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The complex role of the renin-angiotensin-system (RAS) in arterial pressure regulation has been well documented. Recently, we demonstrated that chronic low-dose angiotensin II (ANG II) infusion decreases arterial pressure in female rats via an AT(2)R-mediated mechanism. Estrogen can differentially regulate components of the RAS and is known to influence arterial pressure regulation. We hypothesized that AT(2)R-mediated depressor effects evident in females were estrogen dependent and thus would be abolished by ovariectomy and restored by estrogen replacement. Female Sprague-Dawley rats underwent ovariectomy or sham surgery and were treated with 17β-estradiol or placebo. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured via telemetry in response to a 2-wk infusion of ANG II (50 ng·kg(-1)·min(-1) sc) or saline. MAP significantly decreased in females treated with ANG II (-10 ± 2 mmHg), a response that was abolished by ovariectomy (+4 ± 2 mmHg) and restored with estrogen replacement (-6 ± 2 mmHg). Cardiac and renal gene expression of components of the RAS was differentially regulated by estrogen, such that overall, estrogen shifted the balance of the RAS toward the vasodilatory axis. In conclusion, estrogen-dependent mechanisms offset the vasopressor actions of ANG II by enhancing RAS vasodilator pathways in females. This highlights the potential for these vasodilator pathways as therapeutic targets, particularly in women.  相似文献   

Gene transfer studies have shown that estrogen regulation of specific genes is mediated by estrogen response elements (ERE). We report that binding of the estrogen receptor to the ERE can be detected by a gel retardation (band shift) assay. This binding interaction was highly sequence and receptor specific. Methylation interference analysis showed that the ERE contact sites of estrogen receptor displayed a perfect twofold rotational symmetry. This is compatible with estrogen receptor binding to the ERE as a head-to-head dimer.  相似文献   

Porcine endometrial estrogen sulfotransferase has been isolated and its properties examined. This enzyme only appeared in uteri from ovariectomized gilts which had been primed with estrogen and treated with progesterone. The most stable form of the enzyme was obtained via chromatofocusing of the 100,000 g supernatant from secretory endometrium. A molecular weight of 31 KDa was determined for this sulfotransferase by molecular sieve (Sephadex G-200 Superfine) and disk-gel electrophoresis. The active protein displayed a pI of 6.1, pH optimum of 7.6-7.8 and a requirement of 10 mM Mg2+ for maximum transfer of sulfate from 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS) to estrone (E1). Km of the reaction was 24 +/- 4.7 microM for PAPS and 24 +/- 9.8 nM for E1 as substrate. Porcine endometrial sulfotransferase thus displayed a much greater affinity for E1 than a similar enzyme previously isolated from bovine adrenals. As has been observed of sulfotransferases from other tissues, an endogenous substrate (presumed to be E1) accompanies the enzyme throughout its purification.  相似文献   

Estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) is a progesterone (Pg) induced secretory endometrial enzyme which may effect estrogen receptor levels by esterifying estradiol-17 beta (E2) to an inactive, sulfate form. The effects of this enzyme were studied using specific inhibitors of EST that do not bind to estrogen receptor (ER): 4-nitroestrone 3-methyl ether and 4-fluoroestrone 3-methyl ether. A 1 h pulse with 4 nM E2 caused ERn (i.e. E2-bound, chromatin-bound receptor) to increase 40% in incubations of proliferative gilt endometrium (no EST activity), while the same E2 treatment of secretory endometrium (high EST activity) caused no increase in ERn. ERn accumulation was completely restored in these experiments by preincubating secretory endometrium with 4 microM 4-fluoroestrone 3-methyl ether. Gilt endometrial explants cultured 7 days with 1 nM E2 plus 1 microM Pg (which induced EST activity) possessed half the ERn as explants devoid of EST activity which were cultured in E2 alone. The addition of 10 microM 4-nitroestrone 3-methyl ester to the cultures of secretory endometrium restored ERn to the levels seen in minces cultured with E2 alone. Furthermore, ovariectomized gilts injected daily with 250 micrograms E2 plus 25 mg Pg had much lower ERn (0.06 fmol/micrograms DNA) than gilts injected with E2 only (0.21 fmol/microgram DNA). ERn was restored completely by supplementing the E2 plus Pg injections with 0.5 g 4-nitroestrone 3-methyl ether administered by vaginal suppositories.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Angiotensin II receptor agonist (125I-angiotensin II) and antagonist (125I-[Sar1,Ile8]angiotensin II) bind in a specific and saturable manner to rat ovarian membranes. Agonist and antagonist binding affinity (KD approximately 0.5 nM) and the number of sites estimated (Bmax approximately 60 fmol/mg of protein) were similar. Dissociation of receptor-bound agonist was more rapid than the dissociation of receptor-bound antagonist, and agonist, but not antagonist, dissociation from the receptor was accelerated by GTP gamma S. A 0-150 mM increase in Na+ produced a 27% increase in the KD of agonist binding. Antagonist binding was not modified by Na+. These studies suggest that both agonist and antagonist identify putative angiotensin II receptors in the ovary but that the properties of agonist and antagonist binding are distinct. Angiotensin II antagonist binding sites are present on the granulosa cell layer of rat ovarian follicles (Speth, R. C., Bumpus, F. M., and Husain, A. (1986) Eur. J. Pharmacol. 130, 351-352). To determine the role of angiotensin II in ovarian function, we examined angiotensin II receptors and function during the onset of puberty. High affinity and low capacity angiotensin II receptors were present in ovaries from immature rats. After pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin induced ovulation in immature rats, antagonist binding to total ovarian membranes increased over 3-fold. In vitro incubation of peripubertal ovaries with 1 microM angiotensin II produced a stimulation of estrogen, but not progesterone, secretion. This steroidogenic effect of angiotensin II was most pronounced in the luteal phase of the estrus cycle. These studies point toward the involvement of angiotensin II in the regulation of ovarian function, possibly through modulation of follicular estrogen levels.  相似文献   

Polymorphisms of estrogen receptor alpha gene in endometrial cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is hypothesized that polymorphisms of estrogen receptor-alpha (ERalpha) gene are involved in endometrial cancer. To test this hypothesis, the genotype distributions of six different loci (codon 10 T-->C, codon 87 G-->C, codon 243 C-->T, codon 325 C-->G, codon 594 G-->A, and intron 1 C-->G) of the ERalpha gene were investigated and their association with endometrial cancer was determined. The DNA from 113 cases of human endometrial cancer was analyzed by sequence-specific polymerase chain reaction. The relative risk of variant genotype was calculated by comparison with 200 healthy controls. The frequency of variant genotype on codon 10 was significantly lower in endometrial cancer patients as compared to controls. Nine of 113 endometrial cancer patients (8.0%) showed genotype 10C/C compared to 27 of 200 healthy controls (13.5%). The relative risk of genotype 10C/C was calculated as 0.44, compared to wild-type. Forty-five of 113 endometrial cancer patients (39.8%) showed genotype T/C on codon 10 compared to 111 of 200 healthy controls (55.5%). The relative risk of genotype 10T/C was calculated as 0.67, compared to wild-type. The polymorphism on codon 87 was not detected both in endometrial cancer patients and in healthy control. Other loci, intron 1, and codons 243, 325, and 594, did not show a correlation with endometrial cancer. The frequency of alleles on codon 10 was also significantly lower in endometrial cancer patients as compared to controls. Sixty-three of 226 alleles (27.9%) of endometrial cancer patients showed allele C compared to 165 of 400 (41.2%) of healthy controls. The relative risk of allele 10C was calculated as 0.67, compared to wild-type. Other loci, intron 1, and codons 243, 325, and 594, did not show a difference between cancer patients and controls. All genotype and allelic distributions were in accordance with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The present study demonstrates for the first time a protective effect of 10C allele against endometrial cancer. Thus, inherited alterations in ERalpha may be associated with changes in estrogen metabolism and thereby may possibly explain inter-individual differences in disease incidences of endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between vascular response and plasma levels of kinins, 10 anesthetized mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of bradykinin in graded doses (0.3 to 10.0 μg/kg/mm). Arterial pressure was recorded and plasma kinins determined by radioimmunoassay. There was a significant (p < 0.001) correlation between the increment in plasma kinins and the decrement in blood pressure which stabilized within five minutes. At the highest dose, arterial blood pressure fell by 37 ± 5 mmHg, and plasma kinins had risen by 1.5 ± 0.4 ng/ml. The magnitude of the change in plasma kinin levels observed in this study is similar to that acutely reported with administration of converting enzyme inhibitors. Thus, kinins may contribute to the hypotensive effect of these agents.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratories demonstrated that cells from a human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line (Ishikawa) responded to estradiol whereas cells from another endometrial cancer line (HEC-50) did not. In an attempt to identify factors responsible for the observed estrogen insensitivity we compared the characteristics of the estradiol receptor (ER) systems in Ishikawa and HEC-50 cells. Saturation analyses of cytosolic estrogen binders were performed over a 0.1-70 nM range of [3H]estradiol concentrations. Equilibrium dissociation constants and number of binding sites were determined by graphic analysis of Scatchard plots or computed by applying Fourier-derived affinity spectrum analysis (FASA) of the binding data. No significant differences were noted in the dissociation constants (Kd approx. 0.6 nM) or number of binding sites (approx. 6-10 fmol/mg protein) for the single binder that could be evaluated by the graphic method in cytosol from the two cell lines. However, 2 binders in Ishikawa cells (Kd approx. 0.2 and 6 nM) could be detected by the FASA method; the higher affinity binder in HEC-50 cells could not be clearly demonstrated. Structural differences in the specific estrogen binders which might distinguish HEC-50 from Ishikawa cells or normal endometrial tissue were investigated by using the anti-ER monoclonal antibody JS 34/32. Interaction of the antibody with [3H]estradiol binders of estrogen-responsive cells and tissue was evident from the formation of labeled complexes that were shown to sediment faster in glycerol density gradients and could be immunoprecipitated with Protein A attached to Sepharose beads. In contrast, the antibody did not recognize labeled specific binders in the HEC-50 cells. Furthermore, [3H]estradiol receptors in Ishikawa cells could be transformed into a species that exhibited increased hydrophilicity, evident from its binding to DNA-cellulose, whereas binders from HEC-50 could not. These results indicate that the lack of responsiveness of HEC-50 cells to estrogens might be due to structural or functional alterations in the ER protein resulting in a loss of its capability to undergo estrogen-directed conformational changes required for biological activity.  相似文献   

We have used circular permutation analysis to determine whether binding of purified Xenopus laevis estrogen receptor DNA-binding domain (DBD) to a DNA fragment containing an estrogen response element (ERE) causes the DNA to bend. Gel mobility shift assays showed that DBD-DNA complexes formed with fragments containing more centrally located EREs migrated more slowly than complexes formed with fragments containing EREs near the ends of the DNA. DNA bending standards were used to determine that the degree of bending induced by binding of the DBD to an ERE was approximately 34 degrees. A 1.55-fold increase in the degree of bending was observed when two EREs were present in the DNA fragment. These in vitro studies suggest that interaction of nuclear receptors with their hormone response elements in vivo may result in an altered DNA conformation.  相似文献   

Renal clearance experiments were performed on six Merino ewes in which plasma phosphate concentrations were increased by the intravenous infusion of isohydric sodium phosphate. As the phosphate load to the kidney increased, the renal tubular reabsorptive capacity became saturated and a definite tubular maximum for phosphate reabsorption (Tmp) was demonstrated. The Tmp was directly related to the glomerular filtration rate and had a mean value of 333-1+/-27-0 (s.e.m.) mumol/min or 416-6+/-13-5 mumol/100 ml glomerular filtrate. Calcium infused concurrently with phosphate in order to maintain plasma total calcium levels did not alter the Tmp. Ultrafilterability of calcium and phosphate in the plasma decreased with phosphate infusion and this was accentuated by an accompanying calcium infusion. The Tmp in sheep's kidney is higher than in non-ruminant animals and the implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

As a bioassay of the steroidogenic function of the corpus luteum, endometrial biopsy has been proposed as the most efficient way of diagnosing corpus luteum insufficiency. However, analysis of our data on luteal phase evaluation in infertility shows that most cases (86%) of endometrial luteal inadequacy are associated with normal hormone (progesterone, estradiol) stimulation. This apparent lack of endometrial progestational response may be explained by an end organ defect localized to the endometrial steroid receptors.  相似文献   

The potential of cell therapy is promising in nerve regeneration, but is limited by ethical considerations about the proper and technically safe source of stem cells. We report the successful differentiation of human EnSCs (endometrial stem cells) as a rich source of renewable and safe progenitors into high-efficiency cholinergic neurons. The extracellular signals of NGF (nerve growth factor) and bFGF (basic fibroblast growth factor) could induce cholinergic neuron differentiation. ChAT (choline acetyltransferase), MAP2 (microtubule associated protein 2) and NF-l (neurofilament L) increased after administration of bFGF and NGF to the EnSC cultures. trkC and FGFR2 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 2), which belong to the NGF and bFGF receptors respectively, were determined in populations of EnSCs. NGF, bFGF and their combination differentially influenced human EnSCs high efficiency differentiation. By inducing cholinergic neurons from EnSCs in a chemically defined medium, we could produce human neural cells without resorting to primary culture of neurons. This in vitro method provides an unlimited source of human neural cells and facilitates clinical applications of EnSCs for neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Studies suggest that the steroid, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) can exert effects directly, in addition to its indirect role serving as a precursor for other steroids such as androgens and estrogens. Because DHEA is one of the most abundant adrenal steroids secreted in man, we investigated the functional activity of DHEA on the classic estrogen response element (ERE) in the presence of the estrogen receptor (ER) in transiently transfected cells. GT1-7 hypothalamic neuronal cells, devoid of the estrogen receptor, were transiently transfected with the estrogen receptor expression plasmid (HEGO) and the estrogen response element luciferase (ERELUC) reporter vector. As expected, a dose-response stimulation of luciferase activity was observed in cells treated with estradiol. Concentrations of estradiol from 10−10–10−6 M resulted in a 136–195 percent increase in luciferase activity compared with control. A dose-response stimulation was also observed in the cells treated with DHEA. A maximum stimulation of 177 percent increase in luciferase activity compared with control was observed with DHEA at a concentration of 10−5 M. Both the estradiol and DHEA stimulation of ERE luciferase activity was inhibited by the estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182,780. The aromatase inhibitor, formestane in combination with estradiol or DHEA had no effect on luciferase activity, suggesting that the effect of DHEA is independent of its conversion to estadiol. Estradiol levels, as measured by ELISA, were appropriately elevated in the estradiol-treated cells but were not significantly different from the control cells in the DHEA-treated cells. These studies suggest a functional in vitro role of DHEA in activating the ERE in the presence of the classic ER.  相似文献   

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