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狭胸天牛类雄性外生殖嚣分类研究——附一新种   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
该文就狭胸天牛类3属6种雄性外生殖器的形态结构,比较研究其系统发育及其归属,并记录太谷芫天牛Mantitheus tazguensts sp. nov.一新种和重新描述细点音天牛的雄性外生殖器。狭胸天牛类属较原始的类群,祖征为中茎突中央加厚,边缘极薄;阳基侧突基部还保留着一条横裂。狭胸天牛属与音天牛属和芫天牛属关系较密切,应为姊妹群,狭胸天牛属较始,其衍征为中茎突较长的分开,内囊具基骨片、骨化细长管和大小较一致骨化微刺。音天牛属和芫天牛属为姊妹群,芫天牛较原始,音天牛较进化,其衍征为阳基侧突背面因基部裂缝消失而完全合并,骨化细长管较细;外部形态表现为触角较短,较圆;中胸发音器中央无缝;而芫天牛内囊基骨片明显易见。  相似文献   

本文研究了检疫截获的楔天牛属7种楔天牛八点楔天牛、白桦楔天牛、斑点楔天牛、柳楔天牛、青杨楔天牛、山杨楔天牛、十星楔天牛雄性外生殖器的形态结构,并提供其解剖图。研究表明,楔天牛属雄性外生殖器由阳茎基、中茎和内囊3部分组成。阳茎基的阳基侧突具有相对遗传稳定性,且在属内均成近似矩形,并首次测量了7种楔天牛的成虫雄性外生殖器阳基侧突的长宽比。得出了雄性外生殖器形态特征在楔天牛属种内差异小、种间差异大,并能用雄性外生殖器特征有效区分楔天牛属近似种的结论。  相似文献   

观察比较了天牛科5亚科昆虫成虫口器的形态特征。结果表明:沟胫天牛亚科上颚切齿钝,花天牛亚科和天牛亚科中访花天牛上颚内缘具毛刷,沟胫天牛亚科和锯天牛亚科天牛不具毛刷;锯天牛亚科下颚内颚叶退化,沟胫天牛亚科、花天牛亚科、天牛亚科中内颚叶、外颚叶均发达,沟胫天牛亚科下颚须第4节纺锤状,锯天牛亚科、花天牛亚科棒状,天牛亚科形态多样;花天牛亚科和天牛亚科中访花天牛下唇唇舌发达,分2叶且膜质,其他亚科中唇舌均有骨化。锯天牛亚科天牛内颚叶退化,与其成虫阶段不取食有关,花天牛亚科和天牛亚科中访花天牛唇舌发达且成膜质,与访花习性有关。  相似文献   

为害刺槐的两种天牛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们在豫北、豫东等地调查,发现两种天牛。 家茸天牛 Trichoferus campestris(Faldermann)又称北方家天牛。 为害刺槐、苹果、杨、柳、榆、椿、白蜡等。东北林区运来的桦木亦带有此虫。 红缘天牛 Asias halodendri(Pallas)为害刺槐、苹果、梨、枣、葡萄、榆等。 一、形态特征 家茸天牛 成虫体长13—18毫米,宽3—5毫米。棕褐色、黑褐色至褐色等。全身密被细茸毛(图—1)。卵长椭圆形,黄白色。幼虫体长20毫米左右,头部黑褐色,体黄白色,前胸背板前方骨化部分有一黄色横带,分为四段;非骨化部分呈白色,似“山”字形(图二-2)。  相似文献   

中国星斑天牛属一新种记述(鞘翅目:天牛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述星斑天牛属 1新种 :黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于天津自然博物馆动物研究室。黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,新种 (图 1~ 4)正模♂ ,云南西双版纳勐啊勐康 ,1 0 0 0 m,1 958- -1 9,朱志彬。本新种与黄星斑天牛 Psacothea hilaris ( Pascoe,1 857)的主要区别为鞘翅具许多不规则的黑色星斑而非蜡黄色圆斑 ,头顶中央淡色带有 1黑色纵脊 ,雄性外生殖器阳基侧突端刚毛仅限于端部 1 /4而非几达 1 /2 ,交配孔腹缘狭圆而非略宽圆 ,以及内囊中部具粗密微刺而非内囊具均匀一致细微刺等  相似文献   

南方锦天牛Acalolepta speciosa属鞘翅目天牛科沟胫天牛亚科锦天牛属昆虫,是近年在油茶Camellia oleifera上新出现的一种蛀干害虫.本文首次对该天牛的形态特征,包括雌雄生殖器结构进行了详细的描述,以期为该虫的鉴定提供可靠的依据,并首次报道了该虫生物学特性.  相似文献   

星天牛幼虫龄期的划分   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文测量了人工饲养的星天牛Anoplophora chinensis(Forster)幼虫的9个形态结构数据,运用频次分布、均差分析和回归分析对测量数据进行统计分析,结果表明,星天牛幼虫可分5龄,其额宽是最佳的分龄结构,其次是上颚长和上颚宽。  相似文献   

【目的】探究被松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus携带的松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus对松墨天牛肠道和气管细菌的影响。【方法】野外采集携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫后,取出完整肠道和气管进行细菌总DNA抽提后进行16S rDNA基因测序并拼接,并利用生物信息学方法分析松墨天牛成虫肠道和气管细菌组成、结构、丰度和多样性。【结果】携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫肠道和气管细菌菌群共检测到15门26纲66目110科201属296种,可操作分类单元(operational taxonomic unit, OTU)数目为444。携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫比未携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫肠道优势细菌菌群变化不显著,均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)肠杆菌目(Enterobacterales);携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫气管优势细菌菌群为变形菌门肠杆菌目,未携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫气管优势细菌菌群为厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)乳杆菌目(Lactobacillales)。携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫较未携带松材线虫的松墨天牛成虫气管细菌多样性和丰度升高,细...  相似文献   

记述了柄天牛属8个种(亚种)的雌性生殖器,比较研究了该属雌性生殖器的结构特点.结果表明:柄天牛属雌性生殖器在骨杆形状、受精囊管长短等方面存在不同程度的差异;通过雌性生殖器特征对比,黄颈柄天牛、暗胸柄天牛、红腹柄天牛三者虽然存在一定差异,是否应作为同一种依据不足,故仍保留亚种地位.  相似文献   

描述并比较了中国椎天牛亚科4族7属的雄性外生殖器结构特点。结果表明:椎天牛亚科内有18个雄性外生殖器结构特征存在差异,其中阳基侧突的形状、阳基侧突的长宽比,腹部第8节背板的形状等5个特征在椎天牛亚科内族级水平具有重要分类学意义;阳基侧突占阳茎的比例,腹部第8节背板的被毛情况等6个特征在幽天牛族内属级水平具有重要分类学意义;同时阳基侧突的长宽比,腹部第8节背板的被毛情况可用于塞幽天牛属中近似种的区分。基于雄性外生殖器的结构,编制了椎天牛亚科分族及幽天牛族分属的检索表。  相似文献   

二种天牛对濒危植物四合木的危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李升  刘强 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):407-410
在内蒙古西鄂尔多斯国家级自然保护区内,采用野外观察、随机抽取样方,结合解剖病害植株,对危害四合木(Tetraena mongolica Maxim)的2种天牛红缘天牛Asias halodendri(Pallas)和槐绿虎天牛Chlorophorus diadema(Motschulsky)的为害株率和为害特点进行研究。结果表明,2种天牛对四合木的危害十分严重,将成为导致四合木近期灭绝的主要威胁;在整个保护区范围内,4个地段的为害程度不同,2种天牛的分布情况也不同;2种天牛的危害特点以及对寄主造成的危害也有显著差别。  相似文献   

长白山北坡访花天牛区系研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对长白山北坡访花天牛种类初步调查,结果表明,有访花天牛31种,其中花天牛亚科25种,占80.65%,天牛亚科6种,占19.35%。中国新记录1种:黑翅裸花天牛,优势种10种:北亚伪花天牛、六斑凸胸花天牛、黑胫宽花天牛、黑带宽花天牛、曲纹花天牛、红翅裸花天牛、桦肿腿花天牛、黑角伞花天牛、双斑厚花天牛、刺槐绿虎天牛。优势种访花天牛主要访问的优势种植物为长白金莲花、棣棠升麻、黑水当归、翼果唐松草、珍珠梅、柳兰、大独活。长白山北坡访花天牛种类,主要以古北区系成分为主,随着海拔增高,访花天牛种类逐渐减少,古北区系成分种类增多,古北、东洋区系成份种类减少。  相似文献   

中国两种狭胸天牛类幼虫的描述(鞘翅目:天牛总科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
天牛类的幼虫特征,已成为天牛总科探讨演化和分类系统的重要手段,狭胸天牛类由于长期以来未找到幼虫,其地位不能确定,影响到整个天牛科和天牛总科的演化和分类系统的研究存在一个缺口。近年在中国广西和西藏发现了松狭胸天牛PhilusantennatusGyllenhal和细点音天牛HeterophiluspunctulatusChiangetChen的幼虫,前者王缉健(1989)和尹新明(1994)曾有简短报道。本文对这两种幼虫的形态作了详细描述,以供与近缘类群作比较研究。  相似文献   

漆一鸣 《昆虫学报》1990,33(4):403-411
本文研究了缓慢细蚤Leptopsylla segnis(Schonherr),不等单蚤Monopsyllus anisus(Rothschild)和猫栉首蚤指名亚种Ctenocephalides felis felis(Bouche)雄性外生殖器的结构,观察了从幼虫、前蛹、蛹至成虫各发育时期的雄性外生殖器的内部结构变化.对有争议的雄蚤上抱器的起源,雄蚤生殖孔的位置,雄性外生殖器芽内陷的腹节以及射精管横切面的细胞数目和阳茎背、腹杆的结构等问题进行了详细的观察和探讨.  相似文献   

In this study, bacterial communities within the guts of several longicorn beetles were investigated by a culture-dependent method. A total of 142 bacterial strains were isolated from nine species of longicorn beetle, including adults and larvae. A comparison of their partial 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that most of the bacteria constituting the gut communities can typically be found in soil, plants and the intestines of animals, and approximately 10% were proposed as unreported. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the bacterial species comprised 7 phyla, and approximately half were Gammaproteobacteria. Actinobacteria were the second most populous group (19%), followed by Firmicutes (13%) and Alphaproteobacteria (11%). Betaproteobacteria, Flavobacteria, and Acidobacteria were minor constituents. The taxonomic compositions of the isolates were variable according to the species of longicorn beetle. Particularly, an abundance of Actinobacteria existed in Moechotypa diphysis and Mesosa hirsute, which eat broadleaf trees; however, no Actinobacteria were isolated from Corymbia rubra and Monochamus alternatus, which are needle-leaf eaters. Considerable proportions of xylanase and pectinase producing bacteria in the guts of the longicorn beetles implied that the bacteria may play an important role in the digestion of woody diets. Actinobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria were the dominant xylanase producers in the guts of the beetles.  相似文献   

Eighty wood samples representing 51 taxa in 33 genera of Leguminosae were collected in the Sinnamary River Basin in Northern French Guiana and evaluated for their fauna of longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) and their phytochemical constituents. The cerambycid fauna was assessed using cut branches and trunks that were continuously observed for emerging beetles. Phytochemical patterns were determined in partially purified methanolic extracts that were obtained from wood and bark of the same branches and trunks using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that small groups of taxonomically related and often phytochemically similar plant species serve as host plants for small and well-defined longicorn guilds. Members of longicorn guilds are usually not taxonomically related. Host-plant chemistry appears to play a role in resource allocation among longicorn guilds in this lowland neotropical rainforest. These findings are discussed in reference to theories on coevolution and adaptive radiation in plant-insect associations.  相似文献   

Bousquet Y  Messer PW 《ZooKeys》2010,(53):25-31
Stenolophus thoracicus Casey is revalidated. The species is redescribed based on a study of the syntypes and of several conspecific specimens from eastern North America. The species differs from the other eastern species of the subgenus Agonoleptus in having the metasternum shorter and the wings reduced to tiny stubs. The dorsal habitus and median lobe of the aedeagus, along with the structures of the internal sac, are illustrated.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern over the ecological impact of markedly increasing numbers of large herbivores (hereafter large herbivore overabundance) on forest ecosystems. To predict the ecological consequences of large herbivore overabundance, it is first necessary to understand how biological communities respond to large herbivore overabundance. Here, we examined the relationships between the life history traits of five insect taxonomic groups (moths, dung beetles, longicorn beetles, carabid beetles, and carrion beetles) and their responses to deer overabundance in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Insects were collected from three study sites: enclosure (20 deer/km2), control (10 deer/km2), and exclosure (0 deer/km2). The different taxonomic and functional insect species differed in their response to deer overabundance. The abundance (number of individuals) of longicorn beetles, dung beetles, and arbor-feeding moths was higher in the enclosure site than in the control site, whereas that of carabid beetles, carrion beetles, and herb- or shrub-feeding moths was higher in the control site than in the enclosure site. These results suggest that the type of food and the level of dependence on the understory are key traits determining insect sensitivity to deer overabundance. In addition, large or flightless species responded negatively to deer overabundance. Overall, this study demonstrated a significant change in insect communities following experimental deer overabundance, suggesting that large herbivore overabundance leads to the homogenization of biological communities. Unfortunately, because insects have diverse functions in forest ecosystems, such marked changes in both abundance and composition of insect communities will decrease ecosystem functions and resilience.  相似文献   

The aedeagus of Psyllina, whose basic plan and function are described, exhibits several special differentiations of the ejaculatory duct. Some of them are suitable for taxonomic studies on the species level. These differentiations represent an autapomorphic complex of the Psyllina. Not a single feature proves any close relationship between Psyllina and single groups of Auchenorrhyncha.  相似文献   

周祖琳 《昆虫学报》1993,36(2):162-166
本文报道用活体解剖实验、 连续组织切片、 扫描电镜观察等方法, 研究麦蛾 (Sitotroga cerealella)阳茎所排气体的来源、排放途径和排气原因与所起作用的结果,证实阳茎排出的气泡源于铸颈管上的气管系统,通过呼吸作用,经内、外表皮管之间的间腔,由位于阳茎生殖孔附近的排气口排放。排气是内表皮管细胞组织代谢活动加强的结果,与精包颈形成有关,并有促进精包壁和精包颈硬化、为精液输送转移开辟道路的作用。  相似文献   

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