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By using a pyroelectric detector constructed with a polyvinylidene fluoride film, a rapid rise in the temperature of the dark-adapted bullfrog retina induced by light was demonstrated. In the bullfrog retina, as in the squid retina examined previously, the heat generated in response to a brief light pulse was found to be far greater than the amount produced by conversion of the entire radiant energy of the stimulus into heat. The thermal responses consist of the heat generated by the photoreceptor and the postsynaptic elements in the retina, preceded by a small signal reflecting conversion of a portion of the radiant energy of the stimulus into heat. The dependence of the thermal responses on the light intensity, on the wavelength and on a variety of physical and chemical agents was examined. The exothermic process underlying the production of heat by the photoreceptor was found to precede the electrophysiological response of the retina.  相似文献   

Chromatic component of the frog electroretinogram   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To single out the chromatic constituent of frog electroretinogram the method of great (superthreshold) differences between stimuli is used. The stimuli are presented as instantly replaced colour flashes. It is shown that the amplitude of the b-wave of the electroretinogram recorded during the replacement of the equally bright stimuli is determined only by their colour difference.  相似文献   

Hypsorhodopsin was formed in frog retina by irradiation at liquid helium temperature and converted into bathorhodopsin above about 29K.  相似文献   

A model for random cross-linking of identical monomers diffusing in a membrane was formulated to test whether rhodopsin's cross-linking behavior was quantitatively consistent with a monomeric structure. Cross-linking was performed on rhodopsin both in intact retinas and in isolated rod outer segment (ROS) membranes using the reagent glutaraldehyde. The distribution of covalent oligomers formed was analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and compared to predictions for the random model. A similar analysis was made for ROS membranes cross-linked by diisocyanatohexane and retinas cross-linked by cupric ion complexed with o-phenanthroline. Patterns of cross-linking produced by these three reagents are reasonably consistent with the monomer model. Glutaraldehyde was also used to cross-link the tetrameric protein aldolase in order to verify that cross-linking of a stable oligomer, under conditions comparable to those used for ROS, yielded the pattern predicted for a tetrameric protein having D2 symmetry. This pattern is markedly different from the one for a random-collision model. Moreover, a comparison of rates showed that aldolase cross-linking with glutaraldehyde is significantly faster than cross-linking of membrane-bound rhodopsin. It is concluded that rhodopsin is monomeric in dark-adapted photoreceptor membranes and that the observed cross-linking results from collisions between diffusing rhodopsin molecules.  相似文献   

The presence of cones in potto's retina has been proved beyond doubt although they are very restricted in number (1 cone for 300 rods). Morphologically, speaking there is no point in calling these cones "rudimentary" except for their slender outer segment. There are red sensitive elements in that retina at wavelengths beyond the spectral sensitivity of visual purple and it is tempting to assume that these elements are cones. The ERG evoked from these elements by red light differs from that in response to white and blue light. They dark-adapt faster than the receptors sensitive to blue and white flashes. However in some of their properties, for example fusion frequency, these cones behave like rods in other species. As these few cones seem to activate the bipolar cells nearly as effectively as the numerous rods, it is suggested that these cones may be responsible for day vision in the potto.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks are thought to regulate retinal physiology in anticipation of the large variation in environmental irradiance associated with the earth’s rotation upon its axis. In this review we discuss some of the rhythmic events that occur in the mammalian retina, and their consequences for retinal physiology. We also review methods of tracing retinal rhythmicity in vivo and highlight the electroretinogram (ERG) as a useful technique in this field. Principally, we discuss how this technique can be used as a quick and noninvasive way of assessing physiological changes that occur in the retina over the course of the day. We highlight some important recent findings facilitated by this approach and discuss its strengths and limitations.  相似文献   

The action of acetylcholine on the horizontal cells of the goldfish retina and the electro-retinogram of the frog was studied. Acetylcholine in concentrations of 1·10−9–1·10−3 M depolarized these cells. The maximal level of depolarization never reached zero level of the membrane potential and was about equal to the membrane potential in darkness. In a concentration of 1·10−2–5·10−2 M acetylcholine suppressed the b- and d-waves of the frog electro-retinogram, and as a result the stable PIII component was isolated from the ERG. A mediator role is ascribed to acetylcholine in the synapses of the outer plexiform layer.  相似文献   

In order to record multi-site electroretinogram (ERG) responses in isolated carp retinae, we utilized three-dimensional (3D), extracellular, 3.5-μm-diameter silicon (Si) probe arrays fabricated by the selective vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth method. Neural recordings with the Si microprobe exhibit low signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios of recorded responses due to the high-electrical-impedance characteristics of the small recording area at the probe tip. To increase the S/N ratio, we designed and fabricated enlarged gold (Au) tipped Si microprobes (10-μm-diameter Au tip and 3.5-μm-diameter probe body). In addition, we demonstrated that the signal attenuation and phase delay of ERG responses recorded via the Si probe can be compensated by the inverse filtering method. We conclude that the reduction of probe impedance and the compensation of recorded signals are useful approaches to obtain distortion-free recording of neural signals with high-impedance microelectrodes.  相似文献   

In the zebrafish retina, four types of cone photoreceptor cells (or cones) with different sensitive frequencies are arranged in a regular pattern, named "cone mosaic". A pair of small cones, one sensitive to red and the other sensitive to green, is in close contact and forms a "double cone". In addition, there are two kinds of single cones, sensitive to blue and to UV, respectively. We study characteristics of cell-differentiation rules that realize stable formation of cone mosaic. Assumptions are: undifferentiated cells are arranged in a regular square lattice, and they are one of the three types (B, U, and D cells). A D cell has two parts (G and R-parts) and takes one of the four directions. The cells change their cell type and orientation following a continuous-time Markovian chain. The state transtion occurs faster if it increases the stabilities of the focal cell, in which the stability is the sum of affinities with neighboring cells. After the transient period, the system may reach a stable pattern (pre-pattern). The pattern becomes fixed later when the cells are fully differentiated in which B cells, U cells, and D cells become blue-sensitive, UV-sensitive, and double cones, respectively. We search for the combinations of affinities between cell states that can generate the same cone mosaic patterns as in zerbrafish retina. Successful transition rules give (1) zero or small affinity with the pairs of cell states that are absent in the zebrafish cone mosaic (lambda(UR), lambda(BG)and the contact of two cells of the same type); (2) a large affinity between a part of D cells and a non-D cell (lambda(UG)and lambda(BR)); and (3) a positive affinity of an intermediate magnitude between two non-D cells (lambda(BU)) and between two parts of D cells (lambda(GR)). The latter should be of a magnitude of about 60-90% of the former. The time needed to form a regular pattern increases with the lattice size if all the cells start pre-pattern formation simultaneously. However, the convergence time is shortened considerably if the pre-pattern formation occurs only in a narrow band of morphogenetic cell layer that sweeps from one end of the lattice to the other.  相似文献   

Liposomes loaded with monospecific antibodies against cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) act on the extracellularly recorded receptor potential of the isolated frog retina irrigated with physiological saline, like PDE inhibitors. The response amplitude rises consideraly, especially with weak stimuli, and its duration increases sharply. Purely lipid liposomes without antibodies, liposomes with control immunoglobulins, and anti-PDE antibodies without liposomes have no such action. The effect is quickly reversible on rinsing, which is evidence against the possibility that liposomes may act by introducing anti-PDE antibodies into the cell. The increase in the response can be explained only partially by the increase in extracellular resistance in the layer of rods and cones under the influence of liposomes. It is suggested that specific adsorption of liposomes on the surface of the rods and cones by an as yet unknown method modifies the properties of the intracellular mechsnism of excitation transmission and (or) of the ionic channels of the plasma membrane.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 245–250, March–April, 1985.  相似文献   

Metabolism of phosphatidylethanolamine in the frog retina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The synthesis and the turnover of phosphatidylethanolamine in frog retinal rod outer segments and microsomes were studied by monitoring the incorporation of five radioactive precursors: 32PO4, 33PO4 [3H]glycerol, [3H]serine, and [3H]ethanolamine. 1. Labeled serine was actively incorporated into phosphatidylethanolamine. The kinetics of the labeling patterns in both microsomes and rod outer segments was consistent with formation via decarboxylation of phosphatidylserine. 2. Ethanolamine was found to be an ineffective precursor of phosphatidylethanolamine, suggesting that the major pathway for phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis in the retina is via the decarboxylation reaction. 3. An active methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine to phosphatidylcholine was observed in both retinal microsomes and rod outer segments. 4. The kinetics of labeling of phosphatidylethanolamine in the rod outer segments was different for the various isotopic precursors, and was found to depend on the relative turnover times of the precursor pools. Glycerol was the only precursor that gave a true pulse of radioactivity. 5. The specific activity of phosphatidylethanolamine derived from labeled glycerol declined exponentially, demonstrating that the labeled lipid was diffusely distributed throughout the rod outer segments. The half-life of phosphatidylethanolamine in the rod outer segments was determined to be 18 days. Comparison of this value to the turnover time of rod outer segment integral proteins revealed that rod outer segment lipid is renewed at a faster rate than protein.  相似文献   

Responses to light were recorded from rods, horizontal cells, and ganglion cells in dark-adapted toad eyecups. Sensitivity was defined as response amplitude per isomerization per rod for dim flashes covering the excitatory receptive field centers. Both sensitivity and spatial summation were found to increase by one order of magnitude between rods and horizontal cells, and by two orders of magnitude between rods and ganglion cells. Recordings from two hyperpolarizing bipolar cells showed a 20 times response increase between rods and bipolars. At absolute threshold for ganglion cells (Copenhagen, D.R., K. Donner, and T. Reuter. 1987. J. Physiol. 393:667-680) the dim flashes produce 10-50-microV responses in the rods. The cumulative gain exhibited at each subsequent synaptic transfer from the rods to the ganglion cells serves to boost these small amplitude signals to the level required for initiation of action potentials in the ganglion cells. The convergence of rod signals through increasing spatial summation serves to decrease the variation of responses to dim flashes, thereby increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. Thus, at absolute threshold for ganglion cells, the convergence typically increases the maximal signal-to-noise ratio from 0.6 in rods to 4.6 in ganglion cells.  相似文献   

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