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As part of our investigation of the mode of action of plant hormones in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) aleurone layers, we have studied the expression of five identified and three unidentified mRNA species in the presence of exogenous gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid. Three of the mRNAs are GA3-inducible, three are suppressed by GA3, and two are constitutive. The extent of the GA3 effect differs considerably for both inducible and suppressible mRNAs. For example, a ten-fold higher concentration of GA3 (10-8 M) is required for full induction of the high-pl group -amylase mRNA than is required for the low-pI -amylase mRNA (10-9 M). Temporal regulation of mRNA abundance also varies between the two -amylase isoenzyme groups. The three GA3-suppressible mRNA species studied, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1), a probable amylase and protease inhibitor, and an unidentified barley mRNA species also varied in response to GA3. The ADH1 mRNA decreased drastically within 8 h of GA3 treatment, whereas the other two began to decrease in abundance only after 12–16 h of GA3 treatment. Abscisic-acid treatment counteracted the GA3 effects for both the inducible and suppressible mRNA species. Comparison of -amylase-mRNA levels and -amylase-synthesis rates showed a strong correlation between the two parameters, the only exception being a lack of -amylase synthesis in the presence of -amylase mRNA at low GA3 concentrations. Therefore, the expression of -amylase seems to be regulated primarily by its mRNA levels.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ADH1 alcohol dehydrogenase 1 - cDNA copy DNA - GA3 gibberellic acid - PAPI probable amylase/protease inhibitor  相似文献   

The amylases of the second leaves of barley seedlings (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Betzes) were resolved into eight isozymes by isoelectric focusing, seven of which were β-amylase and the other, α-amylase. The α-amylase had the same isoelectric point as one of the gibberellin-induced α-amylase isozymes in the aleurone layer. This and other enzyme characteristics indicated that the leaf isozyme corresponded to the type A aleurone α-amylase (low pI group). Crossing experiments indicated that leaf and type A aleurone isozymes resulted from expression of the same genes.

In unwatered seedlings, leaf α-amylase increased as leaf water potential decreased and ABA increased. Water stress had no effect on β-amylase. α-Amylase occurred uniformly along the length of the leaf but β-amylase was concentrated in the basal half of the leaf. Cell fractionation studies indicated that none of the leaf α-amylase occurred inside chloroplasts.

Leaf radiolabeling experiments followed by extraction of α-amylase by affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation showed that increase of α-amylase activity involved synthesis of the enzyme. However, water stress caused no major change in total protein synthesis. Hybridization of a radiolabeled α-amylase-related cDNA clone to size fractionated RNA showed that water-stressed leaves contained much more α-amylase mRNA than unstressed plants. The results of these and other studies indicate that regulation of gene expression may be a component in water-stress induced metabolic changes.


Antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) have been applied to regulate gene expression using cell-free media or animal cells. Here we demonstrate the specific inhibition of barley alpha-amylase gene expression by synthetic antisense ODNs. In a cell free system using wheat-germ extracts, 5 microM of a 20-mer antisense ODN prevented the synthesis of the polypeptide corresponding to the predetermined length of alpha-amylase translated in vitro, whereas there was no effect on other protein synthesis. Furthermore, in cultured aleurone cells, alpha-amylase activity was efficiently decreased by addition of ODNs. At the concentrations higher than 5 microM, antisense ODN inhibited alpha-amylase gene expression almost completely. These results imply that ODN could transport into the cultured aleurone cells crossing the cell membrane, and regulate specific gene expression. This simple model system could be applicable not only for the analysis of the alpha-amylase multigene family in barley but also for studying functions of cryptic genes in higher plant.  相似文献   

F Gubler  J V Jacobsen 《The Plant cell》1992,4(11):1435-1441
Deletion analysis has previously shown that the major gibberellic acid (GA)- and abscisic acid (ABA)-responsive elements in the promoter of a high-pI alpha-amylase gene of barley are located downstream of -174 (Jacobsen and Close, 1991). We have used transient expression assays in barley aleurone protoplasts to identify sequences between -174 and +53 that confer GA and ABA responsiveness on expression of a beta-glucuronidase reporter gene. Using alpha-amylase promoter fragments and synthetic oligonucleotides fused to minimal promoters, we have shown that the hormone-responsive region is located between -174 and -108. A single copy of this region fused to a minimal alpha-amylase promoter (-41) conferred both GA- and ABA-responsive expression on the reporter gene comparable to the positive control, Am(-174)IGN. Multiple copies of this region were able to activate even greater levels of expression. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to determine the functional importance of the conserved motifs (-169pyrimidine box, -143TAACAAA box, and -124TATCCAC box) and nonconserved intervening sequences within the region between -174 and -108. Our results showed that both the TAACAAA and TATCCAC boxes play an important role in GA-regulated expression. We propose that the TAACAAA box is a gibberellin response element, that the TATCCAC box acts cooperatively with the TAACAAA box to give a high level of GA-regulated expression, and that together these motifs form important components of a gibberellin response complex in high-pI alpha-amylase genes. The TAACAAA box also appears to be the site of action of ABA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Brain-specific expression of MAP2 detected using a cloned cDNA probe   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
We describe the isolation of a set of overlapping cDNAs encoding mouse microtubule associated protein 2 (MAP2), using an anti-MAP antiserum to screen a mouse brain cDNA expression library cloned in bacteriophage lambda gt11. The authenticity of these clones was established by the following criteria: (a) three non-identical clones each expressing a MAP2 immunoreactive fusion protein were independently isolated from the expression library; each of these clones cross-hybridized at the nucleic acid level; (b) anti-MAP antiserum was affinity purified using nitrocellulose-bound fusion protein; these antibodies detected only MAP2 in an immunoblot experiment of whole brain microtubule protein; (c) a series of cDNA "walking" experiments was done so as to obtain a non-overlapping cloned fragment corresponding to a different part of the same mRNA molecule. Upon subcloning this non-overlapping fragment into plasmid expression vectors, a fusion protein was synthesized that was immunoreactive with an anti-MAP2 specific antiserum. Thus, a single contiguous cloned mRNA molecule encodes at least two MAP2-specific epitopes; (d) the cloned cDNA probes detect an mRNA species in mouse brain that is of a size (approximately 9 kb) consistent with the coding capacity required by a 250,000-D protein. The MAP2-specific cloned cDNA probes were used in RNA blot transfer experiments to assay for the presence of MAP2 mRNA in a variety of mouse tissues. Though brain contained abundant quantities of MAP2 mRNA, no corresponding sequences were detectable in RNA prepared from liver, kidney, spleen, stomach, or thymus. We conclude that the expression of MAP2 is brain-specific. Use of the MAP2 specific cDNA probes in genomic Southern blot transfer experiments showed the presence of a single gene encoding MAP2 in mouse. The microheterogeneity of MAP2 is therefore ascribable either to alternative splicing within a single gene, or to posttranslational modification(s), or both. Under conditions of low stringency, the mouse MAP2 cDNA probe cross-hybridizes with genomic sequences from rat, human, and (weakly) chicken, but not with sequences in frog, Drosophila, or sea urchin DNA. Thus, there is significant interspecies divergence of MAP2 sequences. The implications of the above observations are discussed in relationship to the potential biological function of MAP2.  相似文献   

Regulation of alpha-amylase gene expression in Aspergillus awamori was studied by analyzing the enzyme activity levels, rate of protein synthesis, and alpha-amylase-specific mRNA levels under various conditions of growth. alpha-Amylase synthesis was sensitive to catabolite repression as glucose repressed its synthesis by about fourfold. The stimulation of alpha-amylase synthesis in the presence of its substrate starch was shown to be due to derepression rather than induction as the enzyme was synthesized at similar rates in both starch and starvation media. Repression and derepression of enzyme synthesis was found to be mediated at the translational level. The cellular levels of alpha-amylase-specific mRNA as measured by an in vitro translation assay system, were almost identical under all conditions of enzyme synthesis. Relative in vivo and in vitro alpha-amylase mRNA template activities suggest that alpha-amylase mRNA is translated much more efficiently during the derepression than under the conditions of repressed synthesis.  相似文献   

The coding region for a secreted proteinaceous inhibitor of the human alpha-amylase (tendamistat; HOE 467) was identified by using a synthetic oligonucleotide probe. The gene is part of a 37-kilobase amplified genomic sequence found in an overproducing mutant of Streptomyces tendae. After subcloning, sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame of 312 base pairs preceded by a putative ribosome-binding site. The reading frame is 30 codons longer than necessary for the mature protein. This sequence coded for an amino-terminal extension of tendamistat and shows typical features of a signal peptide. After being cloned into Streptomyces vector plasmids and transformed to the heterologous host, Streptomyces lividans TK24, the gene was expressed, and the alpha-amylase inhibitor was correctly processed and secreted into the culture medium. The amount of secreted protein was dependent on the gene dosage and on the promoter arrangement.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol concentration on cloned gene expression in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 20B-12 containing one of two plasmids, pNA3 and pNA7, was investigated in batch cultures. Plasmids pNA3 and pNA7 contain the alpha-amylase gene under the control of the SUC2 or PGK promoter, respectively. When the ethanol concentration was controlled at 2 to 5 g/L, the gene expressions were two times higher than those at 20 g/L ethanol. The increase the gene expression by maintaining both the ethanol and glucose concentrations at low levels, a fuzzy ontroller was developed. The concentrations of glucose and ethanol were controlled simultaneously at 0.15 and 2 g/L, respectively, in the production phase using the fuzzy controller in fed-batch culture. The synthesis of alpha-amylase was induced by the low glucose concentration and maintained at a high level of activity by regulating the ethanol concentration at 2 g/L. The secretory alpha-amylase was induced by the low glucose concentration and maintained at a high level of activity by regulating the ethanol concentration at 2 g/L. The secretory alpha-amylase activities of cells harboring plasmids pNA3 and pNA7 in fed-batch culture were 175 and 395 U/mL, and their maximal specific activities 7.7 and 12.4 U/mg dry cells, respectively. These values are two to three times higher in activity and three to four times higher in specific activity than those obtained when glucose only was controlled. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The addition of abscisic acid to barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) aleurone layers at the same time as gibberellic acid completely prevents the gibberellin-induced increases in the percentage of polysomes, the formation of polyribosomes, and the synthesis of α-amylase, even when the molar concentration of gibberellic acid is four times greater than the concentration of abscisic acid. The addition of abscisic acid to aleurone cells producing α-amylase (midcourse addition) inhibits the further synthesis of α-amylase and decreases the percentage of polysomes but does not change the number of ribosomes per cell.  相似文献   

The regulatory effects of allelic substitution at the trans-acting mapP locus and of dietary glucose on the expression of the duplicate genes for alpha-amylase (Amy) in Drosophila melanogaster were examined in the anterior midgut and posterior midgut regions of mature flies. The levels of amylase activity and amylase protein, as well as the abundance of amylase-specific RNA, were quantified. All 3 parameters of Amy expression were concordant. Results indicate that the effects of both mapP and dietary glucose are exerted at the level of amylase RNA. However, the tissue-specific effects of mapP are restricted to the posterior midgut and can therefore be distinguished from the effects of glucose in food medium, which influences amylase RNA levels in both the anterior and posterior midgut regions. Our data suggest that, in large part, strain-specific effects of dietary glucose can be explained on the basis of alternate alleles at the mapP locus in different homozygous strains of flies. Levels of amylase RNA in tissue extracts of flies from an amylase-null strain were also measured. Low levels were observed in both anterior and posterior midgut extracts. These were unresponsive to dietary conditions.  相似文献   

Libraries of modified genes are often screened during the process of genetically engineering enzymes with specifically tailored activities. It is important, therefore, to create expression systems which allow for the rapid screening of many clones. We developed an Escherichia coli expression system which will secrete enzymes into the growth medium. We describe the first reported expression of barley -amylase in E. coli. The enzyme is secreted onto solid media containing starch to produce easily visualized halos. In addition, the enzyme is secreted into liquid media in an intact, active form.  相似文献   

Abstract. A monoclonal antibody prepared against barley ( Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Himalaya) nuclease (EC was characterized with solid-state enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and immuno-blotting. The antibody was specific for intracellular and secreted nuclease. Hormonal regulation of the synthesis and secretion of nuclease in isolated aleurone layers was investigated by immunoprecipitation of biosynthetically-labelled nuclease using polyclonal antibodies and by immunoblot analyses using the monoclonal antibody, respectively. Gibberellic acid (GA3) induced the de novo synthesis and secretion of nuclease in a time-and concentration-dependent manner. Nuclease was detected in aleurone layers incubated in 1 mmol m−3 GA3, after 24 h. The maximum rates of nuclease synthesis and secretion occurred 36–48 h after hormone treatment. A minimum concentration of 10−6 mol m−3 GA3 was required for nuclease synthesis and secretion, whereas the maximum rate of nuclease secretion occurred at concentrations of 10−5 mol m−3 and higher. In the presence of abscisic acid, the synthesis and secretion of nuclease from GA3-treated aleurone layers was almost completely inhibited. Based on these findings, the authors conclude that all nuclease within and secreted from aleurone layers treated with GA3 is the result of its de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

A novel amylase gene (amy3) that differs in nucleotide sequence from salivary amylase gene (amy1) and pancreatic amylase gene (amy2) has been described [Tomita et al., Gene 76 (1989) 11-18], but whether this gene can ever code for an active enzyme has not been shown. We prepared cDNA of this gene from an mRNA obtained from lung carcinoid tissue, and expressed it in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of an acid phosphatase promoter. The product was secreted into culture media, and showed enzymatic activity, demonstrating that this novel alpha-amylase gene (amy3) can code for a functional isozyme. We purified this enzyme, and compared its biological properties with those of salivary and pancreatic human amylases similarly expressed in yeast. We observed that the novel amylase isozyme is more heat-sensitive than others, and that its substrate specificity is different from the other two isozymes.  相似文献   

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