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The effect of serotonin agonists on the depolarization (K+)-induced, calcium-dependent, release of [3H]dopamine (DA) from rat nucleus accumbens and striatal slices was investigated. Serotonin enhanced basal3H overflow and reduced K+-induced release of [3H]DA from nucleus accumbens slices. The effect of serotonin on basal3H overflow was not altered by the serotonin antagonist, methysergide, or the serotonin re-uptake blocker, chlorimipramine, but was reversed by the DA re-uptake carrier inhibitors nomifensine and benztropine. With the effect on basal overflow blocked, serotonin did not modulate K+-induced release of [3H]DA in the nucleus accumbens or striatum. The serotonin agonists, quipazine (in the presence of nomifensine) and 5-methoxytryptamine, did not significantly affect K+-induced release of [3H]DA in the nucleus accumbens. This study does not support suggestions that serotonin receptors inhibit the depolarization-induced release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens or striatum of the rat brain. The present results do not preclude the possibility that serotonin may affect the mesolimbic reward system at a site which is post-synaptic to dopaminergic terminals in the nucleus accumbens.  相似文献   

Ethanol (10–200 mM) transiently increased tritium overflow from superfused rat nucleus accumbens slices previously incubated with [3H]dopamine (DA) and [14C]choline. The effect was greater in striatal tissue and did not appear to be a non-specific membrane effect since [14C]acetylcholine (ACh) release was not affected. Lack of antagonism by picrotoxin suggested that -aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors were not involved. Calcium was not a requirement and the DA uptake blocker, nomifensine, was without effect. Ethanol appeared to be causing [3H]DA release into the cytoplasm. K+-stimulated release of [3H]DA and [14C]ACh from nucleus accumbens and striatal slices was not affected. Clonidine-mediated inhibition of the K+-evoked release of [3H]DA remained unaltered. Ethanol attenuated the isoproterenol-induced enhancement of [3H]DA release. Ethanol therefore appeared to interact with components of the DA terminal causing a transient increase in the release of neurotransmitter without impairing K+-evoked release but apparently interfering with the isoproterenol-induced effect.  相似文献   

1. The neurosteroids are compounds derived from steroid hormones and synthesized in the nervous system. They can modulate different neurotransmitter pathways. In previous work we demonstrated that progesterone modulates dopamine release induced by the glutamatergic agonist N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA).2. The aim of this work was to evaluate a possible modulatory role of the progesterone metabolite allopregnanolone on NMDA-evoked [3H]dopamine release from corpus striatum slices obtained from cycling and ovariectomized female rats.3. We used a dynamic superfusion method to evaluate the release of [3H]dopamine. Allopregnanolone at 50–600 nM was added to the superfusion buffer (Krebs–Ringer–bicarbonate–glucose, pH 7.4, with constant O2/CO2 gassing). The results are expressed as a percentage over basal [3H]dopamine loaded by the tissue.4. Allopregnanolone (50 and 100 nM) increased the NMDA-evoked[3H]dopamine release from estrus rats. The remaining doses did not show significant changes in the pattern of release. This effect was not observed in diestrus rats. The ovariectomy abolished the facilitatory effect of allopregnanolone on NMDA-evoked 2 [3H]dopamine release.5. Subcutaneous administration of exogenous estrogen (25 mg/rat) and progesterone (1 mg/rat) restored the facilitatory effect on dopaminergic input.6. These results suggest that allopregnanolone is a neurosteroid able to modulate dopamine release in an ovarian-hormone-fluctuation-dependent manner and provide further support for a role of allopregnanolone as a modulator of glutamatergic–dopaminergic interaction in the corpus striatum.  相似文献   

Calcium-naive synaptosomes were used to assess the effects of divalent cations on [3H]acetylcholine release from rat hippocampal homogenates. Following equilibration with calcium-free buffer (containing 10M EGTA), calcium reversibly increased [3H]acetylcholine efflux (up to five-fold) while causing no measurable efflux of lactate dehydrogenase. When substituted for calcium, strongtium and barium behaved similarly although barium exhibited three-fold greater efficacy. In the presence of elevated potassium, 4-aminopyridine or tetraethylammonium, the secretagogue efficacy of calcium (but not barium) was markedly increased. The release-promoting effects of both cations were inhibited by lanthanum, magnesium, cadmium, and -conotoxin but were insensitive to nifedipine and cobalt (both 10 M). In addition, stimulation of muscarnic cholinergic autoreceptors substantially inhibited both calcium and barium-evoked [3H]acetylcholine release. Taken together, these results indicate that cation-evoked transmitter release from calcium-naive synaptosomes is subject to normal neuroregulatory mechanisms and therefore should be useful for investigating presynaptic modulation of neuronal exocytosis.  相似文献   

1. The release of previously accumulated 3H-dopamine (DA) from minces of striatal tissue prepared from the brains of pargyline-pretreated rats was evaluated by superfusion with a physiological buffer solution in a six-chamber apparatus with silver toroid electrodes to provide electrical field stimuli. The identity of released tritium as 3H-DA was demonstrated chromatographically and 3H-DA taken up was found in a synaptosomal subcellular fraction. 2. Release of 3H-DA previously accumulated at 0.3 microM was found to be linearly dependent on stimulus intensity between 1 and 10 V (for 60 sec); 5 V was selected as a standard stimulus. 3. Release of 3H-DA did not occur from minces of rat liver, nor was there release of previously accumulated labeled urea or leucine from striatal tissue by electrical stimulation, 50 mM KCL, or 0.1 mM (+)-amphetamine. When 3H-DA was taken up in the presence of cocaine (1 mM) or benztropine (100 microM), electrically induced release of 3H-DA was markedly reduced, while spontaneous efflux was much less altered. 4. Release of 3H-DA was also induced by depolarizing concentrations of K+, as well as by Rb+ or NH4+, and by veratridine. Electrical release and that induced by 50 mM K+ or 100 microM veratridine was blocked by the omission of Ca2+ (with EDTA added) and that induced by veratridine was blocked by tetrodotoxin (30 microM).  相似文献   

In this study, the functional consequences of the pharmacological modulation of the M‐current (IKM) on cytoplasmic Ca2+ intracellular Ca2+concentration ([Ca2+]i) changes and excitatory neurotransmitter release triggered by various stimuli from isolated rat cortical synaptosomes have been investigated. Kv7.2 immunoreactivity was identified in pre‐synaptic elements in cortical slices and isolated glutamatergic cortical synaptosomes. In cerebrocortical synaptosomes exposed to 20 mM [K+]e, the IKM activator retigabine (RT, 10 μM) inhibited [3H]d ‐aspartate ([3H]d ‐Asp) release and caused membrane hyperpolarization; both these effects were prevented by the IKM blocker XE‐991 (20 μM). The IKM activators RT (0.1–30 μM), flupirtine (10 μM) and BMS‐204352 (10 μM) inhibited 20 mM [K+]e‐induced synaptosomal [Ca2+]i increases; XE‐991 (20 μM) abolished RT‐induced inhibition of depolarization‐triggered [Ca2+]i transients. The P/Q‐type voltage‐sensitive Ca2+channel (VSCC) blocker ω‐agatoxin IVA prevented RT‐induced inhibition of depolarization‐induced [Ca2+]i increase and [3H]d ‐Asp release, whereas the N‐type blocker ω‐conotoxin GVIA failed to do so. Finally, 10 μM RT did not modify the increase of [Ca2+]i and the resulting enhancement of [3H]d ‐Asp release induced by [Ca2+]i mobilization from intracellular stores, or by store‐operated Ca2+channel activation. Collectively, the present data reveal that the pharmacological activation of IKM regulates depolarization‐induced [3H]d ‐Asp release from cerebrocortical synaptosomes by selectively controlling the changes of [Ca2+]i occurring through P/Q‐type VSCCs.  相似文献   

A number of presynaptic cholinergic parameters (high affinity [3H]choline uptake, [3H]acetylcholine synthesis, [3H]acetylcholine release, and autoinhibition of [3H]acetylcholine release mediated by muscarinic autoreceptors) were comparatively analyzed in rat brain cortex synaptosomes during postnatal development. These various functions showed a differential time course during development. At 10 days of age the release of [3H]acetylcholine evoked by 15 mM KCl from superfused synaptosomes was Ca2+-dependent but insensitive to the inhibitory action of extrasynaptosomal acetylcholine. The muscarinic autoreceptors regulating acetylcholine release were clearly detectable only at 14 days, indicating that their appearance may represent a criterion of synaptic maturation more valuable than the onset of a Ca2+-dependent release.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has previously shown that the synthetic neuroactive steroid 3alpha-hydroxy-5beta-pregnan-20-one hemisuccinate (3alpha5betaHS) is a negative modulator of NMDA receptors in vitro. Similarly, 3alpha5betaHS exhibits rapid sedative, analgesic, anticonvulsive, and neuroprotective effects in vivo. Here we report a study designed to investigate whether a negatively charged neuroactive steroid, 3alpha5betaHS, modulates the action of NMDA receptors in vivo. Our results indicate that peripherally administered 3alpha5betaHS enters the CNS and inhibits NMDA-mediated motor activity and dopamine release in the rat striatum. The increase in motor activity induced by intrastriatal microinjection of NMDA was blocked by the systemic administration of 3alpha5betaHS and the NMDA-induced increase in extracellular dopamine in the striatum was also attenuated by both systemically administered and intrastriatally administered (by in vivo microdialysis) 3alpha5betaHS. These data indicate that 3alpha5betaHS acts through striatal NMDA receptors in vivo. When taken together, these results suggest that neuroactive steroids may prove to be effective in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders involving over-stimulation of NMDA receptors in the mesotelencephalic dopamine system.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the role of external monovalent cations, and of intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) in polarized and depolarized rat cerebral cortex synaptosomes on the release of [3H]--aminobutyric acid (3H-GABA). We found that potassium-depolarization, in the absence of Ca2+, of synaptosomes loaded with3H-GABA releases 7.4±2.1% of the accumulated neurotransmitter, provided that the external medium contains Na+, and an additional 19.0±2.5% is released upon adding 1.0 mM CaCl2 to the exterior. The Ca2+-independent release component does not occur in a choline medium and it is only 3.4±0.8% of the3H-GABA accumulated in a Li+ medium, but both ions support the Ca2+-dependent release of3H-GABA (13.4±0.6% in choline and 15.4±1.5% in Li+), which suggests that the exocytotic release is independent of the external monovalent cation present, whereas the carrier-mediated release specifically requires Na+ outside. Furthermore, previous release of the cytosolic3H-GABA due to predepolarization in the absence of Ca2+ does not influence the amount of3H-GABA subsequently released by exocytosis due to Ca2+ addition (19.1±2.5% or 19.1±1.1%, respectively). In choline or Li+ medium, the value of the [Ca2+]i is raised by Na+/Ca2+ exchange to 663±75 nM or 782±54 nM, respectively, within three minutes after adding 1.0 mM Ca2+, in the absence of depolarization, and parallel release experiments show no release of3H-GABA in the choline medium, but a substantial release (7.1±2.1%) of3H-GABA occurs in the Li+ medium without depolarization. Subsequent K+-depolarization shows normal Ca2+-dependent release of3H-GABA in the choline medium (14.1±2.0%) but only 8.6±1.1% release in the Li+ medium, which suggests that raising the [Ca2+]i by Na+/Ca2+ exchange, without depolarization, supports some exocytotic release in Li+, but not in choline media. The role of [Ca2+]i and of membrane depolarization in the release process is discussed on the basis of the results obtained and other relevant observations which suggest that both Ca2+ and depolarization are essential for optimal exocytotic release of GABA.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Santiago Grisolia.  相似文献   

[3H]Acetylcholine (ACh) release, malonaldehyde formation and45calcium-uptake were measured in rat cerebral cortical nerve terminal that were exposed to various concentrations of ferrous and ascorbate ions. At a constant molar ratio of 25:1, ferrous:ascorbate, these ions increased malonaldehyde (MA) synthesis in a concentration-dependent manner. Treatment with these ions in the same ratio also induced a dose-related inhibition of the K+-depolarization-induced release of newly synthesized [3H]ACh. Combined exposure to Fe2+/ascorbate also reduced calcium ionophore A23187-induced [3H]ACh release. Neither ferrous nor ascorbate ions alone altered depolarization-or ionophore-induced [3H]ACh release over this concentration range. Depolarization- and A23187-induced45calcium uptake were not affected by peroxidation, suggesting that membrane peroxidation influenced some process in the release-process subsequent to calcium influx in a manner similar to what is observed during aging.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Real-time monitoring of dopamine (DA) release from rat striatal slices demonstrated that endothelin (ET)-3 (0.1–10M) produced a biphasic DA release consisting of transient and sustained components. When extracellular Ca2+ was removed, the sustained but not transient response remarkably decreased.2. ET-3 (1–10M) stimulated an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), which also consisted of two components. The external Ca2+ depletion inhibited primarily the sustained component of the Ca2+ response to ET-3.3. ET-3 increased inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) concentrations in striatal slices. This response peaked at 10 to 20 sec and returned to the basal level 2 min after stimulation, an event which was in good accord with a prompt and transient phase of both cytosolic Ca2+ activity and DA release evoked by ET-3.4. Thus, ET-3 produces a transient and a sustained release of DA from striatal slices by stimulating intracellular Ca2+ mobilization via IP3 formation and extracellular Ca2+ influx, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of short-term hypoxia on the release of [3H]glutamate from preloaded hippocampal and cortical synaptosomes was studied in a rapid superfusion system. The technique minimised the loss of released glutamate by reuptake. The results indicated that the effects of short term hypoxia were qualitatively similar to those reported in previous studies using more long-term hypoxia, but were significantly smaller. The non-Ca2+-dependent efflux of glutamate from cortical synaptosomes was increased by hypoxia as was the Ca2+-dependent release from hippocampal tissue. Possible mechanisms for these findings were discussed. The small amplitude of these changes in comparison to the effects seen in slowly perfused tissue in vitro and in vivo indicated that the contribution made by changes in neuronal efflux to the overall increase in extracellular glutamate seen in hypoxia is relatively minor.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that neuropeptide-EI, at high doses, stimulates the production of cAMP, in caudate putamen, through the activation of adenylate cyclase coupled to specific D1 receptors. The aim of the present work was to find evidences for a probable interaction between this neuropeptide and the dopamine D1 receptor in the mammalian central nervous system. The present data show that neuropeptide-EI, at high concentrations, affected both the maximum binding and the apparent affinity of [n-methyl-3H] (R)-(+)-8 chloro-2,3,4,5- tetrahydro-3-methyl-5-phenyl-1H-3-benzazepin-7-ol hemimaleate to the dopamine D1 receptor in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Adenosine, through A2A receptor (A2AR) activation, can act as a metamodulator, controlling the actions of other modulators, as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Most of the metamodulatory actions of adenosine in the hippocampus have been evaluated in excitatory synapses. However, adenosine and BDNF can also influence GABAergic transmission. We thus evaluated the role of A2AR on the modulatory effect of BDNF upon glutamate and GABA release from isolated hippocampal nerve terminals (synaptosomes). BDNF (30 ng/ml) enhanced K+-evoked [3H]glutamate release and inhibited the K+-evoked [3H]GABA release from synaptosomes. The effect of BDNF on both glutamate and GABA release requires tonic activation of adenosine A2AR since for both neurotransmitters, the BDNF action was blocked by the A2AR antagonist SCH 58261 (50 nM). In the presence of the A2AR agonist, CGS21680 (30 nM), the effect of BDNF on either glutamate or GABA release was, however, not potentiated. It is concluded that both the inhibitory actions of BDNF on GABA release as well as the facilitatory action of the neurotrophin on glutamate release are dependent on the activation of adenosine A2AR by endogenous adenosine. However, these actions could not be further enhanced by exogenous activation of A2AR.  相似文献   

This study has shown that neurotensin (NT) increases the electrically stimulated release of [3H]DA to a similar extent in all but the extreme caudolateral area of the rat nucleus accumbens and appears to modulate DA release equally in the medial and lateral zones of this brain area. The simultaneous release of ACh was not significantly affected by NT.  相似文献   

Progressive degeneration and intraneuronal Lewy bodies made of filamentous α-synuclein (α-syn) in dopaminergic cells of the nigrostriatal system are characteristics of Parkinson's disease (PD). Glucose uptake is reduced in some of the brain regions affected by PD neurodegenerative changes. Defects in mitochondrial activity in the substantia nigra have been observed in the brain of patients affected by PD and substantia nigra lesions can induce the onset of a secondary parkinsonism. Thus, energy starvation and consequently metabolic impairment to dopaminergic neurons may be related to the onset of PD. On this line, we evaluated the effect of nutrient starvation, reproduced ' in vitro ' by glucose deprivation (GD), in primary mesecephalic neuronal cultures and dopaminergic-differentiated SH-SY5Y cells, to evaluate if decreased glucose support to dopaminergic cells can lead to mitochondrial damage, neurodegeneration and α-syn misfolding. Furthermore, we investigated the effect of dopamine (DA) treatment in the presence of a DA-uptake inhibitor or of the D2/D3 receptor (D2R/D3R) agonist quinpirole on GD-treated cells, to evaluate the efficacy of these therapeutic compounds. We found that GD induced the formation of fibrillary aggregated α-syn inclusions containing the DA transporter in dopaminergic cells. These alterations were accompanied by dopaminergic cell death and were exacerbated by DA overload. Conversely, the block of DA uptake and D2R/D3R agonist treatment exerted neuroprotective effects. These data indicate that glucose starvation is likely involved in the induction of PD-related pathological changes in dopaminergic neurons. These changes may be counteracted by the block of DA uptake and by dopaminergic agonist treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of glutamate agonists and their selective antagonists on the Ca2+-dependent and independent releases of [3H]GABA from rat coronal hippocampal slices were studied in a superfusion system. The Ca2+-dependent release evoked by glutamate, kainate and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) gradually declined with time despite the continuous presence of the agonists. Quisqualate (QA) caused a sustained release which exhibited no tendency to decline within the 20-min period of stimulation. This release was enhanced in Ca2+-free medium. The release evoked by QA in Ca2+-containing medium was significantly inhibited by (+)-5-methyl-10,11-dihydro-5H-dibenzo(a,d)cyclohept-5,10-imine hydrogen maleate (MK-801) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), showing that QA activates NMDA receptors directly or indirectly through (RS)--amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptors. The inhibition of MK-801 was slightly diminished and that of CNQX totally abolished in Ca2+-free medium. Verapamil inhibited the QA-activated release in both Ca2+-containing and Ca2+-free media. The effect of QA but not that of AMPA was blocked in Ca2+-free medium by L(+)-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate (L-AP3), a selective antagonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptor. It is suggested that the sustained release of GABA is also mediated partly by activation of metabotropic receptors and mobilization of Ca2+ from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

DSP4 (N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine) treatment (50 mg/kg i.p., 10 days previously) significantly decreased the noradrenaline (NA) content of the rostral part of the nucleus accumbens. The medial and caudal areas were not affected. The nucleus accumbens appears to receive noradrenergic innervation predominantly from subcoeruleus nuclei of the pons-medulla while the locus coeruleus neurons project to the rostral area. The isoproterenol-induced enhancement of the K+-evoked release of [3H]dopamine (DA) was not affected by DSP4 treatment. Noradrenergic denervation does not appear to have been sufficient to cause up-regulation of postsynaptic -adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

The effects of acute and repeated nicotine administration on the extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens were studied in conscious, freely moving rats by in vivo microdialysis. Acute intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of nicotine (1 mg/kg) increased DA outflow both in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens. Repeated daily injection of nicotine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) for 10 consecutive days caused a significant increase in basal DA outflow both in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens. Acute challenge with nicotine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) in animals treated repeatedly with this drug enhanced DA extracellular levels in both brain areas. However, the effect of nicotine was potentiated in the nucleus accumbens, but not in the corpus striatum. To test the hypothesis that stimulation of 5-HT (5-hydroxytryptamine, serotonin)(2C) receptors could affect nicotine-induced DA release, the selective 5-HT(2C) receptor agonist RO 60-0175 was used. Pretreatment with RO 60-0175 (1 and 3 mg/kg, i.p.) dose-dependently prevented the enhancement in DA release elicited by acute nicotine in the corpus striatum, but was devoid of any significant effect in the nucleus accumbens. RO 60-0175 (1 and 3 mg/kg, i.p.) dose-dependently reduced the stimulatory effect on striatal and accumbal DA release induced by an acute challenge with nicotine (1 mg/kg, i.p.) in rats treated repeatedly with this alkaloid. However, only the effect of 3 mg/kg RO 60-0175 reached statistical significance. The inhibitory effect of RO 60-0175 on DA release induced by nicotine in the corpus striatum and the nucleus accumbens was completely prevented by SB 242084 (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.) and SB 243213 (0.5 mg/kg, i.p.), two selective antagonists of 5-HT(2C) receptors. It is concluded that selective activation of 5-HT(2C) receptors can block the stimulatory action of nicotine on central DA function, an effect that might be relevant for the reported antiaddictive properties of RO 60-0175.  相似文献   

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