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PISTILLATA (PI) is a floral homeotic B function gene in Arabidopsis and together with the other B function gene, APETALA3 (AP3), is involved in specifying petal and stamen identities. The expression of PI and AP3 is under similar developmental control. The initiation of AP3 and PI expression is at least partly caused by the floral meristem identity gene LEAFY, but the maintenance of AP3 and PI expression involves an autoregulatory loop requiring the activity of both genes. PI and AP3 are MADS domain proteins that form, and appear to function as, a heterodimer. AP3/PI binds in vitro to a sequence motif, CC(A/T)6GG, a MADS domain protein consensus binding site also known as the CArG box. We identified a 481-bp PI promoter region that confers both the initiation and the maintenance of PI expression patterns. We further dissected the promoter and identified minimal regions responsible for the AP3/PI-dependent expression. No CArG box is present in these minimal regions, suggesting that either AP3/PI does not bind directly to the PI promoter for the maintenance control, or that it requires additional factors to bind to the PI promoter. Our results suggest that the mechanisms of regulation of the two B function genes, AP3 and PI, are different, because CArG boxes are present in the AP3 promoter and are necessary for the AP3 feedback control. Received: 1 March 2000 / Revision accepted: 15 June 2000  相似文献   

Piwarzyk E  Yang Y  Jack T 《Plant physiology》2007,145(4):1495-1505
The B-class genes APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and their orthologs in other species have been the focus of studies to elucidate the development of petals and stamens in angiosperm flowers. Evolutionary analysis indicates that B-class genes have undergone multiple gene duplication events in angiosperms. The resultant B-class lineages are characterized by short, conserved amino acid sequences at the extreme C-terminal end of the B-class proteins. AP3 is a member of the euAP3 lineage that contains both the euAP3 and PI-derived motifs at the C terminus. PI is a member of the PI lineage that contains the C-terminal PI motif at the C terminus. Despite conservation over a wide evolutionary distance, the function of C-terminal motifs is not well understood. In this study, we demonstrate that truncated forms of AP3 and PI, which lack the conserved C-terminal motifs, function to direct floral organ identity specification in Arabidopsis plants. By contrast, larger truncations, which remove the third putative amphipathic alpha-helix in the K domain of AP3 or PI, are nonfunctional. We conclude that the euAP3 and PI-derived motifs of AP3 and the PI motif of PI are not essential for floral organ identity function of AP3 and PI in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

APETALA3(AP3)/DEFICIENS(DEF)和PISTILLATA(PI)/GLOBOSA(GLO)为植物花器官发育B类基因,控制双子叶植物花瓣和雄蕊的发育,它们属于MADS-box基因家族,编码转录因子,这些基因的突变能导致花瓣转变为萼片,雄蕊转变为心皮。近年来已经在多种植物中克隆到了AP3/DEF和PI/GLO基因,AP3/DEF和PI/GLO基因在拟南芥中只在花器官中表达,而在玉米等植物维管束、叶片等组织中也有表达。现对有关AP3/DEF和PI/GLO基因表达及其在植物系统发育学研究方面的进展进行综述。  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, two floral homeotic genes APETALA2 (AP2) and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identities of perianth and reproductive organs, respectively, in flower development. The two genes act antagonistically to restrict each other to their proper domains of action within the floral meristem. In addition to AG, which antagonizes AP2, miR172, a microRNA, serves as a negative regulator of AP2. In this study, we showed that AG and miR172 have distinct functions in flower development and that they largely act independently in the negative regulation of AP2. We uncovered functions of miR172-mediated repression of AP2 in the regulation of floral stem cells and in the delineation of the expression domain of another class of floral homeotic genes. Given the antiquity of miR172 in land plants, our findings have implications for the recruitment of a microRNA in the building of a flower in evolution.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: It has previously been shown that Arabidopsis thaliana ethylene-responsive element binding protein (AtEBP) contributed to resistance to abiotic stresses. Interestingly, it has also been reported that expression of ethylene-responsive factor (ERF) genes including AtEBP were regulated by the activity of APETALA2 (AP2), a floral homeotic factor. AP2 is known to regulate expression of several floral-specific homeotic genes such as AGAMOUS. The aim of this study was to clarify the relationship between AP2 and AtEBP in gene expression. METHODS: Northern blot analysis was performed on ap2 mutants, ethylene-related Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic Arabidopsis plants over-expressing AtEBP, and a T-DNA insertional mutant of AtEBP. Phenotypic analysis of these plants was performed. KEY RESULTS: Expression levels of ERF genes such as AtEBP and AtERF1 were increased in ap2 mutants. Over-expression of AtEBP caused upregulation of AP2 expression in leaves. AP2 expression was suppressed by the null-function of ethylene-insensitive2 (EIN2), although AP2 expression was not affected by ethylene treatment. Loss of AtEBP function slightly reduced the average number of stamens. CONCLUSIONS: AP2 and AtEBP are mutually regulated in terms of gene expression. AP2 expression was affected by EIN2 but was not regulated by ethylene treatment.  相似文献   

The MADS domain proteins APETALA1 (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identity of Arabidopsis floral organs. AP1 and AG homocomplexes and AP3-PI heterocomplexes bind to CArG-box sequences. The DNA-binding properties of these complexes were investigated. We find that AP1, AG and AP3-PI are all capable of recognizing the same DNA-binding sites, although with somewhat different affinities. In addition, the three complexes induce similar conformational changes on a CArG-box sequence. Phasing analysis reveals that the induced distortion is DNA bending, oriented toward the minor groove. The molecular dissection of AP1, AP3, PI and AG indicates that the boundaries of the dimerization domains of these proteins vary. The regions required to form a DNA-binding complex include, in addition to the MADS box, the entire L region (which follows the MADS box) and the first putative amphipathic helix of the K box in the case of AP3-PI, while for AP1 and AG only a part of the L region is needed. The similarity of the DNA-binding properties of AP1, AP3-PI and AG is discussed with regard to the biological specificity that these proteins exhibit.  相似文献   

In most dioecious angiosperm species, flowers are initially perfect but abort either stamens or carpels during their development, indicating that sex determination occurs after floral organ identity has been established. Dioecious members of the genus Thalictrum (meadow-rue), however, produce flowers that lack aborted organs. Examination of early flower development of T. dioicum confirms that flowers are male or female from inception, raising the possibility that genetic mechanisms working at or above the level of organ identity promote sex determination through a homeotic-like mechanism. In order to investigate this possibility, we identified homologs of the organ identity genes PISTILLATA (PI), APETALA3 (AP3) and AGAMOUS (AG) from T. dioicum and the hermaphroditic species T. thalictroides. A combination of early and late duplication events was uncovered in these gene lineages and expression analyses indicate that these events are generally associated with divergence in gene regulation. In light of these findings, we discuss the potential of T. dioicum as a new model for the study of sex determination in the basal eudicots.  相似文献   

Among the homeotic mutants with altered floral organs, two mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana, apetala3 and pistillata, and two mutants of Antirrhinum majus, deficiens and globosa, have a homeotic conversion of the floral organs in whorl 2 and 3, namely petals to sepals and stamens to carpels. We have isolated a homologue of the DEFICIENS gene from A. thaliana wild type and shown complete complementation of apetala3 mutation by introducing the isolated gene using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. These results show that the APETALA3 is a homologue of DEFICIENS structurally and functionally. The 5-upstream region of APETALA3 contains three SRE-like sequence, where MADS box-containing proteins are assumed to bind and regulate expression in tissue-and stage-specific manner.  相似文献   

Plant pathogens alter the course of plant developmental processes, resulting in abnormal morphology in infected host plants. Phytoplasmas are unique plant‐pathogenic bacteria that transform plant floral organs into leaf‐like structures and cause the emergence of secondary flowers. These distinctive symptoms have attracted considerable interest for many years. Here, we revealed the molecular mechanisms of the floral symptoms by focusing on a phytoplasma‐secreted protein, PHYL1, which induces morphological changes in flowers that are similar to those seen in phytoplasma‐infected plants. PHYL1 is a homolog of the phytoplasmal effector SAP54 that also alters floral development. Using yeast two‐hybrid and in planta transient co‐expression assays, we found that PHYL1 interacts with and degrades the floral homeotic MADS domain proteins SEPALLATA3 (SEP3), APETALA1 (AP1) and CAULIFLOWER (CAL). This degradation of MADS domain proteins was dependent on the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. The expression of floral development genes downstream of SEP3 and AP1 was disrupted in 35S::PHYL1 transgenic plants. PHYL1 was genetically and functionally conserved among other phytoplasma strains and species. We designate PHYL1, SAP54 and their homologs as members of the phyllody‐inducing gene family of ‘phyllogens’.  相似文献   

The floral quartet model proposes that plant MADS box proteins function as higher order tetrameric complexes. However, in planta evidence for MADS box tetramers remains scarce. Here, we applied a strategy using in vivo fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) based on the distance change and distance symmetry of stable tetrameric complexes in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) leaf cells to improve the accuracy of the estimation of heterotetrameric complex formation. This measuring system precisely verified the stable state of Arabidopsis petal (AP3/PI/SEP3/AP1) and stamen (AP3/PI/SEP3/AG) complexes and showed that the lily (Lilium longiflorum) PI co-orthologs LMADS8 and LMADS9 likely formed heterotetrameric petal complexes with Arabidopsis AP3/SEP3/AP1, which rescued petal defects of pi mutants. However, L8/L9 did not form heterotetrameric stamen complexes with Arabidopsis AP3/SEP3/AG to rescue the stamen defects of the pi mutants. Importantly, this system was applied successfully to find complicated tepal and stamen heterotetrameric complexes in lily. We found that heterodimers of B function AP3/PI orthologs (L1/L8) likely coexist with the homodimers of PI orthologs (L8/L8, L9/L9) to form five (two most stable and three stable) tepal- and four (one most stable and three stable) stamen-related heterotetrameric complexes with A/E and C/E function proteins in lily. Among these combinations, L1 preferentially interacted with L8 to form the most stable heterotetrameric complexes, and the importance of the L8/L8 and L9/L9 homodimers in tepal/stamen formation in lily likely decreased to a minor part during evolution. The system provides substantial improvements for successfully estimating the existence of unknown tetrameric complexes in plants.  相似文献   

pMADS3, a petunia class C gene, is the candidate homologue of Arabidopsis AGAMOUS (AG), which is involved in the specification of stamens and carpels. We report the characterization of loss-of-function phenotype of pMADS3 that resulted from silencing of this gene. Silencing of pMADS3 resulted in homeotic conversion of stamens into petaloid structures, whereas the carpels were only weakly affected. Ectopic secondary inflorescences emerged from the interstamenal region in the third whorl, which is unique and has not been reported for any class C gene of other plant species. Third-order inflorescences emerged at corresponding positions in the third whorl of inner flowers of secondary inflorescences, indicating reiterative conversion of parts of the floral meristem into inflorescence meristem. On the basis of phenotypic analysis of the pMADS3-silenced plants, we propose that pMADS3 is involved in determination of floral organ and floral meristem identity in petunia. Two hybrid studies in yeast showed that PMADS3 protein interacted specifically with FBP2, a candidate homologue of Arabidopsis SEPALLATA3 (SEP3). The evidence presented here suggest that a complex involving PMADS3 and FBP2 is responsible for specification of organ identity in the third whorl.  相似文献   

P‐selectin glycoprotein ligand‐1 (PSGL‐1) is a homodimeric mucin ligand that is important to mediate the earliest adhesive event during an inflammatory response by rapidly forming and dissociating the selectin‐ligand adhesive bonds. Recent research indicates that the noncovalent associations between the PSGL‐1 transmembrane domains (TMDs) can substitute for the C320‐dependent covalent bond to mediate the dimerization of PSGL‐1. In this article, we combined TOXCAT assays and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to probe the mechanism of PSGL‐1 dimerization. The results of TOXCAT assays and Martini coarse‐grained molecular dynamics (CG MD) simulations demonstrated that PSGL‐1 TMDs strongly dimerized in a natural membrane and a leucine zipper motif was responsible for the noncovalent dimerization of PSGL‐1 TMD since mutations of the residues that occupied a or d positions in an (abcdefg)n leucine heptad repeat motif significantly reduced the dimer activity. Furthermore, we studied the effects of the disulfide bond on the PSGL‐1 dimer using MD simulations. The disulfide bond was critical to form the leucine zipper structure, by which the disulfide bond further improved the stability of the PSGL‐1 dimer. These findings provide insights to understand the transmembrane association of PSGL‐1 that is an important structural basis for PSGL‐1 preferentially binding to P‐selectin to achieve its biochemical and biophysical functions.  相似文献   

Su K  Zhao S  Shan H  Kong H  Lu W  Theissen G  Chen Z  Meng Z 《The New phytologist》2008,178(3):544-558
In core eudicots, euAP3-type MADS-box genes encode a PISTILLATA (PI)-derived motif, as well as a C-terminal euAP3 motif that originated from a paleoAP3 motif of an ancestral APETALA3 (AP3)-like protein through a translational frameshift mutation. To determine the functional and evolutionary relevance of these motifs, a series of point mutation and domain-swap constructs were generated, involving CsAP3, a paleoAP3-type gene from the basal angiosperm Chloranthus spicatus encoding a truncated paleoAP3 motif, and AtAP3, a euAP3-type gene from the core eudicot Arabidopsis thaliana. The chimeric constructs were expressed in A. thaliana under the control of the AP3 promoter or the CaMV 35S promoter in an ap3 mutant or wild-type background, respectively. Significant recovery of AP3 function was obtained in both complementation and ectopic expression experiments whenever the region upstream of the C-terminal motifs (MIK region) from A. thaliana was taken, even when the PI-derived motif and the truncated paleoAP3 motif of CsAP3 substituted for the corresponding sequences from AtAP3. However, no or very weak complementation or gain-of-function was seen when the MIK region was from CsAP3. Our data suggest that changes in the MIK region rather than mutations in the C-terminal domain were of crucial importance for the evolution of the functional specificity of euAP3-type proteins in stamen and petal development.  相似文献   

The MADS domain homeotic proteins APETALA1 (AP1), APETALA3 (AP3), PISTILLATA (PI), and AGAMOUS (AG) combinatorially specify the identity of Arabidopsis floral organs. AP1/AP1, AG/AG, and AP3/PI dimers bind to similar CArG box sequences; thus, differences in DNA-binding specificity among these proteins do not seem to be the origin of their distinct organ identity properties. To assess the overall contribution that specific DNA binding could make to their biological specificity, we have generated chimeric genes in which the amino-terminal half of the MADS domain of AP1, AP3, PI, and AG was substituted by the corresponding sequences of human SRF and MEF2A proteins. In vitro DNA-binding assays reveal that the chimeric proteins acquired the respective, and distinct, DNA-binding specificity of SRF or MEF2A. However, ectopic expression of the chimeric genes reproduces the dominant gain-of-function phenotypes exhibited by plants ectopically expressing the corresponding Arabidopsis wild-type genes. In addition, both the SRF and MEF2 chimeric genes can complement the pertinent ap1-1, ap3-3, pi-1, or ag-3 mutations to a degree similar to that of AP1, AP3, PI, and AG when expressed under the control of the same promoter. These results indicate that determination of floral organ identity by the MADS domain homeotic proteins AP1, AP3, PI, and AG is independent of their DNA-binding specificity. In addition, the DNA-binding experiments show that either one of the two MADS domains of a dimer can be sufficient to confer a particular DNA-binding specificity to the complex and that sequences outside the amino-terminal basic region of the MADS domain can, in some cases, contribute to the DNA-binding specificity of the proteins.  相似文献   

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