloroplast proteins was unaffected in the transgenic lines. Protein overlay assays provided direct evidence that Deg1 interacts with the PSII reaction center protein D2. These results suggest that Deg1 assists the assembly of the PSII complex, probably through interaction with the PSII reaction center D2 protein.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, loss of CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) function leads to constitutive photomorphogenesis in the dark associated with inhibition of endoreduplication in the hypocotyl, and a post‐germination growth arrest. MIDGET (MID), a component of the TOPOISOMERASE VI (TOPOVI) complex, is essential for endoreduplication and genome integrity in A. thaliana. Here we show that MID and COP1 interact in vitro and in vivo through the amino terminus of COP1. We further demonstrate that MID supports sub‐nuclear accumulation of COP1. The MID protein is not degraded in a COP1‐dependent fashion in darkness, and the phenotypes of single and double mutants prove that MID is not a target of COP1 but rather a necessary factor for proper COP1 activity with respect to both, control of COP1‐dependent morphogenesis and regulation of endoreduplication. Our data provide evidence for a functional connection between COP1 and the TOPOVI in plants linking COP1‐dependent development with the regulation of endoreduplication.  相似文献   

Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)‐associated degradation (ERAD) is part of the ER protein quality‐control system (ERQC), which is critical for the conformation fidelity of most secretory and membrane proteins in eukaryotic organisms. ERAD is thought to operate in plants with core machineries highly conserved to those in human and yeast; however, little is known about the plant ERAD system. Here we report the characterization of a close homolog of human OTUB1 in Arabidopsis thaliana, designated as AtOTU1. AtOTU1 selectively hydrolyzes several types of ubiquitin chains and these activities depend on its conserved protease domain and/or the unique N‐terminus. The otu1 null mutant is sensitive to high salinity stress, and particularly agents that cause protein misfolding. It turns out that AtOTU1 is required for the processing of known plant ERAD substrates such as barley powdery mildew O (MLO) alleles by virtue of its association with the CDC48 complex through its N‐terminal region. These observations collectively define AtOTU1 as an OTU domain‐containing deubiquitinase involved in Arabidopsis ERAD.  相似文献   

Availability of plant‐specific enzyme kinetic data is scarce, limiting the predictive power of metabolic models and precluding identification of genetic factors of enzyme properties. Enzyme kinetic data are measured in vitro, often under non‐physiological conditions, and conclusions elicited from modeling warrant caution. Here we estimate maximal in vivo catalytic rates for 168 plant enzymes, including photosystems I and II, cytochrome‐b6f complex, ATP‐citrate synthase, sucrose‐phosphate synthase as well as enzymes from amino acid synthesis with previously undocumented enzyme kinetic data in BRENDA. The estimations are obtained by integrating condition‐specific quantitative proteomics data, maximal rates of selected enzymes, growth measurements from Arabidopsis thaliana rosette with and fluxes through canonical pathways in a constraint‐based model of leaf metabolism. In comparison to findings in Escherichia coli, we demonstrate weaker concordance between the plant‐specific in vitro and in vivo enzyme catalytic rates due to a low degree of enzyme saturation. This is supported by the finding that concentrations of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate), adenosine triphosphate and uridine triphosphate, calculated based on our maximal in vivo catalytic rates, and available quantitative metabolomics data are below reported values and, therefore, indicate undersaturation of respective enzymes. Our findings show that genome‐wide profiling of enzyme kinetic properties is feasible in plants, paving the way for understanding resource allocation.  相似文献   

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