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Steroid-receptor complexes formed at low temperature and ionic strength do not bind to nuclei or chromatin. After a temporary exposure to high temperature, or ionic strength, or both, a fraction of them becomes activated (able to bind to nuclei). An assay of the activated form of the complex based upon titration with nuclei in excess was established. This assay was used to perform kinetic and equilibrium studies of the thermal activation of glucocorticoid-receptor complex in order to elucidate its mechanism. It was found that the reaction is of apparent first order and yields a monomolecular product. It thus probably consists of a conformational change in the steroid-receptor complex. The rate of activation is 1.37 +/- 0.06 X 10(-3) S-1 at 25 degrees. The free energy of thermodynamic activation (The word activation is used here in its usual thermodynamic meaning and not in the sense of receptor modification) of this reaction is greater than G = 21.3 Kcal. The corresponding enthalpy and entropy are respectively greater than H = 31.4 kcal and greater than S = 4 cal/degree. These positive and high values of greater than H and greater than S are very similar to those described for denaturation reactions of proteins suggesting that breakage of some noncovalent bonds could take place during activation. The reaction proceeds until approximately 60% of the complexes are activated. It was shown that this corresponds to an equilibrium between activated and nonactivated forms and not to the presence of a population of complexes unable to undergo activation. This equilibrium is not modified by temperature variations between 10 degrees and 30 degrees. It is possible to activate over 80% of the complexes when the activation is performed in the presence of excess acceptor, thus shifting the equilibrium. A similar situation is probably observed in situ in cells since 90% of the complexes are found in the nuclei when liver slices are incubated with hormone.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor cells of the silkmoth Bombyx mori respond to single pheromone molecules with "elementary" electrical events that appear as discrete "bumps" a few milliseconds in duration, or bursts of bumps. As revealed by simulation, one bump may result from a series of random openings of one or several ion channels, producing an average inward membrane current of 1.5 pA. The distributions of durations of bumps and of gaps between bumps in a burst can be fitted by single exponentials with time constants of 10.2 ms and 40.5 ms, respectively. The distribution of burst durations is a sum of two exponentials; the number of bumps per burst obeyed a geometric distribution (mean 3.2 bumps per burst). Accordingly the elementary events could reflect transitions among three states of the pheromone receptor molecule: the vacant receptor (state 1), the pheromone-receptor complex (state 2), and the activated complex (state 3). The calculated rate constants of the transitions between states are k(21)=7.7 s(-1), k(23)=16.8 s(-1), and k(32)=98 s(-1).  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence indicates a close relationship between tyrosine kinase receptor trafficking and signaling. Biochemical and molecular analyses of the expression, fate, and kinetics of membrane trafficking of the nerve growth factor (NGF) receptor TrkA were performed in PC12 cells. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that TrkA is synthesized as a 110-kDa N-glycosylated precursor that leads to the mature 140-kDa form of the receptor with a half-life of conversion of approximately 24 +/- 0.5 min. Neuraminidase digestion shows that modification of the carbohydrate moiety of the receptor by sialylation occurs during maturation. The 140-kDa form is rapidly translocated to the cell surface as assessed by cell surface biotinylation performed on intact PC12 cells. Mature receptor half-life is approximately 138 +/- 4 min and is shortened to 86 +/- 8 min by NGF treatment. Flow cytometric analysis indicates that NGF induces clearing of this receptor from the cell surface within minutes of treatment. The addition of NGF decreases the half-life of cell surface gp140(TrkA) from 100 to 35 min and leads to enhanced lysosomal degradation of the receptor. The process of NGF-induced TrkA internalization is clearly affected by interfering with ligand binding to p75(NTR). An analysis of receptor activation kinetics also shows that receptor signaling primarily takes place from an intracellular location. Together, these data show that the primary effect of NGF treatment is a p75(NTR)-modulated decrease in TrkA transit time at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) is a pleiotropic cytokine that controls the production and function of blood cells, is deregulated in clinical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and leukemia, yet offers therapeutic value for other diseases. Its receptors are heterodimers consisting of a ligand-specific alpha subunit and a betac subunit that is shared with the interleukin (IL)-3 and IL-5 receptors. How signaling is initiated remains an enigma. We report here the crystal structure of the human GM-CSF/GM-CSF receptor ternary complex and its assembly into an unexpected dodecamer or higher-order complex. Importantly, mutagenesis of the GM-CSF receptor at the dodecamer interface and functional studies reveal that dodecamer formation is required for receptor activation and signaling. This unusual form of receptor assembly likely applies also to IL-3 and IL-5 receptors, providing a structural basis for understanding their mechanism of activation and for the development of therapeutics.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for rapidly computing gating currents from a multiparticle ion channel model. Our approach is appropriate for energy landscapes that can be characterized by a network of well-defined activation pathways with barriers. To illustrate, we represented the gating apparatus of a channel subunit by an interacting pair of charged gating particles. Each particle underwent spatial diffusion along a bistable potential of mean force, with electrostatic forces coupling the two trajectories. After a step in membrane potential, relaxation of the smaller barrier charge led to a time-dependent reduction in the activation barrier of the principal gate charge. The resulting gating current exhibited a rising phase similar to that measured in voltage-dependent ion channels. Reduction of the two-dimensional diffusion landscape to a circular Markov model with four states accurately preserved the time course of gating currents on the slow timescale. A composite system containing four subunits leading to a concerted opening transition was used to fit a series of gating currents from the Shaker potassium channel. We end with a critique of the model with regard to current views on potassium channel structure.  相似文献   

A simplified version of P.W. Kühl's Recovery Model [Biochem. J. 298 (1994) 171-180] has been developed in which the duration of the recovery phase of receptor or enzyme (macro)molecule was assumed to be a random value distributed exponentially like other model parameters. The model has been shown to retain all the properties of the original Recovery Model except for its ability to yield asymmetric dose-response curves (if plotted in semi-logarithmic scale). Due to its simplicity, the present model is applicable for routine fitting to experimental data. In enzyme kinetics, the model yields a diversity of non-hyperbolic dose-response curves both with higher and lower steepness than that of Henri-type ones. In receptor kinetics, the diversity of dose-response curves is further increased due to virtually no restraints being imposed on the efficacies of any state of the macromolecule.  相似文献   

B-cell activating factor (BAFF) is a key regulator of B-lymphocyte development. Its biological role is mediated by the specific receptors BCMA, TACI and BAFF-R. We have determined the crystal structure of the extracellular domain of BAFF-R bound to BAFF at a resolution of 3.3 A. The cysteine-rich domain (CRD) of the BAFF-R extracellular domain adopts a beta-hairpin structure and binds to the virus-like BAFF cage in a 1:1 molar ratio. The conserved DxL motif of BAFF-R is located on the tip of the beta-turn and is indispensable in the binding of BAFF. The crystal structure shows that a unique dimeric contact occurs between the BAFF-R monomers in the virus-like cage complex. The extracellular domain of TACI contains two CRDs, both of which contain the DxL motif. Modeling of TACI-BAFF complex suggests that both CDRs simultaneously interact with the BAFF dimer in the virus-like cage.  相似文献   

Energetics of actively powered locomotion using the simplest walking model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We modified an irreducibly simple model of passive dynamic walking to walk on level ground, and used it to study the energetics of walking and the preferred relationship between speed and step length in humans. Powered walking was explored using an impulse applied at toe-off immediately before heel strike, and a torque applied on the stance leg. Although both methods can supply energy through mechanical work on the center of mass, the toe-off impulse is four times less costly because it decreases the collision loss at heel strike. We also studied the use of a hip torque on the swing leg that tunes its frequency but adds no propulsive energy to gait. This spring-like actuation can further reduce the collision loss at heel strike, improving walking energetics. An idealized model yields a set of simple power laws relating the toe-off impulses and effective spring constant to the speed and step length of the corresponding gait. Simulations incorporating nonlinear equations of motion and more realistic inertial parameters show that these power laws apply to more complex models as well.  相似文献   

We analyze a simple model for two autocatalytic reactions catalyzed by two distinct isozymes transforming, with different kinetic properties, a given substrate into the same product. This two-variable system can be viewed as the simplest model of chemically coupled biochemical oscillators. Phase-plane analysis indicates how the kinetic differences between the two enzymes give rise to complex oscillatory phenomena such as the coexistence of a stable steady state and a stable limit cycle, or the co-existence of two simultaneously stable oscillatory regimes (birhythmicity). The model allows one to verify a previously proposed conjecture for the origin of birhythmicity. In other conditions, the system admits multiple oscillatory domains as a function of a control parameter whose variation gives rise to markedly different types of oscillations. The latter behavior provides an explanation for the occurrence of multiple modes of oscillations in thalamic neurons.  相似文献   

Interleukin-4 is a member of the cytokine family, a group of related messenger proteins which collectively help to moderate and control the immune response. It is believed that the folding topology of the β-sheets of the interleukin-4 receptor (IL4R) is the same as that seen in the crystal structure of CD4. Although the sequence identity is low, homology modeling techniques have been used to model the IL4R structure from CD4. Refinement by molecular dynamics leads to a suggested structure which has been docked to interleukin-4 (IL4). Several residues of apparent importance for binding are identified. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) exists both as a membrane-integrated type II precursor protein and a soluble cytokine that have different bioactivities on TNFR2 (CD120b) but not on TNFR1 (CD120a). To identify the molecular basis of this disparity, we have investigated receptor chimeras comprising the cytoplasmic part of Fas (CD95) and the extracellular domains of the two TNF receptors. The membrane form of TNF, but not its soluble form, was capable of inducing apoptosis as well as activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase and NF-kappaB via the TNFR2-derived chimera. In contrast, the TNFR1-Fas chimera displayed strong responsiveness to both TNF forms. This pattern of responsiveness is identical to that of wild type TNF receptors, demonstrating that the underlying mechanisms are independent of the particular type of the intracellular signaling machinery and rather are controlled upstream of the intracellular domain. We further demonstrate that the signaling strength induced by a given ligand/receptor interaction is regulated at the level of adaptor protein recruitment, as shown for FADD, caspase-8, and TRAF2. Since both incidents, strong signaling and robust adapter protein recruitment, are paralleled by a high stability of individual ligand-receptor complexes, we propose that half-lives of individual ligand-receptor complexes control signaling at the level of adaptor protein recruitment.  相似文献   

Load-dependent kinetics of myosin-V can explain its high processivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent studies provide strong evidence that single myosin class V molecules transport vesicles and organelles processively along F-actin, taking several 36-nm steps, 'hand over hand', for each diffusional encounter. The mechanisms regulating myosin-V's processivity remain unknown. Here, we have used an optical-tweezers-based transducer to measure the effect of load on the mechanical interactions between rabbit skeletal F-actin and a single head of mouse brain myosin-V, which produces its working stroke in two phases. We found that the lifetimes of the first phase of the working stroke changed exponentially and about 10-fold over a range of pushing and pulling forces of +/- 1.5 pN. Stiffness measurements suggest that intramolecular forces could approach 3.6 pN when both heads are bound to F-actin, in which case extrapolation would predict the detachment kinetics of the front head to slow down 50-fold and the kinetics of the rear head to accelerate respectively. This synchronizing effect on the chemo-mechanical cycles of the heads increases the probability of the trail head detaching first and causes a strong increase in the number of forward steps per diffusional encounter over a system with no strain dependence.  相似文献   

Steady state agonist-antagonist relations have been derived for a general version of a cyclic model of glucocorticoid-receptor kinetics. The model was previously shown to account quantitatively for the transient and steady state distribution of hormone-receptor complexes formed in thymus cells by several glucocorticoids. Agonist-antagonist properties of a steroid in the model are expressed quantitatively by its "agonist activity" A, the steady state ratio of nuclear-bound to total complexes it forms. For a pure agonist A = 1, for a pure antagonist A = 0. This ratio is found to be independent of steroid concentration and a function only of the rate constants of reactions involving complexes formed by the steroid. Analysis of the dependence of A on each rate constant reveals how each reaction in the cyclic model--activation, nuclear binding, dissociation of activated and nuclear-bound complexes--influences antagonist properties. The steady state interaction of an antagonist with an agonist is shown to be governed by relations that are indistinguishable from competition relations for the simplest equilibrium system, and to yield dose-response curves that are very similar to those produced by two-state allosteric models of steroid hormone antagonism, despite the fact that the cyclic model includes no allosteric mechanisms. With steroids for which relevant rate constants can be measured, the model is directly testable. Limitations of the model arise from lack of information about the nuclear events that lead to biological activity following binding of activated complexes to the nucleus.  相似文献   

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