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The rusty crayfish, Orconectes rusticus, is one of America’s best-known non-indigenous crayfishes, having been identified as extirpating native crayfishes and disrupting local aquatic ecosystems. Over the past 40–50 years, rusty crayfish have spread from its historical range in the Ohio River drainage (U.S.A.), to waters throughout much of Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota and parts of 11 other states, Ontario (Canada) and the Laurentian Great Lakes. Using a comprehensive dataset based on all known historical records and extensive present-day surveys (n = 2775) this study reports on the invasion history of rusty crayfish, with observations on concomitant declines of native crayfishes in Wisconsin over the past 130 years (1870–2004). We found that rusty crayfish occurrences have increased from 7% of all crayfish records collected during the first 20 years of their invasion (1965–1984) to 36% of all records during the last 20 years, and that rusty crayfish have replaced the northern clearwater crayfish (O. propinquus) and virile crayfish (O. virilis) as the most dominant member of the contemporary crayfish fauna. In light of our results we discuss the introduction, establishment and integration phases of the rusty crayfish invasion and provide preliminary predictions of the potential distribution of rusty crayfish in Wisconsin lakes based on critical environmental requirements.  相似文献   

The role of omnivorous crayfish in littoral communities   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dorn NJ  Wojdak JM 《Oecologia》2004,140(1):150-159
Large omnivorous predators may play particularly important roles determining the structure of communities because of their broad diets and simultaneous effects on multiple trophic levels. From June 2001 to June 2002 we quantified community structure and ecosystem attributes of six newly establishing freshwater ponds (660 m2 each) after populations of omnivorous crayfish (Orconectes virilis) were introduced to three of the ponds. Crayfish preyed heavily on fish eggs in this experiment, which reduced recruitment of young-of-year fish. This effect indirectly enhanced zooplankton biomass in crayfish ponds. Phytoplankton abundance exhibited a more complex pattern and was probably influenced by non-trophic (e.g., bioturbation) effects of crayfish. Peak dissolved oxygen levels were lower in the crayfish ponds indicating that they had lower primary production: respiration ratios. Metaphytic algae were strongly affected by crayfish presence; filamentous greens quickly disappeared and the blue-green Gleotrichia (a less preferred food item) eventually dominated the composition in crayfish ponds. Chara vulgaris and vascular macrophytes established 34% cover in control ponds by June 2002, but were not able to establish in crayfish ponds. Two important periphyton herbivores (tadpoles and gastropods) were absent or significantly reduced in the crayfish ponds, but periphyton differences were temporally variable and not easily explained by a simple trophic cascade (i.e., crayfish—snails and tadpoles—periphyton). Our results indicate that crayfish can have dramatic direct and indirect impacts on littoral pond communities via feeding links with multiple trophic levels (i.e., fish, invertebrates, and plants) and non-trophic activities (bioturbation). Although the effects of omnivorous crayfish on littoral communities can be large, their complex effects do not fit neatly into current theories about trophic interactions or freshwater community structure.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale system for mass culture of microalgae in 8-, 20- and 40-L polyethylene bags, was designed. Bags are 16.8 cm diameter and 52 cm (8-L bags), 112 cm (20-L) or 224 cm (40-L) length. The system was tested successfully with two freshwater microalgae,Ankistrodesmus falcatus andScenedesmus incrassatulus, cultured in Bold's Basal medium (prepared with either deionized or tap water). The procedure described is simple, reliable and practical, and enables a very cost-effective production of freshwater microalgae to satisfy any laboratory requirements, and when quantities demanded for special applications can not be met by the standard laboratory culture procedures.  相似文献   

A total of 300 samples was collected from February 1985 to August 1986 in a medium order Ozark Mountain stream. Physical habitat measurements of temperature, mean water column velocity, depth, and substrate character were recorded for each of the 25 monthly samples along with length and sex of all individuals of Orconectes neglectus (Faxon). Analysis of habitat utilization and suitability (or preference) was conducted using exponential polynomial models of hydraulic stress models. There appeared to be equal preference for depth over the range measured. Both substrate and velocity preference curves were bimodal with each mode designating certain crayfish size classes. Young-of-the-year were found primarily in cobbled, high velocity areas while adults were found in low velocity, macrophyte beds. Utilization curves for laminar sublayer thichness also reflected size-dependent phenomena where young-of-the-year were found in thin sublayer areas and adults were found primarily in thick sublayers. When separated by time and size, adults were found to occupy higher velocity, cobbled habitats during at least two months. This time period corresponded with the time of egg-bearing and further analysis yielded a time-dependent habitat suitability surface which accounted for this movement pattern. We suggest that the application of these suitability surfaces, which reflect habitat changes during the annual life cycle, will produce more accurate predictions of density and will allow better habitat management decisions under various regulated flow scenarios.  相似文献   

Moscatello  S.  Belmonte  G.  Mura  G. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,486(1):201-206
The co-occurrence of Artemia parthenogenetica Bowen & Sterling, 1978 and Branchinella spinosa Milne-Edwards, 1840, was previously only supposed, on the basis of finding their cysts in the same lagoon, but active stages were never recorded together. In a saline lake in south eastern Italy, populations of the two species were observed for two years. A. parthenogenetica was typical of the early wet season (October–January), while B. spinosa, even if it was present before, developed in the late part of the wet season (February–May). Adult A. parthenogenetica were recorded only in the season 1999–2000. The seasonal distribution of A. parthenogenetica is probably controlled by abiotic conditions (i.e., photoperiod, temperature, conductivity, and rainfall); however, competition between specimens of similar body size (e.g., adults of A. parthenogenetica, and juveniles of B. spinosa) could explain the lower numbers of B. spinosa population in winter. The discovery of cysts of both species deep in the sediment of the lake suggests a long-lasting co-occurrence of these two Anostraca.  相似文献   

The midge Chironomus tentans Fabricius is a commonly used freshwater invertebrate in sediment toxicity tests. Rigorous laboratory culturing techniques are needed to provide organisms of uniform quality and known age for use in testing and for the continuation of the culture itself. This study was conducted to determine the effect of initial culture stocking density on: (1) post-hatch (larval) dry weight, body length and head-capsule width at 10 and 20 days; (2) time to emergence; (3) number and sex of emergent adults; (4) number of larvae and pupae at test termination (day 42 post hatch); and (5) adult dry weight. Three egg stocking densities were used 690 (1.1 eggs cm–2), 1043 (1.7 eggs cm–2) and 1463 (2.4 eggs cm–2). Mean weight of larvae at 10 days in high density tanks (0.13 mg/organism) was significantly higher (P=0.003) than both the medium and low density tanks (0.10 and 0.09 mg/organism, respectively). No significant differences between the three stocking densities were observed for the body length or head-capsule width at either 10 or 20 days post-hatch. Although not statistically significant, larval dry weight decreased with increased stocking density at day 20. A significantly (P=0.02) greater number of females (173±28) emerged from the low stocking density compared to both the medium and high stocking densities (123±45 and 118±54, respectively). Peak adult emergence for the low and medium stocking densities occurred between days 22 and 25 post-hatch, whereas peak adult emergence occurred between days 30 and 33 for the high stocking density. Survival relative to the initial number of eggs stocked was significantly greater (P=0.007) in the low density treatment compared to that in either the medium or the high density treatments. Mean adult weight exhibited an inverse relationship with initial stocking densities. At test end, there was not a significant difference in the mean number of organisms surviving and emerging in the three density levels. The central tendency for number of organisms surviving for all three treatments was 504 organisms per tank (0.82 organisms cm–2). The results of this experiment suggest that an optimal egg stocking density of 1.0 egg cm–2 (600 eggs/tank) be used with the feeding rate identified. This would ensure uniform larvae at the appropriate developmental stage (2nd–3rd instar) needed for toxicological research/testing (e.g. 10 days post-hatch), as well as producing sufficient emergence of males and females for future culture establishment.  相似文献   

Astacus leptodactylus is naturally and widely distributed in lakes, ponds and rivers throughout of Turkey. It has also been stocked in many freshwater systems in Turkey to establish new populations and to restore crayfish stocks devastated by the plague (Aphanomyces astaci) and some other reasons (i.e., farming and culinary purposes). Human consumption of A. leptodactylushas always been very low in Turkey; therefore, it was exported mainly to Europe until 1986. A plague was observed in 1985 in Eğirdir, Apolyont, Sapanca and Manyas lakes which included the main harvest areas, and the fishery was lost within 2 years. Consequently, crayfish harvest was banned in all populations to control the plague. Because of the plague, over-fishing and pollution, the harvest of A. leptodactylusin Turkey declined from approximately 5000 (1984) to 200 (1991) tons annually. In 2000s, there has been a gradual increase in the rate of harvest of A. leptodactylusin Turkey, reaching approximately 1600–1900 tons annually, but the plague is still observed in this species at certain localities. The present study reveals that A. leptodactylus in Turkey needs professional support for recovery, because the present harvest of A. leptodactylusis still nearly 20% of the crayfish catch in 1980s.  相似文献   

In an attempt to recycle the lignocellulosic wastes like Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia cucullata and rice (Oryza sativa) straw as manurial inputs in freshwater fish pond ecosystem, a decomposition experiment was carried out in litter bags in an oligotrophic freshwater fish pond environment, with the above mentioned three substrates in unprocessed and microbially processed forms. The loss rates, associated microbial groups, oxygen consumption patterns and other related parameters like carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were analysed. The mean daily dry matter loss rates (unprocessed: 10.44>6.97>1.97 and processed: 11.03>8.21>3.67) and oxygen uptake rate (unprocessed: 0.675>0.571>0.568 mg O2 g–1 h–1 and processed: 0.592>0.424>0.407 mg O2 g–1 h–1) in raw and processed substrates were in the sequence Eichhornia > rice straw > Salvinia. The oxygen consumption pattern almost covariated with variations in temperature of pond water, daily dry matter loss rates and fungal counts on substrates. During the decay, the percentage of N and P increased whereas that of C decreased, resulting in lowering of C/N and C/P ratios of the substrates. The structural polymeric fractions like cellulose and hemicellulose decreased along with dry matter whereas the lignin content increased after an initial decrease due to loss of other structural carbohydrates resulting in apparent per cent gain of lignin. A higher number of different heterotrophic bacterial groups was observed in the processed substrates as compared to their raw counterparts. However, cellulolytic bacterial numbers were found to fluctuate through the study period. The fungal load was found to be decreasing gradually as the decay progressed. In this study, bacteria were found to be the prominent microbial group responsible for the decay. The nitrogen-fixing, phosphatase-producing and phosphorus-solubilising bacterial groups were observed to play an important role in lowering the C/N and C/P ratios of the decomposing substrates during decay.  相似文献   

During a study of a pumped storage system from May 1979–June 1980 the profundal macrobenthos of the upper reservoir (Lago di S. Maria Valvestino) was sampled at a fixed station and the population of the tubificid Tubifex tubifex studied in detail. Eggs, embryos and the individuals living in an extra-cocoon stage were counted and individually weighed from monthly samples, according to the methods described in Bonomi & Di Cola (1980). Numerical recruitment during the study period was estimated as 257 000 ind m–2 yr–1; of which 110 000 died either as eggs or as embryos, i.e. inside the cocoons, and a further 128 000 died before they attained sexual maturation. The data seem to confirm the typical demographic strategy of T. tubifex i.e. high fecundity and high mortality in the early life stages. The total annual production of the species was estimated at 91.7 g (w.w.) m–2. The low P/B ratio (2.0 yr–1) is considered to be mainly due to high population densities.  相似文献   

A large-scale survey was conducted to investigate the infection status of fresh water fishes with Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) in 3 wide regions, which were tentatively divided by latitudinal levels of the Korean peninsula. A total of 4,071 freshwater fishes were collected from 3 regions, i.e., northern (Gangwon-do: 1,543 fish), middle (Chungcheongbuk-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do: 1,167 fish), and southern areas (Jeollanam-do, Ulsan-si, and Gyeongsangnam-do: 1,361 fish). Each fish was examined by the artificial digestion method from 2003 to 2010. In northern areas, only 11 (0.7%) fish of 2 species, Pungtungia herzi and Squalidus japonicus coreanus from Hantan-gang, Cheolwon-gun, Gangwon-do were infected with av. 2.6 CsMc. In middle areas, 149 (12.8%) fish were infected with av. 164 CsMc. In southern areas, 538 (39.5%) fish were infected with av. 159 CsMc. In the analysis of endemicity in 3 regions with an index fish, P. herzi, 9 (6.2%) of 146 P. herzi from northern areas were infected with av. 2.8 CsMc. In middle areas, 34 (31.8%) of 107 P. herzi were infected with av. 215 CsMc, and in southern areas, 158 (92.9%) of 170 P. herzi were infected with av. 409 CsMc. From these results, it has been confirmed that the infection status of fish with CsMc is obviously different among the 3 latitudinal regions of the Korean peninsula with higher prevalence and burden in southern regions.  相似文献   

Spore yields were measured for various fungal entomopathogens grown in six nutritionally different liquid media with low and high carbon concentrations (8 and 36 g l–1, respectively) at carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratios of 10:1, 30:1 and 50:1. Six fungi were tested: two Beauveria bassiana strains, three Paecilomyces fumosoroseus strains and one Metarhizium anisopliae strain. Spore yields were examined after 2, 4 or 7 days growth. In general, highest spore yields were obtained in media containing 36 g/l and a C:N ratio of 10:1. After 4 days growth, highest spore yields were measured in the three Paecilomyces isolates (6.9–9.7 × 108 spores ml–1). Spore production by the B. bassiana isolates was variable with one isolate producing high spore yields (12.2 × 108 spores ml–1) after 7 days growth. The M. anisopliae isolate produced low spore concentrations under all conditions tested. Using a commercial production protocol, a comparison of spore yields for the coffee berry borer P. fumosoroseus and a commercial B. bassiana isolate showed that highest spore concentrations (7.2 × 108 spores ml–1) were obtained with the P. fumosoroseus isolate 2-days post-inoculation. The ability of the P. fumosoroseus strain isolated from the coffee berry borer to rapidly produce high concentrations of spores prompted further testing to determine the desiccation tolerance of these spores. Desiccation studies showed that ca. 80% of the liquid culture produced P. fumosoroseus spores survived the air-drying process. The virulence of freshly produced, air-dried and freeze-dried coffee berry borer P. fumosoroseus blastospores preparations were tested against silverleaf whiteflies (Bemisia argentifolii). While all preparations infected and killed B. argentifolii, fresh and air-dried preparations were significantly more effective. These results suggest that screening potential fungal biopesticides for amenability to liquid culture spore production can aid in the identification of commercially viable isolates. In this study, P. fumosoroseus was shown to possess the production and stabilization attributes required for commercial development.  相似文献   

Synopsis Diel and spring/summer space-use and feeding patterns were investigated in an assemblage dominated by five fish species occupying the offshore waters of Lake Opinicon, a shallow mesotrophic lake in southeastern Ontario. We assessed fish distribution and diel movement in May and July through the use of gill nets set at various depths in 1.5–7.0 m depth contour zones, supplemented by observations of fish reaction to the nets. Golden shiners and alewives occupied the upper part of the water column, with the former concentrated at the littoral zone-open water interface, and the latter in the open water. Yellow perch occupied the lower part of the water column in all depth contours. Bluegills were abundant in the upper to midwater depths in all contour zones; black crappies were concentrated in the 2.5–3.5 m zones. All of these species showed either a diel or a spring-summer change in distribution pattern. Bluegills were more abundant in offshore locations in July, whereas golden shiners and yellow perch were more abundant onshore in May. Alewives and black crappies showed distinct diel movements in July, as they were largely absent from the study area during the day, but returned at night to feed. In general, there was more spatial separation among the five species in July than in May.Patterns of spatial distribution among the species generally corresponded with the type and variety of prey consumed, and with diel movement of prey in the case of water column feeders. Other factors that apparently affected spatial distribution and seasonal shifts in this assemblage were risk of predation (golden shiner), spawning activity (alewife), and a decline in prey abundance from spring to summer (bluegill and yellow perch).  相似文献   

A parasitological investigation on trematode metacercariae was made on 62 freshwater fishes of 13 species in northern Thailand; Cyclocheilichthys apogon, Puntioplites proctozysron, Labiobarbus siamensis, Barbodes gonionotus, Barbodes altus, Henicorhynchus siamensis, Osteochilus hasselti, Notopterus notopterus, Mystacoleucus marginatus, Anabas testudineus, Systomus orphoides, Morulius chrysophykadian, and Hampala macrolepidota. The fish were caught over the summer period (February-May 2007) from 2 Chiang Mai water reservoirs, i.e., the Mae Ngad (UTM 47Q E 503200, 47Q N 2119300) and the Mae Kuang Udomtara (UTM 47Q E 513000, 47Q N 2092600) Reservoirs in Chiang Mai province, Thailand. The prevalence of heterophyid (Haplorchis taichui and Haplorchoides sp.) metacercariae in these fish was 83.9% and 74.2% in the Mae Ngad and Mae Kuang Udomtara Reservoirs, respectively. The highest intensity of heterophyid metacercariae in H. siamensis in the Mae Ngad was 120.4 and that in P. proctozysron in the Mae Kuang Udomtara was 180.0. The fish, A. testudineus, C. apogon, and M. chrysophykadian, were not found to be infected with H. taichui metacercariae. The results show that the freshwater fish in Chiang Mai water reservoirs are heavily infected with H. taichui and Haplorchoides sp. metacercariae.  相似文献   

With a view to converting human urine into bio-wealth in the form of zooplankton, the nutrient potentials of liquid wastes (0.11 mL L−1)—(i) human urine (♂), (ii) cow urine, (iii) human–cow mixed urine or some solid wastes (0.11 g L−1): (iv) vermi-compost, (v) cow dung, (vi) poultry droppings and (vii) mixed wastes (vermi-cow-poultry)—were evaluated for the mass culture of zooplankton Moina micrura in 24 outdoor tanks (4500 L) in triplicate treatments using life table as indicator during the period of October–December, 2005. Neonates of Moina micrura held in the treatment with human urine started reproduction at least 4 days earlier than other solid wastes tested. Total number of Moina micrura enumerated in the culture tank, related with offspring production per life span, was maximum in case of human urine treatment, followed by human–cow mixed urine, cow urine, vermin-compost, poultry droppings, mixed wastes (vermin–cow–poultry), cow dung and control treatments. The relationship between the total offspring production per female per life span and the nitrogen content of water in different treatments implied that human urine was an excellent liquid waste that can be used for the mass production of zooplankton Moina micrura required for larval and post larval rearing of commercial fishes.  相似文献   

The effect of oil spills on the recruitment of freshwater tidal wetland species was determined using soil seed bank samples collected in early March from two New Jersey Delaware River marshes. Samples were exposed to simulated tidal cycles 0 (2 days), 2 and 4 wk after soil was collected; 0 wk samples were treated before germination began. Oil treatment significantly reduced survival to I May (end of study) of Acnida cannabina and Bidens laevis, the dominant species, as well as number of species per sample and height of B. laevis. Total perennial seedlings, present in low numbers, also showed significant reduction with treatment. However, during the course of the study, Peltandra virginica recruitment and survival were not reduced by oil treatment and recruitment of Sagittaria latifolia appeared enhanced. There was no consistent pattern regarding which treatment time produced the greatest effect. Interactions (site, treatment, time) were generally not significant. Because these tidal freshwater wetlands and seed banks are dominated by annuals, reduction in seedling numbers and growth could substantially alter vegetation patterns. Timing of oil spills would be important, but impact would depend on species composition of the seed bank and colonizing vegetation, dispersal of seeds into the site, and germination requirements.  相似文献   

The metacercariae of Centrocestus formosanus, a minute intestinal trematode of mammals and birds, were detected in the freshwater fish, Puntius brevis, from Vientiane Municipality, Lao PDR. The metacercariae were experimentally fed to mice, and adult flukes were recovered in their small intestines 7 days later. The adult flukes were morphologically characterized by having 32 (rarely 34) circumoral spines arranged in 2 alternative rows, a large bipartite seminal vesicle, an oval-shaped ovary, and an X-shaped excretory bladder. Based on these characters, the adults were identified as Centrocestus formosanus (Nishigori, 1924). The taxonomic significance of C. formosanus, in relation to a closely related species, C. caninus (Leiper, 1913), is briefly discussed. It has been first verified by adult worm recovery that C. formosanus is prevalent in Vientiane areas of Lao PDR, taking the freshwater fish, P. brevis, as a second intermediate host.  相似文献   

Summary Various modes of substrate and enzyme addition were used to hydrolyze a 10% concentration (w/v) of steam-exploded, water-and-alkali extracted aspenwood withTrichoderma harzianum E58 cellulases. Although cellulose conversion was high (94–100%), enzyme recovery was low in all cases. Low enzyme recovery was due to a combination of thermal inactivation and adsorption of the cellulases onto the lignocellulosic residue. Enzyme recycle was not feasible as the activity of the recovered cellulases towards crystalline cellulose was low. However, the residual material from enzyme hydrolysis was a suitable carbon source for cellulase enzyme production byT. harzianum based on enzyme yield and hydrolytic potential. These residues could only be used up to a 1% substrate concentration, since at higher substrate loadings cellulase production was reduced, likely because of lignin inhibitors.  相似文献   

The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants is a common event in metabolic and physiological processes as well as in the response to biotic and abiotic stress. In this paper we will report that root tissue from axenically grown tomato cultivars and Lycopersicon wild species can be used for the determination of superoxide production. Superoxide generation was evaluated following the treatment of root tissues with two general elicitors of the defence response: laminarin and calcium ionophore A23187. Results demonstrated that elicitor reactivity in terms of superoxide generation of the tomato cultivars and the wild species used was different. This suggested varying levels of competence for non-specific active defence. The proposed technique merges the advantages of in vitro cultures and of whole tissues and also demonstrates that root tissue is a suitable material for evaluating free radical release.  相似文献   

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