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Regulation of CREB-mediated gene expression by salt inducible kinase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salt inducible kinase (SIK) was identified as a molecule induced in the adrenal glands of rats fed with a high-salt diet. A major downstream of SIK is regulation of camp-responsive element (CRE)-dependent gene expression. SIK represses the activity of CRE-binding protein (CREB) by phosphorylating a CREB-specific co-activator transducer of regulated CREB activity (TORC). When TORC is dephosphorylated it activates CREB in a CREB-phosphorylation independent manner. The importance of the dephosphorylation of TORC has been suggested by the fact that a kinase inhibitor staurosporine induces dephosphorylation of TORC and upregulates the gene expression of CYP11A, CYP11B1, CYP11B2 and StAR in adrenocortical cells. The identification of SIK caused a stir in the field of CREB studies and led to disclosure of cascades hidden behind the classical mechanism for CREB activity.  相似文献   

HepG2 cells that stably overexpress PPARalpha were used to examine the regulation of the two known human CYP4A genes by Wy14643. Specific PCR amplification across intron 5 and restriction endonuclease analysis indicated that HepG2 cells possess genes corresponding to both the CYP4A11 cDNA and a more recently characterized gene, CYP4A22, that exhibits 95% identity to CYP4A11 in the coding region. These are unlikely to represent alleles because both genes were present in DNA samples from 100 of 100 individuals. Quantitative real-time PCR determined that CYP4A22 mRNA is expressed at significantly lower levels than CYP4A11 mRNA in human liver samples. The PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 induced CYP4A11 mRNA in confluent cultures of HepG2 cells stably expressing the murine PPARalpha-E282G mutant. This mutant exhibits a significantly decreased ligand-independent trans-activation and can be activated by Wy14643 to a level similar to that of wild-type PPARalpha. Dexamethasone induced CYP4A11 mRNA in both control and PPARalpha- E282G-expressing HepG2 cells, indicating that the induction of CYP4A11 by dexamethasone is independent of elevated PPARalpha expression. Wy14643 or dexamethasone induction of CYP4A22 mRNA was not evident in either control or PPARalpha -E282G-expressing HepG2 cells. The results indicate that CYP4A11 expression can be induced by glucocorticoids and peroxisome proliferators.  相似文献   

CYP3A41 is a female-specific major CYP3A in mouse livers. Adrenalectomy decreased expression of CYP3A41 as well as CYP3A11, another major CYP3A, and dexamethasone (DEX) restored the decreased expression. Hypophysectomy completely abolished CYP3A41 expression and growth hormone (GH) replacement only slightly restored the expression. Treatment with DEX alone did not induce expression of either CYP3A41 or CYP3A11 in hypophysectomized mice. However, combined treatment with GH and DEX strongly induced expression of CYP3A41 but not CYP3A11. In primary cultured mouse hepatocytes, DEX induced expression of both CYP3A41 and CYP3A11, and DEX-inducible expression of CYP3A41 was suppressed by RU486, a potent antiglucocorticoid. In contrast, RU486 by itself enhanced basal expression of CYP3A11 mRNA, while it showed no inhibitory effect on DEX-inducible expression. These observations indicate that glucocorticoids may participate in the GH-dependent control of the Cyp3a41 gene expression, probably mediated via the glucocorticoid receptor, which may be different from that of the Cyp3a11 gene expression.  相似文献   

An undecane peptide (Gly-Ser-Pro-Gly-Ile-Pro-Gly-Ser-Thr-Gly-Met) was genetically attached to the N-terminus of ovomucoid third domain (DIII) to investigate structural characteristics of linear IgE and IgG (B cell) epitopes in DIII with respect to modulation of the immune response towards antigenicity and allergenicity. Balb/c mice were sensitized with native DIII, wild type recombinant DIII, and recombinant modified DIII containing the extra amino acid stretch. The immune responses to the antigens were compared using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Interestingly, specific IgE and IgG levels were suppressed when the modified DIII was used as antigen. This was further confirmed by synthesizing immunodominant IgE and IgG epitopes of DIII on cellulose acetate membrane (SPOTs) and probing them with antibodies raised against DIII antigens. Anti-recombinant wild type DIII anti-serum showed strong binding activities to immunodominant IgE and IgG epitopes, while anti-modified DIII serum did not show any significant binding to the IgE and IgG epitopes. Thus, it is clearly demonstrated that the amino acid stretch in DIII is masking the immune reactive epitope. Genetical attachment of peptides into DIII was found to be effective in reducing the production of specific IgE and IgG antibodies in mice.  相似文献   

Methoxychlor, a currently used pesticide, is demethylated and hydroxylated by several hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes. Also, methoxychlor undergoes metabolic activation, yielding a reactive intermediate (M*) that binds irreversibly and apparently covalently to microsomal proteins. The study investigated whether methoxychlor could inhibit or inactivate certain liver microsomal P450 enzymes. The regioselective and stereoselective hydrox-ylation of testosterone and the 2-hydroxylation of estradiol (E2) were utilized as markers of the P450 enzymes inhibited by methoxychlor. Both reversible and time-dependent inhibition were examined. Coincubation of methoxychlor and testosterone with liver microsomes from phenobarbital treated (PB-microsomes) male rats, yielded marked diminution of 2α- and 16α-testosterone hydroxylation, indicating strong inhibition of P4502C11 (P450h). Methoxychlor moderately inhibited 2β-, 7α-, 15α-, 15β-, and 16β-hydroxylation and androstenedi-one formation. There was only a weak inhibition of 6β-ydroxylation of testosterone. The methox-ychlor-mediated inhibition of 6β-hydroxylation was competitive. By contrast, when methoxychlor was permitted to be metabolized by PB-microsomes or by liver microsomes from pregnenolone-16α-car-bonitrile treated rats (PCN-microsomes) prior to addition of testosterone, a pronounced time-dependent inhibition of 6β-hydroxylation was observed, suggesting that methoxychlor inactivates the P450 3A isozyme(s). The di-demethylated methoxychlor (bis-OH-M) and the tris-hydroxy (ca-techol) methoxychlor metabolite (tris-OH-M) inhibited 6β-hydroxylation in PB-microsomes competitively and noncompetitively, respectively; however, these methoxychlor metabolites did not exhibit a time-dependent inhibition. Methoxychlor inhibited competitively the formation of 7α-hydroxytestosterone (7α-OH-T) and 16α-hydroxy-testosterone (16α-OH-T) but exhibited little or no time-dependent inhibition of generation of these metabolites, indicating that P450s 2A1, 2B1/B2, and 2C11 were inhibited but not inactivated. Methoxychlor inhibited in a time-dependent fashion the 2-hydroxylation of E2 in PB-microsomes. However, bis-OH-M exhibited solely reversible inhibition of the 2-hydroxylation, supporting our conclusion that the inactivation of P450s does not involve participation of the demethylated metabolites. Both competitive inhibition and time-dependent inactivation of human liver P450 3A (6β-hydroxylase) by methoxychlor, was observed. As with rat liver microsomes, the human 6β-hydroxylase was inhibited by bis-OH-M and tris-OH-M competitively and noncompetitively, respectively. Testosterone and estradiol strongly inhibited the irreversible binding of methoxychlor to microsomal proteins. This might explain the “clean” competitive inhibition by methoxychlor of the 6β-OH-T formation when the compounds were coin-cubated. Glutathione (GSH) has been shown to interfere with the irreversible binding of methoxychlor to PB-microsomal proteins. The finding that the coincubation of GSH with methoxychlor partially diminishes the time-dependent inhibition of 6β-hydroxylation provides supportive evidence that the inactivation of P450 3A isozymes by methoxychlor is related to the formation of M*.  相似文献   

The metabolism of diazinon, an organophosphorothionate pesticide, to diazoxon and pyrimidinol has been studied in incubations with hepatic microsomes from control Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats or SD rats treated with different P450‐specific inducers (phenobarbital, dexamethasone, β‐napthoflavone, and pyrazole). Results obtained indicate an involvement of CYP2C11, CYP3A2, and CYP2B1/2, whereas CYP2E1 and CYP1A1 do not contribute to the pesticide oxidative metabolism. Indeed, diazinon was metabolized by microsomes from control rats; among the inducers, phenobarbital and dexamethasone only increased the production of either metabolites, although to different extents. The production of the two metabolites is self‐limiting, due to P450 inactivation; therefore, the inhibition of CYP‐specific monooxygenase activities after diazinon preincubation has been used to selectively identify the competent CYPs in diazinon metabolism. Results indicate that, after diazinon preincubation, CYP3A2‐catalyzed reactions (2β‐ and 6β‐testosterone hydroxylation) are very efficiently inhibited; CYP2C11‐ and CYP2B1/2‐catalyzed reactions (2α‐ and 16β‐testosterone hydroxylation, respectively) are weakly inhibited, while CYP2E1‐, CYP2A1/2‐, and CYP1A1/2‐related activities were unaffected. Results obtained by using chemical inhibitors or antibodies selectively active against specific CYPs provide a direct evidence for the involvement of CYP2C11, CYP3A2, and CYP2B1/2, indicating that each of them contributed about 40–50% of the diazinon metabolism, in hepatic microsomes from untreated, phenobarbital‐, and dexamethasone‐treated rats, respectively. The higher diazoxon/pyrimidinol ratio observed after phenobarbital‐treatment together with the significantly more effective inhibition toward diazoxon production exerted by metyrapone in microsomes from phenobarbital‐treated rats supports the conclusion that CYP2B1/2 catalyze preferentially the production of diazoxon. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Biochem Toxicol 13: 53–61, 1999  相似文献   

The RASSF family proteins were identified as tumor suppressors in a variety of human cancers, and evidenced distinct subcellular localization patterns among their subfamilies and isoforms. In this study, we showed that NORE1A was exported actively via its nuclear export signal (NES) in the C-terminus (residues 372-379). Substitutions of three lysine residues of NORE1A NES to alanines (L372, 376, 379A) showed its localization to the dot structures of the nucleus, which was similar to the NORE1A localizations observed after the administration to cells of Leptomycin B, a nuclear export inhibitor. The NORE1A NES mutant inhibited caspase-mediated apoptosis, whereas wild-type NORE1A induced caspase-3 activation. Furthermore, the NORE1A NES mutant did not co-localize with GFP-MST1, the direct downstream target of NORE1A. These results show that the nuclear export of NORE1A via NES is involved in the NORE1A-mediated induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Food storage tissue in the seeds of gymnosperms is female gametophyte (megagametophyte) that develops before fertilization, whereas, in seeds of angiosperms, food is stored as endosperm initiated by double fertilization. The megagametophyte is haploid, and endosperm is usually triploid, at least initially. Despite differences in origin, ploidy level, and developmental trigger, the early events of female gametophyte development in ginkgo are very similar to nuclear endosperm development in the seeds of angiosperms. In both, development begins as a single cell that undergoes multiple mitoses without cytokinesis, to produce a large syncytium. This study provided evidence that microtubule involvement in organization of the syncytium into nuclear cytoplasmic domains (NCDs) via nuclear-based radial microtubule systems is a critical developmental feature in the ginkgo megagametophyte, as it is in endosperm. Once the initial anticlinal walls have been deposited at the boundaries of NCDs, cellularization proceeds by the process of alveolation. Continued unidirectional growth of the alveolar walls is an outstanding example of polar cytokinesis. Ginkgo megagametophyte development appears to occur uniformly throughout the entire chamber, whereas nuclear type endosperm usually exhibits distinct developmental domains. These observations suggest that there is a fundamental pathway for the development and cellularization of syncytia in seed development.  相似文献   

Mammalian cytochrome P450scc (CYP11A1p) is a pseudointegral protein of the inner membrane of mitochondria with the active center exposed in the matrix. Upon import of the CYP11A1p precursor into yeast mitochondria, only a minor part was incorporated into the inner mitochondrial membrane and acquired catalytic activity (Kovaleva, I. E., Novikova, L. A., Nazarov, P. A., Grivennikov, S. I., and Luzikov, V. N. (2003) Eur. J. Biochem., 270, 222-229). The present work is an attempt to increase the efficiency of this process by substitution of the inherent N-terminal presequence of CYP11A1p by the addressing signal of D-lactate dehydrogenase (D-LD) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. D-LD is known to be inserted into the inner membrane of mitochondria through its transmembrane domain located close to the N-terminus of the polypeptide chain in such a way that the protein globule is exposed in the intermembrane space. The hybrid protein D-LD(1-72)-mCYP11A1p synthesized in yeast cells was imported into yeast mitochondria, underwent processing, and was inserted into the inner membrane on the side of the intermembrane space. In the presence of adrenodoxin and adrenodoxin reductase, the hybrid protein exhibited cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity. Thus, CYP11A1p insertion into the inner membrane of mitochondria mediated by the D-LD topogenic signal resulted in the catalytically active mCYP11A1p domain in the hybrid protein.  相似文献   



The deficiency of steroid 11β-hydroxylase is caused by mutations in the CYP11B1 gene and is the second major form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia associated with hypertension.


The objective of this study was to screen the CYP11B1 gene for mutations in one Vietnamese male suffering from congenital adrenal hyperplasia.


The patient (46,XY) had congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The clinical manifestations presented precocious puberty, hyper-pigmentation and high blood pressure at 4 years.


The patient was a homozygous carrier of a novel mutation located in exon 7 containing a premature stop codon instead of tyrosine at 395 (p.Y395X).


We have identified a novel mutant of the CYP11B1 gene in one Vietnamese family associated with phenotypes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. The mutant gene p.Y395X produces a truncated form of the polypeptide and abolishes the enzyme activities, leading to a severe phenotype of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Local production and action of cholesterol metabolites such as steroids or oxysterols within endocrine tissues are currently recognized as an important principle in the cell type- and tissue-specific regulation of hormone effects. In adipocytes, one of the most abundant endocrine cells in the human body, the de novo production of steroids or oxysterols from cholesterol has not been examined. Here, we demonstrate that essential components of cholesterol transport and metabolism machinery in the initial steps of steroid and/or oxysterol biosynthesis pathways are present and active in adipocytes. The ability of adipocyte CYP11A1 in producing pregnenolone is demonstrated for the first time, rendering adipocyte a steroidogenic cell. The oxysterol 27-hydroxycholesterol (27HC), synthesized by the mitochondrial enzyme CYP27A1, was identified as one of the major de novo adipocyte products from cholesterol and its precursor mevalonate. Inhibition of CYP27A1 activity or knockdown and deletion of the Cyp27a1 gene induced adipocyte differentiation, suggesting a paracrine or autocrine biological significance for the adipocyte-derived 27HC. These findings suggest that the presence of the 27HC biosynthesis pathway in adipocytes may represent a defense mechanism to prevent the formation of new fat cells upon overfeeding with dietary cholesterol.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of phosphorylation on the function of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), 10 putative phosphorylation sites were mutated in the hamster StAR. In pcDNA3.1-StAR transfected COS-1 cells, decreases in basal activity were found for the mutants S55A, S185A and S194A. Substitution of S185 by D or E to mimic phosphorylation resulted in decreased activity for all mutants; we concluded that S185 was not a phosphorylation site and we hypothesized that mutations on S185 created StAR conformational changes resulting in a decrease in its binding affinity for cholesterol. In contrast, the mutation S194D resulted in an increase in StAR activity. We have calculated the relative rate of pregnenolone formation (App. Vmax) in transfected COS-1 cells with wild type (WT) and mutant StAR-pcDNA3.1 under control and (Bu)2-cAMP stimulation. The App. Vmax values refer to the rate of cholesterol transported and metabolized by the cytochrome P450scc enzyme present in the inner mitochondrial membrane. The App. Vmax was 1.61 ± 0.28 for control (Ctr) WT StAR and this value was significantly increased to 4.72 ± 0.09 for (Bu)2-cAMP stimulated preparations. App. Vmax of 5.53 (Ctr) and 4.82 ((Bu)2-cAMP) found for S194D StAR preparations were similar to that of the WT StAR stimulated preparations. At equal StAR quantity, an anti-phospho-(S/T) PKA substrate antibody revealed four times more phospho-(S/T) in (Bu)2-cAMP than in control preparations. The intensity of phosphorylated bands was decreased for the S55A, S56A and S194A mutants and it was completely abolished for the S55A/S56A/S194A mutant. StAR activity of control and stimulated preparations were diminished by 73 and 72% for the mutant S194A compared to 77 and 83% for the mutant S55A/S56A/S194A. The remaining activity appears to be independent of phosphorylation at PKA sites and could be due to the intrinsic activity of non-phosphorylated StAR or to an artefact due to the pharmacological quantity of StAR expressed in COS-1. In conclusion we have shown that (Bu)2-cAMP provokes an augmentation of both the quantity and activity of StAR, and that an enhancement in StAR phosphorylation increases its activity. The increased quantity of StAR upon (Bu)2-cAMP stimulation could be due to an augmentation of its mRNA or protein synthesis stability, or both; this is yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 family 1 (CYP1) proteins are important in a large number of toxicological processes. CYP1A and CYP1B genes are well known in mammals, but the evolutionary history of the CYP1 family as a whole is obscure; that history may provide insight into endogenous functions of CYP1 enzymes. Here, we identify CYP1-like genes in early deuterostomes (tunicates and echinoderms), and several new CYP1 genes in vertebrates (chicken, Gallus gallus and frog, Xenopus tropicalis). Profile hidden Markov models (HMMs) generated from vertebrate CYP1A and CYP1B protein sequences were used to identify 5 potential CYP1 homologs in the tunicate Ciona intestinalis genome. The C. intestinalis genes were cloned and sequenced, confirming the predicted sequences. Orthologs of 4 of these genes were found in the Ciona savignyi genome. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses group the tunicate genes in the CYP1 family, provisionally in 2 new subfamilies, CYP1E and CYP1F, which fall in the CYP1A and CYP1B/1C clades. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses predict functional divergence between the tunicate and vertebrate CYP1s, and regions within CYP substrate recognition sites were found to differ significantly in position-specific substitution rates between tunicates and vertebrates. Subsequently, 10 CYP1-like genes were found in the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (sea urchin) genome. Several of the tunicate and echinoderm CYP1-like genes are expressed during development. Canonical xenobiotic response elements are present in the upstream genomic sequences of most tunicate and sea urchin CYP1s, and both groups are predicted to possess an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), suggesting possible regulatory linkage of AHR and these CYPs. The CYP1 family has undergone multiple rounds of gene duplication followed by functional divergence, with at least one gene lost in mammals. This study provides new insight into the origin and evolution of CYP1 genes.  相似文献   

In the present study, the anti-tumor mechanism of Z-100 was investigated with the use of pulmonary metastasis of B16F10 melanoma. In B16F10 mice, Th1 cytokine production (IL-2, IFN-gamma) was suppressed in comparison with normal mice. On the other hand, Th2 cytokine production (IL-4, IL-10) was increased in the B16F10 mice. The administration of Z-100 to B16F10 mice restored the balance of Th1/Th2 cell responses from the Th2 dominant state to the normal state. Z-100 significantly suppressed the pulmonary metastasis of B16F10 melanoma in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that Z-100 restored the breakdown of Th1 cell responses, resulting in the suppression of pulmonary metastasis of B16F10 melanoma. Moreover, Z-100 decreased the corticosterone levels, which is known to suppress the Th1 cell responses, in both serum specimens and splenic tissue, and the steroidogenic CYP11A1 mRNA expression in CD4+ T cells. These results suggest that a suppression of pulmonary metastasis and restoration of Thl/Th2 cell responses by Z-100 may be due to the decrease in the corticosterone levels and the steroidogenic CYP11A1 mRNA expression of CD4+ T cells in B16F10 mice. Further, the role of Th1 cytokine, IFN-gamma, on these activities of Z-100 was examined. The suppressive effects of Z-100 on pulmonary metastasis and restoration of Th1/Th2 cell responses were eliminated by the administration of anti-IFN-gamma mAb. Moreover, the suppressive effects of Z-100 on glucocorticoid-genesis were eliminated by the administration of anti-IFN-gamma-mAb. These results suggest that Z-100 restores the balance of Th1/Th2 cell responses via the suppression of glucocorticoid-genesis by Z-100-induced IFN-gamma. IFN-gamma acts as a key cytokine in anti-tumor activities of Z-100.  相似文献   

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