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Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of HDL cholesteryl esters (CEs) and facilitates the efflux of unesterified cholesterol. SR-BI expression in macrophages presumably plays a role in atherosclerosis. The role of SR-BI for selective CE uptake and cholesterol efflux in macrophages was explored. Macrophages and HDL originated from wild-type (WT) or SR-BI knockout (KO; homozygous) mice. For uptake, macrophages were incubated in medium containing 125I-/3H-labeled HDL. For lipid removal, [3H]cholesterol efflux was analyzed using HDL as acceptor. Selective uptake of HDL CE ([3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether - 125I-tyramine cellobiose) was similar in WT and SR-BI KO macrophages. Radiolabeled SR-BI KO-HDL yielded a lower rate of selective uptake compared with WT-HDL in WT and SR-BI KO macrophages. Cholesterol efflux was similar in WT and SR-BI KO cells using HDL as acceptor. SR-BI KO-HDL more efficiently promoted cholesterol removal compared with WT-HDL from both types of macrophages. Macrophages selectively take up HDL CE independently of SR-BI. Additionally, in macrophages, there is substantial cholesterol efflux that is not mediated by SR-BI. Therefore, SR-BI-independent mechanisms mediate selective CE uptake and cholesterol removal. SR-BI KO-HDL is an inferior donor for selective CE uptake compared with WT-HDL, whereas SR-BI KO-HDL more efficiently promotes cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

Receptor-mediated cholesterol uptake has been suggested to play a role in maintaining the adrenal intracellular free cholesterol pool and the ability to produce hormones. Therefore, in the current study, we evaluated the importance of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-mediated cholesteryl ester uptake from HDL for adrenal glucocorticoid hormone synthesis in vivo. No difference was observed in the plasma level of corticosterone between SR-BI-deficient and wild-type mice under ad libitum feeding conditions. Overnight fasting ( approximately 16 h) stimulated the plasma level of corticosterone by 2-fold in wild-type mice. In contrast, no effect of fasting on plasma corticosterone levels was observed in SR-BI-deficient mice, leading to a 44% lower plasma corticosterone level compared with their wild-type littermate controls. In parallel, an almost complete depletion of lipid stores in the adrenal cortex of fasted SR-BI-deficient mice was observed. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels were increased by 5-fold in fasted SR-BI-deficient mice. SR-BI deficiency induced marked changes in the hepatic expression of the glucocorticoid-responsive genes cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase, HMG-CoA synthase, apolipoprotein A-IV, corticosteroid binding globulin, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which coincided with a 42% decreased plasma glucose level under fasting conditions. In conclusion, we show that the absence of adrenal HDL cholesteryl ester uptake in SR-BI-deficient mice impairs the adrenal glucocorticoid-mediated stress response to fasting as a result of adrenal glucocorticoid insufficiency and attenuated liver glucocorticoid receptor signaling, leading to hypoglycemia under fasting conditions.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) plays a critical role in the delivery of HDL cholesterol and cholesteryl esters (CEs) to liver and steroidogenic tissues by a selective process that does not result in significant degradation of HDL protein. Recently, SR-BI-mediated endocytosis and recycling of HDL have been demonstrated. However, it remains unclear whether efficient SR-BI-mediated selective uptake occurs strictly at the plasma membrane or at additional sites along its endocytic itinerary. To examine the requirement for SR-BI endocytosis in HDL selective uptake, we determined the effects of energy depletion on the levels of cell-associated HDL protein and CE in primary mouse hepatocytes. Compared with CHO cells, we observed a much larger energy-dependent effect on CE uptake in primary mouse hepatocytes. Although varying the levels of caveolin-1 and carboxyl ester lipase altered the efficiency of selective uptake, neither was able to account for the energy-dependent component of HDL-CE uptake. Finally, we demonstrate that the hepatocyte-specific, energy-dependent effects on HDL-apolipoprotein A-I and -CE uptake are independent of SR-BI and are not required to achieve efficient SR-BI-mediated selective uptake of CE. Together, these data support the conclusion that neither the intracellular trafficking of HDL nor any energy-dependent cellular process affects the ability of the cell to maximally acquire CE through SR-BI-mediated selective uptake from HDL.  相似文献   

High density lipoprotein cholesterol represents a major source of biliary cholesterol. Secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) is an acute phase enzyme mediating decreased plasma HDL cholesterol levels. Clinical studies reported a link between increased sPLA2 expression and the presence of cholesterol gallstones. The aim of our study was to investigate whether the overexpression of human sPLA2 in transgenic mice affects biliary cholesterol secretion and gallstone formation. Liver weight (P < 0.01) and hepatic cholesterol content (P < 0.01) were significantly increased in sPLA2 transgenic mice compared with controls as a result of increased scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-mediated hepatic selective uptake of HDL cholesterol (P < 0.01), whereas hepatic SR-BI expression remained unchanged. However, biliary cholesterol secretion as well as fecal neutral sterol and fecal bile salt excretion remained unchanged in sPLA2 transgenic mice. Furthermore, gallstone prevalence in response to a lithogenic diet was identical in both groups. These data demonstrate that i) increased flux of cholesterol from HDL into the liver via SR-BI as a result of phospholipase modification of the HDL particle translates neither into increased biliary and fecal sterol output nor into increased gallstone formation, and ii) increased sPLA2 expression in patients with cholesterol gallstones might be a consequence rather than the underlying cause of the disease.  相似文献   

The HDL receptor scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) binds HDL and mediates the selective uptake of cholesteryl ester. We previously showed that remnants, produced when human HDL(2) is catabolized in mice overexpressing SR-BI, become incrementally smaller, ultimately consisting of small alpha-migrating particles, distinct from pre-beta HDL. When mixed with mouse plasma, some remnant particles rapidly increase in size by associating with HDL without the mediation of cholesteryl ester transfer protein, LCAT, or phospholipid transfer protein. Here, we show that processing of HDL(2) by SR-BI-overexpressing mice resulted in the preferential loss of apolipoprotein A-II (apoA-II). Short-term processing generated two distinct, small alpha-migrating particles. One particle (8.0 nm diameter) contained apoA-I and apoA-II; the other particle (7.7 nm diameter) contained only apoA-I. With extensive SR-BI processing, only the 7.7 nm particle remained. Only the 8.0 nm remnants were able to associate with HDL. Compared with HDL(2), this remnant was more readily taken up by the liver than by the kidney. We conclude that SR-BI-generated HDL remnants consist of particles with or without apoA-II and that only those containing apoA-II associate with HDL in an enzyme-independent manner. Extensive SR-BI processing generates small apoA-II-depleted particles unable to reassociate with HDL and readily taken up by the liver. This represents a pathway by which apoA-I and apoA-II catabolism are segregated.  相似文献   

Lipid and cholesterol metabolism in the postprandial phase is associated with both quantitative and qualitative remodeling of HDL particle subspecies that may influence their anti-atherogenic functions in the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We evaluated the capacity of whole plasma or isolated HDL particles to mediate cellular free cholesterol (FC) efflux, cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)-mediated cholesteryl ester (CE) transfer, and selective hepatic CE uptake during the postprandial phase in subjects displaying type IIB hyperlipidemia (n = 16). Postprandial, large HDL2 displayed an enhanced capacity to mediate FC efflux via both scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-dependent (+12%; P < 0.02) and ATP binding cassette transporter G1 (ABCG1)-dependent (+31%; P < 0.008) pathways in in vitro cell systems. In addition, the capacity of whole postprandial plasma (4 h and 8 h postprandially) to mediate cellular FC efflux via the ABCA1-dependent pathway was significantly increased (+19%; P < 0.0003). Concomitantly, postprandial lipemia was associated with elevated endogenous CE transfer rates from HDL2 to apoB lipoproteins and with attenuated capacity (−17%; P < 0.02) of total HDL to deliver CE to hepatic cells. Postprandial lipemia enhanced SR-BI and ABCG1-dependent efflux to large HDL2 particles. However, postprandial lipemia is equally associated with deleterious features by enhancing formation of CE-enriched, triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particles through the action of CETP and by reducing the direct return of HDL-CE to the liver.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the associations of individual apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I)-containing HDL subpopulation levels with ABCA1- and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)-mediated cellular cholesterol efflux. HDL subpopulations were measured by nondenaturing two-dimensional gel electrophoresis from 105 male subjects selected with various levels of apoA-I in pre-beta-1, alpha-1, and alpha-3 HDL particles. ApoB-containing lipoprotein-depleted serum was incubated with [(3)H]cholesterol-labeled cells to measure efflux. The difference in efflux between control and ABCA1-upregulated J774 macrophages was taken as a measure of ABCA1-mediated efflux. SR-BI-mediated efflux was determined using cholesterol-labeled Fu5AH hepatoma cells. Fractional efflux values obtained from these two cell systems were correlated with the levels of individual HDL subpopulations. A multivariate analysis showed that two HDL subspecies correlated significantly with ABCA1-mediated efflux: small, lipid-poor pre-beta-1 particles (P=0.0022) and intermediate-sized alpha-2 particles (P=0.0477). With regard to SR-BI-mediated efflux, multivariate analysis revealed significant correlations with alpha-2 (P=0.0004), alpha-1 (P=0.0030), pre-beta-1 (P=0.0056), and alpha-3 (P=0.0127) HDL particles. These data demonstrate that the small, lipid-poor pre-beta-1 HDL has the strongest association with ABCA1-mediated cholesterol even in the presence of all other HDL subpopulations. Cholesterol efflux via the SR-BI pathway is associated with several HDL subpopulations with different apolipoprotein composition, lipid content, and size.  相似文献   

The physiological role of murine scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) was evaluated by in vivo clearances of human HDL3 and LDL in normal and SR-BI knockout (KO) mice. In normal mice, cholesteryl esters (CEs) were removed faster than proteins, indicating a selective uptake process from both HDL3 and LDL. SR-BI KO mice showed 80% losses of HDL-CE selective uptake and the complete loss of LDL-CE selective uptake in the first phase of clearance. However, the second phase was characterized by an acceleration of CE disappearance in SR-BI KO mice. Thus, SR-BI is the only murine receptor mediating HDL-CE selective uptake, whereas a SR-BI-independent pathway specific to LDL can rescue SR-BI deficiency. The analysis of LDL recovered 3 h after injection in mice from different genotypes revealed that LDLs are significantly depleted in CE (reduction from 19% to 50% of the CE/protein ratios). A smaller LDL size in comparison with that of noninjected LDL was also detectable but was more evident for LDL recovered from normal mice. All LDL preparations migrate faster than noninjected LDL on agarose-barbital gels. Thus, both SR-BI-dependent and -independent pathways lead to substantial changes in LDL.  相似文献   

This study compares the roles of ABCG1 and scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) singly or together in promoting net cellular cholesterol efflux to plasma HDL containing active LCAT. In transfected cells, SR-BI promoted free cholesterol efflux to HDL, but this was offset by an increased uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester (CE) into cells, resulting in no net efflux. Coexpression of SR-BI with ABCG1 inhibited the ABCG1-mediated net cholesterol efflux to HDL, apparently by promoting the reuptake of CE from medium. However, ABCG1-mediated cholesterol efflux was not altered in cholesterol-loaded, SR-BI-deficient (SR-BI(-/-)) macrophages. Briefly cultured macrophages collected from SR-BI(-/-) mice loaded with acetylated LDL in the peritoneal cavity did exhibit reduced efflux to HDL. However, this was attributable to reduced expression of ABCG1 and ABCA1, likely reflecting increased macrophage cholesterol efflux to apolipoprotein E-enriched HDL during loading in SR-BI(-/-) mice. In conclusion, cellular SR-BI does not promote net cholesterol efflux from cells to plasma HDL containing active LCAT as a result of the reuptake of HDL-CE into cells. Previous findings of increased atherosclerosis in mice transplanted with SR-BI(-/-) bone marrow probably cannot be explained by a defect in macrophage cholesterol efflux.  相似文献   

Recently, we showed that holo HDL particle uptake and resecretion occur in physiologically relevant cell lines and that HDL uptake is mediated by scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI). Furthermore, we established that HDL resecretion is accompanied by [(3)H]cholesterol efflux. This study shows that HDL uptake and resecretion occur even when LDL uptake and cholesterol trafficking are disturbed. First, we used a set of inhibitors that block cholesterol transport out of the lysosome: chloroquine, imipramine, U18666A, and monensin. In all cases, HDL retroendocytosis occurred and HDL resecretion mediated [(3)H]cholesterol efflux, although to a lesser extent. Second, cell lines carrying somatic mutations in intracellular cholesterol transport were used: CHO 2-2 and CHO 3-6 cells accumulated LDL-derived lipid in the lysosome but showed all components of HDL retroendocytosis. SR-BI overexpression increased HDL uptake and resecretion and [(3)H]cholesterol efflux in these mutant cells. Finally, we used Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) patient fibroblast cells, which carry a defect in cholesterol transfer out of the lysosome. NPC fibroblast cells accumulate cholesterol in the lysosome as a result of a mutation in the NPC1 gene. Despite disturbed intracellular cholesterol transfer, NPC fibroblast cells exhibited HDL retroendocytosis and [(3)H]cholesterol efflux via HDL resecretion, although to a lesser extent. Thus, [(3)H]cholesterol efflux via HDL resecretion is independent of the cholesterol uptake pathway via the LDL receptor and may be an alternative way to remove excess cholesterol.  相似文献   

Treatment of atherosclerotic disease often focuses on reducing plasma LDL-cholesterol or increasing plasma HDL-cholesterol. We examined in vitro the effects on HDL receptor [scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI)] activity of three classes of clinical and experimental plasma HDL-cholesterol-elevating compounds: niacin, fibrates, and HDL376. Fenofibrate (FF) and HDL376 were potent (IC(50) approximately 1 microM), direct inhibitors of SR-BI-mediated lipid transport in cells and in liposomes reconstituted with purified SR-BI. FF, a prodrug, was a more potent inhibitor of SR-BI than an activator of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha, a target of its active fenofibric acid (FFA) derivative. Nevertheless, FFA, four other fibrates (clofibrate, gemfibrozil, ciprofibrate, and bezafibrate), and niacin had little, if any, effect on SR-BI, suggesting that they do not directly target SR-BI in vivo. However, similarities of HDL376 treatment and SR-BI gene knockout on HDL metabolism in vivo (increased HDL-cholesterol and HDL particle sizes) and structure-activity relationship analysis suggest that SR-BI may be a target of HDL376 in vivo. HDL376 and other inhibitors may help elucidate SR-BI function in diverse mammalian models and determine the therapeutic potential of SR-BI-directed pharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

To study the mechanisms of hepatic HDL formation, we investigated the roles of ABCA1, ABCG1, and SR-BI in nascent HDL formation in primary hepatocytes isolated from mice deficient in ABCA1, ABCG1, or SR-BI and from wild-type (WT) mice. Under basal conditions, in WT hepatocytes, cholesterol efflux to exogenous apoA-I was accompanied by conversion of apoA-I to HDL-sized particles. LXR activation by T0901317 markedly enhanced the formation of larger HDL-sized particles as well as cellular cholesterol efflux to apoA-I. Glyburide treatment completely abolished the formation of 7.4 nm diameter and greater particles but led to the formation of novel 7.2 nm-sized particles. However, cells lacking ABCA1 failed to form such particles. ABCG1-deficient cells showed similar capacity to efflux cholesterol to apoA-I and to form nascent HDL particles compared with WT cells. Cholesterol efflux to apoA-I and nascent HDL formation were slightly but significantly enhanced in SR-BI-deficient cells compared with WT cells under basal but not LXR activated conditions. As in WT but not in ABCA1-deficient hepatocytes, 7.2 nm-sized particles generated by glyburide treatment were also detected in ABCG1-deficient and SR-BI-deficient hepatocytes. Our data indicate that hepatic nascent HDL formation is highly dependent on ABCA1 but not on ABCG1 or SR-BI.  相似文献   

Modified forms of LDL, including oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL), contribute to macrophage lipid accumulation in the vessel wall. Despite the pathophysiological importance of uptake pathways for OxLDL, the molecular details of OxLDL endocytosis by macrophages are not well understood. Studies in vitro demonstrate that the class B scavenger receptor CD36 mediates macrophage uptake and degradation of OxLDL. Although the closely related scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) binds OxLDL with high affinity, evidence that SR-BI plays a role in OxLDL metabolism is lacking. In this study, we directly compared OxLDL uptake and degradation by CD36 and SR-BI. Our results indicate that although CD36 and SR-BI internalize OxLDL, SR-BI mediates significantly less OxLDL degradation. Endocytosis of OxLDL by both SR-BI and CD36 is independent of caveolae, microtubules, and actin cytoskeleton. However, OxLDL uptake by CD36, but not SR-BI, is dependent on dynamin. The analysis of chimeric SR-BI/CD36 receptors shows that the CD36 C-terminal cytoplasmic tail is necessary and sufficient for dynamin-dependent OxLDL internalization by class B scavenger receptors. These findings indicate that different mechanisms are involved in OxLDL uptake by SR-BI and CD36, which may segregate these two structurally homologous receptors at the cell surface, leading to differences in intracellular trafficking and degradation.  相似文献   

Human atherosclerotic intima contains mast cells that secrete the neutral protease chymase into the intimal fluid, which also contains HDL-modifying proteins, such as cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), in addition to abundant amounts of nascent discoidal HDL particles. Here, we studied chymase-dependent degradation of a) CETP isolated from human plasma and b) CETP-HDL complexes as well as the functional consequences of such degradations. Incubation with chymase caused a rapid cleavage of CETP, yielding a specific proteolytic pattern with a concomitant reduction in its cholesteryl ester transfer activity. These chymase-dependent effects were attenuated after CETP was complexed with HDL. This attenuation was more effective when CETP was complexed with HDL(3) and HDL(2) than with discoidal reconstituted high density lipoprotein (rHDL). Conversely, rHDL, but not spherical HDLs, was protected in such CETP complexes against functional inactivation by chymase. Thus, in contrast to the complexes of CETP with spherical HDLs, the ability of the CETP-rHDL complexes to promote cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells remained unchanged, despite treatment with chymase. In summary, complexation of CETP and HDL modifies their resistance to proteolytic inactivation: spherical HDLs protect CETP, and CETP protects discoidal HDL. These results suggest that in inflamed atherosclerotic intima, CETP, via its complexation with HDL, has a novel protective role in early steps of reverse cholesterol transport.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) facilitates the uptake of HDL cholesteryl esters (CEs) in a two-step process involving binding of HDL to its extracellular domain and transfer of HDL core CEs to a metabolically active membrane pool, where they are subsequently hydrolyzed by a neutral CE hydrolase. Recently, we characterized a mutant, G420H, which replaced glycine 420 in the extracellular domain of SR-BI with a histidine residue and had a profound effect on SR-BI function. The G420H mutant receptor exhibited a reduced ability to mediate selective HDL CE uptake and was unable to deliver HDL CE for hydrolysis, despite the fact that it retained the ability to bind HDL. This did not hold true if glycine 420 was replaced with an alanine residue; G420A maintained wild-type HDL binding and cholesterol transport activity. To further understand the role that glycine 420 plays in SR-BI function and why there was a disparity between replacing glycine 420 with a histidine versus an alanine, we generated a battery of point mutants by substituting glycine 420 with amino acids possessing side chains that were charged, hydrophobic, polar, or bulky and tested the resulting mutants for their ability to support HDL binding, HDL cholesterol transport, and delivery for hydrolysis. The results indicated that substitution with a negatively charged residue or a proline impaired cell surface expression of SR-BI or its interaction with HDL, respectively. Furthermore, substitution of glycine 420 with a positively charged residue reduced HDL CE uptake as well as its subsequent hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Reduction of plasma LCAT activity has been observed in several conditions in which the size of HDL particles is increased; however, the mechanism of this reduction remains elusive. We investigated the plasma activity, mass, and in vivo catabolism of LCAT and its association with HDL particles in human apolipoprotein A-I transgenic, scavenger receptor class B type I knockout (hA-ITg SR-BI-/-) mice. Compared with hA-ITg mice, hA-ITg SR-BI-/- mice had a 4-fold higher total plasma cholesterol concentration, which occurred predominantly in 13-18 nm diameter HDL particles, a significant reduction in plasma esterified cholesterol-total cholesterol (EC/TC) ratio, and significantly lower plasma LCAT activity, suggesting a decrease in LCAT protein. However, LCAT protein in plasma, hepatic mRNA for LCAT, and in vivo turnover of 35S-radiolabeled LCAT were similar in both genotypes of mice. HDL from hA-ITg SR-BI-/- mice was enriched in sphingomyelin (SM), relative to phosphatidylcholine, and had less associated [35S]LCAT radiolabel and endogenous LCAT activity compared with HDL from hA-ITg mice. We conclude that the decreased EC/TC ratio in the plasma of hA-ITg SR-BI-/- mice is attributed to a reduction in LCAT reactivity with SM-enriched HDL particles.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the mechanisms of the hypolipidemic action of the selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) acolbifene (ACOL). Four weeks of treatment with ACOL reduced fasting and postprandial plasma triglycerides (TGs), an effect associated with lower VLDL-TG secretion rate (-25%), and decreased mRNA of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP; -29%). ACOL increased liver TG concentration (+100%) and amplified the feeding-induced increase in the master lipogenic regulators sterol-regulatory element binding protein-1a (SREBP-1a) and SREBP-1c. ACOL decreased total, HDL, and non-HDL cholesterol (CHOL) by 50%. SREBP-2 mRNA and HMG-CoA reductase activity were minimally affected by ACOL. However, in the fasted state, liver concentration of scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) protein, but not mRNA, was 3-fold higher in ACOL-treated than in control animals and correlated with plasma HDL-CHOL levels (r = 0.80, P < 0.002). Liver LDL receptor (LDLR) protein, but not mRNA, was increased 2-fold by ACOL, independently of the nutritional status. This study demonstrates that ACOL possesses the unique ability among SERMs to reduce VLDL-TG secretion, likely by reducing MTP expression, and strongly suggests that the robust hypocholesterolemic action of ACOL is related to increased removal of CHOL from the circulation as a consequence of enhanced liver SR-BI and LDLR abundance.  相似文献   

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