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Maintenance of genome stability during cell division depends on establishing correct attachments between chromosomes and spindle microtubules. Correct, bioriented attachments are stabilized, whereas incorrect attachments are selectively destabilized. This process relies largely on increased phosphorylation of kinetochore substrates of Aurora B kinase at misaligned versus aligned kinetochores. Current models explain this differential phosphorylation by spatial changes in the position of substrates relative to?a constant pool of kinase at the inner centromere. However, these models are based on studies in aneuploid cells. We show that normal diploid cells have a more robust error-correction machinery. Aurora B is enriched at misaligned centromeres in these cells, and the dynamic range of Aurora B substrate phosphorylation at misaligned versus aligned kinetochores is increased. These findings indicate that in addition to Aurora B regulating kinetochore-microtubule binding, the kinetochore also controls Aurora B recruitment to the inner centromere. We show that this recruitment depends on both activity of Plk1, a kinetochore-localized kinase, and activity of Aurora B itself. Our results suggest a feedback mechanism in which Aurora B both regulates and is regulated by chromosome attachment to the spindle, which amplifies the differential phosphorylation of kinetochore substrates and increases the efficiency of error correction.  相似文献   

During mitotic spindle assembly, Aurora B kinase is part of an error correction mechanism that detaches microtubules from kinetochores that are under low mechanical tension. During anaphase, however, kinetochore-microtubule attachments must be maintained despite a drop of tension after removal of sister chromatid cohesion. Consistent with this requirement, Aurora B relocates away from chromosomes to the central spindle at the metaphase-anaphase transition. By ribonucleic acid interference screening using a phosphorylation biosensor, we identified two PP1-targeting subunits, Sds22 and Repo-Man, which counteracted Aurora B-dependent phosphorylation of the outer kinetochore component Dsn1 during anaphase. Sds22 or Repo-Man depletion induced transient pauses during poleward chromosome movement and a high incidence of chromosome missegregation. Thus, our study identifies PP1-targeting subunits that regulate the microtubule-kinetochore interface during anaphase for faithful chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

For accurate segregation of chromosomes during cell division, microtubule fibres must attach sister kinetochores to opposite poles of the mitotic spindle (bi-orientation). Aurora kinases are linked to oncogenesis and have been implicated in the regulation of chromosome-microtubule attachments. Although loss of Aurora kinase activity causes an accumulation of mal-orientated chromosomes in dividing cells, it is not known how the active kinase corrects improper chromosome attachments. The use of reversible small-molecule inhibitors allows activation of protein function in living vertebrate cells with temporal control. Here we show that by removal of small-molecule inhibitors, controlled activation of Aurora kinase during mitosis can correct chromosome attachment errors by selective disassembly of kinetochore-microtubule fibres, rather than by alternative mechanisms involving initial release of microtubules from either kinetochores or spindle poles. Observation of chromosomes and microtubule dynamics with real-time high-resolution microscopy showed that mal-orientated, but not bi-orientated, chromosomes move to the spindle pole as both kinetochore-microtubule fibres shorten, followed by alignment at the metaphase plate. Our results provide direct evidence for a mechanism required for the maintenance of genome integrity during cell division.  相似文献   

Loss or gain of whole chromosomes, the form of chromosomal instability (CIN) most commonly associated with human cancers, is expected to arise from the failure to accurately segregate chromosomes in mitosis. The mitotic checkpoint is one pathway that prevents segregation errors by blocking the onset of anaphase until all chromosomes make proper attachments to the spindle. Another process that prevents errors is stabilization and destabilization of connections between chromosomes and spindle microtubules. An outstanding question is how these two pathways are coordinated to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. Here we show that in human cells depleted of BubR1 - a critical component of the mitotic checkpoint that can directly regulate the onset of anaphase - chromosomes do not form stable attachments to spindle microtubules. Attachments in these cells are restored by inhibition of Aurora kinase, which is known to stabilize kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Loss of BubR1 function thus perturbs regulation of attachments rather than the ability of kinetochores to bind to microtubules. Consistent with this finding, depletion of BubR1 increases phosphorylation of CENP-A, a kinetochore-specific Aurora kinase substrate. We propose that BubR1 links regulation of chromosome-spindle attachment to mitotic checkpoint signalling.  相似文献   

Equal distribution of the genetic material during cell division relies on efficient congression of chromosomes to the metaphase plate. Prior to their alignment, the Dynein motor recruited to kinetochores transports a fraction of laterally-attached chromosomes along microtubules toward the spindle poles. By doing that, Dynein not only contributes to chromosome movements, but also prevents premature stabilization of end-on kinetochore-microtubule attachments. This is achieved by 2 parallel mechanisms: 1) Dynein-mediated poleward movement of chromosomes counteracts opposite polar-ejection forces (PEFs) on chromosome arms by the microtubule plus-end-directed motors chromokinesins. Otherwise, they could stabilize erroneous syntelic kinetochore-microtubule attachments and lead to the random ejection of chromosomes away from the spindle poles; and 2) By transporting chromosomes to the spindle poles, Dynein brings the former to the zone of highest Aurora A kinase activity, further destabilizing kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Thus, Dynein plays an important role in keeping chromosome segregation error-free by preventing premature stabilization of kinetochore-microtubule attachments near the spindle poles.  相似文献   

The coordinated activities at centromeres of two key cell cycle kinases, Polo and Aurora B, are critical for ensuring that the two sister kinetochores of each chromosome are attached to microtubules from opposite spindle poles prior to chromosome segregation at anaphase. Initial attachments of chromosomes to the spindle involve random interactions between kinetochores and dynamic microtubules, and errors occur frequently during early stages of the process. The balance between microtubule binding and error correction (e.g., release of bound microtubules) requires the activities of Polo and Aurora B kinases, with Polo promoting stable attachments and Aurora B promoting detachment. Our study concerns the coordination of the activities of these two kinases in vivo. We show that INCENP, a key scaffolding subunit of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC), which consists of Aurora B kinase, INCENP, Survivin, and Borealin/Dasra B, also interacts with Polo kinase in Drosophila cells. It was known that Aurora A/Bora activates Polo at centrosomes during late G2. However, the kinase that activates Polo on chromosomes for its critical functions at kinetochores was not known. We show here that Aurora B kinase phosphorylates Polo on its activation loop at the centromere in early mitosis. This phosphorylation requires both INCENP and Aurora B activity (but not Aurora A activity) and is critical for Polo function at kinetochores. Our results demonstrate clearly that Polo kinase is regulated differently at centrosomes and centromeres and suggest that INCENP acts as a platform for kinase crosstalk at the centromere. This crosstalk may enable Polo and Aurora B to achieve a balance wherein microtubule mis-attachments are corrected, but proper attachments are stabilized allowing proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase-1 (Plk1) is a highly conserved kinase with multiple mitotic functions. Plk1 localizes to prometaphase kinetochores and is reduced at metaphase kinetochores, similar to many checkpoint signaling proteins, but Plk1 is not required for spindle checkpoint function. Plk1 is also implicated in stabilizing kinetochore-microtubule attachments, but these attachments are most stable when kinetochore Plk1 levels are low at metaphase. Therefore, it is unclear how Plk1 function at kinetochores can be understood in the context of its dynamic localization. In this paper, we show that Plk1 activity suppresses kinetochore-microtubule dynamics to stabilize initial attachments in prometaphase, and Plk1 removal from kinetochores is necessary to maintain dynamic microtubules in metaphase. Constitutively targeting Plk1 to kinetochores maintained high activity at metaphase, leading to reduced interkinetochore tension and intrakinetochore stretch, a checkpoint-dependent mitotic arrest, and accumulation of microtubule attachment errors. Together, our data show that Plk1 dynamics at kinetochores control two critical mitotic processes: initially establishing correct kinetochore-microtubule attachments and subsequently silencing the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

To ensure accurate chromosome segregation, interactions between kinetochores and microtubules are regulated by a combination of mechanics and biochemistry. Tension provides a signal to discriminate attachment errors from bi-oriented kinetochores with sisters correctly attached to opposite spindle poles. Biochemically, Aurora B kinase phosphorylates kinetochores to destabilize interactions with microtubules. To link mechanics and biochemistry, current models regard tension as an input signal to locally regulate Aurora B activity. Here, we show that the outcome of kinetochore phosphorylation depends on tension. Using optogenetics to manipulate Aurora B at individual kinetochores, we find that kinase activity promotes microtubule release when tension is high. Conversely, when tension is low, Aurora B activity promotes depolymerization of kinetochore–microtubules while maintaining attachment. Thus, phosphorylation converts a catch-bond, in which tension stabilizes attachments, to a slip-bond, which releases microtubules under tension. We propose that tension is a signal inducing distinct error-correction pathways, with release or depolymerization being advantageous for typical errors characterized by high or low tension, respectively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sister kinetochores must bind microtubules in a bipolar fashion to equally segregate chromosomes during mitosis. The molecular mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. Aurora B likely promotes chromosome biorientation by regulating kinetochore-microtubule attachments. MCAK (mitotic centromere-associated kinesin) is a Kin I kinesin that can depolymerize microtubules. These two proteins both localize to mitotic centromeres and have overlapping mitotic functions, including regulation of microtubule dynamics, proper chromosome congression, and correction of improper kinetochore-microtubule attachments. RESULTS: We show that Aurora B phosphorylates and regulates MCAK both in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, we mapped six Aurora B phosphorylation sites on MCAK in both the centromere-targeting domain and the neck region. Aurora B activity was required to localize MCAK to centromeres, but not to spindle poles. Aurora B phosphorylation of serine 196 in the neck region of MCAK inhibited its microtubule depolymerization activity. We found that this key site was phosphorylated at centromeres and anaphase spindle midzones in vivo. However, within the inner centromere there were pockets of both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated MCAK protein, suggesting that phosphate turnover is crucial in the regulation of MCAK activity. Addition of alpha-p-S196 antibodies to Xenopus egg extracts or injection of alpha-p-S196 antibodies into cells caused defects in chromosome positioning and/or segregation. CONCLUSIONS: We have established a direct link between the microtubule depolymerase MCAK and Aurora B kinase. Our data suggest that Aurora B both positively and negatively regulates MCAK during mitosis. We propose that Aurora B biorients chromosomes by directing MCAK to depolymerize incorrectly oriented kinetochore microtubules.  相似文献   

The mitotic checkpoint ensures proper chromosome segregation by monitoring two critical events during mitosis. One is kinetochore attachment to the mitotic spindle, and the second is the alignment of chromosomes at the metaphase plate, resulting in tension across sister kinetochores (reviewed in [1, 2]). Mitotic-checkpoint proteins are known to accumulate at unaligned chromosomes that have not achieved proper kinetochore-microtubule attachments or established an adequate level of tension across sister kinetochores. Here, we report that hZW10 and hROD, two components of the evolutionarily conserved RZZ complex, accumulate at kinetochores in response to the loss of tension. By using live-cell imaging and FRAP, we showed that the accumulation of hZW10 at tensionless kinetochores stems from a 4-fold reduction of kinetochore turnover rate. We also found that cells lacking hZW10 escape loss-of-tension-induced mitotic-checkpoint arrest more rapidly than those arrested in response to the lack of kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Furthermore, we show that pharmacological inhibition of Aurora B kinase activity with ZM447439 in the absence of tension, but not in the absence of kinetochore-microtubule attachments, results in the loss of hZW10, hROD, and hBub1 from kinetochores. We therefore conclude that Aurora B kinase activity is required for the accumulation of tension-sensitive mitotic-checkpoint components, such as hZW10 and hROD, in order to maintain mitotic-checkpoint arrest.  相似文献   

Successful mitosis requires that anaphase chromosomes sustain a commitment to move to their assigned spindle poles. This requires stable spindle attachment of anaphase kinetochores. Prior to anaphase, stable spindle attachment depends on tension created by opposing forces on sister kinetochores [1]. Because tension is lost when kinetochores disjoin, stable attachment in anaphase must have a different basis. After expression of nondegradable cyclin B (CYC-B(S)) in Drosophila embryos, sister chromosomes disjoined normally but their anaphase behavior was abnormal [2]. Chromosomes exhibited cycles of reorientation from one pole to the other. Additionally, the unpaired kinetochores accumulated attachments to both poles (merotelic attachments), congressed (again) to a pseudometaphase plate, and reacquired associations with checkpoint proteins more characteristic of prometaphase kinetochores. Unpaired prometaphase kinetochores, which occurred in a mutant entering mitosis with unreplicated (unpaired) chromosomes, behaved just like the anaphase kinetochores at the CYC-B(S) arrest. Finally, the normal anaphase release of AuroraB/INCENP from kinetochores was blocked by CYC-B(S) expression and, reciprocally, was advanced in a CycB mutant. Given its established role in destabilizing kinetochore-microtubule interactions [3], Aurora B dissociation is likely to be key to the change in kinetochore behavior. These findings show that, in addition to loss of sister chromosome cohesion, successful anaphase requires a kinetochore behavioral transition triggered by CYC-B destruction.  相似文献   

Maintaining genome integrity during cell division requires regulated interactions between chromosomes and spindle microtubules. To ensure that daughter cells inherit the correct chromosomes, the sister kinetochores must attach to opposite spindle poles. Tension across the centromere stabilizes correct attachments, whereas phosphorylation of kinetochore substrates by the conserved Ipl1/Aurora B kinase selectively eliminates incorrect attachments. Here, we review our current understanding of how mechanical forces acting on the kinetochore are linked to biochemical changes to control chromosome segregation. We discuss models for tension sensing and regulation of kinetochore function downstream of Aurora B, and mechanisms that specify Aurora B localization to the inner centromere and determine its interactions with substrates at distinct locations.  相似文献   

The Aurora B kinase coordinates kinetochore–microtubule attachments with spindle checkpoint signaling on each mitotic chromosome. We find that EB1, a microtubule plus end–tracking protein, is required to enrich Aurora B at inner centromeres in a microtubule-dependent manner. This regulates phosphorylation of both kinetochore and chromatin substrates. EB1 regulates the histone phosphorylation marks (histone H2A phospho-Thr120 and histone H3 phospho-Thr3) that localize Aurora B. The chromosomal passenger complex containing Aurora B can be found on a subset of spindle microtubules that exist near prometaphase kinetochores, known as preformed K-fibers (kinetochore fibers). Our data suggest that EB1 enables the spindle microtubules to regulate the phosphorylation of kinetochores through recruitment of the Aurora B kinase.  相似文献   

Roles of polo-like kinase 1 in the assembly of functional mitotic spindles   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
BACKGROUND: The stable association of chromosomes with both poles of the mitotic spindle (biorientation) depends on spindle pulling forces. These forces create tension across sister kinetochores and are thought to stabilize microtubule-kinetochore interactions and to silence the spindle checkpoint. Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) has been implicated in regulating centrosome maturation, mitotic entry, sister chromatid cohesion, the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C), and cytokinesis, but it is unknown if Plk1 controls chromosome biorientation. RESULTS: We have analyzed Plk1 functions in synchronized mammalian cells by RNA interference (RNAi). Plk1-depleted cells enter mitosis after a short delay, accumulate in a preanaphase state, and subsequently often die by apoptosis. Spindles in Plk1-depleted cells lack focused poles and are not associated with centrosomes. Chromosomes attach to these spindles, but the checkpoint proteins Mad2, BubR1, and CENP-E are enriched at many kinetochores. When Plk1-depleted cells are treated with the Aurora B inhibitor Hesperadin, which silences the spindle checkpoint by stabilizing microtubule-kinetochore interactions, cells degrade APC/C substrates and exit mitosis without chromosome segregation and cytokinesis. Experiments with monopolar spindles that are induced by the kinesin inhibitor Monastrol indicate that Plk1 is required for the assembly of spindles that are able to generate poleward pulling forces. CONCLUSIONS: Our results imply that Plk1 is not essential for mitotic entry and APC/C activation but is required for proper spindle assembly and function. In Plk1-depleted cells spindles may not be able to create enough tension across sister kinetochores to stabilize microtubule-kinetochore interactions and to silence the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

Stern BM 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(9):R316-R318
Attachment of sister chromatids to microtubules from opposite spindle poles--bi-orientation--generates tension at the kinetochores. The Ipl1/Aurora B kinase responds to the absence of tension at mono-oriented chromosomes and promotes microtubule turnover and spindle checkpoint activation until a stable bi-oriented attachment is achieved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The mitotic kinases, Cdk1, Aurora A/B, and Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) have been characterized extensively to further understanding of mitotic mechanisms and as potential targets for cancer therapy. Cdk1 and Aurora kinase studies have been facilitated by small-molecule inhibitors, but few if any potent Plk1 inhibitors have been identified. RESULTS: We describe the cellular effects of a novel compound, BI 2536, a potent and selective inhibitor of Plk1. The fact that BI 2536 blocks Plk1 activity fully and instantaneously enabled us to study controversial and unknown functions of Plk1. Cells treated with BI 2536 are delayed in prophase but eventually import Cdk1-cyclin B into the nucleus, enter prometaphase, and degrade cyclin A, although BI 2536 prevents degradation of the APC/C inhibitor Emi1. BI 2536-treated cells lack prophase microtubule asters and thus polymerize mitotic microtubules only after nuclear-envelope breakdown and form monopolar spindles that do not stably attach to kinetochores. Mad2 accumulates at kinetochores, and cells arrest with an activated spindle-assembly checkpoint. BI 2536 prevents Plk1's enrichment at kinetochores and centrosomes, and when added to metaphase cells, it induces detachment of microtubules from kinetochores and leads to spindle collapse. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that Plk1's accumulation at centrosomes and kinetochores depends on its own activity and that this activity is required for maintaining centrosome and kinetochore function. Our data also show that Plk1 is not required for prophase entry, but delays transition to prometaphase, and that Emi1 destruction in prometaphase is not essential for APC/C-mediated cyclin A degradation.  相似文献   

Chromosome congression and segregation require the proper attachment of microtubules to the two sister kinetochores. Disruption of either Aurora B kinase or the Kinesin-13 mitotic centromere-associated kinesin (MCAK) increases chromosome misalignment and missegregation due to improper kinetochore-microtubule attachments. MCAK localization and activity are regulated by Aurora B, but how Aurora B phosphorylation of MCAK affects spindle assembly is unclear. Here, we show that the binding of MCAK to chromosome arms is also regulated by Aurora B and that Aurora B-dependent chromosome arm and centromere localization is regulated by distinct two-site phosphoregulatory mechanisms. MCAK association with chromosome arms is promoted by phosphorylation of T95 on MCAK, whereas phosphorylation of S196 on MCAK promotes dissociation from the arms. Although targeting of MCAK to centromeres requires phosphorylation of S110 on MCAK, dephosphorylation of T95 on MCAK increases the binding of MCAK to centromeres. Our study reveals a new role for Aurora B, which is to prevent excess MCAK binding to chromatin to facilitate chromatin-nucleated spindle assembly. Our study also shows that the interplay between multiple phosphorylation sites of MCAK may be critical to temporally and spatially control MCAK function.  相似文献   

Aurora-B kinases are important regulators of mitotic chromosome segregation, where they are required for the faithful bi-orientation of sister chromatids. In contrast to mitosis, sister chromatids have to be oriented toward the same spindle pole in meiosis-I, while homologous chromosomes are bi-oriented. We find that the fission yeast Aurora kinase Ark1 is required for the faithful bi-orientation of sister chromatids in mitosis and of homologous chromosomes in meiosis-I. Unexpectedly, Ark1 is also necessary for the faithful mono-orientation of sister chromatids in meiosis-I, even though the canonical mono-orientation pathway, which depends on Moa1 and Rec8, seems intact. Our data suggest that Ark1 prevents unified sister kinetochores during metaphase-I from merotelic attachment to both spindle poles and thus from being torn apart during anaphase-I, revealing a novel mechanism promoting monopolar attachment. Furthermore, our results provide an explanation for the previously enigmatic observation that fission yeast Shugoshin Sgo2, which assists in loading Aurora to centromeres, and its regulator Bub1 are required for the mono-orientation of sister chromatids in meiosis-I.  相似文献   

In oocytes, where centrosomes are absent, the chromosomes direct the assembly of a bipolar spindle. Interactions between chromosomes and microtubules are essential for both spindle formation and chromosome segregation, but the nature and function of these interactions is not clear. We have examined oocytes lacking two kinetochore proteins, NDC80 and SPC105R, and a centromere-associated motor protein, CENP-E, to characterize the impact of kinetochore-microtubule attachments on spindle assembly and chromosome segregation in Drosophila oocytes. We found that the initiation of spindle assembly results from chromosome-microtubule interactions that are kinetochore-independent. Stabilization of the spindle, however, depends on both central spindle and kinetochore components. This stabilization coincides with changes in kinetochore-microtubule attachments and bi-orientation of homologs. We propose that the bi-orientation process begins with the kinetochores moving laterally along central spindle microtubules towards their minus ends. This movement depends on SPC105R, can occur in the absence of NDC80, and is antagonized by plus-end directed forces from the CENP-E motor. End-on kinetochore-microtubule attachments that depend on NDC80 are required to stabilize bi-orientation of homologs. A surprising finding was that SPC105R but not NDC80 is required for co-orientation of sister centromeres at meiosis I. Together, these results demonstrate that, in oocytes, kinetochore-dependent and -independent chromosome-microtubule attachments work together to promote the accurate segregation of chromosomes.  相似文献   

A dual role for Bub1 in the spindle checkpoint and chromosome congression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Meraldi P  Sorger PK 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(8):1621-1633
The spindle checkpoint ensures faithful chromosome segregation by linking the onset of anaphase to the establishment of bipolar kinetochore-microtubule attachment. The checkpoint is mediated by a signal transduction system comprised of conserved Mad, Bub and other proteins. In this study, we use live-cell imaging coupled with RNA interference to investigate the functions of human Bub1. We find that Bub1 is essential for checkpoint control and for correct chromosome congression. Bub1 depletion leads to the accumulation of misaligned chromatids in which both sister kinetochores are linked to microtubules in an abnormal fashion, a phenotype that is unique among Mad and Bub depletions. Bub1 is similar to the Aurora B/Ipl1p kinase in having roles in both the checkpoint and microtubule binding. However, human Bub1 and Aurora B are recruited to kinetochores independently of each other and have an additive effect when depleted simultaneously. Thus, Bub1 and Aurora B appear to function in parallel pathways that promote formation of stable bipolar kinetochore-microtubule attachments.  相似文献   

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