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We have isolated and analyzed a pre-ferredoxin gene from Arabidopsis thaliana. This gene encodes a 148 amino acid precursor protein including a chloroplast transit peptide of 52 residues. Southern analysis shows the presence of a single copy of this ferredoxin (Fd) gene in the A. thaliana genome. Its expression is tissue-specific and positively affected by light. Response times, both to dark and light conditions, are remarkably rapid.A chimeric gene consisting of a 1.2 kb Fd promoter fragment fused to the -glucuronidase reporter gene was transferred to tobacco. This fusion gene is expressed in a tissue-specific way; it shows high levels of expression in green leaves, as compared to root tissue.  相似文献   

We have previously identified two cDNAs encoding vegetative storage proteins (VSPs) in Arabidopsis thaliana. Unlike soybean in which VSPs accumulate at high levels in leaves, A. thaliana VSP mRNAs are abundant in flowers. To understand tissue-specific expression and possible roles of VSPs on reproductive organ development, genes corresponding to VSPs (Vsp1 and Vsp2) and their putative promoters were characterized in this study. Genomic sequence analysis revealed that Vsp1 and Vsp2 resemble each other except in their introns, and that these two genes were organized in a tandem array with an interval of 6 kb in a region. The expression patterns of Vsp1 and Vsp2 were examined using transgenic A. thaliana plants carrying a promoter from Vsp1 or Vsp2 fused to a bacterial -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene. The promoter from Vsp1 expressed its effect in gynoecia, especially in styles, the basal and distal ends of ovaries and in siliques, whereas the promoter from Vsp2 showed its activity in vegetative shoots, petioles, peduncles and receptacles of floral organs. These results suggest that expression of Vsp1 and Vsp2 may be developmentally regulated in A. thaliana. In the transgenic plants, the GUS activity was induced by wounding in an area around the mid-rib of leaves. Therefore, Vsp1 and Vsp2 promoters appear to have elements required for both tissue specificity and wounding.  相似文献   

The gene encoding Arabidopsis thaliana aspartate kinase (ATP:L-aspartate 4-phosphotransferase, EC was isolated from genomic DNA libraries using the carrot ak-hsdh gene as the hybridizing probe. Two genomic libraries from different A. thaliana races were screened independently with the ak probe and the hsdh probe. Nucleotide sequences of the A. thaliana overlapping clones were determined and encompassed 2 kb upstream of the coding region and 300 bp downstream. The corresponding cDNA was isolated from a cDNA library made from poly(A)+-mRNA extracted from cell suspension cultures. Sequence comparison between the Arabidopsis gene product and an AK-HSDH bifunctional enzyme from carrot and from the Escherichia coli thrA and metL genes shows 80%, 37.5% and 31.4% amino acid sequence identity, respectively. The A. thaliana ak-hsdh gene is proposed to be the plant thrA homologue coding for the AK isozyme feedback inhibited by threonine. The gene is present in A. thaliana in single copy and functional as evidenced by hybridization analyses.The apoprotein-coding region is interrupted by 15 introns ranging from 78 to 134 bp. An upstream chloroplast-targeting sequence with low sequence similarity with the carrot transit peptide was identified. A signal sequence is proposed starting from a functional ATG initiation codon to the first exon of the apoprotein. Two additional introns were identified: one in the 5 non-coding leader sequence and the other in the putative chloroplast targeting sequence. 5 sequence analysis revealed the presence of several possible promoter elements as well as conserved regulatory motifs. Among these, an Opaque2 and a yeast GCN4-like recognition element might be relevant for such a gene coding for an enzyme limiting the carbon-flux entry to the biosynthesis of several essential amino acids. 3 sequence analysis showed the occurrence of two polyadenylation signals upstream of the polyadenylation site.This work is the first report of the molecular cloning of a plant ak-hsdh genomic sequence. It describes a promoter element that may bring new insights to the regulation of the biosynthesis of the aspartate family of amino acids.Abbreviations AK aspartate kinase - HSDH homoserine dehydrogenase - ID intermediate domain - Tp transit peptide  相似文献   

The expression of the auxin-inducible Nt103-1 gene of tobacco was studied in Arabidopsis thaliana. For this purpose we introduced a gene fusion between the promoter of the gene and the -glucuronidase reporter gene (GUS) into Arabidopsis thaliana. The expression and location of GUS activity were studied histochemically in time and after incubation of seedlings on medium containing auxins or other compounds. The auxins 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and 1-naphthylacetic acid (1-NAA) were able to induce GUS activity in the root tips of transgenic seedlings. The auxin transport inhibitor 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid was able to induce GUS activity not only in the root tip, but also in other parts of the root. Induction by the inactive auxin analog 3,5-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid was much weaker. Compounds like glutathione and the heavy metal CuSO4 were weak inducers. GUS activity observed after induction by glutathione was located in the transition zone. Salicylic acid and compounds increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the cell were also very well able to induce GUS activity in the roots. The possible involvement of hydrogen peroxide as a second messenger in the pathway leading to the induction of the Nt103-1 promoter is discussed.  相似文献   

Farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS), the enzyme that catalyses the synthesis of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) from isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP), is considered a regulatory enzyme of plant isoprenoid biosynthesis. The promoter regions of the FPS1 and FPS2 genes controlling the expression of isoforms FPS1S and FPS2, respectively, were fused to the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana plants. The FPS1S:GUS gene is widely expressed in all plant tissues throughout development, thus supporting a role for FPS1S in the synthesis of isoprenoids serving basic plant cell functions. In contrast, the FPS2:GUS gene shows a pattern of expression restricted to specific organs at particular stages of development. The highest levels of GUS activity are detected in flowers, especially in pollen grains, from the early stages of flower development. After pollination, much lower levels of GUS activity are detected in the rest of floral organs, with the exception of the ovary valves, which remain unstained throughout flower development. GUS activity is also detected in developing and mature seeds. In roots, GUS expression is primarily detected at sites of lateral root initiation and in junctions between primary and secondary roots. No GUS activity is detected in root apical meristems. GUS expression is also observed in junctions between primary and secondary stems. Overall, the pattern of expression of FPS2:GUS suggests a role for FPS2 in the synthesis of particular isoprenoids with specialized functions. Functional FPS2 gene promoter deletion analysis in transfected protoplasts and transgenic A. thaliana plants indicate that all the cis-acting elements required to establish the full pattern of expression of the FPS2 gene are contained in a short region extending from positions –111 to +65. The potential regulatory role of specific sequences within this region is discussed.  相似文献   

N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II (GnTII, EC is a Golgi enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of glycoprotein-bound N-linked oligosaccharides, catalysing an essential step in the conversion of oligomannose-type to complex N-glycans. GnTII activity has been detected in both animals and plants. However, while cDNAs encoding the enzyme have already been cloned from several mammalian sources no GnTII homologue has been cloned from plants so far. Here we report the molecular cloning of an Arabidopsis thalianaGnTII cDNA with striking homology to its animal counterparts. The predicted domain structure of A. thalianaGnTII indicates a type II transmembrane protein topology as it has been established for the mammalian variants of the enzyme. Upon expression of A. thalianaGnTII cDNA in the baculovirus/insect cell system, a recombinant protein was produced that exhibited GnTII activity.  相似文献   

C2H2 zinc finger protein genes encode nucleic acid-binding proteins involved in the regulation of gene activity. AtZFP1 (Arabidopsis thaliana zinc finger protein 1) is one member of a small family of C2H2 zinc finger-encoding sequences previously characterized from Arabidopsis. The genomic sequence corresponding to the AtZFP1 cDNA has been determined. Molecular analysis demonstrates that AtZFP1 is a unique, intronless gene which encodes a 1100 nucleotides mRNA highly expressed in roots and stems. A construct in which 2.5 kb of AtZFP1 upstream sequences is linked to the -glucuronidase gene was introduced into Arabidopsis by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of roots. Histochemical analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis carrying the AtZFP1 promotor:-glucuronidase fusion shows good correlation with RNA blot hybridization analysis. This transgenic line will be a useful tool for analyzing the regulation of AtZFP1 to further our understanding of its function.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) belong to a unique family of enzymes containing a single polypeptide chain with a kinase domain at the amino terminus and a putative calcium-binding EF hands structure at the carboxyl terminus. From Arabidopsis thaliana, we have cloned three distinct cDNA sequences encoding CDPKs, which were designated as atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19. The full-length cDNA sequences for atcdpk6, atcdpk9 and atcdpk19 encode proteins with a molecular weight of 59343, 55376 and 59947, respectively. Recombinant atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 proteins were fully active as kinases whose activities were induced by Ca2+. Biochemical studies suggested the presence of an autoinhibitory domain in the junction between the kinase domain and the EF hands structure. Serial deletion of the four EF hands of atCDPK6 demonstrated that the integrity of the four EF hands was crucial to the Ca2+ response. All the three atcdpk genes were ubiquitously expressed in the plant as demonstrated by RNA gel blot experiments. Comparison of the genomic sequences suggested that the three cdpk genes have evolved differently. Using antibodies against atCDPK6 and atCDPK9 for immunohistochemical experiments, CDPKs were found to be expressed in specific cell types in a temporally and developmentally regulated manner.  相似文献   

Myosin is believed to act as the molecular motor for many actin-based motility processes in eukaryotes. It is becoming apparent that a single species may possess multiple myosin isoforms, and at least seven distinct classes of myosin have been identified from studies of animals, fungi, and protozoans. The complexity of the myosin heavy-chain gene family in higher plants was investigated by isolating and characterizing myosin genomic and cDNA clones from Arabidopsis thaliana. Six myosin-like genes were identified from three polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products (PCR1, PCR11, PCR43) and three cDNA clones (ATM2, MYA2, MYA3). Sequence comparisons of the deduced head domains suggest that these myosins are members of two major classes. Analysis of the overall structure of the ATM2 and MYA2 myosins shows that they are similar to the previously-identified ATM1 and MYA1 myosins, respectively. The MYA3 appears to possess a novel tail domain, with five IQ repeats, a six-member imperfect repeat, and a segment of unique sequence. Northern blot analyses indicate that some of the Arabidopsis myosin genes are preferentially expressed in different plant organs. Combined with previous studies, these results show that the Arabidopsis genome contains at least eight myosin-like genes representing two distinct classes.  相似文献   

Summary An efficient procedure for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of zygotic embryos derived from three different Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes has been developed. This procedure yielded an average transformation rate of 76% for ecotype C24, and 15–20% for ecotypes Landsberg-erecta and Columbia. A critical step for optimal transformation was the preculture of embryos on a phytohormone-containing medium. Light and electron microscopical studies showed that, during preculture, procambium cells of embryos became highly susceptible to Agrobacterium infection. Transformed cells developed calli and regenerated shoots within 4–5 weeks of culture. A total of 1500 fertile transgenic plants were regenerated. In regenerated plants the presence of inserted DNA was verified by genomic Southern blot analysis, assays of enzymatic activities of reporter genes (neomycin phosphotransferase II and -glucuronidase) as well as by genetic segregation tests. R1 progenies of 45 randomly chosen transformed lines and 150 independent regenerants did not show any somaclonal variations as ascertained by both morphological and cytological criteria. Short duration (7–8 weeks), high efficiency, reproducibility and low frequency of somaclonal variation makes the zygotic embryo transformation particularly well-suited for T-DNA tagging mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was identified by HPLC and GC-MS as one of the reaction products after incubation of sterile cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with labeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). This is the first demonstration of IBA biosynthesis in a dicotyledonous plant. After 1 h of incubation most of the IBA was found in the free form, while after longer periods of incubation most of it was detected in conjugated forms. Formation of IBA conjugates was inhibited by the addition of unlabeled IBA. The biosynthesis of IBA and its conjugates was followed throughout the development of the seedlings and at different pH values. All parts of the plant (isolated roots, leaves, shoots and flowers) were able to convert IAA to IBA to the same extent.IAA was more readily transported than IBA in mature Arabidopsis plants. Feeding of labeled phenylacetic acid (PAA) and -naphthylacetic acid (NAA) to Arabidopsis seedlings resulted in a new small peak which was hydrolyzed by 7N NaOH, but the formation of compounds with longer side chains (analogous to IBA) could not be detected.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA -naphthylacetic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary During germination and subsequent growth of fatty seeds, higher plants obtain energy from the glyconeogenic pathway in which fatty acids are converted to succinate in glyoxysomes, which contain enzymes for fatty acid -oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle. TheArabidopsis thaliana ped1 gene encodes a 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase (EC involved in fatty acid -oxidation. Theped1 mutant shows normal germination and seedling growth under white light. However, etiolated cotyledons of theped1 mutant grow poorly in the dark and have small cotyledons. To elucidate the mechanisms of lipid degradation during germination in theped1 mutant, we examined the morphology of theped1 mutant. The glyoxysomes in etiolated cotyledons of theped1 mutant appeared abnormal, having tubular structures that contained many vesicles. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that the tubular structures in glyoxysomes are derived from invagination of the glyoxysomal membrane. By immunoelectron microscopic analysis, acyl-CoA synthetase (EC, which was located on the membrane of glyoxysomes in wild-type plants, was located on the membranes of the tubular structures in the glyoxysomes in theped1 mutant. These invagination sites were always in contact with lipid bodies. The tubular structure had many vesicles containing substances with the same electron density as those in the lipid bodies. From these results, we propose a model in which there is a direct mechanism of transporting lipids from the lipid bodies to glyoxysomes during fatty acid -oxidation.  相似文献   

For several models expressing theuidA orgus reporter gene with or without a presequence for mitochondrial targeting, we have demonstrated that the compartmentation of -glucuronidase (E.C. activity was not in agreement within situ localization of the diX-indigo microcrystals generated by the cytoenzymological GUS assay. These crystals were generally associated with the various cytomembranes and lipid inclusions. Experiments with purified -glucuronidase or withgus-expressing bacteria incubated with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--d-glucuronide and maize oil-phosphate buffer emulsion indicated that the intermediate products resulting from the GUS assay actively diffused and crystallized preferentially in association with lipids, sometimes far from the site of enzyme activity. This phenomenon could not be suppressed by the addition of potassium ferricyanide in the incubation medium. These findings are discussed with regard to previously reported biochemical and histochemical data on animal tissues, and focus on the necessity for caution in studies of tissue-specific gene expression using the GUS assay, particularly for lipid-rich plant models.  相似文献   

Eight genomic clones of potato calmodulin (PCM1 to 8) were isolated and characterized. Sequence comparisons of different genes revealed that the deduced amino acid sequence of PCM1 had several unique substitutions, especially in the fourth Ca2+-binding area. The expression patterns of different genes were studied by northern analysis using the 3-untranslated regions as probes. The expression of PCM1, 5, and 8 was highest in the stolon tip and it decreased during tuber development. The expression of PCM6 did not vary much in the tissues tested, except in the leaves, where the expression was lower; whereas, the expression of PCM4 was very low in all the tissues. The expression of PCM2 and PCM3 was not detected in any of the tissues tested. Among these genes, only PCM1 showed increased expression following touch stimulation. To study the regulation of PCM1, transgenic potato plants carrying the PCM1 promoter fused to the -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene were produced. GUS expression was found to be developmentally regulated and touch-responsive, indicating a positive correlation between the expression of PCM1 and GUS mRNAs. These results suggest that the 5-flanking region of PCM1 controls developmental and touch-induced expression. X-Gluc staining patterns revealed that GUS localization is high in meristematic tissues such as the stem apex, stolon tip, and vascular regions.  相似文献   

A gene encoding a proto-oncogene, a myb-related gene named Atmyb1, was cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The Atmyb1 gene contains an intron of 494 bp, and there are no highly homologous sequences present in the A. thaliana genome, but evidence was found that other myb-related genes exist. In the 5 flanking region, we found several typical cis-acting elements found in plant promoters. Sequence comparisons revealed that the ATMYB1 protein has a putative DNA-binding domain with two repeats of tryptophan clusters, which is common in MYB-related proteins in plants, while animal MYB-related proteins contain DNA-binding domains with three repeats of tryptophan clusters. The putative DNA-binding domain of the ATMYB1 protein has higher homology with that of the human c-MYB protein than with those of other plant MYB proteins.  相似文献   

Summary The gene family encoding the Arabidopsis thaliana translation elongation factor (EF-1) was analysed. This family contains four genes (A1-A4) organized in a similar manner in different varieties of Arabidopsis. Based upon both their physical separation and a comparison of their sequences, it is suggested that the A4 gene and the A1, A2, and A3 genes constitute two distinct subfamilies within the genome. By introducing chimaeric gene constructs into Arabidopsis cells, we showed that the Al gene promoter mediates a transient expression about twofold higher than that obtained using the CaMV 35 S promoter. This expression depends on a 348 by DNA fragment extending from –982 to –634 by upstream of the initiation codon. This element contains a characteristic telomeric sequence (AACCCTAA) which is also found in the promoters of the A2 and A4 genes as well as in the promoters of the Drosophila EF-1 F1 gene and of several highly expressed plant genes.  相似文献   

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