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This study sought to examine the role of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in ozone (O(3))-induced airway injury, inflammation, and hyperresponsiveness (AHR). Subacute (72 h) exposure to 0.3 ppm O(3) significantly elevated bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) protein, neutrophils, and soluble TNF receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) in wild-type C57BL/6 (IL-6(+/+)) mice; however, all four outcome indicators were significantly reduced in IL-6-deficient (IL-6(-/-)) compared with IL-6(+/+) mice. Acute O(3) exposure (2 ppm for 3 h) increased BALF protein, KC, macrophage inflammatory protein(MIP)-2, eotaxin, sTNFR1, and sTNFR2 in IL-6(+/+) mice. However, MIP-2 and sTNFR2 were not significantly increased following O(3) exposure in IL-6(-/-) mice. Increases in BALF neutrophils induced by O(3) (2 ppm for 3 h) were also significantly reduced in IL-6(-/-) vs. IL-6(+/+) mice. Airway responsiveness to methacholine was measured by whole body plethysmography before and following acute (3 h) or subacute (72 h) exposure to 0.3 ppm O(3). Acute O(3) exposure caused AHR in both groups of mice, but there was no genotype-related difference in the magnitude of O(3)-induced AHR. AHR was absent in mice of either genotype exposed for 72 h. Our results indicate that IL-6 deficiency reduces airway neutrophilia, as well as the levels of BALF sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 following acute high dose and/or subacute low-dose O(3) exposure, but has no effect on O(3)-induced AHR.  相似文献   

Wu, Zhong-Xin, Robert F. Morton, and Lu-Yuan Lee. Roleof tachykinins in ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness to cigarettesmoke in guinea pigs. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 958-965, 1997.Acute exposure to ozone(O3) induces airwayhyperresponsiveness to various inhaled bronchoactive substances.Inhalation of cigarette smoke, a common inhaled irritant in humans, isknown to evoke a transient bronchoconstrictive effect. To examinewhether O3 increases airwayresponsiveness to cigarette smoke, effects of smoke inhalationchallenge on total pulmonary resistance(RL) and dynamic lungcompliance (Cdyn) were compared before and after exposure toO3 (1.5 ppm, 1 h) in anesthetizedguinea pigs. Before O3 exposure,inhalation of two breaths of cigarette smoke (7 ml) at a lowconcentration (33%) induced a mild and reproduciblebronchoconstriction that slowly developed and reached its peak(RL = 67 ± 19%, Cdyn = 29 ± 6%) after a delay of >1 min. After exposure toO3 the same cigarette smokeinhalation challenge evoked an intense bronchoconstriction thatoccurred more rapidly, reaching its peak(RL = 620 ± 224%, Cdyn = 35 ± 7%) within 20 s, and was sustained for >2min. By contrast, sham exposure to room air did not alter thebronchomotor response to cigarette smoke challenge. Pretreatment withCP-99994 and SR-48968, the selective antagonists of neurokinin type 1 and 2 receptors, respectively, completely blocked the enhancedresponses of RL and Cdyn tocigarette smoke challenge induced byO3. These results show thatO3 exposure induces airwayhyperresponsiveness to inhaled cigarette smoke and that the enhancedresponses result primarily from the bronchoconstrictive effect ofendogenous tachykinins.


During ozone (O(3)) exposure, adult rats decrease their minute ventilation (VE). To determine whether such changes are also observed in immature animals, Sprague-Dawley rats, aged 2, 4, 6, 8, or 12 wk, were exposed to O(3) (2 ppm) in nose-only-exposure plethysmographs. Baseline VE normalized for body weight decreased with age from 2.1 +/- 0.1 ml. min(-1). g(-1) in 2-wk-old rats to 0. 72 +/- 0.03 ml. min(-1). g(-1) in 12-wk-old rats, consistent with the higher metabolic rates of younger animals. In adult (8- and 12-wk-old) rats, O(3) caused 40-50% decreases in VE that occurred primarily as the result of a decrease in tidal volume. In 6-wk-old rats, O(3)-induced changes in VE were significantly less, and in 2- and 4-wk-old rats, no significant changes in VE were observed during O(3) exposure. The increased baseline VE and the smaller decrements in VE induced by O(3) in the immature rats imply that their delivered dose of O(3) is much higher than in adult rats. To determine whether these differences in O(3) dose influence the extent of injury, we measured bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentrations. The magnitude of the changes in bronchoalveolar lavage induced by O(3) was significantly greater in 2- than in 8-wk-old rats (267 +/- 47 vs. 165 +/- 22%, respectively, P < 0.05). O(3) exposure also caused a significant increase in PGE(2) in 2-wk-old but not in adult rats. The results indicate that the ventilatory response to O(3) is absent in 2-wk-old rats and that lack of this response, in conjunction with a greater specific ventilation, leads to greater lung injury.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of viral respiratory infection by Sendai virus on airway responsiveness to tachykinins in guinea pigs. We measured the change in total pulmonary resistance induced by substance P or capsaicin in the presence or absence of the neutral endopeptidase inhibitor, phosphoramidon, in infected and in noninfected animals. In the absence of phosphoramidon, the bronchoconstrictor responses to substance P and to capsaicin were greater in infected than in noninfected animals. Phosphoramidon did not further potentiate the responses to substance P and to capsaicin in the infected animals, whereas it did so in noninfected animals. Studies performed in vitro showed that nonadrenergic noncholinergic bronchial smooth muscle responses to electrical field stimulation were also increased in tissues from infected animals and that phosphoramidon increased the response of tissues from noninfected animals greatly but increased the responses of tissues from infected animals only slightly. Responses to acetylcholine were unaffected by viral infection. Neutral endopeptidase activity was decreased by 40% in the tracheal epithelial layer of the infected animals. We suggest that respiratory infection by Sendai virus causes enhanced airway responsiveness to tachykinins by decreasing neutral endopeptidase-like activity in the airway epithelium.  相似文献   

Airway hyperresponsiveness develops in dogs after ozone inhalation. This study examined the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in ozone-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in dogs. Dose-response curves to acetylcholine (n = 8) and histamine (n = 4) were measured before and after exposure to ozone (3 ppm for 30 min). The provocative concentration of each agonist was measured on two randomly assigned days separated by at least 1 wk. On one day a control experiment was performed, and on the other day the dogs were pretreated with the ganglionic blocker hexamethonium bromide in doses that block ganglionic transmission. The acetylcholine provocative concentration decreased on the control day from 5.5 mg/ml (%SE 1.8) before ozone to 0.5 mg/ml (%SE 2.0) after ozone (P less than 0.0001). After pretreatment with hexamethonium the acetylcholine provocative concentration decreased from 9.0 mg/ml (%SE 1.8) before ozone to 1.0 mg/ml (%SE 2.0) after ozone (P = 0.002). The results were similar when histamine was used as the agonist. Therefore, ganglionic blockade does not prevent airway hyperresponsiveness after ozone inhalation, and a parasympathetic reflex mechanism is not responsible for airway hyperresponsiveness after ozone inhalation in dogs.  相似文献   

Tachykinins function not only as neurotransmitters but also as immunological mediators. We used infection of tachykinin-deficient (PPT-A(-/-)) mice and wild-type controls with murine gammaherpesvirus to assess the role of tachykinins in the host response to a virus infection. Although infection was ultimately controlled in PPT-A(-/-) mice, there were higher titers of infectious virus in the lungs, accompanied by a more rapid influx of inflammatory cells. Clearance of latently infected cells from the spleen was also delayed. This is the first report of the direct influence of tachykinins in the host response to a virus infection.  相似文献   

We studied the role of the guinea pig tracheal epithelium in modulating tracheal smooth muscle responses to the relaxant agonists albuterol, sodium nitroprusside, and theophylline. We used an in vitro preparation that allowed separation of the fluids bathing the luminal (internal) and serosal (external) surfaces of the trachea, and bronchodilators were administered to either surface of carbachol-contracted tracheae. All three drugs produced dose-dependent relaxation. However, albuterol and nitroprusside were less potent (concentration that produced half-maximal effect increased by 100- and 32-fold, respectively) when given to the epithelial side with the epithelium intact compared with the epithelium denuded or compared with serosal administration with the epithelium intact. These differences were not observed for theophylline, where smooth muscle responses were independent of either the side of stimulation or of the presence or absence of the epithelium. Direct measurements of the diffusion of theophylline across the tracheal wall in the presence or absence of epithelium showed that after 5 h of incubation with a fixed luminal concentration of theophylline, only 1.7% had diffused across the tracheal wall with the epithelium intact. This increased to only approximately 3.3% when the epithelium was denuded. These results suggest that the epithelial is a relatively weak barrier for lipophilic agents but has a major role as a diffusion barrier to hydrophilic substances.  相似文献   

To assess the role of lung sensory C fibers during and after inhalation of 1 part/million ozone for 8 h, we compared breathing pattern responses and epithelial injury-inflammation-repair in rats depleted of C fibers by systemic administration of capsaicin as neonates and in vehicle-treated control animals. Capsaicin-treated rats did not develop ozone-induced rapid, shallow breathing. Capsaicin-treated rats showed more severe necrosis in the nasal cavity and greater inflammation throughout the respiratory tract than did control rats exposed to ozone. Incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (a marker of DNA synthesis associated with proliferation) into terminal bronchiolar epithelial cells was not significantly affected by capsaicin treatment in rats exposed to ozone. However, when normalized to the degree of epithelial necrosis present in each rat studied, there was less 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine labeling in the terminal bronchioles of capsaicin-treated rats. These observations suggest that the ozone-induced release of neuropeptides does not measurably contribute to airway inflammation but may play a role in modulating basal and reparative airway epithelial cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Roongapinun S  Oh SY  Wu F  Panthong A  Zheng T  Zhu Z 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e14174


Th2-dominated inflammatory response in the airway is an integral component in the pathogenesis of allergic asthma. Accumulating evidence supports the notion that the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is involved in the process. We previously reported that SHIP-1, a negative regulator of the PI3K pathway, is essential in maintaining lung immunohomeostasis, potentially through regulation of innate immune cells. However, the function of SHIP-1 in adaptive immune response in the lung has not been defined. We sought to determine the role of SHIP-1 in adaptive immunity in response to aeroallergen stimulation in the airway.

Methodology/Principal Findings

SHIP-1 knockout (SHIP-1−/−) mice on BALB/c background were immunized with ovalbumin (OVA) plus aluminum hydroxide, a strong Th2-inducing immunization, and challenged with OVA. Airway and lung inflammation, immunoglobulin response, Th2 cytokine production and lymphocyte response were analyzed and compared with wild type mice. Even though there was mild spontaneous inflammation in the lung at baseline, SHIP-1−/− mice showed altered responses, including less cell infiltration around the airways but more in the parenchyma, less mucus production, decreased Th2 cytokine production, and diminished serum OVA-specific IgE, IgG1, but not IgG2a. Naïve and OVA sensitized SHIP-1−/− T cells produced a lower amount of IL-4. In vitro differentiated SHIP-1−/− Th2 cells produced less IL-4 compared to wild type Th2 cells upon T cell receptor stimulation.


These findings indicate that, in contrast to its role as a negative regulator in the innate immune cells, SHIP-1 acts as a positive regulator in Th2 cells in the adaptive immune response to aeroallergen. Thus any potential manipulation of SHIP-1 activity should be adjusted according to the specific immune response.  相似文献   

Pulmonary exposure to Aspergillus fumigatus has been associated with morbidity and mortality, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. A. fumigatus conidia produce β-glucan, proteases, and other immunostimulatory factors upon germination. Murine models have shown that the ability of A. fumigatus to germinate at physiological temperature may be an important factor that facilitates invasive disease. We observed a significant increase in IFN-γ-producing CD8(+) T cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of immunocompetent mice that repeatedly aspirated A. fumigatus conidia in contrast to mice challenged with A. versicolor, a species that is not typically associated with invasive, disseminated disease. Analysis of tissue sections indicated the presence of germinating spores in the lungs of mice challenged with A. fumigatus, but not A. versicolor. Airway IFN-γ(+)CD8(+) T-cells were decreased and lung germination was eliminated in mice that aspirated A. fumigatus conidia that were formaldehyde-fixed or heat-inactivated. Furthermore, A. fumigatus particles exhibited greater persistence in the lungs of recipient mice when compared to non-viable A. fumigatus or A. versicolor, and this correlated with increased maintenance of airway memory-phenotype CD8(+) T cells. Therefore, murine airway CD8(+) T cell-responses to aspiration of Aspergillus conidia may be mediated in part by the ability of conidia to germinate in the host lung tissue. These results provide further evidence of induction of immune responses to fungi based on their ability to invade host tissue.  相似文献   

Isocapnic dry gas hyperpnea causes bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs that is mediated by release of tachykinins from airway sensory nerves. Exogenous neuropeptides can induce microvascular leak. Therefore we tested whether dry gas hyperpnea also elicits bronchovascular hyperpermeability by measuring Evans blue-labeled albumin extravasation along the airways of mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. We found that 1) room temperature dry gas hyperpnea increased Evans blue extravasation in extrapulmonary and intrapulmonary airways as a specific consequence of local airway heat/water losses, 2) capsaicin pretreatment ablated the bronchoconstrictor response to dry gas hyperpnea and reduced bronchovascular leak only in intrapulmonary airways, 3) phosphoramidon given to capsaicin-pretreated animals partially restored dry gas hyperpnea-induced bronchoconstriction and increased the vascular hyperpermeability response to hyperpnea in intrapulmonary airways, and 4) propranolol administration had no important effects on any of these airway responses. We conclude that dry gas hyperpnea causes bronchovascular hyperpermeability in guinea pigs. Tachykinins have a dominant role in this response in the intrapulmonary airways, although another mechanism may also contribute to the microvascular leak in the extrapulmonary airways.  相似文献   

Ten wet grassland species were fumigated with four concentrations of ozone (charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered air and non-filtered air plus 25 or 50 nl l(-1) ozone) in open-top chambers during one growing season to investigate the long-term effect of this air pollutant on various growth variables. Only Eupatorium cannabinum showed ozone-related foliar injury, while five species reacted with significantly ozone-enhanced senescence. Premature senescence was paralleled by a significant ozone-induced reduction of green leaf area in Achillea ptarmica, E. cannabinum and Plantago lanceolata. At the intermediate harvest performed after 28 days shoot weights were significantly decreased by ozone in A. ptarmica and increased in Molinia caerulea. At the final harvest performed at the end of the growing season two other species, Cirsium dissectum and E. cannabinum had a significantly reduced shoot weight due to ozone. Root biomass was determined only at the intermediate harvest. The root:shoot ratio (RSR) was significantly reduced in C. dissectum, while it increased in M. caerulea. Seven of the species developed flowers during the experiment. While no significant ozone effects on flowering date and flower numbers were detected, flower weights were significantly reduced in E. cannabinum and P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

We reported previously that mice obese as a result of leptin deficiency (ob/ob) have enhanced ozone (O3)-induced airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) and inflammation compared with wild-type (C57BL/6) controls. To determine whether this increased response to O3 was independent of the modality of obesity, we examined O3-induced AHR and inflammation in Cpe(fat) mice. These mice are obese as a consequence of a mutation in the gene encoding carboxypeptidase E (Cpe), an enzyme important in processing prohormones and proneuropeptides involved in satiety and energy expenditure. Airway responsiveness to intravenous methacholine, measured by forced oscillation, was increased in Cpe(fat) vs. wild-type mice after air exposure. In addition, compared with air exposure, airway responsiveness was increased 24 h after O3 exposure (2 ppm for 3 h) in Cpe(fat) but not in wild-type mice. Compared with air-exposed controls, O3 exposure increased bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) protein, IL-6, KC, MIP-2, MCP-1, and soluble TNF receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) as well as BALF neutrophils. With the exception of sTNFR1 and sTNFR2, all of these outcome indicators were greater in Cpe(fat) vs. wild-type mice. Serum sTNFR1, sTNFR2, MCP-1, leptin, and blood leukocytes were elevated in Cpe(fat) compared with wild-type mice even in the absence of O3 exposure, similar to the chronic systemic inflammation observed in human obesity. These results indicate that increased O3-induced AHR and inflammation are consistent features of obese mice, regardless of the modality of obesity. These results also suggest that chronic systemic inflammation may enhance airway responses to O3 in obese mice.  相似文献   

We established a diphtheria toxin (DT)-based conditional deletion system using Il4 enhancer elements previously shown to be specific for IL-4 production in mast cells (MCs) or basophils (Mas-TRECK and Bas-TRECK mice). DT treatment of Bas-TRECK mice resulted in specific deletion of basophils, whereas both MCs and basophils were deleted in Mas-TRECK mice. DT-treated Mas-TRECK mice had impaired passive cutaneous anaphylaxis, IgE-mediated passive systemic anaphylaxis, and IgE-mediated chronic allergic inflammation, whereas DT-treated Bas-TRECK mice had impaired IgE-mediated chronic allergic inflammation. Using these mice, we also sought to tease out the role of MCs and basophils in airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). Although MC deletion resulted in a slight increase in basal Ag-specific IgE levels and significant increases in basal IgE levels, we found that this deletion markedly impaired the AHR effector phase and was accompanied by decreased histamine levels. By contrast, basophil deletion had no effect on the AHR effector phase or on IgE production induced by systemic OVA immunization. Our results, using these newly established Mas-TRECK and Bas-TRECK models, demonstrated an indispensable role for MCs as effector cells in AHR.  相似文献   

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