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In the adult human innominate, pubis length and sciatic notch width are generally considered to offer the best prospect for reliable sex identification. Population variation in the extent of sexual dimorphism in these features was examined in two temporally distinct European skeletal collections of documented age and sex. (English and Dutch). A complex relationship was found to exist between pubis length and sciatic notch width with body size; these relationships differed both between the sexes and between the groups. Caution is therefore urged in the use of both metric and non-metric standards derived from one population and subsequently applied to other populations of differing origin.  相似文献   

Secondary sexual characteristics may indicate quality of the immune system and therefore a preference for masculinity may confer genetic benefits to offspring; however, high masculinity may be associated with costs of decreased paternal investment. The current study examined women's preferences for masculinity in male faces by using computer graphics to allow transformation between feminine and masculine versions of individual male faces. We found that preferences for masculinity are increased when women either have a partner or are considering a short-term relationship. Such preferences are potentially adaptive, serving to: (i) maximize parental investment and cooperation in long-term relationships by biasing choices towards feminine faced males, and (ii) maximize possible good-gene benefits of short-term or extra-pair partners by biasing choices towards masculine faced males. We also found that individuals using oral contraception do not show the above effects, indicating that such hormonal intervention potentially disrupts women's choices for evolutionarily relevant benefits from males.  相似文献   

Application and comparison of sex discriminant functions in different populations led to the conclusion that a certain combination and weighting of a few sex dimorphism variables (in this study we only used craniometric variables) can give a good discrimination between male and female individuals, independent of the racial group to which this function is applied. In our study, the sex-discriminatory power of five discriminant functions which were based on different ordination and selection procedures (e.g. professional knowledge, stepwise discriminant analysis, literature) of the cranial variables is compared. These discriminant functions were applied to three different data sets, the first being skull measurements from an Amsterdam series (Europids), the second skull measurements of a Zulu series (Negrids) and the third skull measurements of a Japan series (Mongolids). Our decision as to whether a function is a good or less good sex-discriminating function is determined by the Dt values (these values give an idea about the discriminatory value of the discriminant function when applied to a new test sample), the number of variables necessary to obtain this Dt and the location of the sectioning point (i.e. comparison between the estimation of the sectioning point and the ”real” sectioning point). These discriminant functions were compared withGiles Elliot's (1962, 1963) “race-independent” sex function.  相似文献   

Whether human fetal skeletal remains exhibit sexual dimorphism has been the subject of considerable debate. Most attention in this debate has focused on the greater sciatic notch of the ilium, since it is a gross morphological characteristic with known sex differences in the adult and is easily seen in fetal skeletal remains. Unfortunately, previous traditional morphometric analyses of the fetal sciatic notch have led to ambiguous results. The purpose of this study is to determine whether differences between the sexes can be discerned when modern morphometric techniques are applied to the fetal sciatic notch. Photographs of the ventral side of 133 fetal ilia of known age and sex from the Trotter Collection of Washington University were digitized, and the trace coordinates used for all subsequent analyses. The results of the analysis demonstrate that there is significant sexual dimorphism in the anterior to posterior location of the maximum depth of the sciatic notch, but that the depth of the notch itself is not dimorphic. While there is significant sexual dimorphism in the shape of the sciatic notch, the amount of overlap between males and females is too great for the sciatic notch to be used as a reliable indicator of sex. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms (SDs) have evolved in mammals to assure greater reproductive success for individuals, usually males. Secondary sexual characteristics (SSC) developed to further this objective, tending to be more pronounced in species which are polygynous, diurnal and open-habitat dwellers. Sexual selection has underpinned many of these changes, which are not necessarily advantageous for individual survival. Domestication has affected certain characteristics, more in terms of their quantitative rather than qualitative expression. However, restrictions imposed by domestication can also affect behaviors such as isolation and post-natal bonding while artificial selection can, by focusing on certain traits, cause unforeseen effects in genetically linked traits, which, when sex-specific or sex-linked, can be reflected in SD. On a global scale, environmental changes can have important phylogenetic implications for species which rely upon environmental cues for activities as migration, hibernation and breeding, especially when SD occurs in response to such cues. Understanding the evolutionary rationale behind the development of SDs, as well as the dynamics which occur at the interface between natural and artificial selection, allows positive insights into areas as diverse as wildlife preservation and livestock management. For both, greatest "success" should be achieved when artificial selection occurs in harmony with natural selection within a supportive environment. Thus the aim of this review is to discuss current knowledge relating to the evolution, benefits and costs of mammalian sexual dimorphisms and, where possible, draw conclusions that might be beneficial for the husbandry and propagation of mammals today.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic behaviors are likely to involve neural pathways that express the androgen receptor (AR). We have genetically modified the AR locus to visualize dimorphisms in neuronal populations that express AR. Analysis of AR-positive neurons reveals both known dimorphisms in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis as well as novel dimorphic islands in the basal forebrain with a clarity unencumbered by the vast population of AR-negative neurons. This genetic approach allows the visualization of dimorphic subpopulations of AR-positive neurons along with their projections and may ultimately permit an association between neural circuits and specific dimorphic behaviors.  相似文献   

The author analyses the sexual dimorphism of the innominate bone of Homo sapiens by seven measurements of angles and 15 measurements of distances. It appears that the dimorphism is very significant for the ischium, less for the ilium and is not significant for the pubis. The results are discussed and compared with data found in the literature.  相似文献   

The degree of sexual dimorphism in human populations is influenced by stress, social role and by labour division. However, studies on ethnographic populations provided contradictory results. Unfortunately, most of these studies were based on stature only, which, as we could observe in a survey on pre-protohistoric circum-Medirerranean samples, is a poor indicator of functionally related dimorphism. A number of skeletal measurements were examined: skull, stature, transverse trunk diameters, long bones length, circumference and section, in order to assess their usefulness as indicators of functionally related dimorphism. The best indicators were represented by section and circumference of the long bones of the limbs, followed by cross-shoulder breadth (biclavicular length), stature and limb bone length, facial measurements, cranial measurements and sacral breadth. From the methodological point of view, it was found that:
  1. It is better to calculate the index of dimorphism for each trait or set of traits within each sample. Then a weighted average of all the available samples is taken. The index derived from pooling a number of samples does not make biological sense. In pooled samples the distinction of between versus within sample differences is obscured;
  2. It is better to combine an index which is based on the difference between averages and one which takes variability into account, because variability can also be an aspect of sexual dimorphism;
  3. It is better to apply some allometric correction to the measurements used. For instance, the log transformation produces clearer trends of differential dimorphism among the various traits.

Height and sexual dimorphism of stature among human societies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study, which is concerned with the varying degrees of sexual dimorphism of stature between human societies, adult male and female height measurements and male-female height ratios – the measure of sexual dimorphism – from 216 societies are statistically compared with several variables: marriage practices, protein availability, the presence of milking herds, settlement size, and climate. Our results indicate that while greater mean male height is associated with polygynous marriage, marriage practices did not exert an influence on the degree of sexual dimorphism of stature. On the other hand, the results suggest that while sexual dimorphism in height has a strong genetic component, dietary factors can influence the degree of dimorphism.  相似文献   

Research on human evolution and sexual dimorphism motivates an interesting test problem. In studying hominid phylogeny it is of interest to test whether parallel evolution plays a role. With regard to sexual dimorphism it is of interest to known whether the directions of sexual dimorphism in the populations being compared are the same. We show that testing these two problems gives rise to the same type of hypothesis testing, viz. the problem of testing the hypothesis that the means of independent, normally distributed random vectors with unit covariance matrices are situated on a straight line through the origin. A test is proposed and applied to study the sexual dimorphism of 20 recent skull populations. In this example the hypothesis of equal directions of sexual dimorphism is rejected. The classical theory of constructing multiple discriminant functions (canonical variates) is adapted to the problem of comparing sexual dimorphisms.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism, i.e. the distinct recognition of only two sexes per species, is the phenotypic expression of a multi-stage procedure at chromosomal, gonadal, hormonal and behavioral level. Chromosomal--genetic sexual dimorphism refers to the presence of two identical (XX) or two different (XY) gonosomes in females and males, respectively. This is due to the distinct content of the X and Y-chromosomes in both genes and regulatory sequences, SRY being the key regulator Hormones (AMH, testosterone, Insl3) secreted by the foetal testis (gonadal sexual dimorphism), impede Müller duct development, masculinize Wolff duct derivatives and are involved in testicular descent (hormonal sexual dimorphism). Steroid hormone receptors detected in the nervous system, link androgens with behavioral sexual dimorphism. Furthermore, sex chromosome genes directly affect brain sexual dimorphism and this may precede gonadal differentiation.  相似文献   

Y. Scholtz  E. Pretorius 《HOMO》2010,61(4):253-270
Sex determination is vital when attempting to establish identity from skeletal remains. Two approaches to sex determination exists: morphological and metrical. The aim of this paper was to use geometric morphometrics to study the shape of the scapula and its sexual dimorphism.The sample comprised 45 adult black male and 45 adult black female scapulae of known sex. The scapulae were photographed and 21 homologous landmarks were plotted to use for geometric morphometric analysis with the ‘tps’ series of programs, as well as the IMP package. Consensus thin-plate splines and vector plots for males and females were compared. The CVA and TwoGroup analyses indicated that significant differences exist between males and females. The lateral and medial borders of females are straighter while the supraspinous fossa is more convexly curved than that of males. More than 91% of the females and 95% of the males were correctly assigned. Hotelling's T2-test yielded a significant p-value of 0.00039. In addition, 100 equidistant landmarks representing the curve only were also assigned. These, however, yielded considerably poorer results. It is concluded that it is better to use homologous landmarks rather than curve data only, as it is most probable that the shape of the outline relative to the fixed homologous points on the scapula is sexually dimorphic.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found both support and lack of support for a positive relationship between masculinity and symmetry, two putative signs of mate quality, in male faces. We re-examined this relationship using an explicit measure of facial fluctuating asymmetry, as well as other measures of asymmetry, and measures of facial masculinity/femininity. We also used ratings of these traits for faces. Further, we examined the relationship between facial sexual dimorphism and body asymmetry. We found no significant correlations between facial masculinity and any of our measures of asymmetry or ratings of symmetry in males. Facial femininity was not consistently associated with facial symmetry in females, but was associated with body symmetry. Therefore, for females, but not males, facial femininity and body symmetry may reflect similar aspects of mate quality. We also examined the relationships between trait ratings and measurements. Our results provide validation of our ability to measure aspects of asymmetry that are perceived to be symmetrical, and aspects of sexual dimorphism that are perceived as feminine in females and masculine in males.  相似文献   

The orangutan is widely recognized as a highly dimorphic species. An ontogenetic approach to the study of sexual dimorphism can assist researchers in understanding both where and when these differences develop. In this study, 357 orangutans from Borneo were divided into five developmental stages representing infancy to mature adulthood. Three-dimensional (3D) coordinate data from 16 landmarks representing the face and palate were analyzed by means of a Euclidean distance matrix analysis (EDMA), a quantitative method for the comparison of forms. Three separate analyses (an age-specific static comparison of forms, a sex-specific analysis of growth trajectories, and an intersex comparison of patterns of relative growth) were carried out with the intent to describe the rate, timing, magnitude, and pattern of growth in the orangutan face and palate. The results indicate that generally males and females share a similar, but not identical, pattern of growth or local form change, but differ in growth rate, timing, and magnitude of difference. Dimorphism in the face and palate can be localized in infancy and traced throughout all age intervals. Orangutan females grow slightly faster than males from infancy to adolescence, at which time male growth exceeds female growth. Female growth ceases with the advent of adulthood, while male growth continues (i.e., both the number and magnitude of the dimorphic dimensions increase). Males and females are similar in facial dimensions and growth related to the orbits, upper face, and palate width. They maintain these similarities throughout development. However, they differ in facial and nasal height, palate length, snout projection, depth of the nasopharynx, and hafting of the face onto the skull. The face broadens and the zygomatic bone flares dramatically in adult males, corresponding to the development of cheek pads. While growth patterns are similar between the two sexes, they differ in the lateral orbit, snout projection, and hafting of the face onto the cranium. Adult dimorphism is the result of growth patterns experienced throughout life, and it is not equally expressed across the cranium. An understanding of patterns of dimorphism, along with the magnitude of difference, may be helpful for interpreting dimorphism in the fossil record.  相似文献   

The relationship between allometry and sexual dimorphism in the human craniofacial complex was analyzed using geometric morphometric methods. Thin-plate splines (TPS) analysis has been applied to investigate the lateral profile of complete adult skulls of known sex. Twenty-nine three-dimensional (3D) craniofacial and mandibular landmark coordinates were recorded from a sample of 52 adult females and 52 adult males of known age and sex. No difference in the influence of size on shape was detected between sexes. Both size and sex had significant influences on shape. As expected, the influence of centroid size on shape (allometry) revealed a shift in the proportions of the neurocranium and the viscerocranium, with a marked allometric variation of the lower face. Adjusted for centroid size, males presented a relatively larger size of the nasopharyngeal space than females. A mean-male TPS transformation revealed a larger piriform aperture, achieved by an increase of the angulation of the nasal bones and a downward rotation of the anterior nasal floor. Male pharynx expansion was also reflected by larger choanae and a more posteriorly inclined basilar part of the occipital clivus. Male muscle attachment sites appeared more pronounced. In contrast, the mean-female TPS transformation was characterized by a relatively small nasal aperture. The occipital clivus inclined anteriorly, and muscle insertion areas became smoothed. Besides these variations, both maxillary and mandibular alveolar regions became prognathic. The sex-specific TPS deformation patterns are hypothesized to be associated with sexual differences in body composition and energetic requirements.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in the human craniofacial system is an important feature of intraspecific variation in recent and fossil humans. Although several studies have reported different morphological patterns of sexual dimorphism in different populations, this study searches for common morphological aspects related to functional anatomy of the respiratory apparatus. 3D geometric morphometrics were used to test the hypothesis that due to higher daily energy expenditure and associated greater respiratory air consumption as well as differences in body composition, males should have absolutely and relatively greater air passages in the bony cranial airways than females. We measured 25 3D landmarks in five populations (N = 212) of adult humans from different geographic regions. Male average cranial airways were larger in centroid sizes than female ones. Males tended to show relatively taller piriform apertures and, more consistently, relatively taller internal nasal cavities and choanae than females. Multivariate regressions and residual analysis further indicated that after standardizing to the same size, males still show relatively larger airway passages than females. Because the dimensions of the choanae are limiting factors for air transmission towards the noncranial part of the respiratory system, the identified sex-specific differences in cranial airways, possibly shared among human populations, may be linked with sex-specific differences in body size, composition, and energetics. These findings may be important to understanding trends in hominin facial evolution.  相似文献   

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