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Surface layers (S-layers), which form the outermost layers of many Bacteria and Archaea, consist of protein molecules arranged in two-dimensional crystalline arrays. Bacillus anthracis, a gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium, responsible for anthrax, synthesizes two abundant surface proteins: Sap and EA1. Regulatory studies showed that EA1 and Sap appear sequentially at the surface of the parental strain. Sap and EA1 can form arrays. The structural parameters of S-layers from mutant strains (EA1(-) and Sap(-)) were determined by computer image processing of electron micrographs of negatively stained regular S-layer fragments or deflated whole bacteria. Sap and EA1 projection maps were calculated on a p1 symmetry basis. The unit cell parameters of EA1 were a = 69 A, b = 83 A, and gamma = 106 degrees, while those of Sap were a = 184 A, b = 81 A, and gamma = 84 degrees. Freeze-etching experiments and the analysis of the peripheral regions of the cell suggested that the two S-layers have different settings. We characterized the settings of each network at different growth phases. Our data indicated that the scattered emergence of EA1 destabilizes the Sap S-layer.  相似文献   

Characterization of the functional domains of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen (PA, 83-kDa), the common cellular binding molecule for both anthrax edema toxin and anthrax lethal toxin, is important for understanding the mechanism of entry and action of the anthrax toxins. In this study, we generated both biologically active (facilitates killing of J774A.1 cells in combination with lethal factor, LF) and inactive preparations of PA by protease treatment. Limited proteolytic digestion of PA in vitro with trypsin generated a 20-kDa fragment and a biologically active 63-kDa fragment. In contrast, limited digestion of PA with chymotrypsin yielded a preparation containing 37- and 47-kDa fragments defective for biological activity. Treatment with both chymotrypsin and trypsin generated three major fragments, 20, "17," and 47 kDa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This PA preparation was also biologically inactive. To investigate the nature of the defect resulting from chymotrypsin treatment, we assayed PA preparations for the ability to bind to the cellular receptor and to bind and internalize 125I-LF. All radiolabeled PA preparations bound with specificity to J774A.1 cells and exhibited affinities similar to native 83-kDa PA. Once bound to the cell surface receptor, both trypsin-treated PA and chymotrypsin/trypsin-treated PA specifically bound 125I-LF with high affinity. Finally, these PA preparations delivered 125I-LF to a Pronase-resistant cellular compartment in a time- and temperature-dependent fashion. Thus, the biological defect exhibited by chymotrypsin-treated PA is not at the level of cell binding or internalization but at a step later, such as toxin routing or processing by J774A.1 cells. These protease-treated preparations of PA should prove useful in both elucidating the intracellular processing of anthrax lethal toxin and determining the structure-function relationship of PA and LF.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that disruption of the htrA (high temperature requirement A) gene in either the virulent Bacillus anthracis Vollum (pXO1(+) , pXO2(+) ), or in the ΔVollum (pXO1(-), pXO2(-), nontoxinogenic and noncapsular) strains, affect significantly the ability of the resulting mutants to withstand heat, oxidative, ethanol and osmotic stress. The ΔhtrA mutants manifest altered secretion of several proteins, as well as complete silencing of the abundant extracellular starvation-associated neutral protease A (NprA). VollumΔhtrA bacteria exhibit delayed proliferation in a macrophage infection assay, and despite their ability to synthesize the major B. anthracis toxins LT (lethal toxin) and ET (oedema toxin) as well as the capsule, show a decrease of over six orders of magnitude in virulence (lethal dose 50% = 3 × 10(8) spores, in the guinea pig model of anthrax), as compared with the parental wild-type strain. This unprecedented extent of loss of virulence in B. anthracis, as a consequence of deletion of a single gene, as well as all other phenotypic defects associated with htrA mutation, are restored in their corresponding trans-complemented strains. It is suggested that the loss of virulence is due to increased susceptibility of the ΔhtrA bacteria to stress insults encountered in the host. On a practical note, it is demonstrated that the attenuated Vollum ΔhtrA is highly efficacious in protecting guinea pigs against a lethal anthrax challenge.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of proteins Sap and EA1, contained in B. anthracis S-layer, was evaluated in experiments on laboratory animals. These proteins were found to produce protective effect and could be regarded as additional immunogenic factors. The use of the newly constructed isogenic pair Sap+ and Sap- of B. anthracis strains made it possible to study the influence of Sap- mutation on the immunological properties of the causative agent of anthrax.  相似文献   

O-Acetylation of the MurNAc moiety of peptidoglycan is typically associated with bacterial resistance to lysozyme, a muramidase that serves as a central component of innate immunity. Here, we report that the peptidoglycan of Bacillus anthracis, the etiological agent of anthrax, is O-acetylated and that, unusually, this modification is produced by two unrelated families of O-acetyltransferases. Also, in contrast to other bacteria, O-acetylation of B. anthracis peptidoglycan is combined with N-deacetylation to confer resistance of cells to lysozyme. Activity of the Pat O-acetyltransferases is required for the separation of the daughter cells following bacterial division and for anchoring of one of the major S-layer proteins. Our results indicate that peptidoglycan O-acetylation modulates endogenous muramidase activity affecting the cell-surface properties and morphology of this important pathogen.  相似文献   

Anthrax is the widespread acute infection disease, affecting animals and humans, refers to the bioterrorist threat agents of category A, because of the high resistance of Bacillus anthracis spores to adverse environmental factors and the ease of receiving them. We obtain a representative panel of 20 monoclonal antibodies against the key component of pathogenic exotoxins, anthrax protective antigen. Quantitative sandwich-ELISA for protective antigen with antibody obtained was developed. Six pairs of monoclonal antibodies showed the detection limit up to 1 ng/ml concentration of the protective antigen in blood serum.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) were generated following immunization of BALB/c mice with protective antigen (PA) of B. anthracis. Five clones reactive to this protein were stabilized and preserved. These MoAbs could detect nanogram levels of PA when tested in ELISA. In Western blotting, they reacted with all PA preparations tested and no cross-reactivity was observed with lethal factor, edema factor of B. anthracis and with other organisms. These MoAbs could detect PA from 22 confirmed clinical isolates of B. anthracis on Western blotting and hold promise for direct detection of PA in clinical samples for diagnosing anthrax.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis, the aetiological agent of anthrax, is a Gram-positive spore-forming bacterium. The exosporium is the outermost integument surrounding the mature spore. Here, we describe the purification and the characterization of an immunodominant protein of the spore surface. This protein was abundant, glycosylated and part of the exosporium. The amino-terminal sequence was determined and the corresponding gene was identified. It encodes a protein of 382 amino acid residues, the central part of which contains a region of GXX motifs presenting similarity to mammalian collagen proteins. Thus, this collagen-like surface protein was named BclA (for Bacillus collagen-like protein of anthracis). BclA was absent from vegetative cells; it was detected only in spores and sporulating cells. A potential promoter, dependent on the sigma factor sigma(K), which is required for a variety of events late in sporulation, was found upstream from the bclA gene. A bclA deletion mutant was constructed and analysed. Electron microscopy studies showed that BclA is a structural component of the filaments covering the outer layer of the exosporium.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the structure of the polysaccharide released from Bacillus anthracis vegetative cell walls by aqueous hydrogen fluoride (HF). This HF-released polysaccharide (HF-PS) was isolated and structurally characterized from the Ames, Sterne, and Pasteur strains of B. anthracis. The HF-PSs were also isolated from the closely related Bacillus cereus ATCC 10987 strain, and from the B. cereus ATCC 14579 type strain and compared with those of B. anthracis. The structure of the B. anthracis HF-PS was determined by glycosyl composition and linkage analyses, matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry, and one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The HF-PSs from all of the B. anthracis isolates had an identical structure consisting of an amino sugar backbone of -->6)-alpha-GlcNAc-(1-->4)-beta-ManNAc-(1-->4)-beta-GlcNAc-(1-->, in which the alpha-GlcNAc residue is substituted with alpha-Gal and beta-Gal at O-3 and O-4, respectively, and the beta-GlcNAc substituted with alpha-Gal at O-3. There is some variability in the presence of two of these three Gal substitutions. Comparison with the HF-PSs from B. cereus ATCC 10987 and B. cereus ATCC 14579 showed that the B. anthracis structure was clearly different from each of these HF-PSs and, furthermore, that the B. cereus ATCC 10987 HF-PS structure was different from that of B. cereus ATCC 14579. The presence of a B. anthracis-specific polysaccharide structure in its vegetative cell wall is discussed with regard to its relationship to those of other Bacillus species.  相似文献   

During growth on starch medium, the S-layer-carrying Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 12980 and an S-layer-deficient variant each secreted three amylases, with identical molecular weights of 58,000, 122,000, and 184,000, into the culture fluid. Only the high-molecular-weight amylase (hmwA) was also identified as cell associated. Extraction and reassociation experiments showed that the hmwA had a high-level affinity to the peptidoglycan-containing layer and to the S-layer surface, but the interactions with the peptidoglycan-containing layer were stronger than those with the S-layer surface. For the S-layer-deficient variant, no changes in the amount of cell-associated and free hmwA could be observed during growth on starch medium, while for the S-layer-carrying strain, cell association of the hmwA strongly depended on the growth phase of the cells. The maximum amount of cell-associated hmwA was observed 3 h after inoculation, which corresponded to early exponential growth. The steady decrease in cell-associated hmwA during continued growth correlated with the appearance and the increasing intensity of a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 60,000 on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels. This protein had a high-level affinity to the peptidoglycan-containing layer and was identified as an N-terminal S-layer protein fragment which did not result from proteolytic cleavage of the whole S-layer protein but seems to be a truncated copy of the S-layer protein which is coexpressed with the hmwA under certain culture conditions. During growth on starch medium, the N-terminal S-layer protein fragment was integrated into the S-layer lattice, which led to the loss of its regular structure over a wide range and to the loss of amylase binding sites. Results obtained in the present study provide evidence that the N-terminal part of the S-layer protein is responsible for the anchoring of the subunits to the peptidoglycan-containing layer, while the surface-located C-terminal half could function as a binding site for the hmwA.  相似文献   

Antibodies against the protective antigen (PA) of Bacillus anthracis play a key role in response to infection by this important pathogen. The aim of this study was to produce and characterize monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific for PA and to identify novel neutralizing epitopes. Three murine mAbs with high specificity and nanomolar affinity for B. anthracis recombinant protective antigen (rPA) were produced and characterized. Western immunoblot analysis, coupled with epitope mapping using overlapping synthetic peptides, revealed that these mAbs recognize a linear epitope within domain 2 of rPA. Neutralization assays demonstrate that these mAbs effectively neutralize lethal toxin in vitro.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the molecular characterization of Bacillus anthracis strains by multiplex PCR, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus-PCR (ERIC-PCR) and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). METHODS AND RESULTS: Three primers were used to amplify the cya, cap and cereolysinAB genes in the multiplex PCR. Two distinct ERIC-PCR and RAPD fragments, which separated B. anthracis into two groups, were used as probes in Southern hybridization experiments. The probes hybridized only to the cya+ B. anthracis strains identified by the multiplex PCR. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the two cloned fragments showed they were from the pXO1 plasmid of B. anthracis. CONCLUSION: Multiplex PCR simultaneously identified isolates of the Bacillus cereus group and the B. anthracis virulence factors. ERIC-PCR and RAPD, combined with the Southern hybridization analyses, differentiated B. anthracis strains and separated them from the closely related B. cereus group bacteria. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: ERIC-PCR and RAPD assay could be effective in differentiating virulent from avirulent B. anthracis. Our results also show that the amplification of the large plasmids was allowed in the ERIC-PCR and RAPD assay.  相似文献   

We analyzed and compared strains of Bacillus anthracis isolated from husbandry and industrial anthrax cases in Switzerland between 1952 and 1981 with published data using multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis. Strains isolated from autochthonous cases of anthrax in cattle belong to genotype B2, together with strains from continental Europe, while human B. anthracis strains clustered with genotype A4. These strains could be traced back to outbreaks of human anthrax that occurred between 1978 and 1981 in a factory processing cashmere wool from the Indian subcontinent. We interpret the worldwide occurrence of B. anthracis strains of cluster A4 to be due to the extensive global trade of untreated cashmere wool during the last century.  相似文献   

Crystallization of the protective antigen protein of Bacillus anthracis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The protective antigen protein, one of the three separate proteins constituting the exotoxin system of Bacillus anthracis, has been crystallized in a form suitable for structural studies. The crystal form which is most amenable to x-ray analysis is orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 101.1 A, b = 95.4 A, c = 87.3 A, with one protective antigen monomer/asymmetric unit. The crystals diffract to approximately 3.0-A resolution.  相似文献   

The tripartite protein toxin of Bacillus anthracis consists of protective antigen (PA), edema factor (EF), and lethal factor (LF). As a first step in developing a more efficacious anthrax vaccine, recombinant plasmids containing the PA gene have been isolated. A library was constructed in the E. coli vector pBR322 from Bam HI-generated fragments of the anthrax plasmid, pBA1. Two clones producing PA were identified by screening lysates with ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Western blots revealed a full-size PA protein in the recombinant E. coli, and a cell elongation assay demonstrated biological activity. Both positive clones had a 6 kb insert of DNA, which mapped in the Bam HI site of the vector. The two inserts are the same except that they lie in opposite orientations with respect to the vector. Thus PA is encoded by the plasmid pBA1.  相似文献   

Protective antigen (PA) is a component of the Bacillus anthracis lethal and edema toxins and the basis of the current anthrax vaccine. In its heptameric form, PA targets host cells and internalizes the enzymatically active components of the toxins, namely lethal and edema factors. PA and other toxin components are secreted from B. anthracis using the Sec-dependent secretion pathway. This requires them to be translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane in an unfolded state and then to be folded into their native configurations on the trans side of the membrane, prior to their release from the environment of the cell wall. In this study we show that recombinant PA (rPA) requires the extracellular chaperone PrsA for efficient folding when produced in the heterologous host, B. subtilis; increasing the concentration of PrsA leads to an increase in rPA production. To determine the likelihood of PrsA being required for PA production in its native host, we have analyzed the B. anthracis genome sequence for the presence of genes encoding homologues of B. subtilis PrsA. We identified three putative B. anthracis PrsA proteins (PrsAA, PrsAB, and PrsAC) that are able to complement the activity of B. subtilis PrsA with respect to cell viability and rPA secretion, as well as that of AmyQ, a protein previously shown to be PrsA-dependent.  相似文献   

By using genetic complementation tests with various in vitro-constructed mutants with mutations in the cap region (which is essential for encapsulation in Bacillus anthracis), we identified three cistrons, capB, capC, and capA, in this order of arrangement. Minicell analysis revealed that these cistrons produce proteins of 44, 16, and 46 kilodaltons, respectively. The complete nucleotide sequence of 3,244 base pairs covering the whole cap region was determined and revealed the existence of the three open reading frames of capB (397 amino acid residues; molecular weight, 44,872), capC (149 amino acid residues; molecular weight, 16,522), and capA (411 amino acid residues; molecular weight, 46,420) arranged in the order predicted by complementation tests. These three cistrons were all transcribed in the same direction from promoters unique to each cistron. Judging from the predicted amino acid sequence of the three proteins and from their localization and their sensitivity to various physicochemical treatments, they appeared to be membrane-associated enzymes mediating the polymerization of D-glutamic acid via the membrane. Capsular peptides immunologically identical to that of B. anthracis were found in B. subtilis, B. megaterium, and B. licheniformis, but no sequence homologous to the cap region was found in any of these bacilli other than B. anthracis. Using strains of B. anthracis with or without insertional inactivation of the cap region, we found that the capsule of B. anthracis conferred strong resistance to phagocytosis upon the bacterial host.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) of frozen-hydrated specimens allows high-resolution observation of structures in optimally preserved samples. In gram-positive bacteria, this method reveals the presence of a periplasmic space between the plasma membrane and an often differentiated cell wall matrix. Since virtually nothing is known about the composition of its constituent matter (i.e., the periplasm), it is still unclear what structures (or mechanism) sustain a gram-positive periplasmic space. Here we have used cryo-EM of frozen-hydrated sections in combination with various labels to probe the model gram-positive organism Bacillus subtilis for major periplasmic components. Incubation of cells with positively charged gold nanoparticles showed almost similar levels of gold binding to the periplasm and the cell wall. On cells whose cell walls were enzymatically hydrolyzed (i.e., on protoplasts), a surface diffuse layer extending ~30 nm from the membrane was revealed. The thickness and density of this layer were not significantly altered after treatment with a nonspecific protease, whereas it was labeled with anti-lipoteichoic acid (LTA) antibodies conjugated to nanogold. Further, the LTA layer spans most of the thickness of the periplasmic space, which strongly suggests that LTA is a major component of the B. subtilis periplasm.  相似文献   

Hair length in dogs has been known for many years to be primarily controlled by a limited number of genes, but none of the genes have been identified. One of these genes produces a recessively inherited long-haired phenotype that has been thought to explain the bulk of hair-length variation among many breeds. Sequence analysis of the FGF5 gene in short and long-haired corgis resulted in the identification of two coding region differences: a duplication in a relatively non-conserved region of the gene and a missense mutation, resulting in the substitution of Phe for Cys, in a highly conserved region. Genotyping of 218 dogs from three breeds fixed for long hair, eight breeds fixed for short hair and five breeds in which long hair is segregating provided evidence that the missense mutation is associated with the hair-length differences among these breeds.  相似文献   

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