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A microbiological process was established to harvest electricity from the carbon monoxide (CO). A CO fermenter was enriched with CO as the sole carbon source. The DGGE/DNA sequencing results showed that Acetobacterium spp. were enriched from the anaerobic digester fluid. After the fermenter was operated under continuous mode, the products were then continuously fed to the microbial fuel cell (MFC) to generate electricity. Even though the conversion yield was quite low, this study proved that synthesis gas (syn-gas) can be converted to electricity with the aid of microbes that do not possess the drawbacks of metal catalysts of conventional methods.  相似文献   

The production and storage of energy from renewable resources steadily increases in importance. One opportunity is to utilize carbon dioxide (CO2)-type hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which are an intriguing group of microorganisms from the domain Archaea, for conversion of hydrogen and CO2 to methane (CH4). This review summarizes the current state of the art of bioprocess development for biological CH4 production (BMP) from pure cultures with pure gasses. The prerequisites for successful quantification of BMP by using closed batch, as well as fed-batch and chemostat culture cultivation, are presented. This review shows that BMP is currently a much underexplored field of bioprocess development, which mainly focuses on the application of continuously stirred tank reactors. However, some promising alternatives, such as membrane reactors have already been adapted for BMP. Moreover, industrial-based scale-up of BMP to pilot scale and larger has not been conducted. Most crucial parameters have been found to be those, which influence gas-limitation fundamentals, or parameters that contribute to the complex effects that arise during medium development for scale-up of BMP bioprocesses, highly stressing the importance of holistic BMP quantification by the application of well-defined physiological parameters. The much underexplored number of different genera, which is mainly limited to Methanothermobacter spp., offers the possibility of additional scientific and bioprocess development endeavors for the investigation of BMP. This indicates the large potential for future bioprocess development considering the possible application of bioprocessing technological aspects for renewable energy storage and power generation.  相似文献   

Studies to examine the microbial fermentation of coal gasification products (CO2, H2 and CO) to methane have been done with a mixed culture of anaerobic bacteria selected from an anaerobic sewage digestor. The specific rate of methane production at 37°C reached 25 mmol/g cell hr. The stoichiometry for methane production was 4 mmol H2/mol CO2. Cell recycle was used to increase the cell concentration from 2.5 to 8.3 g/liter; the volumetric rate of methane production ran from 1.3 to 4 liter/liter hr. The biogasification was also examined at elevated pressure (450 psi) and temperature to facilitate interfacing with a coal gasifier. At 60°C, the specific rate of methane production reached 50 mmol/g cell hr. Carbon monoxide utilization by the mixed culture of anaerobes and by a Rhodopseudomonas species was examined. Both cultures are able to carry out the shift conversion of CO and water to CO2 and hydrogen.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus onnurineus, was grown in media supplemented with either CO, formate, or starch. H2 was produced with each substrate with respective maximum rates of 1.55, 3.83 and 2.66 mmol H2/l h. The yields (mol H2/mol substrate) were 0.98, 1 and 3.13, respectively. This microbe is the first example where a single microorganism can grow and produce H2 using CO, formate or starch as substrate.  相似文献   

High molecular weight organic matter synthesized from mixtures of carbon monoxide, ammonia and water gases similar to those found in the interstellar medium were irradiated with a 3 MeV proton beam and analyzed by Curie point pyrolysis with detection by gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer (Pyr-GC-MS). A wide variety of organic compounds, not only a number of amide compounds, but also heterocyclic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), were detected among the products of the pyrolysis. The present data shows that primary and primitive organic matter serving as precursors to bioorganic compounds such as amino acids, nucleic acid bases and sugar might have been formed in a gaseous mixture of similar composition to that of the interstellar dust environment.  相似文献   

To examine the potential use of synthesis gas as a carbon and energy source in fermentation processes, Rhodospirillum rubrum was cultured on synthesis gas generated from discarded seed corn. The growth rates, growth and poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) yields, and CO oxidation/H(2) evolution rates were evaluated in comparison to the rates observed with an artificial synthesis gas mixture. Depending on the gas conditioning system used, synthesis gas either stimulated or inhibited CO-oxidation rates compared to the observations with the artificial synthesis gas mixture. Inhibitory and stimulatory compounds in synthesis gas could be removed by the addition of activated charcoal, char-tar, or char-ash filters (char, tar, and ash are gasification residues). In batch fermentations, approximately 1.4 mol CO was oxidized per day per g cell protein with the production of 0.75 mol H(2) and 340 mg PHA per day per g cell protein. The PHA produced from R. rubrum grown on synthesis gas was composed of 86% beta-hydroxybutyrate and 14% beta-hydroxyvalerate. Mass transfer of CO into the liquid phase was determined as the rate-limiting step in the fermentation.  相似文献   

The deep anoxic shelf of the northwestern Black Sea has numerous gas seeps, which are populated by methanotrophic microbial mats in and above the seafloor. Above the seafloor, the mats can form tall reef-like structures composed of porous carbonate and microbial biomass. Here, we investigated the spatial patterns of CH(4) and CO(2) assimilation in relation to the distribution of ANME groups and their associated bacteria in mat samples obtained from the surface of a large reef structure. A combination of different methods, including radiotracer incubation, beta microimaging, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization, was applied to sections of mat obtained from the large reef structure to locate hot spots of methanotrophy and to identify the responsible microbial consortia. In addition, CO(2) reduction to methane was investigated in the presence or absence of methane, sulfate, and hydrogen. The mat had an average delta(13)C carbon isotopic signature of -67.1 per thousand, indicating that methane was the main carbon source. Regions dominated by ANME-1 had isotope signatures that were significantly heavier (-66.4 per thousand +/- 3.9 per thousand [mean +/- standard deviation; n = 7]) than those of the more central regions dominated by ANME-2 (-72.9 per thousand +/- 2.2 per thousand; n = 7). Incorporation of (14)C from radiolabeled CH(4) or CO(2) revealed one hot spot for methanotrophy and CO(2) fixation close to the surface of the mat and a low assimilation efficiency (1 to 2% of methane oxidized). Replicate incubations of the mat with (14)CH(4) or (14)CO(2) revealed that there was interconversion of CH(4) and CO(2.) The level of CO(2) reduction was about 10% of the level of anaerobic oxidation of methane. However, since considerable methane formation was observed only in the presence of methane and sulfate, the process appeared to be a rereaction of anaerobic oxidation of methane rather than net methanogenesis.  相似文献   

Whole cells of Alcaligenes eutrophus (as well as isolated P. oxalaticus formate dehydrogenase and A. eutrophus hydrogenase coupled via NAD(+) or methyl viologen) have been shown to produce H(2) from formic acid. Immobilization of the cells in kappacarrageenan gel greatly enhances their stability at room temperature. The rate of hydrogen production catalyzed by immobilized A. eutrophus has been studied as a function of the concentrations of the cells and formate and also pH. An inhibition by high concentrations of formate has been found. Immobilized cells were also capable of synthesizingformate from H(2) and bicarbonate. Yields of formate up to 30% have been obtained. The catalytic efficiency of immobilized A. eutrophus cells was compared with that of palladium adsorbed on activated carbon.  相似文献   

A simple apparatus is described which permits the continuous monitoring of 14CO2 production from ten separate reaction mixtures simultaneously. The device is relatively simple and inexpensive to construct, makes use of small disposable incubation vials, and allows complete trapping of all 14CO2 evolved in scintillation vials, where it can be easily counted. The use of this apparatus to determine the rates of metabolism by glomeruli of 14C-labeled substrates to 14CO2 is described.  相似文献   

Aims:  The objective of this study is to develop kinetic models based on batch experiments describing the growth, CO2 consumption, and H2 production of Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413-UTM as functions of irradiance and CO2 concentration.
Methods and Results:  A parametric experimental study is performed for irradiances from 1120 to 16100 lux and for initial CO2 mole fractions from 0·03 to 0·20 in argon at pH 7·0 ± 0·4 with nitrate in the medium. Kinetic models are successfully developed based on the Monod model and on a novel scaling analysis employing the CO2 consumption half-time as the time scale.
Conclusions:  Monod models predict the growth, CO2 consumption and O2 production within 30%. Moreover, the CO2 consumption half-time is an appropriate time scale for analysing all experimental data. In addition, the optimum initial CO2 mole fraction is 0·05 for maximum growth and CO2 consumption rates. Finally, the saturation irradiance is determined to be 5170 lux for CO2 consumption and growth whereas, the maximum H2 production rate occurs around 10 000 lux.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The study presents kinetic models predicting the growth, CO2 consumption and H2 production of A. variabilis . The experimental and scaling analysis methods can be generalized to other micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Apparatus is described by the use of which accurate scale drawings may be made of plants or other biological material for the study of growth changes or the development of disease symptoms. The apparatus has other uses, e.g. enlargement of drawings, etc., and these are also described. Examples of drawings made with the apparatus are included.  相似文献   

A 13C/12C mass spectrometer was interfaced with a open gas exchange system including four growth chambers to investigate CO2 exchange components of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) stands. Chambers were fed with air containing CO2 with known δ13C (δCΟ2?2.6 or ?46.8‰). The system did not fractionate C isotopes and no extraneous CO2 leaked into chambers. The on‐line 13C discrimination (Δ) of ryegrass stands in light was independent of δCΟ2 when δCΟ2 was constant. The δ of CO2 exchanged by the stands in light (δNd) and darkness (δRn) differed by 0.7‰, suggesting some Δ in dark respiration at the stand‐level. However, Δ decreased by ~ 10‰ when δCΟ2 was switched from ?46.8 to ?2.5‰, and increased by ~ 10‰ following a shift from ?2.6 to ?46.7‰ due to isotopic disequilibria between photosynthetic and respiratory fluxes. Isotopic imbalances were used to assess (non‐photorespiratory) respiration in light and the replacement of the respiratory substrate pool(s) by new photosynthate. Respiration was partially inhibited by light, but increased during the light period and decreased in darkness, in association with temperature changes. The labelling kinetics of respiratory CO2 indicated the existence of two major respiratory substrate pools: a fast pool which was exchanged within hours, and a slow pool accounting for ~ 60% of total respiration and having a mean residence time of 3.6 d.  相似文献   

Most of the terrestrial deep subsurfaces are oligotrophic environments in which some gases, mainly H2, CH4 and CO2, play an important role as energy and/or carbon sources. In this work, we assessed their biotic and abiotic origin in samples from subsurface hard-rock cores of the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) at three different depths (414, 497 and 520 m). One set of samples was sterilized (abiotic control) and all samples were incubated under anaerobic conditions. Our results showed that H2, CH4 and CO2 remained low and constant in the sterilized controls while their levels were 4, 4.1 and 2.5 times higher respectively, in the unsterilized samples compared to the abiotic controls. The δ13CCH4-values measured in the samples (range −31.2 to −43.0 ‰) reveals carbon isotopic signatures that are within the range for biological methane production. Possible microorganisms responsible for the biotic production of the gases were assessed by CARD-FISH. The analysis of sequenced genomes of detected microorganisms within the subsurface of the IPB allowed to identify possible metabolic activities involved in H2 (Rhodoplanes, Shewanella and Desulfosporosinus), CH4 (Methanobacteriales) and CO2 production. The obtained results suggest that part of the H2, CH4 and CO2 detected in the deep subsurface has a biological origin.  相似文献   

Mannitol has been widely used in fine chemicals, pharmaceutical industries, as well as functional foods due to its excellent characteristics, such as antioxidant protecting, regulation of osmotic pressure and non-metabolizable feature. Mannitol can be naturally produced by microorganisms. Compared with chemical manufacturing, microbial production of mannitol provides high yield and convenience in products separation; however the fermentative process has not been widely adopted yet. A major obstacle to microbial production of mannitol under industrial-scale lies in the low economical efficiency, owing to the high cost of fermentation medium, leakage of fructose, low mannitol productivity. In this review, recent advances in improving the economical efficiency of microbial production of mannitol were reviewed, including utilization of low-cost substrates, strain development for high mannitol yield and process regulation strategies for high productivity.  相似文献   

A model primitive gas containing a mixture of N2, CO and water vapor over a water pool (300 mL, 37 °C) was subjected to electric discharges. The discharge vessel (7 L in volume) was equipped with a CO2 absorber (The CO2 being formed during the discharge), thus simulating possible absorption of CO2 in the primitive ocean. The vessel also has a cold trap ( –15 °C), which protects the primary products against the further decomposition in the discharge phase by enabling these products to adhere to the trap. Since the partial pressures of CO and N2 decreased at rates of 1.5–1.7 cmHg day–1 and 0.1–0.2 cmHg day–1, respectively, the gases were added at regular intervals. The solution was analyzed at regular intervals for HCN, HCHO and urea, and maximum concentrations of about 50, 2, and 140 mM were observed. The discharge phase was continued for 6 months. In the solution, glycine (5.6% yield based on the carbon), glycylglycine (0.64%), orotic acid (0.004%) and small amounts of the other amino acids were found.  相似文献   

The thermophilic bacterium, Moorella sp. HUC22-1, newly isolated from a mud sample, produced ethanol from H(2) and CO(2) during growth at 55 degrees C. In batch cultures in serum bottles, 1.5 mM ethanol was produced from 270 mM H(2) and 130 mM CO(2) after 156 h, whereas less than 1 mM ethanol was produced from 23 mM fructose after 33 h. Alcohol dehydrogenase and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase activities were higher in cells grown with H(2) and CO(2) than those grown with fructose. The NADH/NAD(+) and NADPH/NADP(+) ratios in cells grown with H(2) and CO(2) were also higher than those in cells grown with fructose. When the culture pH was controlled at 5 with H(2) and CO(2) in a fermenter, ethanol production was 3.7-fold higher than that in a pH-uncontrolled culture after 220 h.  相似文献   

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