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The cytoplasmic domain of transferrin receptor (TR) is essential for endocytosis of this transmembrane protein. We have investigated by electron microscopy the association of wild-type and cytoplasmic deletion mutant human TR with coated pits at the surface of transfected L cell lines. Approximately 15% of wild-type TR was concentrated in coated pits, regardless of the level of TR expression. In contrast, only 2% of deletion mutant TR was present in these structures. We also correlated the frequency of coated pits with the level of TR expression in different transfected L cell lines. Expression of more than 3 x 10(6) wild-type TR per cell was accompanied by up to a 4-fold increase in coated pits compared with nontransfected Ltk- cells. No such increase was observed in a cell line expressing a similarly high level of cytoplasmic deletion mutant TR. These results indicate that the cytoplasmic domain plays an active role in sorting and endocytosis of TR by providing an assembly site for coated pit formation.  相似文献   

Wild-type and mutant human transferrin receptors have been expressed in chicken embryo fibroblasts using a helper-independent retroviral vector. The internalization of mutant human transferrin receptors, in which all but four of the 61 amino acids of the cytoplasmic domain had been deleted, was greatly impaired. However, when expressed at high levels, such "tailless" mutant receptors could provide chicken embryo fibroblasts with sufficient iron from diferric human transferrin to support a normal rate of growth. As the rate of recycling of the mutant receptors was not significantly different from wild-type receptors, an estimate of relative internalization rates could be obtained from the distribution of receptors inside the cell and on the cell surface under steady-state conditions. This analysis and the results of iron uptake studies both indicate that the efficiency of internalization of tailless mutant receptors is approximately 10% that of wild-type receptors. Further studies of a series of mutant receptors with different regions of the cytoplasmic domain deleted suggested that residues within a 10-amino acid region (amino acids 19-28) of the human transferrin receptor cytoplasmic domain are required for efficient endocytosis. Insertion of this region into the cytoplasmic domain of the tailless mutant receptors restored high efficiency endocytosis. The only tyrosine residue (Tyr 20) in the cytoplasmic domain of the human transferrin receptor is found within this 10-amino acid region. A mutant receptor containing glycine instead of tyrosine at position 20 was estimated to be approximately 20% as active as the wild-type receptor. We conclude that the cytoplasmic domain of the transferrin receptor contains a specific signal sequence located within amino acid residues 19-28 that determines high efficiency endocytosis. Further, Tyr 20 is an important element of that sequence.  相似文献   

Hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies to transferrin receptor (TFR) were isolated. One of these antibodies, U-1, recognized the cytoplasmic domain of TFR and the others, N-2 and W-3, recognized its cell surface domains. Only antibody W-3 competed with transferrin (TF) for binding to TFR. Antibody U-1 bound to purified TFR but not to 35S- or 125I-TFR in cell extracts. 125I-Antibody U-1 bound to TFR alone in cell extracts when TFR was bound to antibody N-2-Sepharose 4B, but even in the presense of cell extracts it did not bind to TFR bound to antibody W-3-Sepharose 4B. Antibody W-3 co-precipitated TFR and a protein of about 30 kDa from cell extracts, and also reacted with the 30 kDa protein in cell extracts in the absence of TFR. Based on these results, the existence of two different states of the cytoplasmic domain of TFR is discussed.  相似文献   

The rate of endocytosis of transferrin receptors, occupied or unoccupied with transferrin, was measured on the cell line K562. At 37 degrees C, receptors, radioiodinated on the cell surface at 4 degrees C, were internalized equally rapidly in the presence or absence of transferrin. In both cases, 50% of the labeled receptors became resistant to externally added trypsin in 5 min. An antitransferrin antibody was used to show directly that the receptors had entered the cells without bound transferrin. The distribution of the receptors on the cell surface was revealed by antibody and protein A-gold staining after prolonged incubation in the presence or absence of transferrin. The receptors were concentrated in coated pits under both conditions. The data suggest that endocytosis of transferrin receptors is not "triggered" by ligand binding and raise the possibility that ligand-induced down-regulation of surface receptors may not occur by this mechanism. Instead receptors may be recognized as being ligand-occupied, not at the cell surface, but at some other site in the recycling pathway such as the endosome.  相似文献   

Heme inhibits transferrin endocytosis in immature erythroid cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The inhibitory effect of heme on iron uptake from transferrin by rat and rabbit reticulocytes and erythroid cells from the fetal rat liver was studied in vitro. Addition of hemin was shown to cause a decrease in the rate of transferrin endocytosis, the degree of inhibition being proportional to the reduction in iron uptake. The heme synthesis inhibitors, isoniazid and succinylacetone, stimulated the rate of transferrin endocytosis by 15-30% and caused a proportional increase in the rate of iron uptake, possibly by reducing the intracellular free heme concentration. It is concluded from these results that heme affects iron uptake by influencing the rate of transferrin endocytosis and recycling.  相似文献   

The transferrin receptor (TR) mediates cellular iron uptake by bringing about the endocytosis of transferrin. We investigated whether the cytoplasmic domain of 65 N-terminal amino acids or phosphorylated sites within this domain constitute a structure that is required for TR endocytosis. To test this hypothesis, we modified the cytoplasmic serine residues or introduced a deletion of 36 amino acids by in vitro mutagenesis of a cDNA expression vector for human TR. Upon expression in transfected mouse Ltk- cells, both the wild-type and phosphorylation site mutant receptors mediated transferrin internalization, whereas the truncated receptor did not. These results provide evidence that the cytoplasmic domain, or part of it, is essential for internalization of the TR, but argue against a role for receptor phosphorylation in endocytosis.  相似文献   

At 4 degrees C transferrin bound to receptors on the reticulocyte plasma membrane, and at 37 degrees C receptor-mediated endocytosis of transferrin occurred. Uptake at 37 degrees C exceeded binding at 4 degrees C by 2.5-fold and saturated after 20-30 min. During uptake at 37 degrees C, bound transferrin was internalized into a trypsin- resistant space. Trypsinization at 4 degrees C destroyed surface receptors, but with subsequent incubation at 37 degrees C, surface receptors rapidly appeared (albeit in reduced numbers), and uptake occurred at a decreased level. After endocytosis, transferrin was released, apparently intact, into the extracellular space. At 37 degrees C colloidal gold-transferrin (AuTf) clustered in coated pits and then appeared inside various intracellular membrane-bounded compartments. Small vesicles and tubules were labeled after short (5-10 min) incubations at 37 degrees C. Larger multivesicular endosomes became heavily labeled after longer (20-35 min) incubations. Multivesicular endosomes apparently fused with the plasma membrane and released their contents by exocytosis. None of these organelles appeared to be lysosomal in nature, and 98% of intracellular AuTf was localized in acid phosphatase-negative compartments. AuTf, like transferrin, was released with subsequent incubation at 37 degrees C. Freeze-dried and freeze-fractured reticulocytes confirmed the distribution of AuTf in reticulocytes and revealed the presence of clathrin-coated patches amidst the spectrin coating the inner surface of the plasma membrane. These data suggest that transferrin is internalized via coated pits and vesicles and demonstrate that transferrin and its receptor are recycled back to the plasma membrane after endocytosis.  相似文献   

We deleted the cytoplasmic domain of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor. When expressed in fibroblasts, the truncated receptor, like the wild-type, reaches the cell surface, can bind ligand, and is cleaved to secretory component. Unlike the wild-type, it is not endocytosed. When expressed in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, the mutant receptor is transported from the Golgi apparatus directly to the apical surface and cleaved to secretory component. In contrast, the wild-type receptor travels from the Golgi to the basolateral surface and is then endocytosed and sent to the apical surface. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor is necessary for both basolateral localization and endocytosis.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to identify the elements of the human transferrin receptor that are involved in receptor internalization, intracellular sorting, and recycling. We have found that an aromatic side chain at position 20 on the cytoplasmic portion of the human transferrin receptor is required for efficient internalization. The wild-type human transferrin receptor has a tyrosine at this position. Replacement of the Tyr-20 with an aromatic amino acid does not alter the rate constant of internalization, whereas substitution with the nonaromatic amino acids serine, leucine, or cysteine reduces the internalization rate constant approximately three-fold. These results are consistent with similar studies of other receptor systems that have also documented the requirement for a tyrosine in rapid internalization. The amino terminus of the transferrin receptor is cytoplasmic, with the tyrosine 41 amino acids from the membrane. These two features distinguish the transferrin receptor from the other membrane proteins for which the role of tyrosine in internalization has been examined, because these proteins have the opposite polarity with respect to the membrane and because the tyrosines are located closer to the membrane (within 25 amino acids). The externalization rate for the recycling of the transferrin receptor is not altered by any of these substitutions, demonstrating that the aromatic amino acid internalization signal is not required for the efficient exocytosis of internalized receptor.  相似文献   

Wild-type and mutant human transferrin receptors (TR) have been expressed in chicken embryo fibroblasts using a helper-independent retroviral vector. By functional studies of the mutant TRs, we have identified the tetrapeptide sequence, YXRF, in the cytoplasmic tail of the receptor as the internalization signal required for high efficiency endocytosis and shown that transplanted internalization signals from the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and the cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (Man-6-PR) are able to promote rapid internalization of the human TR. A six-residue LDLR signal, FDNPVY, is required for activity in TR, whereas a four-residue Man-6-PR signal, YSKV, is sufficient. These data indicate that internalization signals are interchangeable self-determined structural motifs and that signals from type I membrane proteins are active in a type II receptor. Putative internalization signals in the cytoplasmic tails of other receptors and membrane proteins can be identified based on the sequence patterns of the LDLR, Man-6-PR, and TR signals. Two such putative four-residue internalization signals, one from the poly-Ig receptor and one from the asialoglycoprotein receptor, were tested for activity by transplantation into TR and were found to promote high efficiency internalization. These results suggest that an exposed tight turn is the conformational motif for high efficiency endocytosis.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the sequence Tyr20-X-Arg-Phe23 present within the cytoplasmic tail of the transferrin receptor may represent a tyrosine internalization signal (Collawn, J.F., Stangel, M., Kuhn, L.A., Esekogwu, V., Jing, S., Trowbridge, I.S., and Tainer, J. A. (1990) Cell 63, 1061-1072). However, as Tyr20 is not conserved between species (Alvarez, E., Gironès, N., and Davis, R. J. (1990) Biochem. J. 267, 31-35), the functional role of the putative tyrosine internalization signal is not clear. To address this question, we constructed a series of 32 deletions and point mutations within the cytoplasmic tail of the human transferrin receptor. The effect of these mutations on the apparent first order rate constant for receptor endocytosis was examined. It was found that the region of the cytoplasmic tail that is proximal to the transmembrane domain (residues 28-58) is dispensable for rapid endocytosis. In contrast, the distal region of the cytoplasmic tail (residues 1-27) was found to be both necessary and sufficient for the rapid internalization of the transferrin receptor. The region identified includes Tyr20-X-Arg-Phe23, but is significantly larger than this tetrapeptide. It is therefore likely that structural information in addition to the proposed tyrosine internalization signal is required for endocytosis. To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether a heterologous tyrosine internalization signal (from the low density lipoprotein receptor) could function to cause the rapid endocytosis of the transferrin receptor. It was observed that this heterologous tyrosine internalization signal did not allow rapid endocytosis. We conclude that the putative tyrosine internalization signal (Tyr20-Thr-Arg-Phe23) is not sufficient to determine rapid endocytosis of the transferrin receptor. The data reported here indicate that the transferrin receptor internalization signal is formed by a larger cytoplasmic tail structure located at the amino terminus of the receptor.  相似文献   

The effect of protein kinase inhibitors on transferrin receptor (TR) internalization was examined in HeLa, A431, 3T3-L1 cells, and primary chicken embryo fibroblasts. We show that TR endocytosis is not affected by tyrosine kinase or protein kinase C inhibitors, but is inhibited by one serine/threonine kinase inhibitor, H-89. Inhibition occurred within 15 min, was completely reversible after H-89 withdrawal, and was specific for endocytosis rather than pinocytosis since a TR mutant lacking an internalization signal was not affected. Interestingly, H-89 also inhibited the internalization of a TR chimera containing the major histocompatibility complex class II invariant chain cytoplasmic tail, indicating that the effect was not specific for the TR. Since H-89 inhibits a number of kinases, we employed a permeabilized cell endocytosis assay to further characterize the kinase. In permeabilized 3T3-L1 cells, addition of pseudosubstrate inhibitor peptides of casein kinase II (CKII) blocked TR internalization by more than 50%, whereas pseudosubstrates of cyclic AMP-dependent kinase A, protein kinase C, and casein kinase I had no effect. Furthermore, addition of purified CKII to the cell-free reactions containing CKII pseudosubstrates reversed the endocytosis block, suggesting that CKII or a CKII-like activity is required for constitutive endocytosis.  相似文献   

The exons of the low-density-lipoprotein-(LDL)-receptor gene from a Japanese patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and their nucleotide sequences were determined. A point mutation from G to C was found in exon 9, which was expected to change Asp at position 412 to His. This amino acid change occurred within the epidermal-growth-factor-precursor homology domain of the LDL receptor, slightly impairing the processing from the precursor to the mature form and causing rapid degradation of the mature form in the fibroblasts of the patient. The mutant LDL-receptor gene transfected into COS-1 cells expressed a LDL-receptor protein with the same properties as the protein expressed in the fibroblasts of the patient; impaired processing and rapid degradation of the synthesized receptor protein. The mutation was identified in family members of the patient by dot-blot hybridization of PCR-amplified DNA with the mutant oligonucleotide. The family members carrying the mutant gene showed higher serum cholesterol levels than the others. However, their cholesterol levels were also greatly influenced by the apolipoprotein-E phenotype.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domains of the erythropoietin receptor essential for signal transduction were identified by assessing a series of truncated and deletional mutant receptors. A 91-amino acid region proximal to the transmembrane domain was required for growth signaling. In this region, residues between 353Pro and 362His and between 278Gln and 308Leu appeared to constitute the essential cytoplasmic domains. These two domains contain the conserved amino acids common in the cytokine receptor superfamily, which indicates that these domains in the cytoplasmic regions of the erythropoietin receptor may be important for interaction with common signal transducers or protein tyrosine kinases.  相似文献   

The let-23 gene encodes a Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) necessary for vulval development. We have characterized a mutation of let-23 that activates the receptor and downstream signal transduction, leading to excess vulval differentiation. This mutation alters a conserved cysteine residue in the extracellular domain and is the first such point mutation in the EGFR subfamily of tyrosine kinases. Mutation of a different cysteine in the same subdomain causes a strong loss-of-function phenotype, suggesting that cysteines in this region are important for function and nonequivalent. Vulval precursor cells can generate either of two subsets of vulval cells (distinct fates) in response to sa62 activity. The fates produced depended on the copy number of the mutation, suggesting that quantitative differences in receptor activity influence the decision between these two fates.  相似文献   

A Dautry-Varsat 《Biochimie》1986,68(3):375-381
A variety of ligands and macromolecules enter cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Ligands bind to their receptors on the cell surface and ligand-receptor complexes are localized in specialized regions of the plasma membrane called coated pits. Coated pits invaginate and give rise to intracellular coated vesicles containing ligand-receptor complexes which are thus internalized. Transferrin, a major serum glycoprotein which transports iron into cells, enters cells by this pathway. It binds to its receptor on the cell surface, transferrin-receptor complexes cluster in coated pits and are internalized in coated vesicles. Coated vesicles then lose their clathrin coat and fuse with endosomes, an organelle with an internal pH of about 5-5.5. Most ligands dissociate from their receptors in endosomes and they finally end up in lysosomes where they are degraded, while their receptors remain bound to membrane structures and recycle to the cell surface. Transferrin has a different fate: in endosomes iron dissociates from transferrin but apotransferrin remains bound to its receptor because of its high affinity for the receptor at acid pH. Apotransferrin thus recycles back to the plasma membrane still bound to its receptor. When the ligand-receptor complex reaches the plasma membrane or a compartment at neutral pH, apotransferrin dissociates from its receptor with a half-life of 18 s because of its low affinity for its receptor at neutral pH. The receptor is then ready for a new cycle of internalization, while apotransferrin enters the circulation, reloads iron in the appropriate organs and is ready for a new cycle of iron transport.  相似文献   

Martinez GQ  Maduke M 《PloS one》2008,3(7):e2746


ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka are homologous chloride channels that facilitate chloride homeostasis in the kidney and inner ear. Disruption of ClC-Kb leads to Bartter''s Syndrome, a kidney disease. A point mutation in ClC-Kb, R538P, linked to Bartter''s Syndrome and located in the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain was hypothesized to alter electrophysiological properties due to its proximity to an important membrane-embedded helix.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Two-electrode voltage clamp experiments were used to examine the electrophysiological properties of the mutation R538P in both ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka. R538P selectively abolishes extracellular calcium activation of ClC-Kb but not ClC-Ka. In attempting to determine the reason for this specificity, we hypothesized that the ClC-Kb C-terminal domain had either a different oligomeric status or dimerization interface than that of ClC-Ka, for which a crystal structure has been published. We purified a recombinant protein corresponding to the ClC-Kb C-terminal domain and used multi-angle light scattering together with a cysteine-crosslinking approach to show that the dimerization interface is conserved between the ClC-Kb and ClC-Ka C-terminal domains, despite the fact that there are several differences in the amino acids that occur at this interface.


The R538P mutation in ClC-Kb, which leads to Bartter''s Syndrome, abolishes calcium activation of the channel. This suggests that a significant conformational change – ranging from the cytoplasmic side of the protein to the extracellular side of the protein – is involved in the Ca2+-activation process for ClC-Kb, and shows that the cytoplasmic domain is important for the channel''s electrophysiological properties. In the highly similar ClC-Ka (90% identical), the R538P mutation does not affect activation by extracellular Ca2+. This selective outcome indicates that ClC-Ka and ClC-Kb differ in how conformational changes are translated to the extracellular domain, despite the fact that the cytoplasmic domains share the same quaternary structure.  相似文献   

The internalization signals of several constitutively recycling receptors have recently been identified as regions of four or six amino acids that include an aromatic residue, usually tyrosine. Here, we show that transplanted signals from the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (Man-6-PR) promote rapid internalization of the transferrin receptor (TR), directly establishing that recognition signals are interchangeable, self-determined structural motifs and that signals from type I membrane proteins are active in a type II receptor. We also show that the chemical and spatial patterns of critical residues in both four- and six-residue internalization motifs are consistent with a tight turn structure. A six-residue LDLR signal is needed for activity in TR, suggesting that an amino-terminal aromatic side chain is obligatory. In contrast, the carboxy-terminal aromatic side chain in the TR signal can be replaced by a large hydrophobic residue. Thus, internalization signals apparently require an aromatic amino-terminal residue and either an aromatic or large hydrophobic carboxy-terminal residue rather than a conserved tyrosine per se. Consistent with this conclusion, predicted internalization signals from the poly-Ig receptor, YSAF, and asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) subunit H1, YQDL, also promote internalization of TR.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that differences in subtype-specific ligand binding between alpha 2 and beta 2 adrenergic receptors are largely determined by the seventh hydrophobic domain. Here, we report that a single amino acid substitution (Phe412----Asn) in the seventh hydrophobic domain of the alpha 2 adrenergic receptor reduces affinity for the alpha 2 antagonist yohimbine by 350-fold and increases affinity for beta antagonist alprenolol by 3000-fold. The affinity of this mutant receptor alpha 2F----N for several alpha and beta adrenergic receptor agonists and antagonists was determined. Beta adrenergic receptor antagonists containing an oxygen atom linking the amino side chain with the aromatic ring bound to alpha 2F----N with high affinity, while the beta receptor antagonist sotalol, which lacks this oxygen, bound with low affinity. These data suggest that the Asn residue is involved in conferring specificity for binding to a specific class of beta receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

Three murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the 61-residue amino-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the human transferrin receptor (TR) have been produced by immunization of mice with recombinant human TR produced in a baculovirus expression system. Mutant human TRs expressed in chick embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) with point mutations or deletions in their cytoplasmic tails have been used to map the epitopes defined by each of the mAbs. One mAb, H68.4, previously shown to block receptor internalization, binds proximal to the carboxy-terminal side of the YTRF internalization signal of TR. The second mAb, H73.2, binds near to the carboxy-terminal side of the H68.4 epitope, whereas the third mAb, 160.1, binds closer to the transmembrane region. H68.4 and H73.2 are auto-antibodies consistent with their epitopes mapping to a region of the human TR that has an identical amino acid sequence to the mouse TR. All three mAbs crossreact with the cytoplasmic tail of Chinese hamster TR. Double labelling of recombinant human TRs on chick embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell membrane preparations with B3/35 and H68.4 antibody-gold conjugates established that receptors in clathrin-coated pits were not labeled with H68.4, implying that associated coated pit proteins may block binding of this mAb.  相似文献   

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