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ROBIN SHARP 《Ibis》1995,137(S1):S219-S223
The Biodiversity Convention requires parties to prepare national plans with strategies for the conservation of biodiversity. The U.K. produced its Action Plan in January 1994, one of the first countries to do so. The document of nearly 200 pages sets out the rationale for conserving biodiversity and the U.K. scientific tradition which underpins our understanding of biodiversity and describes in very summary form the key characteristics of U.K. biodiversity and the resources we devote to sustaining it, both in situ and ex situ, as well as our contribution to assisting conservation outside the U.K. It goes on to consider the role of education and public information and the need to improve the coordination and accessibility of scientific data and monitoring. Finally, it sets out a range of targets and commitments including a proposal to set up machinery, involving non-governmental interests, to agree on specific targets for key species and habitats in 1995. The main emphasis of the Plan and the work ahead is to create a collaborative framework for the large but fragmented efforts by the public voluntary sectors to reverse recent losses of biodiversity. In many ways bird conservation and population monitoring provide a benchmark for other species work. Bird conservation will benefit from the increased integration of effort and scientific analysis which looks at the interaction of species, habitats and wider land use issues and the effect of sectoral policies such as agriculture, energy and transport.  相似文献   

Conservation practices from the perspective of functional diversity (FD) and conservation prioritization need to account for the impacts of exotic species in freshwater ecosystems. This work first simulated the influence of exotic species on the values of FD in a schemed mechanistic model, and then a practical case study of conservation prioritization was performed in the Min River, the largest river in southeastern China, to discuss whether including exotic species alters prioritization. The mechanistic model revealed that exotic species significantly altered the expected FD if the number of exotic species occupied 2% of the community. Joint species distribution modelling indicated that the highest FD occurred in the west, northwest and north upstreams of the Min River. Values of FD in 64.69% of the basin decreased after the exotic species were removed from calculation. Conservation prioritization with the Zonation software proved that if first the habitats of exotic species were removed during prioritization, 62.75% of the highest prioritized areas were shifted, average species representation of the endemic species was improved and mean conservation efficiency was increased by 7.53%. Existence of exotic species will significantly alter the metrics of biodiversity and the solution for conservation prioritization, and negatively weighting exotic species in the scope of conservation prioritization is suggested to better protect endemic species. This work advocates a thorough estimate of the impacts of exotic species on FD and conservation prioritization, providing complementary evidence for conservation biology and valuable implications for local freshwater fish conservation.  相似文献   

The National Trust is of paramount importance in the conservation of butterflies in the UK on account of the scale of its land holding and its ability to manage habitats beneficially. Fifty two of the fifty four species currently regarded as resident in Britain occur on Trust land. The Trust has major responsibilities for the conservation of all bar one of the British rarities, and is of special significance in the conservation of the high brown fritillary and heath fritillary, two protected species. The Trust owns some 35 areas (many of which are large) of national importance for butterflies, plus much other property where the butterfly fauna is of regional importance. The Trust is implementing many dynamic projects aimed at conserving rare species, maintains a butterfly site data base and is developing a butterfly population monitoring programme. It is well placed to address the key issue of butterfly conservation on a metapopulation scale. To do this, it must work in partnership with other conservation organizations.  相似文献   

When Princess Augusta and Lord Bute, followed by Sir Joseph Banks and King George III, started gathering plants at Kew, conservation on the site can be said to have begun. Although the primary motive then was to assist the expansion of the British Empire and trade, rare plants were gathered and some became rare or extinct in the wild as their habitats were destroyed. The primary motive in the nineteenth century was not conservation, but the history of conservation at the Royal Gardens at Kew dates back to its very origins. Subsequent regimes at Kew maintained and added to the collections thereby adding to their conservation value. Many early collections are of species now listed within the IUCN categories of endangerment. Environmental awareness and concern had begun by the time that Professor Jack Heslop-Harrison became director and he was the first director actively to initiate specific conservation programmes such as seed banking and work on red data books. From then on conservation became an integral part of the work programme of Kew and the focus on conservation has increased with each subsequent director. This eventually led to the transformation of the embryonic seed banking activities into the Millennium Seed Bank, the largest and most important bank in the world for the conservation of the seeds of wild species. It currently holds just over ten percent of all seed plant species. Conservation at Kew over the past three decades has very much been a balance between ex situ work and in situ activities to help conservation in the overseas areas where Kew scientists have experience. Throughout the history of the gardens there has been a vital interest in economic botany that has developed from moving plants around the empire to much work on the sustainable use of plants and ecosystems thereby better equipping the institution to subsequently work on in situ conservation. Significant conservation activity at Kew has been possible because it is being supported by a solid research programme that includes such areas as systematics and molecular genetics and laboratories, a large herbarium and a large library. Kew has played an important role in stimulating conservation work elsewhere and such units as the Threatened Plants Unit of IUCN and Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) have their roots in Kew. Among other important conservation initiatives have been the creation of a unit to work with the implementation of the CITES treaty on the trade of endangered plants and a legal unit to work on issues of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). There is no doubt that the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew is at the forefront of plant conservation.  相似文献   

In a previous work we showed a remarkable conservation of the general structure of the genome (chromo-some number and synteny) among different pathogenic species of Old World Leishmania, indicating the absence of major interchromosomal rearrangements during evolution. In the present study, we have compared the fine structure of chromo-some 5 among two of these divergent species (Leishmania major and Leishmania infantum) by means of physical mapping. Remarkably, the 42 markers jointly mapped on these two chromosomes were found in an identical order along the chromosome. This perfect colinearity of the markers is in striking contrast to the large genetic distance that separates these species and suggests that conservation of the fine-scale organisation of chromosomes may be critical in Leishmania. If this colinearity is confirmed on the whole of the chromosome set, the current systematic sequencing programme of the genome of L.major should greatly help in the development of comparative genetics between different species of Leishmania.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of conservation plans depends on environmental, ecological, and socioeconomic factors. Global change makes conservation decisions even more challenging. Among others, the components of most concern in modern‐day conservation assessments are as follows: the magnitude of climate and land‐use changes; species dispersal abilities; competition with harmful socioeconomic activities for land use; the number of threatened species to consider; and, relatedly, the available budget to act. Here, we provide a unified framework that quantifies the relative effects of those factors on conservation. We conducted an area‐scheduling work plan in order to identify sets of areas along time in which the persistence expectancies of species are optimized. The approach was illustrated using data of potential distribution of ten nonvolant mammal species in Iberia Peninsula from current time up to 2080. Analyses were conducted considering possible setups among the factors that are likely to critically impact conservation success: three climate/land‐use scenarios; four species’ dispersal kernel curves; six land‐use layer types; and two planning designs, in which assessments were made independently for each species, or joining all species in a single plan. We identified areas for an array of investments levels capable to circumvent the spatial conflicts with socioeconomic activities. The effect of each factor on the estimated species persistence scores was assessed using linear mixed models. Our results evidence that conservation success is highly reliant on the resources available to abate land‐use conflicts. Nonetheless, under the same investment levels, planning design and climate change were the factors that most shaped species persistence scores. The persistence of five species was especially affected by the sole effect of planning design and consequently, larger conservation investments may retard climatic debts. For three species, the negative effects of a changing climate and of multiple‐species planning designs added up, making these species especially at risk. Integrated assessments of the factors most likely to limit species persistence are pivotal to achieve effectiveness.  相似文献   

The total number of threatened species of vertebrates is likely to be more than 10,000, with approximately one quarter of the world's mammal species, one eighth of the birds and one third of the amphibians threatened with extinction. The rate of loss of animal species and hence of biodiversity is increasing and may become even greater as ecosystems become affected by climate change due to global warming. Behavioral neuroendocrinology, which considers interactions between behavior and neuroendocrine function in animals from all vertebrate taxa, can contribute to animal conservation. Research with laboratory animals can address questions in basic biology relevant to conservation and develop methods for use with threatened animals. Field work with free-living animals considers the basic biology of new species and the use of endocrine tools to assess the susceptibility of species to threats. Non-invasive measurements of hormone concentrations, especially fecal steroids, are extensively used to assess reproductive function and the stress status of animals in captive breeding programs and in the wild. Biodiversity and natural selection both depend on individual variation, and conservation programs often work with animals on an individual basis. The consideration of data from individuals is essential in conservation endocrinology. Direct contributions to conservation programs are challenging as study situations are determined by practical conservation concerns. Indirect contributions such as the provision of scientific input to conservation plans and participation in public education programs offer significant benefits for conservation programs. Directly and indirectly, there are many opportunities for behavioral neuroendocrinologists to contribute to conservation.  相似文献   

This work describes and illustrates a new species of orchid, Sacoila cerradicola. Its differences from other Sacoila species from Brazil are demonstrated, and notes about its habitat, ecology, conservation status and suggestions for its cultivation are provided.  相似文献   

为了使广东省的兰科植物及其遗传多样性得到有效的保育, 保存我国重要野生植物资源, 在2017-2019年间, 采用样线和样地相结合的调查手段、专家快速评估和野外调查相结合的评估技术以及Wilcoxon符号秩检验和Friedman检验的统计方法, 对广东省自然分布的兰科植物进行了全面的调查和濒危等级评估, 并对其在广东省自然保护区中的就地保育情况和全国植物园中的迁地保育情况进行了综合分析。结果表明, 广东省分布有兰科植物80属235种, 其中广东特有种20种; 广东兰科植物受威胁物种有186种, 其中极危11种、濒危114种、易危61种; 就地保育的兰科植物有111种, 迁地保育的兰科植物有156种, 就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物有96种, 保育的有效程度较低; 另外, 就地、迁地、就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物之间没有体现出明显的差异, 保育工作缺乏选择性和针对性。基于此, 我们建议广东兰科植物的保育工作应重视基础数据的收集和持续的野外监测、提高保育物种的数量、优化迁地保育物种的选择性和针对性、完善迁地保育和就地保育之间的协同性, 同时也应重视立法和公众教育, 并构建广东兰科植物保育的网络系统。  相似文献   

重要物种优先保护种群的确定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
由于同一物种不同种群的重要性不同、用于物种保护的资金有限以及保护与发展经济之间的矛盾,因此对于重要物种(尤其是濒危种类以及农作物和驯化动物的野生近缘种)需要确定保护什么以及保护哪儿。目前确定优先保护种群的方法主要有3类,分别为基于遗传变异、基于遗传差异性和基于遗传贡献率的方法。基于遗传变异的方法主要是根据遗传变异程度(尤其是等位基因多样性)来确定优先保护的顺序,但忽略了种群之间的遗传差异性,这容易使得存在于遗传变异程度较低的种群中的特有等位基因得不到有效保护。而基于遗传差异性的方法(如确定进化显著单元)则是从遗传分化程度的角度考虑优先性,即独特性越强的种群越具有保护价值。基于遗传贡献率的方法由于综合考虑了遗传多样性和差异性,最适合于确定哪些种群需要优先保护。我国开展此类研究十分必要。  相似文献   

John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK, June 2000
Genomics research involving legumes, an area that is attracting major funding, has two distinct branches – work involving model species, and work involving crops. This meeting aimed to stimulate communication between these two groups. The major research areas covered included leaf, flower and seed development, establishment of symbioses, pathogen interactions and applied aspects (from the conservation of legume ecotypes to products required by the market).  相似文献   

《PLoS biology》2021,19(6)
Global biodiversity loss is a profound consequence of human activity. Disturbingly, biodiversity loss is greater than realized because of the unknown number of undocumented species. Conservation fundamentally relies on taxonomic recognition of species, but only a fraction of biodiversity is described. Here, we provide a new quantitative approach for prioritizing rigorous taxonomic research for conservation. We implement this approach in a highly diverse vertebrate group—Australian lizards and snakes. Of 870 species assessed, we identified 282 (32.4%) with taxonomic uncertainty, of which 17.6% likely comprise undescribed species of conservation concern. We identify 24 species in need of immediate taxonomic attention to facilitate conservation. Using a broadly applicable return-on-investment framework, we demonstrate the importance of prioritizing the fundamental work of identifying species before they are lost.

In order to inform conservation effort, there is urgent need for rigorous taxonomic research to describe species under threat of extinction. Implementation of a new prioritization method identified 282 Australian reptile species needing taxonomic research, of which 17.6% represent undescribed species of conservation concern; this approach could be readily implemented across many faunal groups.  相似文献   

Alternative splicing (AS) is an important process in eukaryotic organisms by which a given gene may express a set of different protein isoforms depending on the tissue, or the developmental stage of the individual. In the present work, we have compared AS among species, focusing on the conservation of AS mechanisms for the modulation of protein function. For this purpose, we first analysed the frequency with which different species, human, mouse, rat and fruitfly, utilise them. Second, we focused more directly on the conservation among species of the mechanisms themselves. To this end, we compared biologically equivalent AS events between human and mouse, or rat. Our results indicate only minor differences in the frequency of use of these mechanisms, as well as a high degree of conservation among the species studied.  相似文献   

Literature on spot-billed pelican has not been reviewed lately which could provide a critique of the emerging data. We have now chosen it as a key species through which we suggest a conservation action plan which will benefit several waterbird species. The information provided here is scholastic in nature and is meant to focus on aspects that require attention and help plan future work for applied conservation. All known information on this species is brought together in this review which will also provide an update of its biology. Notes on the breeding biology of the species first published in the Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. So far, 380 works have appeared on the species; of these, 36 contain material reported in earlier works or appeared as papers subsequently. Most appeared as articles in journals, both national and regional, a few international journals, newsletters/bulletins (48.2%), 4 dissertations, 76 reports and 6 popular science articles in magazines. This review on the species will provide an insight into different factors that can be weighed and combined while making a decision in investing resources in species conservation, i.e. importance of the species, level of threat and the time frame over which results are to be achieved.  相似文献   

The list of British Red Data birds (Batten et al. 1990) includes 117 species, 109 of which qualified on one or more quantitative criteria referring to rarity, localized distribution, population decline and international importance. A wealth of data on bird population levels and trends in the United Kingdom and Europe has recently become available, allowing refinement and improvement of the criteria for qualification. Here we propose that in assigning priorities for conservation action in the U.K. (Britain and Northern Ireland), three biological axes need to be considered: national threat (measured as rarity, localized distribution and population decline in the U.K.), international importance (the proportion of the European population in the U.K.) and international threat (European/global conservation status). Only the first two of these axes were considered by Batten et al. (1990). Each of these axes has been sub-divided into high, medium and low categories using quantitative thresholds, and from this we produce a national 'conservation cube' (three axes, each with three categories and thus 27 cells). Data permitting, every species in the U.K. can be allocated to one of these cells. We suggest that species high on either (or both) of the national or international threat axes be considered as species of high conservation priority (the red list) and that among the remainder those that rank at least medium on one of the axes be considered as of medium conservation priority (the amber list). All other species are of low conservation priority (the green list). We suggest that this three-axis model could be applicable to other taxa and countries.  相似文献   

Cunila menthoides is classified as a xylopodiferous subshrub found in fragmented environments threatened by local agriculture and pasture activities. The species presents strong and pleasant smell, and is commonly used in south Brazilian folk medicine. Based on the species’ medicinal and aromatic potential, the aim of this work was to examine the genetic variation within and among C. menthoides populations, focusing on the conservation of this species. In this context, six C. menthoides populations collected in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were analyzed by ISSR. The populations were sorted as four clusters according to geographic distribution. The six C. menthoides populations analyzed presented low genetic variability, indicating that each population derives from a limited number of plants in a low gene flow scenario. In situ and ex situ conservation approaches may be useful in this species. Conservation strategies for the species should be based on in situ and ex situ approaches.  相似文献   


Plant genetic resources. I. The problem of the conservation of plant genetic resources emerges from the examination of the consequences of the genetic erosion and of the destruction of genetic variability, which provoke decline and disappearance of plant species, of agricultural value too.

Information are given on species and primitive or local varieties desappeared or threatened by destruction, on the emergency situation already existing in various areas, including also centres of origin and diversification, and on the risks of a plant breeding work manipulating a reduced genetic basis.

Thus, it is crucial to collect and maintain an abundant germplasm of the main crops, as well as of those species of minor agricultural importance. It is wise also to pay attention to plant species of potential value as new food crops or as sources for industrial pharmaceutical or pesticide products or other products with specific chemical properties.

Finally, the author underlines the urgent need, for the future progress of agriculture and for the benefit of the mankind, to safeguard plant genetic resources, which must be considered as essential part of the problem of the conservation of the nature and of its resources.  相似文献   

云南省第一批省级重点保护野生植物名录修订   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周彬 《云南植物研究》2010,32(3):221-226
保护植物名录是林政执法、科学研究、公众参与生物多样性保护等活动的重要工具。修订对于保持名录上植物名称准确性和使名录及时反映我省生物多样性保护成效具有重要意义。本文依据英文版《中国植物志》和植物名称数据库,对云南省政府1989年颁布的《云南省第一批省级重点保护野生植物名录》进行了修订。结果表明:名录上214种植物中有60种是异名或基名,28种原中文名称被改变了,9种原拉丁名称拼写错误,3种错误鉴定,5种是裸名,其他109种植物拉丁名和中文名都无变化。修订结果将为云南省重点保护野生植物管理提供参考。最后建议建立云南省重点保护野生植物名录修订标准和机制。  相似文献   

Rock carp [Procypris rabaudi (Tchang)] is an endemic species widely distributed throughout the upper reaches of the Yangtze River and its tributaries. Recently, the wild genetic resources of this species have markedly declined and it has been listed as vulnerable in China. Thus, conservation policies for this species are required urgently. However, information supporting decision-making on the conservation of this species is insufficient, especially at the genetic level. In this work, eight populations covering the entire natural range of the species were investigated using amplified fragments length polymorphism markers to determine the genetic diversity and population genetic structure. The results indicated that this species is characterized by moderate levels of genetic polymorphism (46.4% polymorphic loci) and genetic diversity (He = 0.163), and by moderate to high levels of differentiation among the geographical populations. Principal coordinate and Bayesian assignment analysis were used to investigate the genetic structure of this species. No genetically distinct groups among the individuals were detected. The results provided new genetic information and have wide implications for genetic assessment, fishery management and conservation of the rock carp.  相似文献   

In this work, we report on the population genetic structure of the endangered tree species Manilkara huberi, an Amazonian tree species intensely exploited due to the high density and resistance of its wood. We investigated the patterns of spatial distribution, genetic structure, and mating system using 7 microsatellite loci and here discuss the consequences for conservation and management of the species. To examine the population genetic structure, 481 adult trees and 810 seedlings were sampled from an area of 200 ha from a natural population in FLONA Tapajós, PA, Brazil. We found relatively high and consistent inbreeding levels (intrapopulation fixation index [f] 0.175 and 0.240) and a significant spatial genetic structure up to a radius of approximately 300 m, most likely due to a limited seed and pollen flow. The multilocus (tm) population outcrossing rate was high (0.995), suggesting that the species is predominantly allogamous with a pollen flow restricted to 47 m. These results suggest that M. huberi is spatially structured, consistent with a model of isolation by distance. Fragmentation may therefore cause the loss of subpopulations, suggesting that management programs for production and conservation should include large areas. The genetic data also revealed that for ex situ conservation, seeds should be collected from more than 175 maternal trees, in order to keep an effective population size of 500. Furthermore, as the species is widely distributed across the Amazon Forest, samples should include several populations in order to represent the highest genetic diversity possible. These results provide a blueprint to guide the production and conservation management policies of this valuable timber species.  相似文献   

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