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Rapid one-step recombinational cloning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
As an increasing number of genes and open reading frames of unknown function are discovered, expression of the encoded proteins is critical toward establishing function. Accordingly, there is an increased need for highly efficient, high-fidelity methods for directional cloning. Among the available methods, site-specific recombination-based cloning techniques, which eliminate the use of restriction endonucleases and ligase, have been widely used for high-throughput (HTP) procedures. We have developed a recombination cloning method, which uses truncated recombination sites to clone PCR products directly into destination/expression vectors, thereby bypassing the requirement for first producing an entry clone. Cloning efficiencies in excess of 80% are obtained providing a highly efficient method for directional HTP cloning.  相似文献   

Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) is a cloning technique that allows specific chromosomal regions or genes to be isolated directly from genomic DNA without prior construction of a genomic library. This technique involves homologous recombination during spheroplast transformation between genomic DNA and a TAR vector that has 5′ and 3′ gene targeting sequences (hooks). Typically, TAR cloning produces positive YAC recombinants at a frequency of ~0.5%; the positive clones are identified by PCR or colony hybridization. This paper describes a novel TAR cloning procedure that selects positive clones by positive and negative genetic selection. This system utilizes a TAR vector with two targeting hooks, HIS3 as a positive selectable marker, URA3 as a negative selectable marker and a gene-specific sequence called a loop sequence. The loop sequence lies distal to a targeting hook sequence in the chromosomal target, but proximal to the targeting hook and URA3 in the TAR vector. When this vector recombines with chromosomal DNA at the gene-specific targeting hook, the recombinant YAC product carries two copies of the loop sequence, therefore, the URA3 negative selectable marker becomes mitotically unstable and is lost at high frequency by direct repeat recombination involving the loop sequence. Positive clones are identified by selecting against URA3. This method produces positive YAC recombinants at a frequency of ~40%. This novel TAR cloning method provides a powerful tool for structural and functional analysis of complex genomes.  相似文献   

We have developed a simple method for creating defined deletions in yeast vectors by utilizing the ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to perform homologous recombination. Two complementary single-stranded oligonucleotides are designed so that the 5' and 3' halves of the resulting double-stranded oligonucleotide are homologous to the 5' and 3' side of a desired deletion junction, respectively. The sequence to be deleted is cleaved by restriction endonuclease digestion, followed by co-transformation of the linearized plasmid and the oligonucleotide into yeast. By homologous recombination in vivo, a subset of the plasmids will recircularize and simultaneously acquire the deletion as defined by the oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

The yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system is a powerful method to identify protein-protein inter-actions (PPI) in vivo, requiring minimal prior information of the putative interactors. The time and effort required for each experiment can be significantly reduced if the "bait" and the "prey" proteins are cloned into specific recombination-amenable two-hybrid vectors. We describe the construction of a reading frame-independent vector system for Y2H PPI studies. The described vector system knits together the advantages of site-specific recombination cloning with the Y2H system. The produced plasmids enable recombination-based cloning of genes or gene fragments in all possible reading frames into Y2H library vectors. Thus, Y2H screening libraries can be rapidly constructed and will present more amino termini in the correct reading frame. Additionally, advantageous for small-scale Y2H studies, there is no need to know the natural reading frame of the genes of interest, because the bait and prey genes can be transferred into the vectors by a single reaction and are present in all possible reading frames. Since the Y2H system per se is a positive selection system, only pairs of bait and prey genes harboring the correct reading frames will emerge. We tested the new vectors within the Y2H system and demonstrated full functionality without any undesired effects on the Y2H system itself. Besides the vector construction, we investigated the utility of the system for Y2H analysis and demonstrated clearly its practicability in genome-wide Y2H screenings and the advantage of using additional reading-frame Y2H cDNA libraries. We performed a series of genome-wide Y2H library screenings with the human vitamin D receptor protein (VDR) as bait. We investigated: (i) whether more protein interactors are found by using three instead of one reading-frame destination vectors; (ii) how much overlap between the different reading-frame libraries exists; and (iii) the rate of possible additional autoactivators. We conclude that our vectors deliver significantly more interactors and outperform a single reading-frame library. This new system could enable simple and fast large-scale PPI studies and the construction of high-quality screening libraries.  相似文献   

Yeast DNA coding for nucleosome assembly protein I (NAP-I), which facilitates nucleosome assembly in vitro at physiological ionic conditions, was cloned and its gene product was characterized. A monoclonal antibody against NAP-I (58 kDa) from human HeLa cells was used to screen a genomic library of Saccharomyces cerevisiae constructed into lambda gt11. A 60-kDa protein was detected by immunoblotting in the extracts of Escherichia coli lysogenized with a positive clone. The 60-kDa protein purified from the extracts had an activity equivalent to that of NAP-I from mouse and human cells. The amino acid sequence deduced from the gene coding for the yeast NAP-I defines a polypeptide of molecular mass 47,848 Da with three negatively charged regions. While the two regions contain 8 and 10 acidic amino acids out of 13 amino acid residues, the longest stretch has 15 glutamic and 13 aspartic acids out of 38 residues. These regions are probably involved in the interaction with histones. Proteins recognized by the anti-NAP-I antibody were also present in Xenopus oocytes and Drosophila cultured cells. Possible roles of NAP-I are discussed in relation to other nucleosome assembly proteins.  相似文献   

Rapid cloning by homologous recombination in vivo.   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
P Bubeck  M Winkler    W Bautsch 《Nucleic acids research》1993,21(15):3601-3602

S Artz  D Holzschu  P Blum  R Shand 《Gene》1983,26(2-3):147-158
A restriction map was determined for a phi 80 lambda dhis transducing phage DNA carrying the Salmonella typhimurium histidine operon. DNA fragments containing the promoter/regulatory region and the first two structural genes of the histidine operon (hisOGD) were identified by their ability to direct regulated synthesis of histidinol dehydrogenase (product of hisD) in a coupled in vitro protein synthesizing system. A 3.1-kb SalI-EcoRI restriction fragment containing the hisOGD region, was subcloned into phage M13mp8 and M13mp9 RF DNAs. Methods are described for shuttling mutant and wild-type bacterial DNA sequences between the M13mp::his phage and host bacterial genomes. Of novel importance is the use of the phage M13 gene II amber mutation to obtain integration of the M13mp::his phage genome into the homologous his region of the bacterial chromosome following transduction of recipients lacking an amber suppressor. This method can be used to facilitate allele replacement with genes carried on M13 transducing phages.  相似文献   

Type II survivors arise in Saccharomyces cells lacking telomerase by a recombinational pathway that results in very long and heterogeneous length telomeres. Here we show that type II telomeres appeared abruptly in a population of cells with very short telomeres. Once established, these long telomeres progressively shortened. Short telomeres were substrates for rare, one-step lengthening events. The generation of type II survivors was absolutely Rad50p dependent. In a telomerase-proficient cell, the telomere-binding Rif proteins inhibited telomerase lengthening of telomeres. In a telomerase-deficient strain, Rif proteins, especially Rif2p, inhibited type II recombination. These data argue that only short telomeres are substrates for type II recombination and suggest that the donor for this recombination is not a chromosomal telomere.  相似文献   

Comprehensive open reading frame (ORF) clone collections, ORFeomes, are key components of functional genomics projects. When recombinational cloning systems are used to capture ORFs in master clones, these DNA sequences can be easily transferred into a variety of expression plasmids, each designed for a specific assay. Depending on downstream applications, an ORF is cloned either with or without a stop codon at its original position, referred to as closed or open configuration, respectively. The former is preferred when the encoded protein is produced in its native form or with an amino-terminal tag; the latter is obligatory when the protein is produced as a fusion with a carboxyl-terminal tag. We developed a streamlined protocol for high-throughput, simultaneous cloning of both open and closed ORF entry clones with the Gateway recombinational cloning system. The protocol is straightforward to set up in large-scale ORF cloning projects, and is cost-effective, because the initial ORF amplification and the cloning in a pDONR vector are performed only once to obtain the two ORF configurations. We illustrated its implementation for the isolation and validation of 346 Arabidopsis ORF entry clones.  相似文献   



A large number of theories have been advanced to explain why genes involved in the same biochemical processes are often co-located in genomes. Most of these theories have been dismissed because empirical data do not match the expectations of the models. In this work we test the hypothesis that cluster formation is most likely due to a selective pressure to gradually co-localise protein products and that operon formation is not an inevitable conclusion of the process.  相似文献   

We used transposon insertion mutagenesis, molecular cloning, and a novel procedure for in vitro construction of polar and nonpolar insertion mutations to characterize the genetic organization and gene products of the beta-methylgalactoside (Mgl) transport system, which utilizes the galactose-binding protein. The data indicate that the mgl operon contained three genes, which were transcribed in the order mglB, mglA, and mglC. The first gene coded for the 31,000 Mr galactose-binding protein, which was synthesized as a 3,000-dalton-larger precursor form. The mglA product was a 50,000 Mr protein which was tightly associated with the membrane, and the mglC product was a 38,000 Mr protein which was apparently loosely associated with the membrane and was probably located on the internal face of the cytoplasmic membrane. Identification of gene products was facilitated by in vitro insertion of a fragment of Tn5 containing the gene conferring kanamycin resistance into a restriction site in the operon. The fragment proved to have a polar effect on the expression of promoter-distal genes only when inserted in one of the two possible orientations. The three identified gene products were necessary and apparently sufficient for transport activity, but only the binding protein was required for chemotaxis towards galactose. The transport system appeared to contain the minimum number of components for a binding protein-related system: a periplasmic recognition component, a transmembrane protein, and a peripheral membrane protein that may be involved in energy linkage.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination requires members of the RAD52 epistasis group. Here we use chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) to examine the temporal order of recruitment of Rad51p, Rad52p, Rad54p, Rad55p, and RPA to a single, induced DSB in yeast. Our results suggest a sequential, interdependent assembly of Rad proteins adjacent to the DSB initiated by binding of Rad51p. ChIP time courses from various mutant strains and additional biochemical studies suggest that Rad52p, Rad55p, and Rad54p each help promote the formation and/or stabilization of the Rad51p nucleoprotein filament. We also find that all four Rad proteins associate with homologous donor sequences during strand invasion. These studies provide a near comprehensive view of the molecular events required for the in vivo assembly of a functional Rad51p presynaptic filament.  相似文献   

Rapid and efficient cosmid cloning   总被引:455,自引:81,他引:455       下载免费PDF全文
We present a procedure for cosmid cloning that allows rapid and efficient cloning of individual DNA fragments of between 32kb and 45kb. By appropriate treatment of the cloning vector, pJb8, we make left-hand and right-hand vector ends that are incapable of self-ligation but which accept dephosporylated insert DNA fragments. The inserted fragments are generated by partial digestion with MboI or Sau3A and are dephosphorylated to prevent ligation and insertion of non-contiguous fragments. The method eliminates the need to size the insert DNA fragments and prevents formation of clones containing short or multiple inserts. 1 microgram of target Drosophila DNA gives about 5 x 10(5) clones, with an average insert size of 38kb. We also describe a rapid and efficient method for preparing plasmid and cosmid DNA.  相似文献   

The cloning of the Escherichia coli K-12 deoxyribonucleoside operon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Fischer  S A Short 《Gene》1982,17(3):291-298
A 6.1-kb EcoRI DNA fragment containing the four structural genes (deoC, deoA, deoB, deoD) of the deoxyribonucleoside operon has been cloned into the plasmid pMFS53. By use of a unique, asymmetrically positioned HindIII site on the 6.1 kb insert, plasmids containing the deoC,deoA genes (pMFS50) or the deoB,deoD genes (pMFS55) have been constructed. Enzyme assays performed on extracts prepared from clones harboring pMFS53, pMFS50 or pMFS55 revealed that each clone possessed amplified deo enzyme levels and that the spectrum of enzyme amplification corresponded to the genetic composition of the plasmids carried by each clone. A plasmid (pMFS50l) having functional deoA, deoB and deoD genes but devoid of the deo regulatory region and a portion of the deoC structural gene has been isolated following treatment of BamHI cleaved pMFS53 and BAL31 nuclease. Comparison of the deo enzyme levels for clones harboring pMFS53 and pMFS501 suggest that plasmid pMFS53 possesses a functional deo regulatory region in addition to the four structural genes of the operon.  相似文献   

Previous studies of yeast cytochrome oxidase (COX) biogenesis identified Cox1p, one of the three mitochondrially encoded core subunits, in two high–molecular weight complexes combined with regulatory/assembly factors essential for expression of this subunit. In the present study we use pulse-chase labeling experiments in conjunction with isolated mitochondria to identify new Cox1p intermediates and place them in an ordered pathway. Our results indicate that before its assimilation into COX, Cox1p transitions through five intermediates that are differentiated by their compositions of accessory factors and of two of the eight imported subunits. We propose a model of COX biogenesis in which Cox1p and the two other mitochondrial gene products, Cox2p and Cox3p, constitute independent assembly modules, each with its own complement of subunits. Unlike their bacterial counterparts, which are composed only of the individual core subunits, the final sequence in which the mitochondrial modules associate to form the holoenzyme may have been conserved during evolution.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparing chromatin assembly extracts has not been available for budding yeast. Here I describe such a method in detail. The assembly extract, a crude 100,000g supernatant, is prepared from cells disrupted in a manual or motorized grinder while they are frozen. The core histones and all soluble protein factors required for chromatin assembly under physiological conditions are present in the extract. Assembly is sensitive to mutation of lysine residues in the amino-terminal tail of histone H4 whose acetylation is associated with nucleosome deposition in vivo. The reaction is ATP dependent, and assembly-driven DNA supercoiling occurs with the same efficiency as in extracts from mammalian somatic cells. This simple system offers a unique opportunity to analyze chromatin metabolism by a combined biochemical and genetic approach that is not feasible for any other model organism.  相似文献   

史晏榕  孙宇辉 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2229-2237
DNA克隆和组装技术是重要的分子生物学工具。近年来,随着合成生物学的飞速发展,对大片段DNA元件的快速有效组装就显得尤为关键。同时,各种DNA克隆和组装技术也竞相发展起来。通过对基于非典型酶切连接、PCR、同源重组、单链退火拼接等原理发展起来的各种DNA克隆和组装技术进行综述,为合成生物学的进一步发展提供有效的操作工具。  相似文献   

The assembly of ribosomes in yeast   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  

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