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Vectors derived from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nègre D  Cosset FL 《Biochimie》2002,84(11):1161-1171
In contrast to other retroviruses, lentiviruses have the unique property of infecting non-proliferating cells. Thus vectors derived from lentiviruses are promising tools for in vivo gene delivery applications. Vectors derived from human primate and non-primate lentiviruses have recently been described and, unlike retroviral vectors derived from murine leukemia viruses, lead to stable integration of the transgene into quiescent cells in various organs. Despite all the safety safeguards that have been progressively introduced in lentiviral vectors, the clinical acceptance of vectors derived from pathogenic lentiviruses is subject to debate. It is therefore essential to design vectors derived from a wide range of lentivirus types and to comparatively examine their properties in terms of transduction efficiency and bio-safety. Here, we review the properties of lentiviral vectors derived from simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV).  相似文献   

An inactivated whole simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) immunogen given to healthy, seropositive rhesus macaques 4 months after infection had no effect on the humoral immune response to SIV, the presence of antigenemia, cell-associated viremia, or disease course. Further immunotherapeutic trials in this highly susceptible animal model should be carried out sooner after exposure, before significant loss of CD4 cells has occurred. The SIV infected macaque model will continue to serve an essential role in development and testing of anti-AIDS drugs and immunogens.  相似文献   

The simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) rev gene regulates env expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rev gene product is a trans-acting nuclear regulatory protein that is essential for AIDS virus replication. To define the effect of the SIV rev gene on its gp160 expression, two SV40 constructs have been made: pBC17 is a rev+env+ construct, and pBD21 is a rev-env+ construct. After transfecting the constructs into COS-1 cells, RNA, protein, syncytium formation, and monoclonal antibody blocking assays were performed. The results indicated that the SIV rev gene positively influenced the level of full-length env mRNA and was required for expression of SIV gp160.  相似文献   

Groups of rhesus monkeys were inoculated with: 1) simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)B670 alone; 2) Mycobacterium leprae alone; 3) SIV plus M. leprae on the same day; and 4) M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV. Animals were monitored at intervals for virus loads, antibody responses to M. leprae glycolipid antigens and to SIV Gp120, T-cell CD4+ and CD4+ CD29+ subset percentages, leprosy and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) clinical symptoms. Five out of six animals developed leprosy in each co-inoculated group, compared to one out of six in the M. leprae-only-inoculated group, indicating that M. leprae/SIV co-infection increases the susceptibility to leprosy, regardless of the timing of the two infections. Animals in the co-infected group that received M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV had a significantly slower rate of AIDS progression and long-term survival was significantly greater (three out of six) compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone (zero out of seven). All M. leprae-only-inoculated animals (six out of six) survived. Post-SIV-inoculation, a rapid decrease in the percentages of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cells was observed in the SIV-only-inoculated group that was significantly blocked by co-inoculation with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV, but not by SIV on the same day. The virus load set point was increased by approximately two logs in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae or the SIV-only-inoculated group. The results indicate that M. leprae, inoculated 2 weeks after SIV, decreased the pathogenicity of SIV compared to inoculation of M. leprae and SIV on the same day or SIV alone. The decreased pathogenicity correlated with a diminished loss of CD4 + and CD4 + CD29 + T-cell subsets in the group inoculated with M. leprae 2 weeks after SIV compared to the group inoculated with SIV alone. IgG antibody responses to M. leprae-specific cell wall phenolic glycolipid-I antigen were inhibited by 2-week-prior or same-day SIV co-inoculation compared to M. leprae-only inoculated animals. The IgG anti-lipoarabinomannan antibody response was enhanced in the group inoculated with M. leprae and SIV on the same day compared to the groups inoculated with M. leprae alone or SIV 2 weeks prior to M. leprae. Antibody responses to SIV Gp120 antigen were unimpaired in both co-inoculated groups compared to SIV-only-inoculated groups. The antibody results show that the immune responses to SIV and M. leprae are interrelated in SIV/M. leprae co-infected animals.  相似文献   

Neutralizing antibodies were assessed before and after intravenous challenge with pathogenic SIVsmE660 in rhesus macaques that had been immunized with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing one or more simian immunodeficiency virus gene products (MVA-SIV). Animals received either MVA-gag-pol, MVA-env, MVA-gag-pol-env, or nonrecombinant MVA. Although no animals were completely protected from infection with SIV, animals immunized with recombinant MVA-SIV vaccines had lower virus loads and prolonged survival relative to control animals that received nonrecombinant MVA (I. Ourmanov et al., J. Virol. 74:2740-2751, 2000). Titers of neutralizing antibodies measured with the vaccine strain SIVsmH-4 were low in the MVA-env and MVA-gag-pol-env groups of animals and were undetectable in the MVA-gag-pol and nonrecombinant MVA groups of animals on the day of challenge (4 weeks after final immunization). Titers of SIVsmH-4-neutralizing antibodies remained unchanged 1 week later but increased approximately 100-fold 2 weeks postchallenge in the MVA-env and MVA-gag-pol-env groups while the titers remained low or undetectable in the MVA-gag-pol and nonrecombinant MVA groups. This anamnestic neutralizing antibody response was also detected with T-cell-line-adapted stocks of SIVmac251 and SIV/DeltaB670 but not with SIVmac239, as this latter virus resisted neutralization. Most animals in each group had high titers of SIVsmH-4-neutralizing antibodies 8 weeks postchallenge. Titers of neutralizing antibodies were low or undetectable until about 12 weeks of infection in all groups of animals and showed little or no evidence of an anamnestic response when measured with SIVsmE660. The results indicate that recombinant MVA is a promising vector to use to prime for an anamnestic neutralizing antibody response following infection with primate lentiviruses that cause AIDS. However, the Env component of the present vaccine needs improvement in order to target a broad spectrum of viral variants, including those that resemble primary isolates.  相似文献   

A simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)(Mne) DNA clone was constructed that produces viruses containing a four amino acid deletion in the second zinc finger of the nucleocapsid (NC) domain of the Gag polyprotein. Viruses produced from this clone, although non-infectious both in vitro and in vivo, complete a majority of the steps in a single retroviral infection cycle. Eight pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were inoculated intramuscularly and subcutaneously three times over the course of 24 weeks with the NC mutant expressing DNA. These macaques, and four controls, were then challenged mucosally (intrarectally) with the homologous virus (SIV Mne CL E11S) and monitored for evidence of infection and clinical disease. Prior to challenge, a measurable humoral immune response was noted in four of eight immunized macaques. After challenge, all 12 macaques became infected, although four immunized animals greatly restricted their viral replication, and one immunized animal that controlled replication remains antibody negative. No disease has been evidence during the 46-week period of monitoring after challenge.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that apoA1, the major protein component of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), inhibited HIV infectivity and virus-induced syncytia formation. The mechanism of inhibition is unknown. We bring here evidence that the amphipathic helices of apoA1 interact with the N-terminal peptides of SIV gp32 and HIV gp41. These peptides have been shown to be associated with the initial steps of the fusion between the host cell and the virus. Binding of apoA1 to these peptides prevents the insertion of the fusogenic domains into the cell membrane and inhibits the fusion and the entry of the virus into the host cell.  相似文献   

The human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV) envelope glycoprotein consists of a trimer of two noncovalently and weakly associated subunits, gp120 and gp41. Upon binding of gp120 to cellular receptors, this labile native envelope complex undergoes conformational changes, resulting in a stable trimer-of-hairpins structure in gp41. Formation of the hairpin structure is thought to mediate membrane fusion by placing the viral and cellular membranes in close proximity. An in vitro-derived variant of SIVmac251, denoted CPmac, has acquired an unusually stable virion-associated gp120-gp41 complex. This unique phenotype is conferred by five amino acid substitutions in the gp41 ectodomain. Here we characterize the structural and physicochemical properties of the N40(L6)C38 model of the CPmac gp41 core. The 1.7-A resolution crystal structure of N40(L6)C38 is very similar to the six-helix bundle structure present in the parent SIVmac251 gp41. In both structures, three N40 peptides form a central three-stranded coiled coil, and three C38 peptides pack in an antiparallel orientation into hydrophobic grooves on the coiled-coil surface. Thermal unfolding studies show that the CPmac mutations destabilize the SIVmac251 six-helix bundle by 15 kJ/mol. Our results suggest that the formation of the gp41 trimer-of-hairpins structure is thermodynamically coupled to the conformational stability of the native envelope glycoprotein and raise the intriguing possibility that introduction of mutations to destabilize the six-helix bundle may lead to the stabilization of the trimeric gp120-gp41 complex. This study suggests a potential strategy for the production of stably folded envelope protein immunogens for HIV vaccine development.  相似文献   

Virus-specific CD8(+) T cells play an important role in controlling viral replication during acute primary infection. At this early stage, mucosal tissues represent a major site of viral replication. Therefore, the presence of functional virus-specific CD8(+) effector T cells in the mucosa during primary infection is a key issue in the pathogenesis of infection. In order to evaluate the extent of this response, six rhesus macaques were infected with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)mac251 and sacrificed on day 28 following infection. The functional activity of SIV-effector CD8(+) T cells was evaluated by means of a gamma-IFN ELISpot assay with autologous cells expressing SIV env, gag, pol and nef genes as antigen-presenting cells. This evaluation was performed on PBMCs, spleen, peripheral lymph node, gut-associated lymph node and lamina propria lymphocytes isolated from different mucosal sites. In parallel, the cell-associated viral load was quantified in all these tissues. Five macaques had gamma-IFN SIV-specific CD8(+) T cells in PBMCs and/or lymph nodes. However, in these macaques, these CD8(+) T cells were only present in seven mucosal sites out of 24 tested (the lamina propria lymphocytes of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and colon were evaluated separately for each animal), whereas they were detected in all corresponding gut-associated lymph nodes. In addition, the mean frequency of SIV-specific gamma-IFN-secreting CD8(+) T cells was 117 +/- 228 per 10(6) cells in the lamina propria vs. 958 +/- 1184 in gut associated lymph nodes (P = 0.001). No overall correlation was observed between the CD8(+) T-cell activity and the viral load: among the 17 mucosal sites in which the virus was isolated, no specific activity was detected in 13 sites. In conclusion, these data indicate that the frequencies of SIV-specific gamma-IFN-secreting CD8(+) T cells are low in the mucosa during early primary infection. This may be of importance with regard to the intense viral replication observed in the mucosa at this stage.  相似文献   

CD4+ T-cell depletion during acute human immunodeficiency virus infection occurs predominantly in the gastrointestinal mucosa. Using experimental data on SIV(mac251) viral load in blood and CD4+ T cells in the jejunum, we modeled the kinetics of CD4+ T-cell infection and death and estimated the viral infectivity. The infectivity of SIV(mac251) is higher than previously estimated for SHIV89.6P infection, but this higher infectivity is offset by a lower average peak viral load in SIV(mac251). Thus, the dynamics of target cell infection and death are remarkably similar between a CXCR4- and a CCR5-tropic infection in vivo.  相似文献   

The broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 4E10, 2F5, and Z13e1 target membrane-proximal external region (MPER) epitopes of HIV-1 gp41 in a manner that remains controversial. The requirements for initial lipid bilayer binding and/or CD4 ligation have been proposed. To further investigate these issues, we probed for binding of these MAbs to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virions with protein A-conjugated gold (PAG) nanoparticles using negative-stain electron microscopy. We found moderate levels of PAG associated with unliganded HIV-1 and SIV virions incubated with the three MAbs. Significantly higher levels of PAG were associated with CD4-liganded HIV-1 (epitope-positive) but not SIV (epitope-negative) virions. A chimeric SIV virion displaying the HIV-1 4E10 epitope also showed significantly higher PAG association after CD4 ligation and incubation with 4E10. MAbs accumulated rapidly on CD4-liganded virions and slowly on unliganded virions, although both reached similar levels in time. Anti-MPER epitope-specific binding was stable to washout. Virions incubated with an irrelevant MAb or CD4-only (no MAb) showed negligible PAG association, as did a vesicle-rich fraction devoid of virions. Preincubation with Fab 4E10 inhibited both specific and nonspecific 4E10 IgG binding. Our data provide evidence for moderate association of anti-MPER MAbs to viral surfaces but not lipid vesicles, even in the absence of cognate epitopes. Significantly greater MAb interaction occurs in epitope-positive virions following long incubation or CD4 ligation. These findings are consistent with a two-stage binding model where these anti-MPER MAbs bind first to the viral lipid bilayer and then to the MPER epitopes following spontaneous or induced exposure.  相似文献   

Host immune responses to SIV infection in sooty mangabeys are likely to be an important determinant of how such nonhuman primate species maintain asymptomatic lentivirus infection. We have previously described two patterns of asymptomatic SIV infection in sooty mangabeys: low viral loads with vigorous SIV-specific CTL activity in SIVmac239-infected sooty mangabeys, and high viral loads with generally weak or absent SIV-specific CTL activity in naturally infected sooty mangabeys. To define the specificity of the CTL response in SIV-infected mangabeys, we characterized CTL epitopes in two naturally infected and three SIVmac239-infected sooty mangabeys. Compared with that in SIVmac239-infected mangabeys, the yield of SIV-specific CTL clones was significantly lower in naturally infected sooty mangabeys. All CTL clones were phenotypically CD3+ CD8+, and lysis was MHC restricted. Seven SIV CTL epitopes were identified in five sooty mangabeys: one in Gag and three each in Nef and Envelope (Env). The CTL epitopes mapped to conserved regions in the SIV genome and were immunodominant. Several similar or identical CTL epitopes were recognized by both naturally infected and SIVmac239-infected mangabeys that shared class I MHC alleles. To our knowledge, this is the first report of SIV-specific CTL epitopes in sooty mangabeys. Longitudinal studies of viral load and sequence variation in CTL epitopes may provide useful information on the role of CTL in control or persistence of SIV infection in sooty mangabeys.  相似文献   

Background Chronic immune activation is a hallmark of HIV infection and has been postulated as major factor in the pathogenesis of AIDS. Recent evidence suggests that activation of immune cells is triggered by microbial translocation through the impaired gastrointestinal barrier. Methods To determine the association between microbial translocation and disease progression, we have retrospectively analyzed microbial products, viral load and markers of immune activation in a cohort of 37 simian immunodeficiency virus‐infected rhesus monkeys, divided in two groups with distinct disease courses. Results As seen in HIV‐infected patients, we found elevated levels of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in infected animals. However, LPS levels or LPS control mechanisms like endotoxin core antibodies or LPS‐binding protein did not differ between groups with different disease progression. In contrast, neopterin, a metabolic product of activated macrophages, was higher in fast progressors than in slow progressors. Conclusion Our data indicate that translocation of microbial products is not the major driving force of immune activation in HIV infection.  相似文献   

We constructed an infectious molecular clone of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) and generated nine frameshift mutants corresponding to nine open reading frames identified so far. Three structural (gag, pol, env) and two regulative (tat, rev) gene mutants were not infectious, whereas vif, vpx, vpr, and nef genes were dispensable for infectivity. All of the mutants except env and rev were cytopathic in CD4+ human leukemia cells. In transfection assays, the expression of HIV-2 long terminal repeat was activated by infectious clones of HIV-1, HIV-2, and simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkey but not by the tat mutants. However, an HIV-2 tat mutant could produce small amounts of virus proteins and particles in contrast to a rev mutant, which directed no detectable synthesis of virus proteins and virions.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and simian immunodeficiency virus possess three closely spaced, highly conserved sites for N-linked carbohydrate attachment in the extracellular domain of the transmembrane protein gp41. We infected rhesus monkeys with a variant of cloned SIVmac239 lacking the second and third sites or with a variant strain lacking all three of SIVmac239's glycosylation sites in gp41. For each mutation, asparagine (N) in the canonical N-X-S/T recognition sequence for carbohydrate attachment was changed to the structurally similar glutamine such that two nucleotide changes would be required for a reversion of the mutated codon. By 16 weeks, experimentally infected monkeys made antibodies that neutralized the mutant viruses to high titers. Such antibodies were not observed in monkeys infected with the parental virus. Thus, new specificities were revealed as a result of the carbohydrate attachment mutations, and antibodies of these specificities had neutralizing activity. Unlike monkeys infected with the parental virus, monkeys infected with the mutant viruses made antibodies that reacted with peptides corresponding to the sequences in this region. Furthermore, there was strong selective pressure for the emergence of variant sequences in this region during the course of infection. By analyzing the neutralization profiles of sequence variants, we were able to define three mutations (Q625R, K631N, and Q634H) in the region of the glycosylation site mutations that conferred resistance to neutralization by plasma from the monkeys infected with mutant virus. Based on the reactivity of antibodies to peptides in this region and the colocalization of neutralization escape mutations, we conclude that N-linked carbohydrates in the ectodomain of the transmembrane protein shield underlying epitopes that would otherwise be the direct targets of neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Prior studies demonstrated that immunization of macaques with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag-Pol and Env recombinants of the attenuated poxvirus modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) provided protection from high levels of viremia and AIDS following challenge with a pathogenic strain of SIV (V. M. Hirsch et al., J. Virol. 70:3741-3752, 1996). This MVA-SIV recombinant expressed relatively low levels of the Gag-Pol portion of the vaccine. To optimize protection, second-generation recombinant MVAs that expressed high levels of either Gag-Pol (MVA-gag-pol) or Env (MVA-env), alone or in combination (MVA-gag-pol-env), were generated. A cohort of 24 macaques was immunized with recombinant or nonrecombinant MVA (four groups of six animals) and was challenged with 50 times the dose at which 50% of macaques are infected with uncloned pathogenic SIVsmE660. Although all animals became infected postchallenge, plasma viremia was significantly reduced in animals that received the MVA-SIV recombinant vaccines as compared with animals that received nonrecombinant MVA (P = 0.0011 by repeated-measures analysis of variance). The differences in the degree of virus suppression achieved by the three MVA-SIV vaccines were not significant. Most importantly, the reduction in levels of viremia resulted in a significant increase in median (P < 0.05 by Student's t test) and cumulative (P = 0.010 by log rank test) survival. These results suggest that recombinant MVA has considerable potential as a vaccine vector for human AIDS.  相似文献   

Peptides of 12, 16 and 24 amino acids length corresponding to the NH2 terminal sequence of SIV gp32 were synthesized. Fluorescence energy transfer studies have shown that those peptides can induce lipid mixing of SUV (Small Unilamellar Vesicles) of various compositions at pH 7.4 and 37 degrees C. LUV (Large Unilamellar Vesicles) were shown to undergo fusion, provided they contained PE in their lipid composition. This work is an attempt to determine how the fusogenic activity depends on the structure of the peptide inserted into a lipidic environment. The peptides secondary structure and orientation in the lipid bilayer were determined using Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). They adopt mainly a beta-sheet conformation in the absence of lipids. After interaction with DOPC SUV, the beta-sheet is partly converted into alpha-helix oriented obliquely with respect to the membrane interface. We bring here evidence that this oblique orientation is a prerequisite to the fusion process.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that peptide immunization restimulates the memory CD4 T-cell response, but fails to induce cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) in cynomolgus macaques. To examine the nature of protective immunity to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) in this study, freshly isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from four infected juvenile cynomolgus macaques and from three uninfected control macaques were assessed for CTL activity monthly for 9 consecutive months, beginning 1 month after detection of infection. Target cells consisted of major histocompatibility (MHC) haploidentical parental PBMC which were stimulated with mitogen and then pulsed with heat-killed SIVcyn. CTL activity was demonstrated in PBMCs from all four infected animals. The effector cells are T cells which mediate cytotoxicity against SIVcyn-pulsed target cells in an MHC-restricted manner. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity is virus specific and predominantly, if not exclusively, mediated by CD8+ T cells; it is also MHC class I restricted. Incubation of target cells with pepstatin A during antigen pulsing prior to the cytotoxic assay inhibited target cell generation, suggesting that viral antigens are processed via an endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

In addition to PTAP L domains, primate lentiviruses carry Alix-binding motifs that include the recently described type 3 SREKPYKEVTEDLLHLNSLF sequence. We examined the requirements for the type 3 sequence motif in simian immunodeficiency virus SIV(smE543) and identified the (499)LNSLF(503) sequence as a key functional determinant. Mutation of distal leucines (499)L and (502)L (LL mutant) caused an inhibitory effect on Alix-dependent SIV(smE543) release that was quantitatively similar to that observed following disruption of the type 3 L domain or RNA interference (RNAi) depletion of Alix. Similar results were obtained with the SIV(mac239) LL mutant. Thus, distal leucines are key determinants of SIV(smE543) and SIV(mac239) type 3 L domains.  相似文献   

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