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Gerres methueni Regan, 1920, for many years identified asG. rappi (Barnard, 1927), is redescribed as a senior synonym of the latter species, following examination of two syntypes of the former and comparative material from South Africa and Madagascar.Gerres methueni is characterized by prominent dark stripes along the scale rows above the lateral line and the 4 or 5 rows immediately below it, 5–17 small scales on the preopercular flange, arranged in 1–3 scale row(s) at the corner, 42–44 pored lateral line scales+3–5 additional pored scales on the scaly sheath of the caudal fin base, 41/2–51/2 scales between the fifth dorsal fin spine base and lateral line, and second dorsal fin spine length equal to or slightly shorter than the third dorsal fin spine length.Gerres methueni is currently known from South Africa, southern Mozambique and Madagascar, being endemic in those areas.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

The bembrid genusBembras Cuvier is reviewed. Five species,B. japonica Cuvier,B. adenensis Imamura & Knapp and three undescribed species, were assigned to the genus. Type species of the genus,Bembras japonica is redescribed on the basis of 36 specimens including the holotype, and three new species,B. macrolepis, B. longipinnis andB. megacephala, previously misidentified asB. japonicus, are also described on the basis of specimens collected from Australia and Indonesia.Bembras macrolepis differs from its congeners by having large body scales, a long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and a dark blotch on slightly upper portion to middle of margin, 14–15 anal-fin rays, small head and orbit, and caudal fin with a broad vertical dark band near posterior margin.Bembras longipinnis is distinguished from other members of the genus by having a slightly long pectoral fin with 17–19 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, caudal fin with a large dark spot most intense in lower lobe, 1–2 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 13–14 anal-fin rays, slightly elong ated head and small orbit.Bembras megacephala is characterized by the following combination of characters: caudal fin with several irregular narrow vertical dark bands, small orbit, pectoral fin with 19–20 rays and lacking a small black blotch near tip of upper rays, head elongate, 2–4 gill rakers on upper gill arch, 15 anal-fin rays and small body scales. A key separating the five species ofBembras is given.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of three species ofGirella from East Asian waters,G. punctata Gray, 1835,G. leonina (Richardson, 1846) andG. mezina Jordan & Starks, 1907, is reviewed and intraspecific (individual and ontogenic) variations detailed.Girella mezina is characterized by a very wide mouth and thick upper lip, the soft-rayed portion of the anal fin high and round, dorsal profile of the head abruptly slanting in front of the eyes in adults, a transverse yellow band on the body in life, and 3–4 rows of teeth along the outer jaw margins, the central cusp of each tooth being wider than the lateral cusps in adults.Girella punctata is characterized by usually 2 rows of teeth along the outer jaw margins, usually 7 transverse series of scales between the lateral line and median spinous portion of the dorsal fin (TRac), and usually 52–55 pored lateral line scales (LLp). The species is variable in body and caudal fin shape, extent of squamation on the opercular region, and number and position of dark spots on the scales. It also exhibits ontogenetic variation in the number of tooth-rows.Girella leonina is characterized by a conspicuously black opercular flap, essentially a single row of teeth along the outer jaw margins, usually 10–11 TRac and usually 59–64 LLp. Intraspecific variations were evident in the mouth position, scale condition and body color after death, and in the number of pores of cephalic lateral line canals. The holotype ofG. punctata, previously known only from a figure, is described for the first time.Girella melanichthys is synonymized underG. punctata with a lectotype designated for the former.  相似文献   

A new cottid species,Icelus ecornis, is described on the basis of 31 specimens collected from 159–226 m in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea off Hokkaido, Japan. It is distinguished from all other members of the genusIcelus by the following combination of characters: no supraocular and parietal spines; short blunt nuchal spine; cirri absent from head and body, except for supraocular, parietal and nuchal regions; platelike scales of dorsal row bearing 6–10 long uniform spinules; tubular lateral line scales bearing small spines on dorsal and posterior margins; large oval black spot on first dorsal fin; 16–20 anal fin rays.  相似文献   

A new acropomatid, Malakichthys barbatus, is described on the basis of 27 specimens (76.3–180.1 mm SL) collected from Suruga Bay to Tosa Bay, along the southern Pacific coast of Japan. The new species is unique in having numerous pairs of spines on the chin (a pair of spines in other congeners). Although the new species resembles M. elegans in having a slender body (the depth less than 35% SL), the former is further distinguishable from the latter in having a slender first proximal radial of the anal fin with no hollow (broad with a cone-shaped hollow in M. elegans), 43–48 lateral line scales (48–51), modally 21 gill rakers on the lower arm (modally 23), and a dark blotch on the opercle (no remarkable blotch). Received: July 2, 2000 / Revised: September 27, 2000 / Accepted: January 30, 2001  相似文献   

The morphology of relaxed cystacanths of polymorphid acanthocephalans collected from notothenioid fishes in the Beagle Channel (Magellanic subregion of sub-Antarctica) is described. A parasite of birds, Andracantha baylisi (Zdzitowiecki, 1986), was found in Patagonotothen longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.82–0.89 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–5 basal hooks; distal hooks with the longest blades; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; large somatic spines arranged in two zones separated by a zone of small, loosely dispersed spines; and only the anterior 36–40% of ventral side of the trunk is covered with spines. One male specimen of Corynosoma sp. was found in Patagonotothen tessellata. It differs from A. baylisi in that the distal proboscis hooks are similar in length to the prebasal hooks, it has a smaller proboscis (0.77 mm) and in the distribution of the somatic spines, which are contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk and lack a zone of small spines between zones of larger spines. A parasite of seals and fur seals, Corynosoma evae Zdzitowiecki, 1984, was found in P. longipes and Champsocephalus esox. It has: a proboscis 0.61–0.78 mm long; a proboscis hook formula of 20–22 rows of 12–13, including 3/4–4 basal hooks; prebasal hooks with the longest blades; a trunk divided into fore-trunk and hind-trunk; somatic spines covering the anterior 64–74% of the ventral side of the trunk; genital spines present only in males; and a terminal genital opening in both sexes. Corynosoma beaglense n. sp. was found in Champsocephalus esox. It has: an almost cylindrical proboscis (length 0.52–0.56 mm); a proboscis hook formula of 16 rows of 9/10–10/11, including 4–4/5 basal hooks; distal hooks shorter than the prebasal hooks; a fore-trunk not separated from the hind-trunk by a constriction; somatic spines contiguous with the genital spines on the ventral side of the trunk of the male and covering the entire length of the ventral side of the female trunk, and the presence of genital spines surrounding the terminal genital pore of the male. The definitive host of this species is unknown.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius wuyanlingensis, was collected from Wuyanling National Natural Conservation Area, Taishun, Zhejiang Province, China. The species can be distinguished from all congeneric species by the following unique combination of features: second dorsal fin rays modally I, 8; anal fin rays I, 8; pectoral fin rays modally 18; longitudinal scale series 30–32; predorsal scales 7–9; vertebral count 10 + 17 = 27; body always with six longitudinal pinkish orange to grayish brown lines from dorsal to ventral region in male; cheek spotless; branchiostegal membrane deep grayish with 6–7 long, transverse deep red stripes in male; chin always deep grayish; first dorsal fin with two long black blotches on membranes anterior to third spinous ray in male; second dorsal fin whitish with three to four horizontal rows of light spots in male; caudal fin base with a large blackish-brown spot; and pectoral fin with a horizontal, median blackish brown line. An artificial key to all five nominal species with a high vertebral count (27–29) from Zhejiang Province from China is also provided.  相似文献   

The leiognathid genus Nuchequula can be defined by the following combination of characters: mouth protruding downward; a narrow band of small, slender, villiform teeth in both jaws; teeth on upper jaw strongly recurved; the lateral line almost complete; a dark blotch on the nape. Although the genus was first established as a subgenus of Eubleekeria, it is here raised to generic level on the basis of the aforementioned morphological characters and recent molecular biological evidence. The genus comprises six valid species: N. blochii (Valenciennes 1835), distributed in India and Thailand; N. flavaxilla sp. nov., occurring only at Panay I., Philippines; N. gerreoides (Bleeker 1851), widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific, from the Persian Gulf to Cape York, Australia, and north to Taiwan; N. glenysae sp. nov., from northern Australia and Ambon, Indonesia; N. longicornis sp. nov., from the Gulf of Thailand and Indonesia; and N. nuchalis (Temminck and Schlegel 1845), occurring in southern China including Taiwan, and southern Japan. Diagnostic characters of the species belonging to the genus are as follows: N. blochii—breast scaled, cheek naked, and a conspicuous black blotch distally on spinous dorsal fin; N. flavaxilla sp. nov.—breast naked, dorsolateral body surface fully scaled, preorbital spine bicuspid and not expanded distally, and second dorsal and anal fin spines conspicuously elongated; N. gerreoides—breast naked, anterior part of dorsolateral surface of body almost completely scaled, and second dorsal and anal fin spines not conspicuously elongated; N. glenysae sp. nov.—breast completely scaled, cheek scaled, and unique complicated sensory canals present on the suborbital area, extending to the nape; N. longicornis sp. nov.—breast naked, dorsolateral body surface fully scaled, preorbital spine bicuspid or tricuspid and extended distally, and second dorsal fin spines only conspicuously elongated; N. nuchalis—breast naked, anterior part of dorsolateral surface of body widely naked, and a conspicuous dark blotch distally on spinous dorsal fin.  相似文献   

A new poecilopsettid flounder, Nematops nanosquama, is described from 10 specimens (4 males, 6 females) collected from deep waters (96–650 m) off Hiva Oa, Marquesas Islands. This species is easily separated from the three recognized species of the genus Nematops by having large numbers of dorsal fin rays, anal fin rays, lateral line scales, and vertebrae, five dark transverse broad bands on the body, and a black blotch on the distal area of the pectoral fin. N.nanosquama shows the easternmost record of this genus from the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

Symphurus hondoensis Hubbs, 1915, originally described only from the holotype taken in 390–542 m in Suruga Bay Japan, has long been considered a junior synonym ofS. strictus Gilbert, 1905, known from waters off Hawaii, Japan, the Philippine Islands, and South Africa. Based on new information from the holotype and a specimen recently captured from deep waters (789–815 m) off Amami-Oshima Island, southern Japan,S. hondoensis is now established as a valid species.Symphurus hondoensis is unique among congeners in having the combination of a 1–2–3 pattern of interdigitation of proximal dorsal pterygiophores and neural spines, 10 abdominal vertebrae, 14 caudalfin rays, 111–113 dorsal-fin rays, 95 anal-fin rays, 59 total vertebrae, 105–106 scales in longitudinal series, blind side nearly as darkly pigmented as the ocular surface, and a black peritoneum. Recognition ofS. hondoensis increases the number of described species ofSymphurus in waters off Japan to three (S. orientalis Bleeker,S. strictus, andS. hondoensis), with at least one more underscribed species occurring in deepwater hydrothermal vent areas off southern Japan.  相似文献   

A new cottid species, Icelus sekii, is described on the basis of six specimens collected from off Rausu and Urakawa, Hokkaido Island, Japan. This species is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: supraocular and parietal spines absent; nuchal spine obscure; uppermost preopercular spine unbranched; no scales between dorsal scale row and lateral line scale row, and no scales below lateral line scale row; supraocular, parietal, and nuchal cirri present; five dark brown saddles dorsolaterally; anal fin rays 13; pectoral fin rays 15; vertebrae 12 + 24–25 = 36–37. Icelus sekii can be mature at the smallest size among the species of Icelus. As a secondary sexual character, the male holotype has unique ensiform flaps on the distal tips of the first dorsal fin.  相似文献   

Gerres infasciatus sp. nov. is described from the holotype and two paratypes, 125–140 mm in standard length (SL), collected off Samut Prakan, northern Gulf of Thailand. The species is similar toG. filamentosus Cuvier andG. macracanthus Bleeker in general appearance, having an elongated second dorsal fin spine, but differs from them in having 39 or 40 pored lateral line scales, the first and second soft dorsal fin ray tips yellow in fresh specimens, a narrow, faint dusky-yellowish margin on the upper membrane of the spinous dorsal fin (between 4th–9th spines), the distal part of the pelvic fin (between 1st–5th soft rays) white for 1/3–1/2 of each ray length (lost after preservation), bands absent on the body in both fresh and preserved specimens, a smaller orbit diameter (11.4–12.4% of SL), a longer second dorsal fin spine (48.0–68.9% of SL), and shorter second and third anal fin spines (10.7–11.2% and 10.4–11.3% of SL), respectively.  相似文献   

Four lizardfishes of Saurida (family Synodontidae), S. undosquamis, S. umeyoshii sp. nov., S. macrolepis, and S. longimanus, are described. All are recognized here as the Saurida undosquamis group, characterized by having dark dots on the upper margin of the caudal fin, pectoral fin exceeding origin to pelvic fin, anterior rays of dorsal fin neither elongate nor filamentous, predorsal length greater than distance between dorsal-fin and adipose-fin origins, 46–55 pored lateral-line scales, and vomer with 0–8 teeth. Saurida undosquamis, from northern West India and West Pacific, excluding East Asia, differs from others in having lateral-line scales ridged on the caudal peduncle, conspicuously concave posterior margin of the pectoral fin, 51–55 pored lateral-line scales, and 50–53 vertebrae. Saurida umeyoshii sp. nov., from southern Japan and the East China Sea, is defined by three rows of indistinct dark blotches on, above, and below the lateral line, distribution of scale pockets with melanophores on their posterior part extending over the entire abdominal region from the lateral line in specimens over ca. 130 mm SL, lateral-line scales not ridged on caudal peduncle, 49–52 pored lateral-line scales, and 48–50 vertebrae. Saurida macrolepis, from the Indo-West Pacific, is characterized by 46–49 pored lateral-line scales and 45–48 vertebrae. Saurida longimanus, from northern West India, northwest Australia, and southern Indonesia, differs from the others in having a long pectoral fin extending past the origin of the dorsal fin. Some geographic variations are found in S. macrolepis. Saurida grandisquamis is confirmed as a junior synonym of S. undosquamis, based on examination of the type specimens. A key to species in the S. undosquamis group is included.  相似文献   

A new perchlet, Plectranthias ryukyuensis, is described on the basis of four specimens (41.2–61.6 mm standard length: SL) from the Okinawa Islands, Japan. Plectranthias ryukyuensis can be distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: X, 15 or 16 dorsal-fin rays; 14 pectoral-fin rays, all unbranched; lateral line complete, with 29 or 30 pored scales; 3 scale rows above lateral line; 5 or 6 diagonal rows of large scales on cheek between eye and corner of preopercle; preopercle with two antrorse spines on ventral margin, 20–29 serrae on posterior margin; margins of subopercle and interopercle with a few serrae (weak in large individuals); minute flaps at tips of first to ninth dorsal-fin spines; caudal fin shallowly emarginate, with some ray branches distinctively elongated past fin margin; fourth dorsal-fin spine longest, its length 110.6–128.6% that of third spine; body pinkish-white with two longitudinal rows of irregular orange-red blotches on upper half of lateral surface when fresh (rows close together in smaller than ca. 50 mm SL), blotches interconnecting anteriorly on upper and lower rows, and posterior half of lower row; four faint orange-red vertical bands below lateral line on posterior half of body and two distinct yellow blotches on cheek in fresh specimens; body uniformly yellowish-brown with two longitudinal rows of irregular dark blotches on upper half of lateral surface in preserved specimens (faint in small specimens). A key to the Japanese species of Plectranthias is given.  相似文献   

A new platycephalid, Rogadius mcgroutheri, is described on the basis of the specimens collected from eastern Australia and New Caledonia. Rogadius mcgroutheri is distinguished from other congeners by 11 second dorsal fin rays usually, 4 or 6–8 unbranched lower pectoral fin rays, larger orbital diameter, usually single preocular spine lacking the accessory spines on the anterior base, short antrorse preopercular spine, tooth band on palatine narrow, with 2 irregular tooth rows, body with indistinct or somewhat distinct brown blotches, and caudal fin with dark brown spots and bands.  相似文献   

A new species from the Bolivian highlands is described as Elaphoglossum cristatum. It is very similar to E. engelii but is characterized by a (for subsect. Muscosa unique) cristate perispore structure with irregular deposits (versus papillate spores), more densely ciliate petiole scales (50–80 versus 10–30 cilia per scale), somewhat thicker blade texture, denser scale cover, and paler, more reddish rhizome scales.  相似文献   

Pseudophoxinus turani sp. n. is described from the İncesu Spring (Hassa-Hatay) drainage of Asi River, Turkey. It is distinguished from other Eastern Mediterranean Region Pseudophoxinus species by a combination of characters: lateral line incomplete, with 12–25 (commonly 16–21) perforated scales and 38–46+2-3 scales in lateral series (commonly 41–44+2-3); 10–11 scale rows between the lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 3–4 scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic–fin origin; dorsal fin with 7½ branched rays; anal fin commonly with 7½ branched rays; 8-11gill rakers on the first branchial arch; dorsal profile markedly convex with marked hump at the nape, ventral profile less convex than dorsal profile; a small, irregular, black blotch on the base of the caudal fin; mouth terminal, with slightly distinct chin, its corner not reaching vertical through anterior margin of eye; snout somewhat long, with rounded tip; and its length greater than eye diameter.  相似文献   

A new species, Polydactylus siamensis, is described on the basis of eight specimens from Thailand. The species is similar to P. plebeius (Broussonet, 1782) in having five pectoral filaments and several dark stripes along the scale rows above and below the lateral line, but differs from the latter in having lower counts of pectoral fin rays (15 vs. 16–18 in P. plebeius), pored lateral line scales (54–58 vs. 60–68), scale rows above and below the lateral line (7 and 10 or 11, respectively vs. 8 or 9 and 12 or 13, respectively) and gill rakers (9 or 10 upper series, 13 or 14 lower and 22–24 total vs. 9–14, 13–18 and 24–32, respectively), and a longer upper jaw (mean 17% [range 16–17%] of standard length vs. 15% [13–16%]). Polydactylus siamensis is currently known only from Bangkok and Songkhla, Gulf of Thailand, and Phuket Island, Andaman Sea, whereas P. plebeius is widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific. Received: January 12, 2000 / Revised: September 15, 2000 / Accepted: January 12, 2001  相似文献   

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