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The normal respiratory muscle effort at maximal exercise requires a significant fraction of cardiac output and causes leg blood flow to fall. We questioned whether the high levels of respiratory muscle work experienced in heavy exercise would affect performance. Seven male cyclists [maximal O(2) consumption (VO(2)) 63 +/- 5 ml. kg(-1). min(-1)] each completed 11 randomized trials on a cycle ergometer at a workload requiring 90% maximal VO(2). Respiratory muscle work was either decreased (unloading), increased (loading), or unchanged (control). Time to exhaustion was increased with unloading in 76% of the trials by an average of 1.3 +/- 0.4 min or 14 +/- 5% and decreased with loading in 83% of the trials by an average of 1.0 +/- 0.6 min or 15 +/- 3% compared with control (P < 0.05). Respiratory muscle unloading during exercise reduced VO(2), caused hyperventilation, and reduced the rate of change in perceptions of respiratory and limb discomfort throughout the duration of exercise. These findings demonstrate that the work of breathing normally incurred during sustained, heavy-intensity exercise (90% VO(2)) has a significant influence on exercise performance. We speculate that this effect of the normal respiratory muscle load on performance in trained male cyclists is due to the associated reduction in leg blood flow, which enhances both the onset of leg fatigue and the intensity with which both leg and respiratory muscle efforts are perceived.  相似文献   

Respiratory muscle work compromises leg blood flow during maximal exercise   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Harms, Craig A., Mark A. Babcock, Steven R. McClaran, DavidF. Pegelow, Glenn A. Nickele, William B. Nelson, and Jerome A. Dempsey.Respiratory muscle work compromises leg blood flow during maximalexercise. J. Appl. Physiol.82(5): 1573-1583, 1997.We hypothesized that duringexercise at maximal O2 consumption (O2 max),high demand for respiratory muscle blood flow() would elicit locomotor muscle vasoconstrictionand compromise limb . Seven male cyclists(O2 max 64 ± 6 ml · kg1 · min1)each completed 14 exercise bouts of 2.5-min duration atO2 max on a cycleergometer during two testing sessions. Inspiratory muscle work waseither 1) reduced via aproportional-assist ventilator, 2)increased via graded resistive loads, or3) was not manipulated (control).Arterial (brachial) and venous (femoral) blood samples, arterial bloodpressure, leg (legs;thermodilution), esophageal pressure, andO2 consumption(O2) weremeasured. Within each subject and across all subjects, at constantmaximal work rate, significant correlations existed(r = 0.74-0.90;P < 0.05) between work of breathing(Wb) and legs (inverse), leg vascular resistance (LVR), and leg O2(O2 legs;inverse), and between LVR and norepinephrine spillover. Mean arterialpressure did not change with changes in Wb nor did tidal volume orminute ventilation. For a ±50% change from control in Wb,legs changed 2 l/min or 11% of control, LVRchanged 13% of control, and O2extraction did not change; thusO2 legschanged 0.4 l/min or 10% of control. TotalO2 max was unchangedwith loading but fell 9.3% with unloading; thusO2 legsas a percentage of totalO2 max was 81% incontrol, increased to 89% with respiratory muscle unloading, anddecreased to 71% with respiratory muscle loading. We conclude that Wbnormally incurred during maximal exercise causes vasoconstriction inlocomotor muscles and compromises locomotor muscle perfusion andO2.


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between cardiopulmonary fitness as indicated by maximal work rate (Wmax) production and aerobic capacities (WAT), body mass index (BMI) and heart rate reserve. A total of 60 sedentary subjects (30 males, 30 females, aged 18-25 years) were enrolled in the study. Each subject performed an incremental exercise test (15 W/min) to the limit of tolerance on an electromagnetically-braked cycle ergometer. There was a negative correlation between increased BMI to Wmax capacity per kilogram body weight in male (r=-0.846, P=0.0001) and in female (r=-0.896, P=0.0001) subjects. In addition, W(AT) for each kilogram body weight also negatively correlated with increased BMI in male (r=-0.870, P=0.0001) and in females (r=-0.807, P=0.0001). The heart rate reserve correlated negatively with increasing BMI: r=-0.699, P=0.0001 (males) and r=-0.655, P=0.0001 (females). The results of the present study have suggested that, due to the inverse correlation between BMI, Wmax capacity, aerobic fitness and heart rate reserve, it may be useful to consider BMI in establishing cardiopulmonary fitness in various subjects.  相似文献   

Pneumonectomy (PNX) leads to chronic asymmetric ventilatory loading of respiratory muscles (RM). We measured RM energy requirements during exercise from RM blood flow (Q) using a fluorescent microsphere technique in dogs that had undergone right PNX as adults (adult R-PNX) or as puppies (puppy R-PNX), compared with dogs subjected to right thoracotomy without PNX as puppies (Sham) and to left PNX as adults (adult L-PNX). Ventilatory work (W) was measured during exercise. RM weight was determined post mortem. After adult and puppy R-PNX, the right hemidiaphragm becomes grossly distorted, but W and right costal muscle mass increased only after adult R-PNX. After adult L-PNX, the diaphragm was undistorted; W and left hemidiaphragm RM Q were elevated, but muscle mass did not increase. Mass of parasternal muscle did not increase after adult R-PNX, despite increased Q. Thus muscle mass increased only in response to the combination of chronic stretch and dynamic loading. There was a dorsal-to-ventral gradient of increasing Q within the diaphragm, but the distribution was unaffected by anatomic distortion, hypertrophy, or workload, suggesting a fixed pattern of neural activation. The diaphragm and parasternals were the primary muscles compensating for the asymmetric loading from PNX.  相似文献   

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