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The composition of intermediate filaments in pericytes was examined by immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopic labeling of frozen sections of various chicken microvascular beds in situ. Pericytes in capillaries of cardiac muscle, exocrine pancreas, and kidney (peritubular capillary) were found to contain both desmin and vimentin. In some capillaries where pericytes do not exist, cells apposed to endothelial cells--the Ito cell in the hepatic sinusoid and the reticular cell in the splenic sinusoid--were shown to contain both of the intermediate filament proteins. In contrast, podocytes and mesangial cells around renal glomerular capillaries contained only vimentin. The presence of desmin supports the hypothesis that pericytes may have a contractile apparatus similar to that of vascular smooth muscle cells. Our results also revealed that even in microvascular beds where pericytes are not found, cells having both desmin and vimentin exist next to endothelial cells and may assume similar functions to pericytes.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1984,98(6):1961-1972
Antibodies against chicken erythrocyte vimentin and gizzard desmin were affinity purified and then cross-absorbed with the heterologous antigen. They were used to study the in vivo distributions of these proteins in developing and mature myotubes by immunofluorescence microscopy of 0.5-2-micron frozen sections of iliotibialis muscle in 7- 21-day chick embryos, neonatal and 1-d postnatal chicks, and adult chickens. The distributions of vimentin and desmin were coincidental throughout the development of myotubes, but the concentration of vimentin was gradually reduced as the myotubes matured and became largely undetectable at the time of hatching. The process of confining these proteins to the level of Z line from the initial uniform distribution occurred subsequent to the process of bringing myofibrils into lateral registry: in-register lateral association of several myofibrils was occasionally seen as early as in 7-11-d embryos, whereas the cross-striated immunofluorescence pattern of desmin and vimentin was only vaguely discerned in myotubes of 17-d embryos, just 4 d before hatching. In some myotubes of 21-d embryos, myofibrils were in lateral registry as precisely as in adult myofibers but desmin was still widely distributed around Z line in an irregular manner. Nevertheless, in many other myotubes of prenatal or neonatal chicks, desmin became confined to the level of Z line in a manner similar to that seen in adult myofibers, thus essentially completing its redistribution to the confined state of adult myofibers in coincidence with the time of hatching. In extracts from iliotibialis and posterior latissimus dorsi muscles of adult chickens, we detected a hitherto unidentified protein that was very similar to vimentin in molecular weight but did not react with our antivimentin antibody. We discuss the possibility that this protein was confused with vimentin in the past.  相似文献   

Frozen sections of chicken tissues containing aortic and capillary endothelial cells were immunolabeled with two mouse monoclonal antibodies directed to different epitopes of the chicken integrin beta-chain. Integrin is an integral membrane protein complex that is believed to mediate a transmembrane linkage between the extracellular matrix and the actin cytoskeleton. In immunofluorescence experiments with semi-thin frozen sections, the aortic endothelial cells were labeled for integrin all around their surfaces, whereas capillary endothelial cells of heart and kidney were labeled only on their basal surfaces. At the immunofluorescence level of resolution, the distribution of integrin appeared to be correlated with that of F-actin in double-labeling experiments with NBD-phallacidin. These different distributions of integrin on the two types of endothelial cells were definitively confirmed by immunoelectron microscopic labeling with the monoclonal antibodies on ultra-thin frozen sections. These results therefore indicate that the luminal surfaces, as well as the underlying cytoskeleton of capillary endothelial cells, are significantly different in structure from those of aortic endothelial cells. These differences may reflect the vastly different hemodynamic stress to which the two types of endothelial cells are subjected, and in addition may mediate different adhesion properties of the luminal surfaces of the two cell types.  相似文献   

The distribution of the intermediate filament proteins vimentin and desmin in developing and mature myotubes in vivo was studied by single and double immunoelectron microscopic labeling of ultrathin frozen sections of iliotibialis muscle in 7-21-d-old chick embryos, and neonatal and 1-d-old postnatal chicks. This work is an extension of our previous immunofluorescence studies of the same system (Tokuyasu, K. T., P. A. Maher and S. J. Singer, 1984, J. Cell Biol., 98:1961-1972). In immature myotubes of 7-11-d embryos, significant labeling for desmin and vimentin was found only in intermediate filaments, and these proteins coexisted in the same individual filaments. Each of the two proteins was present in irregular clusters along the entire length of a filament. No exclusively vimentin- or desmin-containing filaments were observed at this stage. In the early myotubes, the intermediate filaments were essentially all longitudinally oriented, even when they contained three times as much desmin as vimentin. No special relationship was recognized between the dispositions of the filaments and the organization of the myofibrils. Occasionally, several myofibrils were already aligned in lateral registry at this early stage, but labeling for desmin and vimentin was largely absent at the level of the Z bands. Instead, the Z bands appeared to be covered by elements of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The confinement of intermediate filaments to the level of the Z bands occurred in the myotubes of later embryos after the extensive lateral registry of the Z bands. Thus, intermediate filaments are unlikely to play a primary role in producing the lateral registration of myofibrils during myogenesis, but may be important in determining the polarization of the early myotube and the alignment of its organelles. Throughout the development of myotubes, desmin and vimentin remained in the form of intermediate filaments, although the number of filaments per unit volume of myotube appeared to be reduced as myofibrils increased in number in maturing myotubes. This observation indicated that the transverse orientation of intermediate filaments in mature myotubes does not result from the de novo polymerization of subunits from Z band to Z band, but a continuous shifting of the positions and directions of intact filaments.  相似文献   

The occurrence of vimentin, a specific intermediate filament protein, has been studied by immunoflourescence microscopy in tissue of adult and embryonic brain as well as in cell cultures from nervous tissue. By double imminofluorescence labeling, the distribution of vimentin has been compared with that of subunit proteins of other types of intermediate filaments (glial fibrillary acidic [GFA] protein, neurofilament protein, prekeratin) and other cell-type specific markers (fibronectin, tetanus toxin receptor, 04 antigen). In adult brain tissue, vimentin is found not only in fibroblasts and cells of larger blood vessels but also in ependymal cells and astrocytes. In embryonic brain tissue, vimentin is detectable as early as embryonic day 11, the earliest stage tested, and is located in radial fibers spanning the neural tube, in ventricular cells, and in blood vessels. At all stages tested, oligodendrocytes and neurons do not express detectable amounts of vimentin. In primary cultures of early postnatal mouse cerebellum, a coincident location of vimentin and GFA protein is seen in astrocytes, and both types of filament proteins are included in the perinuclear aggregates formed upon exposure of the cells to colcemid. In cerebellar cell cultures of embryonic-day-13 mice, vimentin is seen in various cell types of epithelioid or fibroblastlike morphology but is absent from cells expressing tetanus toxin receptors. Among these embryonic, vimentin-positive cells, a certain cell type reacting neither with tetanus toxin nor with antibodies to fibronectin or GFA protein has been tentatively identified as precursor to more mature astrocytes. The results show that, in the neuroectoderm, vimentin is a specific marker for astrocytes and ependymal cells. It is expressed in the mouse in astrocytes and glial precursors well before the onset of GFA protein expression and might therefore serve as an early marker of glial differentiation. Our results show that vimentin and GFA protein coexist in one cell type not only in primary cultures in vitro but also in the intact tissue in situ.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent study of embryonal vessels of man using antibodies to myosin, desmin and vimentin showed heterogeneity of smooth muscle cells. It is supposed that the use of desmin as a marker of cell differentiation can increase the role of modified phenotypes in the development of the pathological process in the vascular wall.  相似文献   

We report on the effect of the net charge of a tracer (ferritin) on its permeability in fenestrated capillaries of the brain. Our experiments show that the charge of this tracer actually influences its interaction with the endothelium. Three phases of tracer-endothelial interaction could be discriminated. Anionic and slightly cationic derivatives (pH 4.5-7.8) do not show any affinity to the luminal endothelial membrane. Ferritin derivatives with a pI value between 7.8 and 9.3 result in the labeling of the fenestrae without coating additional luminal plasmalemmal structures (i.e., coated pits and plasmalemmal vesicles). Tracers with a high positive net charge (pI greater than 9.3) led to their endocytotic uptake and extravasation by some transcytotic mechanism. Extravasated cationic ferritin accumulates in the endothelial basement membrane and binds to striated collagen fibrils. It is suggested that the pericapillary collagen fibrils of fenestrated brain capillaries act as a charge filter with respect to macromolecules.  相似文献   

The distribution of the intermediate filament (IF) proteins desmin, keratin, and vimentin was studied immunohistochemically in bovine ovaries. Special attention was paid to granulosa cells to examine possible marked changes of IF distribution in relation to folliculogenesis during ovarian development. Therefore, ovaries were used from fetuses from 3 months of gestation onward, calves, heifers, and cows. In all ovaries, desmin immunoreactivity was restricted to smooth muscle cells in blood vessel walls. Keratin appeared a characteristic of the ovarian surface epithelium. Co-localization of keratin and vimentin was observed in the epithelium of rete ovarii tubules in fetuses and calves, and in cortical cord epithelium and pregranulosa cells of primordial follicles in fetuses at 3–7 months of gestation. Vimentin was demonstrated in endothelium and in fibroblasts. In addition, vimentin immunoreactivity was present in granulosa cells of primary, secondary, and antral follicles. In antral follicles, these granulosa cells mainly had an elongated appearance and either contained an oblong or a round nucleus. Those with an oblong nucleus were characteristic for atretic antral follicles. In nonatretic follicles, numerous vimentin immunore-active, elongated granulosa cells with a round nucleus were observed, especially in the peripheral granulosa layer and in small (<3 mm in diameter) antral follicles. Additionally, in antral follicles, protrusions of vimentin-positive corona radiata cells were observed, that penetrated the zona pellucida to contact the oocyte. The data show that the distribution of vimentin containing IFs is associated with various aspects of granulosa cell activity, as mitosis, atresia, and intercellular transport. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Indirect immunofluorescence was used to study the temporal appearance and spatial distribution of desmin during the myogenesis of the embryos of Cynops orientalis. Desmin is undetectable until stage 25. In stage 25 embryo, it can be seen that desmin is restrictively distributed at both ends of columnar cells, near the boundary between two somites and intense in the cells near by the notochord. From stage 26 to stage 30, the amount of desmin is increased and its distribution pattern shows little change (Plate I, Figs. 1-2). At stage 32 desmin can be detected in the cells more distal to the notochord and forms filaments on the inside of the cell membrane parallel to the long axis of the cell (Plate I, Fig. 3 and 5). Desmin filaments extend gradually from the both ends toward the mid-part of the cell (Plate I, Fig. 6 and Plate II, Figs. 7, 11-13). At about stage 40 the whole cell is filled with desmin filaments and the attachment of desmin to Z line can occasionally be detected (Plate II, Fig. 8). Desmin attached to Z line is increased at stage 41 (Plate II, Fig. 9) and at stage 43 most of the desmin is found attached to Z line (Plate II, Fig.10). According to EM observation, Z line structure can be seen in stage 33 embryo (Wang[18]), but desmin remains in the filament form till stage 40. The transference of desmin distribution pattern from filament to Z line occurs somewhat later than the appearance of scattered sarcomeres. The possibility that notochord may be the main factor which influences the spatial localization of desmin was analyzed. The relationship between the transference of desmin from filament to Z line attached form and the quantitative changes of both desmin and sarcomere was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothalamo-hypophysial system of the adult chicken has been studied with a monoclonal antibody that cross-reacts with arginine vasotocin and mesotocin. We have used this antibody on thick (100 m) sections in conjunction with a peroxidase-conjugated rabbit antimouse antibody that permits the visualization not only of entire perikarya, but also of long portions of their axons and dendrites. Our results confirm older concepts based on classical methods, but the more sensitive immunocytochemical method reveals that the system is more extensive than previously recognized. Immunostained neurons in the chicken are widely scattered in the hypothalamus. In the rostral preoptic region, there are three immunostained neuronal cell groups: 1) a prominent closely packed group that extends along the ventromedial surface, 2) a diffusely distributed lateral group, and 3) an external group that surrounds the lateral aspect of the septomesencephalic tract. Caudally in the preoptic area and in the anterior hypothalamus, the same groups are present; but there are also conspicuous periventricular perikarya. Many of them have processes that project to the lumen of the third ventricle, as well as parallel axons that arch lateroventrally in the hypothalamus. In the midhypothalamic area, the periventricular perikarya and processes are particularly numerous at the level of the palliai commissure. The dorsal periventricular group located at the level of the dorsomedial anterior nucleus of the thalamus are the most caudal perikarya. They extend laterally in a wing-like formation. The immunostained axons from all of these perikarya form a compact hypothalamo-hypophysial tract as they run from the midhypothalamus to the median eminence and converge beneath the third ventricle. Axons branching from this tract innervate the zone externa of the anterior median eminence; another group of axons running in the fibrous layer of the zona interna proceeds to the neural lobe.  相似文献   

Microinjection of antibodies to vimentin into fibroblast cell lines causes intermediate filaments (IFs) to build perinuclear caps. We have extended these findings by microinjection of monoclonal antibodies specific for different IF types to non-epithelial cell lines of human origin, which co-express two different IF proteins. Thus GFA and vimentin IgGs have been microinjected in separate experiments into a glioma cell line, desmin and vimentin IgGs into RD cells, and vimentin IgGs into a cell line which co-expresses neurofilaments and vimentin. In all instances, microinjection of a single antibody causes the formation of perinuclear caps in which the two different IF proteins co-localize, suggesting that vimentin and the second IF type present in each cell line localize to the same 10-nm filaments. Immunoelectron microscopy using desmin and vimentin antibodies made in different species and appropriate second antibodies labelled with 5 and 20 nm gold particles confirm this result for RD cells. When Fab' fragments of the vimentin IgGs are microinjected into different cell types, formation of perinuclear caps is observed in immunofluorescence microscopy. In RD cells immunoelectron microscopy shows that the Fab' fragments induce caps which appear less dense than the caps seen after microinjection of IgGs.  相似文献   

Summary Thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase (NADPH-oxidized thioredoxin oxidoreductase, E.C. have been proposed to be involved in several thioldependent reduction-oxidation reactions in cells. Both proteins have been immunohistochemically demonstrated in the periphery of the cytoplasm and in cytoplasmic granules of acinar and islet cells in mouse pancreas. In animals fed ad libitum, the staining for thioredoxin was more intense in the exocrine acinar cells than in the islet cells, whereas that for thioredoxin reductase was more intense in the endocrine than in the exocrine pancreas. In the islets of fed mice all endocrine cell types showed about the same staining intensity for thioredoxin, while thioredoxin reductase was greatly enriched in the somatostatin-containing D cells. Starvation overnight caused an increased staining for both proteins in the acinar cells as well as in the islets. Under conditions of starvation, thioredoxin reductase, in contrast to thioredoxin, appeared to increase preferentially in the islet B cells, as compared with the D cells. Cysteamine treatment reduced the staining for somatostatin and for thioredoxin reductase in the D cells without any obvious effect on the other pancreatic cells. The results are compatible with a role for thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase in secretion.  相似文献   

Human cells were transfected with a mouse vimentin cDNA expression vector containing the hormone response element of mouse mammary tumor virus. The distribution of mouse vimentin after induction with dexamethasone was examined by indirect immunofluorescence with antivimentin antibodies specific for either mouse or human vimentin. In stably transfected HeLa cells, which contain vimentin filaments, addition of dexamethasone resulted in the initial appearance of mouse vimentin in discrete areas, usually perinuclear, that always corresponded to areas of the human filament network with the most intense fluorescence. Within 20 h after addition of dexamethasone, the mouse and human vimentin immunofluorescence patterns were identical. However, in stably transfected MCF-7 cells, which lack vimentin filaments, induction of mouse vimentin synthesis resulted in assembly of vimentin filaments throughout the cytoplasm without any obvious local concentrations. Transient expression experiments with SW-13 cell subclones that either lack or contain endogenous vimentin filaments yielded similar results to those obtained with MCF-7 and HeLa transfectants, respectively. Further experiments with HeLa transfectants were conducted to follow the fate of the mouse protein after synthesis had dropped after withdrawal of dexamethasone. The mouse vimentin-specific fluorescence was initially lost from peripheral areas of the cells while the last detectable mouse vimentin always corresponded to the human filament network with the most intense fluorescence. These studies are consistent with a uniform assembly of vimentin filaments throughout the cytoplasm and suggest that previous observations of polarized or vectorial assembly from a perinuclear area to more peripheral areas in cells may be attributable to the nonuniformly distributed appearance of vimentin filaments in immunofluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

An anatomical analysis of the chicken trigeminal ganglion was made using light microscopy on specimens prepared by usual chemical fixation or freeze-drying methods and by electron microscopy. Two types of neurons were consistently seen, dark and light cells. Dark cells contained a dense cytoplasm with Nissl substance distributed evenly throughout, whereas light cells had a less dense cytoplasm containing clumps of Nissl substance. The Nissl bodies in light cells contained only a few small cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum as compared with many stacked cisternae in Nissl bodies of dark cells. The ratio of dark to light cells was approximately 62:38 in all regions of the ganglion. Dark cells were consistently smaller than light cells. In the seven-day old chick, the mean diameters of the dark and light neurons were 21.4 μ and 29.5 μ respectively; in the adult the values were 29.9 μ and 39.7 μ respectively. It is concluded that the dark and light cells belong to two distinct neuronal cell populations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the immunohistochemical distribution of laminin, vimentin and desmin during the implantation period in the rat since ECM remodelling and the expression of intermediate filaments (Ifs) is essential for successful decidualization and implantation. On day 4 of pregnancy, laminin was found in a few endometrial stromal cells (ESC), the basement membrane of the numerous endometrial blood vessels, in endometrial glands and as well as in the uterine epithelium. The localization of vimentin on day 4 of pregnancy was widespread in the ESC. However, desmin immunoreactivity was low in ESC on this day of pregnancy. On day 6 of pregnancy, laminin and vimentin were localized in the decidual area underlying luminal epithelium and around the implanting embryo. Additionally, desmin was found to be present densely in decidual cells of the anti-mesometrial region where implantation takes place. Finally, on day 8 of pregnancy, laminin was present in decidual and parietal endodermal cells, whereas vimentin was immunolocalized in primary and secondary decidual regions in the endometrium. In contrast, desmin was detected in some parts of the secondary decidual zone. In conclusion, these proteins could have crucial roles in decidualization and implantation.  相似文献   

Here we report the nucleotide sequence of the chicken vimentin gene and its deduced primary amino acid sequence. A comparison of this gene to other intermediate filament protein genes demonstrates that both exon size and position are strongly conserved features of this multigene family. In addition, the hamster and chicken vimentin genes exhibit strong identity at the level of nucleotide (74%) and amino acid (80%) sequence. Interestingly, 40% of total sequence diversity is localized to the N terminus or "head" region of these genes whereas other protein domains (rod and C terminus) are remarkably identical in both nucleotide (81%) and amino acid (89%) sequence. Even stronger amino acid identity (100%) is exhibited in certain subdomains which may define regions crucial for filament formation and function. Not surprisingly, vimentin is more homologous across animal species than it is to other intermediate filament protein members (e.g. desmin) within the same species. A comparison of 5'-flanking sequences of the hamster and chicken genes as well as other characterized promoter elements (SV40, HSV-TK) reveals homologous sequence elements which may define common and/or unique sites involved in the modulation of gene expression. The implications of these sequence elements for both tissue-specific and developmental expression of the vimentin gene are discussed.  相似文献   

The spontaneous prostaglandin I2 production was significantly reduced by the removal of endothelial cells from the isolated dog renal arteries compared with relative slight reduction of prostaglandin E2 production. The stimulation of prostaglandin I2 production induced with angiotensin II was also markedly reduced under the absence of endothelial cells, while its potentiation of prostaglandin E2 production was not inhibited. The results suggest that the vascular endothelial cells are the major sources of prostaglandin I2 in the dog renal arteries, while prostaglandin E2 is mainly produced in other cell types, perhaps vascular smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

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