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Mass-spectrometric measurements of 18O exchange from 13C18O2 were used to follow changes in the intracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity of cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang, wild type and the ca-1 mutant during adaptation to air. With intact cells as well as with crude homogenates total intracellular CA activity in wild-type cells increased six to tenfold within 4 h after transferring cells from 5% CO2 (high inorganic carbon, Ci) to ambient air (air adapted). After that time the activity slowly declined to a level similar to that observed with cells which had been continuously grown in air (low-Ci grown). In the ca-1 mutant, total CA was induced to a similar extent during 4 h of adaptation; however, absolute activities were two to three times lower in ca-1 than in the wild type regardless of the CO2 supply. When crude extracts from wild-type cells were separated into soluble and insoluble fractions, each fraction contained about half of the internal CA activity. Within 4 h of adaptation, both forms of CA activity were simultaneously enhanced by nine to tenfold, reaching levels similar to those found in low-Cigrown cells. In contrast, in the ca-1 mutant the soluble CA activity was only enhanced by about eightfold while the level of insoluble CA was very low even in low-Ci cells. After isolation of intact chloroplasts from wild-type cells and further subfractionation, around 70–80% of total chloroplastic CA activity was found to be in the insoluble fraction while 17–20% remained in the soluble fraction. Both chloroplastic CA activities were inducible within the first 4 h of adaptation to air, with each of them being eight to ten times higher than in high-Ci algae. After that time their activities were similar to the corresponding CA values in low-Ci-grown cells. In contrast, plastids from high-Ci cells of the ca-1 mutant showed 40% less insoluble-CA activity compared to the wild type and this insoluble-CA activity was not increased at all by transferring algae to air. In addition, no soluble-CA activity was detected in chloroplasts from high-Ci and air-adapted ca-1 cells. These results indicate the presence of three intracellular CA activities in high-Ci air-adapted and low-Ci cells of the wild type and that two of them are associated with the chloroplasts. All three activities are completely induced within the first 4 h of adaptation to air in wild-type cells. In contrast, it was not possible to induce any of the chloroplastic CA activities in the ca-1 mutant. The possibility that the soluble chloroplastic CA represents a pyrenoid-located CA is discussed.This work is dedicated to Professor A. Wild on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Unicellular algae grow well under limiting CO2 conditions, aided by a carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM). In C. reinhardtii, this mechanism is inducible and is present only in cells grown under low CO2 conditions. We constructed a cDNA library from cells adapting to low CO2, and screened the library for cDNAs specific to low CO2-adapting cells. Six classes of low CO2-inducible clones were identified. One class of clone, reported here, represents a novel gene associated with adaptation of cells to air. A second class of clones corresponds to the air-inducible periplasmic carbonic anhydrase I (CAH1). These clones represent genes that respond to the level of CO2 in the environment.  相似文献   

We have isolated very high light resistant nuclear mutants (VHL R) in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, that grow in 1500–2000 mol photons m–2 s–1 (VHL) lethal to wildtype. Four nonallelic mutants have been characterized in terms of Photosystem II (PS II) function, nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) and xanthophyll pigments in relation to acclimation and survival under light stress. In one class of VHL R mutants isolated from wild type (S4 and S9), VHL resistance was accompanied by slower PS II electron transfer, reduced connectivity between PS II centers and decreased PS II efficiency. These lesions in PS II function were already present in the herbicide resistant D1 mutant A251L (L *) from which another class of VHL R mutants (L4 and L30) were isolated, confirming that optimal PS II function was not critical for survival in very high light. Survival of all four VHL R mutants was independent of CO2 availability, whereas photoprotective processes were not. The de-epoxidation state (DPS) of the xanthophyll cycle pigments in high light (HL, 600 mol photons m–2 s–1) was strongly depressed when all genotypes were grown in 5% CO2. In S4 and S9 grown in air under HL and VHL, high DPS was well correlated with high NPQ. However when the same genotypes were grown in 5% CO2, high DPS did not result in high NPQ, probably because high photosynthetic rates decreased thylakoid pH. Although high NPQ lowered the reduction state of PS II in air compared to 5% CO2 at HL in wildtype, S4 and S9, this did not occur during growth of S4 and S9 in VHL. L * and VHL R mutants L4 and L30, also showed high DPS with low NPQ when grown air or 5% CO2, possibly because they were unable to maintain sufficiently high pH due to constitutively impaired PS II electron transport. Although dissipation of excess photon energy through NPQ may contribute to VHL resistance, there is little evidence that the different genes conferring the VHL R phenotype affect this form of photoprotection. Rather, the decline of chlorophyll per biomass in all VHL R mutants grown under VHL suggests these genes may be involved in regulating antenna components and photosystem stoichiometries.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of photon flux density on inorganic carbon accumulation and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation was determined by CO2 exchange studies at three, limiting CO2 concentrations with a ca-1 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardiii. This mutant accumulates a large internal inorganic carbon pool in the light which apparently is unavailable for photosynthetic assimilation. Although steady-state photosynthetic CO2 assimilation did not respond to the varying photon flux densities because of CO2 limitation, components of inorganic-carbon accumulation were not clearly light saturated even at 1100 mol photons m-2 s-1, indicating a substantial energy requirement for inorganic carbon transport and accumulation. Steady-state photosynthetic CO2 assimilation responded to external CO2 concentrations but not to changing internal inorganic carbon concentrations, confirming that diffusion of CO2 into the cells supplies most of the CO2 for photosynthetic assimilation and that the internal inorganic carbon pool is essentially unavailable for photosynthetic assimilation. The estimated concentration of the internal inorganic carbon pool was found to be relatively insensitive to the external CO2 concentration over the small range tested, as would be expected if the concentration of this pool is limited by the internal to external inorganic carbon gradient. An attempt to use this CO2 exchange method to determine whether inorganic carbon accumulation and photosynthetic CO2 assimilation compete for energy at low photon flux densities proved inconclusive.  相似文献   

Using mass-spectrometric measurements of 18O exchange from 13C18O2 intracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity was investigated in the unicellular green algae Dunaliella tertiolecta and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii which were either grown on air enriched with 5% CO2 (high-Ci cells) or on air (low-Ci cells). In D. tertiolecta high- and low-Ci cells had detectable levels of internal CA activity when measured under in-vivo conditions and this activity could be split up into three distinct forms. One CA was not associated with the chloroplasts, while two isozymes were found to be located within the plastids. The activities of all intracellular CAs were always about twofold higher in low than in high-Ci cells of D. tertiolecta and the chloroplastic enzymes were completely induced within 4 h of adaptation to air. One of the chloroplastic CAs was found to be soluble the other was insoluble. In addition to the physical differences, MgSO4 in vitro caused a more than twofold stimulation of the soluble activity while the insoluble form of CA remained rather unaffected. In C. reinhardtii, MgSO4 increased the soluble CA activity by 346% and the concentration of MgSO4 required for half-maximum stimulation was between 10 and 15 mM. Again, the insoluble CA activity was not affected by MgSO4. Furthermore, the soluble isoenzyme was considerably more sensitive to ethoxyzolamide, a potent inhibitor of CA, than the insoluble enzyme. The concentration of inhibitor causing 50% inhibition of soluble CA activity was 110 and 85 μM ethoxyzolamide for D. tertiolecta and C. reinhardtii, respectively. From these data we conclude that the two chloroplast-associated CAs are distinct enzymes.  相似文献   

Net CO2 exchange was monitored through a dark-light-dark transition, under 2% and 21% O2 in the presence and absence of CO2, in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wild type and the high-CO2-requiring mutant ca-1-12-1C. Upon illumination at 350 l/l CO2, ca-1-12-1C cell exhibited a large decrease in net CO2 uptake following an initial surge of CO2 uptake. Net CO2 uptake subsequently attained a steady-state rate substantially lower than the maximum. A large, O2-enchanced post-illumination burst of CO2 efflux was observed after a 10-min illumination period, corresponding to a minimum in the net CO2 uptake rate. A smaller, but O2-insensitive post-illumination burst was observed following a 30-min illumination period, when net CO2 uptake was at a steady-state rate. These post-illumination bursts appeared to reflect the release of an intracellular pool of inorganic carbon, which was much larger following the initial surge of net CO2 uptake than during the subsequent steady-state CO2 uptake period.With the mutant in CO2-free gas, O2-stimulated, net CO2 efflux was observed in the light, and a small, O2-dependent post-illumination burst was observed. With wild-type cells no CO2 efflux was observed in the light in CO2-free gas under either 2% or 21% O2, but a small, O2-dependent post-illumination burst was observed. These results were interpreted as indicating that photorespiratory rates were similar in the mutant and wild-type cells in the absence of CO2, but that the wild-type cells were better able to scavenge the photorespiratory CO2.  相似文献   

Polypeptides of 21, 36 and 37 kDa are induced in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. when cells are transferred from high (2%) to low (0.03%) CO2 concentrations. The synthesis of these polypeptides is correlated with the induction of the CO2-concentrating mechanism. In this work we studied the effect of the growth conditions on the synthesis of these polypeptides with the aim of clarifying whether the induction of all three of these low-CO2-inducible polypeptides requires the same environmental factor. Our results showed that induction of the 21- and 36-kDa polypeptides under low-CO2 conditions occurred only in the light, while the 37-kDa periplasmic carbonic anhydrase (EC was induced in light, darkness, and in both synchronous and asynchronous cultures. In addition, induction of these polypeptides appeared to be determined more by the O2/CO2 ratio than by the CO2 concentrations. None of these polypeptides could be induced in either of two different mutants of C. reinhardtii, one lacking ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC and the other with inactive enzyme. Our results indicate that the 21- and 36-kDa polypeptides are regulated by a mechanism different from that controlling the 37-kDa polypeptide.Abbreviations pCA (periplasmic) carbonic anhydrase - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - TAP Trisacetate phosphate medium The authors thank Prof. M. Spalding (Iowa State University, USA) for providing antisera to LIP-21 and LIP-36. We thank Prof. S. Bartlett and Dr. J. Moroney (Louisiana State University, USA) for providing antibodies to C. reinhardtii, Rubisco and 37-kDa pCA, respectively. This work was supported by the Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias.  相似文献   

A burst of net CO2 uptake was observed during the first 3–4 min after the onset of illumination in both wild-type Chlamydomonas reinhardii in which carbonic anhydrase was chemically inhibited with ethoxyzolamide and in a mutant of C. reinhardii (ca-1-12-1C) deficient in carbonic anhydrase activity. The burst was followed by a rapid decrease in the CO2 uptake rate so that net evolution often occurred. After a 2–3 min period of CO2 evolution, net CO2 uptake again increased and ultimately reached a steady-state, positive rate. From [14CO2]-tracer studies it was determined that CO2 fixation proceeded at a nearly linear rate throughout the period of illumination. Thus, prior to reaching a steady state, there was a rapid accumulation of inorganic carbon inside the cells which apparently reached a supercritical concentration and the excess was excreted, causing a subsequent efflux of CO2. A post illumination burst of net CO2 efflux was also observed in ethoxyzolamide-inhibited wild type and ca-1 mutant cells, but not in the unihibited wild type. [14CO2]-tracer experiments revealed that this burst was the result of a collapse of a large internal inorganic carbon pool at the onset of darkness rather than a photorespiratory post-illumination burst. These results indicate that upon illumination, chemical or genetic inhibition of carbonic anhydrase initially causes an accumulation of excess inroganic carbon in C. reinhardii cells, and that unknown regulatory mechanisms correct for this imbalance by first excreting the excess inorganic carbon and then, after several dampened oscillations, achieving an equilibrium between bicarbonate uptake, bicarbonate dehydration, and CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Summary Elodea canadensis grows over a wide range of inorganic carbon, nutrient, and light conditions in lakes and streams. Affinity for HCO3-use during photosynthesis ranged from strong to weak in Elodea collected from seven localities with different HCO3-and CO2 concentrations. The response to HCO3-was also very plastic in plants grown in the laboratory at high HCO3-concentrations and CO2 concentrations varying from 14.8 to 2,200 M. Bicarbonate affinity was markedly reduced with increasing CO2 concentrations in the growth medium so that ultimately HCO3-use was not detectable. High CO2 concentrations also decreased CO2 affinity and induced high CO2 compensation points (360M CO2) and tenfold higher half-saturation values (800 M CO2).The variable HCO3-affinity is probably environmentally based. Elodea is a recently introduced species in Denmark, where it reproduces only vegetatively, leaving little opportunity for genetic variation. More important, local populations in the same water system had different HCO3-affinities, and a similar variation was created by exposing one plant collection to different laboratory conditions.Bicarbonate use enabled Elodea to photosynthesize rapidly in waters of high alkalinity and enhanced the carbon-extracting capacity by maintaining photosynthesis above pH 10. On the other hand, use of HCO3-represents an investment in transport apparatus and energy which is probably not profitable when CO2 is high and HCO3-is low. This explanation is supported by the findings that HCO3-affinity was low in field populations where HCO3-was low (0.5 and 0.9 m M) or CO2 was locally high, and that HCO3-affinity was suppressed in the laboratory by high CO2 concentrations.Abbreviations DIC dissolved inorganic carbon (CO2+ HCO3-+CO3-) - CO2 compensation point - K1/2 apparent halfsaturation constant - PHCO3 interpolated photosynthesis in pure HCO3-and zero CO2 - Pmax photosynthetic rate under carbon and light saturation  相似文献   

The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii possesses a CO2-concentrating mechanism. In order to measure the CO2 permeability coefficients of the plasma membranes (PMs), carbonic anhydrase (CA) loaded vesicles were isolated from C. reinhardtii grown either in air enriched with 50 mL CO2 · L?1} (high-Ci cells) or in ambient air (350 μL CO2 · L?1}; low-Ci cells). Marker-enzyme measurements indicated less than 1% contamination with thylakoid and mitochondrial membranes, and that more than 90% of the PMs from high and low-Ci cells were orientated right-side-out. The PMs appeared to be sealed as judged from the ability of vesicles to accumulate [14C]acetate along a proton gradient for at least 10 min. Carbonic anhydrase-loaded PMs from high and low-Ci cells of C. reinhardtii were used to measure the exchange of 18O between doubly labelled CO2 (13C18O2) and H2O in stirred suspensions by mass spectrometry. Analysis of the kinetics of the 18O depletion from 13C18O2 in the external medium provides a powerful tool to study CO2 diffusion across the PM to the active site of CA which catalyses 18O exchange only inside the vesicles but not in the external medium (Silverman et al., 1976, J Biol Chem 251: 4428–4435). The activity of CA within loaded PM vesicles was sufficient to speed-up the 18O loss to H2O to 45360–128800 times the uncatalysed rate, depending on the efficiency of CA-loading and PM isolation. From the 18O-depletion kinetics performed at pH 7.3 and 7.8, CO2 permeability coefficients of 0.76 and 1.49·10?3} cm·s?1}, respectively, were calculated for high Ci cells. The corresponding values for low-Ci cells were 1.21 and 1.8·10?3} cm·s?1}. The implications of the similar and rather high CO2 permeability coefficients (low CO2 resistance) in high and low-Ci cells for the COi-concentrating mechanism of C. reinhardtii are discussed.  相似文献   

When grown in the light and in a Tris-acetate phosphate medium, cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. can use the following l-amino acids as a sole nitrogen source: asparagine, glutamine, arginine, lysine, alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, serine, methionine, histidine, and phenylalanine, whereas, in the absence of acetate, the cells only used l-arginine. The utilization system in the acetate medium consisted of an extracellular deaminating activity induced by l-amino acids; it took between 10 to 30 h before the system appeared in cells previously grown with ammonium. This deaminase activity was nonspecific, required an organic carbon source for its de-novo synthesis, and was sensitive to high ammonium concentration and light deprivation.Abbreviations HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - TAP Tris-acetate-phosphate This work was supported by a grant of the CAICYT, Spain. The secretarial assistance of C. Santos and I. Molina is gratefully acknowledged.To whom correspondence should be addressed.  相似文献   

A simple model of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in Chlamydomonas has been developed in order to evaluate whether a CO2-concentrating system could explain the photosynthetic characteristics of this alga (high apparent affinity for CO2, low photorespiration, little O2 inhibition of photosynthesis, and low CO2 compensation concentration). Similarly, the model was developed to evaluate whether the proposed defects in the CO2-concentrating system of two Chlamydomonas mutants were consistent with their observed photosynthetic characteristics. The model treats a Chlamydomonas cell as a single compartment with two carbon inputs: passive diffusion of CO2, and active transport of HCO 3 - . Internal inorganic carbon was considered to have two potential fates: assimilation to fixed carbon via ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase or exiting the cell by either passive CO2 diffusion or reversal of HCO 3 - transport. Published values for kinetic parameters were used where possible. The model accurately reproduced the CO2-response curves of photosynthesis for wild-type Chlamydomonas, the two mutants defective in the CO2-concentrating system, and a double mutant constructed by crossing these two mutants. The model also predicts steady-state internal inorganic-carbon concentrations in reasonable agreement with measured values in all four cases. Carbon dioxide compensation concentrations for wild-type Chlamydomonas were accurately predicted by the model and those predicted for the mutants were in qualitative agreement with measured values. The model also allowed calculation of approximate energy costs of the CO2-concentrating system. These calculations indicate that the system may be no more energy-costly than C4 photosynthesis.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - RuBPC/O ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - CA carbonic anhydrase  相似文献   

Gas exchanges of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Courtot) shoots were measured before and during a water stress. While photosynthesis, transpiration and dark respiration decreased because of the stress, photorespiration increased initially, up to a maximum of 50% above its initial value. The CO2 concentration in the intercellular space was calculated from gas-diffusion resistances, and remained approximately constant before and during the stress. On the other hand, the CO2 concentration in the chloroplast, in the vicinity of Ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), was evaluated from the ratio of CO2 to O2 uptake, using the known kinetic constants of the oxygenation and carboxylation reactions which compete for Rubisco. In the well-watered plants, the calculated chloroplastic concentration was slightly smaller than the substomatal concentration. During water stress, this concentration decreased while the substomatal CO2 concentration remained constant. Hypotheses to explain this difference between substomatal and chloroplastic CO2 concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

A. Yokota  S. Kitaoka 《Planta》1987,170(2):181-189
The rate of glycolate excretion in Euglena gracilis Z and some microalgae grown at the atmospheric level of CO2 was determined using amino-oxyacetate (AOA). The extracellular O2 concentration was kept at 240 M by bubbling the incubation medium with air. Glycolate, the main excretion product, was excreted by Euglena at 6 mol·h-1·(mg chlorophyll (Chl))-1. Excretion depended on the presence of AOA, and was saturated at 1 mM AOA. A substituted oxime formed from glyoxylate and AOA was also excreted. Bicarbonate added at 0.1 mM did not prevent the excretion of glycolate. The excretion of glycolate increased with higher O2 concentrations in the medium, and was competitively inhibited by much higher concentrations of bicarbonate. Aminooxyacetate also caused excretion of glycolate from the green algae, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Scenedesmus obliquus and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown on air, at the rates of 2–7 mol·h-1·(mg Chl)-1 in the presence of 0.2–0.6 mM dissolved inorganic carbon, but the cyanobacterium, Anacystis nidulans, grown in the same way did not excrete glycolate. The efficiency of the CO2-concentrating mechanism to suppress glycolate formation is discussed on the basis of the magnitude of glycolate formation in these low-CO2-grown cells.Abbreviations AOA aminooxyacetate - Chl chlorophyll - DIC dissolved inorganic carbon - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase This is the 16th paper in a series on the metabolism of glycolate in Euglena gracilis. The 15th paper is Yokota et al. (1985c)  相似文献   

Diazotrophic heterocystous cyanobacteria Nostoc calcicola and Anabaena sp. ARM 629 were investigated for their ability to grow in presence of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) or carbon dioxide (CO2) under cultural conditions. Maximum growth was observed in 75 mM NaHCO3 and 5% CO2 in N. calcicola and Anabaena ARM 629, respectively. Although their growth rate declined, N. calcicola and Anabaena sp. could tolerate upto 250 mM NaHCO3 and 20% CO2, respectively. N-methyl-N'-nitro N nitrosoguanidine induced mutants of these cyanobacteria were isolated which showed growth upto 1 M NaHCO3 (N. calcicola) or 50% CO2 (Anabaena sp.) in comparison to their wild types. The mutants also showed cross-resistance to either of the inorganic carbon compounds, which was not observed for wild type. It was concluded that mutants were altered in multiple properties enabling them to grow at elevated levels of inorganic carbon compounds.  相似文献   

Photosystem II chlorophyll fluorescence and leaf net gas exchanges (CO2 and H2O) were measured simultaneously on bean leaves (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) submitted either to different ambient CO2 concentrations or to a drought stress. When leaves are under photorespiratory conditions, a simple fluorescence parameter F/ Fm (B. Genty et al. 1989, Biochem. Biophys. Acta 990, 87–92; F = difference between maximum, Fm, and steady-state fluorescence emissions) allows the calculation of the total rate of photosynthetic electron-transport and the rate of electron transport to O2. These rates are in agreement with the measurements of leaf O2 absorption using 18O2 and the kinetic properties of ribulose-1,5bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The fluorescence parameter, F/Fm, showed that the allocation of photosynthetic electrons to O2 was increased during the desiccation of a leaf. Decreasing leaf net CO2 uptake, either by decreasing the ambient CO2 concentration or by dehydrating a leaf, had the same effect on the partitioning of photosynthetic electrons between CO2 and O2 reduction. It is concluded that the decline of net CO2 uptake of a leaf under drought stress is only due, at least for a mild reversible stress (causing at most a leaf water deficit of 35%), to stomatal closure which leads to a decrease in leaf internal CO2 concentration. Since, during the dehydration of a leaf, the calculated internal CO2 concentration remained constant or even increased we conclude that this calculation is misleading under such conditions.Abbreviations Ca, Ci ambient, leaf internal CO2 concentrations - Fm, Fo, Fs maximum, minimal, steady-state fluorescence emission - Fv variable fluorescence emission - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - qp, qN photochemical, non-photochemical fluorescence quenching - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase  相似文献   

Trypsin digestion reduces the sizes of both the large and small subunits of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Incubation of either CO2/Mg2+ -activated or nonactivated enzyme with the transition-state analogue carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate protects a trypsin-sensitive site of the large subunit, but not of the small subunit. Incubation of the nonactivated enzyme with ribulosebisphosphate (RuBP) provided the same degree of protection. Thus, the very tight binding that is a characteristic of the transitionstate analogue is apparently not required for the protection of the trypsin-sensitive site of the large subunit. Mutant enzymes that have reduced CO2/O2 specificities failed to bind carboxyarabinitol bisphosphate tightly. However, their large-subunit trypsin-sensitive sites could still be protected. The K m values for RuBP were not significantly changed for the mutant enzymes, but the V max values for carboxylation were reduced substantially. These results indicate that the failure of the mutant enzymes to bind the transition-state analogue tightly is primarily the consequence of an impairment in the second irreversible binding step. Thus, in all of the mutant enzymes, defects appear to exist in stabilizing the transition state of the carboxylation step, which is precisely the step proposed to influence the CO2/O2 specificity of Rubisco.Abbreviations and Symbols CABP 2-carboxyarabinitol 1,5-bisphosphate - enol-RuBP 2,3-enediolate of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - K c K m for CO2 - K o K m for O2 - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - RuBP ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - V c V max for carboxylation - V o V max for oxygenation Paper No. 9313, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural Research DivisionThis work was supported by National Science Foundation grant DMB-8703820. We thank Drs. Archie Portis and Raymond Chollet for their helpful comments, and also thank Dr. Chollet for graciously providing CABP and [14C]CABP.  相似文献   

The aquatic angiosperm Hydrilla verticillata lacks Kranz anatomy, but has an inducible, C4-based, CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) that concentrates CO2 in the chloroplasts. Both C3 and C4 Hydrilla leaves showed light-dependent pH polarity that was suppressed by high dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). At low DIC (0.25 mol m−3), pH values in the unstirred water layer on the abaxial and adaxial sides of the leaf were 4.2 and10.3, respectively. Abaxial apoplastic acidification served as a CO2 flux mechanism (CFM), making HCO3 available for photosynthesis by conversion to CO2. DIC at 10 mol m−3 completely suppressed acidification and alkalization. The data, along with previous results, indicated that inhibition was specific to DIC, and not a buffer effect. Acidification and alkalization did not necessarily show 1:1 stoichiometry; their kinetics for the apolar induction phase differed, and alkalization was less inhibited by 2.5 mol m−3 DIC. At low irradiance (50 μmol photons m−2 s−1), where CCM activity in C4 leaves is minimized, both leaf types had similar DIC inhibition of pH polarity. However, as irradiance increased, DIC inhibition of C3 leaves decreased. In C4 leaves the CFM and CCM seemed to compete for photosynthetic ATP and/or reducing power. The CFM may require less, as at low irradiance it still operated maximally, if [DIC] was low. Iodoacetamide (IA), which inhibits CO2 fixation in Hydrilla, also suppressed acidification and alkalization, especially in C4 leaves. IA does not inhibit the C4 CCM, which suggests that the CFM and CCM can operate independently. It has been hypothesized that irradiance and DIC regulate pH polarity by altering the chloroplastic [DIC], which effects the chloroplast redox state and subsequently redox regulation of a plasma-membrane H+-ATPase. The results lend partial support to a down-regulatory role for high chloroplastic [DIC], but do not exclude other sites of DIC action. IA inhibition of pH polarity seems inconsistent with the chloroplast NADPH/NADP+ ratio being the redox transducer. The possibility that malate and oxaloacetate shuttling plays a role in CFM regulation requires further investigation. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The apparent photosynthetic affinity of A. variabilis to CO2 is greatly affected by the CO2 concentration in the medium during growth. Halfmaximal rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution is achieved at 10 M and 100 M inorganic carbon (Cinorg) in cells grown at low-CO2 (air) and high CO2 (5% v/v CO2 in air), respectively, whilst the maximum rate of photosynthesis is similar in both cases. Both high- and low-CO2-grown Anabaena accumulate Cinorg within the cell; however, the rate of accumulation and the steady-state internal Cinorg concentration reached is much higher in low as compared with high-CO2-grown cells. It is suggested that Anabaena cells actively accumulate Cinorg. Measurements of the kinetics of Cinorg transport indicate that the affinity of the transport mechanism for Cinorg is similar (Km(Cinorg(150 M) in both high- and low-CO2-grown cells. However, V max is 10-fold higher in the latter case. It is suggested that this higher V max for transport is the basis of the superior capability to accumulate Cinorg and the higher apparent photosynthetic affinity for external Cinorg in low-CO2-grown Anabaena. Carbonic anhydrase activity was not detectable in Anabaena, yet both photosynthetic affinity to Cinorg in the medium (but not V max) and the rate of accumulation of Cinorg were inhibited by the carbonic-anhydrase inhibitor ethoxyzolamide.Abbreviations Cinorg inorganic carbon - PEP phosphoenol pyruvate - RuBP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate CIW-DPB Publication No. 682  相似文献   

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