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Two identical experiments were carried out in domestic hens treated with a lower (0.2 mg/animal) or a higher (0.4 mg/animal) dose of thyroxin (T4), for 21 consecutive days. The low dose diminished egg production, but did not result in moulting while the higher dose stopped egg laying on the 16th day and caused the loss of contour feathers from the 14th day on. The new plumage was completely developed in this group on about the 42th day. The plasma progesterone concentration showed an increase in both thyroxin treated groups, but is was only continuous and significant in the fowls treated with 0.4 mg T4. In this group the peak value of progesterone was synchronous with the most intensive feather loss. In the other group the tendency for increased levels of progesterone was of shorter duration and not significant. Plasma oestrone levels were depressed by the treatment in both groups and increased significantly only in the moulted fowls after administration of T4 was stopped. This increase may be associated with feather growth and regeneration of the oviduct. Plasma 17-beta oestradiol and testosterone concentrations did not change in the T4 treated groups. Plasma corticosterone concentration increased continuously only in the moulting animals. The results suggest that on one hand thyroxin has a role in the endocrine regulation of moulting and, on the other, that a thyroxin-progesterone synergism is of significance in the process.  相似文献   

Little is known about the physiological events occurring in the chicken ovary during a pause in laying, therefore the aim of the present study was to examine changes in sex steroid concentration in the follicle wall and blood plasma during cessation of egg laying. The experiment was performed on laying Isa Brown hens. Control hens were fed ad libitum whereas the experimental ones were subjected to a pause in laying by complete food deprivation for 5 days and water deprivation on 3 day followed by feeding every second day up to 9 day and then ad libitum. Blood samples were taken from the wing vein each day. The hens were decapitated on day 3, 6, 9, and 16. The ovary was isolated and the following follicles were dissected: white (1-2; 2-4; 4-6; 6-8 mm) and yellow preovulatory ones (F1-F3). Progesterone and estradiol were measured in the follicle wall and blood plasma by RIA methods. The hens stopped egg laying on day 4 and began egg restoration on day 14 of the experiment. Cessation of egg laying was preceded by a decrease in estradiol and progesterone levels in the ovary as well as in the blood plasma. The plasma level of these steroids began to increase 7 days before the start of egg restoration. Autopsy of the ovary showed that the atrophy of the chicken yellow preovulatory follicles during the pause in laying was accompanied by a significant increase in the total number of white follicles.  相似文献   

Hormonal changes induced by partial rootzone drying of irrigated grapevine   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Partial rootzone drying (PRD) is a new irrigation technique which improves the water use efficiency (by up to 50%) of wine grape production without significant crop reduction. The technique was developed on the basis of knowledge of the mechanisms controlling transpiration and requires that approximately half of the root system is always maintained in a dry or drying state while the remainder of the root system is irrigated. The wetted and dried sides of the root system are alternated on a 10-14 d cycle. Abscisic acid (ABA) concentration in the drying roots increases 10-fold, but ABA concentration in leaves of grapevines under PRD only increased by 60% compared with a fully irrigated control. Stomatal conductance of vines under PRD irrigation was significantly reduced when compared with vines receiving water to the entire root system. Grapevines from which water was withheld from the entire root system, on the other hand, show a similar reduction in stomatal conductance, but leaf ABA increased 5-fold compared with the fully irrigated control. PRD results in increased xylem sap ABA concentration and increased xylem sap pH, both of which are likely to result in a reduction in stomatal conductance. In addition, there was a reduction in zeatin and zeatin-riboside concentrations in roots, shoot tips and buds of 60, 50 and 70%, respectively, and this may contribute to the reduction in shoot growth and intensified apical dominance of vines under PRD irrigation. There is a nocturnal net flux of water from wetter roots to the roots in dry soil and this may assist in the distribution of chemical signals necessary to sustain the PRD effect. It was concluded that a major effect of PRD is the production of chemical signals in drying roots that are transported to the leaves where they bring about a reduction in stomatal conductance.  相似文献   

Summary Cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor were identified immunohistochemically in the hypothalamus and forebrain of the domestic hen using an antiserum to the steroid binding B subunit (110 kDa) of chicken oviduct progesterone receptor and the avidin-biotin complex procedure. Cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor were widely distributed in the anterior, medial and basal hypothalamus with the highest density occurring in the lamina terminalis and the preoptic area. Abundant, though less intensely reacting progesterone receptor was present in cell nuclei in the tuberal infundibular area and in the internal zone of the median eminence. A large group of cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor occurred in the dorsal anterior hypothalamus between the anterior commissure and the lateral ventricle. This group of nuclei extended anteriorly into the telencephalon. A small number of cell nuclei containing progesterone receptor was also found in the ventral telencephalon in the region of the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

In contrast to climacteric fruits, where ethylene is known to be pivotal, the regulation of ripening in non-climacteric fruits is not well understood. In the non-climacteric strawberry (Fragaria anannassa), auxin and abscisic acid (ABA) are thought to be important, but the roles of other hormones suggested to be involved in fruit development and ripening are not clear. Here changes in the levels of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), ABA, GA(1), and castasterone from anthesis to fully ripened fruit are reported. The levels of IAA and GA(1) rise early in fruit development before dropping to low levels prior to colour accumulation. Castasterone levels are highest at anthesis and drop to very low levels well before ripening commences, suggesting that brassinosteroids do not play an important role in ripening in strawberry. ABA levels are low at anthesis and gradually rise through development and ripening. The synthetic auxin, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), can delay ripening, but the application of GA(3), the gibberellin biosythesis inhibitor paclobutrazol, and ABA had no significant effect. IAA and ABA levels are higher in the developing achenes than in the receptacle tissue and may be important for receptacle enlargement and ripening, and seed maturation, respectively. Contrary to a recent report, the biologically active GA(4) was not detected. The pattern of changes in the levels of the hormones are different from those reported in another well studied non-climateric fruit, grape, suggesting that a single consistent pattern of hormone changes does not occur in this group of fruit during ripening.  相似文献   

The ovulatory cycle of the domestic hen is approximately 26 h in length. The hen ovulates an egg each day at a progressively later time until she finally skips a day, resets her "clock" and a new sequence is started. The ovarian component of this unique timing mechanism is the focus of this report. In Experiment 1, we asked whether there was a difference in luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated progesterone (P4) secretion by the granulosa layer removed from the largest follicle (F1) that had been the F1 follicle for 8, 12, or 32 h. In Experiment 2, our objective was to determine whether the theca layer of an F1 follicle influenced P4 secretion by the granulosa layer of that follicle and whether such an interaction depended on the maturity of the F1 follicle (had been a F1 follicle for 8 h or 32 h). Results from Experiment 1 revealed that there was no significant difference in LH-stimulated P4 secretion by the granulosa layer in a perifusion system regardless of the length of time the follicle had been the largest follicle. In contrast, in Experiment 2, when granulosa and theca layers from the same follicle were co-incubated in a perifusion system, P4 secretion from the more mature F1 follicle (32 h) increased in response to LH, whereas P4 secretion from the less mature F1 follicle (8 h) was not elevated by LH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Levels of magnal estrogen and progesterone receptors during egg formation in the hen were determined. Hens were sacrificed at various times after ovulation and magnal receptor levels were determined by tritiated hormone binding assays. A coincident increase in nuclear estrogen receptor and decrease in cytosol estrogen receptor 2 to 4 h postoviposition was suggestive of in vivo receptor translocation. At 12 to 16 h postoviposition cytosol progesterone receptor increased 2-fold and subsequently declined during the time of preovulatory progesterone surge (8 h to 6 h prior to expected ovulation). These data suggest that changes in circulating levels of estrogen and progesterone, associated with ovulation, are coordinated with oviductal function. This is reflected by fluxes of their respective oviductal receptors.  相似文献   

Progesterone receptor A and B subunits from laying hen oviducts were highly purified and their phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase from bovine heart was studied. Both proteins are phosphorylated by the kinase using physiological or subphysiological concentrations of the enzyme. This result indicates that the receptors are good substrates. The reaction is dependent upon exogenous enzyme; no phosphorylation is seen in the absence of protein kinase.  相似文献   

We investigated in six men the impact of 17 days of head-down bed rest (HDBR) on the daily rhythms of the hormones involved in hydroelectrolytic regulation. This HDBR study was designed to mimic a real space flight. Urine samples were collected at each voiding before, during and after HDBR. Urinary excretion of Growth Hormone (GH), Cortisol, 6 Sulfatoxymelatonin, Normetadrenaline (NMN) and Metadrenaline (NM) was determined. A decrease in urinary cortisol excretion during the night of HDBR was noted. For GH, a rhythm was found before and during HDBR. The rhythm of melatonin, evaluated with the urine excretion of 6 Sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6S), the main hepatic metabolite, persisted throughout the experiment without any modification to the level of phase. A decrease during the night was noted for normetadrenaline urinary derivates, but only during the HDBR.  相似文献   

Secretion of progesterone by granulosa cells from preovulatory follicles of mice was determined during 2 weeks of cell culture in the presence of androgens, estrogen and pituitary gonadotropins. Androstenedione (10(-7) M) and dihydrotestosterone (10(-7) M) stimulated (P less than 0.05) progesterone secretion during the first 11 days of culture. In contrast, 17 beta-estradiol (10(-11)-10(-7) M) did not alter (P greater than 0.10) progesterone secretion throughout the culture period. Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulated (P less than 0.01) the granulosa cells in a dose-dependent manner during the first few days of culture. This luteotropic effect was rapidly lost and at later times when FSH was not effective, LH suppressed (P less than 0.05) progesterone secretion. In the presence of prolactin (Prl) (1 microgram/ml), granulosa cells progressively secreted more progesterone during the first week of culture. After maximal stimulation on Days 7-9, progesterone secretion by Prl-treated cells began to decline, but the amount of steroid produced on Day 13 was still higher (P less than 0.05) than in control cultures. Androstenedione and Prl gave an additive effect on progesterone secretion during Days 3-5 of culture. Thereafter, the androgen, although stimulatory by itself, did not influence the luteotropic action of Prl. Unlike the early effect of androgens, 17 beta-estradiol acted synergistically with Prl to maintain maximal secretion of progesterone during the last 4 days of culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Arrom L  Munné-Bosch S 《Planta》2012,236(2):343-354
Much effort has been focussed on better understanding the key signals that modulate floral senescence. Although ethylene is one of the most important regulators of floral senescence in several species, Lilium flowers show low sensitivity to ethylene; thus their senescence may be regulated by other hormones. In this study we have examined how (1) endogenous levels of hormones in various floral tissues (outer and inner tepals, androecium and gynoecium) vary throughout flower development, (2) endogenous levels of hormones in such tissues change in cut versus intact flowers at anthesis, and (3) spray applications of abscisic acid and pyrabactin alter flower longevity. Results show that floral tissues behave differently in their hormonal changes during flower development. Cytokinin and auxin levels mostly increased in tepals prior to anthesis and decreased later during senescence. In contrast, levels of abscisic acid increased during senescence, but only in outer tepals and the gynoecium, and during the latest stages. In addition, cut flowers at anthesis differed from intact flowers in the levels of abscisic acid and auxins in outer tepals, salicylic acid in inner tepals, cytokinins, gibberellins and jasmonic acid in the androecium, and abscisic acid and salicylic acid in the gynoecium, thus showing a clear differential response between floral tissues. Furthermore, spray applications of abscisic acid and pyrabactin in combination accelerated the latest stages of tepal senescence, yet only when flower senescence was delayed with Promalin. It is concluded that (1) floral tissues differentially respond in their endogenous variations of hormones during flower development, (2) cut flowers have drastic changes in the hormonal balance not only of outer and inner tepals but also of androecium and gynoecium, and (3) abscisic acid may accelerate the progression of tepal senescence in Lilium.  相似文献   

Bilateral ablation of the ventral hyperstriatum resulted in hens ceasing to use trap-nests which they had formerly used. The appetitive component of their pre-laying behaviour was normal in form but was not directed towards the trap-nests, as it was in control birds. In the absence of trap-nests in a pen control birds laid in corners and were conservative in choice of site but both these characteristics were abolished by these ablations. Other bilateral ablations involving the Wulst had less drastic effects on pre-laying behaviour while bilateral ablations in the posterior telencephalon had no effect on this behaviour pattern.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have consistently shown that an early full-term pregnancy is protective against breast cancer. We hypothesize that the hormonal milieu that is present during pregnancy results in persistent changes in the pattern of gene expression in the mammary gland, leading to permanent changes in cell fate that determine the subsequent proliferative response of the gland. To investigate this hypothesis, we have used suppression subtractive hybridization to identify genes that are persistently up-regulated in the glands of E- and progesterone (P)-treated Wistar-Furth rats 28 d after steroid hormone treatment compared with age-matched virgins. Using this approach, a number of genes displaying persistent altered expression in response to previous treatment with E and P were identified. Two markers have been characterized in greater detail: RbAp46 and a novel gene that specifies a noncoding RNA (designated G.B7). Both were persistently up-regulated in the lobules of the regressed gland and required previous treatment with both E and P for maximal persistent expression. RbAp46 has been implicated in a number of complexes involving chromatin remodeling, suggesting a mechanism whereby epigenetic factors responsible for persistent changes in gene expression may be related to the determination of cell fate. These results provide the first support at the molecular level for the hypothesis that hormone-induced persistent changes in gene expression are present in the involuted mammary gland.  相似文献   

The diverse techniques used to successfully regulate reproduction in domestic farm species involve both the direct and indirect manipulation of the endocrine system. Rapid advances in our understanding of the endocrine control of reproduction provides for an expansion and improvement of the techniques available to control fertility. A failure to appreciate even subtle species differences in physiological control mechanisms frequently limits the success of otherwise effective treatments. Changes in the social environment, acting through pheromonal signals, and changes in the physical environment such as light and temperature, may be effective in regulating reproductive function. Likewise changes in suckling intensity and nutritional availability can be used to alter the fertility and fecundity of farm species. Direct intervention to modify reproductive activity is practised at all stages of the reproductive cycle. The range of compounds currently used exert their effects at all levels of the reproductive axis and may promote or inhibit the synthesis and release of hormones, as well as their action in target tissues. Regulation of the bioavailability of hormones has also proved to be an effective means of controlling fertility. In contrast to the application of fertility control in the human and in non-domesticated species, in the socio-economic climate of the modern animal husbandry industry, long term control of the timing of reproductive activity may be as economically important as an increase in fertility or fecundity.  相似文献   

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