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We evaluated effects of soil texture and disturbance size on the successional dynamics of a semiarid grassland dominated by the perennial bunchgrass, Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. ex Griffiths. A spatially-explicit gap dynamics simulation model was used to evaluate recovery patterns. The model simulates establishment, growth, and mortality of individual plants on an array of small plots through time at an annual time step. Each simulated disturbance consisted of a grid of plots of the same soil texture interconnected by processes associated with dispersal of B. gracilis seeds. Soil texture was incorporated into the model as effects on seed germination, seedling establishment, and subsequent growth of B. gracilis. Five soil texture classes and five disturbance sizes were simulated.Soil texture was more important to recovery of B. gracilis than either size of a disturbance or location of plots within a disturbance. Constraints on recruitment of seedlings had a greater effect on recovery than constraints associated with plant growth. Fastest recovery occurred on soils with the largest silt content, the variable that affects seedling establishment. Disturbances with slowest recovery were on soils with low silt contents, and either high or low water-holding capacity, the variable that affects plant growth. Biomass and recovery decreased as disturbance size increased, and as distance from a disturbed plot to the edge of the disturbance increased. In most cases, important interactions between soil texture and disturbance size on recovery were not found.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Guo LD  Liu RJ 《Mycorrhiza》2004,14(1):25-30
The colonization and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi associated with common pteridophytes were investigated in Dujiangyan, southwest China. Of the 34 species of ferns from 16 families collected, 31 were colonized by AM fungi. The mean percentage root length colonized was 15%, ranging from 0 to 47%. Nineteen species formed Paris-type and 10 intermediate-type AM. In two ferns, only rare intercellular non-septate hyphae or vesicles were observed in the roots and AM type could not be determined. Of the 40 AM fungal taxa belonging to five genera isolated from rooting-zone soils, 32 belonged to Glomus, five to Acaulospora, one to Archaeospora, one to Entrophospora, and one to Gigaspora. Acaulospora and Glomus were the dominant genera and Glomus versiforme was the most common species. The average AM spore density was 213 per 100 g air-dried soil and the average species richness was 3.7 AM species per soil sample. There was no correlation between spore density and percentage root length colonized by AM fungi.  相似文献   

Most plant species in mixed grassland vegetation are colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Previous studies have reported differences in host preferences among AM fungi, although the fungi are known to lack host specificity. In the present study, the distribution of phylogenetic groups of AM fungi belonging to a clade of Glomus species was studied in five plant species from a coastal grassland in Denmark. The occurrence of the fungi was determined by PCR analyses of fungal large subunit ribosomal DNA sequences amplified from root fragments using a specific primer set. The results showed that the dominant Glomus species were able to colonize all the studied plant species, supporting the view that the AM fungi represent a large underground interconnecting mycelial network.  相似文献   

Summary As a first step towards applying biotechnology to blue grama, Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Steud., we have developed a regenerable tissue culture system for this grass. Shoot apices were isolated from 3-d-old seedlings and cultured in 15 different growth regulator formulations combining 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), Picloram (4-amino-3, 5,6-trichloropicolinic acid), N6-benzyladenine (BA) or adenine (6-aminopurine). The highest induction of organogenic callus was obtained with formulations containing 1 mg l−1 (4.52 μM) 2,4-D plus 0.5 mg l−1 (2.22 μM) BA. and 2 mg l−1 (8.88 μM) BA plus 1 mg l−1 (4.14 μM) Picloram with or without 40 mg l−1 (296.08 μM) adenine. Lower frequencies of induction were obtained for embryogenic as compared to organogenic callus. The most efficient treatments for induction of embryogenic callus contained 2 mg l−1 (9.05 μM) 2,4-D combined with 0.25 (1.11 μM) or 0.50 mg l−1 (2.22 μM) BA, or 1 mg l−1 (4.52 μM) 2,4-D with 0.50 mg l−1 (2.22 μM) BA. Regeneration was achieved in hormonefree Murashige anmd Skoog (MS) medium, half-strength MS medium or MS medium plus 1 mg l−1 (1.44 μM) gibberellic acid. The number of plantlets regenerated per 500 mg callus fresh weight on MS medium ranged from 9 for 2 mg l−1 (9.05 μM) 2,4-D to 62.2 for induction medium containing 2 mg l−1 (8,28 μM) Picloram, 1 mg l−1 (4.44 μM) BA and 40 mg l−1 (296.08 μM) adenine. Regnerated plants grown in soil under greenhouse conditions reached maturity and produced seeds.  相似文献   

Diversity and colonization levels of naturally occurring arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in onion roots were studied to compare organic and conventional farming systems in the Netherlands. In 2004, 20 onion fields were sampled in a balanced survey between farming systems and between two regions, namely, Zeeland and Flevoland. In 2005, nine conventional and ten organic fields were additionally surveyed in Flevoland. AMF phylotypes were identified by rDNA sequencing. All plants were colonized, with 60% for arbuscular colonization and 84% for hyphal colonization as grand means. In Zeeland, onion roots from organic fields had higher fractional colonization levels than those from conventional fields. Onion yields in conventional farming were positively correlated with colonization level. Overall, 14 AMF phylotypes were identified. The number of phylotypes per field ranged from one to six. Two phylotypes associated with the Glomus mosseae–coronatum and the G. caledonium–geosporum species complexes were the most abundant, whereas other phylotypes were infrequently found. Organic and conventional farming systems had similar number of phylotypes per field and Shannon diversity indices. A few organic and conventional fields had larger number of phylotypes, including phylotypes associated with the genera Glomus-B, Archaeospora, and Paraglomus. This suggests that farming systems as such did not influence AMF diversity, but rather specific environmental conditions or agricultural practices. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Authors Guillermo A. Galván and István Parádi contributed equally to this research and share first co-authorship.  相似文献   

Summary Streptomycin-resistant Pseudomonas and Arthrobacter were isolated from semi-arid grassland soil and their relative responses in the rhizosphere of blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) subjected to herbage removal were evaluated. Using plants grown in normal soil, the two bacteria showed differential responses to herbage removal, which were most marked in the rhizoplane, where the Pseudomonas showed a two-log unit increase over a 60 hour period, while Arthrobacter, in contrast, exhibited a one-log unit decrease in viable counts for at least 48 hours after defoliation, responses which are similar to those observed in root exudate medium experiments by earlier workers. These results suggest that the rhizoplane may be a critical environment for interaction of these two types of microorganisms, and that sequential responses of the root-associated soil microorganisms may occur after herbage removal from this important rangeland plant. These responses are most likely associated with increased exudate release following herbage removal, which has been best documented using blue grama grown under sterile conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined the activity, species richness, and species composition of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) community of Populus-Salix stands on the Verde River (Arizona, USA), quantified patterns of AMF richness and colonization along complex floodplain gradients, and identified environmental variables responsible for structuring the AMF community. Samples from 61 Populus-Salix stands were analyzed for AMF and herbaceous composition, AMF colonization, gravimetric soil moisture, soil texture, per cent organic matter, pH, and concentrations of nitrate, bicarbonate phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. AMF species richness declined with stand age and distance from and elevation above the channel and was positively related to perennial species cover and richness and gravimetric soil moisture. Distance from and elevation above the active channel, forest age, annual species cover, perennial species richness, and exchangeable potassium concentration all played a role in structuring the AMF community in this riparian area. Most AMF species were found across a wide range of soil conditions, but a subset of species tended to occur more often in hydric areas. This group of riparian affiliate AMF species includes several not previously encountered in the surrounding Sonoran desert.  相似文献   

Summary Soil cores collected under a birch tree (Betula pubescens) on an experimental plot showed a progressive change in types of sheathing mycorrhiza with distance from the tree base. Seedlings grown in cores in a glasshouse also developed different mycorrhizal types depending on distance from the tree at which the cores were taken, but the types on seedlings were often different from those in the parent cores. When cores were taken directly beneath fruitbodies and sown to birch in a glasshouse, seedlings developed mycorrhizas of Laccaria, Inocybe and Hebeloma in cores from beneath these fruitbodies, but they seldom developed Lactarius mycorrhizas and never developed Leccinum mycorrhizas in cores taken beneath these fruitbodies. Similarly, when seedlings were grown in soils supplemented with vermiculite-peat inocula in a glasshouse, Laccaria and Hebeloma readily formed mycorrhizas, butLactarius pubescens seldom did so and Leccinum andAmanita muscaria never dit so. Yet all these fungi form mycorrhizas on birch seedlings in aseptic conditions.The results suggest a distinction between early stage and late stage mycorrhizal fungi of birch. Early stage fungi readily infect seedlings from resident or introduced inoculum in normal, unsterile soil, whereas late stage fungi do not readily form mycorrhizas in these conditions.  相似文献   

The impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on plant ecosystems has been intensively reported. In this research, we explored the difference between native and introduced AMF in promoting the growth of dominant and subordinate plant species. In glasshouse experiments, dominants and subordinates from subtropical grasslands were colonized by native AMF or introduced AMF, Glomus versiforme. The biomass revealed that mycorrhizal dependencies (MD) on the native AMF of the dominants were much higher than those of the subordinates, while MD on the introduced AMF changed following the replacement of native AMF with introduced AMF. A close relationship between biomass promotion and increase in phosphorus uptake was observed, indicating the important role of AMF-enhanced nutrient acquisition by roots. Our results show that plant community structures are partly determined by MD on native AMF, and could be modified by introducing exogenous AMF species.  相似文献   

采用分离自野生春兰(Cymbidium goeringii)根部的真菌CL-3菌株, 进行了春兰内生菌根真菌的人工接种、再分离及其共生培养研究。通过对CL-3菌株形态学观察和ITS序列同源性分析, 发现该菌株ITS序列与Acremonium strictum的亲缘关系最为接近, 序列同源性为100%。用CL-3菌株接种春兰组培苗, 接种后2个月可从组培苗中再分离获得该菌株, 且CL-3菌株处理苗的鲜重增长率达80.5%, 经方差分析, 与对照相比有显著差异。通过石蜡切片和染色, 在已接种的组培苗的根部组织中可观察到CL-3菌株存在。表明CL-3菌株能与组培幼苗成功建立共生培养体系。  相似文献   

Vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi in pure patches of coastal dune plantsElymus mollis, Wedelia prostrata andZoysia macrostachya were examined for frequency of occurrence and number of spores of VA mycorrhizal fungi over one year. Six species in three genera of VA mycorrhizal fungi were recovered. Under a patch ofE. mollis, spores ofAcaulospora sp. 1,Glomus tortuosum, Glomus sp. 1,Glomus sp. 2 andScutellospora gregaria were recovered. Spores ofGlomus spp. were most common. In patches ofW. prostrata andZ. macrostachya spores ofAcaulospora sp. 1,G. tortuosum, Glomus sp. 1,Glomus sp. 2,S. gregaria andScutellospora sp. 1 were found.Contribution No. 112, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   

Run-Jin Liu 《Mycorrhiza》1995,5(4):293-297
The development of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF): Glomus mosseae (Nicol and Gerd.) Gerdemann and Trappe, Glomus versiforme (Karsten) Berch, Sclerocystis sinuosa Gerdemann and Bakhi and Verticillium dahliae and the effects of the VAMF on the verticillium wilt of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L.) were studied with paper pots, black plastic tubes and clay pots under natural growth conditions. All of the tested VAMF were able to infect all the cotton varieties used in the present experiment and typical vesicles and arbuscules were formed in the cortical cells of the cotton roots after inoculation. The cap cells, meristem, differentiating and elongating zones of the root tip were found to be colonized by the VAMF. In the case of most V. dahliae infection, the colonization occurred mostly from the root tip up to 2 cm. VAMF and V. dahliae mutually reduced their percentage of infection when inoculated simultaneously. VAMF inoculation reduced the numbers of germinable microsclerotia in the soil of the mycorrhizosphere, while the quantity of VAM fungal spores in the soil was not influenced by infection of with V. dahliae. The % of arbuscule colonization in roots was negatively correlated with the disease grades, while the numbers of vesicles in roots were not. These results suggest that certain vital competition and antagonistic reactions exist between VAMF and V. dahliae. VAMF reduced the incidence and disease indices of verticillium wilt of cotton during the whole growth phase. It is evident that cotton seedling growth was promoted, flowering was advanced, the numbers of flowers and bolls were increased, and this resulted in an increase in the yield of seed cotton. Among the VAMF species, Glomus versiforme was the most effective, and Sclerocystis sinuosa was inferior. So far as the author is aware, such an effect of VAMF on the increase of cotton wilt tolerance/resistance is reported here far the first time.  相似文献   

We examined the role ofarbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in thebioprotection of the sand dune grass Leymus arenarius against soil fungi andnematodes. Six soil fungi (Fusariumnivale, Fusarium sp., Cladosporiumherbarum, Cladosporium sp., Phomasp., Sporothrix sp.) and four species ofnematodes (Pratylenchoidesmagnicauda, Paratylenchusmicrodorus, Rotylenchus goodeyi, Merlinius joctus) were isolated from a coastalsand dune in Iceland where a population of L. arenarius was declining in vigour. Acommercial AMF inoculum (Microbio Ltd. England)containing Glomus caledonium, G.fasciculatum, and G. mossae was used.Seedlings of L. arenarius were grownunder controlled conditions in sterile sand andsubjected to the following treatments: (1)control, (2) + AMF, (3) + AMF + soil fungi, (4)+ AMF + nematodes, (5) + AMF + nematodes + soilfungi, (6) + soil fungi, (7) + soil fungi +nematodes, (8) + nematodes. Mycorrhizal plantshad significantly the highest root dry weightof all treatments. Mycorrhizal plants hadsignificantly higher leaf dry weight thanplants in other treatments, with the exceptionof AMF inoculated plants exposed to nematodes. Mycorrhizal plants exposed to soil fungi andnematodes had significantly higher growthparameters except total number of leaves thanAMF inoculated plants exposed to both soilfungi and nematodes. Mycorrhizal plantssubjected to a dual application of soil fungiand nematodes did not vary significantly in anygrowth parameters from plants without AMF thatwere exposed to a dual application of soilfungi and nematodes. This suggests asynergistic effect of soil fungi and nematodesthat break down the protection of AMF againstpathogens. The results are discussed inrelation to plant dynamics of sand duneecosystems.  相似文献   

Small-scale spatial heterogeneity of soil organic matter (SOM) associated with patterns of plant cover can strongly influence population and ecosystem dynamics in dry regions but is not well characterized for semiarid grasslands. We evaluated differences in plant and soil N and C between soil from under individual grass plants and from small openings in shortgrass steppe. In samples from 0 to 5 cm depth, root biomass, root N, total and mineralizable soil N, total and respirable organic C, C:N ratio, fraction of organic C respired, and ratio of respiration to N mineralization were significantly greater for soil under plants than soil from openings. These differences, which were consistent for two sites with contrasting soil textures, indicate strong differentiation of surface soil at the scale of individual plants, with relative enrichment of soil under plants in total and active SOM. Between-microsite differences were substantial relative to previously reported differences associated with landscape position and grazing intensity in shortgrass steppe. We conclude that microscale heterogeneity in shortgrass steppe deserves attention in investigation of controls on ecosystem and population processes and when sampling to estimate properties at plot or site scales.  相似文献   

We examined the response of mycorrhizal fungi to free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and nitrogen (N) fertilization in a warm temperate forest to better understand potential influences over plant nutrient uptake and soil carbon (C) storage. In particular, we hypothesized that mycorrhizal fungi and glomalin would become more prevalent under elevated CO2 but decrease under N fertilization. In addition, we predicted that N fertilization would mitigate any positive effects of elevated CO2 on mycorrhizal abundance. Overall, we observed a 14% increase in ectomycorrhizal (ECM) root colonization under CO2 enrichment, which implies that elevated CO2 results in greater C investments in these fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) hyphal length and glomalin stocks did not respond substantially to CO2 enrichment, and effects of CO2 on AM root colonization varied by date. Nitrogen effects on AM fungi were not consistent with our hypothesis, as we found an increase in AM colonization under N fertilization. Lastly, neither glomalin concentrations nor ECM colonization responded significantly to N fertilization or to an N-by-CO2 interaction. A longer duration of N fertilization may be required to detect effects on these parameters.  相似文献   

Plant growth enhancing effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are suitably quantified by comparisons of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plant growth responses to added phosphorus (P). The ratio between the amounts of added P required for the same yield of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal plants is termed the relative effectiveness of the mycorrhiza. Variation in this relative effectiveness was examined for subterranean clover grown on a high P-fixing soil. Plants were either left non-mycorrhizal or inoculated with one of three AM fungal species with well-characterised differences in external hyphal spread. With no P added, plants from all treatments produced <10% of their maximum growth achieved at non-limiting P supply. The growth response of non-mycorrhizal plants was markedly sigmoid. Mycorrhizal growth responses were not sigmoid but their shape was two-phased. The first phase was an asymptotic approach to 25–30% of maximum growth, followed by a second asymptotic rise to maximum growth. Growth effects of Glomus invermaium and Acaulospora laevis were quite similar. Plants in these treatments produced up to four times greater shoot dry biomass than non-mycorrhizal plants. Scutellospora calospora was less effective. The relative effectiveness of AM fungi varied with the level of P application. This is expected to apply to all soils on which a sigmoid response is obtained for growth of non-mycorrhizal plants. In a simple approximation the relative effectiveness was calculated to range from 1.46 to 15.57. Shoot P contents were increased by up to 25 times by A. laevis, significantly more than by the other two fungi. The further mycelial spread of this fungus is thought to have contributed to its relatively greater effect on plant P content.  相似文献   

Five study sites in Japan with pure patches ofElymus mollis near to the shoreline were chosen. Abundance of spore formation ofGlomus spp. underE. mollis patches were studied at four sites to understand the factors determining the development of VA mycorrhizal fungal communities at the edge of coastal sand dune vegetation. At each study site, eight soil samples from two soil depths were collected four times (three times for Niigata) during a year. Spores ofGlomus spp. predominated at every site, but species composition ofGlomus spp. differed from site to site. In a further experiment to measure the soil depth of the highest spore densities underE. mollis, the highest density was found at depths where rhizomes ofE. mollis were present.Contribution No. 119, Laboratories of Plant Pathology and Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   

Achlorophyllous monotropoid plants (Monotropoideae, Ericaceae) are epiparasites that obtain all of their carbon from their host plants via connections with mycorrhizal fungi. The mycorrhizal fungi of the epiparasitic monotropoid Monotropastrum humile var. glaberrima were identified based on mitochondrial, large ribosomal DNA sequences, and were compared with those of another variety, M. humile var. humile. The fungi that inhabit M. humile var. glaberrimum belong to the Thelephoraceae, whereas that of M. humile var. humile is a member of the Russulaceae. Two explanations are possible for this phenomenon: a misunderstanding of the taxonomic position of M. humile var. glaberrimum, or a change in the fungal partner within the Monotropastrum.  相似文献   

The effects of three soil temperatures on growth of spring barleys (Hordeum vulgare L.) and on their root colonization by vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi from agricultural soils in Montana (USA) or Syria at different inoculum concentrations were tested in soil incubators in the greenhouse. The number of mycorrhizal plants as well as the proportion and intensity of roots colonized increased with higher soil temperatures. VAM fungi from Montana, primarily Glomus macrocarpum, were cold tolerant at 11°C while those from Syria, primarily G. hoi, were heat tolerant at 26°C. Inoculum potential of Montana VAM fungi was higher than Syrian VAM fungi in cool soils. Harmal, selected from Syrian barley land races, had the highest colonization by mycorrhizal fungi of the cultivars tested.Journal Series Paper: J-2532 Montana Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

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