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Structure and tissue distribution of chicken leptin receptor (cOb-R) mRNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Chicken leptin receptor (cOb-R) cDNA has been cloned, sequenced and characterized. The predicted cOb-R preprotein was composed of 1148 amino acids showing approximately 60% sequence identity with the long isoform of mammalian leptin receptor, and contained a putative signal peptide, a single transmembrane domain and the conserved box 1, 2 and 3 motifs in the cytoplasmic region. High levels of cOb-R mRNA expression were observed in ovary and brain, and less abundant expression of the mRNA was detected in liver, kidney and intestine in juvenile females and sexually matured hens. The expression levels of cOb-R mRNA did not change during sexual maturation in most tissues, but the mRNA level in the intestine was higher in matured hens than in juveniles. Estrogen treatment was found to enhance the Ob-R mRNA expression in the intestine, but not in other tissues.  相似文献   

The plasma clearance, tissue distribution and metabolism of hyaluronic acid were studied with a high average molecular weight [3H]acetyl-labelled hyaluronic acid synthesized in synovial cell cultures. After intravenous injection in the rabbit the label disappeared from the plasma with a half-life of 2.5--4.5 min, which corresponds to a normal hyaluronic acid clearance of approx. 10 mg/day per kg body weight. Injection of unlabelled hyaluronic acid 15 min after the tracer failed to reverse its absorption. Clearance of labelled polymer was retarded by prior injection of excess unlabelled hyaluronic acid. The maximum clearance capacity was estimated in these circumstances to be about 30 mg/day per kg body wt. The injected material was concentrated in the liver and spleen. As much as 88% of the label was absorbed by the liver, where it was found almost entirely in non-parenchymal cells. Degradation was rapid and complete, since volatile material, presumably 3H2O, appeared in the plasma within 20 min. Undegraded [3H]hyaluronic acid, small labelled residues and 3H2O were detected in the liver, but there was little evidence of intermediate oligosaccharides. No metabolite except 3H2O was recognized in plasma or urine. Two-thirds of the radioactivity was retained in the body water 24 h later, and small amounts were found in liver lipids. Radioactivity did not decline in the spleen as rapidly as in the liver. The upper molecular weight limit for renal excretion was about 25 000. Renal excretion played a negligible part in clearance. It is concluded that hyaluronic acid is removed from the plasma and degraded quickly by an efficient extrarenal system with a high reserve capacity, sited mainly in the liver.  相似文献   

Chicken is characterized by a relative insulin resistance and a physiological hyperglycemia (2g/L) and is also subjected to fattening. Fat deposits in chicken, as in mammals, are regulated by environmental and genetic factors. In mammals, leptin, an adipose cell-specific secreted protein has been characterized that is encoded by ob gene. Leptin regulates satiety through hypothalamic specific receptors, energy balance, energy efficiency and contributes to adaptation to starvation. The leptin gene has been characterized in various mammalian species, and the cloning and sequencing of the chicken leptin gene (ob gene) are reported. Using RT-PCR and primers flanking the coding region of the leptin gene selected from known mammalian sequences, we have successfully amplified a 600-bp fragment from chicken liver and adipose tissue total ARNs. The amplified fragment exhibits a similar size to that of the coding region of the mammalian leptin gene. The sequences of the coding region of chicken liver and adipose tissue are identical and presented 97%, 96% and 83% similarity to the mouse, rat and human sequences, respectively. Finally, this is the first report showing that leptin gene expression in chicken is not exclusively localized in adipose tissue but is also expressed in liver. The expression of leptin in liver may be associated with a key role of this organ in avian species in controlling lipogenesis.  相似文献   

Free radicals superoxide (O(2)(-)) and nitric oxide (*NO) are generated by blood vessels and can rapidly react to produce a peroxynitrite anion (ONOO(-)), a powerful oxidant that modifies lipoproteins making them more atherogenic. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of peroxynitrite-induced modifications on beta-very-low-density lipoprotein (beta-VLDL) as to its biodistribution and plasma clearance rate, as well as the uptake of these particles by THP-1 cells. After being injected into New Zealand White rabbits, the peroxynitrite-modified beta-VLDL (99mTc-per-beta-VLDL) was cleared from circulation faster than the native beta-VLDL (99mTc-nat-beta-VLDL) in both normocholesterolemic rabbits (NC) and in hypercholesterolemic rabbits (HC). In HC rabbits, the fractional clearance of 99mTc-labeled beta-VLDL was significantly lower than in NC rabbits. The in vivo studies showed that accumulation of 99mTc-labeled beta-VLDL, expressed per gram of tissue, followed the decreasing order: kidney > liver > spleen > adrenal gland >or= lung > aortic arch > heart >or= abdominal aorta > thoracic aorta > psoas muscle. The high accumulation in the kidneys suggests the processing of 99mTc-labeled apolipoproteins by receptors present in kidney cells. The accumulation of 99mTc-nat-beta-VLDL in the whole organ was the following: liver > kidney > heart > spleen > adrenal gland > aorta in HC and NC rabbits. The uptake of 99mTc-per-beta-VLDL by the spleen was greater than the uptake by the heart in both groups. The in vitro studies showed that the uptake of 99mTc-per-beta-VLDL by THP-1 cells was higher than that of 99mTc-nat-beta-VLDL. These results show that peroxynitrite-modified beta-VLDL is rapidly removed from plasma and accumulates in several tissues, mainly in the liver and kidney. This may be particularly important in hypercholesterolemic situations that could favor the accumulation of native and peroxynitrite-modified beta-VLDL in several tissues.  相似文献   

The blood clearance and tissue distribution of liposomes have been studied in mice subjected to reticuloendothelial blockade with dextran sulphate or carbon. The liposomes have been labelled in the lipid membranes with [3H]-cholesterol, [14C]phosphatidylcholine and/or 99mTc and the content with [14C]inulin. Reticuloendothelial blockade has been shown to slow the rate of clearance of neutral, positively and negatively charged liposomes and of both small unilamellar vesicles and large multilamellar vesicles. In normal animals, the liver uptake accounted for only 20-55% of the total injected radioactivity, the amount varying with the charge and size of the liposomes. Following blockade, the liver uptake of charged and neutral multilamellar liposomes was depressed. This was also true for negatively charged small unilamellar vesicles. The degree of depression of hepatic uptake was between 25-50%, which contrasts with the 80-90% reduction in uptake of a wholly phagocytosed particle (sheep red cells). This difference suggests that mechanisms other than Kupffer cell phagocytosis are also responsible for the normal uptake of liposomes into the liver. In the case of neutral and positively charged small unilamellar vesicles, delayed clearance due to blockade was not associated with 'depressed' hepatic uptake. The site of action of blockading agents for these preparations is not clear. With all preparations of liposomes, blockade produced a slight and variable increase in uptake in the lung and spleen. The alteration of distribution of liposomes by reticuloendothelial blockade is therefore not great and the value of the technique in modifying the tissue distribution of substances within liposomes may be limited.  相似文献   

Riboflavin-binding proteins (RBP) purified from chicken egg white, yolk and the serum of laying hens differ in their carbohydrate compositions reflecting tissue-specific modifications of a single gene product. All three are complex glycoproteins having more than twice as many N-acetylglucosamine residues (>12) as mannose residues (approx. 6). Egg white RBP is distinctive in having only one sialic acid and two galactose residues. Serum RBP contains approx. five sialic acid and seven galactose residues. In addition there is one residue of fucose. The carbohydrate composition of yolk RBP indicates the hydrolysis, respectively, of one, one, two and 3 residues of sialic acid, fucose, galactose, and N-acetylglucosamine from its precursor, serum RBP. The effect of these differing levels of glycosylation on plasma clearance, ovarian uptake and tissue distribution of 125I-labeled riboflavin-binding proteins in laying hens were compared. 2 h after intravenous injection, 19% of the egg white RBP, 29% of the yolk RBP, and 37% of the serum RBP remained in circulation. The kinetics of plasma clearance was distinctly biphasic for each of the radioiodinated proteins. The initial rapid-turnover component (t12=13 min) ranged from 27% of the serum RBP sample to 48% of the egg white RBP sample. The remaining slow-turnover components were cleared with half-lives fo 81 min (egg white RBP), 101 min (yokl RBP), and 121 min (serum RBP). 16 h after injection, only 4% of the egg white RBP was deposited in the yolk of developing oocytes while about 12% of the serum RBP and yolk RBP was deposited. This higly significant difference is apparently due to preferential, carbohydrate-dependent clearance of egg white RBP by the liver rather than preferential uptake of serum and yolk RBP by the ovarian follicle. We find no evidence for carbohydrate-directed uptake of riboflavin-binding protein by the ovarian follicle.  相似文献   

The plasma half-life of recombinant human interleukin-6 (rhIL-6) was determined in rats by measuring the disappearance of the biological activity as well as of the radioactivity of 125I-rhIL-6 from the circulation. The kinetics of clearance were biphasic. It consisted of a rapid initial disappearance corresponding to a half-life of 3 min, and of a second slow one corresponding to a half-life of about 55 min. By cellulose-acetate electrophoresis it was shown that rhIL-6 binds to a plasma protein resulting in a complex migrating in the beta-gamma region; 20 min after intravenous injection, about 80% of the 125I-rhIL-6 that had disappeared from the circulation was found in the liver. 125I-rhIL-6 was exclusively localized on the surface of parenchymal cells suggesting the existence of an interleukin-6 receptor on the hepatocytes.  相似文献   

11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11HSD1) is an enzyme that interconverts active 11-hydroxy glucocorticoids (cortisol, corticosterone) and their inactive 11-oxo derivatives (cortisone, 11-dehydrocorticosterone). Although bidirectional, it is considered to operate in vivo as an 11-reductase that regenerates active glucocorticoids and thus amplifies their local activity in mammals. Here we report the cloning, characterization and tissue distribution of chicken 11HSD1 (ch11HSD1). Its cDNA predicts a protein of 300 amino acids that share 51-56% sequence identity with known mammalian 11HSD1 proteins, while in contrast to most mammals, ch11HSD1 contains only one N-linked glycosylation site. Analysis of the tissue distribution pattern by RT-PCR revealed that ch11HSD1 is expressed in a large variety of tissues, with high expression in the liver, kidney and intestine, and weak in the gonads, brain and heart. 11-Reductase activity has been found in the liver, kidney, intestine and gonads with low or almost zero activity in the brain and heart. These results provide evidence for a role of 11HSD1 as a tissue-specific regulator of glucocorticoid action in non-mammalian vertebrates and may serve as a suitable model for further analysis of 11HSD1 evolution in vertebrates.  相似文献   

High levels of phenylalanine (Phe) in blood have been shown to reduce dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) production. Leptin levels rise with increasing adiposity in rodents and humans acting as a negative feedback adipostatic signal to brain centers. The aim of this study was to evaluate leptin plasma levels in phenylketonuria (PKU) patients adhering to their special diet and in those on a 'loose diet'. Forty-nine patients with classical PKU were divided into two groups. Those in group A (n = 21) adhered very strictly to their diet (Phe: 0.15 +/- 0.04 mmol/l) and those in group B (n = 28) were on a 'loose diet' (Phe: 0.8 +/- 0.04 mmol/l). Thirty healthy children of comparable age served as controls. Both patients and controls were in pubertal stage 0 (Tanner). BMI (kg/m(2)) was evaluated in all the members of the groups. Their daily nutrients were calculated with a 7-day dietary protocol. Leptin was evaluated by RIA, and Phe and Tyrosine with an amino acid autoanalyser. Adrenaline (A), NA and DA were measured by an HPLC method. Plasma leptin in group B patients (28.4 +/- 2.0 ng/ml) was significantly increased as compared to group A patients (16.8 +/- 2. 6 ng/ml) and controls (17.8 +/- 3.0 ng/ml; p < 0.001). Plasma DA, A, and NA in group B was lower than in group A and controls. Additionally, leptin negatively correlated with A and DA, whereas Phe positively correlated with the hormone in all groups. Leptin, also, correlated with BMI only in group A and controls. Additionally, the hormone negatively correlated with the total energy intake only in group A (r = -0.43, p < 0.01) and in controls (r = -0.040, p < 0.01). It is suggested that the disregulation of the neuroendocrine system as well as the high Phe blood levels might play an important role in the increased leptin concentrations in PKU patients on a 'loose diet'.  相似文献   

Protein cage nanoparticles have the potential to serve as multifunctional cell targeted, imaging and therapeutic platforms for broad applications in medicine. However, before they find applications in medicine, their biocompatibility in vivo needs to be demonstrated. We provide here baseline biodistribution information of two different spherical protein cage nanoplatforms, the 28 nm viral Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus (CCMV) and the 12 nm heat shock protein (Hsp) cage. In naive and immunized mice both nanoplatforms show similar broad distribution and movement throughout most tissues and organs, rapid excretion, the absence of long-term persistence within mice tissue and organs, and no overt toxicity after a single injection. These results suggest that protein cage based nanoparticles may serve as safe, biocompatible, nanoplatforms for applications in medicine.  相似文献   

Studies to examine the percentages of proliferating plasma cells (PPC) in the Harderian gland (HG) were carried out in chicks between 5 and 12 weeks of age. Two methods, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporation into DNA and flow cytometric analysis of propidium iodide (PI) stained cells, were employed in control and emetine dihydrochloride treated birds. Flow cytometric analysis of PI stained cells showed the percentages of plasma cells in S phase were highest between 6 and 8 weeks of age. After this period of time, the number of S phase plasma cells decreased and remained low through 12 weeks of age. The lowest percentages of plasma cells in G0 + G1 were found at 6 and 8 weeks of age, and all ages had equal percentages of plasma cells in G2 + M phase. After administration of the protein synthesis inhibitor emetine dihydrochloride a common pattern of plasma cell depletion and repopulation in the HG was observed. At 3 and 5 days post-treatment the plasma cell population in the gland decreased and by 7 days post-treatment repopulation of the gland with plasma cells had taken place. Anti-BrdUrd staining of frozen sections revealed that the number of PPC were decreased at 3 days after emetine treatment but were as high as, or higher than, controls at 5 and 7 days post-treatment. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that some birds were more severely affected by emetine. Namely, the percentages of plasma cells in S phase were lower at 3 and 5 days post-treatment. Even though most birds were severely affected by emetine treatment during the experiments, they possessed a cell population with the proliferative capacity to quickly repopulate the HG by 7 days post-emetine treatment.  相似文献   

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