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Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1996,144(9-10):505-511
Book reviews in this article:
Wetzel, Th. Integrierter Pflanzenschutz und Agroökosysteme.
The Indian Experience
Nagarajan, S. and K. Muralidharan Dynamics of Plant Diseases.
70. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr. J. Kranz Biochemie des Bodens.
McIntosh R. A., C. R. Welling, and R. F. Park . Wheat rusts—an Alias of Resistance Genes.
Haider, K. Biochemie des Bodens.
Kimber, D., McGregor, D. I., (eds) Brassica Oilseeds: Production and Utilization.
Oropeza, C, F. W. Howard, and G. R. Ashlninier (Eds); Lethal Yellowing: Research and Practical Aspects.
Kreuzer, J Kreuzers Gartenpflanzenlexikon 'Kurz und bũndig'.
Spatz, G. , Freiflächenpflege.
W. Eschiich , Rezension: Funktionelle Pflanzenanatomie .
Iecraemer, W. The family Trichodoridae: Stubby Root and Virus Vector Nematodes.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books Review in this article:
Skorupinski, B.: Genetechnik für die Schädlingsbekämpfung.
Boss, L.: Research on viruses of legume crops and the international working group on Legume viruses; Historical facts and personal reminiscences.
Francl, L. J. and Neher, D. A. (eds): Exercises in Plant Disease Epidemiology.
Backhaus, G. F. (Bearbeitung) : Anwendung arbuskulärer Mykorrhizapilze im Pflanzenbau (Arbeitstagung am 13. and 14. Januar 1997 in Braunschweig).
Müller-Starck, G. (Hrsg.): Biodiversitä und nachhaltige Forst-wirtschaft.
Kranz, J.: Epidemiologie der Pflanzenkrankheiten.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Wolfe, M. S., and C. E. Caten : Populations of Plant Pathogens: Their Dynamics and Genetics.
Alford, David V. : Farbatlas der Obstschädlinge, Erkennung, Lebensweise und Bekämpfung.
Bergmann, W. (Hrsg.) : Ernährungsstörungen bei Kulturpflanzen.
Hale, M. G. and D. M. Orcutt : The Physiology of Plants Under Stress.
Everd, D., and S.Harnett (eds) , Plant resistence to viruses. Ciba Foundation Symposium 133. John Wiley & Sons.
Basedow. T. , Der Einiflufs. gesteigertter Bewirtschaftungsintesität im Getreidebau auf die Laufkäter ( Coleoptera, Carabidae ).
Ebing, W. , Gaschromaotgraphie der Pflanztenschiuzmirtfl.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1990,130(4):342-344
Book Reviwed in this article:
Hemleben, V.: Molekularbiologie der Pflanzen.
Haug, G., and H. Hoffmann (managing editors): Chemistry of Plant Protection.
Mielke, H.: Untersuchungen zur Typhula-Fäle unter Berücksichtigung ihrer Bekämpfung.
Spaar, D., H. Kleinhempel, und R. Fritzsche (Hrsg.): Getreide, Mais und Futtergräser.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Marine fish larvae-morphology, ecology and relation to fisheries , edited by Reuben Lasker.
Environmental Physiology of Plants , by A. H. Fitter & R. K. M. Hay.
Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics , by Clive A.
Dinosaurs , by L. B. Halstead &Jenny Halstead.
Large White Butterfly. The biology, biochemistry and physiolosy of Pieris brassicae ( Linnaeaus ), by John Feltwell.
Omnivorous primates: Gathering and hunting in human evolution , edited by Robert S. O. Harding and Geza Teleki.
Handbook of Zoo Medicine , by Heinz George Klös & Ernst Lang.
Cetacean behaviour: Mechanisms and functions , edited by L. M. Herman Wiley  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Martinez-Palomo, Adolfo 1982. The Biology of Entamoeba histolytica.
Ristic, M. & Kreier, J. P., eds. 1981. Babesiosis .
Krylov, M. V., ed. 1981. The Evolution and Phylogeny of the Unicellular Animals .
Petrushevskaya, M. G. 1981. [ Radiolaria of the Order Nasselaria of the World's Oceans .]
Amos, W. B. & Duckett, J. G., eds. 1982. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Flagella .
Matthes, Dieter 1982. Sesshafte Wimpertiere: Peritricha, Suctoria, Chonotricha .
Kaestner, Alfred, ed. 1980. Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie . Band I: Wirbellose Tiere.
Rosowski, James R. & Parker, Bruce C., eds. 1982. Selected Papers in Phycology II.
Raikov, Igor B. 1982. The Protozoan Nucleus: Morphology and Evolution .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Die Milben des Süsswassers (Hydrachnellae und Halacaridae [part.], Acari) Teil 1: Bibliographie, Teil 2: Katalog , by Kurt O. Viets.
A Primate Radiation: Evolutionary Biology of the African Guenons , edited by Annie Gautier-Hion, F. Bourlière, J.-P. Gautier and J. Kingdon.
Neurobiology of the Cardiorespiratory System , edited by E. W. Taylor.
The Dragonflies of Europe , by R. R. Askew.
Studying Fossil Horses , by V. Eisenmann, M. T. Alberdi, C. de Giuli & U. Staesche. Collected papers after the 'New York International Hipparion Conference. 1981' Volume I: Methodology , edited by M. Woodburne & P. Sondaar. E. J. Brill.
The Hymenoptera , edited by Ian Gauld & Barry Bolton.
A Study of Blackbirds , by David Snow
Temperature Biology of Animals , by Andrew R. Cossins and Ken Bowler.
Honey Identification , by Rex Sawyer.
Megaherbivores: The Influence of Very Large Body Size on Ecology , by R. N. Owen-Smith.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Ethics and the Elderly by Mark R. Wicclair. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993
Abortion Regimes by Kerry A. Petersen. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1993
Advance Directives and the Pursuit of Death with Dignity by Norman Cantor, Bloomington Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1993
Death to Dust: What Happens to Dead Bodies by Kenneth V. Iserson. Tucson, Arizona: Galen Press, 1994
Peter Singer in Deutschland. Zur Gefährdung der Diskussionsfreiheit in der Wissenschaft by Christoph Anstötz, Rainer Hegselmann and Hartmut Kliemt  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1960,59(1):116-128
Review in this article:
Protoplasmatologia—Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Band II, CI. The Viscosity of Protoplasm. By L. V. H eilbrunn .
Trace Element Problems in Nature . A Symposium in the Botany Department, University of Cape Town. Edited by D r . K. H. S chütte .
Cell, Organism and Milieu. (Seventeenth Growth Symposium). Edited by D orothea R udnick .
Subcellular Particles . Edited by T. H ayashi .
Plant Growth Substances . By L. J. A udus .
Uredineana. Receuil d': études systematiques et biologiques sur les Urédinées du Globe . Tome 5. By A. L. G uyot .
A Textbook of General Physiology . By H. D avson .
Protoplasmatologia . Vol. Ill AI. Le Chondriome de la Cellule Végétale: Morphologie du Chondriome; by P. D angeard .
Analytical Cytology . Edited by R obert C. M ellors .
Blakeslee: The Genus Datura . By A. G. A very , S. S atina and J. R ietsema .
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Past and Present . By W. B. T urrill .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XIII. Umbelliferae (2), Araliaceae, Cornaceae. By S tella R oss -C raig .
Physiology of Fungi. By V incent W. C ochrane .
Illustrated Moss Flora of Fennoscandia . Vol. II. Musci. Fasc. III. By E lsa N yholm .
An Outline of General Plant Geography . By W. S zafer .
Protoplasmatologia. Handbuch der Protoplasmaforschung . Ed. L. V. Heilbrunn and F. Weber. Vol. VIII; 9a. Polaritút und Inäquale Teilung des pflanzlichen Protoplasten . By Erwin Bünning, Tübingen.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Gentlemanly Cladistics: Phylogenetic Reconstruction in Paleontology .—Robert M. Schoch.
Coevolution and Systematics .—A. R. Stone and D. L. Hawksworth (eds.).
Systematic and Taxonomic Approaches in Palaeobotany .—Robert A. Spicer and Barry A. Thomas (eds.).
Cladistic Biogeography —Christopher J. Humphries and Lynne R. Parenti.
Chondrichthyes II: Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii —H. Cappetta.
Handbook of Paleoichthyology, vol. 3B, Fischer  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Forest Pathology . By J. S. Boyce.
Yearbook of Agriculture , 1937.
Physiological Genetics . By R. Goldschmidt.
The Study of Heredity . By E. B. Ford.
Tropical Fruits and Vegetables: an account of their Storage and Transport . By C. W. Wardlaw.
Erosion and Soil Conservation . By G . V. Jacks and R. O. Whyte.
Sixty Years of Botany in Britain (1875–1935). Impressions of an Eyewitness . By F. O. Bower.
Herbals: Their Origin and Evolution. A Chapter in the History of Botany , 1470–1670. By Agnes Arber.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
W ickler , W.: Mimikry. Nachahmung und Täuschung in der Natur .
Allgemeine Zoologie . Begründet von A lfred K uhn , neu bearb. von E rnst H adorn und R üdiger W ehner .
Computer Programming in Quantitative Biology . By R. G. D avies .
Synopsis of Animal Classification . By R. B. C lark and A. L. P anchen .
Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere . Von A. S. R omer .
B enirschke , K.; Hsu, T. C.: Chromosome Atlas :
Zentralblatt für Veterinärmedizin . Reihe C:
T hornton , J an : Darwin's Islands .
M ohr , H ans und S itte , P eter : Molekulare Grundlagen der Entwicklung .
The Biology of Lampreys . Hrsgeg. von M. W. H ardisty und I. C. P otter .
G ray , A. P.: Mammalian Hybrids. 2 .
Journal of Human Evolution . Hrsgeg. von A. B. C hiarelli .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1972,71(4):763-771
Books reviewed in this article:
Plant Anatomy: Experiment and Interpretation , Part II, Organs. By E lizabeth G. C utter .
Genetics. By D. J. C ove .
The Structure and Life of Bryophytes. By E. V. W atson .
Underwater Science. Ed. by J. D. W oods and J. J. L ythgoe .
8ème Symposium Européen sur les Maladies à Virus des Arbres Fruitiers.
Evolution and Plants of the Past. By H. P. B anks .
Project Aqua. A Source Book of Inland Waters Proposed for Conservation. IBP Handbook No. 21. By H. L uther and J. R zóska .
Variation and Adaptation in Plant Species. By D. A. J ones and D. A. W ilkins .
Flora of Lesotho (Basutoland). By A my J acot G uillarmod .
Introduction to Biogeography. By B rian S eddon .
Trees: Structure and Function. By M. H. Z immerman and C. L. B rown ;
Flora of New Zealand , Volume II. By L. B. M oore and E. E dgar .  相似文献   

Book Review     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1999,147(7-8):489-496

Book Reviews     
《Journal of Phytopathology》1993,139(2):191-192
Book reviewed in this article:
Crüger, G. , Pflanzenschutz im Gemü sebau. Handbuch des Erwerbsgärtners. 3., neubearbeit. u. erweit.
Treshow, M., and F. K. Anderson , Plant Stress from Air Pollution.
Kutschera, L., und E. Lichtenegger , Wurzelatlas mitteleuropä ischer Grünlandpflanzen, Band 2, Pteridophyta und Dicotyledoneae (Magnoliopsida) Teil 1: Morphologie, Anatomie, Okologie, Verbreitung, Solziologie, Wirtschaft.
Kutschera, L., und M. Sobotik , Teil 2: Anatomie.
Ebing, W. (ed.) , Herbicide Resistance 7ndash; Brassinosteroids, Gibberellins, Plant Growth Regulators.
Fraser, Ronald S. S. (ed.) , Recognition and Response in Plant-Virus Interactions 1990. NATO ASI Series H: Cell Biology No. 41.
Cheng, H. H. (ed.) . Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts, and Modeling. Soil Science Society of America Book Series No. 2.
Mielke, H. , Untersuchungen zum Befall der Gerste durch Gaeumannomyces graminis (Sacc.) von Arx & Olivier var. tritici Walker unter Berücksichtigung der Arten- und Sortenanfaäigkeit. Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fiir Land- und Forstwirtschaft Berlin-Dahlem, 1992  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(1):285-295
Book Reviewed in This Article:
Tropische Nutzpflanzen. By H einz B rücher .
The Molecular Biology of Plant Cells. Ed. by H. S mith .
Plant Metabolism. By H. D. K umar and H. N. S ing h.
The Ribonucleic Acids. Ed. by P. R. S tewart and D. S. L etham .
Transport Phenomena in Plants. By D. A. B aker .
Transport of Ions and Water in Animals. Ed. by B. L. G upta , R. B. M oreton , J. L. O scham and B. J. W all .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Advances in Botanical Research. Vol. 4. Ed. by R. D. P reston and H. W. W oolhouse .
Progress in Botany: Morphology: Physiology: Genetics: Taxonomy: Geobotany. Ed. by H einz E llenerg , K arl E sser , H ermann M erxmuller , E berhard S chnepf and H ubert Z eigler .
Progress in Botany – Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmüller , E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Plant Root Systems. By R. S cott R ussell .
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Edited by K enneth S. N orris .  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this Article:
Accountability of Bioethics Committees and Consultants by Sigrid Fry Revere.
Research Ethics in Practice : The Animal Ethics Committees in Sweden,
The Beginning of Human Life edited by Fritz K. Beller and Robert F. Weir. Dordecht
Dementia und Aging: Ethics, Values, ad Policy Choices , edited by Robert H. Binstock, Stephen G. Post and Peter J. White-house.
Least Worst Death — Essays in Bioethics on the End of Life by Margaret Pabst Battin.
All God's Mistakes — Genetic Counseling in a Pediatric Hospital by Charles L. Bosk.
Informed Consent: Patient Autonomy and Physician Beneficence within Clinical Medicine by Stephen Wear.  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Macroevolution. Pattern and Process , by S. M. Stanley.
A World List of Mammadian Species , by G. B. Corbet & J. E. Hill.
Indole and Biogenetically Related Alkaloids , edited by J. D. Phillipson & M. H. Zenk.
Comparative Ecology , by Y. Itô (edited and translated by J. Kikkawa).
The I.B.P. Survey of Conservation Sites: an Experimental Study , edited by A. R.
Man, the Promising Primate , by Peter J. Wilson.
The Pleistocene Mammals of North America , by Bjorn Kurten & Elaine Anderson.
British Gardeners , by Miles Hadfield, Robert Harling & Leonie Highton.
The Functioning of Freshwater Ecosystms , by E. D. LeCren & R. H. Lowe-McConnell.
I Fiori della Alpi by F. Rasetti.
The Oligocene Rodents of North America , by Albert E. Wood.
The Fossil Hunters in Search of Ancient Plants , by Henry N. Andrews.
Anatomy of the Dicotyledons, Vol. I , by C. R. Metcalfe & L. Chalk.  相似文献   

Book Notes     
《American anthropologist》1952,54(1):101-106

《The New phytologist》1977,78(1):245-254
Book Reviewed in this article:
Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry. By G. P. Berlyn and J. P. Miksche.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Ed. by W. R. Briggs.
Mechanical Design in Organisms. By S. A. Wainwright, W. D. Biggs, J. D. Currey & J. M. Gosline.
Uptake of Ions by Plant Roots. By D. J. F. Bowling.
Phytochrome and Photomorphogenesis. By Harry Smith.
Water and Plants. By Hans Meidner and D. W. Sheriff.
Physiological Aspects of Dryland Farming. Edited by U. S. Gupta.
Pollen: Biology, Biochemistry, Management. By R. G. Stanley and H. F. Linskens.
The Evolutionary Significance of the Exine. Ed. by I. K. Ferguson and J. Muller.
Cell Division in Higher Plants. Ed. by M. M. Yeoman.
Intercellular Communication in Plants: Studies on Plasmodesmata Ed. by B. E. S. Gunning & A. W. Robards.
Methods in Plant Ecology. Ed. by S. B. Chapman
Ökologie DER Pflazen By Walter Larcher.
Progress in Botany. Vol. 37. Ed. by H. Ellenberg, K. Esser, H. Merxmüller, E. Schnepf & H. Ziegler.
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. By Blanche Henrey.  相似文献   

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