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I present the 6- year reproductive histories of three wild female siamang (Hylobates syndactylus)and four white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar)at the Ketambe Research Station (Sumatra, Indonesia). Reproductive output varied considerably among females. Two females failed to gestate: both were nulliparous young adult H. lar,one of which remained unpaired for 4 years after dispersing from her group, while the other lost her recently acquired mate to another female. Only one- (a white-handed gibbon)- gave birth more than once, yielding interbirth intervals of 22 and 31 months. Pair bond stability or reduced interspecific feeding competition or both factors may have contributed to the brevity of these intervals. The other females- one H. lar,and three H. syndactylus-each gave birth once, suggesting minimum interbirth intervals exceeding 4–5 years (H. lar)and 3 years (H. syndactylus)in these individuals. Even given the pronounced variation observed among H. lar,these data suggest that interbirth intervals may often exceed the 2- to 3- year interval commonly attributed to these two species. Sources of reproductive failure were 1) maternal abandonment of the neonate due to impaired ability to provide maternal care (H. syndactylus,),(2) premature or stillbirth (H. syndactylus,),and (3) pregnancy termination (H. lar).These data and a review of information on longevity and age at menarche suggest that the actual lifetime reproductive output of a siamang or white-handed gibbon female may often fall far short of the 10 offspring/lifetime originally proposed for these species. Indeed, females may rear as few as five offspring to weaning in a lifetime, which is a figure reminiscent of the reproductive potential of some pongids. Finally, variance in female reproductive success is higher than expected in these monogamous species, which suggests that females (and males) are under strong selective pressure to exert mate choice, possibly through acquisition of (new) mates and extrapair copulations. Future research must clarify the availability of opportunities for paired adults to engage in these sociosexual behaviors.  相似文献   

We aimed to assess spontaneous food preferences in captive white-handed gibbons and to analyze whether they correlate with nutrient composition. Via a 2-alternative choice test, we repeatedly presented 3 male Hylobates lar with all possible binary combinations of 10 types of food that are part of their diet in captivity and found the following rank order of preference: grape > banana = fig > apple > pear > honeydew melon > carrot > tomato > cucumber > avocado. Correlational analyses revealed a highly significant positive correlation between the food preference ranking and the total carbohydrate, fructose, and glucose contents of the foods (p < 0.01, respectively). With the exception of the trace mineral selenium (p < 0.05), there was no other significant correlation with any other macro- or micronutrient. In addition, the food preferences were stable across the day because rankings obtained from tests performed at 0900, 1200, and 1500 h, respectively, did not differ significantly (p > 0.05). Our results suggest that captive white-handed gibbons are not opportunistic, but selective feeders with regard to maximizing net gain of energy because only the content of carbohydrates, but not the contents of total energy, proteins, or lipids significantly correlate with the displayed food preferences. Further, the results suggest that captive Hylobates lar, in contrast to their free-ranging conspecifics, do not display marked changes in their food selection across the day.  相似文献   

The siamang (Hylobates syndactylus) is exceptional among gibbons in that its area of distribution almost completely overlaps those of other gibbons, namely the white-handed gibbon (H. lar) and the agile gibbon (H. agilis) of the lar group. The siamang has almost twice the body weight of the gibbons of the lar group (ca. 11 kg vs. 5–6 kg), and it has been suggested that distinct ecological and behavioural differences exist between the siamang and its two sympatric species. The siamang has been claimed to differ from the white-handed gibbon “in the closer integration and greater harmony of group life” (Chivers, 1976, p. 132). However, few quantitative data exist to support this hypothesis. In the present study, intra-group interactions in captive family groups of white-handed gibbons and siamangs (two groups of each species) were recorded by focal-animal sampling. These data failed to show a consistent association between species and most of the behavioural patterns recorded, such as frequency of aggression, percentage of successful food transfer, frequency of social grooming bouts, and duration of social grooming/animal/hr. A significant difference was found for only two of the variables: Individual siamangs in this study showed longer grooming bout durations, and made fewer food transfer attempts than lar individuals. Only the first of these two differences is consistent with the hypothesis mentioned above, whereas the lower frequency of food transfer attempts in siamangs is the opposite of what should be expected under the hypothesis. On the other hand, two of these behavioural patterns showed a significant correlation with the parameters group size and individual age: Both individuals in larger groups and younger individuals tended to show shorter grooming bouts and a smaller proportion of successful food transfers. Our findings indicate that social cohesion within these gibbon groups may be much more flexible according to and depending on social or ecological influences and less rigidly linked to specific gibbon taxa than previously assumed. A considerably larger number of gibbon groups would have to be compared to provide reliable evidence for or against species-specific differences in group cohesion. Another finding of this study—a positive correlation between the frequency of aggression and grooming—is discussed in the light of the functional interpretations commonly attributed to allogrooming behaviour in primates.  相似文献   

A group of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis)was studied for 2 years in the Malay Peninsula. The behavior of the gibbons during territorial disputes is described, the relationships with neighbors are investigated, and the frequency and duration of disputes are analyzed. The nature of the territorial boundary and the type of territorial behavior exhibited by the gibbons are discussed. An attempt is made to identify the immediate precursors of disputes, and some suggestions are given to explain why disputes occur so frequently and are of such long duration.  相似文献   

Homosexual mounting in apes and prosimians is rare. Male-male mounting was observed between an adult male white-handed gibbon and an adolescent male in the same group. The behaviour is discussed in terms of the gibbon group's social structure and the development of the adolescent. It is suggested that this behaviour provides reassurance for the adolescent gibbon.  相似文献   

Summary A state-dependent model has been used to predict daily and tidal patterns of migration, feeding and inactivity in juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in their intertidal and shallow subtidal nursery areas. Vertical position, quantity of energy reserves and fullness of the gut characterized the state of individual fishes. If feeding is visually mediated, the model predicts that, by night, plaice should move to areas of low predation risk and become inactive, whereas by day, plaice should migrate to feed in areas of high prey encounter rate. Vertical zones adopted by day and night and, hence, patterns of migration, should depend on the distributions of predators and prey. When prey are more abundant in the intertidal zone, plaice should move onshore to feed as the tide rises and when prey are more abundant offshore, plaice should move offshore to feed by day. If predators are equally abundant in all zones, the fish should behave as if no predators were present, having no effective refuge. An increase in the abundance of predators with depth results in the restriction of plaice activities to shallower vertical zones, depending on the magnitude of the predation threat. Zones adopted thus depend on the trade-off between energy intake and predation risk. Concordance between predicted behaviour and observed patterns is evident in contrasting habitats. Migration and feeding in the Wadden Sea, where prey are more abundant on intertidal flats, is dominated by the tidal component, whereas on impoverished exposed beaches of the west coast of Scotland, the diurnal component is dominant. Tidally related behaviour persists in the latter environment, not predicted by the model and may be a consequence of using endogenous rhythms to approach optimal behavioural patterns.  相似文献   

DNA sequences for the mitochondrial cytochromebgene from the four extant gibbon subgenera are described. The data confirm that the gibbon subgenera evolved from a common hylobatid ancestor and suggest that they diverged from each other after the divergence of the extant African great ape species. The cytochromebgene does not resolve the evolutionary relationships between the gibbon subgenera themselves.  相似文献   

White-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) are not known to occur to the east or southeast of Bangkok. The reliably documented localities ofH. lar nearest to this area are about 120 km northeast of Bangkok. There, in the Kao Yai National Park, is the only known zone of contact betweenH. lar and the pileated gibbon (H. pileatus), another species of the so-calledlar group. Unpublished documents dating from 1925 indicate, however, that sympatry between these two species may also have existed in the region of Sriracha, about 80 km southeast of Bangkok. Therefore, a large zone of overlap in the distribution of the two species may originally have existed. In most parts of this hypothetical zone, gibbon habitat appears to have been destroyed, with the Khao Yai Park possibly representing the last remnant of the once large contact zone.  相似文献   

Foraging by consumers acts as a biotic filtering mechanism for biodiversity at the trophic level of resources. Variation in foraging behaviour has cascading effects on abundance, diversity, and functional trait composition of the community of resource species. Here we propose diversity at giving-up density (DivGUD), i.e. when foragers quit exploiting a patch, as a novel concept and simple measure quantifying cascading effects at multiple spatial scales. In experimental landscapes with an assemblage of plant seeds, patch residency of wild rodents decreased local α-DivGUD (via elevated mortality of species with large seeds) and regional γ-DivGUD, while dissimilarity among patches in a landscape (ß-DivGUD) increased. By linking theories of adaptive foraging behaviour with community ecology, DivGUD allows to investigate cascading indirect predation effects, e.g. the ecology-of-fear framework, feedbacks between functional trait composition of resource species and consumer communities, and effects of inter-individual differences among foragers on the biodiversity of resource communities.  相似文献   

One reason given for the success of social insects is their exceptional efficiency in foraging. In this study we examined the recruitment trail dynamics of sucrose foraging red imported fire ants at three distances in order to understand the limitations of their recruitment ability. Five biologically and statistically significant differences were found among several important parameters between the furthest distance (32 m) and the two closer distances (8 and 16 m): 1) Recruits leaving the food at the greatest distance had significantly more load than recruits leaving the food at the shorter distances did. 2) At the greatest distance, recruits approaching the food already had significant loads. 3)Way stations and counter-current food passing were only found when food was placed at the furthest distance. 4) Ants leaving the colony for the most distant food source were significantly smaller than recruits leaving for the two closer distances. 5) The majority of recruits returning to the colony from the furthest distance had no detectable sugars, and were also dehydrated. Our data suggest that maintaining a minimum viable level of body water appears to be more important as a limiting factor to foraging range than energetics, at least under humidity regimes that are less than saturated. Received 6 June 2007; revised 10 January 2008; accepted 11 January 2008.  相似文献   

One of the least studied aspects of the Hylobatidae is their social behavior. In the past, researchers have attributed this to a general lack of affiliative social interactions due to small group size and the hostile nature of intergroup encounters. Data collected on white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, indicate that gibbons engage in higher rates of social behavior than had previously been appreciated. In addition to relatively high rates of intragroup social contact, gibbons engaged in social behavior, including play and grooming, with members of neighboring groups. These findings obligate a renewed consideration of the nature and function of territoriality in primates.  相似文献   

The durations of logging operations may be regarded as critical periods in which primates will be required to make rapid adjustments in behavioral patterns. Primates are extremely difficult to observe during logging operations, but their behavioral response may be interpreted from analysis of calling patterns. In Hylobates lar,increased calling frequencies of groups may be indicative of intruder pressure, as may reduced calling frequencies of animals which are avoiding confrontation with conspecifics or avoiding detection by loggers. In Presbytis melalophosthe function of calling is to mediate intergroup avoidance, such that differential calling frequencies would not be expected. Where reduction in calling occurs it is probably directed toward concealment from loggers. Groups do not emigrate from active logging areas and movement outside of established territories occurs only to a very limited extent.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior of one group of green monkeys (Cercopithecus sabaeus)was observed between October 1978 and December 1979 in the Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, Senegal. Details of the vegetational composition of the habitat and seasonal variation in food availability were also recorded. The green monkeys’ diet was omnivorous and diverse, including over 65 species of plants, many invertebrates, and some eggs and meat. Preference was given to fruits and flowers, although particular species were not selected; rather, these foods were eaten in proportion to their availability. Leaves, gum, seeds, and fungi were secondarily preferred foods, their consumption depending mostly on the availability of fruit or flowers. There was little overlap in the composition of the diet from month to month, reflecting the strong seasonality of the environment, although there was a consistent intake of invertebrates each month. Differences in diet between populations of the superspecies C. aethiopsare related to the floristic composition of the vegetation. Data on seasonal variation in the diet and changing patterns of resource availability are drawn together within the framework of optimal foraging theory to examine the adaptive strategies underlying the monkeys’ behavior. Their choice of diet was optimal in that they were more selective when profitable food items were common: higher proportions of the diet were given over to fruit and flowers when food availability was high. In parallel with this strategy, a nutritive balance was maintained by consistent inclusion of invertebrates and at least some foliage in the diet, regardless of the amount of fruit or flowers available.  相似文献   

The Nangunhe Nature Reserve in Southwest Yunnan (PRC) has long been presumed to be the last stronghold of lar (or white-handed) gibbons (Hylobates lar) in China and the likely last place of occurrence of Hylobates lar yunnanensis. We conducted a comprehensive survey to assess the status of lar gibbons at Nangunhe. We found no visual or auditory evidence of them still residing at the reserve and therefore tentatively conclude that lar gibbons have become extinct in China. It appears that large-scale destruction of primary forests in the 1960s and 1970s brought about an initial decline in their numbers, and subsequent uncontrolled hunting has resulted in their extirpation. The situation for the six Chinese ape taxa is nothing less than disastrous, with 1 taxon assumed to have become extinct during the last few years, 1 taxon not having been confirmed since the 1980s, and 2 species at the very brink of extinction with only tens of individuals remaining in China.  相似文献   

Stibor H  Sommer U 《Protist》2003,154(1):91-98
Mixotrophy, a combination of phototrophic and phagotrophic nutrition, has been found in several classes of phytoplankton (Booras et al. 1988, Jones 2000) and appears to be a successful evolutionary strategy. Heterotrophic nutrition of phytoplankton has been suggested to be an important source of mineral nutrients (Nygaard and Tobiesen 1993). Potentially limiting mineral nutrients, particularly phosphorus (P), are often several orders of magnitude more concentrated in the biomass of food organisms of mixotrophs (e.g. in bacteria) than in the dissolved phase (Vadstein 2000). We used radioactive tracer experiments to show that the simultaneous uptake of P from dissolved inorganic and particular P sources by the marine phytoflagellate Chrysochromulina polylepis followed basic predictions of optimal foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 1986). Chrysochromulina takes up its P rather unselectively from both bacterial P and dissolved P sources at low dissolved P concentrations, while it becomes more selective at higher dissolved inorganic P (DIP) concentrations. The onset of mixotrophic processes was dependent on DIP concentrations. These findings support the view of mixotrophy as a strategy of nutrient uptake in nutrient poor (oligotrophic) pelagic environments (Nygaard and Tobiesen 1993) and show that ideas of optimal foraging can be applied to unicellular organisms.  相似文献   

The genetically based rover/sitter behavioral difference in Drosophila melanogasterlarval foraging is expressed throughout most of the larval instars when larvae forage on food patches of differing food quality. The amount of locomotor behavior decreases when third-instar larvae of both rover and sitter strains are starved just prior to the behavioral test. Such strain differences in locomotor behavior are maintained despite the starvation-induced decrease in locomotion found in both strains. Measurements of larval body length and width, taken at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h posthatching, reveal that rover and sitter larval growth rates do not differ. The finding that rover/sitter differences are expressed in a variety of environments and throughout the majority of the larval instars should aid in attempts to uncover selection pressures which may differentially affect the two morphs in environmentally heterogeneous natural populations.  相似文献   

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