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Ionizing radiation is a potent inducer of DNA damage because it causes single- and double-strand breaks, alkali-labile sites, base damage, and crosslinks. The interest in ionizing radiation is due to its environmental and clinical implications. Single-strand breaks, which are the initial damage induced by a genotoxic agent, can be used as a biomarker of exposure, whereas the more biologically relevant double-strand breaks can be analyzed to quantify the extent of damage. In the present study the effects of 137Cs γ-radiation at doses of 1, 5, and 10 Gray on DNA and subsequent repair by C3H10T1/2 cells (mouse embryo fibroblasts) were investigated. Two versions of the comet assay, a sensitive method for evaluating DNA damage, were implemented: the alkaline one to detect single-strand breaks, and the neutral one to identify double-strand breaks. The results show a good linear relation between DNA damage and radiation dose, for both single-strand and double-strand breaks. A statistically significant difference with respect to controls was found at the lowest dose of 1 Gy. Heterogeneity in DNA damage within the cell population was observed as a function of radiation dose. Repair kinetics showed that most of the damage was repaired within 2 h after irradiation, and that the highest rejoining rate occurred with the highest dose (10 Gy). Single-strand breaks were completely repaired 24 h after irradiation, whereas residual double-strand breaks were still present. This finding needs further investigation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A linearized plasmid DNA, in which tandem repeats of 400bp flank the breakpoints, was transfected into vertebrate cells, and breakpoint junctions of plasmid DNA circularized in the cells were analyzed to assess the repair activities against DNA double-strand break (DSB) by non-homologous end joining and homology-directed repair (i.e., homologous recombinational repair and single-strand annealing). The circularization by non-homologous end joining repair of the breakpoints depended on the expression of DNA-PKcs, while that by homology-directed repair through the repeats depended on the length of the repeats, indicating that these two DSB repair activities can be rapidly assessed by this assay. Predominance in circularization by either non-homologous end joining or homology-directed repair differed among cells examined, and circularization was exclusively undertaken by homology-directed repair in DT40 cells known to show a high homologous recombination rate against gene-targeting vectors. Thus, this assay will be helpful in studies on mechanisms and inter-cellular variations of DSB repair.  相似文献   

The oncogenic BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase facilitates the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). We find that after gamma-irradiation BCR/ABL-positive leukemia cells accumulate more DSBs in comparison to normal cells. These lesions are efficiently repaired in a time-dependent fashion by BCR/ABL-stimulated non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) followed by homologous recombination repair (HRR) mechanisms. However, mutations and large deletions were detected in HRR and NHEJ products, respectively, in BCR/ABL-positive leukemia cells. We propose that unfaithful repair of DSBs may contribute to genomic instability in the Philadelphia chromosome-positive leukemias.  相似文献   

Humanblood leukocytes exposed to X-rays were immersed in an agarose microgel on a slide, extensively deproteinized, and electrophoresed under neutral conditions. Following this single-cell gel electrophoresis assay, characteristics of DNA migration (i.e., area of the comet) are related to the DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs) yield. After electrophoresis, comets were briefly incubated in an alkaline unwinding solution, transforming DNA breaks and alkali-labile sites into restricted single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) motifs. These motifs behave as target sites for hybridization with a whole genome probe, following the DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization (DBD-FISH) procedure. As DNA breakage increases with dose, more ssDNA is produced in the comet by the alkali and more DNA probe hybridizes, resulting in an increase in the mean fluorescence intensity. Since radiation-induced DNA single-strand breaks (ssbs) are far more frequent than dsbs, the mean fluorescence intensity of the DBD-FISH signal from the comet is related to the ssb level, whereas the surface area of the same comet signal is indicative of the dsb yield. Thus, both DNA break types may be simultaneously analyzed in the same cell. This was confirmed in a repair assay performing the DBD-FISH on neutral comets from a human cell line defective in the repair of dsbs. Otherwise, treatment with hydrogen peroxide, a main inducer of ssbs, increased the mean fluorescence intensity, but not the surface, of X-ray-exposed human leukocytes.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks are nonrandomly induced by high-LET radiation. Differences in the induction and rejoining of DSBs after irradiation with ions having different LET were detected by fragment analysis. The data obtained indicate that the track structure of the traversing particle and its interaction with the different chromatin structures of the cellular DNA influence the yield as well as the distribution of the induced damage. The induction and rejoining of clustered DSBs induced by the same nitrogen ion fluence at LETs of 80-225 keV/microm were investigated by a detailed analysis of the DNA fragmentation patterns in normal human fibroblasts. The DSBs in the cells were allowed to rejoin during incubations for 0-20 h. Two separate pulsed-field gel electrophoresis protocols were used, optimized for separation of fragments in the size ranges 1-6 Mbp and 5 kbp-1.5 Mbp. A strong influence of LET on the level of DSB induction was evident. The DSB yield increased from 4.5 +/- 0.2 to 10.0 +/- 0.3 DSBs per particle traversal through the cell nucleus when LET increased from 80 to 225 keV/microm. Further, the size distribution of the DNA fragments showed a significant dependence on radiation quality, with an excess of fragments at 50-200 kbp and around 1 Mbp. Differences in repair kinetics were also evident, with slower rejoining for increasing LET, and the initial nonrandom fragment distributions were still present after 1 h of repair.  相似文献   

Molecular recombination and the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) have been examined in the G-0 and S phase of the cell cycle using a temperature-sensitive CHO cell line to test i) if there are cell cycle restrictions on the repair of DSB's' ii) the extent to which molecular recombination can be induced between either sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes and iii) whether repair of DSB's involves recombination (3). Mitomycin C (1-2 micrograms/ml) or ionizing radiation (50 krad) followed by incubation resulted in molecular recombination (hybrid DNA) in S phase cells. Approximately 0.03 to 0.10% of the molecules (number average molecular weight: 5.6 x 10(6) Daltons after shearing) had hybrid regions for more than 75% of their length. However, no recombination was detected in G-0 cells. Since the repair of DSB was observed in both stages with more than 50% of the breaks repaired in 5 hours, it appears that DSB repair in G-0 cells does not involve recombination between homologous chromosomes. The possibility is not excluded that repair in G-0 cells involves only small regions (less than 4 x 10(6) Daltons).  相似文献   

Using the in vitro human diploid fibroblast model, we tested theories of aging which hypothesize that either accumulation of DNA damage or decreased DNA repair capacity is causally related to cellular senescence. Between population doubling level (PDL) 32 and 71, fetal lung-derived normal diploid human fibroblasts (IMR 90) were assayed for both DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs, spontaneous and induced by 6 Gy) and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs, spontaneous and induced by 100 Gy). After gamma-irradiation cells were kept on ice unless undergoing repair incubation at 37 degrees C for 7.5-120 min or 18-24 h. To assay DNA strand breaks we used the filter elution technique in conjunction with a fluorometric determination of DNA which is not biased in favor of proliferating aging cells as are radioactive labelling methods. We found no change with in vitro age in the accumulation of spontaneous SSBs or DSBs, nor in the kinetics or completeness of DNA strand rejoining after gamma-irradiation. Cells at varying PDLs rejoined approx. 90% of SSBs and DSBs after 60 min repair incubation and 100% after 18-24 h repair incubation. We conclude that aging and senescence as measured by proliferative lifespan in IMR 90 cells are neither accompanied nor caused by accumulation of DNA strand breaks or by diminished capacity to rejoin gamma-radiation-induced SSBs or DSBs in DNA.  相似文献   

The number of DNA double-strand breaks formed in UV-irradiated uvrB recF recB cells correlates with the number of unrepaired DNA daughter-strand gaps, and is dependent on DNA synthesis after UV-irradiation. These results are consistent with the model that the DNA double-strand breaks that are produced in UV-irradiated excision-deficient cells occur as the result of breaks in the parental DNA opposite unrepaired DNA daughter-strand gaps. By employing a temperature-sensitive recA200 mutation, we have devised an improved assay for studying the formation and repair of these DNA double-strand breaks. Possible mechanisms for the postreplication repair of DNA double-strand breaks are discussed.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are generally considered the most critical lesion induced by ionizing radiation (IR) and may initiate carcinogenesis and other disease. Using an immunofluorescence assay to simultaneously detect nuclear foci of the phosphorylated forms of histone H2AX and ATM kinase at sites of DSBs, we examined the response of 25 apparently normal and 10 DNA repair-deficient (ATM, ATR, NBN, LIG1, LIG4, and FANCG) primary fibroblast strains irradiated with low doses of 137Cs γ-rays. Quiescent G0/G1-phase cultures were exposed to 5, 10, and 25 cGy and allowed to repair for 24 h. The maximum level of IR-induced foci (0.15 foci per cGy, at 10 or 30 min) in the normal strains showed much less inter-individual variation (CV  0.2) than the level of spontaneous foci, which ranged from 0.2–2.6 foci/cell (CV  0.6; mean ± SD of 1.00 ± 0.57). Significantly slower focus formation post-irradiation was observed in seven normal strains, similar to most mutant strains examined. There was variation in repair efficiency measured by the fraction of IR-induced foci remaining 24 h post-irradiation, curiously with the strains having slower focus formation showing more efficient repair after 25 cGy. Interestingly, the ranges of spontaneous and residual induced foci levels at 24 h in the normal strains were as least as large as those observed for the repair-defective mutant strains. The inter-individual variation in DSB foci parameters observed in cells exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation in this small survey of apparently normal people suggests that hypomorphic genetic variants in genomic maintenance and/or DNA damage signaling and repair genes may contribute to differential susceptibility to cancer induced by environmental mutagens.  相似文献   

The effects on the cellular viability and induction and repair kinetics of DNA strand breaks in HeLa cells were examined after exposure to a thermal neutron beam and compared with those after gamma-irradiation. The thermal neutron survival curve had no initial shoulder. The relative biological effectiveness (r.b.e.) value of the neutron beam was determined to be 2.2 for cell killing (ratio of D0 values), 1.8 and 0.89 for single strand breakage (ssb) by alkaline sedimentation and alkaline elution respectively, and for double strand breakage (dsb) 2.6 by neutral elution. No difference was observed between thermal neutrons and gamma-rays in the repair kinetics of ssb and dsb. It is suggested that the effect induced by the intracellular nuclear reaction, 14N(n,p)14C is mainly responsible for the high r.b.e. values observed.  相似文献   

A defect in ability to rejoin gamma-induced single-strand DNA breaks, earlier found in the lymphocytes of a patient with form II of xeroderma pigmentosum, has been also shown for cultured skin fibroblasts. In successive subcultivation the ability to rejoin DNA breaks gradually increases. Elimination of double-strand DNA breaks occurs with the same fullness and rate as in the cells of patients with classic form of XP and healthy donors. The subcultivation does not influence this process. Possible causes of the phenomena discovered are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was aimed to characterize pattern of occurrence of spontaneous single-strand breaks in situ in glial and neuronal nuclei of the cortex, middle brain and hyppocapmi (CA3 field) of rats selected for a threshold of nervous system excitability, and to study the influence of stress of various modality on such breaks. The results obtained evidence that: 1) intact animals possess a subpopulation of glial and neuronal cells revealed following gap filling in situ in opposite to other types of terminally differentiated non-proliferating cells; 2) the size of such a subpopulation differs depending on the lines of examined rats, parts of brain, and the type of stress.  相似文献   

The levels of apparent DNA single-strand breaks (ssb) were measured, following a 0-20 h incubation of normal human skin fibroblasts exposed to the solar uv wavelengths produced by a fluorescent sunlamp. The ssb were determined using the alkaline elution assay, which was performed either without proteinase K (proK) or in its presence, so as to eliminate any DNA-protein crosslinks that may be present in the cells. Cells were irradiated with either 3 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 295 nm, 150 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 315 nm, or 150 kJ/m2 of sunlamp uv greater than 320 nm. These treatments resulted in the production of 5-10 ssb/10(10) Da. For the two shorter wavelength irradiations, the levels of ssb decreased rapidly upon incubation of the cells. However, when the elutions were performed using proK, the number of ssb increased about twofold following a 2-4 h incubation. In contrast, the levels of ssb decreased in the sunlamp uv greater than 320 nm irradiated cells for elutions performed with or without proK. These results suggest that under certain irradiation conditions, ssb are formed in cells upon incubation, which are hidden by the crosslinking of protein to DNA.  相似文献   

Using filter elution techniques, we have measured the level of induced single- and double-strand DNA breaks and the rate of strand break rejoining following exposure of two Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants to bleomycin or neocarzinostatin. These mutants, designated BLM-1 and BLM-2, were isolated on the basis of hypersensitivity to bleomycin and are cross-sensitive to a range of other free radical-generating agents, but exhibit enhanced resistance to neocarzinostatin. A 1-h exposure to equimolar doses of bleomycin induces a similar level of DNA strand breaks in parental CHO-K1 and mutant BLM-1 cells, but a consistently higher level is accumulated by BLM-2 cells. The rate of rejoining of bleomycin-induced single- and double-strand DNA breaks is slower in BLM-2 cells than in CHO-K1 cells. BLM-1 cells show normal strand break repair kinetics. The level of single- and double-strand breaks induced by neocarzinostatin is lower in both BLM-1 and BLM-2 cells than in CHO-K1 cells. The rate of repair of neocarzinostatin-induced strand breaks is normal in BLM-1 cells but retarded somewhat in BLM-2 cells. Thus, there is a correlation between the level of drug-induced DNA damage in BLM-2 cells and the bleomycin-sensitive, neocarzinostatin resistant phenotype of this mutant. Strand breaks induced by both of these agents are also repaired with reduced efficiency by BLM-2 cells. The neocarzinostatin resistance of BLM-1 cells appears to be a consequence of a reduced accumulation of DNA damage. However, the bleomycin-sensitive phenotype of BLM-1 cells does not apparently correlate with any alteration in DNA strand break induction or repair, as analysed by filter elution techniques, suggesting an alternative mechanism of cell killing.  相似文献   

The faithful maintenance of chromosome continuity in human cells during DNA replication and repair is critical for preventing the conversion of normal diploid cells to an oncogenic state. The evolution of higher eukaryotic cells endowed them with a large genetic investment in the molecular machinery that ensures chromosome stability. In mammalian and other vertebrate cells, the elimination of double-strand breaks with minimal nucleotide sequence change involves the spatiotemporal orchestration of a seemingly endless number of proteins ranging in their action from the nucleotide level to nucleosome organization and chromosome architecture. DNA DSBs trigger a myriad of post-translational modifications that alter catalytic activities and the specificity of protein interactions: phosphorylation, acetylation, methylation, ubiquitylation, and SUMOylation, followed by the reversal of these changes as repair is completed. "Superfluous" protein recruitment to damage sites, functional redundancy, and alternative pathways ensure that DSB repair is extremely efficient, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This review strives to integrate the information about the molecular mechanisms of DSB repair that has emerged over the last two decades with a focus on DSBs produced by the prototype agent ionizing radiation (IR). The exponential growth of molecular studies, heavily driven by RNA knockdown technology, now reveals an outline of how many key protein players in genome stability and cancer biology perform their interwoven tasks, e.g. ATM, ATR, DNA-PK, Chk1, Chk2, PARP1/2/3, 53BP1, BRCA1, BRCA2, BLM, RAD51, and the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 complex. Thus, the nature of the intricate coordination of repair processes with cell cycle progression is becoming apparent. This review also links molecular abnormalities to cellular pathology as much a possible and provides a framework of temporal relationships.  相似文献   

Higher plants are generally more tolerant to ionizing radiation than mammals. To explore the radiation tolerance of higher plants, the induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by gamma rays was investigated in tobacco BY-2 cells and compared with that in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells as a reference. This is the first examination of radiation-induced DSBs in a higher plant cell. The resulting DNA fragments were separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and stained with SYBR Green I. The initial yield of DSBs was then quantified from the fraction of DNA fragments shorter than 1.6 Mbp based on the assumption of random distribution of DSBs. The DSB yield in tobacco BY-2 cells (2.0 +/- 0.1 DSBs Gbp(-1) Gy(-1)) was only one-third of that in CHO-K1 cells. Furthermore, the calculated number of DSBs per diploid cell irradiated with gamma rays at the mean lethal dose was five times greater in BY-2 cells (263 +/- 13) than in CHO-K1 cells. These results suggest that the radiation tolerance of BY-2 cells appears to be due not only to a lower induction of DNA damage but also to a more efficient repair of the induced DNA damage.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to obtain direct evidence for the hypothesis that in human cells the repair of UV-damaged DNA is initiated by an incision step, and that this step is defective in cells from patients having Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). The alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation technique was used to detect breaks in the DNA.A decreased sedimentation velocity of the DNA was found after exposure of normal and XP cells to high doses of UV (5000 erg/mm2). Breaks were induced in the DNA by the UV irradiation without the action of an enzyme. After exposure of both types of cell to UV doses of 100–500 erg/mm2, breaks that might occur by enzymic incision were not observed, possibly because of immediate rejoining.After single-strand breaks had been induced by X-rays, rejoining did not occur at temperatures lower than 22°. Rejoining was inhibited by KCN, 2,4-dinitrophenol, EDTA, iodoacetate and crystal violet. Actinomycin D, acriflavine and phleomycin, also tested as potential inhibitors of the repair process, induced breaks or conformational changes in the DNA of unirradiated normal and XP cells.Application to UV-exposed cells of conditions that inhibit the rejoining of breaks did not cause accumulation of breaks in the DNA. The results suggest a coordinated and sequential performance of the steps in the repair of each UV lesion by repair enzymes which may act as a complex.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of extremely low frequency time-varying magnetic fields (MFs) on human normal and cancer cells. Whereas a single exposure to a 60-Hz time-varying MF of 6 mT for 30 min showed no effect, repetitive exposure decreased cell viability. This decrease was accompanied by phosphorylation of γ-H2AX, a common DNA double-strand break (DSB) marker, and checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2), which is critical to the DNA damage checkpoint pathway. In addition, repetitive exposure to a time-varying MF of 6 mT for 30 min every 24 h for 3 days led to p38 activation and induction of apoptosis in cancer and normal cells. Therefore, these results demonstrate that repetitive exposure to MF with extremely low frequency can induce DNA DSBs and apoptosis through p38 activation. These results also suggest the need for further evaluation of the effects of repetitive exposure to environmental time-varying MFs on human health.  相似文献   

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